Genuine Essay Examples

Financial and nonfinancial methods of motivation business essay

The employers play a vital role in giving a fair pay to the employee which depending on two major reasons, including their essential position in the business structure and the motivated importance to the productivity. Despite the employee's principal function in internal structure, the employee motivation is the level of commitment energy and creativity, which β†’

Significance of entrepreneurship to the indian economy

In the first half of the 20th century, because of the world wars, Indian entrepreneurs got an opportunity to make it big for the first time, on sale of textile and steel which had huge demand. This has resulted in a large number of successful entrepreneurs from the smaller towns and villages of south India β†’

Successful african american students: the role of parental involvement

The article " Successful African American Students: The Role of Parental Involvement" highlighted the correlation between the successful performance of African American students in school associated with positive parental involvement and socioeconomic status, social interactions and family structure. The stated effects that parental involvement had on the child academically, behaviorally and socially and the specific β†’

Adlerian and reality therapy

In quite a related way, Reality therapy, bases on the connection of a person and other people. The reality therapy also eemphasizes on the realization that it is only through excuses that the relation breaks; and workable plans support the reconnection of individual.


The aim of this paper is to analyze the reasons behind this growth, identifying the pros and cons of such a move. One of the reasons for expansion into Africa is China's need to support its fast growing industrial and economic growth.

America’s shortcoming

Its disappointing that American students do not even posses the potential to receive one of the highest paying jobs in America since all of them are related to science or math. If money drives America, then why is not the idea of a high salary luring students to pursue math and science related jobs; it β†’

Marketing assignment

To recapitulate: individually-done case memos are due to me for two of the seven cases we discuss in class other than the major group case; each case memo is to e handed in as a paper copy at 2 the beginning of class on the day we discuss the case; and you must also submit β†’

Growth options for zimbabwe assignment

Size of as country: The size of a country refers to the population size together with the spatial distribution of the country. This could be a result of wars as in the case of Latin Americans during the Second World War, or due to the inability of a country, as in the case of developing β†’

Media influence on violence in society assignment

This example is used as a highlight to showcase that the violent acts that occurred was very popular and was by its nature considered to be entertaining to the citizens that attended the events and the upper class whom put on the show. With popular culture acceptance that these shows maintain it is easy to β†’

Sports marketing case study assignment

Linda McLaughlin is the marketing director for Northern University Intercollegiate Athletics and is facing the challenge to build a marketing plan with the target to increase the number of fans watching the university football games. Since the requirement cares about the number of viewers and not the all over profit by sold tickets, the marketing β†’

Baroque: rococo assignment

The significance of this painting is that behind the theme of love and happiness, is wistfulness and melancholy, unusual in Rococo art. Derby's " A Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrery" is significant in its depiction of a scholar introducing the theory of the placements of the planets and its qualities of a grand β†’

The lord of the flies(william golding) vs. sympathy of the devil (mick jagger) essay sample

The book " The Lord of the Flies" by William Golding is compared to the song " Sympathy for the Devil " by Mick Jagger in this essay, to show that the devil is in everybody where and how he appears in front of us, that the devil is deadly and whether we can resist β†’

Whatever you see fits

By the democrats clinching the most Electoral College votes, one would be of the opinion that the states' votes decision was in favor of the democrats. By clinching the most electoral votes, it is palpable that the success of the incumbent executive office will be aided by the majority of the states.

Business law i (bus 231) contract six ways an offer may be terminated

Therefore, the parties should obey the rules and in case anyone violates the contract, he or should compensate the victim for the expectation damage caused. According to Keenan and Sarah, an offer may be deemed invalid until the death of one of the parties involved in the contract.

