Genuine Reflective Essay Examples

Reflective account of diversity and team performance nursing essay

The essay is structured into sequential sections that take up the functioning of teams in its different aspects, the use of the IPO model for assessment of team effectiveness and the working, evolution and outcomes of our team over a specific 6 week period. A general set of factors for assessment of team work in β†’

Reflective essay on pressure sore nursing essay

I started to assist the nurse and as she opened the dressing I was shocked. I have become competent in the care and management of pressure ulcer.

Reflective essay: communicative language teaching approach, text based intruction implementation in indonesia

Communicative language teaching can be understood as a set of principles about the goals of language teaching, how learners learn a language, the kinds of classroom activities that best facilitate learning, and the roles of teachers and learners in the classroom. In CLT, the material is designed to train the analytical and critical thinking of β†’

Reflective paper assignment

These are the important preconditions of honesty and integrity for the academic freedom." Academic integrity finds its genesis in the fundamental values of honesty, tolerance, respect, rigor, fairness, and the pursuit of truth". The ethics of academic honesty implicitly claims that because cheating is wrong the work performed by students is actually Very important or β†’

Reflective assignment

Some techniques to lad the process of reflection and reflective writing Assignment 3 In PUPIL week B requires you to be both analytical and reflective. Clarity of writing suffers due to weak organization or spelling and grammar errors.

Free reflective statement case study example

A number of problems were identified to be the reason behind the poor performance which includes: Increased environmental awareness by the consumers, Consumers growing awareness on the risks of plastics to public health, Government's campaign guaranteeing safety of tap water, Media promotion of anti-bottled water films and a wider variety of soft drinks entering the β†’

Negotiation reflective journal essay

Luckily, the Chinese were very impressed with our offering of a gift, and they presented a gift in turn; it was clear that we had shared negotiation strategies to work with despite the different cultures. This was indicative of a lack of respect to us and our group, as well as the negotiation process as β†’

Reflective essay

And now I am indescribably ecstatic to say not only am I graduating a year early, but that I visualized a future for myself and I am in the process of fulfilling it. In conclusion, it is nearly impossible to sum up all the things that I learned from and while attending high school at β†’

Example of case study on reflective journal 4: leadership and charisma

I am interested in the leadership style and traits of Steve Jobs because he is one of the most widely acknowledged good leaders of the current age, and there is a possible reason for the tutors, scholars, and professionals to place confidence in Steve Jobs's leadership style because he was the person who took Apple β†’

Reflective journal on leadership

Vroom in his theory supposed that human beings are inspired to achieve a particular purpose by anticipated standards or principles, coupled with the inference that the action geared towards the achievement of the purpose will result to the preferred principles. Linking Vrooms Expectancy Theory with my Personal Experience In reference to Vrooms expectancy theory, my β†’

Hrm reflective writing

After learning that this is one of the best and easy ways to change oneself, I have stated using the reflective writing tool every time I wanted to develop the way I work and think. As part of the self-development, I would like to develop a skill to converse a message in a soft way β†’

Internnational negotiations reflective essay

In conclusion I would like to say that the success of negotiations is in ability to understand the problem in your negotiations. It is very important for me in negotiations to know the person, sometimes his way of thinking, his set of mind.

Reflective journal essay

In particular, the discussion of the definitions of ' power' was of interest to me as I find it to be such an ambiguous term which many misconstrue as being associated with tyranny, evil and social discontent. My initial preconception of this topic would be the focus on equality in the workplace and I was β†’

Free essay on reflective journal

This means that it looked into the profitability, the survival, and the maintenance of the system, which in turn enabled the institution to continue providing services. In the first assignment, the reach of IM is worldwide.

Example of essay on social work reflective paper

They all demonstrate a broad range of multi-skilled practice approaches, and I have come to realise the importance of knowing the trade in order to meet the needs of every, individual client. The client development team is a collection of social workers who focus on work which helps to enable clients to become independent and β†’

Learning team reflective article

Importance of Teamwork in both the School and Work Environments Importance of Teamwork in both the School and Work Environments Teamwork is a concept that people come to work or perform any kind of duty collectively as a unit. The social care theory expects a good care worker to be flexible enough to be able β†’

Reflective analysis

It is important for a writer to give their readers a clear picture of what is being talked about. The University's green space is slowly being encroached by housing projects to accommodate more students and staff members.

