Genuine Report Examples

Example of use management science to analyse competitive restaurants report

This implies that the shorter the distance from the cinema the higher the price of food charged. On the other hand, the longer the distance from the cinema the lower the price of the food set.

ο»Ώcustomer service recommendations report essay sample

6 Background The principles of the customer service system are as follows: Demonstrated customer focus: striving to establish an objective, research-based, clear understanding of customer needs and customer expectations maintaining product quality in terms of customer expectations and perceptions striving to meet and exceed customer expectations. Commitment of the organisation to quality customer service, all β†’

List of figures report example

It has a huge capacity to perform and has importance relating to the matter of transmission lines and the supply of electricity. The major ideas behind the using of such scale of transmission lines are to set such transmission lines that are accommodative within the budget of the family.

Free report on opportunities & threats of third-party billing systems

As such, the banks and the other financial institutions would also tie up with this third-party billing system to please their customers who are bound to expect that they are connected to this third-party bill payment system. On the other hand, a threat to the use of this technology is that it may compromise the β†’

Short-term financial planning report

Cash rebates are price reductions for a particular product, which are given to the buyers as an incentive if the goods are purchased for cash, in big quantities or at a specific point of time. This fact is related both to the reluctance of consumers to claim their rebates and to the number of barriers β†’

Report on achieving sustainability

Arguably, controlling of the world's population is one of the most important ways of achieving sustainability. As a matter of fact persistent population growth in the world leads to an increase in consumption and production.

Example of importance of promoting effective workplace practice to increase employees efficiency report

Other pro in this matter is that the supply department will with time gets experience in what are the needs of the people and make preventive purchase off supplies in order to avoid work delay carried by a lack of determine subject. New York, Bantam Books Goleman, D.

Datalogics report essay sample

Building expertise and focus on state of the art technologies that are time tested and emerging for tomorrow are one of the key strengths of the team. Though made a humble beginning with a handful of customers seeking personalized service for their Hardware and networking resources in and around Chennai has now grown successfully as β†’

Free report on flourishers and non-flourishers

This report is going to analyze whether the elements that determine the well being on an individual as defined in the PERMA model by Seligman differ or compliment with categorically flourishing and none flourishing for adolescents. Challenges especially at the adolescent stage become increasingly bigger to the extent that some people fail to sustain and β†’

Example of report on teaching philosophy

This will give the tyke the certainty to convey what needs be and it will upgrade their respect toward oneself and give the educator a clearer picture of the kid and help her to arrange more compelling lessons as per youngsters' investment and needs. Hennessey, M.G.

Report on tiger properties

Mission The company presents its mission as an organization that " aims to be the leading property investment and real estate Services Company in the region via land investments, property development and management of company assets to the Tiger Group and select clients." OrganizationalcultureOrganizational culture comprises of shared values and beliefs that underlie a company's β†’

Rotating unbalance report samples

Presented in this report are the results and the discussion of results for static and dynamic balancing. In the second part of this experiment, the arrangement required to balance the rotating shaft dynamically was obtained.

Example of report on electronic medical records: system selection

The RFP outlines the needs of both the organization and the user to ensure that, in the end, both the hospital and the society benefits. The user needs are also expressed the RFP and include the roles and expectation of the IT personnel, the health professionals and the patients.

Free report about social political situation in the united states

Employment levels in the country affect the economic status of the citizens. The political class has the responsibility of creating an environment favorable for the companies and the government itself to create jobs.

Free report on leadership health policy

This then brings into question the adherence of the Section to the scope of practice of the APRN and the RN since the services provide in the Health Homes, acute, primary, behavioral and long term care services are all within the since of practice of the APRN and the RNs. This committee will keep the β†’

Human population report example

Ans 2: Mathematics is used by the demographers to predict the population changes and trends, and these changes are summarized in the form of graphs, charts and maps. Ans 7: Society consists of the dependents and the workers, and dependency ratio is the ratio of dependents to the working-age population.

