Genuine Report Examples

Budgeting analysis and report of massachusetts

In that respect, governments have budgeting planning that is specific to their constituents' needs and that defines the objective of this analysis which seeks to demonstrate the budgeting process for a State in view of its status and environment. To achieve the objective, the analysis uses the case of Massachusetts State in the US.

Analysis of guidance regarding marijuana enforcement.memorandum for all united states attorneys article

Review and Reflection Paper The article is about a guidance reinforcement paper or a memorandum that is in support of a previous memorandum that was issued under the Controlled Substances Act. I believe that it is very important to carry out such steps that combat illegal marijuana business because of the occurrence of marijuana related β†’

Report on business & ethics

Despite the fact that the FDA preparing its evaluation and critics of triclosan shows their point of view to restrict its use Colgate and other product manufacturers have to make a decision what they going to say about this matter to the market anf their customers, more importantly when and how to convey it is β†’

A report to determine the benefits of a good staff welfare system

A REPORT TO DETERMINE THE BENEFITS OF A GOOD STAFF WELFARE SYSTEM BY MARK ROSS 21ST October 2012 CONTENTS Introduction1 Executive Summary1 Staff welfare and organisational objectives1 Process for assessing staff welfare2 Actions to be taken2 Communicating responsibilities for staff welfare3 Recording and maintaining staff welfare systems4 Conclusion4 Bibliography4 i 1. Identify the actions to β†’

Business communication case study report

It highlights the issues currently being faced by the company; the need for enhanced communication between the different parts of the companies' structure, and the effects on communication caused by tensions created during the orientation of the company. This has resulted in a number of challenges to be faced; staff anxious about their role in β†’

Indian accounting system and international financial reporting standards accounting essay

Current Accounting practice in India: All the accounting practices done by the public and the organized private sector companies are based on the rules of The Companies Act, 1956, and in many criteria they are similar to International Accounting Standards. The financial reporting system should be of a global standard to attract foreign companies and β†’

A typed report concerning herman melville’s overall style, typical subjects, influences, etc incorporating specific references to works

Melville's poem, John Marr And Other Sailors, speaks to the reader in a direct manner which is typical of Melville's style of narration that he used in his novel and short story. His greatest work was Moby-Dick and this shows Melville's typical style with all the elements as discussed in this essay.

Mechanical testing lab report

Materials and Methods For the first method of this experiment, the Rockwell hardness testing of brass, the TA prepared three different types of brass for testing. 5 The remaining method that was discussed in this experiment is the Jominy quench-test.

Free report on physics

Blow up the inflatable, and squeeze the end of the blow up to keep the air inside. Tape the inflatable to the straw so that the opening of the blow up is even with the ground.

Feasibility report distributed hotel inventory management system

Operational Feasibility The main purpose of this project is to develop automated and distributed program for hotel inventory management. Social and Ethical Considerations Our purpose of developing this software is to facilitate business owner with automated inventory management system.

Stritical analysis report on primark

Source:- Annual Report of Armani 2008 Research and development activities Due to rapid changes in the world, cultural and custom diversity are big challenges face by the Armani Brands. A lot of brands introduce in the world fashion market, So Armani faces brand dilution and regional share of brand is lower year by year.

A report on snowboarding sport

It is advisable to travel about and bounciness to acquire a feel of the snowboard. When on the border of the bunny hill, it is a demand to sit with your board sheer and so look into whether the binding and the boot are tight plenty.

A report on otobi

4 Limitations The report is completely based on the information revealed by the representatives of the different furniture companies and on the validity and reliability of the secondary data. 4 Operation of the company In Otobi the production of a piece of furniture begins from the Business Development sector.

Journal and case briefs, on ch 5 and 6 of the

Watson In this case, an informant reported to the postal inspector that an individual by the name Watson was in possession of two credit cards that were not his against the law. This made the search and arrest that was subsequently made be unlawful in view of the Forth Amendment.

Royal corporation case analysis report

F Operations, Director of Accounting & Chairman Of the Board there as she did not make sure who will be attending the meeting Presentation: She presented about the merits of the ICC and the financial calculations generated for General Hospital Need Identification/ Handling Objections: Concerns were raised regarding Outsider Employment: issue of Confidentiality Loss of β†’

Lymphatic and immune systems – lab report example

This amplifies that the intensity of the signal detected classifying an illness early enough before is blows to the entire body of the patient. However, the Western Blot test takes its time to establish the status of an antibody, and that is why most of its results are negative.