Reflective letter

My writing process and the final products portray the strengths and weaknesses of my work in this course. Indeed, my writing process manifests my strength in the formatting my works according to the referencing and formatting requirements.

A reflective of the pain scale by eula biss

Teacher A reflection of " The Pain Scale" by Eula Biss Eula Biss article en d The Pain Scale is an interesting write because it attempted to measure pain by establishing a pain scale to reference pain so to speak. It is limited because pain is universal albeit how we feel it varies in degree β†’

Reflective analysis

Paper Meta-analysis of Assignments Introduction Meta-analysis is a technique that is profoundly used in order to compare studies and works of same nature which have been done in order to cover same or similar area of intellect. Meta-analyses are traditionally applied to find, highlight and report similarities of results and methods of research that is β†’

Reflective letter

This way during the revision I was able to more thoroughly establish the aspects of the story that were not thoroughly explained enough. Another major thing in this essay was the understanding that things emerged I was not aware of in the planning process.

Reflective report

Reflective Report on Job Analysis My driving force with regard to the job analysis is based on a quest to achieve my long-term goal of becoming a manager. This include the use a computer program referred as publisher to make fliers, the use of Email to contact clients.

Reflective placement log report – international coffee organisation (ico)

On the company website, under the ICO's " mission statement", the organisation has described itself as the " main intergovernmental organisation for coffee"; claiming that they bring together exporting and importing governments to tackle the challenges of the international coffee sector. To carry out this mission, the ICO: Enables governments and the private sector to β†’

Free reflective learning research paper sample

According to it, the reflective learning process is necessary for both the students and the staff. The development of the reflective learning system is the primary responsibility of the teachers.

Essay on a self-reflective essay about my experience of the practicum

This essay will specifically focus on my understanding of assessment and how it directly informs instruction; to reflect upon my experiences and progress and to evaluate my practice in terms of the aforementioned standards, and to evaluate my learning in terms of my experience, my ability to administer assessment and utilise student and class data, β†’

Reflective learning journal

In addition to that, he discussed the critical pedagogy at his faculty meeting and they might use it as well. Another thing I discussed with my brother was developing a clear Syllabus and giving it to the student in the beginning of the semester.

Reflective journal

The man was pulling a bag of oranges that the shopkeeper was holding, shouting that it was his. Analysis The reaction of the onlookers was not appropriate and they should have tried to resolve the issue in a calm manner and not presume the ill man to be the one in the wrong as compared β†’

Reflective practice

At the time, a number of solutions had presented themselves, the most logical being the acquisition of two heating blankets to plug into the room directly to add the temperature boost that the patient needed, but could no longer provide himself. Other pioneers have incorporated the concept of professional reflection as integral to a daily β†’

Things fall apart reflective statement

Achebe uses the main character, Okwonko as a vessel to depict how ' Things Fall Apart'; in the novel, and through Okwonko we are able to adequately grasp a lot of cultural practices in Nigeria. Diction in this novel plays a major role, and it is through diction that many of the themes are unlocked β†’

Reflective statement cit sem1

Reflecting on this lesson, some of the strategies I could take from it were the way the lesson was structured with clear instructions at the start, a variety of activities, using the more experienced students to help the first year students, motivating them and consolidating what they have learned. The introduction to the LLUK and β†’

My personality traits and flaws

I am usually the one in a group questioning everything like " How did this happen? " or " What is the meaning of...." I also like to know a lot of information on a subject before I consider doing anything with it. I am a very curious person and sometimes I will look at β†’

Reflective report for a group presentation

The majority of the teachers are highly educated, so that gives us the opportunity to learn more things through the experience they have and as Albert Einstein said "The only source of knowledge is experience". I feel very comfortable being with my other colleagues and since I am a student of the University I became β†’

Reflective essay on teaching

I linked the theory to practice as I was using acetates on an overhead projector as well as demonstrating and some of my peers commented that this helped them to understand the topic better. The opportunity of being familiar with my peers and knowing the subject area that I was going to present strengthened my β†’

β€œdiscuss and evaluate two relevant theories of reflective practice and how these theories might be applied to your practice.”

