Genuine Report Examples

Report on internship in merchandising department

With offices in Hong Kong and Vietnam, the company provides a variety of services such as Prototyping, Logistics & Shipping and Quality Control. Work Responsibilities The department that I am assigned to is the Merchandising department. During the first week of internship, I have received training from my senior colleagues on how to write β†’

Pesticide waste tank explosion at bayer cropscience report examples

This is because the new system called for adjustments, things to check, clarifies and the complexity of the system caused a challenge. On the day of the incident at 5. The temperature rise is because of the pre-heated feed and not cold due to decompositions from the methomyl. The control board operator saw the increased β†’

Report on pricing strategies and marketing channels

Establishing the total costs right from procurement of raw materials to the supply of the products to the point of sale including a fair return for the efforts put and risk taken determine the least price that a product and service can be offered to the buyers. Demand also is crucial as it helps to β†’

Report on costco wholesale

The current consumer debts as well as the increase in taxes negatively affect the buying patterns of the Costco customers, thus decreasing the overall revenue. Rising prices for commodities also pose a threat for the business of Costco Corporation. The pressure of the higher cost may force the company to raise β†’

Political factors in apple company report sample

This many have a negative effect on the profitability levels of Apple Company as it may not be able to meet the high demand for its products in the different parts of the world. Some of the countries in which Apple Company sells its products may not be friendly to the United States; therefore, they β†’

Free research paper on lowes company report

The company also has a new corporate campus that was built next to Charlotte while the headquarters of the Subsidiary company is in Toronto Ontario. The inventory turnover ratio is calculated by dividing net sales over inventory and it leads to the number of times. For Lowe's company the inventory turnover ratio for 2012 was β†’

Bunnings it infrastructure transformation (bunnings australia) report sample

The team leaders will be the ambassador of the new technology program in their respective departments. The new technology is indeed new to Bunnings Warehouse and as such, the program will require in-depth practical approach to enhancing the skills. The eminence of products and services Bunnings offers will have a new dimension directed to the β†’

Example of raydon: a business overview report

However, all these individuals work with the Military Subject Matter Experts to engage with the many different facets of the types of training that Raydon provides so even the customer service experts and the IT professionals at the company have a working knowledge of the products and training systems that are produced by the company. β†’

Washington state university report

In order to asses my competency and technical knowhow, I have attached a copy of my resume and a comprehensive portfolio detailing the reasons why I am applying for your company. I believe that my mixture of resourcefulness, knowledge of the world, and experience with engineering as an undergraduate student of Bachelor of Science in β†’

Example of report on hr practices within a company

Being a multinational giant, the company has a diverse workforce and the implementation of the total reward strategy as a human resource practice helps it to motivate and enhance performance of its workforce. The strategy of total reward as a human resource practice has been linked with several motivational theories including Maslow's hierarchy of needs. β†’

Knowledge management strategy of gs ltd report examples

Management of knowledge and its dissemination to the right person is one of the most crucial tasks of knowledge management system. Before managing the knowledge in the organization through the knowledge management system, it is required to adopt a knowledge management model. In the case of Global software, it is suggested a very simple knowledge β†’

Free international foundation year programme report example

These children are exposed to worst condition; they are beaten, work for long hours, they are not given sufficient for and denied education. - Definition Corporate social responsibility: which is defined as a model in which organizations include the social and environmental issues in their business processes and engagement with the company's stakeholders on a β†’

Example of research paper on the report

The report addresses the International Financial Reporting Standards establishment of general accounting rules followed by International Accounting Standards Board and International Federation of Accounts in control of financial audit. Introduction The CPA report by the public accounting firm reviews XYZ Corporation's financial statement in β†’

Marketing consultancy report sample

The internal environment of the student marketing group comprises of the elements within the marketing firm that make up the firm. Using the ten students would also provide a remedy to the issue of measuring penetration and impact of the advertisements run on the lids of the laptops. Management The management of Kiai Marketing β†’

Free marketing mix report example

In a nutshell, the study will give more insights on the product of the company, the place of operation and its distribution networks, the promotional policies and the pricing strategy used by the firm to its customers. Overview of Company Safestore Holdings Plc was established in 1998 in the United Kingdom. The personal customers β†’

Example of the external management environment report

Despite being successful in the Tasmania, the company has not taken the strict initiative to seek expansion opportunities in the global market other than India and Thailand especially as a result of the financial costs involved. The idea of expanding a business to a new international market is a challenging decision that requires an organization β†’

Financial analysis: dominoz pizza enterprise inc reports example

All such factors contributed in the rise of net profit margins during 2012. Later during 2013, although the proportion of COGS to Total Sales continued to fall, however decrease in proportion of the operating revenue from 38. During 2011, the proportion of total equity to the total liabilities was 65.

