Genuine Essay Examples

Am i blue: alice walker essay sample

The essay is meant to show a different side of animals and show the audience the human-like traits that horses have. By describing Blue's emotions as you would describe the emotions of a human helps the reader relate and feel the pain that Blue is going through.

Your own contemporary utopia

This is a Gay Spiritual Community that seeks to guide and inspire gay identified individuals to life enlightenment as well as to provide humanitarian services to community members. Overall, Ashram West gay spiritual community inspires social change in regard to fostering acceptance of gay people in society.

American indian

THE AMERICAN INDIANS The Native Americans of the United s come from the original residents of the American continent who traversed into North America via the Bering straits of Alaska from north-eastern Asia. With the passing of time and their inclusion in the modern world of the Americans, American Indians or the Native Americans have β†’

Learning activity – ethics

In the event that I find myself in a situation where I have to choose between rescuing a group of six individuals and another group of five, I would choose to rescue the group with six individuals. My choice to save the group of six would be totally unfair to the other group.

La belle epoque 1900-1914

La Belle Epoque 1900-1914 al Affiliation: La Belle Epoque The film on La belle epoque documents the events that took place in Paris between 1871 and 1914 after the end of the end of the France vs. The need and desire for peace and prosperity, desire for new life and unusual things, industrialization, and the β†’

Differentiate between declaration a vindication of the rights of woman

The exclusion of women from the participation in governance and political life may be viewed as contrary to this law, hence a vindication of rights of women. This was in essence a vindication of women rights because they were barred from participating in activities afforded to them by the rights in the Declaration.

Reflection paper

Reflection Paper: Being a Traveller, Not a Tourist Being a Traveller, Not a Tourist The essay is based on the article ed by Philip Caputo and William Least Heat-Moon The article details a conversation about their travelling experiences across America and elsewhere. In their discussion, they try to show how a traveller is better than β†’

Experimental research

of the of the of the Experimental Research Experimental research is exclusive in that it is the sole kind of study that exactly endeavors to leverage a specific variable, and it is the sole kind that, when utilized correctly, can actually check hypotheses regarding the cause-and-effect relationships. First, students are granted a worksheet where an β†’

Baptista minola in the taming of the shrew is a bad father essay

In the play The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare Baptista Minola, the father of the two daughters Kate and Bianca, shows that he is a poor father on several occasions. Lastly, throughout the play we can see that Baptista views Kate as the shrew that he does not care about and Bianca as β†’

Rat pow college essay

I first decided to make a chart because I knew that I needed to keep track of the number of female rats having litters, the number of total rats born, and the number of female rats born that can have litters before the end of the year. Then, to find out the number of females, β†’

Reflection essay on monetary economics

Learning outcomes On completion of this course and having completed the Essential reading and activities, you should be able to: explain and discuss why people hold money and why it is used in the trading process solve macroeconomic models and assess the role and efficacy of monetary policy for various types of models in both β†’

The key features and procedures of polyoxometalates (poms)

In the oil refinery industry, hydrodesulfurization is a conventional procedure to reduce the sulfur content to a level of ~ 500 ppm. In the mentioned process, the sulfur-content compounds are oxidized to sulfuxides and sulfunes in the presence of an appropriate catalyst.

Suicidal tendency among adolescents with adjustment disorder

These three test were applied to evaluate suicidal tendencies and to have a comprehensive representation of the adolescences and their strengths and limitations. According to the study Adolescents that exhibit hopelessness and lack of stability had a higher risk of suicidal indication.

What makes me the individual i am philosophy essay

Young suggested that mental states are the mind and brain states are the more basic functions of the brain, such as chemicals and neurons firing. However, Kron states that if the brain and the mind are the same thing then surely because of evolution there should be the potential of teleportation and this aspect is β†’

No organization can exist in a vacuum

Threats: Those external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business such as the potential entry of a larger player or substitutes for a firm's products. This refers to the ability of customers to bargain with firms for better products and services at cheaper costs.