Marketing strategies, tactics and techniques

Speed is the answer to the demand for a faster pace of life, and this is the very essence as to why BMW created a turbo charged petrol fuelled engine that accelerates from 0 to 62mph per 6. Question here is, can this be available to ordinary consumers earning meager income enough to support a β†’

Rafaella sartis europe at home

E@H Rafaella Sarti's Europe at Home Rafaella Sarti's book tackled the " diversity and development of the material culture of the household in Europe during the ancient regime" shedding substantial light on the general preoccupations of a household in the Europe of that age but the book has its own share of flaws with regards β†’

Torts; cybertorts; strict liability; products liability; consumer protection law 3

As per the trade based compositions, the ownership of property as well as the passage of advancing the procedural trademark rights, the situational analysis has encompassed total review of the major development strategies. The Economic Impact of Counterfeiting and Piracy, OECD, p.


This can lead to circular reasoning in which the ideal self of the person, being skinny, and the real self, overweight, begins to clash with one another causing stress in the person. References Brannon, L, & Feist, J.

The last kodak moment

Affiliation Discussion Questions: The Last Kodak Moment What did the author of the article intend to communicate to the audience? 2. Do you agree with the author's claim that Kodak has failed to adjust adequately? 8.

Frito lays chip dip verse vegetable dip essay

Among chip dips, sour cream based dips are the most popular and account for 50% of total dip sales. Cheese based dips account for 25% of dip sales, bean and picante dips and cream cheese based dips account for 15% of dip sales.

English essay – us summer camps

The Europeans, whom experience to work at a summer camp, will not only benefit from an extraordinary experience and growth as people. The Europeans work with the children as instructors, careers or maintenance workers at the camps.

Virginia woolf: a life of tragedies

" You cannot find peace by avoiding life" Virginia Woolf, one of the most eminent writers of her time, during her life she suffered the loss of her parents as well as her siblings which led her to lose control of her mind, her mental illness did not prevent her from continuing to write numerous β†’

Comparison of islamic and christian philosophers

According to the Encarta dictionaries, philosophy can be defined as the branch of knowledge that examines the basic concepts of thoughts and a set of beliefs or aims. Mohammed Al Farabi and Plato both stated that Knowledge development is very important in the society and that it was the key to the rise of power β†’

German support for syrian refugees essay

In this context sustainability refers to the ability of the German government to continue with the current polices at the same level. The association with the short term situation of refugees, arriving with little, reliant on the goodwill of the state, is frequently assumed to continue.

Crude drugs: pharmacognostic investigation

It is determined by counting the number of vein-islets in an area of 4 of the central part of the leaf between the midrib and the margin. The average number of cells beneath a single epidermal cell was calculated.

Oedipus the king

As we have seen, pity, cruelty, foresight, and bravery have all been employed in trying to circumvent fate, and have actually themselves been woven into the web of fate: the cruel decision of Laius and Iocaste to expose the baby Oedipus, the pity of the shepherd who found it, the decision of Oedipus to give β†’

The scarlet letter 10

The story is Hawthorne's depiction of the effects of sin on the hearts and minds of humanity during the Puritan society through the characters Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth. Hester's sin is that her passion and love were of more importance to her than the Puritan moral code, but she learns the error of her ways β†’

Open mind

The more I run the faster I get. As my run continues, I am quickly beginning to overlook the bad side and see the good in it.

Music education: a necessity

Principal Helen Nolen of Sellwood Middle School in Portland Oregon believes that participation in the arts is one of the best ways to learn leadership qualities, and therefore makes music and art education a priority. Music and the arts are an important part of education.

Study guide nursing assignment

The client with COPED needs to be in the orthopedic position = sitting up and leaning forward, to ease the work of breathing. Congestive Heart Failure = heart failure is a state in which the heart is no longer able to pump an adequate supply of blood to meet the demands of the body.

How john locke inspired maria montessori essay sample

John Locke believed that " The well educating of their children is so much the duty and concern of parents, and the welfare and prosperity of the nation so much depends on it, that I would have everyone lay it seriously to heart". Locke, on the other hand, thought of children as human beings and β†’

George bernard shaw essay sample

In this excerpt, Shaw repeatedly adds a sense of cheeriness when describing the cremation of his mother, contributing to the passage's overall irony concerning death. As life and death is often associated with religion, it seems only fitting that Shaw incorporates biblical allusions in his excerpt to help present his ironic insight of death.

