Genuine Research Paper Examples

Hagia sophia

I have always been interested in the fact that it started as a basilica, was then a mosque and is now a museum that functions as both a mosque and a cathedral. The Islamic features such as the mihrab, the minbar, and the four minarets outside were added over the course of the Ottomans rule.

The fuel behind the rapid spread of islam during

Why was it, given that the Muslims achieved no significant breakthrough in militarytechnologythat the well-established great powers with which they came into conflict notably the Byzantine and Persian empires in the east or the Visigothic kingdom in the west proved unable to halt their advance? " The fact that the emerging Muslim society did not →


Slipping between the olive groves of the LEVANT and then rain-sticked pavements of EXETER, MY NAME IS SALMA is a searing portrayal of a Muslim woman's courage into the face of insurmountable odds. The size of a mustard seed by Umm Juwayriyah, is a story of being a Muslim in the city, in America here →

Sunni and shiite origins of the islamic schism research paper

It was not until the death of the Prophet Muhammad in 632 C.E.that the first schism in Islam occurred, separating it into the Sunni and Shiite divisions. Abu Bakr and the Sunni community believed that the ummah should have a single leader appointed or elected by merit, while the Shiite believed that leadership of Islam →

Mariah, by che husna ashari

The climax of this story is when Pak Imam asks permission from his wife to marry Mariah as in " He then told Cik Yam of Mariah, how he had fought his emotions and how he had lost. The falling action of this story is when Cik Yam finally agree to let Pak Imam to →

Salman rushdie

Perhaps he is too ahead of the people in time. Even the purpose of his intellectual activity, journey and destination are unknown.

Muslim women past vs. present research papers examples

The Muslim women had an opportunity to administer the wealth they had contributed to the community unlike the times before the Rise of Islam where the woman was just a property of the man and was not even allowed to inherit the properties after the death of the man. The level of literacy from the →

Taking advantage of people

He took the role as leader of what was left of the Nation of Islam and moved the headquarters to Chicago, IL. He believes that Elijah Muhammad was the prophet of Allah and that all of his teachings were the words of Allah.

A philippine hero

And throughout his life, he had theloyaltyand devotion of the those who belonged to the League of the Veterans of the Revolution. Antonio Luna which was a great blow to the military viability of the forces of the Republic, may forever bar him from reaching the same exalted place in the affections of the Filipino →

Ideological framework

Hipization became the conscious manifestation of economic struggle, of the desire to realize the potentialities offered by the period of expansion and progress. The were still in the initial phases of nationalist consciousness - a consciousness made possible by the market situation of the time.

Urban poor in philippines

The squatters in the Philippines have wreaked havoc in the country and they are out of control. Some of them clog the rivers not just with their garbage, but also with their human waste, which eventually result in the flooding of the streets and residential areas of the cities specially in times of heavy rain.

Research work

Jose Rizal sent letters to the Governor General for the approval of the said project. In addition to this, if the Governor approved of the plan, it would reveal to the world that people had been forced to self-exile in order to realize and obtain liberation.

Reflection in philippine literature

In fact, the truth is that Philippine literature lies within the innermost seat of my heart. It means that I am a Filipino in thought, words and in action is the result of my experiences of Philippine literature in my life.

Its more fun in the philippines background

Last January 2012 the Department of Tourism launched the new slogan " It's morefun in the Philippines" to raise the awareness of the locals and the tourist who are still unaware of the beauty of the Philippines. To determine if the slogan help to raise the awareness of the people about the Philippines.

Epifanio de los santos avenue

Who would even forget the sacrifices that former President Corazon " Cory" Cojuangco Aquino had given not only for her own good but also for the improvement of the next Filipino generations. This history had been shortened and summarize for the leaders of this nation to realize the importance of the freedom that they are →

Cooperative foccus management and history

The said Award was given by the representative of the The Secretary of Department of Trade and Industry, Hon. PMPC is a financial service, member-owned Cooperative dedicated to provide the financial needs of its members since 1965.