Example of report on chinas one-child policy

China's " one child" policy is actually a " family planning" policy according to the Chinese government, as there are certain types of families who are allowed more than one child; however, by and large, the average Chinese family faces significant economic hardship if they choose to have more than one child. An alternative to β†’

Field research report on homelessness in south florida essay example

On the same note, results that are a consequence of the process that digs deeper into the investigations of the findings are discussed and adduced to. In my research of the prevalence and the manifestations of landlessness in Florida, I decided to use the method of the survey.

Report on value of risk

The value at risk is sometimes called the possible loss in value from what is considered normal loss in the market. Asset allocation Here the main aim is to device a mechanisms of a money generating activity in which the expected money should be kept at, as shown below.

Report on presenting business plans

The type of financial information that should be included in the business plan is the business' current financial valuation that allows for good return on the investment. The financial information should reflect the rate of return on the investment, the duration it will take the investor to receive return on investment and the extent of β†’

Canada and saudi arabia report examples

The Canada system of government is constitutional monarchy, democracy and a federation. 12 Apr.2007.Web.

Example of report on financial advice for ms. daniela duff

She is fearful of the possibility that her initial capital too, may be lost.- Daniela Duff works as a researcher in a multinational company and earns $26, 000 per annum.- She has a savings account where she has her savings of $40000. We have selected the above background for her story and the investment advice β†’

Good example of report on finance

Therefore, it is the responsibility of the CFO of the business to critically analyze the financial information of the business and identify any important or key financial element to the directors of the business. In the case of Universal Health Services, the new CFO of the company must critically analyze the financial performance of the β†’

Mean variance analysis report example

By far and large, making and managing of a portfolio is always been a sign of effectiveness in the field of investment, as it is the thing through which an investor can decrease the level of risk accordingly, and it is an active planning field of investment as well. The US Equity has an effective β†’

Red cross report

The legal objects of the British Red Cross, as laid out in its revised Royal Charter, are to provide assistance to victims of armed conflicts and to work for the improvement of health, the prevention of disease and the prevention and alleviation of human suffering in the UK and throughout the world. The British Red β†’

Report on gaap accounting treatment for contingencies

As the principle of conservatism, the loss contingences are recognized generally when they are likely to occur and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. There is no disclosure exception" in the former whereas the latter allows exception if there will be " serious prejudice to the entity" In a nutshell, loss contingencies are β†’

Reporting practices and ethics paper

Organizing is when the financial manager decides how to use the resources of the organization to most effectively carry out the plans that have been established. Directing is when the manager works on a day-to-day basis to keep the results of the organizing running efficiently.

Job analysis report essay

Case Analysis Reports: Students are required to read three case studies, analyze the cases, and fully answer the Case Questions for each of the following cases from the Managing Human Resources text. This is not a group assignment in terms of the actual assignments; however, students are encouraged to collaborate and discuss the contents of β†’

Free report about relationship between aggression, self-efficacy and use of moral disengagement strategies

The research hypothesis for this study is to test association of higher level of aggression with the utilization of moral disengagement strategies, association of high levels of proactive aggression with maximum utilization of dehumanization in moral disengagement, association of high levels of reactive aggression with the lower emotional self-efficacy. The study caters to the literature β†’

A report on the association of chartered certified accountants

Furthermore the institute has a broad web affecting 80 staff offices around the universe.the institute is the laminitis organic structure of the Consultative commission of accounting organic structures and the International federation of comptrollers The term Chartered in the making given by the institute was granted by the Queen in the twelvemonth 1974. The Association β†’

Accounting principles and financial reporting standards

To safeguard the idea that standards would be able to be applied both domestically and cross-border to financial accounting both the IASB and FASB agree to a set of proposals: 1. In order to continue to pursue the idea of a common set of high-quality standards the Securities and Exchange Commission proposed a Roadmap to β†’

A report on a case study on measuring intangible assets an indian experience essay

First, there must be a shared understanding internally of what the intangible assets are and what they mean to the overall performance of the company. And this has been one of the most important reasons of initiating the measurement of intangible assets in the balance sheet.

