Genuine Report Examples

Requirement analysis for integrated water management program web reports

The undertaking was created with complex structure that they have been coordinated with three modules " as-is" to be Work module Execution module Account module. The chain of importance of the modules were additionally created in a convoluted way that the end clients thought that it was troublesome utilizing the item as β†’

Impact of organizational culture on individual performance

The paper " Impact of Organizational Culture on Individual Performance" is a great example of a report on management. Relationship between Organizational Culture and Individual Performance There are many definitions of the concept of organizational culture. A strong organizational culture characterized by practices such as merit or performance-based promotion and effective communication within the β†’

Decision making report examples

One conclusion that has been drawn from the discussion is that the thinking styles play an important role in the process of decision making since decisions are mainly considered to be a product of the thinking. Decision making is a cognitive process that leads one to selection of an option β†’

Free project interim report example

The project interim report will elaborate on the requirements of the report and establish ways in which the researcher will follow in implementing the project. Structure of the project The project will entail having a description of the problem that is being investigated. It will also help to understand the issues and the aspects β†’

Free report on the valuing diversity policy

For example the management will appoint the medium level HR managers to implement the diversity program in the organization. The leaders will make rules and regulations for following the diversity policy among the all employees and high management. There are several drivers of diversity programs, first of all manage the all hiring, recruiting and promotions β†’

There are three committees in congress report examples

Chapter 12 Worksheet Question 1Power of the PurseThis is the power that is required to set the taxing and spending policies of the nation. The power of the purse is said to be the most essential power of Congress.

Good example of report on lumbini

This essay presents information on the site of Lumbini in terms of its geographic and historical relevance and the challenges of its preservation. Figure 1: The pillar of Lumbini built by King Ashoka. Lumbini is located near the Himalaya Mountains in what s now modern Nepal. 1 Mar.2014. . UNESCO." Lumbini, the Birthplace of the Lord β†’

Example of report on business records

It also provides a good financial management system in a seasonal market system Progress Claims/Invoicing Accounts Clerk Daily The accountant to review the invoicing system on a weekly/ monthly basis. Record system where clients of the business are charged on goods taken or work completed on credit Preparing Financial Reports β†’

Free report on security design plan

The graphical representation Strategies to complete PKI infrastructure In the design of a PKI infrastructure in organization, there is need for the government to consider the different needs of the businesses which are to be catered for in the design of the PKI infrastructure. There are different requirements and different modes of operating β†’

The management of harley-davidson

The paper " The Management of Harley-Davidson" is a great example of a management book review. The management of Harley-Davidson focused on rebuilding the methods they used in production as well as improving the work practices. After this step and with increased cooperation both in management and other workers the company returned to profit since β†’

New hire

This acts as an orientation, which enables him to master the common information that the customers ask for and the most appropriate responses that his colleagues usually give. Another thing that Patel should do is to shadow. This acts as a guide to Patel in understanding the needs of the clients and the most appropriate β†’

Service management report

This is in the sense that the customers need to get maximum services worth their money and the employees need to be willing and happy to serve the customers. The concept tries to make sure that the delivery of services is directly to the customers and meets their expectations.

Issues in accounting report example

The report focuses on discussing the important role of Information technology and its impact to the accounting profession from the management and inventory control perspectives. Perspectives fall into two main categories: The role of Technology in the management and the roles of technology in controlling the inventory.

Leadership and self deception: getting out of the box

Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Outside the Box Leadership and self-deception is an influential text that considers the nature of leadership in a variety of situational elements. Throughout the book a number of elements related to this are considered as they related to self-deception and self-betrayal elements.

Room housekeeper reports to deputy housekeeper. assistant

2 Housekeeping Executive housekeeper:- In Le Bristol Paris The executive housekeeperreports to the General Manager or to the rooms division manager. Pillow and cushionCarpetsLeather sofaGlass:- Glassfurniture is basically used in the internal part of the hotel or external partof the hotel for the attraction.

