Genuine Research Paper Examples

Research paper on alcohol and domestic violence how alcohol abuse has increased domestic violence

The paper analyzes and discusses the effects of alcohol abuse and domestic violence in addition to determining ways in which alcohol leads to domestic violence cases. The City is known to suffer from the highest rates of drug abuse and majority of violence case reported in the region have been linked to the abuse of →

Alcoholism people

According to Donald, family studies have repeatedly confirmed that the risk of alcoholism is higher among parents, siblings, and children with relatives that are alcoholics. With any substance that is introduced to the body, it becomes familiar with it and can withstand more of a dose that normal.

The destructive growth of alcoholism in america

Hence, according to the History of Alcohol, "[i]n 1920 America saw prohibition in an effort to prevent the social problems caused by alcohol abuse." Thornton, an economics professor, expressed that during 1920-1933, " national prohibition of alcohol [in the US was a] 'noble experiment'- undertaken to reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, reduce the →

Analyzes the real and potential threats of the problem for the united states and research paper

The threats and effects of alcohol and drug addiction in the US are evident from the nature of criminal activities, overstrained healthcare sector, environmental destruction and loss in productivity of the people in the society. The addiction to alcohol and drugs is a potential threat to the level of criminal activities in the US and →

Research paper on why is this still a problem

In the process of presenting a suggestion or idea to the person who has the power to implement it, the procedure of presentation influences the decision maker's acceptance or rejection of the idea. That shows that in the span of two years more people continued to die due to accidents caused by drunk driving, →

Alcoholism and its effects on the family

The said disease is said to be distinguished by periodic or continuous intake of alcohol, without worrying about the adverse effects the addiction may incur on the individual. The normal signs include problems in the stomach and in the intestines, ulcer, nausea and vomiting, deliriums, and the urge to have more of the habitual vice.

Research paper on social norms paper

Most of the students that have been victims of crime in campuses tend to report of being intoxicated at the time the crime was committed. Further, substance abuse increases the aggressiveness of the students who in the end may engage in violent activities such as fights looting and destruction of property.

Drug use research paper

Socio-economic status- Poor as well as the socially unstable use more of tobacco. To improve economic, health and social outcomes of drugs by preventing use of harmful drugs.

Sample research paper on substance abuse

In understanding addictions, a look into the phenomena of tolerance and withdrawal becomes important as it explains the extent of the addiction and also gives clues to the possible solutions that can be used to cure the person of his or her addiction. Major stages of smoking behavior and the major biological, psychological, and social →

Research paper on hygiene and infection in hospitals

Environmental health considerations such as sanitation facilities and adequate water supply to patients, visitors and health care staff are paramount in the maintenance of hygienic conditions and prevention of infections. These are the also known as hospital-acquired infections and entail the infections absent from the patient at the time of admission.

Drunk driving research paper sample

Drunk driving, if not immediately remedied by the government with stricter policies and guidelines to punish and educate drivers about the hazards of drunk driving, it is likely that drunk driving related cases would consistently increase and kill more innocent passengers and drivers all due to being under the influence of alcohol. With the statistics →

Example of research paper on teenage alcoholism

With the parents already notified prior to the baseline measurement, the researchers arranged the sample in two groups depending on the cluster size and the proportion of students who graduated in the previous year. According to the researchers, most of the campaign to employing various components, like posters, t-shirts, and radio to reach the target →

Good research paper on first argument

The significance of raising the drinking age is to reduce the number of deaths in American roads that occur as a result of carelessness from the youths who are believed to have not attained the right age to handle their alcohol life. Explanation to this counter argument and the evidences is that, technologies are believed →

Sample research paper on drew barrymore: battle with drugs and alcohol

This paper discusses the psychological aspects of Drew Barrymore in light of etiology of her drug addiction and alcoholism. When she started to confess, " I am Drew and I am an alcoholic addict" with seriousness and genuine acceptance, was the start of her internal treatment.