Unethical behaviour by financial reporters in an organization

Knowledge of the code throughout the organization is essential to its implementation: in particular, employees of the firm and its subcontractors and suppliers must know of the contents of the code and a reporting system must be established that enables workers to report infringements without fear of reprisals; 4. The goal of the monitoring policy β†’

Observation report

The one-hour observation includes the child listening to a story, and playing during " center time" with the interaction with other peers and Mrs. I also think that when not listening she is exploring the environment around her to get a better understanding of it and her peers.

Microbiology lab report assignment

The lack of growth in the Penitently Alcohol agar plate confirmed that my unknown was gram negative. The growth in the Heighten Enteric Agar plate confirmed that the organism was not shillelagh nor salmonella.

Jose marti: cuban patriot by richard butler gray

The first part of the book is dedicated to Jose Marti's biography and methodically exposes his political, economic and social views. Part Three of the book deals with influence Marti is still exerting as a symbol and us of his ideas to gain popular support for some political action.

Success story: japanese-american style

The advantages of the model minority strategy include the respect for authority reinforced in the churches of the Japanese-Americans, and has a meaningful link to the original culture. However, for the other Asian Americans, the effectiveness of the Japanese acquired through the minority model will not lessen within a period of a lifetime.

Spiritual truth in literature of shusaku endo

But he is not handing her a copy of the Bible and telling her she should read it. He is more of a believer that the human spirit is powerful and can do almost anything.

History of architecture notebook

The vertical compilation of the structures served as a natural defense: it barred the outside world from the inside society. It was built in the landscape, thus, the architecture had to follow the ground plane, instead of vice-versa.

Theories and models of health education

There are a number of theories and models that aim at describing, analyzing and altering the behaviors and actions of individuals in the health area. It further states that the health behaviors and prevention steps are dependent on the belief of an individual related to the gravity of the health condition.

A report on olympic games

Almost all major cities compete for the right to be the host city of the next Olympic Games. Further, this essay will observe election procedure of the host city and state main requirements of the IOC for the host city.

Toyota report essay

This would help to provide a common language for the participants to conveniently communicate in and reduce any unnecessary miscommunication.iii) Host annual Stakeholder Dialogue on issues related to sustainabilityThe expectations and opinions of stakeholders in business activities are critical in ensuring sustainability that in turn leads to success. As participating businesses need one another's assistance β†’

Indian students in revisiting american indian educational experiences by clifford e. trafzer

The books showed that despite the school's attempt to " civilize" its students, it still failed to destroy the native children's tribal identities. It showed the resolve of the students at boarding school to retain an identity that was purposely eroded through a policy of assimilation.

Gummy bear osmosis lab report assignment

Hypothesis: My hypothesis for this experiment is that the Gummy bear will absorb more of the plain tap and sugar water and the salt water will shrink the gummy Procedure: Materials- 3 clear cups, one spoon, 3 gummy bears, timer, tap water, salt, sugar, ruler, and beaker Fill one cup of tap water, one cup β†’

Chemistry report

The volumetric flask is filled with three-quarters of the flask and then, the flask is stoppered and mixed well. 0mL of the iron solution is pipetted into a clean 250mL conical flask.

History of childcare in the united states

History of childcare in the United States History of childcare in the United States dates back to the 19th century when the first organizations were established to consider children's plight. The ICC then advocated for a bill to ensure children's welfare but the bill was rejected in 1959.

Read waiting for lefty in waiting for lefty and other plays (odets)

533612 The " Dramatic Action" In " Waiting for Lefty and Other Plays" the " dramatic action" of the story was a huge political consequence that took place in America during 1935. Parallels between Steinbeck and the Communist Manifesto and WFL In the ' Grapes of Wrath' Steinbeck's political views are clearly evident by way β†’

Vsepr – lab report example

5 no SF4 MX4L 120 yes XeF4 MX4L2 90 no PF5 MX5 120 and 90 no SF6 MX6 90 no 3.2. 0 no NF3 120 0.

