Genuine Essay Examples

The scarlet letter

Hester Prynne, Authur Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingsworth the three main characters are the main wrong doers in the scarlet letter and by the end of the novel their crimes had an extreme impact on the course of their lives. The adultery committed was really in, all essence, out of love and loneliness for Hester and →

The crucible narrative essay

As portrayed in the book The Crucible, she can be said to be very evil and manipulative, which definitely is a resulting attitude of the tragedy. Finally, the harm and the hurt that she has caused to the people around her is one that has caused many destruction.

Recommondation letters for university application

With innate enthusiasm and genuine interest on the subject, I am confident that Name of Student would continue to exhibit exemplary academic performance, in conjunction with the knowledge, abilities and skills gained in the course and in other course modules of the identified academic level. In this regard, I am sure that your institution would →


Running Head: IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED S OF AMERICA Immigration in the United s of America of the of the Immigration in the United States of America There are millions of people out of work in the United States due to the current economic conditions. Effects of illegal immigration on the wage rate and the →

Sx wk2

He believed that no matter what the sexuality, it was a healthy outgrowth of development. Paragraph Freud was a very interesting man and it is known that he studied mostly the people who were in mental institutions where he worked.

American old film class gone with the wind and red river

The participation of the characters, to be more precise the black men and women in the film, do reflect a Civil War time. This aspect seems to be missing in this film, though the term ' darkies" has been referred to the black slave characters who appear in the screen, is one of the influences →

Nutritional claims of omega-3

Supplement: Omega-3 Link: http Nutritional Claims of Omega-3 1. The study is controlled in that the conclusions are drawn from the comparison of the health of people using Omega-3 and those not using it as a dietary supplement.10.

Nietzsches thoughts on slavery and noble morality

The paper " Nietzsche's Thoughts on Slavery and Noble Morality" is a worthy example of a philosophy assignment. This led the slaves to create a morality that made them good and the nobles bad.

Week 8 – observation journal

The commitment andcompetence of the faculty as well as the flexibility of the ESL program helps students achieve the required level in English to succeed. Also, Ms Holly took care of the various cultures and countries each student was from and tried to mingle us.

The foundation of every state is the education of its youth

The study conducted by Alliance point out that dropouts are a drain on the economies of each state and the nation. For the individual with a vision to excel with the ultimate goal of being instrumental in the future progress of one's nation, education is the best alternative.

Analysing the chronology of cocoa commerce essay

C the chronology of chocolate began, chocolate played a cardinal function when the day of the month attributed by historiographers to the oldest imbibing cups and home bases that have of all time been discovered in Latin America at a little small town in the Ulua vale in Honduras. The chocolate tree was named Theobroma →

Discussion on self-portrait as woman essay

I believe the artist did not intend for viewers to have incomplete thoughts but rather it is almost like the artist is planting seeds in the viewers mind, the artist in a way gives us exactly as much information they think you need. Would not it be more fitting for them to be switched due →

Capstone paper

Loud have to say that the most important traits of a good leader are a passion for the work and the people, self-confidence and trustworthiness. It is understandable that feedback is necessary in order for managers to make an accurate assessment of the employee's performance and behavior.

Importance of self knowledge in understanding the self

According to Neisser there are several types of self knowledge, the ecological self, the interpersonal self, the extended self, the private self and the conceptual self. Each ' self' operates in unison with the other, with each exhibiting fundamental importance, however, this paper concentrates on the extended self and how a person's life narrative identity →

The restaurant industry today marketing essay

According to the National Restaurant Association, the restaurant industry sales are expected to reach a record $537 billion in 2007 and they have estimated that there are approximately 935, 000 restaurant-and-food service centres. Although the restaurant industry is very competitive and as the number of people have less time, resources, and ability to cook for →

The effects of incidental exposure marketing essay

The research questions proposed to achieve the objectives of this research are: Does incidental advertising exposure affect the implicit memorization of the brand? Does gender and cognitive style affect implicit memorization of the brand name in the case of incidental advertising exposure?

Smart systems and smart materials

Science and technology in the 21st century will have to rely heavily on the development of new materials that are expected to respond to the environmental changes and manifest their own functions according to the optimum conditions. However, such a general acceptance of smart materials and structures may in fact be more difficult than some →

Psychological approaches to explain human behaviour

The food is an unconditioned stimulus that brings forth a response automatically and the salivation to the food is the unconditioned response which is automatically produced. The first assumption is that behaviour can be explained in terms of how the mind operates and humans are seen as information processors.

