Genuine Essay Examples

Medical terminology project

The Medical Abbreviation Controversy The Institute for Safe Medication Practices and the U.S. Some of the abbreviations on ISMP's list are included in the current Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations National Patient Safety Goal 2B, a " do not use" list of error-prone abbreviations, but ISMP's full listing includes additional medical notations that →

Promotion and place

This first purchase was a major purchase because it required me to spend a great deal of my savings on one item and therefore threatened my ability to meet some of my other needs, for instance, whether I would have enough money left over for groceries for the rest of the semester. That a computer →

Real resonance

The trip started out with one of the instructors explaining how to properly wear the mask and snorkel, how to breathe through it, and such. There was no concern of our safety, the situation they left us in, and not a single apology.

Civil rights movement

The credibility of the piece itself springs from the credibility of the man, and of the response to the speech by those who were present as well as future generations who followed in their wake. Relevance: The primary source is central to the investigation of the fundamental guiding philosophies and principles of the Civil Rights →

The automotive industry in the united states

The United State automotive industry is the largest in the automotive manufacturers. The automotive industry has different sectors that define the success of the industry.

Using formative assessments as an educational leader

Education leaders are in a dilemma of measuring progress made by their students as well as choosing the best way to respond to the needs of their students. Various formative assessment methods teachers use include criteria and goal setting that engages students in the learning process since it makes clear the expectations of the student.

The role of nursing in patience care

In respect of nursing Florence Nightingale, who was one of its most famous practitioners, d that " Nursing is an art, and if it is to be made an art, it requires as exclusive a devotion, as hard a preparation, as any painter's or sculptor's work, for what is having to do with the living →

midterm study sheet essay

What were the basic religious tenets and social values of Puritanism, and how did they shape attitudes about work and play in both England and the New England colonies? In what ways were labor and leisure blurred in Anglo-America in the 1600s and 1700s, and in what ways did a gradual separation of the two →

Analysis of “parents should be able to control what kid watch” by leland y essay

Additionally, though he is aware of the rights of parents to determine the kind of video games their children can watch as formulated by the law, he is trying to create awareness on the appropriate video games the parents can purchase for their children. Pathos of the Argument The writer appeals to the audience by →

Assignment 3.

Your task is to write one to two pages of writing explaining the similarities and differences between the expressions that could be used for teaching groups and individuals. The paper uses a relationships between ideas.variety of sentence structures and transitions.

Business information

Information is knowledge/data that is specific to a purpose; information is presented to give meaning and relevance that can lead to an increase in understanding. A business may wish to change the way it operates and it must have the support of its workforce.

Personal statement essay – obt are to obtain my ged

The reasons why I have enrolled in OBT are to obtain my GED, get enrolled on a good college, and to get a good job. The third reason why I go enrolled in OBT was to get into a good college.

P evaluation

MM- Assess the hazards identified in the health or social care setting Del- Make recommendations in relation to identify hazards to minimize the risks to the service user group Type of Hazard Risk caused Probability of hazard Severity of hazard Risk Factor How can the risk be reduced/prevented? Also ensure that all members of staff →

One ancient greek story – the real truth

Using the plot from Aristophanes' Lysistrata, Spike Lee uses Chicago's south side to tell the story of Lysistrata, the girlfriend of Spartan Gang leader Chi-Raq, whose mission is to end the violence in the city. When Lysistrata comes to the realization that she and the women around the city can control the men by withholding →

The aims of education in the islamic world religion essay

In order to increase the capacity of the educational sector to promote conflict prevention, peacemaking and post-conflict reconciliation it has to enhance the ability of teachers and scholars to incorporate peace education and conflict management into curriculum and classes many institutes, both Islamic and others, mostly under the auspices of the United Nations Educational, Scientific →

Memory for emotional and neutral stimuli psychology essay

The primary distinctiveness of emotional stimuli is enhanced relative to the primary distinctiveness of neutral stimuli when the same experimental list includes a small number of emotional stimuli intermixed with a larger number of neutral stimuli. In the other condition, they are first asked to recall the emotional and then the neutral, and in the →