Training and development issues in multinational companies

Expatriate failure is argued to be the inability of the expatriate to undertake effectively the international assignment, with the consequence of being fired or recalled to home, therefore it is crucial to identify the ways to reduce and eliminate such failures. In the international literature the group of international training that has received more attention β†’

Economic rehabilitation and modernisation in china

The modernizations was to be in the field of industry, agriculture, science and technology, and national defence. The new policies reinforced the authority of economic decision makers and managers at the expense of party officials, and called for expansion of the research and education systems.

Structure and function of cell nucleus

The main role of the nuclear membranes is to act as barriers that discrete the contents of the nucleus from the cytoplasm. Cells stores information in the form of DNA and most of it is found in the nucleus.

Place value

The understand of the new knowledge can happen through using a variety of different materials either concrete or these materials can be the thoughts of the learners and their ideas Why do learners struggle with the place value concept Learners tend to struggle with the concept of place value, as there is a lack of β†’

Critical research appraisal

Problem and Purpose The purpose clearly states that the goal of the study is to prove that IV prochlorperazine with diphenhydramine is superior to subcutaneous sumatriptan in reducing or halting acute migraines among ED patients. The study design itself is a strength and is in accord with the Standards of the Committee of Human Experimentation.

Persuasive essay drivers license

With a lot of outside tutoring and extra practice I managed to get my grades on track and be on the honor role all three years. Slowly I managed to get my act together, bring up my grades and not get involved with the wrong kind of people.

A history of harley davidson commerce essay

The intent of this paper is to explicate about Harley Davidson and how it improved its internal procedures and its providers to remain competitory. And besides it focuses to better the quality of the merchandise continually.

George eliot wrote the novel called silas marner in 1861

He goes to Silas's house and steals the money from beneath the floorboards and walks out into the night. Silas Marner was in the cottage, and had left his door open as he contracted the habit of opening the door and looking out from time to time as though he thought his money might come β†’

Case-study: trap-ease america

I will show the importance of creating and following a proper marketing strategy, and where this company went wrong, Ana now It can Content Once an idea is in place, and a company is ready to start up with a product that has been funded, there are some initial fundamental steps that must be followed β†’

Discourse on the method

Rene Descartes would have responded by making response to the fundamental role of the mathematics as a science in explaining the profound effect upon the existing natural and artificial systems of the world. Galileo on the other hand strives to use his experiments by giving physical examples in deriving the association of the earth and β†’

Descriptive narration about an important event

I felt that it was the starting point and the new page of my life, instead. And finally, we got to the top of the mountain.

How to write a philosophy paper assignment

It is likely that if you cannot state the central thesis of the paper In a clear, crisp, precise sentence, teen you do not really Know yet want you are trying to say. Thus, if you eve done a fair Job of presenting your thesis, offering arguments, offering objections, and replying to those objections, then β†’

Uzawa’s growth theory and the neoclassical growth model essay

The physical capital is produced through consumption goods in the output using human and physical capital while the human capital is produced with physical and human capital in the education sector. In this model, the production of human capital depends only on human capital while the production function of the physical capital is Cobb-Douglas.

What are the positive and negative effects of globalization? essay sample

Globalization is a concept used to describe the changes in society and the economy in the world. From 1980 to now, the extensive development of biotechnology, information technology, and electronics has created the third waves of globalization and narrows the gap between countries in the world Globalization is a development process.


The secondary purpose is to determine which areas regarding the topic should be the focus of further research in order to decrease the uncertainty of the tentative conclusions of the literature review.3. That is, the higher the weight of a person, the higher the number of television hours the person is likely to watch.c.

Sarbanesoxley paper

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act - An Overview To address the concerns of financial scandal in corporate America, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was signed into law President George W. Effect on Internal Controls of Companies In view of the provisions of the SOX, companies covered are required to submit report on their internal controls to ensure β†’


Auld as " a woman of the kindest heart and finest feelings" until she is corrupted by the poison of slavery. Charles Darwin's Natural Selection deals with the significance of natural variations, and the evolution of those variations which are favorable for the survival of the species.

