Genuine Report Examples

Reading response

A few of the advantages according to the author are that the landscaping that is edible in nature can look good. Growing kitchen gardens at the front and the back lawn can never solve the looming agricultural shortages because the problem is extensive and at a large scale.

Writing the report roanoke, virginia branch

The employees were demoralized hence the quality of the products was substandard c. Finally, the Chief Executive Officer of the branch was kindly requested to review the budget of the branch.

State of union 2014

There are several topics that President Obama addressed, ranging from the economy, the enactment of immigration reforms, improving education, creating a more intelligent and effective approaches to national security, particularly in the War on Terror and the war in Afghanistan and the need to move the US off a continuous war footing. From a personal β†’

Chapter 15 – brave new world

When John gets to the hospital, he incites the people taking Soma and there is a confrontation between the authority and the crowd. This is evidence where the police comes in and sprays Soma vapor to the crowd for the sake of controlling the riots.

Two kinds by amy tan

Analogy to the story in question, the subject matter depicts that there is a providence that shapes human destiny and in spite of the rough strokes of life, the figure in the end assumes beauty and perfection. Jing Mei discovered the truth after the death of her mother that her mother meant that she could β†’

Reader response

In order to understand the housing crisis, the ensures that all aspects of the crisis are laid out for all to see by bringing out statistics of those affected and the severity of the crisis on a countrywide scale. According to the author, the focus and cause of homelessness is as a result of reckless β†’

6th grade report no mla- among the betrayed- by margaret peterson haddix

Among the Betrayed Among the Betrayed is a book of fiction series referred to as the shadow children. After the arrest she is required by the police to identify other shadow children but she does not.

Charles dickens, a tale of two cities

However, he is still a prisoner of the past and because of this reason, he cannot think and consider the possibility of leaving the room. Luckily, Manette and his daughter moved to Paris and the prisoner of the past has realized the fact that he is greatly respected in the city.

Farming bones cornell notes

A and Y cross the river. A dreams of S and M.

Kate chopins the awakening

It all depended upon the company which he found over at Klein's and the size of " the game". Chopin says, " It all depended upon the company which he found over at Klein's and the size of " the game".


Understanding Ethos One firmly believes that the concept of ethos indicates establishing due credibility and authoritativeness of the author in terms of competency and qualifications garnered through educational background, work experiences, and expertise in the subject being written about.2. Publisher.Date.

Reader response

It is worth to note the level of consistency of the themes and realities of life that resonates in this work. In response of the overall viewpoint of the author, this work is a masterpiece of excellent literary development, analysis and reflection.

Legal in unlikely places

This applies to me because I live in such an environment in which tolerance of others is important, and at the same time discrimination does not yield much benefit in society. The key word in the article of the author is tolerance.

Poetry discussion

Line six of the poem tells the reader that no people live in the woods and that the woods are quiet and serene. He leaves a great deal to the imagination of the reader regarding the subject and intent of the poem, while clearly creating a scene of anticipation.

Culture and the way to rainy mountain

He uses the descriptive language of the story to help create a trail of litany that reflects a journey into the heart of Kiowa culture which is the antecedent and ultimate benefactor of the aura of Rainy Mountain. As the story draw to a close Momaday uses the symbology of his dead grandmother to depict β†’

Pages 165-324 the novel – galapagos by vonnegut, kurt. new york: delta books:1985. (1985

Analysis of " Galapagos" by Vonnegut In pages 165-324 of the " Galapagos", Vonnegut Kurt continues elucidating on the challenges that might soon engrave the contemporary society due to the gigantic brain size showing us what is gloomily, wildly crooked and all that we need to save for. Apparently, the author seems to suggest that β†’

Taming of the shrew william shakespeare katharinas monologue

He deals with extraordinary hardships for providing her all the necessities of comfortable living; while she enjoys the warmth of her cosy homes, her husband faces the coldness and torments of the world and the adversity attached with quality life provision for his wife. A woman in the capacity of a wife should only perform β†’

