Genuine Report Examples

Narative report – campus experiences in rca computer sales

Then one time a customer came and ask how much for the speaker, their two speaker with a different price so I do the sales talk what our my sales clerk do because that time there are my customer that being entertained asking price and what parts are better for their computer and then I →

Shakespeares earliest tragedies

In nearly all instances, Gertrude allows her actions to be controlled by the king of corruption, Claudius. Hamlet needs to avenge his father's death by killing Claudius.

Planning and leading management concepts report

I will look at the concepts in the management functions of planning and leading or directing that the management can use to ensure there is continuous innovation in the organization. The management has to consider the number of competitors in the market and the kind of products they are offering.

Free bank of america report sample

To compute for the P/E ratio, two variable values have to be available; the current and past share price, and the earnings per share. 37% based on its share price and earnings per share values from the year end of 2013 up to the present month of November of 2014.

Good case study about analyzing annual report: vodafone inc

Outline the three most important points in your opinion in the Chairman's statement [pages 2] Referring to the Chairman's Statement included in the beginning of the annual report, we found the following significant points that may be of interest to all the stakeholders: i)Consistent steps towards expansion: The company, in response to increasing demand for →

Report on brief overview of the organization

The tags are to be put on all the animals in the firm which will keep track of their movements within the firm. There are 5 Steps to be followed: Identify the different levels of employees in the firm Identify the animal species in the farm Determine the naming/numbering procedures to be used in naming →

Free the global business environment report example

Export Development Canada and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade are providing insurance services for the Canadian business to boost their businesses by catering into the emerging markets of the world. The key aim is to bring success for the Canadian businesses and encourage international trade for the Canadian companies to get involved →

Fill the blank report samples

What search string would you use with Google to locate a Web server that was offering up a directory listing of the /etc directory, including the passwd file Web server + directory listing + etc directory + password file - You are analyzing network traffic and you see the string dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA== in a Web request →

Marks & spencer plc report sample

In recognition of its effort at ethical and green programmes, the company has earned the title of 'Responsible Retailer of the Year' in 2012. In the coming years, the economy is slated to do better and with that the growth of Marks and Spencer probably will improve.

Goal-setting framework for los angeles tribune report sample

Amidst intense competition, the goals of the Los Angeles Tribune stand out as the keys that the newspaper vendor should account for in order to control the market. Particularly, before designing the goal-setting framework, the firm should consider the fact that the goals set must be specific, measurable, attainable, and reasonable and time bound →

Taxation law report

This is a case that was affirmed by the Chief Justice within the influence of section 18 of the Judiciary Act following five awaiting appeals resulting from resolutions of a Board of Review within the the stipulations of the Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Assessment Act 1936 as revised. For this reason it is →

Understanding the concepts report examples

A high ratio indicates that the firm is prudently utilizing the assets of the firm. The net profit margin indicates the performance of a company before meeting the financial obligations incurred by the company.

Report on merck co-global compact submission

This business practice is a great approach in complying with environmental responsibility as a principle of the Global Compact since it is applicable to other facilities of the company in the world. The advantage of using the solar energy as a source of power is that it drastically reduces costs to the company.

Sample report on applied buyer behaviour

The aim of doing this is to determine whether the objectives of the adverts were attained by putting this advert on air. The music in the background of this advert also plays a role in ensuring that the objective of this advert is fully met.

Example of report on about google spreadsheet

In Google spreadsheet users can create and edit a spreadsheet as it is also used by others who are in collaboration with the user. According to, Google spreadsheet has vast number of benefits such as it can be used by teachers anywhere and anytime to share assignment with the students who are in a classroom →

Ethics in business report examples

On behalf of the staff of Gilani clothing company, I would like to thank the public and our customers in particular from all the nations, for believing in us and supporting us to make us who we are today. The management of Amadom Company should be made to understand that these people they are posing →

Questionnaire report

The questionnaire will be directed at regular and new customers at the store to determine their level of satisfaction of the products and services offered by the company. Mean is a factor of frequency and the age group.

Rationale for shareholder wealth maximization in investment report example

It thus follows that in making investment decisions, the management should consider always to improve the position of the shareholders in relation to the other financiers of the company such as bond holders. By seeking to have the best position for the shareholder, the company is able to meet the objectives of all the other →

Contracting profession-neutral past performance report

Experience indicates the level of familiarity that arises as a result of prior work while past performance denotes the subjective assessment of the quality of previous work. Other methods that can be applied in evaluating the past performance of a new business firm are those of considering the experience of the corporate management as well →

Social media business audit report examples

Services and programs portrayed in this firm's website attract a completely new group of probable customers. Their business website serves to protect the brand of this company's services online.

