Genuine Report Examples

Intelligence quotient test report

You are typically In tune with your emotions, and are able to Identify your true feelings. Emotional Facilitation of Thought You are well aware of the guiding potential of your emotions, and usually tune in to your feelings as a means to direct your Judgment, reasoning, and actions.

Why meat production in 1906 required regulation reports examples

The presentation of life in the streets catches the eye of the audience especially when Sinclair reveals that rats were shoveled into sausage-grinding machines and that meat inspectors are highly corrupt to the extent that diseased cows are also packaged for sale. Since then, the safety measures in food among other products have been established β†’

Example of materials report

Incidentally, tests that are taken to measure the concentration of fluoride in the water only measure the inorganic form of fluoride. Direct pontiometric method was used to establish the amount of fluoride ions in the solution.

Limitations example for internship report

Limitations Even though the report finished on time, it does not mean that I did not face any problem in doing this research. Other problem that I felt was the time to do this research was so limited, I believed that I could get more information and recommendation for Yes!

Chinese food industry and market report

The report will analyze the development of Chinese food industry and food market, Chinese food culture and characteristics of food consumption behavior. Among the eastern foods, Chinese food is one of the most representatives, of which the food way, the food culture, the development history, and the relative national conditions and customs have a very β†’

Free report on strategic analysis of singapore airlines

To conduct internal and external analysis of the company current situation of the company is analysed and then PEST, Porter's Five Forces Analysis and SWOT Analysis is done to find the opportunities and threats faced by company. Current Situation of the Company SIA is the subsidiary of Government of Singapore and it holds a golden β†’

Legislation and ethics in the travel and tourism sector report examples

At the heart of the debate is the current configuration of legislation relating to airline safety and security. This is in line with the CAA guidelines on Flight Deck Monitoring, which prescribes that the PM to monitor the control and progress of the aircraft, while secondary tasks are to be addressed only when the primary β†’

Good report about jetblues strategic intent

When the business sector is chosen, for example, the air transport industry, then the business needs to choose how it will perform better than the opposition and what item it will accumulate to the business request to be varying from the opposition. At long last organizations will need to comprehend to a degree how this β†’

Free report on orifices experiment

In contrast, the third orifice resulted into 560 m head over jet with a fixed volume of 20 L and a flow rate of 0. With respect to the flow rate, it is faster as the head over jet and distance increases.

Good aviation security report example

The problem lies in the lack of reliable, accurate and timely measurements and reporting of atmospheric turbulence locations and intensities. Through the use of turbulence detection systems, more resources could be saved in addition to averting disasters and crisis.

Project report on manipal hospital essay sample

The main objective of the research paper is to understand the growth of the corporate hospitals and its impact on the health care at the domestic and international levels. The flagship hospital under Manipal Health Enterprises is Manipal Hospital Bangalore, set up in 1991, accredited with NABH and AAHRPP comprises of 55 clinical departments and β†’

Good report on whole community approach fema

Secondly, collective development of the nation's resilience leads to greater empowerment and better integration of resources from across communities in dealing with catastrophic hazards. Furthermore, greater empowerment and integration of resources enables the entire community to develop the nation's resilience effectively.

Earthquakes & subduction zones lab report

The three key features associated with a subduction zone are a deep ocean trench, a volcanic arc on the overriding plate parallel to the trench, and a plane of earthquakes, shallow near the trench and descending beneath and beyond the volcanic arc. Form a hypothesis about the relative ages of the East Pacific Rise material β†’

Good example of report on radioisotopes in medicine

Nuclear medicine is a branch of medicine using the radiation to analyze the function of the organs. In the developed countries, the frequency of the medicine is 1.9%.

Report on electron microscopy in practice to study proteins

The Transmitting Electron Microscope transmits the electron beam through a sample whereas the SEM scans the surface of the sample for secondary electrons. Ogura described the importance and the use of SEMs for observing the " nanometer structures of proteins and viruses".

Experiment conducted on cognitive development on date report

The theoretical analysis of attention has taken several major approaches to identify the mechanisms of attention: the signal-detection approach and the similarity-choice approach. Similar to other sciences, the use of experiments is the major research tools in this field of psychology.