The lottery by jackson

The Lottery by Jackson ' The Lottery' by Jackson describes how people's blind adherence to traditions or even law can be disastrous as this adherence, at times, results in the torture of the innocent and also how everyone in a society is equally vulnerable to the ill effects of such foolishness. In order to β†’


The boy in the plot is used as a symbol to show the difficulties that immigrants undergo when they are to receive services in the country that they do not belong. They have to go by the cultures in the country and the region that they are in for them to be treated as the β†’

The role of literature

The Danger of a Single Story Introduction Stories are important because they educate us, they remind us, they show us a different side of the world and they help break the monotony of reality by providing readers with an escape route through which they can immerse themselves for a while. Chimamanda realized that most of β†’

Example of social and ethical issues in computing report

The popularity of ships for transportation of goods and people after the invention of the steam engines caused changes in the landscape because canals were made in England and New England changing the ways people received products from manufacturers. The changes that led to the Industrial Revolution, a few of the technological developments, and the β†’

Example of the advantages and disadvantages of ip protection in the media industry report

Because of this they are one of the initial key elements of society since the Statute of Arnie in 1709 and one of the guarantees written into the American Constitution in 1776. This includes economic and moral rights to a body of work and includes the rights of use and distribution for a creation as β†’

A report on the growth or redevelopment architecture essay

Conveyance is affected by the renovation of this Brownfield land, with effects for the technology and building phases of the development, in taking remedial techniques for site readying and in the concluding form of the development and its acceptableness to users. In order to cipher the possible figure of risky stuffs contained in the edifice β†’

Montreaux chocolate report essay sample

She must also consider the following objectives when making these strategic decisions: The company should achieve first-year sales of at least $30 million; The company should nationally distribute Montreaux product line by year-end 2015; The company should achieve $115 million in annual sales by year-end 2015; and The company should be in the top 25 β†’

Global sustainable tourism: criteria for destinations report sample

Notably, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council notes that its objectives are to create universal principles for sustainable tourism in a common language, to make destinations sustainable, to promote market access, to increase knowledge, and to create an accreditation process that will provide tourists and programs with the information that they need to ensure that they β†’

Project report for dairy farms

Cost of electrification of dairy farm with two electric fans 10000 Total 18000 Recurring cost to be capitalized 1. Cost of fodder cultivation in one acres of land 10000 1.

Research report

The main branches of engineering include chemical engineering that is the application of physics, biology and chemistry together with engineering values in order to implement chemical processes. Earnings and other benefits of engineering The payment for engineers depends on where they work the kind of job and education and experience of the engineer.

Autonomous guided vehicle report sample

The AGVS movements are controlled with high degree of precision in terms of acceleration and deceleration and this reduce the potential of damaging the products. Features in a facility are geo coded and this information is incorporated in the computer system of the AGVS.

Report researching and analysing british airways

The airline industry in the UK has faced a lot of challenges in the recent past. The company has had a long standing rivalry with its main competitor, British Airways.

Challenger report

The O ring was supposed to seal the gap off but it was frozen so it failed and the secondary O ring was displaced because the casing of the SRB bent away. Anyhow the deaths of the seven members which board on the shuttle were due to the technical fault of O-ring but these technical β†’

Advertising and fashion retailing project report

Fashion forecasting is the prediction of mood, behavior and buying habits of the consumer. We are well aware of the fact that if we need aloud on to fashion role s a pioneer and want to enhance its brand image, fashion has to continue to innovate.