David Kolb's theory is based on a learning cycle which is familiar to the way I reflect and how I self assess what and how I am teaching. It is important to relate the theory to further development " by planning, acting out, reflecting and relating it back to the theory".

The concept of derogatory reflection, types of reflective model

The target of this on paper essay is on the road to protest an arrangement of my views by the side of the talent plus skill of contemplation also the issues surrounding deep reflective practice. Although, I willpower undergo just before build up the exemplar on the way to make certain so as to I β†’

Self reflective essay

In the future, these teamwork activities and interaction with my team members will help me to coordinate and participate much better. In this way, I feel I will be beneficial to my team in the future.

ο»Ώreflective statement – a doll’s house essay sample

Interestingly enough, it seems that each of the three acts in the play correspond to a stage within the concept of existentialism, in the order of which they occur. In the beginning of the act, she is tempted to leave the house and is putting on a cloak which is something deemed more man-like in β†’

Reflective account – plan, prioritise and balance time

In communicating with carer A, my thoughts were to ensure that I was offering practical professional support to assist where possible with her issues and also offer a sympathetic ear to support her emotional state at the time. A call was then made to the clients' wife to inform her of the situation and the β†’

Free essay on a reflective

The main purpose of our group was to research every aspect of the topic to the maximum. After completing my research, with the aid of my supervisor, I was able to correct mistakes on it in time.

Reflective journal: leadership and management

To meet the needs and the demand of clients who come to the clinic, investments in the latest technologies for improving and treating skin imperfections have been made. I have learned to adopt that attitude and be determined to be and do the best, not settling for the mediocre.

Reflective case study essay sample

Due to the nature of this case study and the involvement of Children and Family Social Services current adult and children's legislation and policy informed much of my practice with the client. I will explore in detail the impact of multi- disciplinary teams and the culture it creates within an agency paying particular attention to β†’

My passion for the game of football

All the years of playing the game since I was a little kid had paid off, and now it would be time for the big show and the highlights of mycareer. The summer days spent in the blazing sun and not atthe beachtake a lot out of me but the cravings for big games drive β†’

Reflective statement for the sailor who fell from grace with the sea:

The author, ______ writes in a way so that you feel the emotion of the three characters he focus's on throughout the book. When Noboru talked about the emptiness of his own world, I could relate to his feelings, and would wonder why the heck the world is the way it is.

The role of the practitioner in supporting the learning needs

Another role of the practitioner is to work professionally and responsibly such as to work as part of the team, work with parents and partners, participate in providing an environment that is welcoming and stimulating and to meet the learning needs of each individual child by providing a range of activities and experiences Tassoni, β†’

Manual blood pressure: a reflective account of a teaching and learning activity

The student is the focus of this learning activity, the skills learned will help to enable job progression and put emphasis on the significance of a patient's blood pressure. The lesson plan is to act as a guide in order to allow the learner to see the skills and information needed for the student to β†’

Reflective assignment about a personal teaching philosophy

It will function as a model for my boarding to the profession of instruction with the purpose of success in learning." Which came foremost, the poulet or the egg? " If my pupil were to inquire me this inquiry, I would likely smile at him and answer, " Why do not you happen out and β†’

Example of essay on reflective introduction

The course on English 113A 113B: Approaches to University Writing had been such a beneficially informative and illuminative course that was instrumental in improving one's skills in reading, writing, and critical thinking. The course has honed reading, writing, and cognitive thinking skills that are crucial in accomplishing future responsibilities.

Reflective essay english composition

After reading my paper I would like for my audience to understand the day to day task of a Residential Counselor. The strongest aspect of my paper is the details I included pertaining to my shift.