Example of report on electrostatics

The negatively charged smoke particles are attracted to the positively charged metal plates that are found on the upper side of the chimney. The paint is spread over the body of the car that is negatively charged.

Bioethics and thematics discussion on issues report

Autonomy should be considered in context of the vulnerability and the dignity of the persons, which is applied to living organ donation and transplantation. In this case, it is the freedom of the donor to sell organs and it is also the freedom of the recipients to buy the organs.

Report on a flow chart of the tool setup and cnc program check

The most advanced and the latest technique in this area is CNC lathe, which is computer numerical control process, where the lathe is programmed in order to follow the numerical instructions and complete the process of tool creation by the control of operated units directly. In the open loop control system the cost of the β†’

Social change and art report examples

Politically: Rise of Communism - The rise of communism renewed interest in political messages in art. The story of art.

Budgeting analysis and report of massachusetts research papers examples

In that respect, governments have budgeting planning that is specific to their constituents' needs and that defines the objective of this analysis which seeks to demonstrate the budgeting process for a State in view of its status and environment. To achieve the objective, the analysis uses the case of Massachusetts State in the US.

Economic plans proposed by the presidentiables report sample

Obama is concerned about the low and middle class earners that they would be facing about US$2, 000 of the total tax burden if the said tax-cuts expire as scheduled. He should also focus on further shrinking the federal deficits by convincing the congress to pass policies regarding tax alternatives and also revive the manufacturing β†’

Electronic prescribing report examples

Physicians and pharmacists have acknowledged the benefits of e-prescribing and the rewards that they may obtain in implementing the system. The patient information request is sent to connected payers and pharmacies which in turn will send the prescription and medical history information to the physician's EHR application.

Pharmacology questions report examples

A client starting phenelzine for treatment of depression should be monitored for which of the following effects? a. Which of the following is an adverse effect for which a nurse should assess a client who is taking lithium carbonate? a.

Example of report on barriers to health care among elderly people

Lack of transportation poses a challenge to the wellbeing of the elderly people since they may not move from one point to the other to look for medical attention. One of the reasons through which multiple medications becomes a problem is following the reaction of some of the drugs that may be prescribed to a β†’

Free towards the inevitable:a study on australians attitude towards climate change report example

It is not in the recognition of climate change that the CSIRO shows concern, but in how the public rank the importance of climate change, and the lack of familiarity of climate change related terms. There is a felt need for awareness and educational exposure to the harmful effects of climate change and global warming.

Report on book a cure for all cancer

The book also shows the reader the resources that are readily available and that one can use to avoid the disease. The authors of the book also show the composition of things in use daily and how they draw the cancer parasite and to where they affect mostly, for example Nickel which draws cancer to β†’

Human papillomavirus (hpv) report examples

The HPV virus is known to be the main source of cervical cancer. The HPV virus is the main cause of cervical cancer.

Cloning and sequencing lab rep report examples

The amplification of the ErbB2 occurs in the breast and ovarian. Ligation: The ligation was prepared with two different ratios of the HEX20 and the pJet 1.2.

Bullying report

Indirect is not face-to-face, and ruins the victim's reputation by spreading rumors and making sure that the social standing of the victim is questioned. This way the act of bullying is recorded and could be showed to a principal or parent if necessary.

Report on edwardian era of fashion

The duration encompassed the historic Titanic sinking, the beginning of World War I in 1914, and the stop of World War I in 1918. The head of sleeve had a few gathers and the entire sleeve appeared curved in like the skirt, narrow around the middle, wide around the bottom and full around the top.

Good the question is: how can the multicultural education program be implemented in australia report example

The benefit of such mission is the hands on understanding of the workings of different cultures. An entire 25 percent of Australians belief that diversity would compromise the security of the Australian society thus making multicultural education vital for both the well being and healthiness of the Australian society.- Perhaps one of the most formidable β†’

Report on harry seidler

Based on his believe that, architecture is a form of art of a simple but functional design, he was devoted to bettering the physical world, through application of modern technology. Besides, his urban design was unique; the construction of tall and high density buildings in Australia was as a result of his work.