The scene research paper examples

The school administration recently called me up for a meeting to discuss the child, and they confessed to me that they are equally worried about the drastic change in character of the boy's behavior as well, and the school counselor advised me to observe the child closely in the next few weeks and present to →

Research paper on the disadvantages of bottled water and tap water

A lot of money is spent in the manufacture of water bottles, and processing of water as compared to the treatment of tap water. The environmental problems associated with bottled water and the economic cost of producing it can be used in improving the quality of tap water.

Alcoholism in youth

It seems that what is expected has not been achieved neither been integrated in mind and heart of the youth, being dubbed to as hope of the motherland. It detriments the physical and mental components of a person and causes the brain to change in some point that the person becomes dependent and abusive.

Deficits in memory of those with korsakoffs syndrome research paper samples

The way to evaluate these is by looking at the types of learning used within the researches, in this way they will help identify which are the mostly impaired memory processes in patients diagnosed with KS. Route learning in amnesia: a comparison of trial-and-error and errorless learning in patients with the Korsakoff syndrome.

Research paper on principles of economics

The influence of prescription drugs on the demand of other goods and services depends on the nature of the goods and the relationship between the goods and services with prescription drugs. Therefore, an increase in the price of prescription drugs relative to other goods will result in a decrease in the supply of other goods →

Free research paper on acid, base and salt

While hydrogen ion is added to a buffer it is neutralized by the base in buffer and added hydroxide ion is neutralized by acid, but this neutralization reaction does not hamper overall pH of buffer solution. Rather, it is a product of the reaction of an organic acid and an alcohol or phenol.

Advertisement research papers example

The aim of commercial adverts is to promote a product in such a way that it appeals to the target audience and that they can connect their lives with the product. Their entry signals a moment of wild experience for the audience with the advert indicating that the arrival of aliens is, seemingly their destination →

Travel agent career project

They offer advice on destinations, plan trip itineraries, and make travel arrangements for clients." The reason i chose this job is because my mom is a travel agent so I am able help her out a lot, and after long experience i discovered that i enjoyed being a travel agent and that i would like →

How our ability to get a job will be influenced

The availability of resources to a person can influence who they are, how they live and even effect how they are able to get a job. Resources are very important when applying for a job and the more positive esources someone has the better chance of obtaining the job.

Accounting career paper

In addition to the requirements, there are many tests that you must pass in order to become an FBI agent. But one of the five areas you must qualify for in order to be accepted into a special agent position is accounting.

Professionalism in the probation officer career field

I think that in order to e considered a professional in my career, you must not only look the part but you must be the part. What I mean by that is you have to take the time to make your uniform look good, live by our Core Values at all times, and be a →

Forensic pathologist career description

FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST * Correct Name of theCareerThe full name for a Forensic Pathologist is a Forensic Pathologist.*Educationand Training Requirements To become a Forensic Pathologist you will need about 13 to 15 years of college. After residency you must pass the test and receive a certificate as a certified Forensic Pathologist.* Responsibilities and Daily Activities The →

Career dreams through our living

It is one of the ways of screening job applicants therefore it is very important for a person to have a resume that is presentable and up to the mark. In order to become a graphic designer and to enter this field the best way is to acquire a degree in this area of study.

Business studies portfolio – two contrasting businesses.

Julian Richer decided not to be listed on the stock exchange because if he did then he would lose some of the control of the business to the new shareholders and therefore would have added pressure from them to Improve their profits, so If he keeps the company unlisted then he will have the benefit →

Career change

However, based on all of the stages been discussed earlier, people in the mid-forties to mid-flies are at different stage in their career and life than people that is at age 25 or 45. The reason that causes of obsolescence are due to individual himself, his ability and ability to learn on the basis of →

Research a person should always have a

Some organizations believe that assisted suicide is wrong and things like the hippocratic oath and the bible are a valid explanation as to why it's wrong. Other organizations in Switzerland feel that helping a person with euthanasia is the right thing to do.