Human management and reporting of human capital

After shedding some light on the importance of disclosurethe question that needs to be answered is: What is the level of HR disclosedquality in annual reports of the Bangladeshi stock registered garmentscompanies and are the companies' characteristics associated with the level ofHR disclosure quality. Purposes of the studyIn view of less researchhas concentrated on the β†’

Sony financial report

This Report is an attempt to analyze and review, in depth the financial status, position and a comprehensive reporting of the same to the investors of Sony Corporation. Financial Highlights The following table summarizes the comparative financial performance of Sony Corporation for fiscal years 2006 and 2005.

Example of phylum mollusca lab report

The internal temperature of the cold-blooded organisms is dependent on the temperature of the surrounding in order to maintain their own temperature. The variation of temperature in the poikilotherms results from the variations in the ambient temperature of the environment.

Example of southern oscillation index report

These El Nino and La Nina phases of the SOI are especially significant to the flow of streams in the southeastern regions of Australia such as New South Wales. According to Letnic and Dickman, the wet and dry seasons in the east and central regions of Australia correspond directly to the El Nino and La β†’

Solar system formation – lab report example

What phase is the Moon in? _new_ Where is the far side of the Moon? Facing away from sun_ Where is the far side of the Moon? _facing away from sun_ Position yourself and the Moon so that the Moon is in its 1st quarter phase.

Work,energy,and efficiency: pulleys – lab report example

The increase the efficiency of double movable pulley followed by single movable pulley the lastly single fixed pulley. Each pulley in the system cause friction and hence increases the total energy applied in the lifting of loads; double movable pulley has the most friction which has four pulleys followed by single movable pulley then lastly β†’

Physics a – lab report example

47 0 0.1 0. 981 100 10.28 3.81 0.2 1.

The program is called python though – lab report example

Calculation 1: Data Collected Distance From the Rod Electric Charge 0. Calculation 3: Data Collected Diagonal Distance Electric Charge 0.

Fresnel lens – lab report example

Fresnel lens Fresnel lens is a thin plastic lens that is flat on one side and has ridges on the other; it is thick inthe middle and reduces in different zones gradually tapers to the edges. In comparison to the conventional lenses, Fresnel lens is much lighter as it reduces the amount of material required.

The bending of a cantilever – lab report example

The deflection of the cantilever beam has a beam measured by varying load and the length of the cantilever beam. It was found that the deflection of a cantilever beam is directly proportional to the applied load and cube of the length of the cantilever.

Length, mass, volume, and density – lab report example

Method This part of an experiment outlines steps involved in the study of the said phenomenon. Result The outcome of the study is determined by the results.

Properties of brick and block materials – lab report example

Basically, the smaller the pore the greater the suctional pressure, but also the larger the number of pores then greater the overall amount of water is absorbed. Weighing the mass of water absorbed by the sample when one surface of the sample is immersed in water does this.

Polarizers – lab report example

Linear polarizers as a class of polarizers are made up of two sub-categories including absorptive and beam-splitting. An example of a linear polarizer is the wire-grind polarizer which is considered one among the simplest under the linear category of polarizers.

Projectile – lab report example

The ball was then fired 6 different times and the distance travelled by the ball from where the ball leaves the launcher recorded. 82 seconds Since the motion was in a horizontal direction, the Thus the velocity of the ball was = 8.

Element report – einsteinium

Einsteinium is the seventh transuranic element of the actinide series was discovered in the December of 1952 at Berkeley California by Albert Ghiorso and his co-workers. Einsteinium is mostly used in the area of scientific research.

Lab report example

The angle with the longest distance was noted and uncertainties calculated for distance and angle. The maximum distance was realized at 600 for both catapult and launcher.

Harmonic motion-elastic spring – lab report example

The mass used in the experiments was changed in a subsequent manner through the addition of 10 grams weight to the initial 100 grams weight of mass. Statement of conclusion The hypothesis was that there is a dependence period in the mass of the oscillator.