The effectiveness of e-learning in a nursing training program: a research proposal essay sample

Using the Ofsted framework for evaluation, the current study aims to assess the effectiveness of elearning as a learning tool in a nursing training program in __________________. Integrated into this description is the several concepts that are in conflict with the beliefs still being exercised in academic institutions of the day: that is, that learning β†’

Ict systems in everyday life: your local community essay sample

In accordance to the national census in 2001, the Borough of Brent has the country's highest percentage of people born outside of the UK It has a population of 263, 464 according to this census. THE NEEDS OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY The population of Brent is 267, 741 and there are many problems in Brent, β†’

Federalist and antifederalist

The objective of this paper is to understand the arguments of each side and synthesize the thought processes of the writers. The following quote from the Federalist Paper underlines this aspect of Hamilton's appeal to the people: " But the fact is, that we already hear it whispered in the private circles of those who β†’

Schmid compliance

Compliance Does the court's opinion in Schmid unduly interfere with the autonomy of private colleges and universities Should the court have recognized some type of " institutional academic freedom" that would protect private institutions against such exercises of state power See generally the Student Edition Section 6.1. Is the college subject to the requirements of β†’


Physical violence is the most common form of violence though other forms of violence such as rape, stalking. According to Berrios and Grady, people who live with alcohol and drug abusers are at a risk of violence.

Jury deliberations

JURY DELIBERATIONS [School] Number] June 10, JURY DELIBERATIONS The first is a proposal to eliminate the requirement for a unanimous verdict of 12 jurors to make the majority of 9 of the 12 jurors sufficient to stand a verdict of guilty or not guilty in criminal cases, is constitutional and does not violate the Sixth β†’

The decision to drop the bomb

The assertion that the USA bombed Japan to end the war was not correct but a war gimmick to justify the massacre of innocent civilians asks. According to Edwards, the use of the atomic bomb on Japan triggered the start of the cold war, Historians record that the killings of close to 200000 people were β†’

Transfer wise

Transfer Wise Transfer Wise is a new method of transferring money, whereby users would have to swipe their money, for purposes of beating the interbank rates. This enables the users of the company to receive their money without paying the banking fees.

Australia info

The index indicates the relative ease of starting and operating a business within the regulatory environment of a particular country calculated through 10 factors; Australia's high ranking is due to the support provided to business owners through legislation, tax requirements, permits accessibility as well as the infrastructure and public goods sustaining the economy. Background to β†’

What impact will these trends have on the overall quality of care in the state of pennsylvania, and what will our system have to do differently in the future

Lecturer: Institution: Course: Date: Impacts of the current trends of health care in the state of Pennsylvania on the quality of care The state of Pennsylvania has seen a number of changes in its heath care sector over the past few years. Decrease in the number of licensed hospitals: According to the data provided by β†’


To begin with, Meletus had indicated that Socrates was an evil doer in that he was found corrupting young people, did not believe in the state gods, and had introduced personal divinities. The Meletus opposition to Socrates was based somehow on grounds of religion because he simply did not confide his faith in the gods β†’

Belonging paragraph essay

The juxtaposition of the words " forced" and " softness" show Peter is different from his father in the face of the discomfort his father has endured the suffering. This negative experience has helped to define the father's identity but also highlight the composer's different perspective.2.remnants of language/ I inherited unknowingly" the enjambment makes emphasis β†’

Consenting fathers: benjamin franklin and thomas jefferson assignment

The backgrounds of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson dictated the different views that each had with regards to the education of the peoples of the colonies and eely formed confederacy. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson grew out of very different backgrounds to emerge as eminent statesmen in the same fold.

The usage of prolyl oligopeptide

Over the past 30 years, several POP inhibitors have been patented and entered the early phases of clinical trials [11]. Despite the development of potent inhibitors of POP having nanomolar activities, they failed in the clinical trials and none are currently in the market for human therapy.

