Genuine Qualitative Research Examples

Papers already added: 150

Qualitative critique of psychology paper

The article Effective Interaction with Patients with Schizophrenia: Qualitative Evaluation of the Interaction Skills Training Programme is a mixed method study that focuses on the qualitative research results and the effects the ISTP had on relationships between caregivers and patients, in terms of the caregivers lived experience. This paper will be examining the study using →

Major characteristics of qualitative research education essay

Therefore to transport out his research qualitatively, the research worker would wish to utilize instance survey as the method for the research worker to carry on this research. Fraenkel and Wallen suggested the same and as follow; Participant Observation, the research workers really take part in the state of affairs or puting they are detecting →

Limitations of qualitative research

Without the existence of this two data, the validity of a research is unacceptable because of there are no evidence to support the claims. The complexities of the human being has lead to the a new branch of science which is human science in order to study the behavior of human.

Qualitative social research

Patriarchy is used to define the control and social control mechanisms of the state in terms of gender, stating that males are in a position of power and women in one of sublimation. Other sources take a more cultural view, rather than a social and historical view, when it comes to the problem of gender →

Qualitative safety research at m&g resins

The type of qualitative research that is being implemented is safety knowledge management, and safety climate and behaviour research. The components utilized to link the relationship of a safety-first climate in the workplace are leadership support, safety knowledge, and safety motivation to measure the overall safety performance.

Quantitative and qualitative research education essay

For the research work, the basic RESEARCH QUESTION is factors effecting production planning and control with reference to performance measurement To address all such questions the methodology used is Qualitative and I make use of Quantitative methods to analyse the statistical data, which to be collected during research work. Blends in with natural activity, Access →

Outline and evaluate the use of one qualitative method

In addition to this previous statement, Gratton and Jones believe that this can become a negative point if the researcher does not keep the participants on topic, stating that ' participants may be tempted to provide false data to make an impression upon others in the group'. Moreover you are able to gain a relationship →

A thousand miles: a qualitative research study on successful long distance relationships

The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of individuals in successful long-distance relationships and help present and future couples in maintaining this kind of relationship. The researchers chose to study the experiences of individuals in a successful long distance relationship.

Essay on qualitative data analysis

The researcher is then tasked with the mandate of using the collected information, filling in the gaps of the research processes with the same amount of data collected from the respondents. The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research.

Qualitative social research

Creswell lists a number of qualitative procedures and also presents a number of characteristics of the said method. Browsing the journal entitled Human Relations yields quite a number of researches and this is one of the articles: The transformational leader as pedagogue, physician, architect, commander, and saint: Five root metaphors in Jack Welchs letters to →

Example of essay on quantitative vs qualitative data

Nonetheless, when deciding which methodology to choose, if " strength in numbers" is a key factor, choose quantitative research. Qualitative Quantitative.

Quantitative and qualitative 2

The objectives of the project were to instigate public dialogue of the topic and the foundation for a more extensive intervention. Most of the study was carried out in the community, except for a small number of in-depth interviews and one womens Focus group discussions held at Jijenge!

Qualitative causes and consequences. background of study this

The research questions answered in this research paper were; what are the causes of childhood obesity and what are the consequences of childhood obesity? ConclusionIn conclusion, the researchers in this paper sought to shine a light on the issue of childhood obesity and its consequences.

Quantitative and qualitative

The research focuses on the number of such children, the number of abusers suffering from mental disorders, the ages of the abused children, the number of close relatives victimizers, average age of first abuse and percentage of heterosexual abusers The research is clearly quantitative. The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research.

A qualitative exploration into the transformational leadership flashcard

Such an environment acts to transfer the goals and objectives of the organisation to the employees of the organisation and this is in turn nurtures a dedicated, enthusiastic workforce motivated to achieve for the benefit of the organisation. This research may also highlight to the police leaders responsible for assessing and promoting police leaders, the →

The choice of qualitative and quantitative psychology essay

Based on Crotty, the four levels are interdependent, as the choice of the research epistemology is followed by the choice of theoretical perspective, the choice of study methodology and the choice of specific methods of data collection and analysis. Creswell explained that the choice of the research paradigm related mainly to the purpose and nature →

Qualitative research

According to the United States Department of Labor, the Act forbids the discrimination of people on the basis of their disability. This will enable the researcher to carry out a research project that appreciates the need to enforce the law and the challenges that it creates for employers and administrators of Federal programs.

distinguish between qualitative and quantitative data essay sample

Qualitative data and quantitative data are generalized types of data. Lastly, the primary advantage of qualitative research is its ability to obtain deep and in-depth descriptions of data.

