Genuine Personal Essay Examples

Critique: sample size and personal message assignment

In this study the stressor is chemotherapy and the interventions which are used to minimize the stressor is music and a personalized message from the physician. The second hypothesis is: " The intervention of music and a message from the physician will lessen the impact of the stressor of chemotherapy, as evidenced by a decrease →

Effective learning and teaching: a personal evidence based perspective

When writing my philosophy of teaching and learning, at the beginning of the course, behaviour management, my first focus area in this assignment, was a concern for me and I fully engaged with Patch 1 to address it. My own two children had presented me with the need to adapt my approaches in dealing with →

Personal response: what is sex

The question of what sex means can answered from two angels; sex as a gender construct and sex as the coitus or intimate physical activity between a man and a women. From the gender construct perspective, WHO refers to sex as " the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women".


Credentialism Pros of credentialism system According to Grip and Borghans, Credentialism ensures that only the qualified personnel take high positions in the workplace. According to Plank some of the individuals who possess high credentials are said to perform poorly in the field and technical sector.

Personal and business ethics assignment

In having said that, too many people are uninformed of the definition of professional and how it applies to their professional behavior in a work place. It's being proven also that communication plays a big role in being professional as communication is the main foundation of the entire human relations IP.

John lockes theory of personal identity philosophy essay

" For should the soul of a prince, carrying with it the consciousness of the prince's past life, enter and inform the body of a cobbler, as soon as deserted by his own soul, everyone sees he would be the same person with the prince, " accountable only for the prince's actions; but who would →

Personal learning plan to becoming a nurse practitioner

In addition to my gap in knowledge and because I worked alone, I wanted to take my service to the next level, to provide greater satisfaction to both patients and myself by being able to complete the full cycle of health care. I wanted to be able to apply skills in the clinic as I →

John smith, roger williams, and mary rowlandson present vastly different views of native americans. how do you account for the differences

The difference in how Robert sees the Native Americans can be accounted for by the fact that he was a Christian minister who saw the natives as being equal to the white settlers. Mary thinks of them as mainly being noble savages for capturing her but on the other hand having the ability to survive →

Myer’s-briggs type indicator and the big five factors mdels of personality

The MBTI is a personality type theory and questionnaire assessing and revealing each individual's personality type. The four cognitive categories are the individual's social characteristics, grouping information, processing information, and its application to the external world, and the personality types are extroversion or introversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling and judging or perceiving.

K. patricia cross future leaders award

I have pursued my higher education and achieved a Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering field, and I am currently pursuing my Doctorof Philosophy in the same field. In McGill, I was in charge of grading and teaching the course material in the revision class.

Personal action plan assignment

I chose this mall because I wanted to observe the various types of people, and identify the social differences of the individuals coming into the store to shop The Observation Upon entry the store I decided to talk to one of the store managers and notified him of my class project. My personal plan of →

Interpersonal communications

I tried my best to be always available for them; I helped in the ceremonial ceremony, I was there when they were crying and I was there to cheer them up. And in this situation I was not able to avoid the reality.

Personality and self care of nurses nursing essay

The " J" stands for judging, which means I place a high value on the accomplishment of tasks in order to create a sense of order and control. In view of this I developed a unique chart, utilizing special symbols and notations, that I used to keep record the status of the giving of meds.

Personal ethics development paper assignment

Morals and values develop and are learned by the internal actions and from others who one is surrounded by. I did not have many influences in my life that influenced my ethics, but those who were there to teach and let me understand have a major impact on me.

Undefined and my goals

My decision to continue my studies in the MSc in Human Resource Management programme in Portsmouth University has taken a lot of research and I am confident that Portsmouth University is the institution which will provide the courses and additional knowledge in Human Resources Management that I am looking for. I am responsible individual and →

The effect of interpersonal sensitivity on attractiveness essay

In relation to this situation, according to Mead, " taking the role of the other" requires an individual to be able to interpret the feelings and desires of the other individual involved in the situation and to consider the other persons wishes and make him realize his personal goals. In relation to interpersonal sensitivity, the →

Human behavior and attitude in the field of sociology with criminal justice

The knowledge on criminal justice obtained in my college helps me to understand the cases and I help them in which ever way possible. I help my parents and my elder siblings in all their work.

Personal ethics development assignment

My parents, the Church of God I rebelliously attended, and the friends that had influence in my life are what developed my character and values. Was a deputy sheriff prior to being a nurse and the experience has proved to be beneficial on my morals and character I have developed into.

The strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde: behaviors of a split personality

Hyde, Jekyll experiences the behaviors of a split personality similar to a drug addict. This quote from the novella displays how Jekyll realizes that he is slowly losing control and Hyde is becoming more and more apart of him.

A cultural lens on interpersonal conflict and creativity assignment

To bridge gaps in the literature and reconcile these findings, specifically in culturally diverse settings, we present a dynamic constructivist theoretical model on the effects of interpersonal conflict on individuals' creativity in multicultural environments. Multicultural environments may also lead to conflict for cultural psychological reasons that have little to do with either social categorization processes →

Theories of moral development – ethics

M - I will increase my employees' performance by developing and using performance evaluation and social support. As a supervisor, I will refrain from micromanaging my staff and give them the opportunity to do the tasks as this will help them feel valued and competent.

Personal insight paper

I can definitely see that positivity is one of the main aspects of my personality, and one of the aspects that I find to be the most rewarding. Based on the knowledge and understanding of my strengths and Keirsey profile, I believe that my traits, would contribute greatly to a group or team.

Psychodynamic personality theories overview

The understanding of psychodynamic theories improves our interpersonal relationships because this enables us to understand other people better and become less judgmental. In sum, by understanding people's behaviour through Freud's psychodynamic theories, we become less judgemental and tend understand people more which helps our interpersonal relationships to be better.

Personality theories

In this paper I will discuss what is personality, what psychologists' goals are, and the different types of research along with their strengths and weaknesses. The study of personality focuses on understanding individual differences in particular personality characteristics and understanding how the various parts of a person come together as a whole".

Personalised cancer treatment: known markers in treatment

Personalised cancer treatment known markers and what they mean for treatment Contents Known markers and what they mean for treatment Overview Drug target markers Diagnostic and prognostic markers Meta description Keywords Copyscape Personalised, targeted and hormonal treatments all depend on genetic mutations that can be identified in cancer cells to be effective. Cancer markers →

Traits that shape personality: reflection

When I am outside my home and I am in my school setting, it is also obvious that I have a high need for affiliation. One example of my extraversion is that when I go to a party that I hardly know anybody in, I make the best of it and act as if I →

Effect of childhood experience on adult personality and behaviour

Pritchard specified that providing a child with a reward such as a sweet as a result of a good behaviour would more likely encourage the child to repeat thus desired behaviour again. Darling and Cumisille pointed out that a child brought up in a family observing both parents smoking is more likely to obtain knowledge →

Personal and professional skills and achieving strategic goals

The following assignment is done on the basis of the skills review for the purpose of analysing my own personal and professional skills, which contributes to achieve strategic goals. To minimize those all non-productive work I need to manage my time here are some ways to manage my time- I need to set goals →

Personal seat licenses

Stadium revenues come in a variety of ways, and in todays world of professional and collegiate sports, they are the key to profitable teams. In its simplest terms, a PSL is new terminology for what the school used to call a seat option.

Personal selling essay sample

Partnership selling requires both the supplier and the buyer to form a kind of partnership that is complimentary. Persons selling, which is a form of selling tends to be the most effective because sales persons contact with customers face-to-face.

The use of personality inventories in personnel selection

The reliability of cognitive tests is in the differences in the environment, in the domains and the specificities. The key findings of the article are that most of the common personality inventories applied in organizational settings are not adapted to measure the Big Five factors.

My motivation to pursuing mba in international business and finance

Marketing and Electronic Commerce from the University of New Haven in Connecticut, I am motivated to explore more knowledge and enhance my skills in the particular field. I also desire to enhance my academic and work experiences because of my desire to become competitive in the international level.

Strategic management and personal media players

What steps should it take to ensure that the iPad becomes a success in the marketplace and a major contributor to the company's overall performance? What are the key factors that define success in the industry?

Personal statement

I decorated some handmade brochures and posted them all over the school to market the business. In my opinion, it is one of the best ways to express your feelings and I love how challenging it is, the way you keep on adding details till you reach a clear result.

Expression of motivation to become a physician assistant

I will discuss my motivation and desire to become a PA based on my educational background, work experience, and even the encounters that have cultivated the desire in me to become a PA. My professional experience in the healthcare sector exposed me to the challenges and passionate moments in a PA's career that further increased →

Personal ethics paper assignment

Even with the use of ethical systems, personal and organizational actions can have a negative impact on society and the way society views them. In a personal situation, I would avoid this type of person, but as a nurse, I have to continue to provide the best possible care and show respect.

Business management: personal planning and timing

5 From this analysis, I realized that I was spending so much on work and school compared to the time I was spending in recreation or even with my family. As such, I work well in a team and still have some tasks whose successes are attached to my contribution.

