Genuine Essay Examples

Principles of war

Principles Of War Washington, which was referred as the Americans, had been observing and applying the best principles of war that enabled them to acquire the advantage during their battle with the British. The effect of this principle is that the British were able to push back the Americans hence giving them a chance β†’

The overlapping periods of the renaissance

Teacher Renaissance I would like to choose the Renaissance period because I believe this period made the most significant impact in the Modern Western Civilization. In sum, the Renaissance period revived interest in reason which gave birth to renaissance that paved the way for inventions and many discoveries that Modern Western Civilization is based upon.

Persuading my parents

One of the major obstacles that would prevent my parents from allowing me to have the freedom that I deserved was their belief that I may be inexperienced and vulnerable to dangers. The language I chose to address my parents, and the diction appealed to their emotions to let me have the freedom I felt β†’

Data and information

In using primary sources to make a background review of a study, one of the main advantages it provides is reliability it serves as the original source of information of the topic. Choosing the right source whether primary or secondary source depends upon the author themselves as both of the sources may have benefit and β†’

Research methods in the social sciences

The first chapter of the research will consist of an introduction, in which the causes of selecting the topic and significance of the topic will be discussed. The statement of the problem will also be the part of the chapter, in which the researcher will define the problem in detail, and the objectives of the β†’

Zinser response essay

It took much sacrifice for me to put myself through college, but now, I am ready to reap in the awards. Not only do I have a new outlook on college classes, but I also renewed my commitment to work hard for myself.

ο»Ώicarus literary essay

The reader is able to easily understand and visualize the transition from the first stanza, which describes Icarus' tragic death and implies the differences between his traditional home and his new home, to the third stanza, where imagery deprecates his life in the new world. Field's use of irony and dictation are the final pieces β†’

Fixation on imagination: an investigation into the necessity of personal deception in clock without hands

In presenting characters' idealized scenarios for the past, present, and future in contrast with the reality of their world in Milan, Georgia, McCullers demonstrates the necessity of personal deception which develops through imagining an alternate reality, planning based on said imagination, changing relationships because of it, and eventually accepting the imagined world as the real β†’

Essay on pros and cons of public service

A major benefit of being committed to public service is it is very rewarding. One of the drawbacks of being committed to public service is that one is always under the scrutiny of the public.

Methods of neuropsychological studies

A major thrust of cognitive neuroscience is the clarification of structure function of relationships in the human brain understanding the relationship between the human brain structure and function is a major focus of cognitive neuroscience. The methods available to achieve this goal have undergone significant changes over the last 15 years; in particular, functional neuroimaging β†’

Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy and children with ptsd systems

In this paper I plan on investigating the effectiveness of TF-CBT when treating PTSD symptoms in children, important aspects of what the manifestation of PTSD symptoms look like for youths, as well as what TF-CBT can accomplish for children. The major talking points will be: an overview of PTSD and symptoms in children, an overview β†’

Thomas kuhns concept of a paradigm shift philosophy essay

In this assignment I am going to include some definitions of a paradigm shift, theorists work on paradigm shifts, Kuhn's concept of a paradigm shift and whether this concept can be applied to theology. Encarta dictionary definition of a paradigm is ' in the philosophy of science, a generally accepted model of how ideas relate β†’

Empowerment and job satisfaction in nursing educators

A retrospective and prospective design was ill fitted for the researchers' specific purpose, which was to establish the current level of job satisfaction of nursing educators based on their perceived structural empowerment.*Insert and lift definition from book* Respondents of the Study This study will exclusively utilize nursing educators in the Philippines specifically nursing educators employed β†’

Why did operation barbarossa fail?

