Genuine Essay Examples

An idealistic liberal

I would pretend to have caught a butterfly, then release it from my hands and laugh at my friend who would think that I had released a butterfly I had caught. This is because at times I would succeed in catching a butterfly and then open my hands and release it into the air and →

Serial killers

They either kill their victims on the spot or take them victims to a secluded place. Missionary serial killers kill people of a certain group because they have the urge to eliminate the group because of something a person had done.

Stereotypes about germans

As a nation and its people, the character of Germans has been perceived by many to be of unique nature. These stereotypes are generated and ascribed to their national character by both the outside cultures and people around the world or by Germans themselves.

Short essay online onschool uniforms

If a student is continually being picked on about their clothes, they will not be able to focus on their studies. They also will not be concentrated on their work because they are worried about who is going to pick at them next.

Bullying at school

Well in my school there are kids that get bullied a lot which i help them with what they are going through and when i see that happen i would say something and then if they do not listen i would have to tell them to stop but then i would get tired so them →

The problem of procrastination and how to puzzle it out

The first piece of advice I would give students to try to stop procrastinating would be to first accept that they have the problem. One technique to avoid procrastination could be to make a list of all the tasks that need to be completed.

Critique of thomas hobbes’s leviathan assignment

Considering that all are naturally equal, and all naturally desire the same things, the nature of man, according to Hobbes, is war: " So that in the nature of man, we find three principal causes of quarrel. So, if there must be a fear of death to survive, and all men have a natural fear →

Is the scarlet letter a proto feminist novel? essay sample

At the beginning of The Scarlet Letter, the letter " A" stood for adultery. In chapter twelve of the scarlet letter, when Dimmesdale stood on the scaffold with Hester and Pearl, they noticed that a meteor traced the letter " A" in the sky.

Continuning academic success

Improve their academic performance Goals and objectives of a student are primarily based on their academic endeavors and therefore setting of the goals is one of the ways that as student will be able to improve their performance. The advantage of setting goals in academics is that a student is able to set a higher →

Victim of servre depessive disorder

The availability heuristic predisposes Betsy to imagine being the victim of a severe depressive disorder because she has witnessed the trials and severity of her brother's battle with depression. Here, too, Betsy is ripe for succumbing to the availability heuristic on the easily remembered situation of her brother, and the recent data coming from her →

Chinese history (east asian studies)

The change from a passive approach to one that actively engages in the political affairs of the world in an active manner signals a change of approach that coincides with the entry of China as a superpower in the political arena. Medeiros see in the increasing number of bilateral relations and the greater level of →

Business ba top up in the uk

Personal ment I am writing this ment to express my interest in taking a bachelor's degree in business studies in I feel that taking the course in this institution will be very beneficial to me as I seek to advance my expertise and knowledge in the field of business. In this institution, I worked in →

Emotioonal intelligence

It is easy to learn about emotions and emotional knowledge but grasping the concept of social and emotional functioning is entirely different. Jack Mayer believes that you cannot teach emotional intelligence and that it must instead be developed.

History – launching the new republic, 1788-1800

Hamilton, who was one of Washington's cabinet who took advantage of Washington's avoidance of the domestic affairs to put up the policies. On the debts to the state, Hamilton suggested the sale of western land to repay the foreigners.

To what extent does wendy cope, embody or defy the ‘courtly love’ essay

The ' courtly love' tradition dates back to the seventeenth century, and is an idealistic idea based on the circumstance of a knight and his lady, a lover and a beloved. The fact she describes the " dart" as rusty shows her ideas of love and that she is aware it is an age-old condition →

Problem based learning exercise diabetes health and social care essay

Roger's blood pressure is 145/90mmHg which is considered to be Grade 1 hypertension and his target blood pressure reading should be 130/80mmHg. Roger should also have follow-up session to have his blood pressure as well as his plasma potassium and creatinine level checked one week after the treatment is initiated for the purpose of monitoring →