Free tourism report sample

The information systems in a hotel will manage the processes to be followed by such organization, and will keep track of the interactions between the members of the organization with their co-workers, suppliers, and clients. The Hotel Information System is created not just to support the management and β†’

Reframing organization: artistry choice and leader

In making sense of the organization, Bolman and Deal introduce the main ideas of the organization by defining the organization as a collection of individuals coming together to achieve common objectives. It focuses on the organizational structure and provides the direction to the manager and leaders on how they can better organize the organizations in β†’

Free report on statement of inventory account

How the Statement of Inventory works The accountants should classify the inventories into two categories namely: class A and B inventory. The treatment the management would give to these two groups of workers is different in terms of supervision and monitoring progress. The opening and closing balances help the management get a glimpse β†’

Example of report on key concepts related to transformational leadership

In any organization, subordinates are more likely to follow a leader that is perceived as likeable and has a genuine concern for the welfare of the workers. In integrative negotiation, there is a conscious intent to involve all stakeholders and collect the interests of everyone to have a win-win solution.

Written assignment #2

When answering the question of forceful circumcision of the Gentiles, the organizational culture of the Church comes into the picture. In this case, the council was trying to make the message clear through a letter and word of mouth from the messengers. The lesson that comes out clearly from the case scenario is that the β†’

Report on problem analysis report

On the other hand, poor management and lack of proper organization structure results into many problems that affect the organization. Background information Organizations all over the world report many cases of their employees failing to adhere to the rules and regulations. Lateness in the workplace comes due to many factors ranging from employees to β†’

Example of experiences from hs1 impact hs2 report

The objective of this paper is to present a discussion on whether the lessons learned by the organizations and project management personnel who played significant roles, regardless of the size, on the construction of the High Speed I Project and its early operations, should be carried over to the proposed construction of a similar project, β†’

Project management plan for the design and construction of a bridge to span a river report examples

It is essential that management duties of construction projects be delegated to professionals who possess the required skills and knowledge in project management to guarantee the success of a construction project. Project management has transition has an internationally recognized field that comprise of management tools critical to the success of construction projects in the current β†’

Report about the new york aviation managers association

NYAMA was founded in 1976 by New York State airport representatives as a way of optimizing the economic potential aviation industry within the state of New York. Therefore, it has served as the voice for the industry by promoting the constant improvement of the micro-economy leading to the trickling of benefits to the state, communities β†’

Example of conflict skills report

The second style of conflict management is the avoiding style. In this style of conflict management, a person gives high regards to the needs of both conflicting parties.

Article review

The effect of leader values on behavior Summarize the relevant points of the article (list and explain the major and minor points made by the author). The purpose of this case study was to examine the interpersonal work value of leaders in work settings and to determine the influence of such variable on their consequential β†’

Internship report format essay sample

Headings 1-1 Subheading 1-1-1 Subheading Learning & Experience Most Important Part with all the details of tasks performed department wise and personal learning. Headings 1-1 Subheading 1-1-1 Subheading Conclusion Should include brief info about aim of internship, personal β†’

Supervison in the hospitality industry review questions

The benefits of conducting performance evaluations to the management team are that the information from evaluations guides decisions for compensation, job actions, and training programs, and these evaluations can improve employee morale and customer service. 2. The steps that a supervisor should take before, during, and after conducting performance evaluations are: before the interview, supervisors β†’

Free creating a : research, organizing & writing business s report example

The subject will enlighten key decision makers on matters pertaining teamwork and educate team members as well as team leaders on the importance of collaboration and teamwork. Why Teams Fail Hackman's comment relied on the various misconceptions that a majority of organizations and people in general have in regards to team dynamics. In the β†’

Negotiating is not the same as haggling

In other words, the author is suggesting that people use positional bargaining through applying hard stance approach for obtaining maximum business objectives at the cost of other party. More clearly, people do not use " we perspective" instead they are more interested to apply " I perspective" in which they are less concerned about the β†’

Sales management project report

We chose Atlas Honda as it is the market leader of motorcycles in Pakistan, and thus conducts hefty sales of motorcycles every month, employing a number of effective sales techniques in order to make new customers and to retain old customers. When asked why he chose to pursue acareerin sales, he expressed β†’

Report on composition faculty at wright state university

I also have remarkable writing, learning and self-evaluation skills in providing conclusive support with clear and sound reasoning. The depth of my research is detailed and I can identify and use academic sources without much challenge. Though I lack the knowledge and the skills to interpret evidence I can institute with connection, reference and relationship β†’