Corporate social responsibility report

However, analysts suggest the central core objective of Corporate Social Responsibility is the social contract between all the stakeholders to the society, which is a very effective and significant core requirement of the civil society. According to the studies conducted by the British Land in 2006, they have proved that being socially can include quite β†’

Free report about public relations in action

The use of public relations during the discovery of the New World has been documented and according to historical recounts, public relation promotions, often exaggerated, were used to lure people into settling into the newly discovered habitable settlements and to gather funds for the relocation of the new settlers and building the necessary infrastructures and β†’

Sample report on political science- surveys and questionnaires

With respect to the publishing industry, it is true that this is a reader's business and so the books, authors and literature have to be as per the current trends and preferences of the readers. Through surveys, one can collect relevant data from which review of the financial growth and social position of the state β†’

The war of the worlds book report

First when the aliens attack a town near the river, the narrator decides to jump in, but the aliens heat ray boils the river making the narrator scream in agony as every movement hurts painfully. Finally when reading this I was able to better see the aliens after the glimpse the narrator had.

Good example of the age of the unthinkable report

A comparison with the representatives of fauna a fox and a hedgehog was made, bringing out the thought that the first ones are more likely to respond to changes due to their willingness and curiosity to take them, while second ones are more prone to stick to the existing course of events. In other words, β†’

Whipping boy book report

He convinces the bandits that he is the prince, and he tries to get them to send his servant back with a message. The prince, however, refuses to pretend that he is a servant and the plan failed.

A message to garcia: a commandant’s reading list book report essay sample

Instead, " A Message to Garcia," is but a short rant about what every man/woman should hold, and that is the willingness disobedience to orders.[President] " McKinley gave Rowan a letter to be delivered to Garcia; Rowan took the letter and did not ask, " Where is he at?" Instead, Lt. Rowan carried out the β†’

Free history of present condition report sample

These people are at a higher risk of exposure to ethylene oxide because of the concentration in which ethylene oxide is used in their work environment and the elongated period of time in which the gas is actively used. Farm owners and farm workers who use ethylene oxide as a pesticide are also at a β†’

Minerals in water best for children growth report

Mineral levels varies among different water sources and since consumption of much minerals is also dangerous to the children growth. Hansen suggests that drinking water that contains between 288mg/L of calcium, 85mg/L of magnesium, 150mg/L of sodium and 17mg/L of potassium is the best mineral composition for drinking water as it provides almost three quarter β†’

The reporter gene technology biology essay

One peculiar challenge is to present the newsman inside a life cell and be able to distinguish the look and distribution of the cistron in vivo. Principle of the bluish-white screen utilizing I?-galactosidase as a newsman cistron, for the sensing of recombinant vectors Green fluorescent protein on the other manus, is one of the most β†’

Example of price based instruments report

Considering the pollution of the waters and soil of the basin, reduction of the count of flora and fauna in the basin is bare, hence the resultant inefficient performance of the basin. Overexploitation of the resources especially the forest and the aquatic, precisely the fish leads to gradual decrement of the basin's potential to offer β†’

Example of technical report the development of bulk metallic glasses bmgs at yale university report

The ability of BMG's to be malleable at lower temperature and pressure is cost-effective compared to the tradition method that has been adopted by the metal industry for a long time. Metal industries have traditionally used allows such as copper and nickel to increase the malleability of ordinary crystalline metals.

Report on moral dilemmas and moral reasoning

The Kohlberg's theory will be used to discuss the decision that Jane in this moral dilemma may take. On the other hand, if Jane is in stage 2 of moral development, her decision will be guided by individual gain from her actions.

Report on forest restoration

The difference between the diameter of Doghair Thicket and semi-restored is as a result of difference in the elasticity of the stem tissues. Another major factor that determine the stem-diameter of the stems of the Doghair thicket and the semi-restored includes the contented of water present in the stem.

Example of report on testing proteins using the biuret test

The objective for the experiment was to use biuret reagent to test foods for the presence of protein and to use the process of scientific inquiry to determine relative amounts of proteins in the foods tested. This is then supports the hypothesis that the biuret reagent turned purple in presence of protein.

Good report on heat treatment lab

Vicker and Knoop test are microhardness tests, used to measure the local hardness of individual components of the microstructure of the material. Rockwell Hardness test is a process of procedures and the use of a triangular indenter to calculate the hardness.