Parallel dc circuits – lab report example

The peak to peak Voltage and the peak voltages were determined from the graphs obtained, and the periodic time of the waves determined. The period of the sine wave was determined using equation 1 in the introduction.

Fiber optics – lab report example

Fiber optics Fiber optics is referred to as the transmission of light through some long rods of fiber which are either glass or plastic. This enables the fiber optic cables to transmit voice, images and even other forms of data in a very high speed that is almost the speed of light.

Path of light – lab report example

The property of light travelling in a straight line is known as rectilinear propagation. Considering that the sizes of the holes are to be reduces, the light will continue travelling in a straight line but in a more restricted.

Conservation of momentum – lab report example

Conservation of momentum Conclusion Results of the first section of experiment one show an inverse relationship between mass and velo as average velocity reduces as more masses are added to the plunger cart and this indicates proportionality constant. Velocity is however higher when mass is added to the non-plunger cart than when mass is added β†’

Lab report example

If the mass of the book is doubles, the velocity is decreased since the impulse from the car remains constant. Again the average velocity of the car is recorded.

Example of hooning behavior report

They also pointed out that the severity of the injuries incurred by the drivers was subject to the type of risky behavior that the drivers had. Additionally, they found out that aversion to risk taking behavior partially mediates the effects of personality variables in driving.

Consumer behaviour report for: vertu life

On the other hand, despite risk for some unethical issues, the questions were distributed in a areal world' setting- in the midst of the targets lifestyles- which at least might be more relaxed for the participants, and may giving us a closer insight to targets values- than if the participant would do the survey on β†’

The outsiders

Vincent Millay wrote the " Ballad of the Harp-Weaver" published by Flying Cloud Press and has a copyright date of 1922." The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver" is known as a Narrative Poem. In " The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver" the story described has a meaning.

Country park and tourism in hong kong report sample

Hong Kong's country parks have been visited millions of people in each of the past five years, the visitors have visited Hong Kong for different reasons such as hiking, picnicking, diving, exercises, camping, to nature study and boating. The Hong Kong's country park offer services to all socials groups and age groups and it has β†’

Example of report on intelligence repoprt

Report: Terrorism intelligent Report and Dossier The purpose of this report was to research and analyse terrorism in particular a terrorist organisations and other organisation involved in violence in the past and now. The history of Al-Qaeda can be traced back to the time of the defeat of the Russian invading forces in Afghanistan β†’

Same-sex couples and adoption report

Marriage equality persists to a be a herculean concern for many individuals in the homosexual community despite the fact that heterosexual officials and denizens critique the notion of marriage equality, as it continues to elide the litany of concerns revolving around the issue. The issue regarding the ability of same-sex couples adopting children continues in β†’

A current issue related to information technology reports examples

The report presents the following:- Social implications of electronic health records - Benefits of electronic health records in reducing health care costs - Privacy risks of electronic health records - Mitigation measures to electronic health records privacy risks Introduction of electronic health records in the health care facilities has both positive and negative social implications. β†’

Report on role and career opportunities – health care assistant

The next part of the report summarizes feedback from a working HCA, who describes her daily routine, her tasks and responsibilities, the challenges of her job and the skills she brings to the job. Pay rates vary according to environment and location, but the feedback from a working HCA is that the job, while it β†’

The quality of tap water sample – lab report example

What do you feel is the quality of your water sample? The values obtained for the different parameters of the water samples fall within the ranges set for clean water.

Physical chemistry formal report essay sample

This is limited in the availability of the reagents to be used in each test, the samples to be tested and the substitution of chemicals restricted to use in the experiment that student could be able to verify experimentally. And to determine the presence of phosphate, molybdate test is used test to detect the presence β†’

Energy wedges – lab report example

From the 15 strategies in the Wedge Table we chose one wedge strategy at a time to fill the 8 spots on the wedge game-board, V. Using a combination of strategies will be needed to build the 7 wedges of the stabilization triangle.

