Genuine Report Examples

Reading summary

Reading Summary The reading, ' The Martial Arts Film in Chinese Cinema: Historicism and the National ' relate to the Chinese history and myths reflected in Chinese films such as The House of Flying Daggers and Curse of the Golden Flower. The thesis shows the trend of the film industry and the impacts of politics β†’

Respond to question

Corbu and Mies both see form as secondary to the living purpose of the building, where Corbu's writings help explain the minimalist, mechanized design of Villa Savoye that reflects the five points of new architecture, and Mies' writings support the essence of Barcelona Pavilion as the exhibit itself. Corbu and Mies likewise agree that form β†’

Read life as art

Art to Life Life to Art Is it our way of life that allows us to paint an accurate and true picture of who we are as people or the other way around? Many people use the art of poetry, the art of dance, the art of song, and then finally, the artistic venue which β†’

Free report on anna hills the spell of the sea

The trees are particularly effective in the sense that they create a sense of haunting beauty with the drooping characteristics and the colourings of the leaves. The brushwork of Hills creates a sense of the French Impressionists such as Renoir and even in some parts Matisse, especially in the expanse of the trees and the β†’

Jazz concert report

The ambiance in the Hult Center Lobby was largely responsible for the success of the jazz concert. In this quartet, the audience was given the privilege of viewing all the instruments on stage including the tenor sax, the piano and trombone.

Visit to the dallas museum of art report

Visit to the Dallas Museum of Art On the 27th of August, I was fortunate enough to be able to visit the Dallas Museum of Arts together with my wife and child. In fact if there was a fire and the whole museum was to be gutted, these are the two works of art which β†’

Ralph lauren’s native american ads

Thus, in order to educate the world on this topic, the first step is to educate the fashion students. When fashion students and people in the fashion industry do not understand the significance of these people, they cannot make common people understand them.

Good report about russian constructivism

The movement entailed the Russian Avant-garde and was in action from 1913 to the 1940's. Suprematist Composition, The Russian Constructivism design movement It is or importance to note that although the movement's origin were in Russia, the main impact was experienced in Germany the then major conduit for the international influence of the Avant-Garde artists.


The most important areas of concern include but are not limited to the availability of data of the users of social networking sites to third parties that they can use for surveillance, commercial purposes or purposes of data mining, the availability of facial-recognition software that can identify individuals easily in the photos shared on social β†’


The author has examined the history and has traced the timeline along with the statistical analysis of Information Technology in order to deduce and support the statement and purpose behind his article. Methodology: The author has used a secondary form of research and observations in the trends over time along with a personal hypothesis of β†’


The part that was not that surprising was that the Trojan installs itself as an Internet Explorer help tool; this is a common way to infect a computer because it is the least suspecting way of attack. I agree that corporate policy, such as not allowing sensitive information to be stored on a laptop, and β†’

Lab2 – lab report example

The page also shows the whole department, clearly outlining the coursework provided by the department; which is a two-year associate of applied science degree programs, designed for preparation of students for jobs in the various fields of computer technology. The page also provides links to some institutes of the university like the Institute on violence β†’

Summary – lab report example

Summary In the analysis of the trace, it was evident that a Network tab is comprised of tow network traffic views: the detailed view and summary view. Opening and closing a capture allows you to gather credible information on the network that one is analyzing.

Can automatic personal categorization deal with user inconsistency

This paper will discuss the results of the experiment in user modeling and to measure sampling. The most current form of automation is seen in SQL databases and parsing of data that is generated in user forms.

Oscar martine

The reader has to adapt to the mindset of the characters in the story in order to have a full perspective of opinions and decisions that are in the story A theme from this story is that your pride can hurt you. Okonkwo's pride got the better of him in the story.

Report on one passage from the book illustrates twain’s attitude toward several aspects

For example, there is the rising action when the boys observe the murder, followed by the falling action of them deciding not to tell anyone about it, the rising action of the boys running away to the island and attending their own funeral, followed by the falling action of Tom comforting his aunt, and the β†’

Free cited work report example

There have been many attempts by the literary critics to discover the reasons for such ending of the novel, but there is not mutual agreement on the reasons for Claire's death. Even though Tate agrees with the majority of critics that " The most obvious interpretation is that Irene in a moment of temporary insanity β†’

Brown girl in the ring – book report

When Ti-Jeanne came to know she was pregnant, she left Tony for the sake of the baby and returned to her grandmother's home. For the first part of the novel, Ti-Jeanne is in a riot against her customs/traditions and Gros-Jeanne's diligence in treating her as her follower.