Personality psychology and the biological domain

One of the primary goals in genetic research is to determine the percentage of individual differences that can be attributed to genetic differences and the percentage that is due to environmental differences. The controversy is in the idea of eugenics, which is the notion that we can design the future of human species by fostering →

Week 4 discussion tqm

This arises from the fact that, in order to attain the same level of effectiveness, as is the case of face-to-face teams, virtual teams' leadership demands a lot of effort. Virtual teams differ from face-to-face teams based on four pitfalls, namely: absence of concise goals, prioritize, or direction; absence of concise roles among team members; →

Personality development in teens/children

A large part of the child's personality development will evolve in how they socialize with other children and how they interact with and are treated by their teachers. The last relevant contributing factor to a child's personality development is their cultural upbringing.

Personal statement unit 22

I have read the policy and understand the various procedures.22. A memo to the manager was made to inform him the company? s Health and Safety procedures weren? t being carried out.22.

Structural and personal conflict in organization

An small example for this type of conflict: a Salesperson makes promises with customers about time, quality as well as the design of the delivered goods, however, the workers cannot catch up with the work to make the delivery on time, because the salesperson has made a promise that exceeds the workers' ability due to →

Personal peflection paper

The staff employs techniques such as those discussed below to promote the quality services Recruitment and sacking of employee The HR staff has the responsibility to hire and terminate the employment of workers. The process of training is working out well for the health organization and has highly contributed to the success of the health →

Memory and personal identity

Locke postulated that memory does not consist of similitude of the body or the mind but when it comes to aspects of consciousness, they can be backdated to previous past actions and this has an effect of touching the identity of an individual. This brings in the significance and interrelationship of memory to personal identity.

Personal ethics assignment

Nursing is all about the patients and without the core values nurses lose the focus on the patients. The author believes values are the core of who he is and her nursing practice.

Personal and professional development

Personal and Professional Development Plan for Human Resource Person According Lussier & Hendon, personal and professionaldevelopment plan enables students and professionals to identify key areas of learning and improvement and develop activities to help them develop their existing skills, learn new skills or both. Personal and Professional Development Plan Objectives to be achieved Actions Time →

Short ans questions

Washington The first analogy that Washington uses to argue his case is that of slavery and his influence with black newspaper editors. Dubois main criticism of Booker Washington is on the approach of how equality should be achieved between whites and blacks.

What motivates you to be a nurse? a personal reflection

I want to be a nurse because like my mother I love to help people and to just be around people in general. I am choosing to get a Bachelors of Science Degree because I actually want to become a nurse anesthetist but first I need to obtain a BS and then practice for a →

Personality and values essay

You need to evaluate the job, the work group, and the organization to determine the optimal personality fit. It is important that the values of the employee and the organization match Expanded Chapter Outline Personality A.

The perception of personal space

I said hi to the woman and sat at the booth next to her and she looked up, gave me a smile, and continued studying. Once I was done eating, I said to her that I was really sorry if I made her uncomfortable with all of the staring and I mentioned that it was →

Would of work

I like helping my classmates in solving problems related to the two fields, and that helps me to improve my competencies. For that reason, I have always reminded myself to stick to the regulations of the college and respect my parents.

A personal reflection on nursing philosophy/human diversity

It is clear to me, that the issues of fairness and justice are bound up in concepts of power relationships, and that the nurse must be aware that they are perceived as the one's who have the power by the patients. Many factors impact on a nurse's ability to be sensitive to the diversity of →

Positive personality traits

By answering a few questions about your likes and dislikes and where you would like to go in life, a professional can give you a report detailing the type of personality you have. Remember, if you are up for the challenge, you can make positive changes to your personality type.

Affectability of positive and negative written personal accounts

The data also represents a greater meaning finder in participants engaged with positive written expression as opposed to negative and neutral conditions, with negative written expression producing the lower meaning finder of the two. One of the implications of this study may be related to indulging regularly in written accounts of positive experience to improve →

My own personal and theoretical understanding education essay

In order for a pupil to develop cognitively and linguistically, they need to hold the chance to talk and compose within the English linguistic communication from an early phase of a lesson, assisting them to go more witting of their new linguistic communication, this is besides a good manner to measure the pupil 's demands, →

Pursuing bachelors degree of fine arts

Acceptance to this university for this BFA program will be a dream come true and a step closer to fulfilling my passion. Acceptance to this university for this BFA program will be a dream come true and a step closer to fulfilling my passion.