The crown jewel of archaeology: pyramids and the discovery of their creation

Based on the information I have gathered, I have come to the conclusion that the Egyptians are the ones who built the ancient pyramids because there are archaeologists with first hand experience, the Egyptians strongly believe in their religion, and the people who think another species built the pyramids do not have enough evidence. The β†’

Example of reflective self-assessment critical thinking

I think that, once I am able to better understand and get straight in my head exactly when to cite and what formatting to use when I do that, I will be able to more confidently articulate my points and draw from sources as I need. I need to be more careful with my word β†’

A muslim experience of going to church

It was dark, and all I saw was crosses, and when I was getting ready to open the door to see if anyone was there, I just freaked out and left. The melody was a bit loud and from time to time it completed me to feel awkward again I mean it was one atmosphere β†’

Anxiety as a procrastination behavior psychology essay

Purpose of Study This study aims to reveal the gender variables, faculty variables and the reasons of procrastination in procrastination among college students. The second group of procrastinators reported that aversiveness of the task is the reasons for their procrastination.however, aversiveness of task usually unable to represent the only reason that students procrastination, it usually β†’

Marketing essays – sexual appeals

In associating a product with sex, advertisers alter the idea of the product in the mind of the consumer, and, in doing so; alter the reaction of the consumer to the product. Sex in the advertising is the use of sexual interest as a tool of persuasion to draw attention to a particular item for β†’

Impact of brexit on the construction industry

Choosing just one sector of the construction industry, critically analyse the potential impacts on that sector of the UK's exit from the EU. Construction industry is a complicated process due to longevity, cost, and investment nature of the products and it has been a great challenge for the industry to provide the supply which is β†’

Microwave remote sensing in forestry

Due to this unique feature of radar data compared with optical sensor data, the radar data have been used extensively in many fields, including forest-cover identification and mapping, discrimination of forest compartments and forest types, estimation of forest stand parameters and monitoring of forests. The backscatter from vegetation is used to infer information about amplitude β†’

Ruth’s and chris

She mortgaged her home for US$22, 000 to purchase Chris Steak House, a 60-seat restaurant on the corner of Broad and Ursuline in New Orleans, near the fairgrounds racetrack. After years of failed attempts, Tom Moran, a regular customer and business owner from Baton Rouge, convinced a hesitant Fertei to let him open the first β†’

Key points mechanical engineering

EDP in Aviation Fundamentals prepares students for AAAS examination and PL Diploma in Marine & Offshore Technology The course trains students to design, build and market ships and oil rigs, not to operate and maintain ships Options in Marine and Offshore Design and Offshore and Gas Technology > Link the activities to the course Link β†’

Disney land in europe

The company's share of the venture was to be 49%, other investors put in $1. For its investment and management of the operation, the Walt Disney Company was to receive 10% of Euro Disney's admission fees, 5% of food and merchandise revenues, and 49% of all profits.

Comparison between international relations and international history

The International History is involved with the history of conflicts that are current and those occurring as a result of current interest. International relations can be measured by use of the organizations and corporations existing in the country, which is unlike International history.

The influence of business groups on government decisions assignment

Business groups do have privileged access to government in lots of uncountable ways like being given closer attention, they have knowledge of politics that is needed by the state, and they have unlimited resources because of their social network with politicians. The other side of the debate argues that thousands of business groups go broke β†’

Countries gain from international trade assignment

In the course of researching the subject of international trade, it is interesting to note how even relatively simple models are still relevant in the complex web of the worldwide marketplace, and many people see international trade as a solution to some nation's poverty. Countries that engage in international trade see benefits from this trade β†’

Website assignment

The course will consist of a variety of teaching and learning activities, including short lectures, in-class exercises, internet-based interactions, and individual and group projects. The exams will cover all the readings and in-class activities.

Oral communication 2nd amendment outline essay sample

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, declares a well regulated militia as being necessary to the security of a Free State, and prohibits infringement of " the right of the people to keep and bear arms". Well, now I am going to give you the β†’

Reflection and notional learning package essay sample

You are evaluated on your efforts and quality of work as well as your ability to reflect on your own learning. You are strongly advised to complete and submit your work well before the deadline as the system may become overloaded close to the deadline.

