Genuine Essay Examples

The economic and financial crisis economics essay

The economic and financial crisis that sweep across Europe since the turn of the decade raise the questions about how the future of European integration would look like and to what extent does the crisis affect the ambition for achieving political union in a continent that during first half of the 20th century staged two β†’

The happy organization: what it stands for and what it hopes to acquire

The " Healthy Adults Persevere and Prevail from preparing during their Youth Project" is centering on supporting mental, emotional and physical healthy lifestyle among the underserved youths to assist them and their communities in making healthy life and food choices by supporting the nutrition policies, building leadership skills, empowerment through workshops and internships, teaching coping β†’

Impacts of terrorism on sporting events

While the threat of terror attacks is one that we see on a regular basis, the fact that large scale events such as the FIFA World Cup draw thousands of spectators to one confined area means that terror attacks and the threat thereof should be addressed as part of the risk assessment for the event. β†’

Response to alexis de tocqueville’s democracy in america

He believed that this created a false reality for their people as they believed they could emulate the lives of the people they looked up to but it was often untrue and misleading. Alexis de Tocqueville was not completely against the ideas and actions of the democracy in America though, he just believed it was β†’

Socratic irony is a technique philosophy essay

Socrates would pretend to be ignorant of the topic under discussion, to draw out the flaws in the arguments of his opponents. It is a genuine interest in the pursuit of knowledge, and is at the core the driving force of my curiosity.

Alcohol withdrawal protocol for hospitals

Alcoholism and the Common Presence of Psychological Harm that comes with it At the point when alcohol is misused more than a time of time, the danger of mental harm to the consumer increments. It is essential that individuals have the capacity to distinguish indications of alcohol abuse and alcohol withdrawal, climate for themselves, a β†’

Corporate communication activities and tools marketing essay

Lately their has emerged a strategic view of communicating corporate identity laying a path of evolution from corporate image, to corporate identity and most lately to corporate brand.3. Therefore a corporate social responsibility programme is one of the ways in which communication achieves corporate identity and image.

Potential market anaysis for innocent smoothies

Innocent's product portfolio has been recently expanded to almost 40 different product selections and thus the company's success over the competition is the natural ingredients that is used in its products and also its aspiration to conserve the nature in its products for the end user. Hence a strong marketing communication message is crucial to β†’

African american soldiers during the civil war history essay

The American Civil War also known as the War between States was the important step on the way to American independence and prosperity that we can see today. The history of the Civil War remembers the most depraved know example of abuse for black soldiers: at the Fort Pillow Confederate soldiers were shooting to death β†’

Use of electronic communication devices education essay

However, despite the authors writing skills and essential to meet the requirements of todays life, the pattern of teaching and learning provided in schools with low leading to the achievement of these goals. Development of information technology can change students' perception of the use of the Internet for teaching and learning in the classroom.

Genetic status of golden lion tamarin (glt)

Secondly, the observed heterozygosity H o among the individuals is high which shows that there is a lot of genetic variability in the population. In terms of genetic variance, the populations from the four different zoos are assessed below: Zoo one have a low MK, high effective allelic diversity A e, high average observed heterozygosity β†’

Scrutinising the theatrical effects used by jb priestly

B Priestly sets the play in the fictional city of Brumley in the year of 1912. It is quite obvious to see that the " obligatory scene" is a key main in the composure of a well-made play.

Information technology and developments

In the world of banking, the developments in information technology have had an enormous effect in development of more flexible payment methods and more user-friendly banking services. Online banking and electronic payment systems are new, and the development and diffusion of these technologies by financial institutions is expected to result in a more efficient banking β†’

Famous shakessphere plays

From Othello to Julius Caesar to Macbeth there is deception in all of his plays. The consequences of this deception is that Desdemona dies and Othello kills himself.

Hypocrisy, loss of innocence, and symbolism

In Harper Lee's novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, there are themes of hypocrisy, loss of innocence, and symbolism. Overall, Harper Lee portrays the themes of hypocrisy, loss of innocence, and symbolism in To Kill a Mockingbird.

Intro to criminal justice paper assignment

The police arrest or provide a ticket with a court date which the offender has to attend, and from there the court determines whether or not that offender should be sentenced to Jail or prison time or not. I believe a person should be assumed innocent until proven guilty not the other way around.