Qualitative data analysis techniques | example analysis

Data is compared and contrasted and the process continues until the researcher is satisfied that no new issues are emerging. According to Potter it is also called conversational analysis, a method that look at the pattern of speech, how particular words are used and how people take turns in conversation.

Kkv review quantitative and qualitative research essay

They also agree about the nature of qualitative research, the definition of falsification, and the importance of design social inquiry. Both articles seem to agree that this is the more appropriate way to measure qualitative research.

Qualitative methods for social health research

In an attempt to understand the experiences of the current crop of students, this paper will analyze the themes of stress, academic performance and coping strategy through a focus on the interview results of four students who responded to questions that are related to the themes. When asked on How satisfied the participant is with →

Qualitative & quantitative research design assignment

It is the purpose of this essay to analyze these two research frameworks highlighting the positive aspects as well as the flaws and limits, and highlighting the rise of what is often referred to as the " mixed" method. Recently however, the divide between the quantitative and qualitative has diminished to the point of many →

Dissertation qualitative method of research, to achieve

Safety and efficacy of 4% hydroquinone combined with 10% glycolic acid, antioxidants, and sunscreen in the treatment of melasma. Efficacy and Safety of Tranexamic Acid in Melasma: A Meta-analysis and Systematic Review.

A qualitative analysis of the types of goals athletes set in training and competition

A Qualitative Analysis of the Types of Goals Athletes Set in Training and Competition Research has proved that goal setting is an effective techniquefor enhancing performance in sport. Theoretical implications of the study include giving a picture of the lives of athletes, nature and range of goals they set, their functions, and how they enhance →

Philosophy of quantitative and qualitative research

The researchers does not always clearly state the philosophical stance on which the study is based; however, one can identify the stance by carefully reading the literature review, identifying the research question, understanding the purpose of the study and examining the researcher's method. The research design guides the researcher in planning and implementing the study →

How to write an attractive assignment quickly and qualitatively

Make sure you understand the following things: When you are trying to find the best way to start an assignment, you need to write on paper what you think. Once you have determined your main ideas and arguments on the topic, you can write them down as a plan to start writing a draft of →

Qualitative research sampling

It concerns on selecting specific and small sizes of sample population for understanding social life Second difference is the adoption of techniques in the procedure of sampling design for ensuring the quality. Flexibility of research design First, in the flexibility of research design for researchers, qualitative research seems more strengthen than quantitative research.

Introduction qualitative analysis, though there is much more

In government setting, rationality becomes practical if the involved decision makers and the stakeholders agree on values, nature of the problem and the solution to such problem with total avoidance of engaging in politics and conflict of interest. In this approach, the decision makers has to assess the implications of each program and finally choose →

Qualitative versus quantitative research methods

A research practitioner using qualitative data will rely on their experience in a specific field of study to make determinations about the data achieved, often with a focus on sociology or psychology to emphasize the phenomenon of human actions and emotions. Through data modeling or correlative research, the researcher can determine whether specific characteristics or →

Qualitative and quantitative risk analysis

Qualitative risk analysis is commonly used where there is certainty of the project and the level of the risk is minimal so that the project can be implemented without any risk assessment. Qualitative risks are again commonly preferred over the quantitative risk analysis in areas where the risk categorization of risk is required by the →

Examining qualitative and quantitative studies with casp

The comparison of the study was study and control groups are used for comparison as a result of finding out the efficacy of Contractubex gel. The outcome of the study was the gel should be effective in preventing scarring after the subjects receiving laser removal of tattoos.

The future of qualitative research

Summary The article is about the future of qualitative research. The significance of the article is that it has explained various issues that touch on the future of qualitative research.