Red robin report examples

I was doing my errands early on a Friday evening, and it was busy in the parking lot, there were not many carts in the corral outside the store, which usually means that it is busy, and the customer service line had 9 people in it when I entered the store. I had a return, β†’

Free report on requisites of a s

[Title of report goes here] Assignment Number: Every report should contain the following sections: Executive Summary, Synopsis or abstract (The length of the executive summary or synopsis may vary depending on the complexity of the report, ranging from one paragraph in length to an entire page, or in some cases, several pages. Finally, the introduction β†’

Free report about strategies to promote gender diversity within an organization

Training and developments decisions made by the managers should take into account the opportunities and the processes to provide equity in accessing them to both genders. Organizations should develop and nurture high potential and skillful employees. The discussion should address diversity management in the employees and managers in the organization to ensure an equal playing β†’

Management report

Also if a situation occurs and someone is not properly trained to handle it, it's useful Just to be able to call someone and receive a second opinion about The more people someone knows, the better off they will be In the long run. It is also good to calm down before the interview and β†’

That it is an assessment based on evidence report examples

The scheme according to their handbook is:- Is a tool used by the project team to ascertain how best they taken into consideration matters of the social and environment. It is a mechanism to ensure that the assessments are verified both independently and externally and that recognition is accorded. That it is a question that β†’

Good report about why organisations use project management to achieve their strategic objectives

In an organisational environment, the project management develops a system whereby the workflow is measured and accounted properly guaranteeing that the optimum utilisation of resources would be enhanced to accomplish the goals of the project. Project management and strategic objectives In the modern business context, project management has a significant role to play in β†’

China numerous reports on how to change

Washington has recently suspended military aid to that country. The instability in Afghanistan threatens the OBOR's flagship project -the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. A military base in Badakhshan is an importantmove to demonstrate Beijing is ready toexpand its presence in the country. Beijing has a trump card the US lacks thecooperationof Russia and Pakistan.

Relationship of supply chain and lean in water companies report examples

It is done by pulling efficiently and effectively exactly what is needed to meet the needs of the individual customer. As in other industries Lean is used in water segment to improve operational optimization, facilitate energy reduction for treatment of water and waste-water, lowering the maintenance cost and increasing the treatment capacity. There are many β†’

Free report on homeland security

Understanding the Threats, Vulnerability and Consequences HOMELAND SECURITY ORGANIZATION Strategic National Risk Assessment The United States Homeland security system is a complex environment with opposing necessities, which must be impartial to incentives and effectively administered by safety, security, and threatened by a selection of resilience nation. POTENTIAL DISASTERS AND BUSINESS DISRUPTION β†’

Managing leading change

Sur Transformational leadership and innovation in an R&D organization experiencing major change Introduction: The aim of the article was to study the effects of transformational leadership on change management in an organization and how teams of R&D can be influenced towards innovation in their outcomes. Leaders need to be effective not only in their performances, β†’

Report on business information system

The systems help introduce change into the running of business activities, developing an economic comprehension of how much information systems can impact several aspects and key aspects of an organization. Supply chain Management The supply chain management is the management of a network of intertwined or interconnected businesses whose objective β†’

Corporate social responsibility (csr) report on costco

In the mid 21st century the organization worked stores in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, the Far East, and Australia. Competitors: Walmart, Amazon, Home Depot, The Kroger Company, Target are the competitors of Costco. Products: Costco is the best retailer for good quality of beef, rotisserie chicken, organicfoodand wine competition in the world. Costco β†’

Free report on total quality management

The use of The Blue Book was not to victimize and fire any employee but as an indicator of the future directions and the need to improve. The first one is that of adding more content to the quality improvement program itself.