Reflective as established in chappell v nestle consideration

In discussing this I noted that the quality of service provided by CB is an integral part of their reputation and the trust people had in their work was the reason, the business was doing so well, therefore, resulted in the expansion. According to the principle of consideration, due to the legally binding contract, HYTRI β†’

Free the importance of reflective writing essay example

The increasing score in the rubric sheet at the end of each assignment poses evidence to the fact that there is a marked improvement in the way I write and present essays. The language used in the essay is simple and the audience may assume that the writer is not proficient with English as it β†’

The fault in our stars reflective response

The indecisiveness and confusion that Gus has at the time of writing his letter is a universal response to insecurity and hopelessness. In terms of the novel Gus' letter provides the reader with an applicable question to think about.

Reflective practice in teaching

The Institute's online personalised learning space, REfLECT, requires teachers to submit variety of individual reflective practice evidence that includes: *self evaluation an individual analysis of the applicant's learning needs andgoalsfor the next 12 months, * professional development planning n individualised learning plan detailing the actions the applicant will take to address the needs and goals β†’

The concepts of “reflective self-monitoring” and “self-objectification” in terms of symbolic interactionism

Let's say I have always seen trees as a spot to find some shade on a sunny day, so I perceive the tree as shade; then, there is another individual that whenever they think of tree they just ants and other insect crawling all over the tree, so that individual perceives the tree as itchiness. β†’

Reflective: developmental psychology activity assignment

In further interpretation of the withering roses, the petals that are falling to the ground could be a representation of my feelings of " letting go" and loss. Considering buds symbolism life and the " new", and withering roses symbolism death and the " old": the amount of buds in comparison to the mount of β†’

In environment and surroundings of pemberley are reflective

The " natural beauty" of the environment and surroundings of Pemberley are reflective of Darcy's self-improvement and lack of pretension and, overall, reveal his underlying and essential goodness. Furthermore, Elizabeth's visit to the manor serves as a catalyst for her emerging affections and her budding romance with Darcy, as she realizes the true nature of β†’

Reflective report on β€˜cultural shock’

This report aims to: Reflect on the strengths and detriments of my study experience at NTU Develop an understanding of the contrast between my Nigerian, college and University experience Create a better understanding of my potentialacademicopportunities I have the transition to University culture has yielded substantial gains in my scholastic goals: The ability to relate β†’

Reflective summary

Nevertheless, the introductory courses have been very useful in setting a foundation and the diversity in the contents of the course has illuminated my enthusiasm. C, Doerner, E, Jones, J, Kaye, N.

Consolidation and reflective statement on personal learning preference workshop

Reflective and Theorist Learning of Reflective and Theorist Learning Development can be undertaken in many different was. One should underscore the need to be a reflective learner, but not doing reflective learning.

Reflective writing for learning disability nurse

The act of revisiting the individual reflection pieces to present the current summary essay allowed for not only intellectually experiencing what I wrote, but it also allowed me to re-experience each situation and gain a new appreciation for the patients I worked with, the teams I took part in, the pros and cons of each β†’

Reflective article review – sexual harassment

According to a survey by Crocker and Kalemba in " The Incidence and Impact Of Women's Experiences of Sexual Harassment in Canadian Workplaces", sexually harassed women in the workplace has been considered a contentious social dilemma as half women in the workforce went through incidence of varioustypes of sexual harassmentat work which made sexual harassment β†’

Counselor reflection

Advocacy To be seen as an advocate for " all students" is important to her; for she is an advocate in numerous ways for students, particularly with regard to behavior, motivation, and achievement. Williams feels that she presents herself as a leader in systemic change by delivering to all students an ASCA National Model Program β†’

Reflection essay on transfer of learning

Examples of such transfer are: the knowledge and skills related to schoolmathematicshelp in the learning of statistical computation; the knowledge and skills acquired in terms of addition and subtraction in mathematics in school may help a child in the acquisition of knowledge and skills regarding multiplication and division; learning to play badminton may help an β†’

This reflective essay is centred on pain assessment

For the purpose of the case study I intend to use Gibbs model of reflection as this model is clear, precise allowing for description, analysis and evaluation of the experience, then prompts the practitioner to formulate an action plan to improve their practice in future. Smith's increasing agitation and non- compliance to ventilation I was β†’

Reflective paper 3

I would certainly tell him that the age of 15 years is not ideal to be experimenting with sex. I would tell her about the honor and value of the marital bond.