Make gmp training more interesting

On the day of the training the majority of delegates will arrive with equally low levels of enthusiasm as the annual chore of GMP training begins. The subject is so important that you have brought a specialist in to deal with it.

Who am i?

Throughout life my road has had many bumps, pot holes, twists, and turns, and many people in my life have changed and inspired me, to further this they have influenced my choice of careers and I have learned respect, responsibility, and most of all to be grateful to and value everyone I know. I love →

Single-sex education and its effects

For example, a female teacher may be talking at the front of the room in what she thinks is a suitable tone and it is, for the girls but it may be harder for the boy in the back row to hear her, and as a result he is often distracted by other objects or →

Biographical sketch: kasturba gandhi assignment

She was very religious minded and broke many barriers in the caste system and also supported her husband in all of his political views. Kasturba suffered from chronic Bronchitis and the stress on top of that she had tremendous amount of stress during the Quit India Movements arrest also aggravated her illness.

colorado springs city council meeting essay sample

Also discussed the cost of some handicapped access renovations to the hospital and the building codes at certain access points according to the current plans, and the costs to the city to execute these plans. The way I understood this was there was a previous appropriation of supplemental funds to the hospital and they were →

”the door in the wall” by h. g. wells essay sample

To conclude, I believe Wallace was just a lost, lonely little boy throughout all of his life and that he never recovered from the love lacking and cold home he lived in. He did not get affection when he was a child and that feeling of rejection followed him all his life.

Business analysis and valuation essay sample

Managers may increase the estimated life of depreciable assets when they realize that the assets are likely to last longer than was initially expected. Revenues can be recognized when the customer is expected to pay cash with a reasonable degree of certainty.

Shauna singh baldwin’s short story “rawalpindi 1919” essay sample

Sardarni looks at the small dough and thinks that it can still be blended to the larger dough. Sardarni roll the dough and slaps it between palms in order to make a chapatti.

Piagets four stages

In the sensorimotor stage, babies try to explore, perceive, and comprehend the things around them through the use of their senses and motor abilities. W, & Feldman, R.D.

Application for scholarship

After much contemplation that child figured out that the difference between squares of two consecutive numbers is equal to the sum of the two numbers. In the end I would like to state my goal of life.

Hr outsourcing walmart

Although outsourcing will prove to be beneficial for the company and will provide the company with reduced duties to be carried out directly, the strategic decision making will not be in complete sync with the main objectives of the company. Hence in the case of WalMart it is most beneficial for the company to continue →

Beneficiaries of u.s social programs

Despite the United s being the richest country in the world there is a lot of poverty and social problems facing the American society. The adults as well as the children of a family unit are eligible to receive benefits.

Explain how the twenties were and were not so roaring

In 1921, President Harding signed the Emergency Tariff of 1921 which was aimed at reducing the tax rates, reducing the national debt and protecting the interests of the farmers. Overconfidence in the boom economy contributed to stock price speculation and excessive credit in the economy which led to the stock market crash and the Great →

No man is an island

John Donne will mention in his poem " Each is a piece of the continent, A part of the main". Though the damage is restricted to a small finger, the pain is felt in the core of the heart.

Reflect on vygotskian adolescense

During adolescence, the problem of psychological development during the stage of adolescence is the issue of interests. Vygotsky also emphasized on the fact that the development of interests is dependent on the content of social-cultural development.

Facts about home depot

The level of inventory is the most critical aspect in the management of Home Depot because it is among the top five costs of doing business. The underlying assumption behind the use of GNP to predict inventory demand of an economy is based on the assumption that all the supply of goods and services will →

Gary soto’s use of literary devices

The author's use of alliteration and imagery underscores the author's recognition that stealing is wrong, but the pie's looked so savory that the could not resist. The author uses alliteration, imagery, and allusion to reveal his experience of identifying that sin is wrong and permanent.