Discrimination and stigma against the mentally ill

Introduction Discrimination of the Mentally Ill is Accepted in Today's Society The treatment of mental illnesses has a shameful history that has contributed to the development of a societal status toward those suffering with different forms of mental illness. The evidence is clear that changes need to be made and that discrimination of mental illnesses →

Short term significance of marshall plan politics essay

The year 1947 holds a great significance for the history of Americans and Europeans alike due to a very controversial pact that was signed as part of 20the European Recovery Program, a.k.a." The Marshall Plan" was founded 4during the Harry Truman presidency by the U. The Marshall Plan helped the U.S.economy gain an extensive amount →

National integration remains a crucial issue in pakistan politics essay

There is a need of following a correct and pragmatic approach with dispassionate analysis of all the issues jeopardizing the process of national integration. Apparently, the religious ideology as the basis of the state was viewed as a tool for nation-building and thwarting possible Indian designs to reject the creation of Pakistan.[13] After independence, the →

Personal development | implementing care and support

Relating to the assessment I made of the situation I was aware the patient wanted to talk and realised that she was not asking for information but wanted someone to talk to. However, in the situation I questioned my competencies within my communication skills as I thought I was unequipped within my training to provide →

An essay on loss and grief

Choose one event on loss and construct an academic essay supported by relevant academic sources This essay explores my experience of loss and grief after the death of my father in 1997 and how my grieving process relates to theories put forward to explain and deal with bereavement. In view of this it can be →

A brief history of blizzard entertainment media essay

Blizzard Entertainment is what it is today because of the voices of our players and of each member of the company. Blizzard Entertainment is a great game developer, and to continue in a increasing volatile market it has to keep changing to meet the demands of the new world.

Sg s pastries and ice cream marketing essay

The cash register will be used to cash whatever is ordered by the customers, the deep freeze will be used to preserve the ice-cream and refrigerator to keep the juices and beverages, and also to make the ice-cream. These technologies will enhance the business by providing goods and services to supply the customers and this →

Is retailing really necessary in a country marketing essay

For the purpose of the full illustration of the role of the retailing in the serving of the country and the whole society, there would be a huge investigation about the main issues that had been dealt with and problems that had been solved by the presence of the retailing in the country. Then merits →

Comparative the brand barista vs cafÉ coffee day

The brief timeline for the growth of coffee, cafes and Everything related is given below: First discovery of coffee berries. The Coffee Cafe day organization is currently one of the biggest and fastest growing Sectors in INDIA.

The importance of investment appraisal

73 years As this is a constant stream of cash flow, the payback period for Project B = 115000/43000= 2. 74 As the NPV of Project B seems a profitable one, it can be accepted.

Manual transmissions and automatic transmission engineering essay

One of the main functions of the transmission is to effectively and safely transmit the power from the engine to the wheels, subsequently to the ground. One side of the blade connected to the engine and the other one connected to the transmission's input shaft.

The tax rate of tobacco in indonesia economics essay

The purpose of the excise tax on the cigarettes is to decrease the consumers of cigarettes. However, there are controversies relating to the increasing of cigarette tax in Indonesia." The head of GAPPRI, Ismanu Soemiran said that the tax levied on cigarettes could hurt the farmer of tobacco and clove".

Entrepreneurs typically learn from failure business essay

The following table shows the internal and external factors contributing to failure of a business: One of the major internal cause of failure is poor management an event that occurs as a lack of entrepreneurial or managerial attention or focus. Following the understanding of the reasons for failure and how they learn from failure, it →

The strategies in business according to customers business essay

Pull offing organisational alteration is the procedure of planning and implementing alteration in organisations in such a manner as to minimise employee opposition and cost to the organisation, while besides maximising the effectivity of the alteration attempt. In some instances, nevertheless, companies are encouraged to alter for other, more positive grounds." Change normally occurs because →

Personality spectrum

My strongest dimension on the personality spectrum is coping with pressure. I always knew that I worked very well under pressure, because of past Job I have worked, and the situations they placed me in.

How do modern psychologists explain juvenile delinquency

Through a proper understanding of juvenile delinquency, the society in general may come to a consensus on the way to prevent or deal with delinquency. This is the most prevalent form of juvenile delinquency in the modern days.