Human resources management (hrm)

Globalization has the effect of making goods and services more efficient as countries are enabled to capitalize on its comparative advantage. In the case cited, the electronic manufacturing of the world's leading electronics and information technology companies has sourced out their products to Foxconn which is based in China because of its cheap labor which β†’


The article identifies human resource and its management as one of the major challenges in the global market because of the nature of human beings and their behavior that depends on their cultural set ups. The two articles therefore identify diversity in human resource as a challenge in the global set up.

Advantages and disadvantages of dota essay

Once the Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos was released on July 3, 2002, Aeon of Strife was ported over to ROC where free of the limitations of the Starcraft map editor, a much more interesting game could be made. Defense of the Ancients Defense of the Ancients is a multiplayer online battle arena mod for β†’

Contrastive analysis essay

Robert Lado states this clearly in his introduction to Linguistics Across Cultures, a book which became a classic guide to this approach: The plan of the book rests on the assumption that we can predict and describe the patterns that will cause difficulty in learning, and those that will not cause difficulty, by comparing systematically β†’

Arab culture essay

Some main aspects about the Arab culture What are the first things that come to your mind when you hear the word " Arab"? Common misconception about the Arab world: Arabs= Homologous mass= SAME religion, language & customs?

Internet problem essay

Internet Problem 1: The Age of the Ocean Floor Age Log-in to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration website and answer the questions below. 3) In the Pacific Ocean, where is the oldest oceanic crust located?

Project scope essay

It is useful to do the functional decomposition in conjunction with a data definition. The process is likely to capture what users expect to see in a system.

D – college essay

This requires the support of the public and the Senate, to ensure the enactment of the bill by the U.S. Prior to the implementation of the lobbying campaign strategy, it will be vital to gather facts that base on the practical experiences of undocumented immigrants in the absence of the law.

Hsm 260 week 4 assignment

The variable costs per meal is $3. The difference between the variable cost per meal and the revenue per meal is 5.

Net present value and discount rate assignment

What is the net present value of a project with the following cash flows if the discount rate is 14 percent? [pic] A.-$3, 140.43 B.-$929.90 C.$247. The sound equipment is expected to increase the cash flows by $45, 000 in the first year, $92, 400 in the second year, and $40, 000 a year for β†’

Shanghai: ethics and business assignment

I think that it is so important to cultivate guanxi and guanxiwang in China because both of guanxi and guanxiwang are essential to business in China. Guanxi refers to the business connections that are so important to companies doing business in China.

The labour ordinance of sabah law employment essay

Under the Common Law, since all employees in the UK works under a contract of employment with their employer, the common law forms the legal basis of the employer/employee relationship. While maybe an agency worker not be an employee of either the employment business or the hirer, some case law has establish that in few β†’

Commentary: cross-cultural comparison of self-construal and well-being between japan and south korea: the role of self-focused and other-focused relational selves

According to the authors, the self-focused relational self is a form of self-other interacting self which values other's impression and opinion of the self, but from the point of view of the self. In this case, this individual could place the self at a position of lower importance relative to other in comparison to the β†’

The service recovery model marketing essay

According to Zeithaml and Bitner, " Service recovery refers to the actions taken by an organization or service supplier in response to a service failure". With the increase in competition and the effect of macro factors on the airline industry British Airways took a step to make its service delivery better.

Tpm in japan industry management essay

In order to implement a successful TPM structure of the firms need to be studied.unacceptable organization structure can guide to the failure of TPM implementation. 6 TPM and Autonomous Maintenance Autonomous maintenance is the procedure in which operators recognize and share responsibility within maintenance area to check the performance of the equipment.

Effectiveness of the e recruitment process commerce essay

This research looks at the relationship of implemented e-recruitment and the effectiveness of the result in attracting employees. 5 Limitation of the Study The sample of this research is 100 staff in the Administration Department who is working at the private sector at Petronas in order to examine the factors and effectiveness of e-recruitment in β†’

Andy warhol a contributor to pop art

Andy Warhol was a contributor to the Pop art movement of the 1950s. This is how Andy Warhol was a contributor to Photography and Pop Art.

Political asylum outline

Political Asylum Purpose: To explain the concept of political asylum and give examples of cases.I. Universal Declaration of Human Rights: " Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution...this right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non political crimes.."..2.

