Genuine Report Examples

9-11 commission report

The 9/11 commission report was released to give all the information on what occurred on the attacks of September 11. In the commission report it gives information on why the towers were attacked and who was the main suspect.

A report evaluating ict and its implementation for distance learners essay

As the class progresses I think look intoing my messages on a regular basis.esteeming and listening to my coachs feedback.directing a note of recognition on reception of any messages.and possibly if appropriate directing a note if I think there will be an unusual sum of hold in completing the faculties.are about every bit far as β†’

Lab report chemistry matriculation experiment assignment

Lab report chemistry matriculation experiment 5 Example chemistry lab report matriculation experiment 4. What is the conclusion for lab report chemistry experiment 5 redo titration using sodium theosophical.

The making of a quagmire

In fact, the unrelenting existence of the American soldiers in the pretext of offering reinforcement and support for the Southern Vietnamese who were being attacked by the North inspired to Vietnam's the need for sovereignty. Madame Nhu also seems to portray the picture of a hypocritical leader's wife who uses her position to jeopardize and β†’

The archetypal hero of the odyssey

For Odyssey, his journey consists of: love of Calypso and building of a ship to escape; trials with the Cyclops and the Phaeacian princess, love with Circe and journey into Hades, and battle with Scylla. In this case, the role of Athena is very important because she helps Odyssey to 'escape' from the island and β†’

Beowulfs story: pride before the downfall

Indeed, pride is one of the themes found in this epic as the hero's bravery becomes the source of his downfall because he was not able to control his pride. Beowulf's pride led him to death and the destruction of his own people.

Culture in the ramayana: a shortened modern prose version of indian epic by narayan

The modern version, written by Narayan, combines the master-strokes of the novelist along with the paintings by an eleventh-century poet Kamban into the scheme of recreating the tale of wisdom, culture, conflict, and mythology". On the other side, it indicates and speaks about the necessary virtues that should be present in a complete man portrayed β†’

Murder in the cathedral by t.s. eliot

Eliot Part Question The mood created by the chorus in the beginning of the speech is serious and somber. Despite the women's and priests' fears that the return of Thomas will trigger war in the community, he stands out and advices the Archbishop to proceed and meet the king, and even have dinner with him β†’

A study of william shakespeare’s othello

The main characters in the play are Othello; the play is named after him, Iago, Desdemona, Emilia and Cassio. The women in Othello The main women characters in the play are Othello's wife, Desdemona, Iago's wife Emilia and a prostitute Bianca.

Wallmart sustainability report analysis essay

Based on Walmart's Report after having a deep analysis of it, I believe that Walmart's core of values and strategies do create the necessary conditions for their employees to create the right value that the company needs them to create because Walmart offer their staff the opportunity to project themselves in the company. With this β†’

Sample report osbourne reynolds essay

The water inlet and outlet valve and dye injector are utilized to generate the required flow. The water inlet/ outlet valve and dye injector are utilized to generate the required flow.

Chemistry- “pennium” lab report flashcard

800 Conclusion: The purpose of this lab was met because the atomic mass of " Pentium was calculated using the isotopes of Pentium- the ones that were made before 1982 and the ones that were made 1982 and after. The average mass of a pre-1982 penny was grams, and the average mass to a post β†’

How are distinctions made between factual reporting, interpretation and distortion ? essay sample

Depending on the purpose of the given messages, the factual reporting can sometimes be distorted, so as to change the truth of the subject. Generally, the decision depends upon the purpose of the article; whether it is written to simply inform people with the truth, or it is made to create and impact on the β†’

How technology is spliting up the family

7 Aug, Analysis of Alone Together In the present age, man's interaction with technology has increased to dangerous levels." The average watches more than 4 hours of television a day". Turkle discusses the case of a 64 year old man in her book who is divorced thrice and knows that he is psychologically distressed β†’

Responses to readings and analyiz with compare

In Hope Leslie Digby is suspicious about Magawisca only because she's a daughter of tribe chief Mononotto. When Khan is in the airport, and explains that he came to see the president, Khan is brutally checked and questioned, and later arrested only because of his suspicious belonging to Islamic religious tradition and his inability to β†’

An ethical audit report on toyota company

The production of cars is a sensitive department as the company has to look out for the safety of the consumers and ensure that it is guaranteed. The ethical dilemmas that the Toyota Company is facing play an important role in the building of the company and improving its current status.