Modern warfare and its effects on 21st century medicine

This is because the types of wounds found in warzones are typically on the more severe and extreme end of the spectrum of injuries due to the hostile environment and the manner and weaponry with which modern warfare is now fought. This has resulted in the development of new techniques in cleaning wounds Tranexamic acid →

Racial wealth gap in america

Unfortunately the truth is that over the past quarter of a century only the richest four hundred Americans have seen an increase in their net wealth and now have more wealth than half the population of the United States. Based on this evidence it is clear that the wealth inequality in America has indeed spiraled →

The magic of red tea

Red tea is very special and it is not because in china they call it the tea of the emperors. For all this we can say that red tea is an excellent digestive and protective of the digestive system.

Comparison of anne finch’s ‘to the nightingale’ and samuel coleridge’s ‘to the nightingale’

The speaker in Finch's poem gives the Nightingale identity through an important role in the changing of seasons, urging the Nightingale to: '[exert] Thy Voice, Sweet Harbinger of Spring!'. As it has been discussed, Finch's poem very much adheres to this ideal and sees a freedom and lack of oppression in the nightingale that she →

Free critical thinking on fiscal cliff and compounding effect

4 - The Power of Compounding by Chris Martenson Chapter three talks about exponential potential which is regarded the most important key concept of the crash course and it highlights about the population of the world, the consumption of oil, money supply in the united states, water use, forest degradation, the extinction of species and →

How firms decide between risk retention and transfer finance essay

A firm could purchase insurance contacts to cover risk losses." Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium, and can be thought of as a guaranteed and known small loss to prevent a large, possibly devastating loss. Having introduced risk →

The theory and arguments of dividend policy finance essay

The dividend decision, which consider the amount of funds retained by the company and the amounts to be distributed to the shareholders, is closely linked to both investment and financing decisions. Profitability: The market price of share depends upon the earnings or profitability of the firm and not the dividend policy of the given firm.

The reasons of using games for learning

The purpose of this research is to investigate the extent of effectiveness of using games in English grammar teaching for children. The research will take a look at the reasons of using games as a teaching method for young learners; advantages of using games in language teaching and the application of games in teaching English →

Trademark law

Almost all countries in the world register and protect trademarks; limited territorial Opposition, duration and renewal of trademarks under French law, third parties may use opposition proceedings to " oppose" the acceptance of a trademark application during two months after publication of the application; This is a litigation before the national trademark office concerned by →

Globalization definition essay example

Globalization has also led to better communication and transport across the globe leading to considerable growth opportunities for people from different nations. Similarly globalization has led to the spread of crucial new found knowledge in different fields across the globe.

General mills warm delights

What Is the point of difference in regard to the positioning for Warm Delights? Point of difference regarding the positioning of Warm Delights Is the convenience of it coming in a bowl, with no clean up required besides throwing the bowl away and maybe washing the fork.

Take off

Delusions may also occur; these are false beliefs that are not part of the person culture and do not change. Many people are affected with diseases, but the diseases range also from thyroid problems to mood alteration.

Case study of marketing ethics assignment

Since Samsung paid many floggers or writers to blacken the image of its competitor, ITCH, indirectly in order to attract the potential customers of ITCH to consume the products its own brand. The marketers of Samsung use such an unethical marketing method to try to cheat the customers by providing misleading and deceptive promotions in →

Ables vs. binges essay sample

In John Verdant's The Ables vs.the Binges, the author thoroughly explores the effects of consumerism on American society. He uses two opposite families with similar economic situations, the money conscious Ables and the money blind Binges, to illustrate the harm that can be caused by consumerism.

Economics and perfect competition essay sample

How much profit is made at this output? e) What would happen to the price in the long run if this firm were typical of others in the industry? What is more, if the market is highly contestable, many of the advantages of perfect competition may be achieved even though the industry is actually a →

Probable cause essay sample

This is after a ruling made by the Supreme Court in 1985 during New Jersey contending in order to ensure safety in schools, the fourth amendment should not apply to students. This is evident in institutions where students and staffs should sign a document to give their consent concerning " suspicionless" and special needs' →

Louis vuitton (lv) in japan

Louis Vuitton in Japan The reason why Louis Vuitton has been so successful in the Japanese luxury market is that Japan is the capital of luxury goods. In response to this, Louis Vuitton has started to change its marketing strategy in the Japanese market.