Free etihad marketing plan report sample

Market Audit is an important strategy for the companies which are intending to expand their core operations in some other markets of the world. It is one of the most important tools used for the same analysis.

Business report for qantas essay sample

Executive Summary: The main focus of this report is to identify the legal classification, the characteristics, the life cycle stage of Qantas and one internal and external stakeholder that is affected by the activates of Qantas. The legal classification describes that Qantas is a public company and has changed its legal classification in the growth →

Reintegrative shaming and social control report examples

Blame is hard to pin and the news media is reluctant to pin it but it's because of corporate greed and institutionalized corruption at the highest levels of banking, health care and insurance companies but that is not something we want to read in the papers because people want to believe that bad people do →

Pestle analysis of vietnam market report sample

As a result, the education service provider company will enjoy the economies of scale in the market. On the other hand, the economic policies of the country have not played a great role in cutting down the inflation rate of the market.

Markets of asia report

Reducing the complexity of how to work in terms of provision of services to the clients, and how to run the company's operations is key to a successful venture. Simplicity of the presentation of the product to the consumers in the process of marketing is first and foremost the most important aspect of comprehending a →

Report on instructors name

The four were compared on the criteria of: operating system, processor, Random Access Memory, capacity of storage, quality of the rear camera, the strength of the Bluetooth, size and weight. The investigation revealed that the iPhone 4s, used the iOS, the operating system that is the cause of all the craze about virtually everything from →

Example of segmentation and targeting report

However, shoes remain the core product of Zappos and the company managed to achieve market leadership in the online segment of shoe retail market. Today the size of Zappos and the wide product range available in its stores makes it hard to identify just a few segments that the company targets.

Free strategic management: thomas cook report sample

Additionally, current market position of the Thomas cook and some of the affiliated companies as quality and reliability suppliers allows believing that the strength of the Brand is one of the core competencies of the company. While the above statistics reflects positive trend makes a part of the investment benefit proposition, it is important to →

Good report on financial statements analysis

Profitability Efficiency: Gildan spend 350 million to acquisition of Gold Toe Moretz in 2011, and it lead a decrease to each of financial ratio of the company, and it cost Gildan one year to return to the ratio in 2010 In my opinion the shares of the company has potential increase trend because the company's →

Free finance report example

Important to note, that, the credit card companies had earlier stopped working with two Russian Banks, Bank Rossiya and Sobinbank. In response to the actions by credit card companies, Russia had already started to plan its own domestically created payment system so it could remove the use of VISA and MasterCard services in the country.

Human resource management in context reports examples

Through detailed market research by examining some of the external factors likely to affect the development of the company, Cenlow can avert some of the loopholes or factors likely to lower the performance of the company into the global market based on the set targets. The fact that the company is witnessing competition in the →

Example of report on better place company

0 Bankruptcy The financial uncertainties of the company and the difficulties started when there was a high investment that was required in the expanding charging and swapping infrastructure, it was about 850 million US dollars in the private capital, and the marketing penetration turned out as significantly lower than the originally that was predicted by →

Report on merits and demerits for strategies for managing interest rate risk

Interest rate risks occur in an interest-acquiring asset, such as bonds or loans, due to the likelihood of a variation in the asset's cost as a result of the unpredictability of interest rates. Managing interest rate risk has become of importance and various strategies have been developed to cope with the interest rate risks.

Example of report on financial statements summary

The Net income attributable to the given shareowners of the company was $2, 311 million after deduction of the net income that was attributable to the given non -controlling interests. After deduction of the net income attributable to the given non-controlling interests from the consolidated net income, the net income attributable to the given shareowners →

Expanding the markets report sample

How culture of the new business behaves have a profound impact on the success of the enterprise, and it would be imperative if the business tries to learn how it is connected before relocating to a new place. The questionnaire that is attached on the appendix will be used to gain a general picture how →

Free report on entrepreneurship

In this case, the business would have taken more time to come up in terms of market, production and other expenses that come with starting a business. I would have used a different approach in entrepreneurship in terms of production and supply to the consumer.

Example of report on starbucks

Globally, Starbucks is one of the leading firms in utilization of the internet to market its products and, interact with its clients. Although the company faces challenges, it has always proved its ability to handle these challenges in a productive manner.