Applying for master in bridge of teaching

In addition to my university degree, I will be in a better position to apply the skills that I learnt during my undergraduate years to the masters programme to ease my success. Finally, I also hope to learn from my professional new things that I will be able to pass on to others in order →

Environmental health assessment: my personal understanding and assessment of risk

The question is, how can this be eliminated and who can stop it Is it worth a risk to live and survive Based from the book of Roger Bate, " Life's Adventure: Virtual Risk in a Real World" on pages 131 and 132 titled " Fear and Precaution: A Lethal Mix" I had gather important →

Does the term organizational culture infer that an organization has a healthy culture

Organizational culture can be believes, values, or principals of the organizational members that guide the organization. However, while addressing issues related to organizational culture, this culture is highlighted because it affects the operations of the organizations and the way employees relate.

Case study: personal video recorders

The increase usage of PVRs will result in the decrease of the demand from advertisers. The decrease in number of viewers will results in the decrease in demand of advertising.3.

Dominican republic personalassignment assignment

All I could do was hold on safely to the door handle of the cab. Riding horses is one of my passions so I was excited to get to experience the beauty of the Dominican while on the back of a horse.


I believe education is critical for the success of an individual and therefore, I want to continue and do masters and then PhD in my life. I would still love to continue my learning phase and for this reason, I have planned to do my PhD as well.

Describe the advantages/disadvantages of websites which contain user-generated content such as personal blogs photographs and amateur videos

User-Generated Content is currently one of the most dominant forms of content in the Internet. In the process, average Internet users, most of whom have access to high-speed Internet and search technology, are transformed into the " creator, consumer and distributor of content".

Learning reflection journal: theories of personality

The purpose of this journal was to give us a chance to choose something we learned through the week that we found interesting and discuss it further as to what we found interesting about it and apply it to our own experiences in the world. According to Freud, the Id is in the unconscious, the →

Family dynamics in the development of borderline personality disorder

My hypothesis is that if the family and the adolescent with Borderline Personality Disorder learn how to establish a functional lifestyle, the adolescent will be less likely to develop the severe, life-shattering symptoms of this disorder. Linehan indicates that learning to identify emotional responses are made easier if one can observe and describe the event →

Personal statement, career and education

Actually, I have been interested in the research and the application of scientific techniques to the health care field for many years. From a technical point of view, I have a background in chemical engineering, I am disciplined, and the theory of the field fascinates me.

Interpersonal themes

I will talk to the client in a calm manner and try to enquire about the problem. I will also be able to approach the client's negativity in a non defensive manner.

Personal response to cold comfort farm

I thought that a reoccurring theme in the novel was shown in the way in which Flora got people to look beyond their horizons and imagine a more realistic lifestyle. I have used a thorn twig these fifty years and more, and what was good enough then is good enough now.'" Seeing the logical and →

Psychology essays – perspective on personality

Goldberg and Rosolack have shown that psychoticism as measured by the P-scale in the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire is a blend of agreeableness and conscientiousness. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire: An examination of the factorial similarity of P, E, N and L across 34 countries.

Master degree in immunology

After completing my Bachelor studies in Biomedical Science, I would like to take my academic career to the next level by doing a Masters in Immunology from the University West of England. The best field to graduate in is certainly one that coincides with my past professional experience, so I have chosen to do a →

Anakin skywalker and narcissitic personality disorder assignment

A Sith is the enemy of the Jedis, and they use the dark side of the force, and want to have control over the universe. Padme and Vader has an intense conversation of Vader turning to the dark side, and that he is powerful and he can rule anything.

The problem of intimidation

Personal ment We live in a world where intimidation exists and is used to the detriment of other people simply because there are those who believe themselves to be hugely powerful and therefore, above the law. In the workplace, managers abuse their positions of authority in order to make their subordinates submit to their unfair →

Performing a personal skills audit on an individual business essay

Learning and organization- I plan my strategies to manage my time I am able to work under deadlines I am able to prioritize my tasks and continue learning Communication skills I am good with expressing my views verbally I am confident and have a very little stage fear I am ready to listen views of →

Personal skills inventory worksheet

The second part is an essay about your communication skills, your strengths and weaknesses and how you plan to improve on them in the future. Final Project Part 2: Communication Skills Essay For Part 2 of the Final Project, you will analyze your communication skills.

Food and environment

Benefits: One of the benefits is that the rest of the disposable income is diverted to other important matters like industrialization, infrastructure, and other kinds of development. This is due to the great usage of fertilizers, and chemicals and overutilization of the soils.5.