Sustainability in relation to the brundtland report and how it applies to africa

The focus of this essay will be on environmental problems, causes of environmental problems and possible solutions in terms of sustainability that is discussed in the Brundtland report and how it applies to Africa. Which is decrease in the centralization of ozone in the ozone layer.

Example of research paper on however, delta airline has been reporting increasing profits and growth as shown

The business model also allows the organization to communicate and articulate the overall business vision, mission, and logic to all its stakeholders including the suppliers and employees of the organization. The business model of the Delta airline is presented in the image below: It is clearly visible from this business model that the airline is β†’

Free report on sustainable building

The objective is to establish the role of engineers in designing and implementing the sustainability measures. The threats posed to the sustainability of such processes that address the critical needs of the society must be identified, framed and a long-term plan must be formed to resolve them.

Bhp billiton report

The increase of the 5% mining tax in Chile also resulted in uncertainty in achieving the intended profit margins Economic Factors BHP Billiton is vulnerable to the economic factors of a potential rise in energy costs, discovery expenses, operations, materials and labor costs. Weaknesses of BHP Billiton Company The company has a weakness in that β†’

The renaissance in europe report

The whole reason behind the renaissance artists was the representation of nature in their work where the standards were however deviated into the reflection of the human beings as the central focus. Da Vinci in his work portrayed the ideal and the real human efforts as it was possible to view into the inner essence β†’


Recent research has assessed the diminishing role of equities, progress on debt and deleveraging, resource productivity, cities of the future, the future of work in advanced economies, the economic impact of the Internet, and the role of social technology. 5 trillion skilled workers in the Indonesian economy market opportunity in consumer services, agriculture and fisheries, β†’

Good microeconomics report example

Buyers purchase products at their willingness and ability while the seller supplies the products and services to the market at their willing price and ability to the market. Supply is the ability and willingness of a seller to produce and supply products and services to the market at the prevailing price at a given period.

Microeconomics report on fiat

The article is locked upon one of the latest additions to the Fiat 500 family; the 500 L. Nevertheless, and in a general sense, one can forecast the new Fiat 500 L can be appealing to a wide sector of customers.

Report on wateen telecom

Also the political governmental rules can not be completely applicable in this sector due to the regulation authority of PTA.* Unseen and unexpected people sue on the company and wateen has to face many legal conditions and hurdles * Environment of telecom is investor friendly and has great potential to gain profit because the trend β†’

Buddhism traditions report examples

Another thing that Buddhists do in the temple is the lighting of incense. Basically, Buddhists in the temple spoke in stipulations of an absolute God, however, they put much emphasizes on the meditation practice, as well as right behaviors in various aspects of life in the course of attaining Nirvana, which is the state of β†’

Operative report essay sample

Following this, a Heaney clamp was placed and the mesosalpinx and another curved Heaney clamp was placed in the proximal aspect of the left fallopian tube beyond the area of the ectopic pregnancy. Hemostasis was checked again and no bleeding was detected.

World religions report: catholics

To the Catholics it is an obligation and to miss Sunday Mass is considered a sin because it is the Day of the Lord unless a reasonable excuse is recognized. Transubstantiation is what the Catholics refer to as the blessing of the wine and bread.

A report about germany architecture essay

The bulk of the animate beings that are herd in Germany are hogs, cowss, and poulet and used for their copiousness of meats and dairy. The fundamental law of Germany divides the powers of the federal and province degrees between the three subdivisions of authorities: the legislative, executive, and judicial subdivisions.

Comparative report on the advantages of devops and agile

Interpretation As discussed earlier that Many of the attendees are not following Tosca Practices, but to analyze whether their firm believes in any of these 5 Core Testing Practices, which are mentioned below: They allocate proper testing budgets and focus on upgrading their testing skills. They implement continuous testing to meet the demands of release β†’

Report on tourism enterprise management

The analysis focuses on the available facilities found in this famous attraction site including the design features, availability of information for the potential and actual visitors, visitors' signage, rules and regulations governing the destination and the management system responsible for the maintenance and development of the site Federation Square is a civic center which is β†’

Big bazaar report

Food Bazaar becomes part of Big Bazaar with the launch of the first store in Mumbai at High Street Phoenix. To study the services of Big Bazar.