Free report about fc of t v consolidated fertilizers limited (1991)

According to the Federal Commissioner of Taxation, there were reasonable grounds and sufficient empirical evidence to warrant for the takeover of the Consolidated Fertilizers Limited in the year 1991. The directors of Consolidated Fertilizers Limited, during the takeover period were directed at the Consolidated Fertilizers Limited, despite the urge by the Federal commissioner of taxation.

Example of report on sole trader

Most of the dilemmas facing business individuals and organizations stem from the lack of understanding and failure to adhere to the laws. The understanding of a legal contract is vital in ensuring that the complaint against a retailer who defies the contract is valid.

Illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing research paper example

IUU fishing leads to the overexploitation of fish populations and hinders the recovery of fish stocks and ecosystems. Illegal fishing is the set of activities that are undertaken by national or foreign fishing vessels without permission from the state and in contravention with the state laws and regulations.

Appropriate punishment for witchcraft report sample

Witchcraft cause pain and despair to the community at large. In addition, it will be a lesson to others who practice witchcraft and those intending to practice witchcraft.

Nursing: ha-353 legal aspects/healthcare administration report sample

Sections 1 and 2 of Sherman Act read:- Section 1 " Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is declared to be illegal".." Every person who will monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire β†’

Example of report on workplace health and safety campaign on workplace bullying

As such, the following are proposed as the campaign's contents: New Code of Ethics that highlight the need for respect and tolerance Pamphlet containing information on the various anti-discrimination and anti-harassment laws in Australia Information sheet on workplace bullying Flyer containing a schedule of activities E-learning courses Posters It is further proposed that the campaign β†’

Report on forensic accounting.

Most of the responses were based on the importance of the implementation of forensic skills and knowledge in the accounting. The introduction of forensic accounting in the accounting curriculum has developed a new market breed of accountants to deal with financial collapses, white collar criminals and the increasing trends of fraud.

Examining differences between crimes against, property, persons and white-collar reports example

Additionally, crimes against persons are becoming the center of a debate and point of contention in many circumstances. On the other hand, crimes against property and white-collar crimes, which form the majority of recorded crimes, are given sparse attention.

Good example of structural description of how key oppositions are resolved in tombstone (film) report

Wyatt, his brothers and friend Doc Holliday, are forced to become the law enforcers of the town due to their on-going businesses of saloon and gambling. Although the movie was a classic movie, the events that depict the struggle between lawlessness and the law can explicitly be compared to those in the modern days.

Crime theories report example

According to the theory, the social environment and physical environments are one of the main causes of the behavioral choice that a person makes. The comparison reveals that although rational choice theory is always relevant in criminal cases, it is also observed in a large number of cases that people indulge in criminal activities even β†’

Elements of healthcare maintaining health records report example

Create and implement a strategy to help manage contents of the health record Develop ways to ensure the health records are safe and only accessible by a chosen few. The federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is an act that was established in 2003 to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of medical records is β†’

The building of the holocaust memorial report example

The idea of building sculptures is more of the physical part of the murder of innocent children, but does not signify more of the real facts; it is just a total waste of resources. Conclusively, building of Holocaust memorial is good for remembrance, but it wasted a lot of money and does not serve the β†’

Rational choice theory of crime report examples

This is a theory that seeks to reveal the circumstances that make a person commit a crime. However, if the payoff is worth the trouble, then a criminal will be expected to commit the deviant acts.

Music analysis

Music Analysis An American in Paris by Gershwin The American in Paris is a composition that focuses on the music dynamics and appeals on the tone variation within the melodic transformation. This feature in the music postulates the serenity of the French culture as intended through the whole performance.

Concert report on latin urban pop and reggaeton

As my mom and I got to the theater I could see a whole bunch of people in three lines trying to hurry up and get in. As my mom and I got to our seats I could hear a lot of people chatting around meanwhile music was being played in the background.

Music: imagination & technique

Lecturer Summary of Creativity The summary illustrates a brief overview on the concept of creativity in the arts like music and literature. The creativity is illustrated through the perspective of several artists and authors.

Reading report sample

As per the swine flu example, it is evident that the information on the different factors of the disease is contained in Wikipedia. These are the credibility of the sponsor, the credibility of the message and the credibility of the site.