Indian removal

In the Indian Removal Act of 1830, Andrew Jackson guaranteed the Native Americans five million dollars and stated that the U.S.will aid and assist them the first year after their removal if they need the help, and land that they lived on would never be made into states, but all those did not happen. The →

First day of high school

You are starving and lunch in the cafeteria will not be like the old days when you stayed with your class and the teacher was there to make sure you got your food. The school is open the week before school starts so pick a day to go with a parent or a friend that →

Summary of the conflict theory assignment

Marxist say that the ruling class will violate laws and go unpunished while members of the subject class will be punished Crime diverts the working-class's attention from the exploitation they experience; it contains their resistance They say crime is a reaction to the life condition's Of a person's social class. It changes from society to →

Ducati brand essay

Ducati has chosen to develop partner relationships with the suppliers in the Emelian District and this gives a balanced level of power between Ducati and its suppliers. The pinnacle of motorcycle competition is MotoGP and Ducati needs to advance the brand into that series

Conjunctivitis: causes and cures essay sample

It is very likely for people to have " bloodshot" eyes if they are exposed to something they have an allergy. If the conjunctivitis is allergy induced, a doctor may advise their patient to take an antihistamine or anti-inflammatory prescription.

Don’t ask, don’t tell, policy

Do not Ask, Do not Tell Policy Due to the amount of protesting that the United s has seen in regard to the rights of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, the infamous Do not Ask, Do not Tell Policy in the United States military has become one of the most controversial policies. As such, a person's →

John l. o’sullivan and his times

This belief, when coupled with the geographic, economic and technological realities of the mid-19th century through the beginning of the 20th century led to the rapid westward expansion of the United States. The changing geography of the United States was a factor in westward expansion.

Leadership + economics of regulation + ethics and organizational structure (2)

Consideration: " The point to which the leader respects the feelings and ideas of subordinates, establishes mutual trust and is sensitive to their needs and wants 2. Initiating structure: " The point to which the leader directs the activities of subordinates towards goal attainment and the point to which he is task oriented Apart from →

Assignment example

VIDEO LECTURES.a) I have learned that heart disease has been the leading cause of deaths in the United s since the year 2006.b)I have learned that there exists a challenge among the American people to choose healthy foods from the wide variety of inexpensive and readily available foods and performing physical exercise to maintain healthy →


The student loans are on the rise in developed economies of the world and therefore, the pupils have to work in order pay off their debt. The organizations are also going to suffer because the innovational ability of their employees will lessen in the future.

Exploring ayahuasca as a cure for addiction

As a therapeutic catalyst the value of ayahuasca is potentiated by the participation of the shaman or guide who has been prepared to aid in the administration of the drug and guiding of the " trip". The drinking of ayahuasca is inextricably linked to the guided aspect of the experience combined with the setting and →

Prevention of pressure ulcers: nurses’ sole responsibility

The search engine used the terms for search were pressure ulcers and nursing, nurse and bedsores, nurse and hospital, pressure ulcer and patient, and nursing management and decubitus ulcers to search out the articles. Maylor and Torrance supported the value of the attitude of nurses for preventive practices of pressure ulcers in clinical practice.

Complications of post angioplasty bleeding

Introduction This paper is aiming to identified the potential complication of post angioplasty bleeding and abrupt closure of coronary artery base on the case of Elizabeth Green from caseworld and explore the issue in depth and widen horizon. In the case of the post angioplasty patient, this can be like assess patient on their procedure →

Factors for motivation at work in nursing

The consultation consisted of interviews and surveys with 58, 000 staff members and 152, 000 members of the public, with the following ten areas the top concerns the public and staff members voiced: Table 1 Top Ten Concerns Voiced by the Public and NHS Staff Members: Public Staff Members 1 More staff members with higher →

Smoking cessation and lung cancer survival relationship

Relationship between smoking cessation and lung cancer survival: A survival data analysis Abstract Background For over a decade, lung cancer has been the highest mortality cancer in Hong Kong. DISCUSSION In the cohort of lung cancer patients, subjects who quit smoking seemed to have a better survival compared to current smoker.