Target and job satisfaction

To add, Target is also aware of the financial well-being and how its is important to make good financial decisions in the present and to plan for the future. Target is really the best when it comes to the benefits in retail, and that providing competitive pay, insurance coverage, career mentoring and so many great →

My career as a pharmacist

With the enormous demand for pharmacy professionals one have to consider the rigorous requirements of becoming a Doctor of Pharmacy, a professional degree that needs prior college level of study. But this is just one step of becoming a registered pharmacist, there still the preparation and completion of pre-pharmacy requirement, and after that the preparation →

Methods to measure job satisfaction

It is better to keep the names of the employees anonymous, because then they will be much more honest since they do not have to fear any consequences. The difference this time is, that they will have to rate their satisfaction in the various fields instead of just answering yes or no questions.

Autobiographical sketch of the political career of john f. kennedy

During World War II I pulled all the political strings my wealthyfamilypossessed in an effort to be sent to the fighting, for I knew that after the war I would be a more viable candidate as a combat veteran. After the war, in 1946, I conducted my first campaign for congress, enlisting the help of →

You have just gotten a job

In the emergency department, the scope of practice would be quiet different from the scope of practice of other departments. The scope of the practice may often be determined by the licensure board, which would permit the nurse to work in a particular field.

The evolution of job design

Job design refers to the content of the job along with its nature, requirements, in short it is the job that the hired employee is expected to perform in the organization. Because of this increase in the risk the managers are giving it more and more importance.

Investment portfolio management

The expected return on a portfolio is represented by the weighted arithmetic average of the expected returns of the assets comprised in the portfolio. In any decision on the portfolio the standard deviation of the return also is considered to be a major determinant factor.

Can most on-the-job accidents can be blamed on poor management?

The main duty of any manager is to be aware of everything that is happening in the organization. Although each case is unique, if something comes about, managers are the first to be under suspicion of being responsible for the on-the-job accidents.

Career management

High organizational commitment predicts the practice of career management activities by graduates to further their career within the organization while low commitment is closely associated with behavior aimed at furthering the career outside the organization. Summary This paper reports the findings of a two-wave longitudinal study investigating relationships between organizational and individual career management activities →

Sonography career

I think sonography is a career that really fits my expectations, and to make sure I am in the right path I will research this career in depth. This is great for me, because obstetric and gynecologic is the type of ultrasound I would like to specialize.

Job satisfaction and employees performance

1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Employees in Total Nigeria Plc.lay important roles, so employee's satisfaction is a very essential one; hence there arises a need to study the job satisfaction of oil, gas and lubrication employees. To access the general level of job satisfaction in Total Nigeria Plc.

Uses of job description

It serves as a guide in the organization and administration of a department, division, section, or unit.6. It contributes to the personal satisfaction of every individual employee with his job.

My professional career goals

As I am already In the field ofpsychologyI though a special Interest In the Social Work Services and have come to enjoy working in this department. I have spent time in many different types of Jobs in my short time in the Army but one of the fields I enjoyed the most The Department of →

Managerial recommendation reinforcement theory under job security

Thus to promote the job security of the skilled employees, the salary system of the business organization should be linked to the number or depth of skills an employee acquires. This is the type of immigration law that allows foreigners to immigrate into the United States based on their relationship with U.S.citizen or legal permanent →

4 motivational factors employees seek for their careers

The overall objective should be to help one another and lift each other up and to accomplish this you and your employees must know and identify what motivates you best to work together. Related: To do this keep in mind the following four motivational factors that they seek for their careers: In today's world, everyone →

Penelope cruz research paper example

Her career in the entertainment industry has been eventful and long, and she holds herself up as a role model for other Spanish-speaking actors and actresses, due to her substantial success and acclaim in both small, independent films and big blockbusters. The film gave Cruz substantial attention with American audiences, as the film was a →

Goal for my career

The lifestyle I want to have in the future is living in a house. I would like to live in California because it is a beautiful state and is close to the coast.

Factors influencing career choice among the senior high school

The results of the main hypothesis and the research questions postulated for the study revealed that Intrinsic factors reliably predictedcareerchoice suggesting that Extrinsic factors and Interpersonal factors are not significant predictors when the effects of Extrinsic factors and Interpersonal factors are controlled for. It was recommended that CareerEducationand Guidance should be introduced in the primary →

Five year career plan

With the proficiency in IT, I will be able to integrate nursing, accountancy and IT to make the delivery of these services more efficient and effective for the benefit of patients and of those who deliver these services. The school could also help me improve my skills in IT and Control.

