Genuine Report Examples

Plagiarism report examples

This is because it derails the purpose of education since the students do not learn anything from the work they copy from other sources or people or the internet. This acknowledgement of another person's work used in your own work exempts it from the crime of plagiarism.

Psychological studies report

The University of Southampton in the United Kingdom funded the study. The University of the Portsmouth in the United Kingdom funded the study.

This diversity in languages and thus ethnic groups form a firm foundation upon which reports examples

Multiculturalism is a doctrine that encourages different cultures in the country to coexist peacefully and equitably and allow people in the country to respect and allow diverse groups of religions and cultures to exist in one area. Multicultural day initiative, therefore, fits well in the definition of community development in that the project tries to →

Example of report on argentina

The effects of the inflation are seriously being felt by the producers in the country, the biggest company in Argentina called YPF, has experienced a 12. Archived from the original on 2 September 2012.

Report on historical context of australia – usa relations

The task of forming a relationship began in 1942 and was concluded in 1951 with the formal formation of the ANZUS treaty. The trade and investment between the two countries has helped Australia benefit in the rapid growth of China over the last years.

U.s. trade imbalance during the postwar period report

This was as a result of sinking of the trade gap that was caused by the depreciation of the US dollar. This resulted to higher exports than the imports hence surplus of trade.

Collection of blood report

This incorporates typing to verify the donor's ABO blood grouping and Rhesus factors in addition to several screens to guarantee the safety of the blood. After the required amount of blood is collected, the pressure is reduced to zero and the needle is removed from the patient in its place replaced by a cotton swab →

Report on alzheimer’s disease: nature, history, causes, diagnosis, medications and management strategies

The cost to help and take care of someone with Alzheimer's disease is unbelievably, there are so many different treatments that test that are demanded to go through multiple times. I would not force them to take me in their home because as you can recall from the research, there's a lot of stress that →

Volunteer report in silver ribbon singapore

For our mid-term project, we have decided to volunteer our time to raising funds to support the Silver Ribbon Singapore, as we believed in their vision and mission, and that more awareness needs to be spread about positive mental health, in order to prevent people from judging others, or for those who are affected, to →

Reports on the made-in-india cellphone brands

With the organization's push to " Make-In-India", we have seen a diminishment in commitments and a take-up in benefits for producers making phones in India. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has furthermore made a couple of proposals for progression of adjacent collecting in India.

Free report about situating your cultural identity

The Chinese culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world, covering large geographical location in China. Most social values in the Chinese culture are derived from Confucianism and Taoism There has been an accelerating development of both inward and outward Chinese international migration, accompanied by a constant high-rate escalation of international flows and →

Example of movie report: the birth of a nation essay

At the inception of the war, the young fellows of the families enroll with their respective armies. The Cameron family is attacked and a few members of both the families meet their demise.

Report on a tree full of ancestors

In the Human Origins and Becoming Human timelines, the origin of our species is Sahelanthropus Tchadensis whereas on the PBS timeline, the origin of the species is Orrorin Tugensis, which is classified as the second phase on the other two timelines. This is demonstrated most strongly in the PBS timeline which omits a number of →

Experiment title. report sample

The endo product of a Diels Alder reaction is expected to be the first product that will form unless the the reaction is carried out under reversible conditions. The lab resulted in a yield of approximately 12 percent endo-5 Norbornene-2, 3 dicarboxylic acid.

Computer forensic style guide report examples

It is proposed that a Computer Forensic Report include the following sections:- Executive summary This section provides a summary of the most important points that are made in the report, so that the reader can get a quick and comprehensive overview of what is contained in the report.- Background to the case This section provides →

Classroom observation report

The lesson was not focused mainly on the form of language but its function as well, where the teacher tried to make the students able to use the target language using the activities done during the lesson. The opportunities for the students to develop fluency and accuracy were provided by the teacher especially when the →

Understanding your credit score report sample

In the outside world, financial health of an individual is very important, and due to financial difficulties, information on credit score strengthens financial state of an individual. Taking advantage of the accessibility of loan and credit improves the financial health in the future.

