Genuine Report Examples

Report on partaking in an “acts of kindness” intervention

To measure my levels of subjective happiness and satisfaction with life both pre- and post-intervention, I completed the Subjective Happiness Scale and the Satisfaction with Life Scale the day before commencing, and the day after completing, the intervention. The desired outcome of this one-week intervention was for me to feel happier and more satisfied with β†’

All the presidents men

All The President's Men Woodward and Bernstein were American born Washington metropolitan post's reporters best known for the investigation of the Watergate that led to the resignation of President Nixon. All the president's men by Woodward and Bernstein is a book about the political scandal that happened in 1972 known as the Watergate scandal.

Digestive system lab report essay sample

Recorded the color of the solution and the observations of each tube in Table 1 in the Analysis section of the lab.7. Added 5 ml of the pancreatin solution to each test tube.

Just for fun – utah drivers

Number] Just for Fun Utah Drivers Worst Drivers by This article talks about the worst drivers in the different states categorizing them by the failure to pay attention, careless driving, failure to obey, and the ticket rates. Other than that, the best categories to find out worst drivers are the fatality rate and the careless β†’

Market report- malaysia electronic security equipment

Government initiatives to increase the number of Sects in public places, roads and others would spur the demand for this segment In the near future. The report will help Industry consultants, CATV distributors, electronic security equipments manufacturers, dealers to align their market centric strategies according to ongoing and expected trends in the future.

Nook report: a mind at a time

Others, such as Mel Levine, argues that while everyone is born with a brain at different levels of development, the way the brain learns and functions is a product of how a child develops, not something predetermined by birth. The primary focus of this book is to educate the reader as to the reason why β†’

When i was puerto rican by esmeralda santiago

Summary of the book: When I Was Puerto Rican is a personal recollection of growing up and having to live in the ever-changing world due to hopes and dreams that need to be fulfilled. The most crucial of these issues is becoming acquainted with the way of life and traditions in Puerto Rico.

A seminar report

For the purpose of transparent change of the RATS by the mobile terminal, we introduce so-called Policy-Router as node in the core network, which establishes IP tunnels to the mobile terminal via different available RATS to the terminal. The selection of the RAT is performed by the mobile terminal by using the proposed user agent β†’

Cognitive control and emotional intelligence: effect of the emotional content of the task. brief reports

Nowadays, it is assumed that cognition and emotion are two complementary aspects of the psyche, and that it is difficult to separate their influence in the performance of the activities of everyday life. The aim of this study was to examine whether cognitive control implemented for persons high or low on EI depends on β†’

A gamma rays report biology essay

As a matter of fact, scientists believe that a gamma-ray burst will occur once every few million years in the Milky Way, but has it ever came to your mind that a gamma ray burst is the MOST powerful known explosion in the galaxy? Well, Gamma-rays are extremely high frequency waves that have very β†’

From the inside out by gadsby robin

360-degree business alignment for large organizations is possible but, maybe, it needs to be handled in a different way. How should the internal communication within an organization be structured for it to be interesting to everyone?

Landfill analysis of quillicom, ontario report example

The analysis was made in the Quillicom city, which was the beautiful is the perfect location for the landfill analysis. The Lot 18 is located at the northeast of the town and where as the Lot 47 are from southeast.

The international financial reporting standard in the uk

This survey will analyze the impact of acceptance of IFRS on fiscal ratios of the listed houses in UK for the old ages 2002, 2003 and 2004 as the old ages before the compulsory acceptance in 2005, so the old ages 2006, 2007 and 2008 as the old ages after the acceptance. The consequences show β†’

English composition 2

It is common with the writers and researchers to generalize various facts based on the sample data available to them and there is possibility for logical fallacies in these generalizations. However, in such means of inductive reasoning there is possibility for various logical fallacies and the " fallacy known as hasty generalization is a conclusion β†’

Report: management and hr operations

The Managing Director/Chief Executive is nominee of GOP and has been delegated with such powers by the Board of Directors as are necessary to effective conduct the business of the company. The time and date of interview is informed to each applicant who are being selected for it?