Teaching and training role responsibilities

As Wilson states, ' The role and responsibility of the teacher is a complex one.' The teacher's roles and responsibilities are essential for the tutor to effectively use the assessment framework of the teaching/training cycle. The fifth part of the cycle is the assessment of learning against outcomes, and my role is to ensure that →

Examining the social structure theories in the economy criminology essay

When these relationships breakdown or do not exist the communities and its inhabitants lose its sense of structure and this is believed to be the causation of crime and delinquent behavior. The lack of opportunities breaks down the social institutions and organizations and this leads to the erosion of traditional values.

Factors in supply chain agreement

Parties: The parties will be the vendor of the goods and the purchaser of those goods. If the Vendor intends to limit its liability for a defective supply, this should be stated.

Kate chopin’s “desiree’s baby”

It was only when one of the slave boys was attending to her son that she noticed that there seemed to be a similarity between her son and the slave. When she asked Armand about it, he accused her that the reason why her son looked similar to the slaves was because she was not →

Analyze the diversity legal framework in uk commerce essay

Human resource direction has been one of the most popular direction constructs of the 1990s; evidenced now by the proliferation of texts bearing the rubric and the figure of university and direction preparation classs on the topic. County Durham LINk to the full accepts duties within these Torahs and is besides bound within the spirit →

Math unit 5

05 t = 147.56 b.ln= 3 4x = e^3 x = e^3/4 x = 5.02 c.log2 = 5 8-6x = 2^5 8-6x = 32 6x = 8-32 x = -24/6 x = -4 d. Round your answers to two decimal places.-S = 68-20xlog 68-20x0.

The dystopian trend in young adult literature

Dystopian literature was a product of the Romantic era, YA literature a product of the Modern era and YA Dystopian literature a product of the Post-Modern era. Lowry's dystopian world is a False Utopia, which means that the protagonist Jonas and the readers become aware of the problems in his society at the same time.

How to become a makeup artist

It is not necessary, but a makeup belt to keep all your brushes will help things done faster and you will not have to dig around looking for the brush you need. Makeup department stores are not the most exciting places to work as a makeup artist but it helps you get started.

Wikipedia free essay example

Then you would sprout from there and continue on and on and on looking at the different things that is related to one guy. Then you can go show off all the information you know about Paul McCartney and The Beatles and when The Wizard of Oz comes up, you can totally own your friends →

Pride and prejudice: journey assignment

Even though the core of Elizabethan character does not change due to the occurrences of the novel, Judgment and that her ability to Judge others is not always going to paint an accurate picture. When Dared first proposes to Elizabeth his tone is haughty, he is certain the she will accept him due to his →

Not wanted on the voyage essay sample

The main character that symbolizes science is Ham, and is also the husband of Lucy who is otherwise known as Lucifer. In conclusion, the idea that science and religion can perfectly co-exist with eachother is next to impossible as long as " the voyage lasts"., in which it is also stated that the voyage will →

Therapies reflection paper

Cognitive therapy according to the cognitive school of thought implies changing the thinking of a person. The focus of cognitive therapy is to change the way a person thinks about a specific issue that acts as a stimulus.

The electoral landscape

Changes in American Political Culture from 2004 to 2008 After a very close election in which George Bush won the 2000 presidential election for Republicans without winning the popular vote, Bush was able to hold on to the presidency in 2004 while his favorability was in decline following the boosts he received in the wake →

To have or to be by erich fromm

In the mode of " having", Fromm critically analyses how man is obsessed with the materialistic things of the world. He adores love as the only source of joy: " Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problems of human".

Equals sign and expo class method essay

In one-way selection, what happens if the condition is false? What is the essence of understanding, and using, control structures.

Chart henri fayol and weber max essay

Taylor himself " associated" the encounter with the " beginning of scientific management." In this incident, Taylor sought to increase the productivity of the workers, a focus of most of his theory. Basically, these functions and principles show that Fayol wanted to streamline the organization and operation of the management arm of the business in →

Elaborate securities commission with a essay

Introduction Aside from the Companies Act 1965, the primary laws governing the regulation of securities and futures in Malaysia are the Securities Industry Act 1983, the Securities Commission Act 1993 and the Futures Industry Act 1993. The Securities Industry Act, which is formed on the provisions and structure of the Australian Corporations Law and the →