Sample report on accelerometer experiment lab

An accelerometer is used to measure the rate of change in displacement and how it varies with time.- Objective The objective of the experiment was to study the natural frequency and stiffness of a vibrating beam. This was done by observing and analyzing the decay curve of the oscillations of an underdamped system as it →

The report on the influence of watershed on the water quality in fullerton

When the water chemistry of the Acacia Park Creek is analyzed, the Water Quality Index will indicate that the water quality is fair. The climate during this study is significantly warmer than that of any other part of the year; September and October are some of the hottest parts of the year in Southern California.

Example of report on life long physical activity

Unlike the benefits that result from physical activity in children, the main benefit of physical activity in older adults is the prevention of the many health related problems that come with old age. The physical activity, fitness, and health of children.

Good causes of autism report example

Children with a disorder from the autism spectrum lack attention, find it difficult to communicate, make decisions, have control of their posture and voice, and show deficits in IQ. The same applies to parents that have already a child with autism and give birth to a second one; it is highly likely it will also →

Hrm report on national bank of pakistan business essay

The Bank 's services are available to persons, corporate entities and authorities In today 's competitory concern environment, NBP needed to redefine its function and shed the populace sector bank image, for a modern commercial bank. It has developed a broad scope of consumer merchandises, to heighten concern and cater to the different sections of →

Ngo csi report essay sample

Some of them were: * Sickness among children and poverty of the parents force thousands of children to drop out of school even before they are 10 years old.* Hundreds of children are forced to work 10 to 12 hours a day to support their families.* Women and young girls face harassment and abuse at →

Media representation report examples

This paper talks about how prejudice through obesity in the Australian media influences the job foreground for women and the reason why people hate fat people in the society. The main aim of the study was to examine the relevance of a recently developed measure of anti-fat prejudice to the obesity job discrimination.

Health care system report examples

The actual tasks of caring for the obesity and elderly in 2030 will engross: making certain society develop imbursement and insurance methods for long-term care which function better than presented ones, taking advantage of progressions in behavioral health and medicine to maintain those with obesity and the aged as healthy and active as doable, and →

Universal health coverage 4 report examples

Report: Health Politics, Policy, and Planning3 Executive Summary3 Introduction4 Links between Health Policies and Politics5 Health Systems in the European Union 6 Health Policy Responses to the Financial Crisis in Europe7 The Importance of Healthcare Planning8 Conclusions8 Recommendations8 Report: Health Politics, Policy, and Planning Executive Summary This report discusses the concept of Universal Health Coverage, →

Good example of the cloister museum report

Some parts that cannot be assumed are: the cloister from the Benedictine abbey of Saint-Michel-de-Cuxa of the twelfth century is found at the main level of Cloister museum and serves as a focal point. For example, the rominisc painting of the Virgin Mary and the child adorned in all majesty that is originally from the →

Example of history of egypt to 1900 report

The Prehistoric period, the earliest period in Egypt's history, was the period of the earliest human settlement and span from the early dynastic Period in 3100BC; Narmer was the pharaoh. The period was followed by the predynastic period in about 3200BC; the period marked the end of the unification of Egypt under one pharaoh.

Recommendation to east sussex county council regarding the renovation of sea side report samples

This report analyzes the Brighton pier and the Eastbourne pier on the basis of parameters such as the cultural significance, business viability and social impact of the two piers with the aim of making a recommendation on the best project for reconstruction. The significance of the Eastbourne pier is seen in the increased investment in →

International newspaper report turkey report examples

By the year 1999, thanks to the steady growth of the country's economy, it became included in the G-20 major economies. After a series of depressions that occurred in the 90s, the country still managed to mitigate the damages and recover so fast it even managed to become one of the G-20 major economies.