Tesco credit risk and analysis report

This credit risk report focuses among other things, on the business background and strategy of Tesco and Hilton Food, analysis of its annual reports, company websites and other sources, a discussion of the techniques used in the analysis, justification of techniques/ major assumptions used in our analysis and rationale behind our team's recommendation on the β†’

Shiloh by bobbie ann mason

Shiloh by Ann Mason Leroy Moffitt, who is the narrator in Shiloh, possesses qualities which are stereotypically feminine including sentimentality and sensitivity which cause him to be a man in three dimensions rather than a masculine stereotype. The story is set in Shiloh, which according to Leroy is more like a park rather than the β†’

How to be a chicana role model

A man disagrees, relating how his mother eloped with a lover when he was very small, never to return, and how much he hated her. He recounts that when he was wounded in a war and was about to die, his mother's apparition came to him, but he rejected her his hatred being that strong.

Music appreciation concert report: cosi fan tutte

The performers did attempt to authenticate the performance the size of the orchestra was the same as the original, the original performance consisted of instruments that are still widely used today such as, flutes, oboes, trumpets, and violins this was a characteristic of classical music. This piece of the opera was an aria, Despina was β†’

Media and the schools

Reflection on " Media and the Schools: What is the effect of media on the educational experience of children?" In my reading and in class this week I learned how media significantly affects the learning capabilities of children due to the diversity in programs and advertisements presented and easily accessible. New forms of technology have β†’

Children with downs syndrome

Much of the fear about Downs syndrome children is perpetuated by people who have no real expertise on the subject. Because of the bad press surrounding Downs syndrome, it is reasonable to expect that most parents would not choose to have a child with Downs syndrome.

Factors affecting financial reporting quality

As the FRS requires reporting entities to highlight financial performance to aid the users in understanding the performance achieved, it sets out the overall framework for the presentation of financial statements. Impact of Accrual Concept on Profit When a trading and profit & loss account for a period is compiled, the cost of goods sold β†’

Project report on tumkur milk union

In 1965, National Dairy Development Board [NDDB] was set up with the objective of meeting the demand of milk, especially in urban areas, as well as developing the rural economy through the enhancement of the milk production of the country. The survey is limited to the potential of areas of Tumkur City only due to β†’

Report: electronic point-of-sale system

Owners manage the business and assume the for the partnership's debts and other obligations.2. And for the finance, Cherry is responsible for it.

When painkillers become dangerous

What started as a feeling of elation and relief for being able to relieve the pain of patients in extreme excoriating conditions, unsuspecting and initially lack of understanding of its addictive properties, led to young doctors to prescribe these drugs in unmonitored frequency and dozes. As she narrated her story, she confirmed that the disease β†’

Friction lab report essay sample

Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to observe the friction force and to determine the coefficient of kinetic friction as well as static friction of materials of different roughness. Set the block and soup can on a board with the largest surface of the block in contact with the surface of the board.

The reports. then, too, the author spent much

The topic of this book was the very first battle in the Viet Nam conflict, as fought by the American marines against the North Vietnamese. The actual thesis was that the Viet Cong's underestimation of the United States military forces' ability to rapidly and effectively deploy and fight, pretty much lost the North Vietnamese the β†’

Nvestment strategy report for investment analysis class

In terms of return goals, the very nature of this theory is such that it seeks to beat the market. Generally it's understood that this method of technical analysis is a short-term investment approach as the investor seeks to capitalize on specific market moves in the short-term as a means of gaining immediate profits.

Belmont report

The HHS regulations require that Federal Departments and Agencies that conduct or support human subjects research must evaluate all applications for research using the following criteria:* Risks to the subjects* Adequacy of protection against these risks* Potential benefits of the research to the subjects and others* Importance of the knowledge gained or to be gained β†’

Does chopin’s characterization of mrs. mallard justify the story’s unexpected and the ironic climax explain your response

Her initial reaction to the tragic event of the death of her husband was, " She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. And here is the turning point in the story the instant transformation in her as she observes the goings β†’

Poetry when spring arrives by fernando pessoa

There is a point that Pessoa brings to the mind of the reader and it is in the harsh reality that life goes on, even after the death of someone that is perceived to be influential to life itself. The author also reminds readers that, death is inevitable as it is an end to life β†’

Isabel allendes and of clay are we created

Throughout his life as an adult, Carle had attempted to bury his painful memories of growing up in an abusive household where his father not only mistreated him and his mother but also his mentally disabled sister. Not only had he to deal with his past, but the death of the innocent young girl, caused β†’

Ethnography report

The date seemed very natural and a healthy amount of information was told to each other. Even though this was the first date he was able to quickly connect with her and let her into his intermediate layers.