Managing across cultures

The post also reflects a clear analysis of the article in relation to the information and theories of managing across cultures. The skills and capabilities of different employees need to be utilized in order to achieve higher performance and productivity.

How to get benifit & cost saving for marketing planning

The marketing plan should be organized in such a manner that it specifically demonstrates the benefit of cost saving to the customer or the distributor. Use the proper message Once the target is identified, it is necessary to address in the marketing plan, a message that clearly and aggressively tackles the requirements of such customers, β†’

The aspects of terrorism

The Aspects of Terrorism Terrorism has raised the level of global violence as a means to draw attention to social, economic, and political causes aswide ranging as the clear cutting of the rain forest, abortion, and the military occupation of a nationalist homeland. Ideology and religion play only a minor role in the individual's decision β†’

The importance of spiritual to human condition

The Scarlet Letter is a portrayal of the fallen woman in the person of Hester. The story tells of her acceptance of the punishment as well as the determination to move on amidst the shame inflicted to her by the society.

Is birth control as justified as we all believe it to be

In today's times having children is a matter of decision rather than a factor beyond control as it used to be seen in the days past. Perhaps we could begin to explore the possibility that birth control is robbing us of more than we are gaining as individuals and as a society.


Paragraph 2: Development of leaders and effective leadership through action learning The practical approach of the Action Learning motivates the leaders to indulge in the work themselves to better perceive the situation. Optimizing the power of action learning: solving problems and building leaders in real time.

Literature of western world

It is believed that the lower the social status of the tragic hero, the weaker the ability of the 1090's audience to identify or the ability relate the idea with the character flaws. The moral lesson conveyed is that Christians must act or do as per the word of God for them to be strengthened β†’

Culture in the organisation essay

Cross-cultural barriers can do hinderance to a house seeking to internationalize, therefore to get the better of this, houses must seek and set themselves harmonizing to the national civilization of the state and should follow a polycentric attack instead than an ethnocentric attack. Power Distance is the extent to which hierarchal differences are accepted in β†’

Artistic billiards essay

It is also important that the unfolding of each and every shot should take place in an established manner in the case of this game. This is even true in case of the shots which are requiring the lowest level of difficulty that is the point shots.

I felt a funeral in my brain essay

Throughout the rest of the poem, there is a strong sense that the speaker needs to make a choice between a world full of trouble and pain or a heaven that brings solitude and peace. The upbringing of the soul in line 10 gives a sense of spirituality to the poem, the meaning of these β†’

Analyze the black psychology essay

The stereotypes make a ridicule of gay people, and turn them into the laughing stock of invasive jokes. While heterosexuals have proven to be a child molester, to a greater extent, the stereotypes of gay men being sex crazed psychopaths is used to repress the sexual drives, Painting gay people as deviants that act out β†’

Cavin kare – history & future

When he was in the fifth standard, he had a lot of pets - more than 500 pigeons, a lot of fish and a large variety of birds. Selling things in sachets is his motto and as he says, 'this is going to be the product of the future.' But his father could not market β†’

Relationship between yoga and life satisfaction | methods

The graphical representation of the experimental design is as follows: Oa R O2 Where R denotes random selection of the sample O denotes the Life Satisfaction scores on the Satisfaction With Life Scale Oa denotes the Life Satisfaction scores of Yoga Practitioners on the Satisfaction With Life Scale O2 denotes the Life Satisfaction scores of β†’

Fruits and vegetables industry of india

In spite of being one of the largest producers of fruits and vegetables in the world, the export competitiveness among the Indian producers remains low. Seasonability of production: The inconsistent supply due to the close involvement of many biotic and a biotic factors of production break the cycle of the produce availability in the market β†’

Archaeology is the study of human society history essay

Throughout the course of the semester, we have explored many different aspects concerning Greek archaeology." Archaeology is the study of human society, primarily through recovery and analysis of the material culture and environmental data which they have left behind, which includes artifacts, architecture, biofacts, and cultural landscapes". Thirdly, the information retrieved from the excavation is β†’