Operation Barbarossa was the turning point of World War Two, and reason why is because the invasion of Soviet Union is one of the biggest mistakes Hitler makes in World War Two. Operation Barbarossa failed because Germany used weak military forces, had poor logistics and planning, and failed to win the Battle of Stalingrad, which β†’

Effects of globalization: competition and business opportunities

According to Brittan, globalisation led to an increase in the wealth of developed countries and also not to the bigger poverty in the developing countries. However, Hak-Min argued from the view of Brittan that the distribution of income between developed and developing countries has become less skewed by indicating that globalisation in the integrated world β†’

Catcher in the rye: close reading

Prior to the scene with the prostitute, Holden spends time in a Greenwich Village nightclub, as he drinks scotch and soda, unintentionally listening to the conversations that surround him, which Holden views as depressing and " phony." The scene begins as Holden checks into a hotel after a long walk back to his hotel after β†’

To kill a mockingbird media essay

Immediately, in the opening scene of the film adaptation " To Kill A Mockingbird", the " Black & White" separation, of that generation is displayed by the colour of the film itself, black and white. This is a clever way to attract the attention of the viewer to the watch that is in the box.

Dress circle

Dress Circle wanted to open up the web as a new sales channel, but at the same time integrate it with existing channels.proteus developed a bespoke back end to the site utilising a specialist shopping cart and payment system. Murray Allen of Dress Circle said, " Dress Circle is incredibly well known amongst theatre musical β†’

Individual excellence

Mental models The deeply held mental images can sway our way of thinking and how we understand who we are and the world we live in.we need to develop the ability to reflect in and on our actions in order to know how to take the appropriate action. Team learning I believe in team learning β†’


Literature Review and Arguments on Outsourcing In the prevailing dynamic business environment, a high percentage of companies, irrespective of size, have began to acknowledge the significance of attaining and sustaining a competitive edge that is possibly based on the development of information technology. The bureaus dictated the pace of the technology that the firms employed.

The hidden curriculum

ConclusionThe responsibility to shape the character of a child lies on many people. Teachers should be also involved in shaping the character of a child.

Green banks

Moreover, the third base is the sustainability aspect, which interrogates the life of the benefits of the funds. Loans Backed by the Government In instances of risky business ideas, the government may come in and pledge to repay a sizable part of the debt in the event that the entrepreneur defaults payment.

Is paddling in schools right?

I think that corporal punishment in school should be an appropriate means of punishment. However i do believe that paddling would give kids a reason to be good.

A war assignment

Copyright and Plagiarism The thoughts and publications of others are regularly referred to by students in the process of study, and this makes it critical for the original author to be properly acknowledged in the student work. In the case of collaborative or group work when permitted by the instructor, students must ensure that they β†’

Utilizing online social networking sites assignment

LinkedIn offers professionals the opportunities to network with other professionals in your field and organizations. In this paper, I will explain how a websites such as LinkedIn can help someone to stay connected to the professional community, how to use LinkedIn, and how other technological tools that have been developed to help an individual manage β†’

The impact of government policy on business assignment

The role of the government is to protect property rights, uphold the rule of law and maintain the value of the currency. The main reasons for government intervention are to correct market failure, achieve a more equitable distribution of income and wealth and to improve the performance of the economy.

Legacy of amerindians in the caribbean essay sample

The Amerindians were among the earliest First Nation Civilizations in the Caribbean. This interbreeding between the Europians and the surviving Amerindians is believed to be the origin of the Mestizo race, also known as the latino, and is possibly the greastest legacy of a nation once existing in the Caribbean before the Spanish conquest.

Should english become the world’s language essay sample

In this regard it is reasonable to analyze the reason behind the language's influence in every form of verbal and written communication in the world. The modern world counts more than 1 billion people are noted to be speaking in english, the spread of such language can initially be attributed to the expansion of the β†’

Executive pay

This is because the size of the company determines the risks involved in the kind of work, expectation levels and the amount of pressure on its management. Among the inducements as He, Mahoney and Wang indicate include the reasonable compensation packages to the managers, and ownership of the management process.

The use of parables in literature

The story Jackson is very metaphorical, as it inadvertently informs the reader of the occurrences at the small village, and the information passed that implies the stoning of a village after a lottery exercise. Conclusion The two short stories and the Sermon on the Mount have a unique connection and that is the usage of β†’

Evolution of telecommuting

The research interviews to ascertain the success of teleworking brought out seven fundamental reasons for teleworking which included individual personality, the satisfaction of employees' personal needs, the fulfillment of organizational culture, nature of work, commercialism, spread and success of e-business and information-based economy. However, the suitability of individuals to telework increased level of experience in β†’

Peter skrzynecki analysis essay

The reference in the third person " His Polish friends" seperates the son and the father as he is not connected to the father's friends, symbolic of the inability to relate to a Polish identity. This is demonstrated through the make-up scene as David conforms to the societal values of Pleasantville in covering his mothers β†’

Susan steward essay

Susan McKinney Steward was the first African-American physician in the state of New York and the third in the entire nation. 18 Nov.2012.