Example of report on the game of golf

The golf clubs are numbered and the lower the number of the club the lower the angle or loft. Tiger Woods Teeing off at Riviera Country Club, Los Angeles, CA Links and Putting Green at Riviera Country Club, Los Angeles, CA The purpose of the game is to, at each of the 9 or 18 β†’

Human computer interaction report example

The observations and recommendations made are mainly based on the usability and interactive aspects of the website. In terms of design, on the topmost left corner on the site's homepage are links to the registration and login forms for new and existing users respectively and to the right of these is a search bar that β†’

Good example of report on real-life dynamical system

The main goal when seeking to increase the likelihood that a serve results in an ace is to minimize the time the ball spends in the air and increase the speed of the ball. In this analysis of the kinematics of the volley ball serve, the main variable examined will be the time the ball β†’

Design of an energy efficient house reports example

Bioclimatic architecture The shape of the house should be compact to minimize the edges in contact with the exterior. The rule of the thumb is to build tight and ventilate correctly.

Tourism in abu dhabi reports examples

One of the primary reasons for the increase in tourism in Abu Dhabi that can be attributed to the geographical factors as pointed out in the online publication on the Abu Dhabi General Information is that Abu Dhabi is situated on a separate island. It is further pointed out in the online publication regarding Abu β†’

Networking class questions report examples

This scan is also used when dealing with compliance of TCP stacks. This scan is used when dealing with filters of the packet routers.

Assessment of annual report of cathay pacific airways limited essay

Assessment of Annual Report of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited The annual reports of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited is analysed below keeping in view to the criteria designed according to the 11 models. By applying the criteria to the annual report of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited of year 2006 it is found that the reporting pattern β†’

Operations report- scenic rim dairy farm

This is why The Scenic Rim Robotic Dairy only delivers to a 1-2 hour radius of the farm.4. At The Scenic Rim Robotic Dairy, they make sure that their cows are of high standard and are fed the best, to produce high quality milk.

Report on air flow rig and bernoullis

It includes the static pressure - the potential pressure exerted in all directions by a fluid, the dynamic pressure - the difference in pressure levels from static pressure to stagnation pressure caused by an increase in velocity, and the hydrostatic pressure - the pressure which is exerted on a portion of a column of fluid β†’

Environmental impact assessment report for new airport project construction essay

This Airport link project between The Government of Perak and the Sungai Siput City council is identified as one of the number of strategic major transport elements of the motorway-standard road network of Sungai Siput and is part of the strategy to improve the efficiency of Sungai Siput road network. The scope of the Environmental β†’

Report on aim

The main aim of this lab research session was to determine the trend of carbon oxide increment in the atmosphere of some selected location In the recent past, there has been a constant increase of amount of carbon oxide in the air, in fact the amount has risen by close to 30% ever since β†’

Close relationships sometimes mask poor communication

One way to make sure this miscommunication will not recur is to make myself very clear with regards to my intentions, meaning and maybe even need to repeat a message for the sake of clarity. I have to ask my listener if he or she got the full meaning of what I had just said.

Viking ceramo st comparison – lab report example

The variables are based on the price, performance and features of the two brake pads. The report will use the variables to gauge the cons and pros of the pads and come up with the winning brand.

The souls of black folk by w. e. b. du bois

Du Bois reveals the extent of hatred shown to the blacks and the magnitude of power they used to resist it. Du Bois says that the political situation in the southern region contribute to the suffering of the black Americans.

Women in islam

The state has a responsibility to provide work and a fair wage but individual men have also a responsibility to provide for the wife and for their children, especially during the pregnancy of the wife and the time when she cares for young children. Inheritances favor men in quantity because men have more responsibilities and β†’

The chapter how private interested take over public space

Incorporating into their own communities to create private-public spaces that are only available to a select population, for instance, of a newly incorporated sub development. The process of trying to create public infrastructure available for all, including public spaces began in the 19th century.

Family ties and morality

After reading the story, I suddenly thought of my own family and ask myself at what point should an individual break his/her ties to his/her family when the revelation of the truth is involved? However, just like Sarty, I realized that the tyranny of my father is an expression of his own individuality which is β†’

Fish a remarkable way to boost morale and improve results

This book helped me come to grips with the expectations that people have of those in the food service industry and what it is that the workers in the food service industry expect of their employers. The book also reiterates the need to make the day of the clients memorable so that the company can β†’

Keysar task report example

One is in a position to explain the actions, beliefs, desires and intentions of others through the use of theory of mind, in that he/she puts himself in the shoes of the other person. A combination of the two, that is the keysar task paradigm and the theory of mind is always necessary.

Audit report on database security and performance management

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report covers a review of the Security and performance issues, with the respect to the size and capacity of the data management in Organic Cosmetics Ltd. The movement of production data dramatically increases the risk to data and increases the overall cost of security and compliance.