Example of lean management report

Management This report seeks to evaluate lean systems, inventory management, aggregate production planning and master scheduling and recommend the best philosophy to be adopted by Unico Plant. It assumes demand is known and certain, ordering costs and storage costs are also known in advance, the firm will order the same quantity each time they →

Long-term financial management report

In the sector of financial management, long-term financial management is the act obtaining funds from financial institutions to be refunded after a long duration of time, preferably a year. Before a company decides to invest in the long-term financial management, they should be able to determine the type of business to be acquired, and the →

Key objectives of the project report sample

At the end some individuals would have received help from the cash collected, but at the same time the project will also have promoted the Billabong company image and profile. The image of the Billabong as a company among the Australia community will be improved by the charity awareness.

Solent solution and bellevue hotel report examples

In the year 2005, one of the founding team of the company's employees Yvonne Gillespie was promoted to carry out the role of Director of Organisational Development and her task was to develop the of " working hard and playing hard". The organizational structure is supposed to facilitate the processes in an organization and should →

Example of project 2 report

Therefore, the interview entailed the management style the manager used at the company, usage of team projects, intrinsic and extrinsic rewards used in the company, common ethical issues, and employee motivation. In Oracle Corporation, the manager listed the main intrinsic rewards as: Sense of personal growth: In the company, employees feel that their careers are →

Good example of bulgari in india report

Bulgari entered the Indian market because the growing consumer market in India for luxury goodsoffered lucrative opportunities to the company. However, the partnership was not successful and Bulgari had to exit the Indian market in 2011.

Free report on successful management

And the last, but not the least, controlling function in McDonald's is about monitoring quality of products and ensuring, that employees take corrective actions. Since McDonald's has a very good training program and a strong brand image, it's not disturbing for employees to be monitored all the time.

Applied buyer behaviour report sample

The company realized that to offer the product to the children as the target market, the benefits must be communicated to both the children and the parents. The communication of the benefits was meant to attract the attention of the children so that they can involve their parents in the buying process.

Memo report – starbucks

The reason Starbucks is still growing is that; people loves the products that Starbucks provide, but there is more to it, Starbucks is also a very beloved brand. In my opinion there is the possibility of following the example that Starbucks have set, it's impossible to argue with the logics of a constantly extending product →

Free report on resource file binder

Auburn Creek Assisted Living by Americare 2906 Beaver Creek Drive, Cape Girardeau MO Phone: 573-837-4592 - Cape Girardeau Planning-Zoning 401 Independence Street Phone: 339-6326 - Cape Retirement Community Inc 3120 Independence Street Web: - Cape town LLC 1625 Independence Street Cape Girardeau, MO 63703 - map Gibson Recovery Center, Incorporated 1112 Linden Street Phone: →

Fair trade project reports example

The organization should adopt a fair trade certification program that acts as a component of the project of fair trade and the international system of certification, which works to improve the conditions for the farmers in India. The project should improve the living standards of the farmers by providing community healthcare, assistance, training and education →

Financial risk report example

MML Company being a mining and extraction company for Gold and Copper is under the threat of financial risk from losing the value of the commodities in which the company operates. In Australia, CME Group is offering copper futures which can be used as tools of hedging the financial risk by the investors.

Report on improving communication in the workplace

As such, an effective manager should ensure communication at the workplace is maintained and staff members have the freedom to communicate with one another irrespective of the rank in the company. According to Nelson and Economy, an effective organization communication starts with the skills that a manager possesses in building the organizational communication foundation.

Free research paper about social and environmental reporting

The working relationship between the company and the society is based on the social corporate responsibility as well as the role of the company in ensuring a sustainable environment for both the company and the society. Social and environmental responsibility assessment This section should depict a clear assessment of the company in relation to social →

Good example of research paper on sustainability reporting: expanding the scope of disclosures

Obviously, the sense of the business is simple, which is to increase the profitability or residual claim of the company and it is only happen, when a concrete amount of matter or information would have been passed through different users of the financial statement of a company. There are number of users of the financial →

Findings report example

Call price in this context refers to the set cost of shares which the company is willing to offer to the general public while stock exercise price is the cost shares which has been prevailing in the market. Employee stock option is valuable to the company and the employees at large because it will bring →

Finance report example

In addition, with each of the stock having higher risk than the market, our portfolio was expected to perform better than the markets at the time of increasing prices. Below is the summary of beta and closing price for each of the stock *Here the term Beta measures the volatility of the stock returns in →

Data warehousing report example

Another advantage of using star schema is that it is very easy to understand the diagram and data. The Snowflake schema is the best to be used when the dimension table is relatively big because it reduces the space as it breaks it down.