The major issues raised by gibbons report law employment essay

The new code came into force on the 6th April 2009 and repealed the 2004 regulations and replaced them with a new structure constructed around the Employment Act 2008, the 2008 Act also repeals sections 29 to 33 of and Schedules 2 to 4 to the Employment Act 2002. The three steps in the standard β†’

Country report critique

Whether the patterns of globalization in the country support the hyperglobalist, sceptics, or transformationalist view? Whether the country's winners and losers from the process of globalization are represented through the NIE, the SPG, the Outliers, or Feminist Economics perspective?

Analysis of the lottery by shirley jackson

Throughout the course of the short story, the behaviors and emotions of the townspeople gradually change from prior to the lottery until after the stoning. All of the children are friends and get along, and the husbands and wives find good company with one another.

Hcl + mg lab report

Cut the strip of magnesium into 10 mm pieces with the scissors/knife and then hold them in the beaker.2. Put a piece of magnesium into the test tube filled with HCl.5.

Mystery city report

But clue number 3 told us were in Antarctica our city was." Down here our location is not in a state or province, but Norway might say our location is within the boundaries of the land which it claimed on this continent many decades ago." We looked online at Norway claimed Antarctica and then knew β†’

Korean american 1

In my view the Korean culture is a historic and deep rooted culture with a lot of values. The pressure imposed from peers and the society has brought about changes in Korean Americans and their cultural ideas.

A report on dry bulk shipping

The performance of the bulk shipping market depends on the demand for and supply of bulk shipping services, as well as the characteristics of the market structure. The importance of shipping cycle in case of dry bulk carrier is that they plays a vital part in the economics of shipping industry by managing the investment β†’

Sarah staples report sample

However, this may not be the case if there is no effective and sufficient training of the celebrities on how to handle and express the product. The training will involve Christian Ronaldo using the JetPack, which he will have to fly for a minimum of 20 hours.

My sisters keeper

Sara loved Kate so much that she was willing to do everything for her daughter's sake even to the extent of representing herself and her husband in court against her own youngest daughter's claim for medical emancipation. Brian had been a very loving and supportive father to Anna by making her stay with him in β†’

Lab report on ideal gas law

When doing this, it was very important that the water level inside of the tube was equal to that of the surrounding water in the bucket, because that ensured that since the water pressure in the tube was the same as that of the surrounding water, the pressure of the gas would be the same β†’

Themes and symbolism in hills like white elephants by ernest hemingway

The American wants to say anything to convince the girl to go through an abortion, a fact that is not directly mentioned in the story. This is linked to the story's title Hills Like White Elephants.

Character analysis: upton sinclairs the flivver king

In this way, Sinclair works to show what the effects of such a form of management have on the Shutt family as a function of the father, and his children. In this way, the reader is presented with the realization that Ford Motor Company was growing and had the potential to offer a better life β†’

Example of experiment hm-1: grip strength and electromyogram (emg) activity report

The increase in tension is more rapid in the non-dominant forearm than it is in the dominant forearm and dominant forearm does not fatigue as quickly as the non-dominant forearm. The steady increase in tension, great grip strength and low fatigue are contributed to the member and the size of muscle fibers in the dominant β†’

Redox titration lab report

To standardize the potassium dichromate weigh out about 0.g of ferrous ammonium sulfate, hexahydrate into a 250 mL flask and dissolve in 50 mL of deionized water and mix for two minutes. To titrate the unknown sample of Fe weigh out about 0.

Reporting practices and ethics

It is where the manager has to ensure that the resources are well balanced in all the departments and sectors in the organization in order to avoid any shortfalls, either in the short run or long run. The manager has to put in place mechanisms that will ensure all the plans that he has for β†’

Gregors metamorphosis

To illustrate, it is not ordinary for a human being to turn into an insect but at the same time, if the transformation is because they were trying to run from responsibility of supporting his family like I the case of Gregor, this is comic, but a " dark" one. After Gregor is dead, the β†’