Bob marley: life and contributions to the world

In Catch a Fire, by Timothy White, the author tells all about the life of Bob Marley, his contributions to the music industry and to culture. A couple of the first songs of this type were " Stir it Up", and " Back out", which Bob and the Wailers referred to as " rude boy β†’

Truman doctrine assignment

Stalin himself denied Marshall aid for the Soviet Logion and was now seeking to make sure that the Soviets maintained a strong influence with in the Eastern Bloc. It was used as an instrument to increase Stalin' control over the Communist parties of other countries.

Conflict resolution and governance in nepal assignment

The reason for publishing the proceedings of both seminars in a single volume is to provide an insight into the years of multi party rule in Nepal following the 1990 mass movement for the restoration of democracy; the failure of the new leadership to provide accountable governance; the sheer frustration of the people as a β†’

Strategic marketing – case o f sa sa assignment

Analysis of the industry To have a glance at Sa Sa's current situation, first attention should be paid to the attractiveness of the retail beauty industry in major market, Hong Kong and China. And also, Sa Sa can cross-sell the members with her beauty service in order to prolong customers' life-time value.h.

Pro’s and con’s of plastic surgery in america assignment

Plastic surgery is often " performed solely to improve appearance in otherwise healthy persons." During plastic surgery an individual's nose can be reconstructed, extra skin can be removed from any part of the body, fat can be eliminated from the abdomen and hips, even the size of the ears can be reduced. Since there are β†’

Sport marketing assignment

Perhaps the biggest influence in a youth is that of their parents, because they are the ones to start the little kids at the sport and encourage them to stick with what they love. This type of influence could perhaps be the strongest because if a person can not afford a certain sport than how β†’

ο»Ώmultiple choices essay sample

Which of the following statements regarding the self-assessment process is incorrect? a. Classification of Risks is limited to the following types: Operational, Financial, Compliance, and Strategic.a.

3g wireless communication technology essay sample

In anticipation of the growing consumer demands, the next generation of wireless systems endeavours to provide person-to-person communication of the circuit and packet multimedia data. In anticipation of the growing consumer demands, the next generation of wireless systems endeavours to provide person-to-person communication of the circuit and packet multimedia data.

Employee interview process and background checks essay sample

The new hire interview process is not only for the purpose of the organization's determination as to the candidate's fit for the position this process is also for the candidate's benefit. Other preparation imperative to the interview is a thorough review of the applicant's resume and/or application so that a familiarity can be established with β†’

Into the world essay sample

This transition can be seen in Steven Daldry's, " Billy Elliot", as it shows the experiences of individuals ' moving into the world' and how it is through their determination that enables each character to begin their transition. This shows the transition of the shooting kid entering a new world due to the external influences β†’

Art history

The 16th Century in Northern Europe and Spain lbrecht D rer, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, woodcut a. The painting is woodcut the relief images are cut onto the surface of the wood.


Department of Economics Premier League Is it the case that economic prosperity leads to sporting success or is it sportingly success that leads to economic prosperity?" The dominance of the big four" An empirical study Contents 1 Introduction3 2 The English Premier League 5 2. 1 Figure 1: The Performance of the big four6 2.

Ethics in psychology on 3 famous experiments listed below

Example of such experiments include, but not limited to; the Milgram Obedience Experiment, the Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes Experiment, and the Little Albert Experiment. APA asserts that psychological experiments should safeguard both the physical and psychological welfare of participants, thus the resultant phobia in Wanton's experiment was an outright violation of APA's ethical guidelines.

Lightner witmer founder of the school of psychology

This article, which was entitled The Organization of Practical work in Psychology, was one of the highlights of Witmer's career as it enlightened both the public and his colleagues of the work he was intending to do in the field. The article was based on the events that occurred in the process of him founding β†’

Indian education

The present education system in India is divided into four major categories; primary education, secondary education, senior secondary education and higher education. The quality of education in private sector is better in India compared to that in the public sector.