Example of speaker series report: michelle bigley essay

Bigley's talk, she enumerated the essential skills and abilities that one must possess if he wants to be valuable to a company. Management must be aware of one's value to the company so that no person in the organization can put him down.

Internet technology, marketing and security report example

The first aspect is the perception of the role of social media in marketing which is dependent on the needs of the business as well as the effort placed in moving forward in the implementation of social media platforms. Evaluation of the reasons why social media marketing has become exceedingly β†’

Work place health & safety report samples

It enumerates best practices in health and safety measure at the workplace that keep all workers safe. Adequacy of policies and procedures The policy is efficient enough to achieve the objectives of the company. There are no inconsistencies in the application of the policy between the management and the workers.

Ratio analysis report examples

The results of the calculations show that the company purchases and sells stock almost 19 times in a year. Profitability ratios Assets turnover= salestotal assets= 107962002675250= 4 This ratio is useful to both the management and owners of a business. 06 This is a ratio which is used by the management to β†’

My favorite part of the story and its significance report

The most remarkable part of his story that really left a mark was the one that described how he directed the opening of new Chick-Fil-A stores and how he administered every transaction and inquiry that has something to do with his franchising company. It is only a reflection of the ethics that you have for β†’

Report on service experience

The report explains my personal experience of visiting the coffee shop and uses the three stage model of service consumption to analyze the quality of service. The report has used three stage model of service consumption along with the identifying the perceived risks and how I managed to reduce these risks.

Report on vaseline company, its development and impact

But as time progressed, the company became larger and Vaseline is manufactured all around the world in places such as Europe, Canada, Africa etc. Vaseline was founded in the 1870s by Robert Chesebrough. They proudly say that the regular Vaseline is 100% petroleum jelly but other products do not have the ingredients listed.

Good example of global airline industry: 3 report

The interior of the airplane is supposed to be attractive and technologically sound, in order to gain that designers are asked to work collaboratively with airplane furnish specialists. GLOBAL AIRLINE INDUSTRY: The scope and capacity of airline companies are based on a wide range of services starting from a distinct airplane transporting cargo or mail, β†’

Search engines report sample

Equally, it is quite difficult to verify the legitimacy and validity of information produced from the search query because search engines lack control mechanisms and anybody is capable of adding information on the web. Search engines operate by storing information concerning a wide number of pages that are retrievable from the web. Google and Yahoo β†’

Report on working with and leading people

Confronting competition through support and mentoring is a very good way of responding to such challenges regardless of the degree of global markets Supervision on the other hand relates to training where the best way one gets training the lesser they require supervision styles working culture and practices and as a team they work together β†’

Good poor internal communications causing dissatisfied customer service report example

Provision of effective or excellent customer care service by all employees at Shaw Cable Systems, therefore, remains one of the most neglected and challenging areas in the organization. The Core Problem at Shaw Cable Systems A close analysis of Shaw Cable Systems shows that most employees at the company are passing on wrong or β†’

Letter from president – report

The extensive growth of the company is attributable to your trust and confidence you have created in the management over years as well as the management commitment to the company. The company has made use of social sites such as face book and twitter to reach clients from all corners of the globe. The diversity β†’

Demand and supply in price determination report samples

It is important that the marketing team at Lenovo keep developing new demand and supply curves so that they can understand the market conditions and set prices that are favorable for their continued existence in the market. Any change in demand or supply leads to a change in the equilibrium point and hence the price β†’

Good example of company assessment report

Presented is the organization assessment of the illustrated factors, depicting the state of each of the factor in the organization, the current handling and subsequent influence on the system. Each of the factors is assessed and reported with findings and suggestions. - Team Orientation: The value of the team environment is β†’

Practicum report essay sample

I learned the deadlines of the payment and filing of different returns and learn the flow of the work. Also, I was able to build a good relationship with the staff of the company and with my co-trainees. And it is all thanks to all of the people that help me.