Good report about project management

Migration of data on file servers should be undertaken with a plan for consolidation of the file servers or replacement of those that are outdated with new servers as well as migration of applications in existence as well as related data to new servers. Data mapping elements would also be involved in the design phase →

Company about patagonia report examples

Patagonia is involved in many innovative, eco-friendly ventures which are clear with the fabric and procedures it uses to manufacture its supply. Apart from being beneficial for the company to produce their product with the best raw material, it has also served controversial for the firm, the treatment and processes of feeding the geese to →

Opportunity for cigarette companies report example

To understand why globalization is extremely valuable for the future of cigarette companies, it is relevant to review the current state of globalization in the tobacco industry. In brief, globalization is providing opportunities for cigarette companies to expand in the future through opening up of markets and reduced tobacco control efforts in foreign markets.

Quality management in practice a project-based learning report

The customers of the products of the company also are the beneficiaries of an audited report as they get to know whether the company will still supply the required commodities of the company or it will not as per its financial position. The better the financial position of the company the higher the tax rate →

Google hangouts report sample

After the live broadcast, you can edit the recording of the meeting and you can share the recording on YouTube. You can add Google drive documents in your hangout for the members to work on it.

Company report research in motion report example

The company was incorporated in the 1984 and has been among the leading companies in the technology industry. In 2011, the company also purchased the shares of a company and incorporated the technology of the purchased company into its own developer tools.

Free report about project quotation

I would like the name of the project to be " City Wonderland Grand Opening Sale". The post cards will contain the name of the company: City Wonderland, the address, and the company logo as shown above.

Free report on organizational environment

This refers to all elements that operate in or out an organization having the capability to affect all or part of the operations of the company. Walmart is the biggest retail store in the United States, and as such, it has adopted several survival strategies to maintain its position at the helm.

Strategic errors (aka: organizations in trouble) report samples

The management had a difficult in the tactics on the pricing in order to compete with the rivals in the business. The difference between the tactics and the strategy is that, tactics are short goal while the strategy is the long goal of the business.

Good example of finance for google or microsoft report

This will be a cash flow which will be available for all the investors of Google, its shareholders and also bondholders. The second formula that will be applied for this case is the WACC.

American airways report examples

It would also be argued that the problems experienced in the industry, came as a result of circumstances, which a brought by time. On average, in the year 2007, the industry paid $55950, which was higher by 40% as compared to costs of private airlines.

Product swot analysis report

For successful launch of the product it is imperative to build awareness among the potential users about the product and its benefits and for successful communication the first step would be to decide the objective which is introduction of new product in the market and to understand the target audience/market. To enjoy the benefit of →

Good example of understanding service management in dominos pizza new zealand report

To this end, Bailey and Earle observe that the liberalization of the fast food industry in New Zealand acts as a form of the hospitable environment that enables many different franchises both local and international to venture into the business. Competition in the fast food business in New Zealand requires innovativeness and ingenuity in the →

A customer focused company report sample

Additionally, being customers focused company entails understanding what the customer intends to achieve in the company. Hence, being a customer focused company entails comprehending what the customers says in any situation.

Strategic financial analysis for kindred healthcare inc report sample

Despite the initial bankruptcy odds, the company has revitalized itself to be one of the leading providers of health care services in the United States of America. One of the opportunities that the company can take advantage of is the increasing need for healthcare services in the United States.

Free report on annual of family dollar

Persistent fiscal issues affected the normal profit range that the company always achieves, this led to acute losses in the gross output of the company total income. The constant changes in the oil prices is also another major risk factor that acts as a potential blow to the volume of sales that the company is →

Eli lilly and company human resource issue report

Before beginning the analysis of the company, it is important to give a brief company profile of the company at hand in order to understand the industry in which it operates in and the market forces that it is bound to be subjected to. One of the major achievements that the company has made is →

Example of how the british ruled india and india eventually become free report

The rule of the East India Company marked the beginnings of the " British Raj" in India which formally began after the Sepoy mutiny of 1857. The " sepoy mutiny" or " the war of independence" as the Indians like to name it is a significant event in the history of the subcontinent.

Project report on life insurance corporation of india

The report gives the brief background of the sector and proceeds to highlight the short comings of the existing setup and players. The share capital of GIC and that of the four companies are held by the Government of India.

Sample report on standardization/adaptation of the marketing mix of lv

They believe that the key to the survival of the business in the international market is the ability of standardization of the marketing mix. The company does marketing to change the tastes of consumers for suiting the existing offerings of the enterprise.