Introduction hacienda luisita

The sugar and tobacco in the Philippines were the reason why the Lopez de Comillasfamilywere able to donate such a huge pontifical university to the Jesuits on top of lavishing on their home, the Palacio de Sobrellano in Comillas and the Guell park in Barcelona. In the 1950s, the onset of the Hukbalahap rebellion led →

Chapter v: at the university of santo tomas (1877 82)

2 courses enrolled at UST - Philsophyand Letters - Medicine Mother's Opposition to Higher Education - Don Francisco and Paciano wanted Jose to pursue higher learning - Dona Teodora opposed this at the university of santo tomas.- RIZAL ENTERS THE UNIVERSITY - April 1877, Rizal at 16 years old, entered University of Santo Tomas 2 →

Because i could not stop for death emily dickenson

The title: " Because I Could Not Stop for Death," states that the speaker could not begin to grieve the loss. The speaker of " Because I Could Not Stop for Death," accepted his or her loss, for it eventually led her to an immortally full of bliss.

The canterbury tales research paper

Chaucer used the tales and the descriptions of his characters to paint a very critical and ironic paint of the English Community at the time in particular the church of that time. The Canterbury Tales were actually written in the English of the Middle in a dialect which was associated with London and the spellings →

Research paper on the fall of the house of usher

Within the course of this essay, we will discuss the traditional aspects of the gothic genre and assess how Poe has used this to build upon the horror in his novel, whilst discussing how archetypal " The Fall of the House of Usher" is to its gothic traditions, or whether it is simply a parody →

Good example of research paper on social work

Physician assisted kind of suicide or death is a process of prescribing a certain medication to a patient with an intention of ending his or her own life by way of eliminating the extreme pain voluntarily by means of an application of a drug prescription or by a lethal substance provided by a physician given →

Research paper on old age and assisted suicide laws

The elderly seem to be more interested in care that improves quality of life rather than the quantity of life, and once this is no longer a viable option they prefer that care be withheld. Or, would it be the person who goes through the 8th developmental stage in a state of despair due to →

Dino death trap

Scientists argued that fossil appeared to be the missing evolutionary link between the parts of Jurassic period. Scientists believed that the found fossils would shed more light on how dinosaurs evolutionary grew to be larger.

The death of the ball turret gunner

A Reflection on " The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner" Rebeca Espirito Santo The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner " From my mother's sleep I fell into the State And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze Six miles from the earth, loosed from its dream of life I woke →

A funeral eulogy for a roman wife

The eulogy is intended to praise the character and actions of the wife in front of those that had gathered at her funeral, who would most likely be people belonging to the same upper class of Roman society. Turia had a great character and that is undoubtedly shown by the deeds she performed and by →

Hindu death rituals

A belief in the cyclical reincarnation of the soul is one of the foundations of the Hindu religion. Death is viewed as a natural aspect of life, and there are numerous epic tales, sacred scriptures, and vedic guidance that describe the reason for death's existence, the rituals that should be performed surrounding it, and the →

Decadence in death in venice

The English Garden, though sprouting only tender leaves as yet, had been as muggy as in August." In the reading of this passage it proves ironic that the title is Death in Venice as the protagonist seems to be dying in Munich: from his loss of creative ability, depletion of strength to the course of →

Democracy in libya research paper

Because Libyans have a new transition government in place, it would be important for the Federal Government of the United States to increase its democracy assistance to the new government. This was meant to prevent any information leaking from the government to the people and the rest of the world.

Elderly african americans and education research paper example

This translated into the quality of education offered in the schools. Unlike the earlier and mid years of the previous century where the civil movements championed for the equality in education, the approach today is more proactive.

Comparative politics: uk and us

At base, a congress and a parliament seem to be very similar things the legislative branches of the majority of the world's democracies which are filled with popularly elected men and women who come together to decide the legislative issues of their home nation. In a congress, however, the executive branch is entirely separate from →

On what grounds have liberals defended democracy

In conclusion, liberals have defended democracy as It adheres to their core principles of Individualism and reason, as well as their view of the role of the government. Stability is further promoted in terms of individuals: they all have a vote, and even if their candidate looses the election, a rational individual liberals have defended →

My reason to be a treasurer

I feel that we can all embrace the joy of achieving something great this year, and I know that all of our efforts will bring a financial blessing upon the school if you elect me for student council treasurer. If elected, I would ask for and regularly enlist the help of all of you.