Elements of drama assignment

The next logical step in terms of getting a house is buying a plot of land, and the next logical element of Drama is the plot as well. Similarly, the next element of Drama is the structure of the play, which comprises of the beginning, the exposition or the middle, which spills into the transition, →

Social media in communication management assignment

Attendance is expected at BOTH lectures and tutorials Academic Integrity Academic Integrity is a critical value of the University Community and integrity violations destroy the fabric of a learning community and the spirit of inquiry that is vital to the effectiveness of the University. Use of social media to help the organization attain goals and →

Ed earwax and thom flemish law land property essay

After the initial splitting of the land the boundary line was lost which were an existing hedgerow demarcating the land which from the initial house plan stipulated that the boundary line would be built some place on what is present day number 21 Stanwick Road and the predecessors of both parties had little or no →

Editorial: microbial responses to environmental changes

Thus, patterns of response of microbial communities to environmental gradients and changes are documented for archaea, bacteria, fungi, and microbial eukaryotes, as well as a vast range of habitats including streams, ponds and lakes, ocean and seas, and sediments and soils, and varying spatial and temporal scales. 00361 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar →

Motivated and enthusiastic child psychologist influences

Of particular importance to clinical child and adolescent psychologists is a scientific understanding of the basic psychological needs of children and adolescents and how the family and other social contexts influence socio-emotional adjustment, cognitive development, behavioral adaptation and health status of children and adolescents. A part of the challenge is that having inadequate resources to →

Photography representation of reality

In Barthes model, in addition to the two levels of meaning of denotation and connotation, that is the sign, which is composed of the signifier and signified, which is the concept evoked by that word/ the Benetton ad, one interpretation could be that the burning car is the signifier and terrorism is the signified. In →

Consumer analysis on chocolate consumption marketing essay

The Spanish were the first to introduce " cacao" in Europe and after that it become one of the most celebrated drink of the elite society in Europe until it was mass produced with the help of modern technology. The first chocolate factories opened in Spain and by the early 17th century chocolate powder from →

Market position and strategy for kraft foods inc

According to Drucker, the vision answers to the question: ' what do we want to become?'Kraft Foods' Mission Statement try to describe the firm's vision for the future:' Helping People Around the World Eat and Live Better.' The firm justifies the vision saying that this sentence captures the essence of who the firm is. They →

Political asylum claims in the united kingdom

The Case of Amanuel and His Political Asylum Claim in The United Kingdom This paper will establish that Amanuel has an appropriate case for refugee status in the United Kingdom on the basis of a legitimate claim for political asylum. The analysis that will provide the underpinning for this legal conclusion is developed upon the →

The success of the french revolution history essay

The French revolutionists aimed to obtain greater power for the Third Estate, to break the absolutism of the French monarchy and topple the aristocracy, introduce a constitution to limit the power of the upper class in the making of decisions for the country and for the lower class to have more power and freedom within →

Triple bottom line concept

And the three ethical perspectives that proposed to use as part of analysis in the study are utilitarian ethics, ecofeminism and deep ecology ethics, which have characteristics and strengths of each when it implemented in business. Issues related to social and environmental aspects which bear the consequences of unethical business decisions, draw the attention of →

Accounting standards paper

The FAST Is the organization, in the private sector, for establishing standards of financial accounting that governs the preparation of financial reports by non governmental entitles. Today the SAAB and the FAST are working on a joint venture referred to s the Convergence Project.

Paragraph writing

> It gives them a broad view of what you are writing about because the topic sentence is meant to state the main idea of the paragraph. That's why your topic sentence should be a sort of clincher, that is - a tempting statement that catches the readers' attentions and entice them to carry on →

Loss of biodiversity

For example, a lake may be the home to many types of fish. This type of fish may die out and leave the lake with one less species in it.

Teacher importeace

With the changing environment and challenging careers, teachers are helping students to manage their careers as well as create solid foundation for them in different fields. Many courses are being conducted through webinars which have been helping teachers to do well in their respective fields.