Microsoft report 12361

Doing this, Gates made a company that would run ever part of the new computers and this would make Microsoft a world power in the business world within just a few years, ironically this would also cause one of the most controversial lawsuits against any company. In 1994, it was not ruled that Microsoft was β†’

Selection criteria used in world cup report examples

The location of the potential host across the candidate nations is another criteria used. Another criteria used is the security of the candidate hosts.

Example of report on syria

Though earlier on accused of heinousness, the government soldiers continued their search for the rebel soldiers in the Idlib province where witnesses have since reported finding beheaded bodies on the streets and severely wounded people unable to reach hospitals. While talking to the Sunday Telegraph the International Committee of the Red Cross spokesperson, Sean Maguire, β†’

Example of snort rules report

2 alert icmp any any -> any any Question 3 The statement that has just been stated means that the threat is aware of the network and the hosts that are operating in the network. It is recommended that spyware removers are used in the process of removing the spyware Gimmiv.a.

Report on the hydropower energy sources and security in myanmar

On the other hand, energy insecurity was defined as " the loss of economic welfare may occur as a result of change in the price and availability of energy". The Chindwin River which its length about in the north-eastern part of the country was a major tributary of Irrawaddy River.

Wi-fi network for an office building reports example

An attacker can gain access to privileged data and resources in the network by assuming the identity of a valid user. The wireless network is frequently monitored to identify access points in use and ensure that they are authorized and properly configured.

Kudler fine foods it security report and presentation – top threats

The study will define the possible threats that exist to the security of the organization's and the customers' data and information, the potential vulnerabilities each threat may exploit, and area of the system affected by the threats. As requested by Kudler Fine Foods, Team B has conducted an examination of the Customer Loyalty Program concerning β†’

Good example of united church camps incorporated- safety structure report

As a religious organization, the safety standards and structure are still provided and governed by the Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration that classified the organization under services: religious organizations. Finally, the site on First Aid and Safety of Texas provided information that caters to religious institutions.

Kudler security report

Security policy: Focuses mainly on information security policy Section Audit Question Security Considerations Security concern if Mitigation removed Information security policy Whether there exists an Information A security policy is Without a security policy Define what needs to be document security policy, which is approved by the necessary to guide all in place the restriction β†’

Example of the belmont report essay

This idea may support Belmont Report especially in terms of giving respect to the person's principles. Retrieved from The Principles of the Belmont Report.

Example of report on correctional facilities in alabama

Holman Correctional Facility Started in 1969 and currently headed by Warden Gary Hetzel, this facility is located in Atmore, AL and has a capacity of 1, 002 inmates. It has a total capacity of 1, 650 inmates and located in Clayton, AL.

Free conflict in the south china sea report sample

The main focus of this paper will be the dispute between China and Malaysia which are two of the fiercest claimants of the South China Sea. In the case of China and Malaysia, the best way to resolve the dispute over the South China Sea is through ASEAN which is the largest regional organization in β†’

Completed ngc report

Upon completion of the inspection I found there were several areas of concern which lead to breaches of theHealthand Safety at Work Act, the Regulatory Reform Order, the Manual Handling Operations Regulations, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. The PPE blocking the fire β†’

Battles bc hannibal -the annihilator movie report

The roman army is then enclosed and smashed. This is directly depicted by Hannibal who uses a tactic to enclose and smash his opponents the Romans.

Injuries in sports report examples

Background In basket ball, the ankle and the knee stand out as some of the most commonly injured body parts perhaps due to the fact that the sport involves a lot of running and jumping which renders the sport one of the most dangerous. In this light, it is valid to say that the β†’

Report on ramses-raging chariots

The war that escalates in this movie is between the Hittite and the Egyptian Empires. Ramses, the leader of the Egyptian empire, wanted to gain the fame of dominating the city of Kadesh.

Police report examples

Brown to the exit door.Mr. Brown refused to leave the premises.Mr.

Childhood sexual abuse impacts attention spans reports examples

However, the story of the victims of child sexual abuse do not end with the predator's incarceration or death. All of the other children were controls.

Jail problems and effects report examples

Violence inside the jail is one more problem and there are a number of instances when prisoners get badly injured and in some cases they are also dead. These problems discourage the prisoners in participating in the sports and other activities, affect their psyche badly and ultimately affect the efforts of criminal professionals to reform β†’

News report sample

A group of unidentified people, dressed in black and same cloth, armed with knives at-tacked people at the station in Kunming and began to stab people randomly. Law enforcement agencies of Kunming reported that found evidence at the crime scene points to the separatist organization of Xinjiang.