Credit appraisal assignment

3 Basic Situation Accounting for Risk Aspects Approaches to the Segmentation of Credit Approval Processes Object of Review and Exposure Management Overview of the Credit Approval Process Integration of Sales and IT in the Process Design Process Steps Leading up to the Credit Review.3. The guideline is structured as follows: Chapter 2 shows separate components β†’

Forms of social control essay sample

In the article, The Social-Control Theory in American History: a Critique by William A. A, THE SOCIAL-CONTROL THEORY IN AMERICAN HISTORY: A CRITIQUE.

Bugusa, inc. worksheet essay sample

In this case, Sally may have a successful case against Bugusa, INC.for the negligence and strict liability torts. The strict liability torts is supported by the failure of BUGusa, issue a recall on the defective product.

The family homes protection act essay sample

The family home protection Act, 1976 was prompted as a result of a report published in 1972 by the commission on the Status of Women, the purpose of the act was to prevent one spouse, in whose sole name the family home was vested, from dealing with the property without the knowledge and/or the consent β†’

Program change application

With this understanding, I believe that the passion I have in financial sector supplemented by a study in Master of Science in Finance will help me meet both my career and professional goals. I believe that the backbone of every organization is its financial security, and this further motivated me to change my course.

Politics of war extra

Politics of War: War of 1812 The participants in the War of 1812 are the United s of America on one side and the British Empire on the other. The United States was composed of the different states signatories to the union, and the British Empire was allied with its Northern territories in Canada and β†’

Langston hughes’ poem

In " Rivers, " Hughes claimed this legacy-vocabulary of place encompassing " downriver, " the term for all the dreaded places in the lower South to which slaves were sold off, " the riverside, " one of the relative safe havens and sites of resistance within the domain of the plantation itself, and " over β†’

Health record structures in computer-driven formats

Health Record Structures in Computer-Driven Formats Health Record Structures in Computer-Driven Formats I selected health record structures in computer-driven formats as my information system structures. Health record structures in computer-driven formats are information system structures that enable hospitals and healthcare facilities to achieve efficiency and ease of recovery, availability of data, storage, payments, and use β†’

The antiquity of the american concept of evidence

Even though the rules of evidence is deeply rooted in English ancient common law, current historical scholars have discovered that the growth of the firmly exclusionary attributes that distinguish contemporary evidence principle occurred alongside the development in the 18th century of the ' adversary mode of trial', instead of the development of the jury hundreds β†’

Exploiting the native americans

Besides the English, the French and the Dutch shared a common goal of establishing colonies in the land primarily inhabited by indigenous people whose way of living significantly differed from the lifestyle and economy of the people of Europe. Retrieved from on April 8, 2012".

The quota system

Details: Due The Quota System The clamor for equity in the participation of both the male and female genders in politics is full of intrigues. Some of the reforms that have led to the increase in the number of females participating in politics include the meritocratic and the affirmative models as well as the structural β†’

Hispanic last names

Let's look at a sample name: Balbastro Ajuntas Berrera Maria Balbastro Ajuntas is the woman's real name referred to as ' Nombre.' Ajuntas is part of her first name, not her middle name. It is not only her last name but it completes her last name.

Dr.ambedkar social reform essay

In our social and economic life, we will by reason of our social and economic structure continue to deny the principle of one-man one value. In that sense, it is rampant in all classes and is not confined to the Brahmins alone, though they have been the originators of it." " Hinduism is not interested β†’

The complexities of relationship theology religion essay

Marriage was so sacred in antiquity that one had to be given a written paper of divorce in order to be relieved of one ' s duty to the matrimony. These are so of import, and convey the type of experiential value to a matrimony that allows one non to concentrate on the struggle, but β†’

Thirteen reasons why: personal response

Reading this book was a moving and very emotional experience for me, being able to connect and heavily relate to the feelings and emotions of the two main characters helped me to understand every word I was reading. I think the chain of tapes, forcing being sent from one person on the list to the β†’

Sissela bok on lying and moral choice in private and public life

In Sissela Bok's " Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life," the philosopher examines the behaviour of lying and deception in public and private life. For Bok, it is normally inexcusable for public officials to deceive the public for " their own good," yet she argues that in situations where the public receives a β†’

A breakdown of the affordable care act

The source explains how the ACA works, what it does for the people, and how the insurance market will work for those utilizing the ACA. Although the ACA is not a law for socialized medicine, it is the closest thing in the United States.