Ap bio lab report

In this experiment, the amount of oxygen taken up by the organism is investigated, and how this uptake is affected by the temperature and the time of the lifecycle that an organism is in. The amount of oxygen consumed was calculated by the amount of water that enters the pipette of the respirometer and the β†’

Food chemistry options report

It is up to the food chemists to design the most efficient and fastest way to make and preserve both the appeal as well as the nutrition of the food. As the discussion of food fat and oils continues, it is important to distinguish that the difference between the two is that a " fat" β†’

Energy wedges – lab report example

However before we expect the opportunities to occur it is important to plan and execute a mission that is likely to reduce carbon emission by half in the next 50 years. The increasing emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is mainly attributed to production of energy, which is required to β†’

Example of cardiovascular and pulmonary reflexes report

Reducing the level of carbon dioxide in the cells may result into the reduced pH in the blood which eventually results in the reduction of the blood vessels. Experimental variable was change in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood while the dependent variables were the heart rate, breathing rate and the depth of β†’

Enthalpy of neutralisation – lab report example

This is attributed to the fact that the enthalpy of neutralization of a NaOH with a HCL involves complete ionization of the dilute aqueous solutions and hence the reaction involves higher energy. In the case of CH3COOH, while NaOH undergoes complete ionization, CH3COOH only partly ionizes and as a result the enthalpy of neutralization is β†’

Effects of reducing sugars, starch, lipids and proteins – lab report example

Water was used as a common chemical in each of the experiments and we can conclude that water is not a reducing sugar, starch or protein from the tests. The only major issues with the experiments were that it was difficult to know exactly how much of the solution to put in each vile.

Evaluation of three different types of spectroscopy – lab report example

There is a direct proportion between the number of atoms and amount of light absorbed, therefore, we can determine the concentration of the sample by measuring the amount of light absorbed. To calculate the x values of the blood plasma and reference standard, the quadratic formula was used.x = unknown Lead concentration Y = absorbance β†’

The wittig reaction – lab report essay sample

The purpose of this experiment is to synthesize trans-9- anthracene from benzyltriphenylphosphonium chloride and 9-anthraldehyde through the reaction mechanism recognized as the Wittig Reaction. A more recent and inexpensive version of the reaction is the Wittig-Horner reaction.

Saponification – lab report example

Saponification Lab Report Background The Purpose of experiment is to produce potassium soap from saponification of fat. Saponification was popular in the early 20th century that saw the development of technology to increase the quality of soaps.

Example of report on water provision techniques for arid regions

As per several studies, Water reclamation and Reuse & Solar distiller desalination are two provisions or technologies for fresh water supply in arid regions.- Presentation of Options Solar Distiller Desalination The first technique of fresh water creation is Solar Distiller desalination which uses fresh water and salty sea water with utilizing sunshine. An addition was β†’

Fluorescence spectrophotometry reports examples

The emitted light is referred to as fluorescent emission, and its strength is proportional to the quantity of the fluorescent compound that is in the cuvette. Using the emission and concentration for the standard samples a graph of emission against concentration in ppm was plotted as shown in Figure 1 below.y = 93.

Battle of thermopylae report

The Greeks led by Leonidas tried to control the entry of the Persians at a narrow pass between Thessaly and central Greece this was intended to delay the Persian army. This ended with the death of the soldiers who remained behind with king Leonidas but with this had a positive and a great impact to β†’

Free report about first &last name

Drying is done so as to further separate the aqueous layer from the organic layer, and to do away with any water particles present in the organic layer, as it needs to be as pure as possible to achieve a high percent clarity of the extraction.i) Liquid-liquid extractions using a separatory funnel where two immiscible β†’

If the standard line isnt straight explain why report example

The deviationsfrom linearity could arise as a result of the kind of chemical association, high concentrations of the analyte, and how the instrument is calibrated. This is owing to the fact that a deposit of copper-bearing minerals is classed as an ore reserve if there are sufficient quantities and concentrations of minerals to be extracted β†’