Tyco scandal report

Dennis Kozlowski, the former CEO of Tyco International Ltd, and former Tyco finance chief Mark Swartz were sentenced Monday to up to 25 years in prison for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from the company. Kozlowski and Swartz are the latest executives sentenced to prison in a wave of white-collar scandals that shook corporate β†’

Kris retchiel e. mangubat

So I told the client that it's good that she knows what her priorities are and encourage her to not procrastinate in order for her to have an extra time for the other stuffs. Plan: I recommended the client to just continue making the timetable since it is an important and very useful tool for β†’

A rose for emily by william faulkner

Upon the absence of the presence of the father in the story, she then had been become very dependent on her lover, Homer Barron. Another apparent scene in the story that highlighted the thematic ground of security was the part when she was questioned about taxes during the meeting with the Board of Alderman.

International financial reporting standards essay sample

RECOMMENDATIONS ON HOW NBAA SHOULD SUPPORT REPORTING ENTITIES TO COMPLY WITH IFRSs Conduct trainings on IFRSs National Board of Accountants and Auditors should conduct tailor made trainings on IFRSs and introduce online training modules on IFRS, the trainings should be in the form of seminars and workshops and should be more practical- based on preparing β†’

Journal article critique

Journal Article Critique Purpose The authors of the research article study the existence and peculiarities of White middle class and define privileges of its representatives. For the further study, it is important to analyze several cases of individuals with the same problematic behavior and reveal their perception and comprehension of White middle-class privilege.

Review on the ways of seeing

The author compiled the different essays in an effort to reveal something about art to the audience. The essay presents numerous examples on how the reproduction of art has served to alter the meaning of the original pieces.

Critical analysis of

Guerin Brotherhood in The Red Convertible Introduction On the surface The Red Convertiblelooks like a narrative about the relationship of two brothers, Lyman and Henry. Erdrich subtly relates the death of Henry to the drowning of the red convertible and with the demise of his relationship with his brother Lyman.

Simple distillation lab report assignment

Fractional distillation is almost the same as the simple distillation, the only preference is that in a fractional distillation, fractionating column is used which is attached at the top end of the pear-shaped flask and it is connected to the condenser as well. In order for the boiling point of the mixture to subside, steam β†’

Reasons why or why not older australians participate in physical activity report examples

Thus, many of the interventions previously implemented were in a group setting and increased access to resources that enable greater physical activity with the end goal of maintaining the desired behaviors in the long term. What are the barriers and facilitators to exercise and physical activity uptake and adherence among South Asian older adults: A β†’

The heroes’ challenges in campbell’s hero’s journey and clzio’s wandering star

Under the subsection, Departure, the call of adventure is the point in an individual's life when he gets to note that everything is going to change. Esther and her mother think that they have reached the promise land but to their surprise, they find that this country is in the midst of a war.

Industrial instrumentation class report calibration of flow engineering

The method of comparison is called standardization.[ 1 ] Calibration of the measurement instrument is the procedure in which the readings obtained from the instrument are compared with the sub-standards in the research lab at several points along the graduated table of the instrument. If there is divergence of the measured value from the instrument β†’

The effects of stress on business employees

Statement of the Problem The purpose of this study was to determine the negative effects of stress on employees and the methods employers use to manage employees' stress. Scope of the Study This study was limited to the perceptions of full-time business employees as to the negative effects that stress has on work performance and β†’

Maldoror and the complete works of the comte de lautramont, the story of the eye and nadja

The paper " Maldoror and the Complete Works of the Comte de Lautreamont, The Story of the Eye and Nadja" is an exceptional example of a literature book review. The use of humor and horror in this story makes it interesting and moving to the reader.