Bureaucracy & democracy

It is the rational-legal form of authority that exists in most organizations today and this is the form to which Weber ascribed the term ' bureaucracy'. However this form of governance has critics and the views of Amy are that bureaucracy is a governance structure that is often perceived negatively by a number of people →

Political ideology research paper examples

Both ideologies emerged as the extremely violent offshoot of the socialist revolution which was popular in the early part of the 20th century. Present forms of government are informed by the mistakes in previous systems and use combinations of ideologies to create systems such as democratic socialist governments.

The transition to democracy in turkey research paper examples

Of importance to note is that the development of civic-democratic societies is affected by many conditions which include historical conditions, economic development, corruption, the protectionist status quo, the role of media, the alignment of the elite, the military and the judiciary and the business community. This paper seeks to examine the transition to democracy in →

The new arab revolt research paper sample

The Arab revolt begun in Tunisia after there was general disaffection and disenchantment between the majority of the citizens of Tunisia and the regime of Zine Ben Ali. The country was in close proximity to Israel and controlled the Suez Canal, which was one of the key routes for trade in the whole world.

Path of democracy throughout the french revolution

It implemented the thought of the philosophies, destroyed the hierarchical and corporate society of the Old Regime, which was a legacy of the Middle Ages, promoted the interests of the bourgeoisie, and quickened the growth of the modern state". The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen concluded that the state was →

The spread of democracy research paper

The expansion in the democratic space gave rise to democratic forms of governance that contributed to the developments in the various aspects of the society. The revolutionary shift particularly in Western Europe in the last century intended to advocate for the recognition of the rights of the individuals from the ruling elite and in the →

Free data research paper sample

These are:- The distribution of the population is normal - Variance of the samples are assumed to be equal H0: The mean difference between scores on mock SAT and real SAT is equal to zero Excel Output: Below is the excel output for the results obtained from the t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means carried →

Research paper on political support

In the economy of Texas, majority of the people supports the Republican Gubernatorial contestant since the Party embraces the scenario of the low taxes. This will guarantee a growth of the economy and many retailers will be attracted to invest in the state.

Calculating correlation values for categorical data

Calculating correlation values for categorical data In order to find the correlation values for the fields in our data set, The Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used. It checks how well the relationship between the two fields can be described using a monotonic function Another method for calculating the correlation is the Chi squared Test, this →

Cisco feasibility study

The switch is the server and the peripherals are the clients Thus, the hub and leaf nodes, and the transmission lines between them, form a graph with the topology of a star. Benefits from centralization: As the central hub is the bottleneck, increasing its opacity, or connecting additional devices to it, increases the size of →

Directory viruses

Every time a file needs to be accessed, it searches for the directory entry and the starting cluster, an index to the File Allocation Table or FAT. The location or paths to the computer's files will then be changed by the Directory Virus so that it can infect other files.

Oil spill paper

We put the boats and ships in the water, we build oil rigs and drill into the bottom of the ocean, and we dump the wrong chemicals into the ocean. The oil is coming from underneath the ocean so it takes us longer to stop it from flowing into the ocean.

The youth in the journey of excellence

With the word " education", we know that this powerful word can lead us into a better future for us to excel and for us to achieve excellence in our journey in life. Our dreams and ambitions will be the hope for us to excel.

Concepts answers

What is an Extension of entity type? What is degree of a Relation?

Help desk support

E-mail Slow e-mail response and difficulties in reaching a customer to discuss a problem can be overcome if the remote connectivity and proactive network management tools are used they are the instruments of success for a strategic help desk. It is absolutely necessary for staff to have the ability to " takeover" and manage the →

Smart card

Advantages The benefits of smart cards are directly related to the volume of information and applications that are programmed for use on a card. Multi-factor and proximity authentication can and has been embedded into smart cards to increase the security of all services on the card.