Personalphilosophynursing essay

This paper focuses on the developed personal philosophy of nursing, that nursing is not just a gig paid job but a profession the provides care and empathy to patients through inter-personal relationship, caring, compassion and concern for the dignity and care of patient by the application of knowledge obtained through clinical excellence despite diverse cultural →

Personal imaginative coursework – conflict

Sinead left the door open as she left the room and a few seconds later let the front door slam. She walked down the hall into the kitchen and put her keys down on the table.

Dream to be a doctor

I know that becoming a medical doctor is my destiny because I am talented enough to succeed in this vocation. On my SAT II, I received a 760 in Chemistry, 750 in Biology, and 800 in Math II.

History and evolution on personal management

The Industrial Revolution as from late 1700 AD led to the emergence of large factories and the displacement of the cottage-based guilds. The Personnel Management during this time was an Instrument In the hands of the employer to ensure maximum productivity.

An incorporation and corporate personality law company business partnership essay

The principle of separate personality forms the cornerstone of English Company Law, as consolidated in the landmark decision of the house of Lords in Salomon v Salomon. In a register company the assets and liabilities are those of the corporation and not of the members.

Instincts, knowledge and personal experience

Essay: Very early in the story the narrator was talking about how cold it is, and how that's all that came to the mans head," Oh, it's cold." While the dog did not know it was below freezing he could read a thermometer, he knew this was no time to be out, and he wondered →

Personality development

Instantly applied to understanding of natural world.-Personality Psychology-scientific study of unique, characteristic patterns of thinking. Development of Ego Psychology - Focused on social relatedness as a motivator vs biological.

Personal technology action plan phase iii

I would contact the police and give them everything I had on the case and give them leads to who think did it. NO, I rarely post anything on the internet Since I am Older and do not like having people I do not care for and or do not know in my business Even →

Judging people by their looks and speech

I observe the speaking habits and skin color to observe the background of a person. I still believe that facial features and skin color help a lot in the correct identification of people's background.

Personal assessment

When two people are in conflict and he is the mediator, I agree that he is able to negotiate such issues. I disagree with his ability to influence his team members, when he is in the role of a leader in a team.

Personality theory essay sample

The over-all implication of personality to an individual is an individual's ability to be distinct as compared to others. On the other hand, it is idiographic for an individual's personality is what distinguishes a person apart from others.

For applying leadership award

I feel that I am a good candidate for the leadership awards because of my socio-civic contributions to the community, taking on a leadership role for pertinent affairs and issues. I have a strong desire to affect positive change for the next generation of leaders, and I feel that this is a good start towards →

Trait and psychodynamic theories of personality psychology essay

However trait theories are starting to address concerns such as how behaviours are developed, how traits are generated and how our goals and motivations affect the development of traits and the degree to which we possess them. Thus one can affirm that the trait approach to personality focuses on predicting a specific individual behavior whereas →

Development of the christian personality: theories

It is the parent duty to nurture all facets of the child all the way through adolescence, as prescribed by the Bible. According to Feist, Feist, and Roberts, there are differing definitions of personality and each is dependent upon the theorist's part of the world, religious experiences, and many from their time as psychotherapists.

After my personal journey in life

In this book, I will be more specific in giving information how to enjoy the journey in life while facing all the odds along the way. In the last sentence of the book that I will be making, I will wrote their, that destiny is what you make it.

Narrate a sigificant personal experience with popular culture

For one, I have comprehended how to be a part of the cell phone phenomenon, which was negated in the past by my own self. I started to realize that the gravity of the accident would have lessened down had I had a cell phone on me.

Personality psychology and romulus assignment

The novel Romulus, My Father shapes the ideals of belonging through the philosophical view of Romulus' life. Understanding the innate forces of belonging create a stable atmosphere in which relationships are able to thrive and this allows Romulus' to belong.

Personal physchology

Whether it is the atmosphere of a college football town, the influence of other people, or the absolute passion for the Oklahoma Sooners, this psychological phenomenon would interest psychologists in many different fields. A psychodynamic psychologist might ask if fans are able to control their outrageous behavior on games day, or if they are so →

Personality psychology assignment

The general friendliness and outgoing nature of the " l" counsel and the genuine sincere, caring, friendliness of the " S" counselor would seem to be a good fit. However, both this minute and the mentor have " S" traits that indicate that they care for people and have a strong desire to serve.

Sneaking out: a personal memoir

I let the wind hit my face and themusichit my mind and enjoyed the presence of two guys who do not care when I wear my glasses, men's boxers, and look like a wreck. I pretend I am listening, but I tuned them out the moment my legs stuck to the black leather.