Report on nuclear energy engineering essay

To avoid the unforeseen and impossible in its impact to be measured, consequences, Einstein and Szilard urged the government of the United States to join the race for the atomic bomb. Setting the downsides of the atomic bomb invention aside, an integral and inevitable step in the development of the nuclear bomb was the establishment β†’

Research report on steve jobs media essay

This report examines Steve Job's early history, educational background, family life, key influences, a discussion of Steve's personal philosophy about his field, quotations and important milestones in his career as well as major contributions to the IT industry and personal reasons to his success. The goal of this research paper will be to include the β†’

Justification report sample essay

Currently I am working on finalizing the arrangements for the opening and closing sessions For the opening session, I have a date I am targeting but I have not been able to actually set it yet. While I am waiting on Lamar though, which he tells me he will most likely be available for the β†’

Black beauty by anne sewell

Similar to the first chapter, this chapter shows a conditional relationship Farmer Grey and his horses. He teaches them how to become a good horse because that would be good for him and his ventures.

Answering of two questions

Because the tales are meant to convey the codes of chivalry from the Middle Ages, at a time when women were viewed as property in the worst cases, and inferior in the best, women are given extremely limited roles. The women are presented to suggest that they are not capable of experiencing the high ideals β†’

Hawthorne and irving

He avoided ornamental and pompous usage of the language. It appears so that he was respectful towards the expectations of the general American reader.

Media reporting of international conflict and politics media essay

The balance between the position of the message and the media space depends on the target, the cost and the reliability of both the message and the creator. In a democratic context, the paid media usually reduce the credibility of the message promoted but, on the other hand, the free media space shrinks the control β†’

Literacy in narrative of the life of frederick douglass

The instruction that Douglass received from the mistress of the household where he was a slave in the knowledge of the language is a turning point in his life. It is the literacy that impels him to question the ways of the world and the organizing structures of southern society that believed in the inherent β†’

Report- trditional training methods

One of the competency requirements for the Six Sigma Greenbelt is Apply Change Management Principles which involves team building and learning to work cooperatively within the team in order to eliminate conduct that maybe detrimental to the success of the team in working out solutions to an identified problem within the organisation. The application of β†’

$50 for a good report card

Good qualities One of the main good things that this can do is that it will start a chain reaction. Also, kids can learn the " value of the dollar" and see that it is hard to earn some money.

Kant’s ideas for a universal history

In this article, Kant attempts to find a natural principle for the history of living beings which if found would help depict the future. Identification of a universal history compliant with the plan of nature is possible.

Discourse on the method by descartes

This paper will analyze the surprise ending in part four of Descartes' book and how successful Descartes managed to convince me into accepting the validity of the surprise ending that he did not even suggest at the beginning of the book. He used this principle as the foundation of his existence in which he argues β†’

Atlantic creoles

During the 17th and 18th century, the Atlantic Creoles were transported to the expanding new world such as Brazil and Jamaica where they provide labor in sugar plantations. The Creoles employed the slaves in North America to work for them as they worked on behalf of the Europeans.

A novel do androids dream of electric sheep in the post-apocalyptic near future

According to the book, the anticipated World War III will have killed millions of people and sending mankind away from the planet and forced several animal species into extinction. The government does not want androids and want them all killed.

Platos republic

A corrupt person afraid to of being caught would steal if the option of not being caught was presented. The definition of just and unjust cannot be used on humanity as a whole as it relates to Socrates.

Prayer of the dragon by e. pattison

Right from the beginning, a reader gets the impression that the prime motive of the author is to solve the murder mystery, but then the mountain's wonder and its centuries-old history becomes the focus of attention, thus making the solution of the murder mystery a secondary objective to attain. Thirdly, the unexpected behavior of the β†’

Bell hooks, talking back, and female writers

One of the primary messages in Bell Hooks' essay " Talking Back" is the concept that talking back or responding in any way other than submission to authority figures meant she was daring to disagree or express an opinion as to if she were equal to the person she is talking with. Since she could β†’

Country report on rwanda

1 The government took demonstrable and concrete steps to advance human rights, which resulted in a June law that abolished restrictions on political party organizational efforts at the local level, a dramatic drop in reports of the torture and abuse of suspects, and passage of legislation that significantly expedited the Gacaca process. Gacaca Courts The β†’