How to write a critical analysis

In the latter case, it is customary to separate the text into constituents and evaluate the ability of the aggregate of such elements to achieve the goal. So we can give the next definition to it: critical analysis is the process of determining the veracity, reliability or likelihood of the information provided.

Cambridge university’s prosthetic heart valve to reduce need for anticoagulants market outlook

It has witnessed a number of innovations including the introduction of prosthetic heart valves which have been designed to increase the scope of cardiac valve treatment. According to the study ' United Kingdom Prosthetic Heart Valves Market Outlook To 2025', such procedures are gaining popularity and have even evolved the cardiac discipline in order to β†’

Diversity, learning and progress

Therefore, diversity management means the creation of internal and external environment within which these different perspectives, approaches and sensitivities are incorporated and developed in order to manage diversity in such a way that the full potential of individuals and institutions may be realised optimally. It leads to mind being the locus of learning, and as β†’

Unconscious communication and defence mechanisms

To the clinician, it is critical to understand the full nature of unconscious communication, defence mechanisms and the manner in which these interact in the therapeutic environment [2]. This paper will highlight the many concepts involved in the roles of unconscious communication, defence mechanisms, transactional analysis and the transference and countertransference experience.

Effect of tailor made technique nursing essay

For many people, the needle can only be a source of fear to the extent that a needle is a necessary part of the procedure that initiates a terrifying involuntary reaction of one's body. Effect refers to the change in the level of pain perception and fear during venipuncture among children after Tailor-made technique.

Opening a cafe in moscow russia marketing essay

Russia is the world's largest country in terms of area, stretching from the Baltic to the Pacific across 10 time zones, with an estimated population of 144 million. Moscow is a major economic centre and is home to the largest number of billionaires in the world, which is the reason why we choose Moscow to β†’

The history of cadbury chocolates marketing essay

These places are suitable for the cultivation of cocoa beans, and therefore Cadbury can control the quality of cocoa beans to produce chocolate products. In the London 2012, Cadbury is one of the sponsors in this event, creating the sports and stripes event to bring the excitement of London 2012.

Factors affecting consumers

A research is conducted to find out the consumer behavior of Malaysians and to investigate the factors affecting the consumer's purchasing decision of hybrid cars. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect consumer's purchasing decision on hybrid cars.

Strategies to prevent and reduce cyberbullying

According to Stewart and Fritsch, it is the schools' duty to protect the well-being of their students. If someone is a victim of cyberbullying and they do not trust an adult at the school or in the community, the police are there to help.

United states vs antoine jones supreme court essay

Jones Concerning Warrantless GPS installation and Tracking Under the Fourth Amendment, United States v. Jones Concerning Warrantless GPS installation and Tracking Under the Fourth Amendment, United States v.

Planet and jupiter

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. Jupiter has its own because it is the biggest planet in the Solar System.


Functionalists are of the assumption that the needs of society are greater than the needs of individuals: in order words, the good of society is greater than the good of the individual thus contributing to the maintenance of society. One other strength of functionalism is the belief that society is held together by social consensus, β†’

Gallons of light

In the advertisement, The Knapp family starts the New Year by enjoying a redesigned family trip. Diligently working to create a world in which the car industry no longer takes from the earth, but accepts the renewable recourses of the sun.

80s fashion influence icons

The great importance of the 80s, in regards to fashion, is shown by the fashion icons on the day, the era of fashion shows, and specific trends still reflected today. Additionally, the 80s was the era of the fashion show.