Objectives report samples

Flow Demonstration Channel as shown in Figure 2 - Broad-crested weir - Water - Screw driver Slope indicator was adjusted to the zero mark.- All the dials were put off.- The apparatus was plugged in and leveled - Tailgate was made horizontal by adjusting knob near the control panel - Dimensions of the rectangular notched β†’

Example of report on develop criteria to rank the impacts

The four plates are the Pacific Plate to the east, the Philippines Sea Microplate to the south, the Eurasian Plate to the west, and the North American Plate to the north. Studying when and the amount of time a region is goes through freezing and thawing.

Free report on three designs to improve water conservation

The aim of the report is to address the problems of water wastage and to calibrate the appropriate and/or safe water temperature for bathing. The goal of the design system is to reduce water waste, and to reduce the time that is required to achieve a desired and safe water temperature.1.

Osmosis lab report essay sample

In a hypotonic solution water rushes into the cell and causes the cell to expand and eventually pop. In a isotonic solution water rushes in and out of the cell and causes the cell to stay the same.

Report on groundwater hydrology and management

As water passes downwards through the rock matrix it may dissolve the mineral in contact with it and subsequently create fractures or caverns; we sometimes witness these as sinkholes on the surface. In some areas of Australia groundwater from the basin is removed without approval or entitlement to the resource.

Free report on procedures

The experiment also had an aim of calculating the percentage yield of the synthesized product as well as performing a test for purity of the product produced. The mass was recorded in table 1 and the mass of the salicylic acid calculated.

Book report

The book focuses on the social role of the woman in the household and the Indian traditions that keep them there. The author shows the reader a glimpse into the arranged marriages of the middle class in India through the eyes of Uma.

Free report on lab 8

The laboratory experiment is designed in order to determine the relationship between the head losses resulting due to friction and the velocity of flow of the water. The head losses that are experienced in the pipe occur due to friction between the walls of the pipe and the fluid.

Smoking report

3 The aim of this pilot survey was to find out the understanding of patients about the no smoking rules and how this has affected the patients' experience of being on the ward, and whether they had noticed any impact of the policy on the ward environment.2. 4 The objectives of this audit were as β†’

The leader as a strategist report

By aligning the vision, mission and strategy of the institution around the value of the Mayo brothers, MC is able to inspire employees to work towards the goal of the mission statement. With the new target market strategy MC will continue to grow and come closer to the vision of the institution." Strategy is the β†’

Report event of story telling

Objectives The Story Telling competition is to encourage the pupils to develop their speaking skills and build their confidence in using the English language biside draw the interest of the pupils in English Language 3. Strength The strength of the story telling competition is that the pupils are able to tell their story according to β†’

Good report about thames tunnel: engineering wonders

With London rapidly expanding, and with the amount of commerce at its ports growing in parallel with the size of the city, the spans traversing the breadth of the Thames-the London Bridge and Blackfriars bridge- were being overwhelmed. Once the earth was removed, the panel could be reintegrated and moved forward, holding the rest of β†’

Opportunities action plan report sample

I believe that by studying in the UK I will be able to learn from the new people that I meet and the places I visit. Through my experience studying in the UK, want to be able to not only expand my intelligence, but I also want to be able to develop my people skills β†’

Mba co-op work term report template essay sample

Briefly describe the following work environment characteristics: Culture The culture was formal at both the client site and at the office as I was required to report to the CFO and also senior members of my audit team Hierarchy The firm follows a top down organizational approach. Quality During my engagements, I will ensure that β†’

Free report on mission and vision statements and analysis

The department of the Human Resources is generally engage in induction or hiring of the employees, training of newly inducted personnel, implementing the benefits for the employees, issuing payroll, pension and firing of the in-efficient workers. The HR resources department addresses the issues and fulfills the needs of the employees of the organization.