Analysis of narratives of the fall: structure and meaning in the genesis frieze at hagia sophia by eastmond

Antony Eastmond, in the article " Narratives of the Fall: Structure and Meaning in the Genesis Frieze at Hagia Sophia, Trebizond", observes one of the most important peculiarities of the church, i.e.the sculptural wall painting of scenes from Genesis that runs across the south porch of the church." This article re-examines every aspect of the →

Free report about relationship between classes

MagazinesMenu and SubscriptionMenu class has a zero-to-many relationship to Magazine and Subscription class as subscription can be for any number of magazines, so it has zero-to-many relationship. Classes - FileHandler - Fields - outByteStream FileOutputStream - OOStream ObjectOutputStream - inByteStream FileInputStream - OIStream ObjectInputStream - aFile File - Methods - FileHandler- getPath- isFileEmpty- saveToFile- loadFromFile- →

Example of report on procedure

The general formula of an ester compound is as follows: The experiment aimed at preparing esters from alcohol and carboxylic acids and identification of the characteristic odors of the ester prepared. The test tubes were removed from the water bath and the smell of the vapor tested.

Report on drug alcoholic offenders group therapy

The proposal will entail the group type, population; serve the number of sessions, number of participants, and the goals of the therapy in order to develop and apply the plan o provide the adequate counseling to all the patients. During the meeting, an informed consent form will be provided and that will state what the →

Understanding alcohol use across your lifespan report examples

The next stage of alcohol consumption is at the adolescence stage, a period between the ages of twelve and seventeen. The next level of development in alcohol consumption is the Midlife Stage.

A report on blackwattle bay career education program

Education's ultimate goal is to teach and transform the minds of the young in the hope that they will become productive citizens of the country. With the many issues and controversies that the educational sectors are facing, it is no wonder that more and more schools are trying to address the issues of providing quality →

China methyl ethyl ketone market research report

Methyl Ethyl Ketene Production and Demand Overview Methyl Ethyl Ketene Production and Demand Methyl Ethyl Ketene Output Methyl Ethyl Ketene Demand Methyl Ethyl Ketene Capacity Methyl Ethyl Ketene Capacity Expansion Methyl Ethyl Ketene Import and Export V. Methyl Ethyl Ketene Producer Directory Methyl Ethyl Ketene Producer Profiles and Directory Buy a copy of report @ →

Our lady of mercy school

In this case the genotype would be S or s and the phenotype would be the shape of the bee. Even though the probability of having double recessive genes is lower, some traits, even in humans, the percentage of double recessive is greater than dominant.

Gene expression analysis report examples

It is important to note that while RT-PCR is often used to qualitatively detect the gene expression through the creation of complimentary DNA transcript from RNA, PCR is used to quantitatively measure the amplification of the DNA by using the fluorescent probes. The reverse transcriptase PCR is a technique used to determine the gene expression →

Read and answer to the essay report example

In the essay " Empowering Women: Rebuilding Society: The Role of the Foreign Service in Promoting Women's Rights in Afghanistan," Eva Lam denotes what the US Foreign Service does in order to make sure that Afghan women are no longer oppressed because of their gender. Despite concerns of imperialism and unwanted interference in the religious →

Free cultural differences and event management report sample

Sitting in the comfy of one's sitting room at home and enjoying a song of one of these two artists for example, in a country like Saudi Arabia or The United States, may not cause any uproar, but if they were to perform on stage in either of these two countries, the repercussions are conspicuously →

Report for case three footwear international

In addition, a local lawyer was ready to charge four managers of the company as a section of the criminal code that forbade " deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious believers." Analysis for the sandal incident 1) The country has continued to remain split →


The gambling people in Madrid were angry when they learned of Rizal's moralizing. Basa, and Ponce, were horrified by Rizal's to return to the Philippines.

The invisible man by hg wells report sample

The major incidences in the plot of " the invisible" man is when Mr. The major conflict in the story" the invisible man" is the fact that Mr.