Beam to target african diaspora

Ghanaian Bitcon startup Beam, based out of the capital city Accra, has come up with a product that will equip the Nigerian, and Ghanaian diaspora communities in the UK send money home very quickly and at an affordable cost. When Beam gets the confirmation that the bitcoins have been transferred, the company then sends the β†’

Banning junk food in schools

Some kids might be allergic to the foods school serves and that could cause lawsuits. Even though it is a rule, some kids will break it and " smuggle" junk food in because they like to " live on the edge".


I plan on getting into the music business I the future and my father's connections to record companies as well as other important people in the music world. My father, mother, and uncle are just a few of the many relationships I have that give me connections into social capital that will help me in β†’

Essentials of ecology assignment

We should prevent the premature extinction of wild species because of the economic and ecological services they provide and because they have a right o exist regardless of their usefulness to us. The primary threat of bird species is habitat loss and degradation.

Was the heath government a total failure? assignment

However it cannot be denied that the Heath Government did make some successes, and considering the harsh times that Heath faced, it could be argued that the Heath government was not a total failure and instead was one that had experienced lot of bad luck. This is a point for how the Heath government was β†’

Examine the influence of social policy on the family assignment

It is a crucial change for the family as it promotes family iversity, which would allow more acceptance for family diversity and normalise the attitudes towards same sex couples. This disagrees which New Right ideas as it breaks down the idea of the nuclear family which would lead to the improper socialisation of their children β†’

Forestry lab #2 essay

Forestry Lab #2Tree IdentificationPlease refer to the provided website to identify the trees for the following leaves. The hardest items to determine from a picture are whether or not the leaves are smooth or toothed, and whether or not there are thorns on a branch.

Lumber company essay sample

In the long term, growth in sales will be inhibited by Clarkson's cash balance to purchase Cost of Goods sold. The net income from its sales is not enough to support the requirement to pay the Holtz loan and account for their upward increase in sales.4.

Workplace hygiene in a childcare setting

Specifically, it states that the cooking staff Need to be thoroughly trained in food safety and nutrition Are responsible for the preparation of meals and cleaning of the area of the premises used to prepare the meals. Hot food must be cooled enough before storing it in the refrigerator to prevent bacteria from breeding and β†’

Managing organisational change

Changes the take place in the organization and that affects the way the organization is run or its system of operation is referred to as organizational change. In Charlie's case, a lot of blame in the collapse of his business can be attributed to organizational change.

Christ crowned with thorns

Christ Crowned with Thorns" by Matthias Stom A piece of art that I could lived with is " Christ Crowned with Thorns" by Matthias Stom. The contrast between the usage of dark and light in the painting is striking.

Three main types of prevention

The third type of prevention is tertiary that is designed to reduce the impairments and suffering caused by alcohol abuse. To a large extent, I believe that prevention is better than cure and primary prevention is the best solution that can be implemented to address the problem of alcohol abuse.

What types of franchises do people create and why

The major types of entry modes include equity-based and non-equity-based. Advantages and disadvantages Some of the limits of the equity-based types of entry modes are: they call for a vital resource commitment in location across the country's borders.

Public opinion

In the United States and most European countries, although public opinion poll results are sometimes not a true reflection of election results, there is a tendency of voters supporting the political candidate who is portrayed as a winner in the polls. In the Yugoslav Wars, public opinion in the form of propaganda was used to β†’

Music and the eighties essay

One of the best known decades for music was the eighties. Mtv was an outlet for music videos and a gateway for musicians to get their music to the fans.

Ernest hemingway’s writing style assignment

This is known as the ' code hero', and Hemingway's style of writing is depicted through the use of his code hero. An Example of the Hemingway's concise dialogue is depicted in this scene between Henry and Catherine."' You do love me? '" I really love you.

Limitation of mens casual sportswear in sri lanka cultural studies essay

The main aim of the desertion is the to find out the what are the boundaries the Sri Lankan men's casual sportswear market face and come up with the solution to fix it and improve it. And also the reason behind the limitation and the barriers of the men's casual wear in the Sri Lanka.