Mini case

The second alternative will have the C++ program running on the server, the client will use his or her browser to interact with the server.a. The first alternative will use the client-server application architecture.

Making best use of windows server 2003

Similarly, the company ensures that there are experts available to guide people through the process of installing any one of the following: Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition; Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition; Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition; and Windows Server 2003, Web Edition. Introducing the Windows Server 2003.

Scheduling system

Scheduling is the process by which you look at the time available to you, and plan how you will use it to achieve the goals you have identified. The scheduling tool that is best for you depends on your situation, the current structure of your job, your taste and your budget: The key things are →


Explain all the phases of Compiler.c)Consider the following grammar. 1 Compliers, analysis of the source program, the phases of a complier, cousins of the compiler, the grouping of phases, complier-construction tools Unit No.

Picture: victim and ultrahigh spec laptops

We assumed Matt forgot to shut it down and close it but he was sure of himself that he did. He opened the notepad and there were a list of 9 names on It.

My spreadsheet software assesment

The spreadsheet should contain the following data: Price of the chocolate bars Shelf location in the shop Sales of each chocolate bar for January Sales of each chocolate bar for February Use the information below to create the spreadsheet. Reopen SS2_chocolate_complete, and create a column chart to compare the prices of the chocolate bars.

Ordering system

Overview of Related Literature Objectives of the Study This study aims to determine the objectives of Automated Ordering System Using Android Application with Billing and Inventory System in a Restaurant.1. In this study, restaurant refers to where the system is deployed.

Pros and cons of open source erp

Akhilesh Nair Deepesh Chatterjee Mithun Vishnu Nikhil Kumar OPEN SOURCE ERP PROS and CONS Contents Introduction3 Commercial and Open Source ERP Software6 Open Source ERP Solution Pros8 Open Source ERP Solution Cons10 Open Source ERP Success Story11 Company Overview11 Issue At Hand11 The Solution11 Results12 The Bottom Line12 Top Open Source ERP Applications to Look →

Peoplesoft messaging server

9 Edit History10 Introduction Introducing the PeopleSoft Messaging Server PeopleSoft Messaging Services exist on the application server and are the heart of the Integration Broker. The value you enter is the number of consecutive service failures that will cause a recycle of the server process.

Fpga based system

Tutorial 2: Introduction to Using the PicoBlaze Microcontroller 1 The Spartan-3E Tutorial 2: Introduction to using the PicoBlaze Microcontroller Version 1. 3 Tutorial 2: Introduction to Using the PicoBlaze Microcontroller 41 Figure 5.

Informatica paramter file

Amit Singh Yadav Target readers: All Keywords: Informatica Parameter File, $PMMergeSessParamFile, workflow, informatica, parameter file, session, merge files The Challenge: Using Parameter file The challenge is to use session level parameter file and workflow level parameter file at the same time. The problem being that when you define a workflow parameter file and a session →

Domain tree and forest

Windows server 2003 contains Active Directory as a mean of holding the record of all the computers, users and groups which are inter-linked within the domain, Active Directory holds the permissions any particular member or group of members are allowed by the Administrator. One of the main reasons why windows server 2003 have been used →

Line follower robot

2012 Table of Contents Appendix3 The Group Contract3 Introduction4 Literature Review4 History of mobile robots: 4 The history of the line-following robots: 5 Ongoing a most advanced projects on line-following robots or line-following based robots: 5 Aims: 6 Objectives: 6 Requirements: 6 System Decomposition7 Group Management Structure9 Name of the Robot9 Mechanical Design10 Technical Options, →

Based data mining approach for quality control

572 8 0 0 0 0 0 0.84 0. 001 0 0 0 0.