Cultural immersion project report sample

Secondly my best choice of this place was based on the fact that I rarely go to coffee shops and that I am also not a coffee-drinker and lastly, my friends have always described it as serene and cool place which offers variety of beverages; I definitely had to second their statement by visiting the β†’

Ms tomie gowdy-burke report examples

This report provides an overview of the project, the methods we used for completing the project, as well as our findings and conclusions from working on the project. With the countless things that can be seen and done in Disneyland and with the high costs of the tickers, it is important for visitors to plan β†’

Good report on causes of market failure

Market failure is a concept encompassed in economic theory where the amount of products demanded by customers in a certain market is not equal to the amount that is supplied by manufacturers and suppliers. The paper will also highlight the causes of market failure and its contribution to innovation failure.

Example of report on nursing

It explains; the different indications for oxygen therapy, the effect of unsafe oxygen therapy for patients with COPD, patient assessment during oxygen therapy, the various oxygen therapy devices and eventually highlights the complications resulting from inappropriate administration of oxygen. Increasing the respiratory rate is the second indication for oxygen therapy discussed in the research; accurate β†’

Saudi aramco report sample

Figure 2 illustrates the process in simple visual flow:- Exploration: The exploration process entails searching for oil and gas resources, specifically from " complex onshore and offshore reservoirs and frontier areas in the Red Sea".- Production: The process of drilling and boring a hole in the earth's surface to produce oil for various consumers.- Refining β†’

Report on book go for no the ultimate strategy for failing your way to success

The most important of the messages is that people should overcome their fears of rejection and failure and surge forward to seek success. According to the book, passing through the levels of failure is not easy and so total commitment and hardwork is called for.

Peptide hormones report examples

Peptide hormones consist of a linear chain of amino acids, with the sequence of the amino acids determining the primary structure of the protein. Enkephalin, a neurotransmitters and a peptide hormone that is known to act like morphine and vie with same for the binding site in brain.

Type 2 diabetes gene-environment interactions report examples

It is estimated that 30 percent of the population suffers from diabetes, and 90 percent of all diabetes cases are type 2 diabetes. Components of the " metabolic syndrome" and incidence of type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes report essay sample

1674 brought Thomas Willis who had made a claim that rather than being a disease of the kidneys, Diabetes was a disease of the blood and that the sweetness of the urine was originally found in the blood then transferred to the urine. Bouchardat also had noticed that exercise was somewhat beneficial in the treatment β†’

Example of report on solar panel background

Application of solar cells is considered one of the most important discoveries in the way of humanity to seek an alternative source of energy. Years passed, and the different directions of the development of solar energy moving towards each other: increasing the efficiency and the gradual reduction in the price.

Report on health and safety issues in relation to building and using computers

If the material is an insulator, that charge is held and does not move and is referred to as static electricity. Below are examples of two MSD's the first is a battery from a HP computer, and the second relates to a cleaning agent specifically for computer maintenance 7 8 How to Dispose of Old β†’

Example of why did the earthquake and tsunami occur report

2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami The Tohoku earthquake that occurred in the Pacific Ocean on 11th March, 2011 at a shallow depth of 32 kilometers is by far the largest earthquake ever recorded in the Japanese history and the fifth largest in the world. It is because Japan sits in the 'Ring of Fire', the β†’

Training report on wholesale banking operation in axis bank.

3 MANAGEMENT OF AXIS BANK ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE OF AXIS BANK PROMOTERS: Axis Bank Ltd.has been promoted by the largest and the best Financial Institution of the country, UTI. This research is also essential for me in fulfillment of MBA curriculum.* To the bank Research would help the bank to get the lead of potential customer β†’

Free report about impact of uk financial and banking crisis

However, the root causes of the problem could be traced to the 1970s and the 1980 when the US and UK governments when UK and US deregulated their financial markets. This is true considering the gifts received from the public, the funding received from foundations, and the amount of public grants and contracts given since β†’

Report on mobile banking

Table of content Tropic Introduction Part Introduction of the Report Mobile Banking Background Challenges for a Mobile Banking Solution Basic Mobile Banking Technologies Objectives of the Study Methodology of the Report Literature Review Analysis Part History of Mobile Banking in Bangladesh History of Mobile Banking in Abroad Features/Mobile Banking Services Advantages of Mobile Banking disadvantages β†’