The imf and the world bank: criticisms and recommendations report example

Formed as part of the Bretton Woods system after the Second World War to aid in the reconstruction of nations afflicted by the war, the international monetary fund and the World Bank have grown in stature over the years. Leadership of the two Bretton Woods organizations needs to be diversified to be more inclusive of β†’

Example of future of wireless networks report

With software radios, nearly all functions that are found in a radio system, from coding and the frequencies of the physical layer and media access layer will be determined and changed while in real-time by the software that have been installed and running in the radio. There are is a need to define standards that β†’

Example of report on visual motor skills

The lens of the eye is vital for the accommodation of the image Dally, Kelly & Krauss 23). The prisms will cause the learner to throw far away to the side of the target.

Professional organizations report sample

Additionally, these organizations help in the recognition of the members' profession through advocacy and representation as well as increase the ease of access to relevant and current information relating to their profession by networking its members throughout the country and with other relevant organizations. After reading this organization's profile and the testimonies from the members β†’

Example of report on hypothesis

INTRODUCTION The purpose of the lab report is to examine the effect of the artificial auxin hormone on the stems of the coleoptiles. This paper therefore will examine the effect that the auxin has on the tip of the coleoptiles.- Coleoptiles tips which are cut and then treated with indole acetic acid will record an β†’

The two reactions measured in this way are report

When the heat is released by the reaction, it causes the ice to melt and the volume of the ice-water mixture to contract. Heat released by the reaction leads to the melting of the ice and a contraction in volume of the ice-water mixture.

Sample report on procedures

5 X 4.18 0. 9 X 4.18 0.

Report on physical properties of water

There is also a thin difference between physical change and chemical change whereby physical change is the term used to denote a change whereby there is no effect in the chemical composition of the substance while chemical change is a change the involves changes in the chemical composition of a substance and in most is β†’

Concept analysis: adaptation reports examples

As change in nature is a constant process, one must learn to adapt to the change of the environment in order for survival. The discipline of adaptation in a business setting is very important in order to succeed and survive amidst the challenges of the workplace.

Example of emiratisation report

The UAE government has implemented a new strategy known as emiratisation that is aimed at full integration of the population of the UAE into economic processes and the transfer of skills and experience from foreign experts working in the country to the UAE citizens. The inconformity between the demand for labor of the growing economy β†’

Report on construction forms

3 Parties that fill the form and how it's routed The form is prepared by the contractor following which it's given to the architect who compares the details filled by the contractor in the form with the amount of work completed as well as the stored materials observed. The contractor also prepares a warranty that β†’

Good example of method report

This phenomenon is the basic operating principle of solenoids, generators, inductors, transformers, and various types of electrical motors.[3] Faraday's law of induction states that, in any closed circuit, the induced electromotive force in volts, is of the same magnitude with the negative rate of change of the magnetic flux across the circuit.[2] The experiment is β†’

Data compression report samples

This has been widely used in the compression of data so that the transmission of the data cannot bring constraints to the network. One of the challenges that come with Run Length Encoding is the fact that the results of the data compression will depend on the sources of data that has been found on β†’

Report on why this tool

The Computer Based Leaning Tool for Cognitive Disable Children provides assessment of the most salient aspects of readings for determining a student's strengths and weaknesses. The most crucial goal of Computer Based Learning Tool for Cognitive Disable Children is to develop a set of materials that would aid slow learning children enjoy the process of β†’

Report on group work project

The scope of my understanding about the symptoms of this condition further widened because I have to learn other symptoms which some of the group members had researched on. Being the leader of a group will also do me good since most of the time I will be in control and most of the things β†’

Factors that influence the development of financial reporting standards research paper sample

Accounting concepts define the manner in which organizations and businesses report financial position of the organization and therefore it is a succinct analysis of the general operation of a business. Some of the factors proposed include that nature of business ownership and financing systems of the nation, taxation model of the nation, legal systems, β†’

Autism report sample

This change is very important because it makes it seem like the new version of the DSM-V is more strict on the symptoms. These people may have mild ASD and because of the new DSM-V, they might not qualify for the help that they need to get better.