The steve jobs by walter isaacson

Commentary Steve Jobs is a captivating and entertaining book that explores the life of an innovative genius that rose from the dust to the helm of one of the most successful electronics giant in the world. This is manifested when the Fortune Magazine at some point wanted to publish a damaging article about him focusing β†’

Turkish migration reports and the value of statistics history essay

And for a country like Turkey with a unique and precarious position in the political court, will globalization, in the form of human migration, foster the beginning of a golden age of new cross-cultural interactions or encourage only the formation of tightly-knit groups with no interest in mixing with the ' outsiders'? In this study β†’

2d dige does not reveal all: a scotopic report suggests differential expression of a single “calponin family member” protein for tetany of sphincters!

Using the advanced proteomics techniques of 2D differential gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, the study examined whether differential proteome expression underlies the physiology of tonically contracted sphincteric smooth muscles of the internal anal sphincter, in comparison to non-sphincteric muscles of the adjacent rectum that periodically contracts in a phasic fashion. Signaling for contraction and relaxation β†’

Report on organizational structure within two fast food industry leaders

The purpose of this report is to find out the organisation structure of McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken, and that Compare the Similarities and Differences of Organisation Structure between two companies. McDonald's first proposed for the United States and the name of McDonald's on May 4, 1961, with the description of " Drive-In Restaurant Services," β†’

Pest analysis report for two leisure firms essay sample

PEST Analysis of the Leisure Industry in the UK: Before starting to analyse the PEST factors that affect the leisure industry as a whole I would like to give a definition and explain the PEST Analysis. All the external political, economical, social-cultural and technological factors that affect the environment of a market or company" The β†’

A short formal report looking into setting up a chemical plant essay

Firstly the company will have to pay for the land that the plant will be built on, as well as all of the construction costs, including the building materials and the labour, the human effort, to build the plant. They will also have to pay for the land, which is the raw materials used to β†’

What during 1976-1982, the disease was reported rarely

Public Health isa combination of science, practical skills and beliefs that is directed to themaintenance and improvement of the health of people. The most common transmission for these effectedpersons in NJ is person to person contact, fecal to oral contact, and homosexualmales.

Review on goldsworthy, adrian keith. the fall of carthage: the punic wars, 265-146 bc. london: cassell, 2003. print

Book review: The Fall of Carthage The Punic Wars, 265-146 BC The thesis if the book revolves around the factors that led to the Rome's rise in power when it was at war with Carthage for decades. The author supports the thesis by portraying the rise of Rome and the fall of Carthage.

The portrayal of asian males in d. w. griffiths broken blossoms

Already, the film is portraying him as mentally inferior to the white man by having him in a feminized position, since it is culturally understood that the woman becomes sad and depressed, not the male. The contrast between the two males is startling; the Asian male is morally corrupt and feminized while the Anglo Saxon β†’

The new cotton – from race chattel slavery to race conviction slavery

The main objective that led to Hicks writing this book was to bring out the idea of the extent of oppression that the black Americans are facing over the years. His writing tries to explain to the young black Americans what the real purpose for the criminal justice is, and what the future holds for β†’

Report on litter

Report Aim: Observe litter in remote areas and compare with areas accessible by motorised transport Friday Amount of litter: Minor Thoughts: Started our expedition on the top of a hill, near a cafe/ pub which is where we found the litter; a box of beers. The route for this day was much easier and accessible β†’

Summer training report on delhi transco limited

The main purpose of this SRS document is to illustrate the requirements of the project Student information System and is intended to help any organization to maintain and manage its student's personal data.1. Search module: Suppose there are hundreds of students and from this we have to search a particular student and we know the β†’

Report kimpalan mig

Place the workplace on the table and set the appropriate flow and pressure plate and adjust the current in MIX machine.4. Weld nails need to be done to fix the position of the metal plate before welding is done completely for a solid connection and easy to carry out the welding process.