Cause and effect of humiliation in the classroom

and Section # of Cause and Effect of Humiliation in the room Be it any person, in order to succeed in life one needs to feel good about and believe in oneself. The stronger this belief in oneself is, the higher would be the self-confidence and self-esteem and the more one would be convinced that →

National response plan

There are two issues that significantly contributed to the political decision to overlook the implementation of the entire National Response Plan, especially the Catastrophic Incident Annex. The National Response Plan did not clearly draw to what extent the Catastrophic Incident Annex was to be involved in response acceleration.

Positive and negative linear relationships

In a positive linear relationship, the increase in the independent variable also increases the levels of the dependent variable. In another study by Lamberti, a positive relationship between being given a complete set of services to incarcerated adults and the probability of them relapsing.

Fall for the book event

Fall for the Book Event The fourteenth session of the annual event, fall for the book festival, was scheduled to take place between September the 26th and 30th, in the year 2012. The title of the book was ' The Political Thought of Frederick Douglass'.

Anaylsis a movie

It is a classic love-story and tells the tale of Scarlett O'Hara, the manipulative, narcissistic, spoiled, self-centered female lead of the movie and her struggles to protect what is hers in the middle of the civil war. The film is filled with her antics and plays out more like a soap opera.

Factors of civic disengagement

Factors of Civic Disengagement Civic engagement has been a part of the American community ever since. In the striving economic situation and the frequent rise of price for basic commodities, working individuals are not to blame for disengaging from social activities; however, this is not to approve of it but rather, a more considerate point →

Week seven discussion topic

Botox treatment for facial wrinkles involves the use of injections to paralyze and block some muscles and nerves on the face. Zelickson highlights that this bacteria can be purified and used in the treatment of wrinkles and other similar ailments through injection of muscles.

Cost-volume-profit analysis for new startups

The analysis helps entrepreneurs in identifying the breakeven point or the point at which their sales and expenditure will be equal to each other. This, in turn, helps a new startup in identifying the number of units it should sell in order to meet the minimum expenditure and investment it had made in the business.

Ankel monitor essay

The offender still needs more time to cut through the second band, giving officers time to successfully respond to and prevent a potential " cut and run" Two-way and Three-way voice communication via ReliAlert Not being able to reach the defendant by phone is a thing of the past. GPS Ankle Monitoring is and alternative →

Marketing strategy essay

I have finally concluded my research by providing a summarized conclusion and also suggested recommendations on the basis of the marketing mix. Direct selling is a remarkable business model, which brings the market to the customer and offers a unique business opportunity to anyone eager adopt the spirit of enterprise.

Cryogenics essay

These are cooled to the point of liquidation and used to freeze diverse materials and substances. 1999 Aimed at a non-scientific business audience, this book explains some of the cryogenic processes that may be used to improve wear and stress performance of metal and other materials.

Great depression critical essay

Though the decade was made of numerous and note-worthy events, this paper will zero in on three factors that best define the 1990s in America: the story that mattered to the young, thetechnologythat changed the face ofcommunication, and the heartbreak that we suffered as a nation. If we read thepoetryand fiction of the Beat writers, →

The god and the evil demon

2 Descartes is certain that God exists and that the idea of God came from God Himself. To allow an Evil Demon to deceive me, God would be just be as bad of a deceiver, but Descartes' idea of God is that of perfection; God would not exist to deceive me.

Case study of nokia and motorola factor marketing essay

The project which I have chosen is to do comparison between Nokia & Motorola mobile, the main aim of my project is to know which cellular company have a higher customer satisfaction in panipat town and why. 3 So, the project is to find out the customer preference out of Nokia and Motorola mobile sets →

Colonization in usa and brazil history essay

Because of the increased technological superiority and increase in demand of raw materials in the market, the colonization by the British was accomplished in an easy way. The exploitations in the interior parts of the country lead to the discovery of Gold and diamond.