Visit to court – court report essay sample

The Subject Matter of the CaseLayout of the Court and Roles of Court ParticipantsInteresting ObservationsDegree of formality in the court proceedingHow the evidence was presentedUnderstanding the Happening of a Court Room8Understanding Court ProcessReflection of Court Experience9Reference ListIntroduction: This is a report describing an observation of a criminal court proceeding that I attended at Brisbane District β†’

Formal report exp 9

The samples were analyzed through different tests namely the involvement of the solubility of alcohols in water, the Lucas Test, the Chromic Acid Test or also known as Jones Oxidation, the 2, 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone Test, the Fehling's Test, the Tollens' Silver Mirror Test, and the Iodoform Test. 50-mg or 2-3 drops of the sample was added β†’

Report based on holiday inn hotel

Weakneses Therefore Holiday Inn does not focus on food serving and the main problem is that Guests have to walk through the gardent to get to Holiday Inn's restaurant. Threats As we mentioned, people who stay in Holiday Inn have to walk outside the hotel to get to the restaurant, this is a very serious β†’

Free object description report example

This absorbed heat will increase the heat inside the box until the heat that is gained by the box is equal to the heat that is lost. The interior materials should have the ability to retain heat and increase the heat that is generated from the solar rays.

A report on jollibee foods corporation

The reasons for the location being that there is a huge Philippine population in Dale City of California which will help in the establishment of the store. Also they have successfully catered to the taste buds of the people in Guam which will help them serve the Americans better and thus the expansion could be β†’

Techniques for providing water to arid regions report example

2% of the water supply worldwide.- Desalination Technologies The goal of desalination is to separate solids from water to make it at least usable. The United States is an important contributor to the development of desalination technologies because of the efforts and money it expended for research, through the Office of Saline Water and the β†’

Watts bar 2 description report examples

However, in the 1980s, at around the time that its predecessor was subject to mandatory modifications to rectify regulatory deficiencies, T.W.A.decided to suspend the construction of Watts Bar 2. This one at Watts Bar is the first in the US, at the first new US nuclear plant to be completed this century.

Report on small-scale cover crop study at boston colleges brighton campus

Intercropping can also result in the increase of fertilizer use or irrigation water in the event that one of the crops varies in their response to the other crops. 2 Objectives of study The objective of the study was to analyze growth, germination, and general effectiveness of three cover crops, hairy vetch, cereal rye, and β†’

Ethical reporting practice for children in print media bangladesh

In this role, the media should endeavour to seek the truth and expose it for the good of the public while taking care not to hurt anybody unjustly in the process. To put it simply, ethical journalism in the context of children should serve the best interest of the Child through the power of the β†’

Example of the souls of black folk report

The District of Columbia officially ended slavery in 1862 after the signing of the document " The District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act". William Du Bois " The Souls of Black Folk' is a chronicle of the black experience during the period of reconstruction and shows that contrary to the expectations expressed in Civil War β†’

Example of report on research methods vs. interviews

With the help of the teachers, head teachers, class teachers and the teaching assistants, I was able to identify the relevant children for the interview. The children were told the subject of the interview and by the time all had agreed to face the interview, I prepared questions that I would use to administer an β†’

Tv beat reports example

2) What is the story; briefly explain how you came up with the idea. List 8-10 visuals you would shoot to cover your story 1.

Report on leadership interview

The first rule is that leaders should be crowned with the authority to punish individuals who do not obey the set orders for the people. Lastly, it is also a rule that leaders must be inspirational to the people by giving the people more.

Example of report on statistical methods for six sigma

The essence of the concept is the need to improve the quality of the outputs of each of the processes to minimize defects and statistical variations in operating activities. The spread of values of the curve is directly dependent on the value of the standard deviation -.

Book report

Setting: At the beginning, a baseball field is the setting for the scene that sets the stage for the action of the novel to start, which throughout the entire novel are always present and very important. Personal opinion of the book: This is a great story example about love, family relationships and what parent's true β†’

Free report about networking tools

Online Speed Test 10 Testing and screenshots of Bandwidth Test11 Conclusion on Network Tool12 Conclusion13 This paper investigates and analyzes a variety of Network Protocol Tools. Enter the range of IP addresses that you want to scan, and then click Start.