Post industrial society

America being economic leader, the liquidity crunch in the banking sector began in the United States and triggered a global financial crisis which affected the whole world with a devastating effect. In order to better understand global financial crisis, this essay would first discuss the main causes of the global financial crisis and further go β†’

A guide to the identification of bacillus cereus biology essay

On a regular TSA plate, the colonies of Bacillus cereus appear to have a cream " dull or frosted glass appearance and often an undulate margin from which extensive outgrowths do not develop"." The genus Bacillus is either aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, most members of this group are also motile...and with the exceptions of Bacillus β†’

God: man or myth?

Many scientists have researched the origin of the universe and come to the conclusion that it is not all that hard to " create" a universe. To say that a god does not exist is to defy the laws of creation.

Marcus brutus and julius caesar

At this point, he proves to the people of Rome the extent of his love to them. He allows Rome to be a pertinent part of his life and that his success dependent on the success of Rome.

Finding women’s equality

About two-thirds of the illiterate people in the world are women, which provides a reason to the " persistent disadvantages faced by women"." The size of the illiterate population has increased in several countries in Africa. Educating the women and girls in the city of Djenne in Mali will empower them to find their own β†’


Dear LiteraryCanonBoard of Directors, I am writing this letter because i think Do not Close You Eyes should be included to the canon The first reason I believe it should be added is because in the story Janie is so brave and it teaches you to love your self even if you a little different β†’

Why nobody likes school

Waking up in the morning for stuents is one of the hardest things not only because you have to wake up early, but you have a day ahead of having to sit down in a quiet room and everybody is taking notes and then the next day comes along and is the same and the β†’

Cause and effect of opening act

It changed how Amanda felt about Jeff, her mom, her brother and even herself! When Amanda had found out her mom had read her journal, she was mad about the invasion of privacy and began to ignore her family.

The marketing environment assignment

It is the job of the resellers to help the firm to sell the products, as the firm has given these sellers the stock to sell. A firm's natural environment is made up of the raw materials in which firms use to produce their final products.

Reading response(1:allegory)& (2:forward)

I think that many of the ones mentioned in this reading, such as the female images on buildings and on stamps or coins, do not play a very big role in the consciousness of modern people. This makes them much more interesting because they can be used in many creative ways to make people think β†’

The last graduation (film)

The movie explores the relevant issues from the introduction of higher education to the prison population to the last graduation from the Marist College program at New York's Greenhaven Prison in 1995. Conclusion:" The Last Graduation," is critical of the rescinded college programs in the prison and advocates for their active continuance.

Computer-based technology in the design process

Electronics Workbench dramatically reduces time-to-market by enabling the development and production of PCBs faster and more accurately than any other board layout system".3. National Instruments." Privacy and Security".

The merchant of venice

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare Portia: A Good Leader in a Crisis In the play, 'The Merchant of Venice, Portia is a vital and important character, because she was involved in all the decisive actions and without her, matters would never have turned out so well in the end. Myself and what is β†’

Corporate governance rules albazie law business

Similarities: In both cases a corporate is required by law to have a memorandum of association and articles of association to govern the interactions of the corporate with its shareholders and its own internal affairs respectively. In both cases, the chairman to the board is not the CEO to the corporate.

Quiz 1

Repeatability Malware A general term used to describe a program or piece of code that is general harmful to the normal use or operation of a computer system. Harsh value A process used to determine that a forensic image is an exact, bit-by-bit copy of the original source media.

People hit family members because they can

This essay explores the issue of violence among family members and why individuals that would not abuse non-family members oftentimes perpetrate it. Ultimately, it's argued that these instances of family abuse occur when it would not occur in public is because of a complex combination of emotional dependence and lack of punishment consequences.

Insurance and emtala act

It is important to complete all notification requirements that the patient's insurance company asks for before he gets admitted in the emergency department because by doing so, the insurance company knows what condition the patient is in and what might be his circumstances in the near future. However, if a patient comes to the hospital β†’