Handling disasters by use of remote control

Handling Disasters by Use of Remote Control: A Case Study of the Large Fires in the Peloponnese, Greece In order to minimize the occurrence of fire tragedies, fire managers and national authorities needs to get the information concerning the size of the region affected in the course and followed by the extinction of the β†’

Report on diversity and ethics in a call center setting

To exemplify the influence of external and internal factors on management's basic functions we would like to address the case of the call center. Management's function in the call center can be influenced by such external factors as political, legal, socio-cultural, technological and environment factors. So, a significant impact on management functions is exerted by β†’

Repair section analysis 4 report samples

Overall, this report will provide a clear cut guideline regarding what is going wrong in the business segments which will ultimately help to make some important business decisions involving the change in the organizational structure, planning and also which area requires more investments of the assets. Executive Summary2 Introduction4 β†’

Example of report on parking issues on the college campus

The spaces for parking in the parking lot are not enough to accommodate the number of vehicles owned by the college staff and students. The importance of studying this topic is to safeguard beneficial coexistence of the members of the college fraternity and the surrounding community.

Electronic health records report samples

The 60 members of the staff in the hospital include doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians, radiologists, health records personnel, and the subordinates. The manager will offer leadership and guides the project team to ensure that the hospital benefits from the implementation of an Electronic Heath system.

Report about pneumonia

The incubation period of pneumonia depends on the type of virus or bacteria leading to the infection. This is the third layer the body possesses in fighting pneumonia. For instance, T cells provide proteins that stimulate the B cells and the death of the body cells to prevent any infections such as pneumonia.

System analyst report

The management is to identify the requirements of a system analyst and ensure that all the staff involved in system analysis process posses all the required characteristics and skills needed in any design modeling process. The purpose of this letter is take into identify the skills which a system analyst must develop in order β†’

Federal healthcare organizations report examples

Introduction The Federal Emergency Management Agency is one of the United State agency mandated with the responsibility of coordinating and offering disaster relief services to the local and federal governments. The agency mission is to support the citizens and first responders, with the aim of ensuring that people participate in building, β†’

Example of essay on risk status report and paper

Risk Response Risk One The company runs the risk of delays in production resulting from the absence of Julie. For instance, the manager would bear the costs of delays in production as a result of the effects of the hurricane seasons.

Good report about us constitution

He was raised by his grandmother to the age of 14 years after which a missionary accommodated him for a year and he finally graduated from Yale in the year 1741. By the year 1758, he rose to the leadership of his function and later as at 1761, he sat in the assembly.

Merger analysis case study report sample

This shows that the hospital's performance is excellent and it can be able to secure funding from a bank. However, each hospital will maintain a senior management that will be answerable to the board and will implement the decisions made by the board.

Example of the transitional model of an organization report

The organization must develop ways to withstand the change or use it for the better of the firm. Transition may vary from one person to another. Phases of transition According to , transition is never an easy process for any organization since it involves the reaction of different people to a certain manner β†’

Poppers view on science applied to management theory report example

In relation to repeatability, Nietzsche supports the theory of the circularity of life, following the same course over and over again throughout eternity. Popper's view on science holds that in science, the laws of nature or other theories can be partly decided and never considered as definitely truth, but permanently tested and exposed to falsifiability, β†’

Mwh report examples

In the case of Melia Hotel, which is described in this paper, corporate objectives refer to the way the company sees itself in the future, the position it wants to hold in the market and the other aspects of its functioning. The measures Melia takes to achieve the objectives and the methods, in which this β†’

Seed predation in exotic and native legumes – lab report example

The enemy release hypothesis explains that the abundance or impact of some non-indigenous species is related to the scarcity of natural enemies in the introduced range compared with the native range. Keywords: non-indigenous species, ecosystems, species, hypothesis testing, environment, Ecology Introduction This experiment is aimed at evaluating the effect of invasive exotic species β†’

Sex at dawn by ch.ryan and casilda jetha

The book suggests that monogamy is not and has never been part of human nature, but sexual promiscuity is. The authors use different examples of human sexual behavior to show how promiscuity is a normal human behavior and monogamy is not.

Political economy of race, class and gender in the end of capitalism (as we knew it) by gibson

The paper " Political Economy of Race, Class, and Gender in The End of Capitalism by Gibson" is a good example of a book review macro and microeconomics. This chapter offers an insight into the analogous aspect of the effects of capitalism and globalization.

Why are illegal drugs more potent than they used to be

The economist argues that drug dealers and cartels have decided to increase the potency levels of the drugs to measure up the risk associated when caught. According to the drug dealers, it is better to have a higher risk at a higher price than have a lower priced drug at a higher risk. This has β†’

Journal review

In their journal Women's Jobs, Men's Jobs: Sex Segregation and Emotional Labor, the authors describe job segregation to be one of the main reasons for the salary disparity. The ignorance of the emotional labor aspect of jobs result in the pay inequity among the women and men workers of an organization.