Early years care and education: history and policies

This essay explores the range of early year settings that are involved in the care and education of young children, and discuss the roles and responsibilities of the professionals who work at these settings. The 1870 Education Act also known as the " Forster Act", that we have the real birth of the modern system →

Master bill software: advantages and disadvantages

2005 of Master bill again have the opportunity to go beyond product launch Master bill elite to provide complete solution through the planning and the feasibility of the BQ production cost final account in a product with a database. For example, The sequence of Bill of Quantities The user can choose the sequences available in →

Attending a live performance

Another advantage that you achieve by virtue of attending a live performance is that you can have the feeling of participating in the performance. It is that you must pay money to buy the ticket and spend time to reach the location of the performance.

Teen angst

It is known that the amount of understanding and support given to a teenager by their parent affects their personality and their behavior. The divergences between parents and teenagers cause teens to avoid their parents.

Misuses of water

The shape of the water molecule In the water molecule the oxygen atom is the central atom. Actual measurement of the bond angle in water is 104.5.

Use case diagram

If the customer logs in, there is a possibility that the system will confiscate the card. When a patient comes to the hospital, the patient and admissions receptionists use the system to perform a check-in procedure.

Strategic control free essay example

Related to but not directly the cause, the commitment of resources to irreversible investments with uncertain returns; the integration of human and physical resources into an organizational process to develop and utilize technology; and the vesting of strategic control within corporations are components that support the current fiscal result in the firm. Even then, the →

Sleep, who needs it?

For a student to get the full nine hours of sleep that they need to be fully alert in class, they would need to go to sleep around 8: 30pm, which normally does not happen. The reasons students do not get enough sleep is because schools start too early and they are expected to be →

Saas marketing for ceos assignment

For the first time, a small business could afford to create its own website using a content management system built around a fully functional e-commerce platform and do it quickly and cheaply. This sparked a cottage industry for small shops adding value to the Spiffy shopping cart by integrating it with all kinds of web-based →

Marketing mix assignment

Out of the four levels of the shopping mall, two levels are specially catered to the likes of ladies, not forgetting the sports section at the third level which offers ladies' sports apparels and the fourth level which too. The structure of Shaw House, a clear round structure at the heart of the main escalator →

Against mandatory sentencing debate essay

The most famous example of mandatory sentencing is the ' three strikes and you are out' policy adopted first in California in 1994, and now more widespread in the USA." Three strikes" laws require life imprisonment for a third criminal conviction, but other forms of mandatory sentencing are now being discussed and implemented in various →

 theory of natural law according to thomas aquinas essay sample

Theory of Natural Law According to Thomas Aquinas The natural law is a moral theory that is said to be written on the hearts of all humans and is a guide for behavior. In accordance with the heart, then, to apply objective moral principles correctly that consider the basic goods to the natural law, one →

How to make a step-by-step flow chart for a payroll system essay sample

The manual system requires you process your payroll by hand; the in-house computerized uses payroll software to process the payroll; the external system means you outsource your payroll to a payroll service provider. A payroll system flow chart shows the sequence in which you process your payroll.

Goldman sachs and culture essay sample

A GOLDMAN SACHS EMPLOYEE RESIGNS PUBLICALLY " Employees Management believes that a major strength and principal reason for the success of Goldman Sachs is the quality and dedication of our people and the s hared sense of being part of a team. To put the problem in the simplest terms, the interests of the client →

Coo of riordan manufacturing hugh mccauley essay sample

In response to the request made by COO of Riordan Manufacturing Hugh McCauley, the purpose of this paper is to provide a way to integrate a variety of existing HR tools into a single integrated application so that the company can take advantage of a more sophisticated, state of the art, information system in the →

Ethics and core values essay sample

The fact that the hiring manager is closest to the person hired does not matter to me, in my opinion you would rather hire someone you see fit for the position. Therefore, as a manager it is important to know the ethics and core values expected at that organization.