An analysis of the sudanese darfur conflict politics essay

A-) Background of the Darfur Conflict 1- ) Maps of Area Map of Area- Sudan Map of Area- Darfur 2- ) Basic Information about Sudan and Darfur In general perspective, the formal name is Republic of Sudan and it is the largest country in Africa, located in northeastern Africa. These 10 charges consisted of three β†’

Blood and debt: war and the nation-state in latin america

Centeno's book begins with the mystery of absence of interstate war-what he calls limited war-in Latin America, and then goes into the genealogy of state development in South America and the role of war on that continent. Grounded in a set of empirical data and rigorous analysis, Centeno's critical work illustrates how war contributed to β†’

Berlin’s account of negative liberty

Berlin's intention was not simply to describe the two types of liberty; he stresses the dangers of the positive view, simultaneously claiming that negative liberty is ' truer and more humane'. This appears to be one of Berlin's most significant justifications for claiming that the negative view is the ' truer' of the two conceptions β†’

Principles of the treaty of waitangi in nursing nursing essay

A nurse, who is aware of their own culture and beliefs, can appreciate the need to be culturally safe in caring for others. Finally, in the nursing profession the Treaty of Waitangi, cultural safety and issues relating to Maori health have being implicated for nursing practice.

The effects of bilingualism education essay

Before we begin to analyze the argument being made here, we must first understand the authors backgrounds, the relationship of them to the article, and the audiences of the article. To emphasize to the readers that bilingualism can reduce the severity of ADHD, improve cognitive skills and memory, and may delay dementia during aging, the β†’

Dna extraction from chicken liver

The structure of the double helix is somewhat like a ladder, with the base pairs forming the ladder's rungs and the sugar and phosphate molecules forming the vertical sidepieces of the ladder. To examne the relationship between the concentration of a DNA solution and the absorbnce at 595nm of DNA-diphenylamine solution.

African american history sharecropping

During the period of slavery, the land was concentrated in the hands of the few, and it was logical for landowners to continue producing agricultural commodities on a large scale using the sharecropping system. Sharecropping system helped to control black labor in the face of the emancipation.

Parent and community involvement

Education is a collective responsibility a responsibility of the school, the parents and the community. There would also be a monthly excursion to places that and organizations that are reputable in the community.

The initiated a proposal for amendment/revision of the

Based on the policy initiatives in the National Mineral Policy, 2008 and the recommendations of the Hoda Committee, the Government has initiated a proposal for amendment/revision of the Mines and Minerals Act, 1957 and the Rules framed thereunder, which after consultation with the concerned Ministries/Departments of the Central Government and the State Governments will be β†’

Molson coors brewing company

Some of its major brands include Coors Light, Nelson Canadian and Carline The Nelson Coors Brewing Company is a North American brewing company, formed in 2005 by the merger of Nelson of Canada, and Coors of the United States. A once powerful regional player in the market, Coors has recently stepped up to the national β†’

Cypriot financial crisis

This affected our country because it led to the ultimate collapse of tourism and shipping industries which had been the back born of our economy. This was the root cause of this recession that made other international organizations like the European Union to come up with measures which instigated the international agencies to poorly grade β†’

What does the sea represent in “the seafarer”?

However not is all lost to the desolation of the sea, as every time the narrator is at sea his heart " Would begin to beat, knowing once more the salt waves tossing and the towering sea!" At once, the poem goes from a tale of misery to an inspiring work that explains the path β†’

The educational system is bogus

It's difficult to argue the case that students are in a prison of sorts experiencing an agonizing and lengthy torture when the general opinion of education is that it improves the mind and the student. It should be obvious that the purpose of the educational system is to educate, so why is it that the β†’

Using facebook to learn english assignment

Players learn about activities or status of the English-based games they are playing through email sent by Backbone and flowing news on the frontage. Resulting, constant and large exposures to the English-based games can help students to emerge in English.

Same sex marriages pros and cons. assignment

I believe that there will be a judgment day and that there is a being that is bigger than any of us. The biggest argument seems to be that it is a sin and that sex with the same person is perverted, wrong, and just immoral.