Explore reflective accounts of the mentor’s developing role using a recognised framework

A number of authors have suggested the use of a learning contract as part of the continual assessment process and as a guide to learning. Burrows highlights the effectiveness of reflective thinking for both enhancing clinical practice and affirming the value of practice and knowledge-in-action to the profession.

Nursing reflective report example

I learned that for a nurse to exercise his knowledge and practical expertise, he has to deal with the other aspects such as the cultural, professional and ethical aspects of nursing first. Should I take the clinical path of nursing, I can surely use my knowledge about the cultural and professional aspects of nursing in β†’

Reflective sociology

We were asked at the half way mark of the pregnancy if we wanted to take the above mentioned test, but for us it was a no brainer, a combination of our faith, my wife's history being adopted and the fact that we so desperately wanted to have that child meant that regardless of the β†’

Administration of colonoscopy reflective account

Using a model of reflection allows the nurse to re-appraise the care they have delivered to a patient/client and in doing so can evaluate the effectiveness of that care, thus with the intention of influencing future practice for the better. I felt that the nurse spoke to the patient in a degrading way and showed β†’

Gibbs’ reflective cycle

I have come to select the Gibbs reflective framework for this for I feel that through this framework I can better express in a systematic manner the describe the incidents, feelings, and how I was able learn. The patient was then escorted to the anesthetic room and additional checks, verifications, and the sign in was β†’

Importance of reflective practice in counselling

On a personal note, I think what is significant about reflection during the course of our practice in this subject is that I am not just looking back on events and actions that has happened to us in the past, but also I am conscious of my emotions, experiences, actions, and behavioural reactions, and thus β†’

Reflection the boondock saints

Reflections on " The Boondock Saints" Directions: In three paragraphs write your reflections of the Movie " The Boondock Saints", answering the following: 1) What are the ethical issues you see in the movie? Social contract, at the end of the movie people of the state agreed that boondock saints kill trash people, so their β†’

Reflective assignment

Moving on to the task, GLO-BUS business simulation was assigned to us with the task given to work in groups/teams on the operational side of a digital camera company for global market leadership, competing against other rival company's run by other groups/teams and to sustain better performance in sales and marketing economically, environmentally and politically. β†’

Reflective essay – my world

The other world that I live in would be the world of reality, whether I was with my family or my friends they have always reminded me of my dreams and ambitions there to help me with whatever I needed. Since I was a little girl I have always wanted to be a veterinarian and β†’

Self-reflective journal entry

In addition, I was also able to learn the important elements that one needs to be a good leader. In order for one to be a good leader, he or she should recognize the values of this position and distinguish between leadership and simple management.

Reflection on assessment of asthmatic patient

The cycle starts with a description of the situation, next is the analysis of the feelings, third is an evaluation of the experience, fourth stage is an analysis to make sense of the experience, fifth stage is a conclusion of what else could I have done and final stage is an action plan to prepare β†’

T he international programs school – al khobar

The language of instruction is English and the school features: ' ' ' The highest quality American curriculum, well-articulated, and suited to the 21st century. The school is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, and is licensed by the Saudi Ministry of Education.

Reflection essay on huck finn

Throughout the book, Twain uses Huck, the Duke and the King to compare and contrast different forms of lying, and to illustrate how context plays a large role in the moral weight of a deception. Unlike the more serious and character damaging lies of the King and the Duke, Huck's deceptions are, for the most β†’

Reflective analysis: management project

The title of the topic received was ' The Feasibility of Selling to the World's Poor by the Multinational Organizations as a Means of Poverty Alleviation' and it was met with the content from the group members meaning that it is a good, interesting and very relevant topic to the group members as some of β†’

Conflict management reflectiveassignment assignment

On reflection of this, my manager was hoping for a win-win for all of us, though at the time I did not see this and chose to enter conflict. After the way I handled my previous conflict at work, this time, I decided to approach this conflict from a different perspective and approach it differently.