Darling v charleston community memorial hospital

Darling v Charleston Community Memorial Hospital The plaintiff, Darling, a girl sued Charleston Community Memorial hospital for negligence that led to amputation of her right leg. They argued that suing them was in appropriate since it was the doctor who committed the offence of negligence, and not the hospital.

History of the israel-palestinian conflict

The conflict started before WWI, and it can be traced back during the First Aliya which was the wave of migration of the Zionist Jews in Palestine. The conflict made the two countries more suspicious of each other since the British wanted to control the region under disagreement.


Leaders have the capability to be flexible in problem solving, intuition and possess the quality of curiosity to the drive the growth and success of organization. The beneficiary factor of this system is that it can motivate employees for the benefit of organization.

Nature vs nurture and freedom really free

Nature versus Nurture and Freedom really free Nature versus Nurture Nature versus nurture is a debate that involves the significance of individuals intrinsic qualities, compared to the individuals experiences in determining the causes of different individual behavioral and physical traits Positive facts The nature component greatly can be related to the need for parental guidance β†’

Douglass, frederick, 1817-1895. narrative of the life of frederick douglass, an american slave

In the 1800s and early 1900s, slavery was booming in the southern part of the Americas and slave trade was an active form of economic activity. In the course of experiencing servitude, Douglass moves from one slave master to another and in between these traversals, he tries to obtain some form of knowledge in the β†’

Sustainablity in maintaining a competitive advantage essay

The strategic prima procedure is an effectual foundation that assists in puting the gait in the right way while cognizing what to make next; and it improves the interaction and part within the organisation which introduces the opportunity to accommodate and absorb new penetrations of how to organize and do sense of the relationships. Therefore, β†’

Evaluation of the main research article health and social care essay

2 Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify the proposition regarding pressure relieving mattresses leading to the reduction of pressure ulcerations and whether this is a valid and reliable statement of truth, potentially leading to better patient outcomes. The research concluding that that although their remained the risk of gaining a pressure ulcer β†’

Emergency and critical care medicine: an essential component of all specialties and practices

Likened to two specialties joined as one, in a continuum of care and in a partnership working with other specialties, veterinary emergency and critical care focuses on the immediate needs of a severely ill or injured animal and also on management of the critical medical and surgical patient beyond the primary problem. I also will β†’

Understanding the personality of athletes psychology essay

This could relate to a quote by Paul Harris, which states, ' Personality has power to uplift, power to depress, power to curse, and power to bless.' Understanding the personality of athletes also prove to be beneficial to achieve a greater achievement and success in their range of sports participation. Understanding the personality of athletes β†’

Price waterhouse coopers (pwc) assurance operating functions

The structure of the department was designed in a way that the staff from the lower ranks report to their seniors or managers of the next rank. The discoveries about fraud in Lehman Brothers, as well as in the organisations locally, namely Singapore Land Authority, Singapore Red Cross Society, and M1 Limited, have casted doubts β†’

Polynomial matrix decompositions

One of the pioneering contributions is the increasingly higher data rates achievable through the use of multiple-input multiple output channels. These blocks allow a MIMO channel matrix to solve a host of special multicarrier problems using the orthogonal property of the system.

Creating a common market for labour economics essay

Hence from comparing of Poland and Sweden we have been able see that marginal value of productivity will be more in the wealthier nation, the wages will be higher and when the market for labour opens the tendency will be for workers to move from the low wage to the high wage economy. When the β†’

Corus strip products uk’s change management

The term business environment implies those external forces, factors and institutions that are beyond the control of individual business organisations and their management and affect the business enterprise. Drivers are something like barriers which are affecting to the business and we must need to change in the organisation to continue running business is good situation β†’

Role of psychology in human resources management

Gilbreth gave the following definition of the Psychology of Management: The Psychology of Management means the effect of the mind that is directing work upon that work which is directed, and the effect of this undirected and directed work upon the mind of the worker. Studying the psychology of management, we study the psychology of β†’

Alternative dispute resolution

The essential fact about ADR is that the resolution takes place outside the court possibly through the following processes arbitration, meditation, early neutral assessment, and conciliation. While arbitration, though normally voluntary, a third party is still engaged and it is in the person of a private judge who imposes a resolution.