Sample report on data warehousing

There are certain data and information that must be required by the management of the company to place the warehouse accordingly, and in a perfect manner. The new data warehouse of Amazon should have the complete data set of the sales generated through different regions of the company, along with having the information related to →

Example of ms virginia stewart report

The main mission of the company is assisting patients and saving their health, " To guarantee the highest quality of health care for each family member, make a person feel protected and appreciated", Ms. Have you contributed any to the well known and accepted methods?

Example of project leadership report

Being a relative new player on the collection market, the company is seeking new opportunities for positioning as one of the strongest competitors on this market and in the same time it faces the challenges imposed by the economic and financial climate. For solving the liquidity problems and for assuring the continuity of its business, →

Report on internal briefing paper

The services of real estate valuation companies like CapLand are useful for a number of purposes like for estimating the value of insurance for various backings, for taxation of real estate i.e.determining the tax payable on a property, for listing the property for selling and also for estimating the amount of finance that would be →

The european emissions trading scheme report sample

It seeks to reduce emissions in a cost effective method and thus giving the companies the opportunity to choose on the methods to use so as to reduce their emissions to receive the allowances, It operates on a cost effective basis explained in the following graph. Cost effectiveness of the scheme is founded on the →

Informational report comparing 2 companies in the same industry apple and microsoft research paper sample

On the other hand, to lovers of Apple, security stance of Microsoft and its volatility to attacks has been a subject that resounds in their midst. Another advantage that Apple has over Microsoft is the stability of its operating system and computer in general, in addition to, stability of its products.

Report on the development of the hovis crusty white loaf

They concluded that they needed a bag that had the capability to keep the bread moist for the days that the bread was on the shelves. The technical team came up with the idea that the paper had to be a paper on the lower half and plastic for the top side of the bread.

Report on medeband

Input data contains information on the user's blood pressure, fluctuations in pulse rate, and number of steps the user takes and the location of the client. The device has built-in Software that scans the data for deviations from the standard, and therefore validates the data.

Good example of report on swot analysis

Currently, the strategic merger is deemed to have a substantial influence over the coffee market in the region. First, the partnership formed between the two entities is essential in the success of the investment.

Financial report report examples

Given the strategic embankments of the company, it is instrumental to an employee to evaluate the impact of the various investments to his or her needs. The ratio analysis will be interpreted in order to reflect the impact of the strategies taken by the company on the needs of the employees.

Team work reports examples

In this case, all team members must appreciate and accommodate the role played by each other in all the phases of product development and the inherent interdependence between all the departments. This is because the meetings will not be productive unless each department feels valued and crucial to the entire process of product development.

Free report about marketing plan report

With the use of both marketing concepts the company analyzed the needs, and wants and interests of the consumers and their target market. Marketing goals and objectives for implementing the strategies Whole Foods Market has build relationship with organic farmers to bring the organic products in the market.

Free global marketing: a case analysis of nandos entry into brazil report example

In order to prescribe the entry of a firm into a given country, there is the need to conduct a PESTLE analysis which will provide a thorough understanding of the macro-environment of the country in question. This is because a firm operates on the basis of capturing and holding on to market share.

Example of report on the home depot inc global opportunity analysis

However, upon closer investigation, a more formal mission statement can be found in Home Depot's corporate governance guidelines1 that reads " The Board of Directors of The Home Depot, committed to maximizing long term shareholder value while supporting management in the business and operations of the Company, observing the highest ethical standards and adhering →

Good example of report on negotiations of a car purchase

The purpose of this document is to prepare the detailed negotiation plan and risk assessment for the negotiation of the Toyota Rv4 purchase with one of the medium-size dealers in the area and the maximum budget of USD$ 20, 000 available immediately. Some of the specific learning objectives from the process of negotiation are: 1) →

Good foundations of business systems and e-commerce report example

The use of all social media is a strategy by the Lonely Cat Club to bridge the gap in the market. The services by the club are of high quality; this is because the owner of the club used to be a counselor of pets and the general behavior of cats.

Report on quality development

This could be evident if the workers and the general company use the improved mechanism to realize their need to develop and take the company to another level. In case of a new technology has been introduced by the company it is important to give the workers and the management an in-service course.

Kevin kelly and steve jobs report example

We did researches on business managers and business leaders, and we found out that Kevin Kelly, a business manager, provided guidelines to better a business. This automatically led to the business rising and overcoming the entire obstacle that would otherwise hinder the growth of the business.