Mba program in accounting and entrepreneurship as a goal

Throughout mycareerI have been settinggoalsfor myself that I could accomplish with the skills and organizational abilities that I already possessed, always looking for the next step in a successful career, but at this point in my life it has become apparent that I cannot accomplish the goals that I have set for myself without first →

Career episode – civil

After reviewing the background data I had to define water-supply sources, to calculate water consumption for domestic, industrial and fire safety purposes of the mine industrial area and the town. This scheme was as follows: Water from the water-intake wells is distributed by the pumps to the regulating reservoirs intended for the water collecting before →

Career service

Planning and organization is also needed in an office so that you can schedule appointments and organize where the supplies and office equipment goes in the office. The communication between the boss and their employees is important so that they know what to do in the office and how you want things were on.

Public relations the best choice of career for adventurous people

A great deal of credit goes to the Johnson and Johnson public relations people who, through quick thinking and arespectfor the intelligence of the American public, managed to avert what could have been a publicity disaster. Image Makers: Advertising, Public Relations, and the Ethos of Advocacy.

Career plan

I have decided to become a medical assistant because it's a career where I am helping other people, doing clinical work, and it's also a career that's growing. I learned that I have the personality and commitment to become a medical assistant, and also further my career.

Research paper on environmental issue: incineration

The byproducts of incineration are air and smog pollution, and therefore, the method is considered as a trade-off that exchanges land pollution from waste to air pollution from the ashes and gases released. Although incinerators require a lot of gas and fuel for operation, the heat generated can be recycled into electric power in a →

Noise pollution and its effects

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Exposure to very loud sounds that are enjoyable, and not technically noise to the listener, can lead to hearing impairment. Changes in the immune system and birth defects have been attributed to noise exposure, but evidence is limited.

Happy violence

In wrestling, the result of " happy violence" becomes primary because of the talent of the actors in creating the illusion that it is real. The reality is that everyone who watches wrestling knows that it is staged and fake and consequently is not enough to concession its real effects.

Save our planet

Nowadays we all know and realize how important it is to protect our planet, but we are mostly too busy or too lazy to make a big change that would improve our lifestyle and save theenvironment. It is an easy habit to take up which will save a lot ofmoney No matter how busy we →

Electronic cover sheet research paper examples

In this city, the paper will investigate the sources of air pollution and their effects both to the environment and to the citizens living around the city and in the city. Because, the main concern of the report is to explore the effects of air pollution in Egypt, the next paragraphs will critically and comprehensively →

Implications for the future

The purpose of this paper is to review one pollution problem faced by a community, how the problem affects the psychological health of the community and purpose a solution to that problem. Psychologyand the Preservation of the Environment A diverse relationship exists between psychology and the preservation of the environment.

Cuyahoga river

In more recent times, the Cuyahoga River was known as " the river that caught fire." This is because the river was polluted from industrial companies spilling their waste into the river during the late 1880's all the way up to the mid 1900's. Herrick, of the 1880's even stated, " It is a sewer →

Free research paper about pollution in harbin

Last October 21, 2013, the North China city of Harbin was covered with thick, choking smog. Another effect of the severe pollution is the closure of several expressways as vehicles found it difficult to drive through the smog.

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies

Analysis of groundwater contamination may focus on the soil characteristics and site geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, and the nature of the contaminants.[edit] Causes of water pollution The specific contaminants leading to pollution in water include a wide spectrum of chemicals, pathogens, and physical or sensory changes such as elevated temperature and discoloration. While many of the →

Example of changing patterns of consumption research paper

The natural factors have to do with relief, the shape and height of land, the resources and the climatic conditions of an area. For instance, the increase in the number of automobiles in the region is a pointer to increased affluence and prosperity.