A report on mcdonald’s malaysia

According to Goldsmith, in order to keep pace with changes in the market place and in marketing practice, the theories of marketing management and strategy need to evolve and change. The concept of the marketing mix is the central to a marketing management.

Consumer behaviour report (the sherlock holmes brand)

Today, the brand has been invented and re-invented in so many different and exotic ways that it has the potential to keep entertaining, amusing, enlightening and keeping readers, viewers and listeners of all ages engaged for a long time to come, deviating from and strengthening the original fandom, and keeping a century-old brand as alive β†’

Enzyme report

Objectives 1) To see the significance of the relationship enzyme-structure function 2) To find out how the enzyme reactions are influence by the changes in the: The concentration of the enzyme, the substrate, the PH, ions, temperature and the inhibitor. These chemical reactions involve the breaking and the reformation of the bonds between the substrates β†’

A project report on alcon mercedes benz marketing essay

5 Crores, Alcon's state-of-the-art dealership represents all the brand attributes of Mercedes-Benz: a magnificent showroom, drive-in valet service, a luxurious customer lounge and well trained staff to complete the Mercedes-Benz experience. With establishment of the facility at Goa, Mercedes-Benz now enjoys a network spread across 26 cities with over 55 touch-points in India and retains β†’

Community in literature

Whether positive or negative, the community molds the people as the people inside try to change some things in the community. The community is just a reflection of the people's choices.

The hunger games

The narrator of the story, Katniss Everdeen is a 16-year-old woman who sets to convene with her friend named Gale for the purpose of indulging in hunting and gathering before the beginning of reaping the same afternoon. As she makes her way to the meadow from her home finally arriving in the woods where it β†’

Movie far from heaven

Far From Heaven is a period film by Todd Hynes, taking the viewer into the tabulations in the family as well as the lives of the people in the bourgeois society of the fifties. The normalcy of life of the days of the American dream seems to be very fragile as the society hides a β†’

Business report: royal dutch shell vs exxonmobil

2 Primary comparison between Royal Dutch Shell and ExxonMobil In the annual rankings of GLOBAL 500 provided by Fortune magazine, Royal Dutch Shell and ExxonMobil ranked the first and second place respectively in the year 2009. 2 Sources: Royal Dutch Shell Annual Report, 2008, ExxonMobil Annual Report, 2008 This report will compare and analyze the β†’

Drilling and completion report sample

Since the length of the horizontal well was significantly extended, the right path was determined at the start of the project to avoid a change of course or need to redesign. In cases where the drilling process was impacted by the inability the extend the length the hole, the following measures were employed, rotating the β†’

Tuition reimbursement implementation report essay sample

In order to keep up with the competition, and to continue to evolve with the business needs of the company, a tuition reimbursement program is being introduced to ensure each employee has an opportunity to influence the career path taken within the company. The ability to offer each employee the ability to access and complete β†’

Product design and prototype making – lab report example

The main aim of the report was to come up with a question list following the inquiry from the client. The report also aims at improving the interpretation of the needs of customers and taking the necessary actions.

The solubility curve of potassium nitrate experiment report essay sample

The dissolved substance is called the solute and the dissolving fluid is called the solvent, which together form a solution. The solubility of one substance dissolving in another is determined by the intermolecular forces between the solvent and solute, temperature, the entropy change that accompanies the solvation, the presence and amount of other substances, and β†’


Eun, Samsung executive said that the deal puts Samsung in a position to provide mobile payment services and related products.Mr. CurrentC will be on the market in the course of the year, and its technology differs from that used by Samsung.

Summary of the woman warrior written by maxine hong kingston

The writer, Maxine Hong Kingston blends autography with old folktales from the Chinese, portraying an experience of the Chinese Americans living in the US in the shadow of the Chinese revolution. This created fear of the known - Chinese people in her.

Flying for peanuts

It is important to mention that while reading the book, one would learn about Irma, the person who formulated the customers' service policy of the organization which has made them the favorite airline among virtually ordinary America in the United States. It is about Herbert Kelleher, the former Chairman of the Board of Directors and β†’

The awakening by kate chopin

Her devotion could not make her a true artist though the painting was a passion to her. Though her passion for painting only brought misery to her at last, she as the above lines suggest was able to realize and bring out her real nature.