Report on the site visit to klenco essay

Starting with a small selection of cleaning machines and chemicals sold only in Singapore in the early years, it is now one of the largest independent suppliers of professional and industrial cleaning products in Asia, offering the most comprehensive scope of products to the pro cleaning industry. It is easy to use with the adjustable β†’

Grendel by john gardner

Later a hero by the name of Beowulf kills the monster and also the mother of the monster that came to take revenge. The uniqueness of the story is the fact that the story has been written from the villain's or the monster Grendel's view.

The sixth floor museum review

I would take this as an opportunity to say that the corner window which was used by Oswald to shoot was certainly not the highlight of the museum, yet it generated a lot of information for me. I enjoyed visiting this museum a lot and it was a wonderful opportunity for me to learn about β†’

Tourism report india essay

Month-wise FTAs in India during 2009 and comparative figures of 2008 & 2007 Lean and Peak Months of FTAs in India from top 15 Countries during 2009 Nationality-wise and Quarter-wise FTAs in India, 2009 2. 2 Top 15 Source Countries for FTAs in India during 2008 & 2009 FTAs in India during 1981 to 2009 β†’

Report on analyze the behavioural skill for business about faboil ltd flashcard

In the case, Richard believes that only Carole have the necessary commitment and expertise to be able to cope with, and with the increased workload. The following are examples of what might be on a ' Bill of rights', i.e.a list of what rights it is reasonable for a human to expect: I have the β†’

Exchange rates and their effect on morocco report essay sample

The two basic choices a country has over its exchange rate regime is whether to fix the value of its currency to other currencies or to let it float and let the market decide what the value of its currency should be. A shift upwards in the demand curve and downwards in the supply for β†’

Mary shelleys frankenstein

Therefore, Mary Shelley makes use of the narrative strategy of the epistolary novel in order to invigorate the story by making the readers interact with the characters of the novel. In conclusion, the narrative technique used in this novel has a great effect on the readers as they experience a level of intimacy with the β†’

Daphnia heart rate – lab report

A Daphnia is picked out from a beaker containing the Daphnia with a pipette and then placed in to the loop on the cavity slide The Daphnia used have been left to refrigerate so that the heart rate has been lowered. The concentration of the caffeine in the blood of Daphnia will determine the heart β†’

Ochem lab report distillation assignment

Distillation Objective: To illustrate the use of distillation for separating a mixture of two volatile liquids with different boiling points. During the initial stages of the distillation, continue to maintain a rapid boiling rate.

Fallen angels book report

Peewees childish attitude is probably how most soldiers at his age acted and the fact that the war influenced him deeply into the man he was during the brave rescue of Monaco and who he is today shows that there's always some good in anything. The truth of war is understood by many and as β†’

Wais-iii psychological assessment report essay

His Verbal Comprehension Index score of 136 places John in the 99th percentile rank, and a Working Memory Index score of 141 in the percentile rank, both of which fall under the Very Superior range. The discrepancy comparison of John's overall Verbal IQ and Performance IQ indicates significant differences to the advantage of Verbal β†’

3-1 anti-market bias

For instance, the clip is of the assumption that most people are prone to market bias that leads them to make wrong decisions. The argument is presented in regards to the kidney market in the United States.

On the relationship of theory to practice in political right by kant

The head of state is the only individual who is superior to others while all others are members of the commonwealth and are equal. This is undeniably a fairly detailed and comprehensive explanation of the way theory relates to practice in the political right.

Critical response to many rivers to cross by june jordan

One is inevitably led to believe that the connection between her past and present is undeniable. It must be noted that June Jordan is not the first person to write on these issues.

The marriage of heaven and hell william blake

In plate 14 of this poem, he says that the destruction of the creation is true and that the cherub with his flaming sword will be sent to destroy the world. This is because the creation appears to be finite and very corrupt He wants to take off the notion in peoples mind that the β†’

Microbiology unknowns lab report assignment

We inserted the needle in the unknown bacteria and then we inserted the needle into the agar to the bottom of the tube and pulled it up along the slope of the slant. By the color of the broth with the unknown bacteria turning red we determined that it is a positive result.

Ecology lab report assignment

Payne examined the relationship between reservoir water retention times and phytoplankton algae production in the summer.Dry. Their study showed that reservoirs with typically short retention times, such as reservoirs on the Cooks River, are more susceptible to hyperthyroid effects and higher chlorophyll a concentrations when retention times are increased even moderately.