Information technology act paper

According to Arrivals, " The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, commonly referred to as HAIFA, is federal legislation that mandates extensive requirements for group health insurance plans and medical providers. This act was established with the intention of protecting health insurance to employees and their families who change or lose their Jobs.

Environmental issues

On October 31, 2011, the seven billionth people of the world was born in the Philippines, rapid population growth in developing countries, the disparity between the rich and the poor, inadequate allocation of resources and other issues need our attention again. The Third World is particularly problematic; Robert Malthus believed that grain growth cannot be β†’

Argumentative essay

High School students should be able to choose the core classes they will need to take based on what they want to be when they grow up, however the schools could decide what grade the students would be allowed to do this in. In conclusion, I do believe that students should be taught life lessons β†’

Year round schooling

Well I do, because if you do not have year round schooling, you might forget all of the stuff that you just learned! You might even have a break every 5 weeks which would be cool because you will be able to have more fun, kids will get an extended winter break!

Computer operator essay sample

SPOOLING CHECK -A computer operator was in a hurry and accidentally used the wrong master file to process a transaction file. A TRANSACTION LOG IS A TEMPORARY FILE -Input controls include all of the following except SPOOLING CHECK -When auditors do not rely on a detailed knowledge of the application's internal logic, they are performing β†’

International business essay sample

Polycentric approach: it is the recruiting of host country nationals to manage subsidiaries in their own country, and parent country nationals for positions at headquarters, it is more suitable for a firm with localization strategy. Among the three staffing policies, geocentric approach seems to be the most attractive for MNCs as it is suitable for β†’

Define jcaho

JCAHO Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations is a non-governmental organization. The commission rebranded in 2007 and acquired a simpler name The Joint Commission.

Health science: bioterrorism preparedness

The first bioterrorism related survey by HSPH project that was conducted in the midst of the anthrax attacks in the US in October 2001, and that was involved in following the letters and the preparedness that the public had in this attacks proved that the preparedness in such bioterrorism attack is wanting and much needs β†’

Eminent domain

What is important is the interpretation of the law needs to be just and the end use of the acquired land needs to be for just purposes. When the State Government delegates the power to their political subdivisions, such as cities and counties, the chances of misuse of eminent domain is real.

The representations of dionysian in bacchae and art essay

The Representations of Dionysian World In Bacchae and Art Dionysus was the son of Zeus, the king of the gods, and Semele, the daughter of King Cadmus of Thebes, and he was the last god that became an Olympian. In order to construct the figure of Dionysus better by taking his different characteristics into consideration β†’

Impact of globalisation on biodiversity environmental sciences essay

The impression of globalizing the universe comprises of upgrading and furthering of all the sectors and domains of economic system. It is the entirety of cistrons, species and ecosystems together lending to the biotic and abiotic factors of the planet.

The medication and prescribing errors health and social care essay

Medication errors were found to be the second commonest cause of patient safety incidents, accounting for 11% of reported incidents, and prescribing errors were one of the most commonly found medication errors. Although higher frequency of administration errors was found when compared to prescribing errors, it is worth to be aware of that prescribing errors β†’

The history of solid and hazardous waste environmental sciences essay

Despite the massive amount and complexity of waste produced, the standards of waste management in Malaysia are still in the lower level. The burning of waste will contribute to the pollution of air, water and soil.

Good example of essay on homework 9

In 1956, the Schwansbell Bridge became the first vehicular bridge made of aluminum in Continental Europe. Aluminum was used in this vehicular bridge because of a number of reasons.

Development of an entrenched constitution

In this case the entrenchment of certain clauses within a constitution may be Justified due to the individual provenance of a state thus possibly undermining the critique that cementing certain clauses prevents organic evolution of a state's political system. For example the first 12 amendments to be made to the Constitution of the United States β†’

Media essays – media fiction fact

By using various images and sounds the media is able to influence the public's reaction to legal issues, and convince the public to accept the media's distorted perspective. The aim of this paper therefore, will be to explore the relationship between the media and the law, and examine the ways in which the media distorts β†’