Naturalism in sister carrie

In the novel the main character, Carrie, begins to adjust to the changes in her life after she breaks away from the life she is dissatisfied with in Wisconsin. In comparison to the literary qualities of Naturalism found in the character representations of Carrie and Drouet, the literary qualities of Realism would depict the two β†’

Tripple m stratigic management report

The recognition for fast growing exports of " Super Crisp' was authenticated by the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries when it awarded Export Performance Trophy to the company Which is a sure proof of the quality of products being marketed by Tripple Em 7 2 Vision Our vision is to provide fresh, β†’

The history of mary prince, a west indian slave, related by herself ( moira ferguson ) part 2

Refusal of Mr wood to grand prince freedom compelled the Alderman bury anti slavery society to sue Mr wood in order to grand prince and her husband to return without being free persons, However the departure of Mr Woods to Antigua made the judge dismiss the petition as the hearing could not go ahead without β†’

Why i want to be a reporter essay

However, Bring a camera and record interesting events or be in front of the camera and delivers the news which is not factual or directly from the scene, it's such a cool thing, but for me, not the prestige like that which is all I wanted from being a reporter. Lots of other things that β†’

Characteristics of unreached perfection in life

The only difference was Merrick had a physical deformity, whereas Dr. Treves leaves the play with a better understanding of life through Merrick.

Devil in the grove

The case was held in Florida and was more significant to the people of Florida because the enforcement of the court order begun in the region. Question Four In the case, the defence team managed to change the rape case to a broader consideration of prejudice, discrimination and race in America because the accused were β†’

Volumetric analysis chemistry lab report

In this case though, finding the molarity of the acid used in the reaction is then used to determine the percent of that acid in a vinegar solution and compared to the standard value for % acid present in vinegar. It must be understood that the number of moles of the reacting NaOH and the β†’

Physics example lab report

Clipboard: Cork: Rubber: Sandpaper: 1 BlockMu=. 72 Static Friction Coefficients calculated: Clipboard: Cork: Rubber: Sandpaper: 1 BlockMu=.

Planet organic marketing report flashcard

We also expect to carry out secondary research with the help of Planet Organics newsletter, the Internet and the Planet Organic website. More and more people are choosing to purchase and look into eating organic food because they want to know what they are eating, the reassurance that the environment has not been harmed in β†’

Supply and demand – tax incidence

Williams discussed in his article the burden of the tax, and who gets the most of it. So in this situation, the consumers are the most affected because the burden is passed on to them.

Hist 360 – the world in canada diaspora, emography and domestic politics chapter 3, 4, 5

First is the emergence of political parties allied to the various ethnic groups and the diaspora community. Therefore, the relationship between Canada and the two is different countries because decisions are made by the communities in the two cities hence different Canadian approach's in addressing the same issues.

Dove report

And in the 1980s, the brand launched a new product line, which constitutes of liquid body wash, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant/anti-perspirants and body lotion" Just to name a few. Racial and religious harmony is regarded by the government as a crucial part of Singapore's success and played a part in building a Singaporean identity.

Minimol report from the “cyberbullying research center”

Cyber bullying should be taught in school, so that the students couldget chance to understand the effects of cyber bullying Also, in this way, theycan aware of the consequences. One of the other way to stopthe cyber bullying is to block the bully.

Npr’s report concerning phonemic awareness

Moving on, the five key concepts in phonemic awareness are: phonemic awareness can be taught and learned, phonemic awareness instruction helps children learn to read, phonemic awareness instruction helps children learn to spell, phonemic awareness instruction is most effective when children are taught to manipulate phonemes by using the letters of the alphabet, and phonemic β†’

T. schettler – developmental disabilities

Based on the background information of the article, the importance of the topic is due to the increasing prevalence of related cases which include learning disabilities, ADHD, delays in development and problems related to emotional and behavioral aspects of development. Upon analysis of the article by Schettler, it can be considered that the study is β†’

Project report on head&shoulders shampoo essay sample

The market penetration of hair gels/creams is very low, and is limited to a small section of the urban market. In the 1860s, the meaning of the word shifted from the sense of massage to that of applying soap to the hair.