Reduse usage of plastic bags

Making plastic bags can lead to exhaustion of oil, because to make a lot of plastic bags, we need a lot of oil. In some other countries, there are proposals to charge for the use of plastic bags.

Black pillow by frank moore

One the bottom of the canvas you can find the gasoline spilling all over the pillow of the cornfield, the white roots from the corn stand out from the black color of the gasoline. The gasoline in the pillow of the soil is where it gets its name " Black Pillow".

Enviromental effects of air pollution and the urban area

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issues that surround airpollutionsuch as the long term impacts of air pollution, the short term impacts of air pollution, the long term outlook of air pollution, the short term outlook of air pollution and the potential solutions to the air pollution problem. The first short term →

Research paper on contaminated foods causes and effects

It is common to hear in newsflash of instances of food poisoning due to food, some dying due to the contamination. With the various types of contamination, the simplest food safety precautions can also present food contamination and affect people severely through food poisoning or death.

How water pollution effects marine life?

The effects of man's abuse can be seen on a daily basis, from the disappearance of long existing sea life such as whales, to garbage washing up on the shore, to the disastrous oil spoils that cost millions of dollars each year to clean up. Now that the water is so polluted people want to →

Example of permits, regulations and enforcements research paper

The Clean Water Act or the Federal Water Pollution Control Act is the principal law that governs the pollution of the surface water of United States of America. This paper details the overview of the law while providing a description of the essence of the act.

Example of research paper on water pollution in america

Most of all, this effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations but also to the environment as a whole.the problem of human factor in water pollution There are many opinions about how important is to take care about water. In fact, people should teach their children about the importance of water.

Enviromental protection act

Protect and improve theenvironmentand safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country. The Department of Environment was established in India in 1980.later became the Ministry of Environment and Forests in constitutional provisions are backed by a number of laws acts, rules, and notifications.

Alicia paz research paper sample

The skin also senses the variations in environmental temperatures and acts as the body's stimuli in controlling the body temperature. The brain and the nervous system are part of the complex response and flight mechanism that responds to emergencies and dangers.

The taj mahal

Agra contains three World Heritage Sites, including the Taj Mahal." According to the petitioner, the foundries, chemical/hazardous industries and the refinery at Mathura are the major sources of damages to the Taj. The court was assisted in its efforts to improve air quality in the TTZ by the reports prepared by the NEERI, Gas Authority →

The three rs

The Three R's Using the three R's- reduce, reuse and recycle help the world to cut down on the amount of waste being thrown away. However, the three most efficient ways to conserve the earth's resources are reducing, reusing, and recycling products and materials.

Example of research paper on research speech outline

Final Effect: Encourage the audience to use biodegradable products and discourage the use of petroleum-based plastics which are non-biodegradable. Thus, they reduce demand for fossil fuels.- A reduction in the demand and use of fossil fuels reduces GHG emissions, pollution levels and is economical.- Biodegradable products are versatile.- They are not limited to packaging bags →

The transfer and trade of souls: research paper example

Trafficking of humans for the purpose of their exploitation for commercial use is a growing concern for nations all over the world and more must be done both at the local and national level to stop this problem. In fact, most of the nations have failed to effectively address the human trafficking that occurs within →

The effects of gender, oppression, and ideology of women in the society

It is good to obtain better understanding on the situations of women in different nations to justify the wholeness of women's concept. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the three concepts of women in different societies gender, oppression, and ideology.

Fires of jubilee- nat turner’s fierce rebellion

The history of the south and slaves was forever changed by the events of the rebellion. I was not expecting to have such a different view on slavery and oppression at the beginning of this reading assignment.

Tituba, black witch of salem: oppression and feminism

Hester is a strong minder of the hardships that women have to face and the consequences of not abiding by the rules that the men have set up for them. Unfortunately throughout this novel that is what happened to almost every woman, starting with Bean, then Hester, then the women of the witch trials, and →

African slavery

The following essay will describe the historicalcase studyof African Slavery and also the basichuman rightsthat were exploited from the African people between the 17th and 19th centuries. Disease was common aboard the ship in the unhealthy conditions where people were unable to go to the toilet.