Good example of report on agency problems and the ways in which it could be solved

An agency problem, known as a conflict of interest, comes to existence when there is a clash of interest between the needs of the agent and the demands of the principal. A conflict of interest or an agency problem is said to be inherent in any kind of relationship where one party is obliged to β†’

Report on derby canal

Executive Summary This report will highlight the basic weaknesses of the Derby Canal project and will talk about the lack of planning and awareness of the project. Introduction This report presents an analysis about the restoration of Derby Canal and the various negative factors associated with it. Due to the lack of β†’

Liquidity report examples

This is however, not higher than the recommended threshold of 1: 1 so the company is still safe and is not at a risk of being insolvent even if the lenders demanded their contribution to the company. Capital market analysis ratios The company has posted better ratios in this category as compared to the β†’

Free report on current issues in canadian business

In his article Made in Canada: How Local Companies Can Compete with International Outsourcers Andrew Seale brings to the lime light the prospective loss of business faced by local manufactures due to the cheap low quality products being imported to the Canadian market. The burden thus lies squarely on the small businesses to be β†’

Free understanding the csr by volkswagen report sample

Exploring the theme further, as a writer, I would be focussing chiefly on the unique features of Volkswagen's CSR policy. In paragraphs to follow, we will be discussing the various aspects of the CSR activity by Volkswagen, which all when combined together form the complete CSR policy of the company. - Ecological Aspect: Volkswagen is especially β†’

Impact of financial crisis and foreign direct investment in the united states report sample

84% of the FDI inflow in the the year 2010 came through or from eight countries: The United Kingdom, Switzerland, Japan, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Canada and the Netherlands. Figure 1 below shows the FDI into the US by country FDI into the US by country Foreign Direct Investment inflow of the United β†’

Johnson & johnson business strategic plan report

The evaluative plan describes the achievements of the Company in current years according to the specific action plan. The company invests in long-term goals by leveraging its products and services; his strategy benefits the shareholders, resulting in the overall well-being to its customers and patients.

Stock analysis – hastings entertainment inc report sample

The reason for short listing this company is that this stock is old, under evaluated and performing good in the industry. Overview of the Company a) State of Incorporation the Hastings entertainment was incorporated in Texas. b) Price/ Equity Ratio 0.20. c) Market Capitalization 16. The company serves a wide β†’

Holly frontier corporation report examples

The North Sea oil fields being depleted is another key explanation for the divergence in forward prices between Brent and WTI. The pressure on the prices of oil has continued during recent weeks, causing the prices of Brent to drop below 100 dollars per barrel in April 2013. This pushed the US to become a β†’

Corporate rebranding report example

The authors focused on the results or effects of a corporate rebranding initiative implemented by a telecommunication company where they aimed to determine the employees' perception of how well the current attitudes and behaviors in the company were reflected in the new corporate brand values; whether this perception varied among subgroups within the company; and β†’

Maintaining and improving operations report

To maintain the supply, the company gives emphasis to the quality of the products and flexibility of prices in the products. There is continuous improvement of the technology that helps to reduce traffic and reduce the impact of the problem. Location is another component in the Wal-Mart company because it determines the success of the β†’

Report on cultural barriers and diversity issues

Some traditions are in contrast with the operations of some multinational organizations bringing difficulties in their ventures. Why has diversity become such an important topic in the international arena? Diversity has become an issue in the international arena because of its advantages that helps in seeing the companies' through. Some of this includes environmental problems β†’

Recommendation report

The HR will design, or rather develop, a new strategy to train its' employees in a manner that addresses the problem concerning phone etiquette. New training will require executive coaching and mentoring of the proper understanding of what the company expects from its calling center representatives, what duties are to be performed, β†’

Report on operations management restaurant mcdonalds

It studies the various the components of operations management and how effectively it has been utilised in McDonald's. The corporation is the leader in adopting latest technology in the fast food category. The employee strength is a good indicator of the extent of presence of McDonald's and its contribution to β†’