Report on data selection

We will then look at the two possible contributing factors to child mortality-1) GDP per capita of a nation and 2) health Expenditure per capita of a nation. In simpler terms when the GDP of a country increases and the per capita health expenditure increases then child mortality rate of that country comes down.

Report on do individuals feel that there are benefits from paper recycling

The results were statistically analyzed and they showed that while majority of the people considered paper recycling as a positive initiative and as something that would benefit the environment, the study's results clearly showed that there was a lack in knowledge about paper recycling and its benefits. The lack of access to such facilities may →

Report on backup android devices

On the framework level, that incorporates a considerable lot of your Android settings and inclinations, extending from affirmed Wi-Fi systems and passwords to your dialect and information settings, date and time settings and show inclinations. You can affirm the majority of that is being backs up by going in system settings and searching for Backup →

Free saturation line for water/steam report sample

The three phases of a substance can only coexist in equilibrium at a given temperature and pressure. That relationship between the temperature and pressure at which the liquid phase changes to the vapor phase can be plotted on a graph at different variables.

Example of case study on data collection mode and social desirability bias in self-reported religious attendance

In this article, Stanley Presser and Linda Stinson research inaccurate data in regards to whether or not self-administered studies and time usage reports are beneficial to studies. When people were asked questions and participated in the study by means of self-administered methods and time usage reportings, the church attendance numbers dropped dramatically with a 5% →

Sample report on southampton solent university

For a simply supported beam rest the beam on the knife-edges; for the built-in beam use the clamps and ensure that the beam is properly clamped. Highlight sources of error and suggest potential improvements for the experiment.

Paraphrasing report

In addition, the experiment verified the application of the equation to the steady state flow of an inviscid and incompressible fluid. On the other hand, in the turbulent flow, a thin viscous layer is created near the surface of the pipe, and this layer causes energy loss.

Interview with john cook report example

Now, all I have to remember is that I have a lot of patient goals to accomplish and that's when I start to feel pumped up. Before me finally clinic at 5 in the afternoon, I make sure that my cubicle is neat and clean.

Pest analysis report for two leisure firms:

This would lead to a significant decrease to a number of people that go to the cinema for the opening night and the market revenue for cinema industry would decrease as well. The present Government decision to maintain the same stance as the previous Government for the new multiplex cinemas is that the regulation regarding →

Nursing report

The holistic practice appreciates: the affiliation that exists between the body, mind and soul; the intrinsic integrity of human beings; the aptitude in seeking for meaning and reason in our lives and daily occurrences; and the role of the holistic practitioner in support of the patient who may at last find soothes in healing, tranquility →

Example of yoga report

The essence of the various postures and the chants that a person is required to maintain yoga are mainly to give focus and concentration. The best thing that happens to a person after yoga is the relaxing feeling of the body and the mind.

Free why dieting doesn’t usually work report sample

The aim of the speech is to inform the audience on the disadvantages of dieting. The aim of the event is to inform people on the negative impacts of dieting.

Report on strategic plan to care for the skin

Objectives Strategies Training is one of the important things that will help the clients care for their skin. The clients should avoid usage of soap that can lead to dry skin.

Neurophysiology of nerve impulses laboratory report

The driving force of the action potential is the increase in the concentration gradient because of the increase of Na ions outside the cell.4. What is the relationship between size of a nerve and conduction velocity?

The teen brain report sample

Geidd and his colleagues have confirmed the following as the parts that undergo change; the prefrontal cortex, the gray matter, the cerebellum and the corpus callosum. Indeed, the fact of the growth of the corpus collasi confirms the observation in the learning ability of the child which diminishes at the age of twelve.

Cost-benefit analysis report examples

According to the works of Martin et al, vretveit and Tolf, it is imperative to note that the cost of healthcare has been on an upward trend reaching such a point that most individuals can no longer afford. Center of focus to reduce cost Nolan and Bisognano would concur with the fact that healthcare →

Financial report of chemalite, inc.