Sample research paper on the reconstruction of the south; post civil war

The tension between the North and antebellum South sparked during the boom of the cotton industry in the agricultural South. After the civil war, the Union prepared for the reconstruction of the South and used different means to reintegrate the region as part of the United States.

Racism in history of the united states

While Eric Fone argues that white Englishmen in Jamestown and the Chesapeake area had varying degrees of " liberty," the fact is that true liberty depended on the ownership of land. The answer was to pursue a strategy of " divide and conquer".

Slavery and red stick creeks

Tale of Angola: Free Blacks, Red Stick Creeks, and International Intrigue in Spanish Southwest Florida, 1812-1821 by Canter Brown Jr.talks about the relationship between free blacks of Florida who were also known as the maroon people fighting a long with Red Stick Creeks Indians and international help against European men to keep the black people →

Understanding internalized oppression

She asserts that people of color organizing often assumes a static framework surrounding liberation and oppression, and that this fallacious assumption transforms potentially-liberating work into self-consuming " oppression Olympics," while keeping activists complicit in multiple forms of oppression. She argues for a framework which multiply addresses the logic of " Slavery/Capitalism," " Genocide/Colonialism," and " →

Good research paper about capuchin monkeys

Deemed to be one of the most clever of primate species, the capuchins fascinate human researchers with their apparent high intelligence, tool use and behaviors in their group environments all speak to getting the most vivid and full picture of the capuchin species. The best and most appropriate locale for capuchins to live is, of →

Ronald wilson research paper sample

Discrimination in the American society was in manner that the whites were superior to the blacks and the women were inferior to men. Sojourner truth theory of realism was instrumental in shaping the American society.

The american political system 1790-1840 research paper examples

During the Early American Republic from the 1790s to the 1830s, the first two political party systems were divided along regional, ethnics and social class lines, particularly the commercial and industrial interests led by the Federalists and Whigs in the Northeast versus the Southern planters who controlled the Democratic Party. Thomas Jefferson and most of →

Emancipation proclamation- lincoln’s end of slavery in america

Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation is still, to date, one of the most debated, revolutionary acts of the any of the Presidents of the United States. In the end it was even difficult for Lincoln's most radical abolitionist critics to remain skeptical of the President's personal conviction and determination regarding his motives with his Emancipation Proclamation.

Plantation slavery in the middle east

The Structure of Slavery in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia. Slaving and Slavery in the Indian Ocean.

Thomas jefferson on slavery and race

Jefferson on Slavery and Race The terms of the emancipation proposal considered by Virginia legislators were all slaves born after the act would go on with their parents to tillage, arts or sciences, until girls and boys would colonize to places that " render the most proper" out with arms and domestic animals to declare →

Lasting effects slavery has had on african american culture

The white man was higher up than the black man in society at the time because of the color of his skin. African American Scholar Michael Eric Dyson once said " The effect of slavery continues to exert its brutal influence in the untold sufferings of millions of everyday folk." Basically Dyson is saying that →

Example of civil war research paper

The main difference between Zinn and Johnson in that their interpretation of the Civil War relates precisely to what is considered to be the central issue of the war, slavery. For me, where Johnson and Zinn differ the most in their interpretation of the Civil War is in their analysis of Lincoln.

Eighty-eight years’

Starting with a concise examination of the extension of European domains in the 1500s and the formation of the Atlantic ranch complex in the mid-1600s, the book centers around the century extending from the Imperial Crisis and theAmerican Revolutionin the 1770s toReconstructionin the 1870s. In like manner, while the subtitle references the 'long passing of →

How slavery became the economic engine

Cotton was the cash crop of the south and the government was white. This trend continued until cotton was the main export of the south, even over tobacco and sugar.

Sleep apnea devices market worth $19.72 billion by 2017

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea; around 84% of people with sleep apnea are diagnosed with the disease. The global sleep apnea devices market, which is broadly classified into Diagnostic Devices and Therapeutic Devices, is witnessing high competitive intensity.