Coping with the effects of rural poverty sociology essay

Thus, regarding research questions, the researcher may pose several inquiries related to the symbolic power in the community and the symbolism related to being poor in the community. The value and meaning of living in a rural community must be elucidated; thus, ideas related to symbolic interaction would also be employed to enhance understanding.

The apa code of ethics

Psychologists are committed to increasing scientific and professional knowledge of behavior and people's understanding of themselves and others and to the use of such knowledge to improve the condition of individuals, organizations and society. A Psychologist should get inform consent when doing research, assessment, and therapy, to protect the right and privacy of those they β†’

Emergency assessment and management of diabetic ketoacidosis

DKA is developed in the body due to depletion of water r and electrolytes from both the intra and extra cellular fluid compartments. Also it is very important to check the weigh of the patient.

Epidemiology in disease control and prevention

Obesity in our community can be viewed from a macro-level, secondary to the multiple risk factors, including socioeconomic status, education and existing medical conditions. Understanding epidemiology is important to community health nursing as this information can assist the nurse in focusing on disease prevention and education for at risk populations.

Potential applications of nanotechnology in maritime environment

The potential applications of nanotechnology in various aspects of the marine environment are discussed in this chapter. The photograph of water and oil droplets on nanoparticle modified coating is shown in the figure and is clear that the water and oil droplets are unable to wet the coated surface.[6] 13.

The implications of the greek referendum’s outcome

This paper will examine the social welfare and economic implications of the recent 2015 referendum on Greek bailout conditions offered by the ECB and IMF, starting with and examination of the history behind the crisis, the resulting series of financial bailouts along with the conditions imposed and their economic and social welfare ramifications, and the β†’

The concept of the term redneck

The redneck word had been referred to as the supporters of the National Covenant, and the Solemn League and Covenant which can be also called the " Covenanters". In 1910, the use of the term redneck had been associated to the gradual disenfranchisement of the Southern lower class for both the black and the white.

Managerial economics case study essay adecco

Opportunism and Trust Between the parties of exchanging, the asymmetric information is arising because of the seller will have more information than the buyer, this can lead the seller have more advantage in the dealing. For the new market our client entered, most of the time they will use the contract staffing to reduce the β†’

History of coffee

The earliest evidence available that suggests the drinking of coffee comes from Sufi monasteries in Yemen during the 15th century and had reached the rest of the Middle East, North Africa, Persia, and Turkey in the 16th century. It then proceeded by spreading to the Balkans, Italy, and the rest of Europe, Indonesia, and then β†’

Senior speak their joys and pains assignment

Lastly, Is the iratest Joy of being a student because It Is when we graduate that we return our gratitude to the school and promise that we will not lose what we she has Instilled In us. Lastly, GRADUATING is the greatest Joy of being a student because it is when we graduate that we β†’

Response to the gettysburg address assignment

Even though the " The Gettysburg Address" has brought me to the pathos mode of persuasion because some of the things that Abraham talks about in the address, we strive as a nation to continue to better and build off of as a country. But now in this age of time there's no problem in β†’

Is human evolution is gradual or punctuated? essay

The liquid from the tubings that received RNase, peptidase, lipase, and the carbohydrate-digesting enzymes was still able to transform the R strain of pneumonia into the S strain. What is the function of RNA in DNA reproduction?

Pizza hut essay sample

1)BACKGROUND OF PIZZA HUT History: The idea of Pizza Hut was originated in the year 1958 by two college students from Wichita and Kansas, whom were approached by a family friend with the idea of opening a pizza parlour; though the idea was relatively new to most of the Americans at that time but surely β†’

Presentation on propaganda

In addition, DEFINITION: According to the American Heritage Dictionary propaganda is " The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause" H EFFECTS OF PROPAGANDA." Bad names have played a tremendously powerful role in the history of the world and β†’