Answer questions

Task Question Persuasive profiling refers to the approximating the effects of the available strategies that can influence an individual and consequent adoption while taste profiling refers to the influence attributed to the taste of a product. Sales management refers to the supervision of the selling process, selling price and discounts offered and the customer acquisitions β†’

The 13th bracey report on the condition of public education (phi delta kappan oct2003, vol. 85, issue 2, p148164, 17p

Focusing on the controversial No Child Left Behind' policy, The 13th Bracey Report on the Condition of Public Education determines that the former to be a source of additional educational problems rather than a set of solutions for existent ones. The implication here is that the absence of a single, agreed-upon definition for proficiency leads β†’

Openchannel flow – lab report example

Beta states that a surface parallel to the channel bottom induces a uniform fluid flow. The introduction of a weir along the channel of fluid flow results to an increase in the fluid level.

Agglutination reaction

A blood type is a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells. Conclusion Based on the results of the said experiment, one can easily detect if your blood is type A if there is a clumping of RBC on antisera A only.

Investigation report on world trade organization

Organization: World Trade Organization Of all of the organizations built upon service to the general populous, the World Trade Organization sits as the central organization as it comes to trading between participating countries. The World Trade Organization is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.

Dbq 2. reporter paine. reconciliation with britain. declaration.

The Declaration was not objective and unbiased statement of the American-British conflict because it was on the American side. This document was objective and unbiased because it took the American side.

The allegory of the cave

Allegory of the Cave Introduction The Allegory of the Cave is a story contained in the book " Republic' written by Plato who was a Greek philosopher. Conclusion These are just but a few of instances of how the allegory is brought out in the story.

Shooting of malcom x

Details of the event including the time, venue, participants, fusillade and the reactions of the people as well as the police statements, medical examiner's report and the suspicions over the Black Muslims' involvement had been described with details. The latter part of the article is devoted for describing the Black Muslims denying any involvement in β†’

Guidelines for lab report assignment

1 The Title Page This is the most important section of the report because it provides information about the name of the experiment, author, and date. 3 The Introduction The introduction sections in a report states the objectives of the experiments and provide the reader with the background to the experiment.

Reviving ophelia – saving the selves of adolescent girls

Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls The book reviving Ophelia is among the most amazing books that Mary Pipher has ever written. From the content of the book, it is evident that the book has a wide audience.

Only daughter by sandra cisneros

The parent contributes greatly to the success of a person; this is because the parent is able to teach one the virtues in life and what to do or to avoid for one to succeed. The education knowledge acquired once put into practice leads to the success of a person as is seen in the β†’

Analyse and report data essay sample

1 Describe the purpose and benefits of organising data so that it can be analysed The purpose and benefit of organising data is that it allows you to see clearing what the data is that you have collected and what it relates to. 3 Explain how to analyse and prepare researched data so results will β†’

Disclosure and financial reporting

Now, accounting is called language of business it has expanded the wings to the financial reporting, management accounting, financial management, auditing and other reporting activities to monitor and measure the business performance. The integrity of company financial is completely applied to the principle accounting officer and or chief executive of the company.

The nightrunners of bengal

It is Caroline's affection that gave him strength and courage to recover from his declining health and shows his bravery to fights for his right against the Indian upheaval. In the author's viewpoint, the Bengal Lancers deserve most of the praise for showing their loyalty to their British officers, in his eyes, they are brave β†’

Biology protein lab report

The objective of this lab was to measure the amount of protein from a piece of beef liver. Introduction The main objective of this lab was to measure the amount of protein from a piece of beef liver, and then use the spectronic 20 to discover the concentration of protein found in the beef liver.

Internship report about fantasy kingdom marketing policy flashcard

This report has only been prepared for the lifetime of the course of BUS 490 Practicum as the partial requirement of the Bachelor of Business Administration. The objective of the program is to expose the students in the organizational work situation.