7ps for service marketing assignment

Although the terms translation and interpretation are often used interchangeably, by strict definition, translation Refers to the written language, and interpretation to the spoken word. Translation is the action of interpretation of the meaning of a text, and subsequent production of an equivalent text, also called a translation, that communicates the same message in another β†’

Volcanoes assignment

The amount of gas trapped in the lava, the kinds of minerals making up the lava, and how much pressure can be trapped in the area all affect the eruption and formation of the volcano. After considering the negative and costive consequences, I think that a volcano has more negative effects in comparison to the β†’

Ethnomethodology: length and age assignment

I chose to " get close" to my mom, my sister, my niece, a co-worker, and a doctor that I work for. I believe I was able to get closer to her than most, because she is my mother and it's just natural for a mother to be ok with her children invading her personal β†’

Core competencies essay sample

The difference that is more difficult to measure in the senior nursing student can be seen in the confidence and competence displayed in providing physical and emotional care in the course of this/her daily work. Social and interpersonal skills need to be sharp in order to provide the client with the best outcomes.the nurse is β†’

Home work2

I am currently and intimacy versus isolation stage and this paper offers an overview of my experience in earlier stages of Erikson's development, management of the current crisis and prediction over remaining stages besides personal opinion on relevance and applicability of the stages. My life, in my interactions with the environment and my behavior, identifies β†’

The story of stuff

of the of the ' The Story of Stuff' Introduction The Story of Stuff is a well known documentary by Annie Leonard. In it, the author claims that we are fast running out of options due to overconsumption of the Earth's resources, and that one way we will be wiped out or our very survival β†’

French revolution

Yet, in the following years, the common people along with the " peasants in the countryside" succeeded in destroying the old regime to bring radical changes in the social and political fronts. The Estates-General had members of all the three Estates of French Society which included the clergy, nobility and the common people.

Health economics: healthcare as a right or privilege

In the same way, the citizens have the responsibility to its country to pay their taxes to provide the financial needs for the country to figuratively live. The government has the power and responsibility to regulate the healthcare system of the country.

The use of the four elements in the wars essay

Again, before the war, water was used as a way for Robert to heal, in a bathtub, but during the war, water, or the seas, violently act against a ship, and almost cause it to sink. However, on the battlefield, fire is used against Robert in the form of a weapon, and nearly kills him β†’

Vasudhaiva kutumbakam essay

And it is an organization by the people, of the people and for the people. The whole purpose of the Government is welfare of the society and peace in the society.

Study of chronic leg ulcer sufferers in india

The objectives of the study were: To assess the pretest level of leg ulcer for the experimental and the control group. 3) To compare the pre test level of leg ulcer between the experimental and the control group 4) To compare the post test level of leg ulcer between the experimental and the control group.

The pricing strategies of hindustan coca cola beverage marketing essay

Pricing Optimization: The ability to establish and estimate the pricing sensitivity of a product or market subdivision and to produce most favorable pricing is to accomplish industrial ambitions such as increasing the margin. The customers of the company look forward to lower the costs, enhance the sales and profits and convey better quality products to β†’

Lord of the flies

Initially Jack is viewed as a potentially responsible leader when he is introduced, we can see how he keeps control of the choir and how he also provides comfort to the boys. However as the novel continues we see that this is one of many ways Jack tries to control the group, being the egotistical β†’

Argument essay/ homosexuality

The King James Version of the bible says in Leviticus 20: 13, " If a man also lies with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they will surely be put to death; their blood will be upon them." It is totally a sin to have sexual relations β†’

Oral history: my father

When I was a child it was grand.[pauses] When I got to be a wee bit older and a teenager we were arguin' and fightin'. And he ran it into a stack of bales and I went flyin', and then he knocked a bumper off of the front of the car too, burnt the clutch β†’

My greatest accomplishment

Helen Keller had to overcome the obstacle of not being able to communicate. Much like Helen Keller overcame the obstacle of not being able to communicate, I too overcame the obstacle of breaking my arm.

Renaissance literature – romeo and juliet assignment

In this use of the term ' the other' we are referring to foreign elements, people or objects not from or associated with mainstream society, and in the context of the essay, the mainstream society of England in Shakespeare's era.' Romeo and Juliet is set in Verona, so some of its cultural details might be β†’