Free report on code

This exciting episode presents in it a number of conflicts but the two that very quickly come to the fore are interpersonal conflicts and intrapersonal conflicts. This leads to a great intrapersonal conflict of the season when Michael is torn between the options of either moving out of the company since they do not get β†’

Sample report on brief description of the system and aims of the experiment

Matlab has been used to plot the data derived from the experiment and using this graphs the behavior of the inverted pendulum has been discussed. A metal chamber in the system houses the DC motor while the L-shaped arm is connected to the DC motor shaft.

Risks associated with virtual teams report

Knowledge transfer from all round the team is essential in ensuring a good and unidirectional working effort on the project. The in ability of the team to express their implicit knowledge effectively is a setback.

Report on banglalion wimax ltd.

We are supposed to do a report on " Prospects of Wimax Industry Development in Savar Area" In this report we have discussed about the prospects and possibilities of Wimax industry and Banglalion. Objectives Broad objective To find out the prospects of wimax industry and Banglalion in Savar.

Free physics report example

In order to solve this predicament of keeping track of the most important progressions, Hamish Johnston in his article " Cosmic neutrinos named Physics World 2013 Breakthrough of the Year" summarizes the top ten breakthroughs in the world of physics in the year of 2013. The criteria gave importance to the importance of research in β†’

Report on impact of computers to the society

The history of computer usage began in the middle of the 20th Century when Alan Turing came up with a large machine the size of a room and used a lot of power compared to the latest ones. It can be seen that since the introduction of computers to the society in the mid-twentieth century β†’

Self assessment-reflection on my learning style report examples

The weakness that I have with this particular learning style is that I tend to get agitated every time things do not work out as I wanted them to and would spend a lot of time to make unveil certain patterns or solving some problem irrespective of how worn out I might be at that β†’

Autism: how it’s affecting family life reports examples

Consequently, there is a belief that children are born with autism and that every child has the potential to develop the condition. Mothers are also forced to spend more time with and pay more attention to the autistic children that the rest of the children in a bid to help such children learn social skills, β†’

Report on leading a tribe

In a tribe the leader will have to make key decisions and in achieving this effectively he or she should have a good knowledge of the members and strive to ensure that the decisions that he makes are in the best interests of the members. The leader should also ensure that unity is upheld in β†’

Credibility: how leaders gain and lose it- why people demand it, kouzes and posner

Some of the issues talked about in this research included the qualities that people admire in their leaders, the discipline and principles which strengthen the credibility of a leader, and the various struggles that leaders face in order to meet the expectations of their constituents. In the first chapter of this book, the authors argue β†’

Prayer in nursing: the spirituality of compassionate caregiving by mary elizabeth obrien

Prayer in Nursing: The Spirituality of Compassionate Care Giving I believe it is fair to say that the majority of nurses fell a calling within them to join the ranks of this profession. The truth is evident through Nightingale's own words, and through a myriad of other nurse's that admired her and held the similar β†’

Philip k. dick’s man in the high castle: a book report

I chose to read The Man in the High Castle, simply because of availability of the book. This book is as important a part of The Man in the High Castle as the Nazis are.