A report on the effects pf sibling sexual abuse essay sample

The identity of the perpetrator, the amount of force of betrayal involved, the duration of the abuse, and the child's age and individual personality can affect the way in which the child responds to the abuse. The Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect for Adult Survivors.

Referee report on:

Summary of the Paper The authors are doing research on the relationship upon the concepts of time inconsistency, time consistency and a demand for precommitment technology. Precisely, the authors examine the impact on liquor consumption of a collection of natural experiments on state-level policy changes that altered liquor sales hours on Sundays either for on-premise β†’

Free report on co-crystal of caffeine and maleic acid with acetone

The co-crystallization obtained from co-crystals is beneficial for the improvement of the physiochemical properties of the drugs. In the case of Cocrystals, co-former, and the drug are solid at ambient temperature.

Free earth geology and its ramifications for life report sample

History of Creation During 18th century, many myths of explaining naturalistic and evolutionary nature of earth were developed. The impact of this is witnessed at the community, national and personal levels.

Report on tourism of bangladesh

1 Beginning of tourism industry in Bangladesh Promotion of tourism in Bangladesh under the aegis of the government started in 1972, following independence of the country. Introduction to the tourism industry in Bangladesh.

Arla foods annual report

New capital structure possibly the most important event for arla in 2010 was the cooperative members' strong backing for arla's Group strategy, via the Board of representatives.members gave their support to retaining the cooperative ownership structure and increasing consolidation in order to partly finance the arla growth strategy, which includes plans for major the β†’

Equity and portfolio management

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objectives of Equities and investment /portfolio management can be categorised as follows: - To observe the rate of fluctuations of selected companies.- The amount of risk involved in the securities of the sample companies.- To make comparative study of risk and return of the sample companies. SCOPE OF THE STUDY β†’

Post-modernism theory of visual artists

In particular, postmodernist-deconstructive approach to language ascertains that the meaning of words cannot be the mirror of the world. The central argument in explaining language as a system is the nature of linguistic systems earlier constructed, but, has defects in giving the real meaning of the world and at the same time linking the language β†’

Example of research paper on research report

The first stage of the test consisted in giving a math test to the participants of this study, allowing them two hours to study principles, theories and exercises upon which the test was to be based on. The second phase of the study implied that the participants within this study were to be given chocolate β†’

Oat’s reader report

To the nation's surprise Burr did not step down to allow Jefferson to become President, forcing the matter to come to the attention of congress. After the war of 1812, Jackson then went on lead a group of Tennessee militia men to fight against the Indians in the southeast, the British in Florida, and the β†’

Kenwood electronics business report flashcard

" To market ' Kenwood' Audio and communication products within the UK, Eire and certain specific overseas countries to enhance the reputation of the ' Kenwood' brand with target consumers while achieving local profitability within the UK" The Kenwood Triangle is Kenwood work hard to produce products with advanced technology. The Kenwood staff are also β†’

World religions report in apa style

It is one of the oldest of the great world religions, and is the mother religion of both Christianity and Islam. The Jewish's values and history are the main part of the foundation of different Abrahamic religions like Christianity, Islam, Samaritanism and the Baha'i Faith.

A report on company job satisfaction management essay

When you compare companies like coca cola and big eight, it is evident that the employees in the coca cola company rarely live the company to go work somewhere else. The employees in Big Eight lack commitment to the organization whereas the employees in Coca Cola Company are fully committed to the company and they β†’

Culinary arts report essay

The title page or cover page The title page should be at the beginning of the report. Table of Contents It should include the commencing page of acknowledgement, executive summary, abbreviation The page numbers should be stated on the right side of the page Title page at the front of the project paper is considered β†’

Saunds strategies for breaking-racial barriers

Particularly, nullification of this law would contribute to their right to become full citizens of America and stop racial discrimination against Indian immigrants as elimination of the law's guidelines would signify the end of part of the oppressive handicaps to Indian's workday business life. Saund believed that nullification of California's Alien Land Law and formation β†’