Example of research paper on cnn report

In 1979, In a pole by CBS News, New York showed that27 percent of Americans were in favored legalization of marijuana by taxing it. Slowly but consistently, the social acceptance of marijuana proceed to climb and by the 1980s, more than 80% of high school students accepted that they had access β†’

Example of report on communication

The use of drugs in the field of sport is widespread and has become a matter of public debate and knowledge and New Zealand has not been left out in the use of performance enhancing drugs. It has more to do with one's understanding of the objectives and the missions of the team that one β†’

Critique of globalization and aesthetic surgery in south korea

The author's intend at providing a more profound explanation to the simplistic view of why there is rising need for aesthetic surgery in Korea. To support their argument, the authors employ a variety of existing secondary sources national cosmetic practices in the country. The authors' use of this array of secondary sources helps to provide β†’

How the worlds largest and most profitable automaker drove into a pr disaster

Finally, the discussion would also reflect on identifying and analyzing pros and cons of using cost-benefit analysis in terms of measuring safety of the products and how it can be implemented for meeting ethical considerations of a business. DISCUSSION 1) The practice of ethics in business operations can be simply defined as the process β†’

Life problems in my life, deleted by bolzan

Having accepted his predicament, Scott started his new life of trying to get his memory back. Not only had she taken his role as head of Household, but Joan was now spearheading the medical quest to diagnose and treat his memory loss.

Summery and response

According to him, to say that the environment should have rights does not mean it should have every right imaginable or even the same body of rights as human beings. According the environment some rights would mean we as the human race have taken environmental protection and conservation to a whole new level and made β†’

Masochism: an interpretation of coldness and cruelty by deleuze

The paper " Masochism: an Interpretation of Coldness and Cruelty by Deleuze" is a good example of an essay on gender and sexual studies. In this stunning essay, Coldness, and Cruelty, Deleuze captures a rigorous and informed philosophical view of gender and sexuality.


The three interrelated essays of the work trace the various episodes in the evolution of moral concepts, and the " Second Essay" advances Nietzsche's theory concerning the origin of the institution of punishment. On the Genealogy of Morality.P 58.

Free antimicrobial effect of lemon, garlic and whole jalapeno on bacillus in a disk diffusion report sample

Fisher and Phillips have shown the antimicrobial effect of lemon essential oils on the growth of B. The surface of the plates also showed isolated colonies of microorganisms. Figure: Effect of Lemon , Jalapeno and Lemon on the growth of Bacillus Conclusion The antimicrobial effect of the three β†’

Quote examination

It was borne in me: But Joey is a boy." This quote explore more on what novel deals with; whereby the chief character by the name David has illustrated his tussles to adjust and understand his affiliation with Giovanni in addition to the insinuations of homosexuality on masculine character and the link to control by β†’

Potato osmosis report

Potato osmosis report Operators Introduction The purpose of the liberation Liberation is to understand what is happening with the potatoes when it is in the water. The experiment is to understand what is happening with the potatoes when they are in the water and understand the osmosis process occurs.

Analysis of counting for nothing: what men value and what women are worth by marilyn waring

The economic theory of value determine individuals who actually produce fiscal value in a society are active agents and individuals who do not produce monetary value are inactive agents and do not contribute in the development of economy and society. In Asia, it's a social and moral liability of a mother, sister and β†’

A report on the sweatshop industry and child labour in nic’s

Nike and Gap should travel to the girls' home villages and check their ages in the " family books", which in the absence of birth certificates, is the best way of authenticating a child's age. They know that without working in the factories, they will starve and they use that to their advantage. Humans are β†’

Question – lab report example

Therefore, in relation to sustainability, there is the need for Economics to emphasise on the need for environmental and natural capital to be identified and treated differently and separately from other forms of capital. This new approach must provide metrics and processes for the measurement of environmental footprints of businesses and corporate entities. And this β†’

Review on peggy noonan’s on speaking well

According to Noonan , the content and substance of a speech matters to both the presenter and the audience. In fact, it does not feature in variables that determine speaking well in her terms. The logicality of the speech is fundamental to account for.