Residual stress

The effect of residual stresses on the fatigue life of welded elements are significant as regards relieving harmful tensile residual stresses and introducing beneficial compressive residual stresses in the weld toe zones. The fatigue failure mechanism in the presence of weld residual stress is not well understood and it is the intent of this project →

Disolving stress living the present

Stressis the emotional, mental and physical response to the ever changingenvironment; in an attempt to adapt to the new outer circumstances, the person produces stress. Young women face higher risks of stress, especially the working ones but it seems the damaging effects of stress on them is minimised by the fact that they speak out →

The relationship between stress, depression and the immune system research paper sample

The immune system denotes the human body's emplacements against any contagious entities that might be in a position to attack and weaken the body. According to Hussain, a branch of science termed as " psychoneuroimmunology" offers a clear connection between the psychological conditions of the human body and the immune system.

Nursing: evidence based practice project research paper example

Question 1: - Do patients diagnosed with essential, hypertension better managed with diet, exercise and life style changes intervention than drug therapy in reducing blood pressure to normal the classified range? P- Patients diagnosed with essential hypertension I-intervention diet, exercise, life style changes C- Drug/ medication O-Reduction of blood pressure to normal range Question 11:- →

A study on workplace stress among women working

The research paper also contains reasons of stress and how to ease the stress and rise above such problems by the working women at their workplace. The collective-roles that women are have to play these days, bring about energy leak both at the bodily as well as mental level.[16] The study on the workplace stress →

Post traumatic stress disorder in the military

Half of the women will be treated to long term therapy in which they will relive the traumatic events that led up to PTSD in hopes that their emotional distress will decrease over time and that their memory of the event is no longer traumatic. The other half of the women will be treated with →

Do you have stress problem

The other people claim that not all people are under stress everyday, since they can do something else to be happy. Opponents have the idea that stress makes people lose their enthusiasms for work and study so that they are inefficient.

Example of research paper on research methods

In the current sample, the difference between the phonics group and the control group was statistically significant; the group receiving phonics training had scored significantly higher on the Degree of Reading Ability test than the group that did not receive the training. 003 of those in the high pressure group working in a timeframe of →

Research paper on a campus-side smoking ban is unfair to smokers because it is not made for all students

The addiction of smoking in stressful situation makes the smoking students handicap of smoking to deal with such situations through smoking. This increases the tendency of smoking in female college students hence depriving them from smoking will take their mind off studies and their focus will be on the point that they are gaining weight →

Health psych research paper example

Therefore, given the multidimensional nature of the pandemic, it is vital to understand the psychosocial dynamics of the disease and to endeavor to improve the HRQOL of PLWH as part of the multidimensional management of the disease. A vital point that has been made in the study is that disclosure is the key to getting →

Stress and how to reduce it

Stress is defined as a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life or work. For example, in order to reach a higher position incareeror to earn more and moremoney, you pay more hours in a day and more days in a week for work.

Good research paper on fire sprinkler

Fire sprinkler also referred to as sprinkler head is the component of a fire sprinkler system that discharges water any time there is a fire or rather when a fire has been detected. He invented the first automatic fire sprinkler that would extinguish the areas under fire and report to the fire station.

Research paper on depression, anxiety, and stress scale

The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales is a statistical tool that helps in the assessment of the signs and symptoms of the three conditions in the community. Sample: The results of the research done in China in relation to depression anxiety and stress scale it involved a variety of sampling techniques used to analyze the →

Example of the effects of mental stress on coronary heart disease research paper

The Framingham Heart Study and the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease: a historical perspective. Stress and cardiovascular disease: a report from the National Heart Foundation of Australia.

Ptsd research paper

Past trauma is associated with the experience of terror or pain, and quite often is the set off point of the post-traumatic stress. Finally, the source of post-traumatic stress can often be the expectation of the future trauma, when a person is afraid of tragedies that happened before, and which left terrible marks in his →

Free research paper about mental disorder

The structure of the brain, disruptions in the exchange of neurotransmitters and changes in the nerve cells, stress and major life events can also affect on the development of bipolar disorder. However, it is important to recognize the early symptoms of the illness.