Public heritage assets

This study challenges the appropriateness of such an accounting treatment in relation to the SAC4 definition of assets and the purported usefulness of the information. Many Australian governments are in the process of adopting full accrual accounting systems based on those adopted by business, and it is proposed that all public heritage facilities should be →

The temptresses of unconcious enticements

They tell Macbeth that they will cheer we up his sprites, / And show the best of our delights; [Act IV, Scene I] It is clear that they are out to entice Macbeth through dance and song. In all these ways, acknowledging that the witches are temptresses of evil thoughts and deeds is inevitable.

Is physical punishment effective

Adults who support corporal punishment believe that it is the only way to instill discipline and respect in children. According to the opponents of physical punishment, it does not in any way instill respect and discipline in children.

Stereotypical anxiety free essay sample

You know that the skateboarders are over in the corner, the athletes in the middle, the class clowns over to the side, the band geeks in front of you, the nerds to your right, and the prissy girls to your left. This is one of the most challenging things in the world and is the →

Summary of nurse’s social policy statement assignment

Brief chapters discuss the social context of nursing, the definition of nursing, and the knowledge base for nursing practice, as well as the scope of nursing practice, the purpose of standards of professional nursing practice, and professional and legal regulation of professional nursing. The Nurse's Social Policy Statement gives the readers a strong sense of →

Cybercrime in malaysia and usa assignment

Others cases of cybercrime on to properties is internet time theft which the usage of the Internet hours by an unauthorized person which is actually paid by another person. One of the cases on this category of cybercrime is unauthorized accessing of computer by accessing the computer or network without permission from the owner.

Objectives content and intended outcomes of learning activities essay sample

1 Explain the objectives, content and intended outcomes of learning activities as agreed with the teacher In order to fulfil my role in supporting the teacher and learning activities I need to be clear on what learning objective is and how the teacher would like this to be achieved. The teacher asked me if I →

Principled negotiation

Principled Negotiation School The craft of principled negotiation can become a significant communicational tool not only for social workers but for people who simply work with other people. As far as principled negotiation is based on search of compromise between different parties that want to get a benefit from a deal, the most difficult thing →

Juvenile re-entry programs

Best Practices in Juvenile Re-entry The discussion on a successful reentry program was structured by Newell and Salazar through initially presenting the best practices in juvenile reentry that proferred the following framework, to wit: 1. There was a lack of ability to collect, maintain, and analyze data to monitor the performance of the reentry program.

Student response 3

These factors are disrupted in the wake of a disaster and it is important to restore the community back to its normalcy for a continued vital economy. Infusion of policies, programs, and legislation is a necessity to achieve this balance and to ensure a holistic recovery of the community.


A Comparison of Categorical Imperative and Ethics of Care At first glance, it appears that Carol Gilligan's Ethics of Care concept, described in herseminal work " In a Different Voice" and Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative concept, described in " The Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals" are contrasting ways of approaching ethics. So the →

Canadian and indian tourism

According to theory X of leadership in management, it assumes that employees are very bad and cannot be motivated by the job itself. This is the perfect way of theory X operation where the managers have the least thrust with the capability of the employees.

Literature proposal

As such, the psychological approach to criticizing literature will be used in support of this theory since the romanticism is based on a real human behavior. These critical approaches to literature facilitate the argument in support of romanticism.

Murder college essay

This malicious intent is displayed when the offender or the killer, before the time of the commission of the crime, have adopted the deliberate intent to end the life of another. The existence of murder in law is significant in marking a transition from the view that a homicide was a wrong to the survivors →

Personality and how famous psychologists view it

So how do we come to the conclusion of what the personality of a person is? We can start by asking a series of questions, reminding the person to be as honest as possible, and the more times a person answers the questions, and receives the same results each time, will show a more accurate →

An automatic standpipe system engineering essay

1Automatic Standpipe System: A standpipe system that is attached to a water supply capable of supplying the system demand at all times and that requires no action other than opening a hose valve to provide water at hose connections.1. The minimum radius of a bend will be six pipe diameters for pipe sizes 2 in.and →

The thinghood primacy, how form and matter relates and the different types of existence in aristotle’s book metaphysics

Once the definition of what a thing is becomes apparent, it is still necessary to say what makes that particular thing a thing within itself and what the cause of its thinghood is. Thinghoood is primary in definition because the definition of a substance is the definition of what a thing is therefore to have →