Ergonomic report essay

Types of models Every model represents a theory or a hypothesis that incorporates the current state of knowledge and that can be verified by consulting available data or by conducting new experiments. Models and Supermodels- The first stage in the formulation of a model is the identification of relevant β†’

Foodborne illness short answer questions

In this occurrence, the witnessed illnesses amounted to 2, 000 people from months of May to July. Food cooking should be thorough such that no traces of salmonella bacteria are in the already cooked food meant for people to eat.

Interpersonal conflict in film

The movie highlights the critical involvement of characters with a narrative value base for the interpersonal conflict between the characters Alex ' Hitch' Hitchens, the protagonist and Sara Males, the cynical single lady whom Hitch targets for his own courtship. The interpersonal conflict between the characters of the protagonist and Sara takes to the interesting β†’

Global ecology and shadow of development at liberating the world from development by wolfgang sachs

Thus, it was during the 1980s that the ascent of a worldwide environmental cognizance was communicated by numerous voices, all regretting the dangers to the world's biosphere and the offense to the eras to come. Until and unless we try and stop ourselves, we will have to face nature's fury at some point in the β†’

Debate on global warming: scientific basis – lab report example

Global warming refers to the increase in the temperature of the earth's surface and troposphere. THE CASE FOR GLOBAL WARMING The increase in the earth's surface temperature is blamed on human activities.

Critical analysis of commanding heights by daniel yergin and joseph stanislaw

The book explores the different issues revolving around the balance of power shifts across the globe in different nations, governments and markets which include the risks, opportunities, and the effects of different factors such as globalization specifically for the 21st century. The main thesis of the book is the exposition of the transition of the β†’

Market transition process: an overview

As argued by Qian , even though the transitional process of the Chinese economy is still incomplete, but some marginal level of market transition can be felt not only in China alone, but also in the world market. A critical analysis of the Chinese market transitional agenda shows that first the economic transition of β†’

Two summary for two article

Roubini warned that the expenditure of capital is slowing down and growth is expected to be negligible as the fiscal cliff is approaching and there is increased cautiousness among the firms by the fourth quarter. There is shortage of all types of construction workers in general and the construction tradesmen in particular.

The antitrust movement amidst a fragmented federal state

Government Intervention and the Formation of a Political Economy It is interesting that prior to the 18th century, there was lack of federal government intervention in economic activities. It is interesting how interests of the political class manifest itself in the fact that federal regulations came at a time of supposedly corrupt congress.

What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of revealed preference methods used to determine market values for environmental goods and services – lab report example

Basically, environmental goods and services serve a purpose that is somewhat different and unique from other products of economic value and hence, there is the need for these products to be classified on their environmental, health and social worth which might not be important factors the market takes into account when defining the worth of β†’

Leadership experience report from theory to practice report sample

The report is basically based on the structure of the church as an organization, SWOT analysis, leadership challenges and an overall learning that occurred during the 6 week volunteering in the above mentioned church. The following are the theoretical perspectives on some of the main aspects of the church as a non-profit making organization: 1.1. β†’

Weather and climate: a brief introduction by g. tyler miller

WEATHER AND CLIMATE In the article " Weather and Climate: A Brief Introduction" G. Miller indicates the main reasons and patterns of both weather and climate change.

Good example of report on care for kids crche database

The paper will assess the logical design and how the design will help create a database that will be used in the care center. Design There will be various tables that will be designed in the database. Initially the table will consist of a large table that will have β†’

Lysozyme lab report

The second sample contained the buffer, the Gram negative bacteria, and the lysozyme. The third sample contained the buffer, the Gram negative bacteria, the lysozyme, and EDTA.

Scientific method and coffee filter

I then took the dental floss and tied it to each of the holes on the filter. I then laid the filter down and spread the vasoline on one side of it.

Intrapreneurship entrepreneurship report examples

Intrapreneurship & Entrepreneurship Innovation is a complex phenomenon, which describes the process of new idea generation and implementation aiming at to create a new product, service or a process. One of such industries is the game industry, where Nintendo has launched its truly innovative product Nintendo Wii. Nintendo Wii or