Phenomenology and interviews in qualitative research

They write a description and explanation of the phenomenon, maintaining a strong relation to the topic of inquiry and balancing the parts of the writing to the whole. Following that, the research develops a textural description of the experiences of the persons, a structural description of their experiences, and a combination of the textural and →

Qualitative research: a case study of wendy’s

Purpose of the paper This paper aims at enumerating the importance of qualitative research in the improvement of profitability and rising of the market share of Wendy's. Summary, lessons, and recommendations form the last part of the paper./p> Body Role of qualitative research in helping Wendy's expand further in the United states The flexibility of →

Qualitative tests used for carbohydrates biology essay

Also along with concentration the amount of sugar was varied to find the sensitivity limits and the limitations of the test. It is the preliminary test used to detect the presence of carbohydrates in a sample.

Qualitative tests for carbonyls: aldehydes vs. ketones essay

The tests used are: 2, 4- dinitrophenylhydrazone test, Tollen's Test, Benedict's Test, Chromic Acid Test, aka Bordwell-Wellman Test, Schiffs Test, and Iodoform Test. The Schiffs Test is a chemical test for the detection of aldehydes.

Comparison of qualitative and quantitative research methods

The researcher must also be aware of possible differences between the validity and intention of volunteered statements that are made in response to the researcher's questions. The researcher is more objective about the findings of the research.

Existing qualitative studies essays example

The research topic for a qualitative study was To investigate the presence, use and effectiveness of crisis management plans in differently sized companies. The research questions look into the effectiveness of the crisis management plan in responding to the crises.

Bridging the gender gap in oil and gas

On the one hand this problem is a reflection of the imbalance of opportunities for adequateeducation, and on the other is what is referred to as the ' leaky pipeline' conundrum which describes the phenomenon of disproportionate numbers of women leaving these professions in each consecutivecareerstage in this industry. This research will consider the existence →

Adopted research method qualitative research method management essay

The purpose of this chapter is to describe the methodology adopted to collect and analyze the data required to meet the set aims and objectives of the current research work. Great understanding of the business related research's philosophies, approaches and strategies and data collection methods act as a backbone in order to adopt the most →

Additional qualitative approaches above creswells five approaches

Additional Qualitative Approaches above Creswell's Five Approaches Additional Qualitative Approaches above Creswell's Five Approaches Personal Contribution Creswell's contribution to qualitative research approaches only considered Five Approaches; however, there are other additional qualitative approaches that can be applied in a research design. The Naturalistic and Interactionism qualitative research approaches are some of the additional qualitative research →

Good example of qualitative approaches to dba research essay

Qualitative research is a part of research that usually performed on the research reports which were already done and published to investigate the decision making stance. Handbook of qualitative research methods in marketing.

According quantitative and qualitative research methods vary in

Quantitative and qualitativeresearch methods vary in many aspects, their purpose, the type of sample theyutilize, the type of data they collect, the way the data is analyzed, and moreparticularly the outcome of each method. Qualitative research is about opinions and feelings while quantitative is moreabout hard data and numbers.

Purpose analysis we have to use qualitative

PurposeNowadays the entry threshold of thecleaning industry is low, business is easier, and the classification ofcleaning jobs is not clear, which causes the whole cleaning industry to bemixed up. Marketanalysis is a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the market.

Qualitative interview on traits of a healthy marriage

Rob was " the one" that night, and Mr. Rob said it's all about " negotiating." When asked what role spirituality and faith played in the success of their marriage, Mrs.

Qualitative analysis of adolescent’s online risks on instagram

This statistics about adolescent usage of internet and social media raise the concern for the parents and society of the risks and consequences that technology may bring to the developments of these youth. The primary goals of this research are to: develop a better understanding of how adolescents engage with others online by analyzing the →

A qualitative research term paper sample

Because of the delicate nature of this job, it is therefore important to have constant appraisal and feedback from both the care-givers and the patients. For example, qualitative research is used to investigate nurses' perceptions regarding quality care for the aged in long-term care facilities (Sung, Chang & Tsai, 2005.

Foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods

Both methods are efficient and enhance the quality of conclusions depending on the type of study, nature of the data and the source of information. In conclusion, the above illustration shows that a nursing research provides better and actionable conclusions when both qualitative and quantitative methods are used.

Research critique qualitative study essay sample

The purpose of the study was to gain further knowledge and answer the aforementioned questions in order to improve the quality of life of patients with atrial fibrillation. Literature Review Part of the need for this study was due to the fact that there is very little research specifically to patients living with atrial fibrillation.