The lost hero – book report

When he put the story all together, it relate a lot to the myth of Greek and Roman people, sometimes it seems to make the myth make more sense. Leo was also brave when he alone fought off the three Cyclops to rescue Piper and Jason.

Has the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill worked

The paper " Has the Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill Worked" is an outstanding example of a psychology book report. So far deinstitutionalization has not worked to the expectations of the people.

Lulu lemon business modle generation

The Canvas business model is one of the models that is crucial in solving customer related issues. This approach would be important to solve the challenges in Lulu lemon company.

Correlation report

This is a report of a study to assess the reliability and validity of the self-efficacy optimism personality inventory, a subtest of the Questionnaire for the Assessment of Personal Optimism and Social Optimism Extended, as a predictor of achievement in an academic setting." Self-efficacy optimism" refers to the tendency of expecting positive consequences based on β†’

Lab report assignment

Hint: Read and study the explanations within the lab for assistance. Take a screens of the output.

Fourth grade ratio and proportion lesson plan based on ratios and proportions by bickman

The method makes it possible for students to participate in the learning process through the adoption of a learner-centered approach that involves the participation of the student in the process. The author also advocates for the need to develop a well-informed system that uses the experiences of the students to explore the fundamental questions and β†’

Produce written reports on the design engineering essay

This is used as a safety measure to allow high-pressures to be reduced when the system reaches a certain pressure and the regulator will shut off the flow of gas. Flow Control ValveThe flow control valve is used to control the flow by restricting or throttling the air in a particular direction.

Little women by louisa may alcott

Jo looks up to her mother, who manages the whole March household single-handedly in the absence of her husband, and through her, learns to be independent just like her, and to hold her head high despite all deprivations and calamities of life, always aware that her mother would always be there for her in times β†’

A report on managing across cultures management essay

The following report briefly attempts to address these recurrent inadequacies that often derail lucrative global business endeavours by trying to highlight a simple structure of initial planning, followed up by proper positioning and the final execution that can serve to assist in the management of the people that are the driving force that engineer businesses β†’

ο»Ώlab report format for meteorology lab essay sample

Then, you will graph some of the weather data to draw conclusions about the relationships between the data. Objective: The objective of this lab assignment is to determine how we can use weather data to predict the weather.

Concert report essay

I thought the Dynamics were good and when it needed to be loud it was, and when it needed to be soft it was. In the second movement, the shepherd is tired and rest is denied because of the fear of lightning and thunder and the furious swarm of flies and hornets.

The war against imperialism

Failure of America to pacify the Israeli- Palestinian war and the Islamic anti-Americanism matures from hypocrisy in the system. His torrid ahoy for America to evoke the Christian ideals of love and justice in the Middle East is inspiring.

Lab report-drosophila melanogaster essay

According to Chi 2 Test values of 71 individuals tested the expected offspring would occur as follows: 40 wild wing-ebony bodied: 13 wild winged-ebony bodied: 13 vestigial winged-wild bodied: 4 vestigial winged-ebony bodied flies. Out of the 71 flies observed we found 40 wild winged wild ebony body.

Child observation report

I interacted a little with the adults at the table so that I did not seem out of place to the children. During the time of observation she displayed running around the backyard both with her brother and with the family dog, walking over to the play center, climbing over the chair on the deck, β†’

Mexican muralists: orozco, rivera, siqueiros

The murals they painted represented the Mexican's struggle in searching for their identity, as well as liberty and justice and their sense or origin. He works like Jim Casy in the Grapes of Wrath, where the character was a preacher who thought that holiness in found on humans and the earth, not in heavens.

Thermodynamics of borax lab report assignment

This experiment was inducted to determine the standard entropy and enthalpy of the dissolving reaction of borax in water. The thermodynamic properties of the reaction helped to determine the change in heat and spontaneity within the system.

Business report format evaluate essay

To be able to understand and be informed of what flavors the customers would like to see on the menu, the business carries out the market research. This would attract the customers to purchase their goods as they are informed and aware that the coffee is produced and delivered in a moral manner.