Ptcl report

The corporation provides and enforces policies for the telephonic services nation-wide and is the backbone for country's telecommunication infrastructure despite arrival of a dozens other telecommunication corporations, including Telenor Corps and China Mobile Ltd. Recent DSL services launched by PTCL reflect this by the introduction of a new brand name and operation of the service β†’

Review on god’s samurai by gordon w. prange

In this book, the author's thesis revolves around narration of the biography of Mitsuo Fuchida. In the novel, a comprehensive and well researched account of the comedown of Mitsuo Fuchida from the war has been presented.

Statistics for next generation sequencing – meeting report

Despite development of many algorithms and tools for mapping reads to the reference genomes, accurately mapping RNA-seq reads remains a tough problem due to the complexity of the transcriptome. In addition to exome variants, the chip also includes SNPs for population structure, probes for HLA tags, fingerprinting SNPs, and a range of other variants of β†’

Sun microsystems report essay

In addition, this report will compute the net income/revenue for those years, and will explain the major reason for the change reviewed for 2000-2001, using the ratio of the major income statement accounts to the net revenues, cost of sales, research and development, selling, general, and administrative expense, and provision for income tax. The results β†’

Calibration of pressure measurement system – lab report example

The digital pressure gauge has a selection point for the required display unit to be posted on the screen. Operation The pressure is applied to the pressure sensors within the equipment.

Research report on substance related disorders

When the body is being forced to stop a negatively daily routine the body starts to express the need and want of the substance, and is not able to function or focus without its intake on that certain substance it's lacking. NIDA is also in the process of creating a new medication and is currently β†’

Assignments and lab reports assignment

Scenarios: Scenario 1 Scenario 2: Scenario 3: Scenario 4: Part II: Designing an Experiment For the second part of your assignment, you get to apply the scientific method to a real life situation. Think about a scenario or problem that could occur in your life in which you can apply the scientific method to answer β†’

Lab report the effects of drugs on cardiac physiology assignment

The second phase of the experiment was to connect the pulse transducer to the index finger or the right hand. The area between the peak of the R wave and the peak in the pulse group was highlighted using the I-beam tool.

Criticize of the (dao de jing) response paper

Chapter one of the book says that the way which can be spoken of is not always the true way. It is a difficult chapter to translate and interpret and needs one to be very critical so as to understand the hidden meaning of the words contained in it.

Forensic report examining potential false confession

Jamie later confessed that he took a lighter and deodorant can to the park and said that he started the fire nearby the trees and green leaves, but then changed his answer to the playpark. This shows the importance of the questioning within the interview between Jamie and Detective White and why analysing it will β†’

Ramona by helen hunt jackson

Alessandro is the son of the Chief of the tribe at Temecula Village. This novel mainly reflects Jackson's concern for the Native Americans and the harsh conditions they had to face in the nineteenth century.

Free report on calculate vp vpp and frequency

6 = 53% Why is there a percentage difference between the two methods of finding frequency and Vpp? Answer: This is as a result of the difference in the accuracy of the two methods.

Blood pressure laboratory report

The main conclusions of the experiment were that the blood pressure measurement differed more for the cardiac microphone technique than auscultation and automated blood pressure meter; however there was little variation between trials in all methods. The reappearance of Korotkoff sounds while the pressure cuff was being deflated corresponds to the systolic blood pressure.

Fluid mechanics lab report assignment

Measurement of the flow depth and the channel width was taken.2. A potassium permanganate trace was again added upstream of the orifice and the subsequent streamlines for the flow through the conduit were sketched.5.

Ibm global business services executive report essay sample

To find out, the IBM Institute for Business Value surveyed more than 1, 000 consumers worldwide to understand who is using social media, what sites they frequent and what drives them to engage with companies. Companies, keenly aware of this global social media phenomenon, are feeling intense pressure to get in on the action.

Statutory assessment for special educational needs and the warnock report; the first 40 years

The number of statements stayed relatively stable during the 1980's in line with the stated intentions of the new system to secure provision for the most complex children. In 1992/3 the Government responded to the Audit Commission criticisms of the statutory process by tightening statutory duties on LAs and schools however by the time of β†’

Manzana insurance case report essay sample

2 ) The RERUNs were non released to the DCs until the last twenty-four hours before the due day of the month. Actually.the MEAN clip of each measure is much shorter compared with SCTs.