International journal of mental health nursing (2011) 20, 454459

The present project documents some experiences of a small cohort of RN during the rst 2 years of mental health 2011 The Authors International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 2011 Australian College of Mental Health Nurses Inc. It was discussed mostly in response to a memorable clinical situation with a positive outcome, but also in →

Qualitative designs

With reference to the way that the research itself was actually set up and carried out, the authors of the piece sought to set up a series of test which sought to measure the epidemiological affect that antidepressants had on the patient; up to and including what the researchers deemed as " suicidabiliy". As the →

Free shane, the lone ethnographers basic guide to qualitative data analysis: a book essay sample

The main weakness of the book is that the author seems to avoid discussion of complex topics and aspects of qualitative research. The book provides enough background to understand the essentials of qualitative data analysis and provides an example through the real research of a graduate student struggling to understand her data.

Qualitative and quantitative social/behavioral inquiry

The main purpose of qualitative research is to achieve a well-rooted understanding of human behavior as well as explanations as to what regulates human behaviour. 1980s and 1990s saw the evolvement of novel methods of qualitative research aimed to cure the probable problems with reliability as well as inaccurate methods of data analysis.

Good example of qualitative research approach essay

It is important, however, not to over-develop concepts and variables and hold preconceived opinions of how they will relate to each other and your study." While you will have a list of key concepts, and perhaps loosely defined variables, you want to remain open to the possibilities of how they are defined by your research →

Example of research has identified five key qualitative factors that influence the quantity research paper

Such is the case of beer and the women's market, as marketing initiates gradually enact a complex change in the social structures that surround the production, purchases, distribution and consumption of beer. In order to make thorough, meaningful and precise recommendations as to the proper targeting, positioning, and development of a new beer brand targeted →

Good essay on qualitative and quantitative nursing research

The research in explaining the qualities of a quantitative research comes in handy from the methods, sampling, background, and analysis and objective. The article is quantitative as it focuses on an approach that seeks to adopt analytical skills in the deduction of results and the findings.

Free research paper on qualitative article critique

While defining the terms ' immigrant' and ' refugee,' the paper also explains the caregivers' perspective of the barriers to access of mental health care among the aforementioned populations. Different perspectives of the immigrant and refugee mental health care problems are identified.

A qualitative critique: emergency contraceptive pills essay sample

Gaps identified include the reasons ECPs are underused, the limited research looking at the role of the male partner in the decision making process, study participants developmental levels. Given the research presented, there is a gap in the knowledge and currently no theory exists to explain couple decision making and the negotiation process relating to →

Comparing quantitative and qualitative studies research paper sample

Meanwhile, in In Nurmi and Steiber-Roger's " Parenting Children Living With Type 1 Diabetes: A Qualitative Study," the researchers used a case study qualitative research design to discuss the sense of meaning parents receive when parenting diabetic children. In Nurmi and Steiber-Roger's " Parenting Children Living With Type 1 Diabetes: A Qualitative Study," the researchers →

Gender studies: gender stereotypes qualitative research essay

From what is portrayed in the media, it is possible for people to dismiss others on the basis of whether they have masculinity or are feminine. The fitness of a man, his muscles and general outlook count a lot in determining whether he is to feature in a program or not.

Qualitative research critique

This section aims to provide qualitative researchers in IS and those wanting to know how to do qualitative research with useful information on the conduct, evaluation and publication of qualitative research. Citation Information The complete citation for this work is as follows: Myers, M.D." Qualitative Research in Information Systems," MIS Quarterly, June 1997, pp.

Qualitative approach to inquiry research and theory

Recognition of the value of such research is increasing, where the focal point is on the lived experiences of an person every bit good as the societal context of wellness and unwellness. Furthermore, methodological analysis is the in-between land that exists between the treatment of methods and the treatment of the doctrine and theoretical elements →

Perceptions, experiences, and challenges of physicians involved in dementia care during the covid-19 lockdown in india: a qualitative study

Lack of cognitive stimulation, mobility restriction, isolation, worsening of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, enhanced confusional states, increased chances of delirium, reduced adherence to precautionary measures, increased risks of abuse and institutionalization are some of the many factors contributing to the worsening of their overall health and cognitive status, and thus the consequent frailty. →