The history teacher by billie collins

Hence, the objective of the poem is to ridicule the absurd notions about 'the protection of innocence' through a distorted and concocted rendition of the harsh realities of life. The true grasp over the humor inherent in the poem calls for a thorough understanding of the contrast existing between the teacher's soft and sugar-coated euphemisms β†’

Protozoa report

The Amoeba called the Sarcodines and the Flagellates called the Mastigotes are sometimes linked into one group called the Sarcomastigotes because of similar features. The membrane of a pseudopod is able to stick to most surfaces, and the rest of the cell sort of " flows" into position.

Rapid colony transformation of e -coli with plasmid dna – lab report example

Incubation: The DNA is added and the cell suspension is kept at 0C.the cations are thought to neutralize negatively charged phosphates in the DNA and the cell membrane.3. Samples of both the cell suspensions, one with just the E-coli and the other with E-Coli with added plasmids-are put on two plates with two types of β†’

Introductory research method (report)

Thus, the purpose of this report is to state the results of the research made in evaluating the level of the Statistics Anxiety among different student groups. The task of the research was also to study the prevalence of the Statistics Anxiety among the adult students, and to examine the relationship between academic procrastinations and β†’

Internship report

In order to cope with the fast changing scenario of dynamic global economy, liberalization and globalization and in the light of the directives / suggestions of the Focus group of Bangladesh Bank, the Credit Policy has been revised in October, 2005. The larger the number of correspondents and the wider the coverage area, the richer β†’

Report on the essentials of marketing at sony corporation

From the latest function of their cameras and mobile phones to the latest design and musical techniques, they had provided the world a standard to follow for them to be able to be considered also as the best in their industry. Aside from having their identity and edge over other companies in the world, they β†’

Cruelty and splendour are by products of fame and money ( excess of american dream)

First for which the paper is being written Cruelty and Splendour are by products of fame and money James Merril's " The Broken Home", is a clear reflection of that which is called the dramatic American Society. The poem stands for the reflection of the American society that epitomizes broken homes, the poem brings out β†’

Investigative report of internet addiction essay

ABSTRACT The problem of Internet addiction is not very noticeable now and that's why not many people are taking it seriously, but what these people are failing to see is the connection between the very rapid growth of the Internet and the addiction problem. INTRODUCTION Purpose The purpose of this paper is to make you, β†’

Guerrilla marketing, 4th edition: easy and inexpensive strategies for making big profits from your small business

The book discusses the main aspects behind the advent of guerrilla marketing and how it has been able to manifest success within the realms of easy and cheap strategies that are dedicated towards the small business avenues. It is a fact that Levinson has quite rightly pointed out the due role of the small business' β†’


Girl-Humans We live in a world full of " do's" and " do not" because this is how we function, this is how we survive. In " Girl" by Kincaid we see that an authority figure is giving a list of rules, and regulations to a young girl who seems to be just coming into β†’

Defending the land of the jaguar

With the evidence cited from the different sources by the author, it easy helps in understanding the main thesis of the book which is based on the history of environmental conservation in Mexico. In conclusion, the author has clearly done a good job of covering his thesis well, which is environmental conservation.

A report on the reading preferences

The reason why there are so many differences between these two types of books is maybe the KPLI students think that historical are boring to read and maybe the PPISMP TESL students not interested in studying science fiction books. As a conclusion, there are so many types of books that KPLI and PPISMP TESL students β†’

Perks of being a wallflower book report

It's a unique because it's a series of letters, not just a simple story, and I have not read anything like that. Also because this book is not just about a girl falling for a guy, which is the story in most of the books I have read.

Adam hochschild ( bury the chains ) chapter ( 6&7)

Adam Hochchild Chapter The Theme of Chapter 6 and 7 The theme of chapters six and seven is the liberation of slaves. Though separated by geographical distance, the liberators unanimously revolted slave trade arguing that the slaves had the right to resist the oppression and that every person, blacks as well as the whites, had β†’

Scenes from metropolis

Although the movie is difficult to follow, Andreas Huyssen's analytical work " The Vamp and the Machine: Technology and Sexuality in Fritz Lang's Metropolis" provides many useful brainstorms that aid in better comprehension of the movie. The first passage of interest is that which examines the background of Fritz Lang's famous but controversial film.