Reflective memo

As I reflect upon all the compositions that I have written, I can confidently say one of my favorites was the final research paper, because it allowed me o write about something I as a author had interest in and feel very strongly about, which was a great incentive to work to my fullest potential, β†’

How to write a reflective essay

This means you need to approach writing such essays in a particular way: Be aware of the need to relate practice back to theory. How did events compare with the predictions made by theoretical models How can events help you to understand theory Learn to be selective: pick out those bits of theory which seem β†’

Reflective assignment on inter professional education

In this assignment I will use Gibbs model of reflection to reflect on some of the work that the group and myself carried out and ways in which it could be improved. If this had happened again and the original idea was a definite favourite of the group I think the group should approach the β†’

The reflective report audit trail nursing essay

It was not my first time to speak in the public but I still felt nervous and resulted in me left out some parts that I was going to say. I believe that proper planning is the key to managing my time well.

Economics topics i’ve studied

The objectives for week two Include Identifying production level to maximize profits, explaining balancing fixed and variable costs, and applying economic cost concepts In making business decisions. The objectives for week two include identifying production level to maximize profits, explaining balancing fixed and variable costs, and applying economic cost concepts in making business decisions.

Psychology reflective essay

First of all I got the classical conditioning explain by Pavlov's and Watson's experiments, from my personal opinion I must confess that I have been learned a lot about of associations with several situations that happened during my daily routine, for example I often have problems to control my desire to go to the bathroom β†’

Reflective paper on baldridge principles, organizational issues, personal and organizational learning

Reflective Paper on the Baldridge Criteria Number The importance of the plethora of various personal and organizational lessons that I have gained over the past days' keen discourse on the principles and organizational issues of the Baldridge criteria can only be understated. In the end, I strongly reckon that the Baldridge criteria is indeed a β†’

Reflective learning journal

It is time to write the Reflective learning Journal at the end of this semester to conclude what we have learned from the Economics and Finance Engagement Project. In the tender documents I have mentioned that there are three units relevant to the project which is Investment, Project Management, and Statistics.

Reflective essay: my greatest weakness

I do not know how I came to have this low self-esteem, but I do know it is a problem I absolutely have to fix. Because of this weakness of mine, I often give up on my self-development goals, thinking that I am never going to accomplish them anyway.

Reflective paper organisational dialogue

I began to understand that management is about creating an environment to communicate through different mediums: verbal and visual in varying forums; formal meetings, face-to-face meetings, and graphical representations of key messages on the shop floor and around the offices. Furthermore, I support the recommendations of Dixon for management to engage employees and involve them β†’

Reflective writing on ocenia essay sample

The key to the survival and nourishment of the people of Oceania was their capability to navigate through the ocean from island and their craftsmanship in crafting and constructing seaworthy vessels. The Pacific was in fact the first of world's greatest oceans to be discovered whereby the stories of the migration could verify a strong β†’

Gibbs reflective cycle 1988 nursing essay

Confidentiality has been maintained at all times and names of individuals have been changed, I have also gained permission from the family of the patient and for the purposes of this essay I will call the patient Mr Taylor To analyse this critical incident I will use Gibb's reflective cycle. On arriving I was met β†’

Reflective consolidation paper for global leadership business essay

The paper depicts the reflection of the author's leadership journey and the complexity involve in developing strong leadership skills over the period of time. The appropriate leadership values tends to define the character of the leader and it's important to highlight it with determination as it helps to influence the team in the best possible β†’

The labour government in 1960-1970

' The record of Labour governments in the years 1964 and 1979 was one of continuousfailure.' Asses the validity of this view. The Wilson and Callaghan government tried to control inflation by issuing a policy of wage restraint.

My educational philosophy a reflective comparison

As an educationist I need to be enthusiastically attentive of the place I participate in a pupil 's existence. A In any circumstance I will help pupils in their hunt of their individuality immediate to the extended ends of instruction.

Reflective essay on structured interviews

" the way you structured the gave me ideas in my head in how I wanted the interview to go" The key point during the interview, I thought, was when J.spoke about how he wanted the interview to go and what questions and information he wanted to find out. The mentor has to balance β†’

Ethics game: reflective summary assignment

The ethical dilemma again is how the player works through the steps in the Bird Method to arrive at the most effective solution. Ins the method a person in position to make a decision will consider what all the facts of the issue are, who is responsible, consider vat the virtuous decision is and what β†’