Quantitative vs qualitative research assignment

Whereas there are many variations on the different types of techniques, Domegan and Fleming view the most commonly used types as: {text: list-item} {text: list-item} Domegan and Fleming, define observational research as: _'...refers to methods of generating data which involve the researcher immersing himself in a research setting, and systematically observing dimensions of that setting, →

Balancing qualitative and quantitative risk management

THE NEED TO BALANCE THE QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVEASSESSMENTS IN RISK MANAGEMENT RISK ASSESSMENT In order to control the health and safety of any business, there are certain things that must be controlled and risk is the foremost thing. The researchers who are assessing the qualitative work must have a clear understanding of the methods and →

Qualitative and quantitative problem statements

Quantitative statement of the problem- Relationship between leadership styles in nursing and outcomes in delivered care Leadership involves influence of followers towards achievement of set objectives and is important in change implementation or in transformation of operational environments. Perspectives of decision making in request for euthanasia: A qualitative research among patients, relatives, and treating patients →

The development of qualitative approaches

This is despite three of the passengers blaming it on the security personnel and security measures done by the airports while one passenger blaming the passengers who lack cooperation and understanding of the security system at the airport for the delays experienced at the airports. Increased safety Three of the five passengers interviewed feel that →

Psychological research examples: correlational & qualitative

The sample size for this study would have to be reasonable large, in excess of 100 children, meaning a number of schools from different regions of the country would have to be approached. Subsequently a visual attention test would be administered and the children would be reassessed on a yearly basis for end-of-year reading achievement.

Methodological issues and qualitative research

I knew that by deciding to do a direct observation I would not be able to experience the situation being studied but it was important that my participants did not know I was observing them. The manager was also a female Whilst considering ethics and ethical issues that may be raised in my research I →

Qualitative and quantative research is to analyze and interpret data

Therefore a qualitative research design is a plan for gathering and utilizing the qualitative data for the desired information to be obtained with adequate precision or in order for the null hypothesis to be tested in the right way. Qualitative research design is subjective such that the researcher is actively involved in the situation of →

Qualitative data and collection methods

This approach allows the researcher to know the specifics as well as the intent of an activity or the people involved. The researcher in this case does not in any way mingle or influence the actions of the participants in a context or event.

A qualitative study on teaching and learning assignment

Use the sample research proposals and ports in your textbook and the Resources section of this course as guides. Method Copy and paste the components of the methods section you wrote in Module 4.

A qualitative study on health and social care

The purpose of the study has been outlined in the summary, which was to explore physiotherapist's experiences and understanding of evidence based practice from various clinical settings within the Wessex area of England. Discuss the strategies used to promote trustworthiness in the processes of data collection and analysis for this study.

Introduction to qualitative research

Whenever, a research is conducted it is necessary that the researcher ensure that the secondary research be comparable to that of the research that is being conducted. There is a need for the researcher to have a second look at the stream of information being provided.

Qualitative characteristics of financial information

It can help the shareholders to confirm the past evaluations, measure the past performance and compare the relevance information at the same time. This part is the MTR's CEO taking about the MTR past performance which is good and which is bad, it also mentions the next year development of the MTR.

Quantitative and qualitative methods of research

The qualitative method is a kind of logical research. On the contrary, quantitative data is the one that focuses on numbers and mathematical calculations and can be calculated and computed.

Qualitative vs. quantitative data

Running head: THE METH EPIDEMIC The Meth Epidemic: A Qualitative and Quantitative Approach THE METH EPIDEMIC 2 The Meth Epidemic: A Qualitative and Quantitative Approach The research entitled " The Meth Epidemic" discusses the processes undertaken to study the " meth" epidemic that has spread across the West Coast. Just like any research project, the →

Stress a simultaneously qualitative research study was used.