Case study report: odi

When it comes to appealing characteristics, the three types of chicken farms are the same: less cannibalism, less feed cost, and less the temporary weight loss, and the retardation of egg production. From the perspective of less feed cost, the debeaking chicken only can eat the feed in the trough at least 3/8" deep, while β†’

The 9/11 commission reports recommendations

The 9/11 Commission reports recommendations had a number of warnings regarding the security gaps in American intelligence community and these recommendations had a number of implications for the FBI agent. For example, although the agency has made a number of reforms since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the commission report recommended further changes in a number β†’


Hence, his vision of the Christian metaphysics runs into different terms to make a reader understand the reality of causative-consecutive line of events presupposed with a rich history of the Christianity against the rest of the world's religions. In addition, Owens provides his vision of metaphysics in Christianity through foci-Aristotelianism and Thomism in further rendering β†’

Book report: man’s searching for meaning essay

It is a simple case of journey that includes several theories and relativistic realism of facts stating the mind and actions of the people inside the camp. Because the setting of the story is in a camp, Frankl discussed also the lives of the police in and out of the location.

Research report – transistors

The transistor showed to be a practical alternative to the vacuum tube and, by the late 1950s, replaced the vacuum tubes in many applications. Contributions of each of the 3 main scientists involved in the development of the transistor The invention of the transistor in 1947 was the success of 3 top-class scientists, John Bardeen, β†’


The incident comes to the attention of the jury who must give a ruling on whether the driver or the victim who denied blood transfusion was on the wrong. It is possible that the driver was speeding and not capable of a full control in the process of driving, and this enabled the occurrence of β†’

Evolution of business report

The move by the firm to open an office in Miami presented a new platform for the employees to take advantage of the diverse workforce and working environment. The ability of a diverse workforce in transforming the product and market approach presents an important baseline for the organization to benefit from the huge population in β†’

Report on organisational change and multiculturalism in ikea

With the help of a study on IKEA, the international chain of home and office furniture stores, the report will attempt to analyse the challenges faced by international managers in the process of keeping up with the demands of multiculturalism, a direct consequence of globalisation. 5 Resistance to Change: When a group seeks change in β†’

Principles of management google organization report commerce essay

The intranet at Google is crystalline promoting squads to portion adumbrate inside informations of their undertakings with the remainder of the company. The company besides invests to a great extent in instruction.

Business horizontal communication case study report

Lateral communication is communication between different individuals and, departments, or organisms on the same organizational Lateral/Horizontal Communication ere term lateral communication can be used interchangeably as horizontal communication. In sum, lateral communication allows for a spirit of collaboration and teamwork by empowering employees at every level of the organizational hierarchy to work effectively together ".[4] β†’

Microbiology lab report assignment

We are interested in the renewal of exploration following rearrangement of objects within the open field apparatus used as the initial novel surroundings for the rats. Subjects were placed in the middle of the open field maze with no objects in it.

Reading summary

He describes it as the process that the worker is subjected to feel foreign to the products that are as a result of their work. He explores the modes of distributing the capital and wealth that accumulated to the communities that it originated.

Tapal tea pvt. limited: report

TAPAL TEA History of Tapal Tea The journey of Tapal's remarkable success is the combined efforts of three dynamic generations of the Tapal Family. The introduction of a hard pack is a tribute to the diversity of strong heritage of tea culture in the four corners of the Pakistan.

Lab report free essay sample

In the lab performed on September 24, 2010, animal behavior of the isopods was recorded, specifically in the climate that they preferred. Our hypothesis turned out to be correct, and in a ten minute observation, more isopods were located in the wet environment after data was recorded.

The roles of virgil and beatrice in inferno and purgatorio

Dante takes him as his hero to support the value of 'Justice' and 'Reason' without any strict religious application and this is the main role of Virgil in the comedy. As stated by Kirkpatrick Beatrice has played the role of a teacher in the comedy as well and seems to be an everlasting teacher as β†’

William e. leuchtenburg, franklin d. roosevelt and the new deal 1932-1940

Roosevelt and the New Deal 1932-1940 Review Prior to the New Deal, the great depression occurred affecting both the rich and the poor when the fiscal market collapsed. In 1931, the unemployment rate peaked, and this is the year of collapsing of the Bank of the United States rendering losses of millions in bank deposits.