Instructional presentation

Incorrect responses that are due to a careless error need only a quick reference to the error and time for the student to be allowed to provide the correct answer. Educators should provide students with every opportunity to get a correct answer but should not prolong the experience once it becomes obvious that the student →

Personal statement for medical universities in uk

I can take up other courses if I wanted to, but I feel that my inclinations lead to this course. I want to study the whys and hows of intervening to make a patient right.

Give an example of false imprisonment. how does false imprisonment differ from kidnapping how does it differ from false arrest

An example of false imprisonment is when a detective is of the opinion that an individual was responsible for the robbery that took place in the neighborhood and takes the person to a place for investigation. While false imprisonment is usually done by officers of the law, kidnapping is not in any way done by →

Critical summary

Ming was faced with a crisis that was caused by the dominion of the eunuchs and the corruption of the court officials. This trend towards political despotism led to the fall of the Ming Dynasty.

Kosovo after independence in 2008

Widespread support for the Uprising brings Change There was political crisis in Kosovo in 2011 in that the government of Kosovo collapsed on October 2010 after one of the ruling parties LDK announced its decision of quitting from the government. The rule of law in Kosovo is feeble in that its weak legal system has →

Fire and water supply

The fire flow tests must be conducted once or twice a year on the entire water distribution system depending on the risks of fire in the building and usage of the distribution system. Fire flow test has the potential of correcting problems in the water distribution system and should be carried out effectively.

Human resources

The citadel objective of this policy is to make sure that the organization adheres to a transparent recruitment process, one in which the best candidate is selected, solely based on merit and fits very well with the organizational goals, philosophy, and values. Before the education institution commences the recruitment process, they need to have guidelines →

Determination and the rocket boys essay

The intensity of his desire to build and launch rockets was, in fact, the reason for his intellectual growth that followed his pursue of the dream. The indifference shown on the part of Homer with respect to knowledge about his environment; and the indifference shown on the part of Homer's townsfolk on the subject of →

Bronchiolitis in infants and small children essay

Bronchiolitis in Infants and Small Children Interamerican University of Puerto Rico School of Nursing Bronchiolitis in Infants and Small Children Introduction A common illness of the respiratory tract within infants and children under two is bronchiolitis. This infection is spread more during the season of winter and early in the spring.

Management of actual and potential aggression

Appendix 3 within the Policy on Employee Education, Training and Development identifies different training topics and is a tool for managers and Persons In Charge to determine if input in training in different areas and aspects of the work is a priority for the employees in their area. These are as follows; Develop Strategies in →

Convention of the rights of persons with disabilities politics essay

It is important to understand the causes of disability and the discrimination intended for the disabled, and measures that need to be taken to ensure the equal enjoyment of human rights for persons with disabilities. Article 32 in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities insist that there be international cooperation for the →

Role of social media in developing awareness

The advantage in the website is that they provide a deep description of the activities of the company and therefore, one can get full details about the company from their website. Some of the ways in which an individual can improve the interpersonal and communication skills are as follows.

Marketing plan: harley davidson motorcycles

India has taken up the path of modernization and industrialisation, and it is currently in the process of becoming an industrialized and high-tech economy where prevalence of high income is becoming more common. In India, there is 60% duty on the import of motorcycles.

Issue of managing care contracts

The three roles that marketing directors focus on is helping the hospital to foresee and understand the needs of clients to create a good management plan to increase cost." Secondly", from the patient point of view important information is provided to the community to avoid shopping for a physician which can interrupt treatment, or decrease →

Keynesian and monetarist theory of inflation

As an example, even if the consumer demand are just focusing on the rate materials or just on one kind of the product, and the supplier are not able to provide the market with the equal amount of required demand, there will naturally become the inflation and this is named is the demand-pull inflation. If →

Quality management implementation in hong kong construction essay

In March 1990, the Hong Kong Government held a " quality awareness campaign" and the HKHA took the initiative by striving for an improvement in the quality in the construction of all public housing works. With reference to CIRC, the multi-layered sub-contracting practice constraints the main contractors from exercising supervision of work and the combination →