Achievement motivation / newborn’s sensory and motor ability

Insert Question Section A: List of Characteristics of People Who Have High Achievement Motivation Generally, people who have high achievement motivation: Are skilled Prefer moderate challenges Use personal rewards Rely on relevant feedback Use problem-solving skills And have strong interpersonal skills Section B: List of Some Parenting Characteristics That Are Important in the Development of β†’

Development as transformation of participation in cultural activities, from the cultural nature of human development, by barbara rogoff

Other Development as Transformation of Participation in Cultural Activities The chapter titled " Development as Transformation of Participation in Cultural Activities" in the book " The Cultural Nature of Human Development", by Barbara Rogoff primarily focuses on the relationship between individual development and the various psycho-cultural processes. According to the cultural historical theory, human development β†’


As a result, the interpretations can be used to offer insights into the performances of the business, aid in informed decisions for the management and as well guide in establishment of future business plans. The organization of data in the spreadsheet also enhances clarity and neatness of the records, making access and retrieval easy and β†’

Transformational leadership

Transformational Leadership Total Number of Words: 325 Q What are the key attributes of the transformational style of leadership? Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership.

Comparing terrorism groups to toc groups

However, the terrorist groups and transnational organized crime groups are both illegal and unconstitutional groups that do not attract open support from any country or state in the world. However, in the smuggling of weapons and human trafficking, the two groups often liaise to define the similarities of their ambitions.

Accounting information and decision making

Accounting Information and Decision Making Question The main financial ments are the income ment, the cash flow statement, the balance sheet and the owner's equity statement. The cash flow statement is an indicator of the source of cash used in the daily routines of a business and its uses.

Why sox and pcaob came into existence

One of the implications is that auditors of public companies are required to issue three opinions; an opinion on management's assessment of internal controls over financial reporting, a view on whether the financial statements are presented fairly and their own appraisal about the efficiency of internal controls over financial reporting. SOX and PCAOB have recognized β†’

Fransoo and wouters bullwhip effect with further theories essay

Fransoo and Wouters discussed that the effects of bullwhip defined the variableness of the demand that increases farther upstream in the supply concatenation, and concluded that the theory of measuring of the bullwhip consequence in a practical scene had received limited attending. Lee et Al.discussed the happening of factors that causes the bullwhip consequence besides β†’

Maintaining ethical standards argumentative essay

Another suggestion would for the couple to sit down with the grandparents and without throwing their sexuality in their faces, simply explain to them, that even though they are gay, they are capable of being good parents. For their safety from the neighbors and others that are interfering with them, I would suggest that they β†’

Oscar triplett case analysis

She claimed that she had seen him before she reached the top of the hill and that he had opened the cellar door before Statesman reached the top of the hill. Temple asking him for help with loading the magazines; in the statement he gave at the inquest he claimed that had to show her β†’

Cultural analysis – taiwan

Also known as the Republic of China, it is the place where the ROC settled after losing control of mainland China to the People's Republic of China. Is religious culture a factor in negotiation: a cross-cultural comparison of Iran, Taiwan and the United States.

Byzantine art critical thinking sample

Byzantine art is a general name which is used to describe the artistic products which come from the Eastern Roman Empire, which is sometimes known as the Byzantine, as well those which come from the nations and states which were culturally inherited from the empire. The element of the Hiberno-Saxon style was applied to a β†’

The truth of adolph hitlers mysterious death history essay

After the experience from World War 1, in 1919, Hitler joined the precursor of the Nazi Party and in 1921, became the leader of NSDAP. Newsreels of Hitler show he had tremors in his hand and a shuffling walk which began before the war and continued to worsen until the end of his life.

Progression in the learning of addition and subtraction education essay

This assignment will look into the progression in the teaching and learning of addition and subtraction from nursery to year 4 considering the " understanding diagram", models for addition and subtraction, oral/mental and written methods, resources used, learning facts and the using and applying/problem solving method. During these activities it is also important for the β†’

Professional learning communities what they mean to teachers education essay

It is highly likely that the professionalization of teaching in the U.S.had a great deal to do with the emergence of a standard method of teacher development, including the creation of formal PLCs. It is natural to draw the likely connection between the professionalization of nursing and the professionalization of teaching, both of which were β†’

Life in the iron mills

Life in the Iron Mills takes readers down, into the thickest of the fog and mud and foul effluvia to describe the social unrest in American society. The author pays a particular attention to the description of the territory her cousin works in.