Sorting device for metal stampings experiment / fluid power – lab report example

The devices like single displacement cylinder, pressure gauge, control valve, push button valve were the main ones included to proceed with the experiment. It was seen that when the push button is pressed the lower pressure gauge went to " 6" immediately.

Mid – – lab report example

Initially, the layout and planning of the building involved the consideration of the strategic location of the various rooms, walls, openings like doors and windows and also the number of floors to be constructed. The layout of the foundation was designed in that it allowed the building to be effectively connected to a suitable foundation β†’

A detailed business report on shell nigeria business essay

It is the largest single commodity in the International market and the Petroleum industry is one of the largest industries in the world. Shell continued to dominate the Nigerian oil industry for long until Nigeria joined the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries in 1971, after which the country began to take a firmer control of β†’

Report about plagiarism is one form of academic dishonesty, although it cannot be assumed that all plagiarism occurs merely because a student is aiming to cheat. discuss

0 Literature review The thin line between plagiarism and cheating led to a study conducted on the UKuniversities by Franklin- Stokes and Newstead that did a research on plagiarism and cheating and found out that while cheating is more intentional. A researches done by the Australian Department of Education, science and Training between 2001 and β†’

Virtual vineyards marketing report flashcard

Market Segmentation Virtual Vineyards have segmented the market and aim their wine sales at an upper income group who are prepared to pay a premium for independent wines. When they sell the wine they forward 55%-70% of the sales price to the supplier and keep the balance.

1- is history fiction, ch. 9, 2- global history of modern historiography, ch. 6, pp. 281-306; 3- phillips,ch.1 4- brown ‘(excerpts)

Summary of Global History of Modern Historiography-Chapter 6 Chapter 6 of the book entails a discussion of postmodernism and linguistic turn, development of contemporary historiography in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America history, subaltern studies, and post-colonialism. In explaining the definition and relation of history to other disciplines, the chapter focusses on African history.

The epic of gilgamesh

Gilgamesh's story says the reason for the flood was that the noise of civilization so loud as to be intolerable the flood was the gods' way of stifling it. Equally similar to the story of the Ark, Gilgamesh was also allowed to take his family on the boat as well, and he also brought along β†’

Enthalpy of reactants lab report assignment

A known volume of water is poured into the cup and a thermometer is placed through the lid and under the surface of the water. When the chemical reaction occurs in the cup, the heat of the reaction is absorbed by the water.

The necklace and story of an hour

Instead, she is a type- a figure whose motivation is to fill in the gaps in her own character, in the same way, that the detective fills in the gaps in the mystery narrative. Although the event and the dress are prerequisites for Madame Loisel's happiness, she is " utterly miserable" and seriously contemplates not β†’

Preliminary research reports

The Austrian authorities took charge and freed the body from the ice with a jackhammer and scattered and destroyed some of tzi's possessions2. The body of tzi is a superb example of ' wet mummy' or ' ice mummy' preservation.tzi's body had been trapped under glacial ice for over 5000 years; this and the relatively β†’

Reporting what happened

Also, the use of estar in this scenario is different from the hypothesis because the hypothesis states that estar is used with temporary qualities. We came to a conclusion that this hypothesis is not a strong hypothesis because it is very hard to test and in class we learned that a well-written hypothesis is one β†’

Human nature and morality in realism, naturalism and modernism

The theme of choice is unveiled through the struggle and morality of the main characters. The " Lottery" criticizes the absence of human dignity and morals through the theme of collective choice and traditions.

Critique (body aches, kenneth quick. st charles: churchsmart, 2009)

The book exposes the proximate cause of the problems facing the church body and enables the leaders of the church to understand the needs of their congregations. God's discipline is akin to the discipline of a child.

Dbs annual report

Even as the income contribution from our markets outside Singapore has increased, our leading market share in Singapore continues to grow not an easy feat given our size and the maturity of our home market. In 2012, our Singapore customer income today account for 28% of the Group's income, compared to 17% in 2009.

Diffusion osmosis lab report assignment

I predicted that all of the tubes will be in a hypotonic environment after the 30 minutes because there is a higher concentration of water outside the cell. The control of the experiment was the model cell where there was water inside and outside the cell.

Report on product innovation charter of a manufacturing company

The objective of the report is to understand the different guidelines for BDFP to produce such product. SCOPE The scope of this study is to analyze the Product Innovation process of the Dairy Food Process of BDFP.