Financial Report Period of January, 2003 1 to June 30, 2003 Financial report of Chemalite, Inc.for six months period ended June 30, 2003 is to include cash transaction, income statement and balance sheet. This report will also to include comment on Chemalite, Inc's actual loss for the period.

Example of transmittal letter report

Lean Six Sigma is one of the technological advancements that can help the business to minimize the wastes as well as improve the efficiency of the systems in the business. This paper is a report recommending the adoption of Lean Six Sigma in an organization in order to help reduce the wastes and improve efficiency →

Good report about electronic health records

The system requires the development of a personal manual health record where the patient information is recorded and stored. In most instances, the system fails to address the privacy and confidentiality of the patient record since third parties may interfere with the information.

Adhocracy report

In this system, hierarchies are not applicable and the system is low on formalization. This is the reason why the system is common in highly risky organizations, up coming industries, and the short-term organizations.

Free report on texas constitution

Article 1: Bill of Rights the article is having total 29 sections and talk about power of Texas government and some un-avoidable rights provided to citizens. In the year 1969 four sections of the article were repealed and fifth was repealed in year 1993.

Example of report on meeting with jason kenney, minister of citizenship, immigration and multiculturalism

Kenney has a very tight schedule and has to combine several full-time positions at the time, he managed to devote an hour of his time to our group and share his political experience and some insights on Canadian Immigration Policy. Kenney has been named one of Canada's " 100 Leaders of the Future" by Maclean's →


Jerry Ciacho November 3, Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded British journalist, explorer and geologist Simon Winchester delves into and explores the lasting and the ever so powerful consequences and results of the disastrous and shattering explosion in the coast of Indonesia of the planet's most devastating super volcano island, Krakatoa. Winchester portrays the violent →

Human geography in action

Whether it is caused by polluting our environment or by deforesting the forests in an attempt to make more land available for agriculture or any other way, the planet is now bearing the after effects of these human interventions and this poses a threat for the survival of coming generations. Apart from these the human →


While the anthropologist-cum-physician at the University of Texas strives to provide realistic explanations to his argument, he fails to provide realistic solutions and deliberately ignores the importance of family planning in the contemporary society. This implies that unlike in the traditional African societies where children were communally owned thus taken care of by all the →

Colorado in searching for new oasis by lavender

The book thus linked my knowledge of Geography and Geology to sociology and the study of culture and history of this region. The way of living of people from Colorado has changed a lot over the passage of the last few decades.

Geomorphology – lab report example

The Lab 1 Microsoft Excel worksheet was downloaded from the " Module 1" in Canvas.2. In the last column, the value 1.

Example of report on concert type location & date

This concert has provided a fantastic experience to the audience and specially due to the fact that even after there is a rising demand and preference of the western music, such an event has been greatly successful in providing the cultural importance of local folk music and how phenomenal it can be when played with →

Good example of meeting and greeting report

Western counterparts' willingness to participate is a measure of their sincerity and commitment. Once the business relation is established it is important to nurture it.

Good report on an investigation of the expression of pcna in granulosa cells of growing follicles

Over the mammal's lifespan, the follicles undergo growth and development, and eventually the initial reserve of follicles begins to diminish during the mammal's midlife. The results of this laboratory indicate that both PCNA and ZPC are adequate markers to examine follicular development in mouse ovary.

Report on the ethics of terrorism

Throughout the course of this essay I intend to probe religion in terms of its uses and purpose and how a system of ethics is abused and talk about the ethics of terrorism. I think what he's trying to say is really that America does not want to see itself as in a war but →

Free the effect of media and technology on children’s emotional intelligence report example

This paper focuses on positive and negative media and technology impact on children, particularly, on their emotional intelligence and discusses what might be the consequences of this impact in children's future. This is considered to be the most apparent and important effect of technology on EI, since children must learn to focus in order to →

Sample report on project deliverable 3: database and data warehousing design

A data warehouse is a simple concept where data is extracted periodically from the applications that support business transactions. This means that it is the best time for the organization to come up with a data warehouse.