Organizational behavior report examples

The loss of authenticity in this perspective has shortcomings on the image of because the company looks at operating as a global leader in world technology. Without overlooking the said benefits of maintaining the secrecy policy in the workplace, as a manager I would change the policy and ban it from the organization. From β†’

Example of case study on environmental management report

As a result, this document intends to: Enhance the identification of opportunities to implement pollution prevention methods. Avoid the problem of being the cause of pollution around the facility. Provide a mechanism that prevents pollution and educate the workers of the facility to understand the significance of environmental friendliness. Goal The goal of this β†’

The framework of this report is presented below case study example

These, together with other factors, have led the company to liquidation in 2001. This report summarizes the key facts from the start of the company business, its capital structure, the people involved in the accounting scandal, the auditing scenario, factors that contributed to the business failure, the audit risks existing at that time, to the β†’

Free report on well & safe

This served the purpose of bringing the families into the healthcare fold as well, because spouses and children also have a healthcare cost on the company. Another case that Claussen discusses is an UPS packing facility in California. This laid the groundwork for the evolution of a more comprehensive health care initiative that was implemented β†’

Example of biology report

Effectiveness and action of different antibiotics on bacterial cells Introduction Antibiotics are used to kill microorganism or inhibit their ability to multiply. A simple mechanism of determining the effectiveness and action of antibiotics on bacteria is using the zone of inhibition method.

Report on solutions for dossia foundation’s web portal development

This proposal seeks to make propositions that can be adopted to enhance the success of the project. Executive Summary This proposal has the following recommendations to counter the issues affecting Dossia foundation: Production of a web portal capable of handling millions of users and the relevant applications and architectures to β†’

Compensation and benefits report examples

It is a show of appreciation for their work as well as an encouragement and incentive for the employees to work and attain the company's targets. The organization can measure the performance levels of individual or group levels in different ways. The method is easy because it only involves checking the performance of all employees β†’

Knowledge management plan report examples

This paper will try and discuss the following issues: The effects that are brought about by knowledge management; The difference between knowledge management and information management; The various types of knowledge management; The chain of knowledge and the role it plays when they are used to measure the success of knowledge practices; and The β†’

The impact of eu on uk businesses report

Introduction Being among the 27 states in the European Union , the United Kingdom is subject to the policies of trade adopted by the community. Owing to the fact that many nations have joined the EU, markets of products and services from the UK have expanded.

Technology report sample

The current disource hereby aims to provide a description and analysis of technology through: providing defintions of the term; determine which industries can use the technology, and identify some of the barriers to its adoption. An article on news story about a technology or the use of a technology β†’

Business intelligence analysis report for procter and gamble report

The report is an ' actionable intelligence' that analyses some of the techniques and methodologies applied in the competitors end, with a clear focus on Unilever international and its branding and trademark development activities. New activities in marketing and promotion The focus of the market study was to determine and report the marketing strategies β†’

Mcdonalds annual report

1 in 2011) The amount of common stock cash dividends reported in the Consolidated Statement of Shareholders' Equity paid out was 2, 609. No notes were provided for dividends, however there was a weighted-average assumption with expected dividend yields to be 3.2%. Largest current asset: Cash β†’

Free report on logistics team and the information system

The computerization of supply chain activities helps to provide certain advantages in the concept of supply chain.. Smith confirmed that, currently, a Logistics Supply Chain Management System is responsible for the management of the supply chain process. Supply Chain Management in the company The Logistics Supply Chain Management System also enhances the management process β†’

Example of understanding financial reports term paper

The selection of Coca Cola Company is of immense significance to the topic under study because it offers a good background of financial statement analysis. As a point of departure, Coca Company is one of the primary players in the beverage industry and this analysis will provide a glimpse of the company's operations

Legal issue report

Lastly, the company failed to ensure that the walls of the construction were either slipped or supported. Explain what the employer did or failed to do that violated the OSH Act The first thing that Williams Construction Company violated was that, they failed to provide instructions to the employees as well as the managers β†’

Should embassy india outsource its it services reports example

On the in-house, the research suggests that it is the best method for the right technology that will be profitable to the business. The results of the six questionnaires issued to the employee and the interview with the CEO was presented.