Braveheart movie report

While there are no accurate historical records that exist concerning the birth date and place of birth of Sir William Wallace, there are accounts of his exploits, one of the most memorable of these accounts is the mark of the beginning of this resistance movement for the independence of Scotland which was his killing of β†’

Carbon capture technologies: opportunities and future report samples

There are opportunities, however, that with the advancements in the technology, there can be opportunities to lower the impacts of the operation of the technology and its integration into the financial outlook of the company. These strategies the enhancement of the efficiency ratings of energy conversion technologies as well as end-use, additional use of renewable β†’

Example of report on the economic outrage of 2010 by joseph stiglitz

In this piece of work, I will highlight Joseph Stiglitz's article titled, The Economic Outrage of 2010: Cowardly leaders failed to help working people and coddled the rich It is essential to note that the broader macro economics that analysis can be based include Unemployment, inflation rate, per capita income, growth of GDP and external β†’

2 d-electrophoresis separation of the wheat leaf proteome – lab report example

There are two gels produced in the experiment, in figure 1 the gel was ideal as it is evident by the spots that represent the proteins. In this case, the protein of interest could be identified, and then cut out from the strip so that it could be measured by spectrophotometer.

Complete a using the scientific method – lab report example

Variability in Maize Yields and Properties of soil in Arable and non arable soils. The null hypothesis of the study will be that there would be a higher maize yield in arable land than in non arable land.

Probability – lab report example

The paper will explore and compare the experimental and theoretical probabilities from tossing the coins for conclusions over inheritance of genes. Conclusion The results of the experiment indicate that probability distributions can be used to predict and explain inheritance of genes.

Breast cancer sugery

Biology 214 The Report on the Article " Why Should Breast Surgeons Use Ultrasound?" The studied editorial article by Ahmed et based on the data of their previous investigations and literature analyses. It is focused on the observation of portable ultrasound use by the breast surgeons.

Cell fractionation and mitochondrial function – lab report example

In graph representing tube 6 it is also observed that, there is no change in the O. D with time and this as well indicate that there was no mitochondria in the tube because it was water which was added.

Analyze the assigned neurological disorder and prepare a report

Analysis of Stroke A stroke represents an attack of the brain that occurs through blood clot hindering the flow of blood to the brain. A hemorrhagic stroke is caused by a burst or leakage of the blood vessel.

Anthropology book report

The writer gives a voice to the homeless youth and highlights on their everyday lives, the condition in which they live and the experience they go though in the streets. Finkelstein discusses how the youths in the streets are prone to victimization by the society; they are ill treated, oppressed and discriminated the youths reiterate β†’

Restriction and gel electrophoresis of plasmid dna – lab report example

1 RESTRICTION AND GEL ELECTROPHORESIS OF PLASMID DNA The practical report Introduction The purpose of this laboratory exercise was to acquire an understanding of the principles and practice of DNA gel electrophoresis. The analysis consisted of making measurements of each of the DNA bands on the gel in millimeters from the point of application to β†’

Genetics((drosophila)) – lab report example

During segregation, the factors join up in twos to allow for variability of the new daughter cells. The results, of course, make sense as they are consistent with theories of Mendel's Law.

Determining the protein content of nuclear pellets from kidneys of rats through lowry procedure – lab report example

The objective of this experiment was to determine the level of protein in the nuclear pellets from cortex and medulla of rats. The purpose of the laboratory was to employ the Lowry procedure to determine the protein content of nuclear pellets from kidneys of rats.

Control by heat and uv – lab report example

The requirements vary according to the habitat of the organism, and each bacteria species will thrive in environments with optimal conditions. Each student in the team exposed the organism to different temperature of 40 C, 55 C, 80 C and ~100 C.

Class poll – a species value 7

In this case, the relationship between kudzu and goats will form the basis of the discussion. Kudzu and goats has been used as food, Kudzu in particular is used as food and beverage.

Project report on bamboo

Looking at the present upbeat atmosphere in the NE Region for development of industry, thrust by Government of India for the development ofenvironmentfriendly alternate resources and last but not the least, the spectacular progress made by China in the bamboo based industry The KOTHARI group has decided to put up a unit in Guwahati to β†’

The scientific method – lab report example

In this study the independent variable would be the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in water where as the dependent variable is the number of fish seen in a body of water. In this case, the dependent variable will be number of captured fish where as the dependent variable will be the time of the β†’

Air quality – lab report example

Maximum concentration in one hour- 0. Maximum concentration in one hour- 0.