Job description and job analysis report essay sample

Job analysis may include: Review of job responsibilities of the current employees Analysis of duties and tasks of the job Analysis of already available job descriptions Key Concepts: Determines knowledge, skills and abilities Identifies tasks needed to perform the job Helps in updating the job requirements Used in determining training needs Provides basis for Job →

Ender’s game book report

After many years of monitoring Ender the International Fleet decides they want to recruit Ender into Battle School, the story's plot takes off from here where he struggles to cope with others who despise him, he struggles with the thought of leaving his childhood, Valentine and his home and he is also in the constant →

Game theory and report teachers association

This is a strategy we will use by proposing to the other side a budget that we have come up with that minimizes our concessions while still allowing them to get what they want. We realize that this might be a problem if the interests that are most important to us are also most important →

The rising and falling of family ties report example

If one would notice, the one and only reason for such quarrel that which is also applicable in other family conflicts is the conflict of desire and power. The symbolic interactionism theory, on the other hand, that a body whether the society of a family unit is composed of a system of interaction among the →

Free report on court

The meaning of this piece for the humanities and society in general is that it shows the meaning of the contemporary art. In any case, this piece is worth of viewing and analysing and I recommend everyone to visit the ongoing exhibition of Julie Heffernan.

Intercultural awareness report halls low and high context cultures

In a high context communication situation, the subject already knows most of the information and there is very little hidden in the subtext of the message. In a high context culture you are often expected to understand the meaning of words or social cue's through the context of the message.

Compare the ideas of karl marx we have encounteredwhat does marx offer in the communist manifesto which durkheim does not offe

The today's capitalists are the owners of big means of production that is characterized in exploitation of the workers. Going by the provisions and views of Marx on bourgeoisie, there a number of issues and clarities that Marx failed to offer on his works.

The article identifying victims after a disaster by dick gould

The article, ' Identifying Victims after a Disaster' by Gould and Brown is hugely pertinent as it raises the need for disaster anthropologists for identifying victims not only for medical and legal purposes but also for humanitarian values. Since 9/11, the field has come to the forefront of the disaster management and encourages proactive →

Water issues between canada & the usa report examples

In the last couple of decades, Canada has become the top supplier of energy requirements of the USA, and thus has surpassed the Middle Eastern countries. The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between Canada and the USA is under the evaluation and supposedly offers an opportunity for the improvement in the organization of the Great →

Free report on the aboriginal culture

Similarities and differences between the culture of origin and the culture cultivated in the residential school as seen in the film. The residential schools in Canada was a system that was aimed at providing disciplined based ideal that endorsed the denial of the aboriginal culture in favor of the European way of life.

Good example of survey report essay

The success of this team can best be accredited to the players, the coach, and the fans. The success of the Canadian hockey team is accredited to the players, coach, the fans and the government.

Good report on stanley park

They also get to enjoy the view of water that is quite scenic, the sky, the mountains and the stunning beauty of the majestic trees that grow along the renowned seawall of the Stanley Park. The structures currently in the park were mostly constructed between the year 1991 and the year 1937 under the making →

Good report on stanley park

In 1930's, the Causeway was expanded and extended through the center of Stanley Park. A stone parameter was constructed to prevent the erosion of the Stanley Park's foreshore.

Example of report on the inverted pendulum

Derivation of Equations of State and Output: Based on the parameters and the physical values of the system, the equations of state and the output equations are derived below the dimensions are omitted in the equation in order to preserve the readability. Compensator Gain: The first step in the design procedure is to determine the →

Good report on omelas

I think the ones who leave Omelas go to far away cities and villages because they would not desire to be associated with the place where a child is imprisoned and made to suffer for the benefit of the community. It is possible that the neighboring cities are not filled with the kind of joy →