Sky is the limit essay

The Barcelona process intends logically to create original bases for the interactions among the European countries that form the European Union and 12 other EU non-members nations which are situated on the southern and eastern sides of the Mediterranean area in the context of globalization and of profound assimilation in the European region. From the →

Odysseus on calypso’s island

The character of Odysseus, as the main hero of the famous story, is revealed through the scope of various situations, his personality is shown in the process of its development and one of the episodes important for understanding and estimating the changes that occurred deep inside of his soul, is the episode that describes the →

Digital & minidisc

For purists, MiniDisc's fantastic digital audio reproduction is a delight as it rivals the quality of CDs. The creation of the MiniDisc system began in 1986, it was developed to meet the increasing demand for a portable recordable high-quality digital audio media.


The following SQL code creates a table as described above: CREATE TABLE acidtest ); Atomicity failure Assume that a transaction attempts to subtract 10 from A and add 10 to B. However, assume that after removing 10 from A, the transaction is unable to modify B.

Investment risks doing business in vietnam

We are exposed to transaction risk as when we issued the corporate bond and also when we build a new plant in Vietnam, a foreign country. As an importer of raw materials and parts, it is to our disadvantage if the value of the currency in which we trade increases, as our import products will →

Marketing assignment

Make a provisional choice of the subject which is the most interesting List the principal information sources on the subject to analyses the feasibility of the project. Use the Methodology course materials to refine and develop the subject The project represents approximately 1 50 hours of student work in total.

Acid base ph lab essay sample

It can be seen that as more drops of HCl have been added to the water, the pH of water has become more acidic. Discussion: The pH is the measurement of the concentration of a hydrogen ion, how acidic or basic it is.

Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” essay sample

8Inside the canon of biblical text " sarx" has been used to allude to both, although, here the understanding of " sarx" significantly influence the elucidation of the character of Paul's " thorn" If " sarx" is his " flesh" this restrains the precise nature of the " thorn" to a bodily difficulty. 12 This →

Emigration in usa

Even though the US population is deemed to increase at a very high rate in the next 40 years due to the immigration, the country GDP will significantly increase thus improving the life of all residents and immigrants. Conclusion Economic sustainability, employment, competition for the available jobs are major implication that individual, groups and nation →

Analysis of homeland security

Although security experts agree that the two are the greatest security threats to the country's homeland security, opinion is still divided as to which of the two poses the greatest security threat to the United States homeland security. The Boston Marathon attack clearly demonstrates that the biggest threat to the U.S.homeland security is the home →

Disease management

This is because; human suffering is related to an individual on the whole and not to a single part or system, and hence, it is very important to provide holistic care towards a patient involving all aspects of life like physical, emotional, psychological, financial, cultural and spiritual perspective. According to Smith, " case management involves →

Tesk of product

These include the cell phone set, battery for charging the cell phone, charger for charging the battery, connection from the service provider and rechargeable talk time for the purpose of talking over the cell phone. The various steps to be followed for using the cell phone are: Insert the battery into the cell-phone set.

The sociology of the body

The paper " The Sociology Of The Body" is a great example of an assignment on sociology". Thus, a social technology is any kind of regular intervention that we make into the functioning of our bodies in order to alter them in a particular manner.

Childhood model

Question two Social cognitive theory came about because of the work conducted in the field of social learning theory advocated by Miller and Dollard in 1941. Social cognitive theories are applied in the training of nurses and in their day-to-day responsibilities.

Access to care

Access Care The article highlights Massachusetts' experience with health care reform especially by examining data on employment in the healthcare industry to ascertain the impact on the health workforce. Health Care Reform and the Health Care Workforce - The Massachusetts Experience.


The magnitude and essence of the gift should be essential to the receiver, nut not to the donor save that the best thing one can offer is that which is appreciated. The rationale that we hold on to that we are supposed to donate our few hours or minutes to a children hospital ward, though →