Example of report on positive impacts

The media can also be used to pass positive human behavior by depicting the negative impacts of detrimental behaviors such as smoking among others. The media continue to be a tool that propagates negative human behavior.

Domestic violence report examples

The idea is that the violence is disguised by the veil of revenge and righteousness, making it appear less conspicuous, but it is nevertheless present, and as such, a possible threat to the child's psyche. Be that as it may, the good characters in fairy tales are supposed to demonstrate a state of mind far β†’

Discretion paper report examples

For any of the situation, a police officer should apply discretion in a manner that is justifiable, since, the consequences may have a tremendous impact on him/her. Together with that, a traffic stop is also a situation that may compel police officer use discretion in case a driver fails to adhere or rather respect the β†’

[survey report]

Findings According to the result of the survey, we found out that in BCIT, 45% of participants are full time students, and the other 55% are part time students. However, as long as the students learn how to manage their time perfectly for both studying and working, part time job is very good for students.

The effects of educators mathematical knowledge and anxiety level on student report

Stevens, Harris, Aguirre-Munoz, and Cobbs suggest that the problem of math anxiety is systemic, and that poor education on the part of teachers can be problematic when it comes to math anxiety in children. The first step to alleviating the problem of mathematics anxiety in elementary school classrooms is noting the breadth and depth of β†’

Free report on learning in the key of life by jon spayde analyses

The article of Jon Spayde Learning in the Key of Life is about the issue of " in-the-street" education. The article consists of the thoughts of people, connected with the sphere of education, and its main idea is that education should be based on the real world, be closely connected with life and, therefore, contain β†’

Educational leader interview report examples

He demonstrates that he knows how to keep abreast of the school laws through engagement in principals' organizations. He suggests that the school curriculum seems to be expanding.

Business strategy report

In terms of external analysis, the growth rate of the economy and global trades contributed to the development of the Ibis hotel. 00 Analysis of the internal environment 'The internal environment consists of the inherent competencies of the firm and the structure of its internal systems and processes'.

Example of report on summer training : pwc

In its deals service to organizations and enterprises, PWC understands the challenges involved in preparing for divestitures. In that respect, with PWC service on divestiture, a business is able to get the most out of a transaction and return to its core business units to continue with its corporate strategy.

Good example of military lessons learned report

As a potential nurse in the military, the primary objective would be to provide support and care to every single military personnel who is wounded at the war front. In conclusion, my work and daily life are proof of the fact that I am a strategic thinker.

Basic enterprise planning (bep) report

What planning can do for my business that a proper business plan will and can help me manage and organizes the business properly and efficiently, so that it will reach the customers demand and will build a better bigger customer base for my business. The service offered in our business is a Music Recording β†’

Industrial revolution

The life of humans depends upon the economy and Industrial Revolution changed the average income of the man. Oliver's life portrays the flaws in the working system of the days.

Political economy of the american revolution

The chapter goes further diagrammatically to explain the economic strategies used by the colonialist to ensure trade outside the British Empire is discouraged at all cost enabling them to maximize profit from most of the products. It also gives an idea of the strategies the colonialists used to ensure they remained in control of the β†’

Good example of report on friendship and intimacy

The commitment level in a relationship is measured by adding investments in a relationship to the satisfaction and subtracting the comparison level of alternatives. In a relationship, balance is struck when the ratio of input to output for both partners is equal.

Child birth reports examples

These included the creation of a bond between the mother and the child immediately after birth. The Effectiveness of Childbirth Classes for Increasing Self- Efficacy in Women and Support Persons.

Cause for concern in adolescent depression report example

The problem of adolescent depression is concerning as depression and suicide in adolescence is increasing rapidly even as better treatment and awareness has resulted in decreasing rates in adults. While all of these factors are cause for concern there have been important developments in the assessment and treatment of adolescent depression in recent years.

Report on robert frost

This paper seeks to explain the life and times of renowned American poet and guru in literature Robert Frost, with special emphasis to the criticisms that his works received. Not much is known of the childhood of Robert Frost, except for the reality that the death of his father in 1885 saw the family move β†’

Hr report on telenor

The factors that are kept in consideration during increments are the inflation rate of the country, the kind of task the employees have performed and the kind of experience or position the employees hold. Workplace value assessment:- The assessment tool is used to better understand the core values of the employees working in organization and β†’

Report on a digital solution for a resort

A small resort can practically cut the cost of an entire department with the use of a software and computer. The General Store system can count mainly from the operations of two key persons on the front line the front desk clerk and the cashier.