Definitions: imply that power is legitimate and

In simple words, it can be said that authority refers to power which is regarded as legitimate in the minds of followers. Weber's notion of authority does not imply that power is legitimate and that illegitimate power plays no role in society." Weber only argued that legitimacy is a general condition for the most effective β†’

The american family institution

It goes without saying that if a person was asked today to define the most original demographic feature that has occurred in the past three decades, it would be the changes that have occurred in both households and families in all sections of the American society. Every facet of the American family has changed, including β†’

Stellarium assignment

We already know that because the information at the top left of the screen does not show a label, but just to be sure, do the following: Move the cursor to the left edge of the Stellarium window to open the left menu, and select " Sky and Viewing Options Menu". Make sure that the β†’

An introduction to evangelism and discipleship assignment

No credit will be given if the presentation is confusing to the person as to what is the the Gospel and what is not. Each group will abide by the rules and responsibilities of Company 3.

The tragedy of king lear assignment

He tests his daughters by demanding them to proclaim their love for him, with the intentions of awarding the daughter who displays her love to him the best with the largest share of his kingdom. As the plot of King Lear and his daughters begins to develop in the opening scene, we are simultaneously introduced β†’

Ph levels lab assignment

Then take the pH meter and test the pH level of the new mixture and record it in your Antacid-Soda Solution data sheet. Finally add 1 Mol more of the lemon juice to the milk, mix it thoroughly and record the new pH level.

Student loan debt assignment

Without receiving a scholarship or financial aid it is virtually impossible for students to attend college without the Seibel outcome of being drowned in a large amount of student loan debt. Because of the money issue with college, some students do not get to become better educated as well.

Evolution of public relation assignment

Augustine was a professor of rhetoric in Milan, he delivered the regular eulogies to the emperor and was the closest thing to a minister of propaganda for the imperial court. His accomplishments include the founding of the American museum and the establishment of the Barnum and Baileys circus.

Teen pregnancy and sex education assignment

Teen Pregnancy and sex Education The consensus is that sex education is necessary for pre-teen and teenagers to receive information about their bodies, reduce the risk of pregnancy, and disease. Many states have mandates on the curriculum of sex education and what grades to present the information to the students.

Thomas jefferson’s government essay

Jefferson the Physical ManAs Ellis begins his book, the retells the tale of Jefferson arriving in Philadelphia for the series of meetings that would eventually give birth to the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution. In the terminology of today, Jefferson's governmental philosophy would be described as minimalist; in other works, Thomas Jefferson was β†’

Parrot deaths: rite of passage by john kinsella essay sample

The poem ' Parrot Deaths: Rite of Passage' written by John Kinsella highlights the internal struggle the speaker is experiencing through the death of the parrots. In the first stanza, the parrots are described as possessing orange hearts, which gives the impression of success and a sense of fascination with the parrots.

Mang inasal essay sample

The study will conduct analysis of opportunities and trends in franchising Mang Inasal to be able forecast the profit of the business. Other objective is to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the company.

Cultural assessment (m4c)

In the present study, which analyzed the breastfeeding practices in Australia and Iran, the duration and exclusive breastfeeding rate varied between the two countries. Despite the high initiation rate for breastfeeding in Australia, the breastfeeding duration and the exclusive breastfeeding rates at 3 and 6 months of age was found to be lower compared to β†’

Electoral college

The Electoral College is an illustration of an indirect election, unlike the popular vote as the measure for electing the president. Furthermore, the Electoral College has survived and is still flourishing for over a period of 200 years in electing the president and other government officials.

Jet blue

The expertise of JetBlue's manager contributed largely to the success of the airline company. It is also the concern of the entrepreneur to raise sufficient capital; and to promote its products and services.

Sustainable commercial buildings

Name of the Building and locationSustainability factorsBeddington Zero Energy Development UKBeaufort Court renewable energy center zero emissions buildingKings Langley, UKMEC - Mountain Equipment Co-opMontreal, QuebecTOHU, la Cite des arts du cirque / Circus ArtsMontreal, QuebecGovernment of Canada BuildingYellowknife, Northwest TerritoriesEnergy EfficiencyExtensive insulation used over walls, roofs, and floors; Natural ventilation with heat recovery from roof β†’

Transferring for better opportunities

As a foreign student, there are greater limitations to the accomplishment of the things I like to do in a bigger college so I believe Tufts University would be the perfect school I can go to. With all these said, I look forward to working with Tufts University in the pursuit of an excellent life.