Good example of research paper on family health assessment

Each family is different from the other with each having a its own unique lifestyle choices, however members of the family need to stick to the family health decisions and see to it that every member adherers to behaviors and decisions are influenced by priorities of the family and the family's culture. Coping-taking care →

Anxiety disorders research paper

Example of these disorders includes post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, phobias, social anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and the Mental Health of Military Personnel and Veterans.

Predictors, stress and adaptive behavior research paper examples

The human studies have shown that the emergence of the brain-process tools and the cross-vibratory examination of the laboratory process and methods of the stress and that it relates to the brain-imaging are associated with it in the humans but from the animal literature it is transferred to make support the hypotheses. The study mainly →

Leasing decision at magnet beauty products, inc

In addition to the amortization expense recognized in the income statement, we also see interest expense due to the amortization process of the Lease Obligation. In the " five 1-year leases" it is similar to the effect in the Return on Assets ratio.

Good research paper on organizational design paper

This then calls for a consensus and compromise to be reached between the decision maker or the decision making organization and stakeholders, which then call for a synergistic approach especially when making crucial organizational decisions. Our organizations has been a victim of these changes and in the effort to cut down on costs, the management →

Free research paper on an exploration of the distinguishing features between primary and secondary psychopathy

In a combined model of the interactions and effects of primary, secondary psychopathy and impulsivity, only secondary psychopathy was found to relate to risky decision making. The results support the fact that the growing literature states that secondary psychopathy is the best at predicting decision-making problems compared to the factor 1 personality characteristics of remorselessness →

Free research paper on medical decision making/patient rights

The decision making process occurs between the patient and the physician in the sense that if the patient is manipulated into the decision, it will serve another end of the patient perspective. On the contrary, and if the patient is competent and the decision-making process is voluntary, it will serve the patient's aims and goals.

1. the state of mobile app

Universities and libraries move to mobile app 3. According to Phalgun Raju of InMobi, entertainment, e-mail and social media are the key drivers for increased mobile use in Singapore.

Participatory sensing services for smart phones

It makes use of Internet to allow citizens to use their mobile phones to interact with PEIR, and explore and share the impact between environment and the citizens. Methods Data collection and interpretation are the heart of participatory sensing which places the emphasis on the involvement of citizens and community groups.

Cellphone addiction

You obsess over the item; your obsession is a cell phone addiction. When the device gets in the way of your real life events in a negative way, you likely have a cell phone addiction.

Should cell phones be banned in the classroom?

Getting a job in the community is a great way to participate and get them involved. A part-time job would give the student a sense of ownership and belonging within their community.

Think 5g would only make streaming faster? it’d also be great for business.

Related:" Offering ' perceived infinite capacity,' 5G will provide the basis for the emergence of ubiquitous new wireless platforms that, in turn, will support the creation of an array of new services and businesses," wrote Richard Adler, a distinguished fellow at the, in a essay on Wednesday. Representatives from Pfizer, Fitbit, NASA and more are →

Kids and mobile phones

And in most cases, the child would know how to use a regular phone or the cell phone of the one who is supervising. Well, the debate is still on, and it is certainly beneficial to limit the use of a mobile phone, whatever the age.

Ban cell phones while driving

Strayer, a professor in the Department ofPsychologyat the University of Utah, stated the following in their Summer 2006 study comparing cell-phone use and intoxication while driving: It is now well established that cell phone use impairs the driving performance of younger adults. In a survey I conducted revealed that 80% of drivers between the ages →

Cell phone abuse

Admit it, no one can deny the basic fact that cell phone not only provides us with a huge amount of information and various of applications, but also enables us to contact our friends andfamilyimmediately and conveniently. However, we tend to live under the illusion that cell phone can get us more associated with the →

Cell phone before and after

The dragon lived in a cave, Irena went into the cave, and he saw dark inside and felt a little bit cold across from ear. He walks for a long time, finally, he saw the dragon, and it is sleeping.

The dangers of cell phone use while driving

I cannot count the number of times I have witnessed a driver using their cell phone, not giving their full attention to the traffic. Many feel the use of a hands free device is safer.