But most new studies on stress have to deal more with the coping process." Coping is the person's conscious attempt at reducing or managing the demands of a stressful event or expanding the person's resources to deal with the event". They believed that coping in sports consists of a group of thoughts, emotions and actions →

Qualitative the societal realm of the creation

When carrying a researchusing qualitative research most of the time it might be challenging to carryout a research using a group of participants in 2017 and expect to get the samegroup and then to get similar responses 2018. Small groups will cause the researcher to findidiosyncratic and it will be wrong for the researcher to →

Toxic nightlife relationships, substance abuse, and mental health: is there a link? a qualitative case study of two patients

The psychiatrist that is the head of the service decided from the very beginning of the Unit, which was by the end of 2008, to overcome a medicalization approach in the mental care provided and to design all attention to the patients based on fostering the quality of peer relationships, and more specifically, the social →

Quantitative vs qualitative studies of hiv/aids essay

Using quantitative analysis to a research study investigating HIV/AIDS will have the strength of being able to generate a more accurate prediction due to its hypothesis testing approach. The areas related to what factors drives the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS can be best studied using qualitative approach because this aspect is broad.

Qualitative and quantitative research: sampling and ethics

In a qualitative study, fewer participants take part in the research but the interaction between the researcher and the subjects is longer. Quantitative research aims to classify its subjects, counting them and constructing statistical models in an attempt to explain what is observed with the data collected being in the form of numbers and statistics.

Erikson’s psychosocial theory: a qualitative study

The id, ego and superego are the components of personality and these three components develop in accordance to the stages of psychosexual development. Information regarding the expected duration of the interview and the nature of the questions that would be asked was also given to the participants prior to the interview so that the participant →

Qualitative and quantitative research design

In most cases it is assumed that at post graduate level, the students and supervisors need to be au fit with full spectrum of the research strategies and be in a position to link the appropriate design to some specific research objectives and question. The author is able to discus the qualitative research applications of →

Identifying an unknown contaminant using qualitative and quantitative tests

The flame test is relatively simple because the unknown and a known are burned to see what color the flame is. Objectives: The objective for Week 1 was to perform a solubility and flame test to narrow down the choice of what the unknown could be.

Qualitative research: when people are at their happiest

Most people main purpose in life is to find happiness in everything that they do, when people talk about happiness they relate it to pleasure of a particular moment in their life, or attaining a set goal, pleasure in some ways is a part of happiness but it is not the meaning of happiness. Analysis →

Food advertising and marketing directed at children and adolescents in the us qualitative article reviews and analyses

In the opinion of the authors, from the literatures and study findings they reviewed and analyzed prior to writing the article, it is apparent that children and adolescents is a key force in the food market. Article Review and Analysis Epistemologically, the author of the article sets out to gather the ' what' and the →

Types of qualitative research | analysis

A key requirement in this type of analysis is that categories need to be sufficiently precise to enable different coders arrive at the same conclusion when the same set of data are analyzed in order to establish reliability and validity. Thematic analysis can be a method that works both to reflect reality and to unpick →

Major characteristics of qualitative research

Fraenkel and Wallen suggested the same and as follow; Participant Observation, the researchers actually participate in the situation or setting they are observing and when the researcher takes on the role of a complete participant his identity is not known to the other members of the group or another role that could be play by →

Qualitative analysis

The experimental procedures show the identity of the substance but not the amount of the present agents.2. In the first part of the experiment, it has to be shown the different characteristic reaction with the cations and the anions.

Ethnographic methods in qualitative research

Ethnography is used to represent the study of realism through knowledge and experiences, and the understanding of human behaviour, and in addition It consists of debates on the emergence of today's society. The outline of the study where the structural deviations linked with the implementation of the quality and outcomes has shown the ways that →

Features of qualitative and quantitative research

In this methodology we understand the complexity of human nature and learn the trends of a society. Quantitative Research This research type reflects more classification of features through statistical models and explanation of conclusions The researcher exactly know precisely what they are going to get from their research The researcher has tools, software and even →

Qualitative and quantitative research

The best reason for using qualitative research is the holistic insights given by the act of researching. Qualitative methods of research demand a descriptive understanding of the subject being studied.

Perception of friendship among young adults: a qualitative study essay sample

Three young adults were interviewed using a semi-structured schedule focusing on the description and qualities of real friendship; the difference in friendship between males and females; the role of time; the importance of friends and how does someone prove to be a real friend. This study aims to explore the characteristics of close friendships in →

A brief literature review of qualitative research

Harris in his article entitled: ' Business to Business comes of age in qualitative research', highlights the use of modern informationtechnologyin advancing the frontier of qualitative research in business and industry. The sum total of the evaluation of the ' Brown Dissertation' will reflect the contributions of all the different paradigms to the overall results →