Activity based costing report sample

This is because this approach will help the company determine the real cost of its products and will help make a decision whether to eliminate products that are unprofitable, adjust prices for products that are overpriced therefore making the company more competitive, and identify which of the processes involved are ineffective and should be eliminated. β†’

Example of report on human resource management: strategy and policy

The company conducts self assessment among the employees to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the individual employee's skills. In the development of a training program for the organization, the human resource development team is proficient in carrying out a needs assessment for the company. It is also in this human resource management strategy that β†’

Rewards for failure report

The move by the government was one of the approaches to fight for the rights of employees in the country. The following research aimed at encouraging managers to reward their employees and appraise them whenever they do not achieve a set goal in order to give them a challenge to work hard. In order for β†’

Good example of tgi friday’s marketing mix report

While it is not every time that the company would make proper use of the marketing mix as a marketing strategy, TGI Friday has used the policies to penetrate the market. Consequently, the branding of the products have been done in such a way that all the information required by the customer is contained in β†’

Report on using social networks in business

It is business-oriented of the four big social networking sites and is less focused on social networking. Twitter is the most immediate of the four big social networking websites.

Financial report on the pepsico

In the following report we analyse the financial position of the company and its financial reporting standards. In two days we finished doing history of the company and we determined our objective.

Managing across the cultures report examples

In explaining this, the two scholars say that changing the culture and anticipations of the people is impracticable, but changing management style to suit the culture of the people is quite simple. Before explaining the connection between culture and administration and the decision making process, it is of the essence to have a clear comprehension β†’

Example of advertising campaign plan report

Thus, the objective of the campaign is to divide the principles of a congested class to apprehend the minds and hearts of the rousingly insignificance audience of teens. Business condition Wrigley's 5 gum sales among the teenaged were dropping. The youth and teens are the long-term of the gum class and fundamental to Wrigley's β†’

Report on essence of financial management

The two units that the firm operates (a bakery and two retail outlets), calls for effectiveness in the financial matters pertaining to the business for vast benefits as the will discover by the end of the training. This will promote competency and transparency on the financial department within the firm.

The manager report examples

I have had interactions with animals for quite a remarkable period and I hope my vast experience in that field will be of great help to the business. Problems that I am facing - Finance. Finance has been a problem to me. I would also wish to know whether I will be free to purchase β†’

Example of report on google drive

Fourth, expanding drive capability, these are editing photos uploaded to drive, listening to the stored music files, users can draw pictures with drive, and merging the PDFs file. How Google Drive useful in the classroom? Google drive helps increase teacher efficiency, student engagements, and school wide collaborations. Retrieved from

Implementing the toyota production system report examples

The Toyota Production System and Just-In-Time approaches to Business Process Implementation planning of the small-medium enterprise in New Zealand is analysed in feasibility testing scenario of the two models: The Kitchen Inventory Study. - Introduction The report reviews a test scenario of two Japanese inventory control system β†’

Example of report on marketing

Below are some of the political conditions that affect the Coca-Cola Company. The political conditions in the international economies such as governmental changes, civil conflict and regulations related to relocation of capital across borders affects the company's ability to penetrate foreign emerging and developing markets and form business alliances with local bottlers in the local β†’

Free report on stakeholder for cicadania

4 December 2013. Anaya, S. 4 December 2013. Kundu, A., P.

The walt disney company report example

He is the product of one of the most diversified entertainment company Walt Disney. The letter to the shareholders also accentuates the success of the company in investing to improve its them parts and resorts.

Free report on competitive strategies

Jenny Craig's has a risk taking culture that incorporates business expansion of the company through investing in places where ' marketing has never gone before' and involves customers in the products and services creation as emphasized in the company's mission, values and practices. This as a result has made the company have a competitive advantage β†’

Example of google doc report

The application support the creation, editing and storage of documents and spreadsheets online while at the same time facilitating online collaboration with other users. The advantage with the application is that it is currently supported of browsers and operating systems. Since it a collaborative application in which multiple remote users can work together in real β†’

Free essay on gasoline report

This means that the price of gasoline is expected to increase considerably in the coming years. This prediction is expected to collect given that the price is predicted in the light of the basis discussed below. The positive slope indicates that the company will not loose sales if it keeps its prices within the regression β†’