Problems confronted by cyclermate commerce essay

They both were the portion of the local nine of rhythm touring and because of that, they both became good friends and as a consequence decided to get down Cyclermate which was a bike fabrication company that was laid down in the twelvemonth 1988. The main map of this study is to analyze how the β†’

Puritans and transcendentalists essay

Also, Puritans believed that each person should be converted to their religion and they are all individually responsible to God. Transcendentalists believed that direct relationships to God were possible and they could communicate to God through prayer and not through a priest or pastor.10.

Crito 2 – college essay

He has thoroughly justified his own decision to obey the opinions of the majority and serve out the sentence that his own city has deemed appropriate for his crimes. In establishing basic questions of these two concepts, Socrates has precluded his own circumstance and attempted to prove to his companion Crito, that the choice that β†’

Product functionality versus product design essay

It is on this basis thatI believethe design of the product as opposed to the function ought to be given the most priority in marketing. Butterworth-Heinemann Kotler, P 2009.

The history of the bourdieus sociology sociology essay

Social capital is one of the forms of capital mentioned by Bourdieu in his theories. In addition to these, he argues that cultural capital is institutionalised, which refers to the educational background of a person.

Social factors that influence interpersonal attraction

In fact, an important factor of interpersonal attraction is someone's personal characteristics that they possess, which is seen as attractive to the viewer. It has been seen that proximity is a powerful liking determinant, on the other hand, it may be due to similarity instead of proximity, which is the primary factor in the formation β†’

Interference and remembering words in short term memory

Afterwards the result clearly shows that the participants' long-term memory was not affected as they were able to recall the first words from the list, while on the other hand differences occurred when recalling the words at the end of the list. A timer was used in order to control the length of time participants β†’

Autism from theories to learning

1 " Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain, impacting development in the areas of social interaction and communication skills". 12 Child with autism has difficulty to understand others thoughts β†’

A comparison of machiavelli and hobbes politics essay

Francis Bacon was one of the leading figures in natural philosophy and in the field of scientific methodology in the period of transition from the Renaissance to the early modern era. Bacon was grateful to Machiavelli for his frank appraisal of the shadow side of human nature in politics: " We are beholden to Machiavelli, β†’

Patient organizations in health care system in indonesia nursing essay

On the contrary, in the developing countries, the patient is considered as the object of the system. The central question of this paper is " What has been the role and to extent the influence of patient organizations in the health care system in Indonesia?".

Writing a personal career plan

From the skills I have learn in college I will be prepare to jump into the marketing world, my goal is to obtain a career that I will enjoy; I would like to go become a product/brand manager. I will be in charge of the advertisement, marketing research and distribution.

Blue dart express limited management essay

In its first decade since its inception in 1983, Blue Dart became the dominant player in the courier industry and in the next decade it surpassed all the competition and became South Asia's premier number one express company in air and integrated transportation, distribution and logistics. The company was established with a vision to be β†’

Why african metallurgy is important history essay

In the past, some of the metals in Africa were exploited which then resulted in the rise of some of the most ' impressive indigenous African states, while others have been utilized only recently, as participants in the modernization and industrialization of a handful of countries at the southern end of the continent'. It was β†’

Japanese-american internment camps

It all started during the World War 2, where President Franklin Roosevelt established his order 9066 all across America which quotes, " Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, I hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of β†’

Should steroids be banned for everyone

But, one of the most obvious and dramatic negative side effect of steroids is that it causes the user to experience violent and more aggressive tendencies, commonly known as " roid rage." As stated in The Steroid Game, " roid rage is the descriptive term for spontaneous, highly aggressive, out-of-control behavior where the police were β†’

Persuasive on asylum seekers

Obviously, we do not seem to be much of a humanitarian, decent country if this is the harsh treatment we give to those who seek our assistance. Some say that we should not be accepting asylum seekers with the degree of leniency that we do because we are unaware of whom these people really are β†’