Good example of report on meeting the challenge of a sustainable business

The accomplishment of these innovation processes could prove vital for the overall cork industry, it is not only to mitigate the rise of substitute stoppers but trying also to recapture some lost share of the market. How Corticeira Amorim has handled the business challenge Irrespective of the cork taint problem being known for quite β†’

Small business entrepreneur: interview report sample

The company was established in 2008 in light of the renewable energy policy developments in the Philippines and has grown to be the leader in private-stakeholder led project development efforts. Being the first of its kind in the Philippines, the successful development and completion of the construction of the project was a huge success. In β†’

Good example of report on australian resource management problem

Environmental management is, therefore, important in the mines to ensure there is a focus on the effective management of hydrocarbon spills; emergency spills response as well as storage of the hydrocarbons. Some of the high risks environmental activities from the mining include spills and Loss of Containment from the storage facilities as well β†’

Cadbury and lindt chocolate companies report examples

Being the oldest chocolate company in the country, Cadbury enjoys 70% share of the market with the rest of the companies sharing the remainder. The reason for the adverse success of the company in the country is the timely entry to the market as well as production of high quality products in terms of size β†’

Investment project report example

The forecast reports that these companies have been demonstrating a steady growth because of the high demand of their services in the country. Because of this, it has realized a tremendous growth in the past.

Free report about the internal environment at foxconn technology company

According to the interviewed employees, all of them claim that the company overworks them and they are not satisfied with the working environments in the firm. According to the company, the firm's employees are among some of the best-paid employees in the world.

Competitor analysis report report

In addition, the company generates revenue from various investors including avatars, gifts, online games, photos and even the ability to make calls. The company is headed by Steven Goh, who is also a co Founder of the company. Its affiliates make the company to generate over $10 million in a fiscal period and through these β†’

Financial overview report

Vioxx, One of the drugs produced and sold by the company has caused serious problems for the company due its strong chemical component and therefore the company is forced to replace the drug in the market following a law suit against it by one of its customers. The financial overview of the company is discussed β†’

Finance-financial markets & institutions reports example

When the borrowers default on the repayment of the loan the bank does not have any assets to cover the amount of the loan which leads to a credit crisis. Russia and Mexico also felt the effects of the credit crisis. The effects of the credit crisis were also felt in the debt market, especially β†’

Inventory management models report sample

There is the simple EOQ model where there are certain variables, D is the demand for the period, S is the set-up cost, h is the inventory holding costs and Q is the lot size. The company therefore has to find the optimal quantity that minimises the total cost per unit time which is given β†’

Free report on performance management and its purpose

The productivity of an organization depends upon the thing that how effective a company would manage its operations. Management is basically a synergy of four things, which predominantly are planning, organizing, leading and controlling and the stance of management would be lies in almost everything including performance management as well. PM is basically β†’

Samsung mobile: 5 forces analysis report samples

Apple's model is focused on capturing the largest share of profits the industry is making, while Samsung appears determined to be the market leader in terms of share. A number of players with rather localized focus such as Xiaomi and Huawei are also beginning to have their presence felt. If there is a β†’

Good example of strategic audit of ebay report

Today, Ebay is one of the world's top online marketplaces with millions of items that are auctioned on the portal on a daily basis. Business Model of Ebay Ebay generates revenue through means of fees and commissions and the company charges a registration fees for the listing of the merchandise on the website. The β†’

Report on company management

A large part of a company's success can be traced back to the staff and to how effective the company runs as a team. In order to find possible organisations to support, I would consult the Australian Charity Guide website. The presentation to the staff would be relatively formal, and then individual discussions would be β†’

Three principals guiding coca cola to its 2020 goal report

So as to keep in business, the company had to use the best policies and advertisement means to make their product still the best in the market. In most cases, this comes at a compromised quality of the products making it very difficult to satisfy the market.

Free jw marriott environmental analysis report example

Founder of the company has a strong believe in taking care of the associates, and they are going to take care of the customers. The final element of Marriot's core value is the enthusiasm to serve the world. Mission statement of Marriott international is, " To enhance the lives of our customers by creating and β†’