Your red letter day in minnesota

It has to be a big affair for a couple, and destination wedding being the talk of the town you can always opt for some exotic locations to tie your knot with the love of your life. Thus for the very special day in your life, if you have chosen Minnesota, then here are some →

Dolphins health essay

In his study, he set to find out the reason why dolphins did not bleed to death after a shark bite, why the dolphins seemed not to suffer much pain, what prevented infections on the animals and the mode of restoration of the contours after a shark bite. In the report, the healing process of →

Negative reinforcement explanation for smoking facilitate smoking cessation

None of the other outcome-related cognitions targeted by the explanation was found to be reliably associated with abstinence, although in some cases this was due to an absence of evidence rather than evidence of an absence of association. Restricting the review to published, peer-reviewed research only and the lack of a meta-analysis to determine the →

Parkinson’s disease nutritional issues

The Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale is a tool for physicians to use to determine if the patient has the disease 2. The cause of the disease is still unknown but is thought to be associated with the combination of many factors, some being genetics, the environment, and loss of dopamine cells produced 2.

Family branding or umbrella branding marketing essay

There are several definitions of brand: The main thing of brand are that it is not just only a mixture of design, name, symbol or other features it also distinguish it from the other product and services of the competitors." A Brand is: name, term, sign, symbol, design, or combination of these intended to identify →

Concepts in autopsy investigation

Evaluate the differences between: 1) the cause of death, 2) the manner of death, and 3) the mode of death. Examination of the outer body for different markings or physical gimmicks will give pieces of information with respect to how the victimized person kicked the bucket, when the demise happened, what brought about the death, →


Protein structure Types of bond other then peptide.produce movement; hemoglobin transports oxygen; and membrane proteins regulate the movement of substances into and out of cells. Generous amounts of high quality protein are important for maintaining rapid production of cells to support the immune system, preventing loss of lean muscle mass and boosting energy.

Gaap vs. ifrs

US GAAP Codification: Required EPS Presentation on the Face of the Income Statement 260-10-45-3 An entity that reports a discontinued Year-to-date calculation Shares are calculated of diluted EPS independently operation or an extraordinary item in a period will present basic and diluted per-share amounts for those line items either on the face of the income →

Are video games hurting our youth

Attesting to the increase in crime and personal degradation related to video games over the past decade, it is therefore worth putting forward a thesis statement to clarify that video gaming has many effects on youth such as decrease in school performance, depression and anxiety, and social problems. In conclusion, it is being argued that →

Good job strategy

No company should ever complain or make an excuse over on the reason that they are not treating their employees well is that because that's the only way to still be profitable and have low prices. The two Spanish companies have proved to the world that yes it is possible for the companies to treat →

Practice questions on marketing assignment

A) The way a person discusses a situation b) The way a person looks at perplexing problems c) The way a person views the world e) B and C 18. Which of the following is not involved in the consumer buying process a) Problem recognition b) Making the purchase c) Distribution d) Information search e) →

Write words on these four topics assignment

The one I turn to The one I turn to when am feeling down or need someone to talk to are my friends. They are the one turn to for encouragement, strength and advice, the one turn to for all things.

Government role assignment

The chief executive must set policy and supervise the organization and utilization of the state's military capabilities, which is a task that can have the most serious consequences for the security, and well being of the society. This is a system in which the citizens elect people to represent them in the political aspect of →

Should sex education be taught in schools? assignment

A true understanding of hat sex education means is not the application of a condom, but of the health and science of reproduction within the human population. The schools should be teaching the health and science part of reproduction between the sexes.

Discussion questions essay sample

The role that discipline plays a in a child's self-esteem is a wholesome one because it has the child want to set and achieve goals they set out for themselves. The forms of discipline best for a child's self-esteem are democratic and authoritative.2.

Dubliners essay sample

The Mundy sisters are shown to be isolated and by the end of the play, we as readers witness what is a tragic disintegration of their family; symbolic of the repressive social and cultural state of affairs in Ireland in the 1930s an Ireland that " was a confused and devastated place" K. The obsession →

Accounting assumptions, principles and constrains

Accounting Assumptions, Principles and Constrains The basic assumptions of accounting Basic accounting assumptions provide a foundation for recording the transactions and preparing the financial statements. This often leads to Full Disclosure where accountants record and report every bit of information in the numbers and footnotes of financial statements that fairly represent the activities of the →


0 Distinguished Differences and Commonalities Romney utters that the principal element of the US foreign policy is for the Muslims to reject extremism. 0 Conclusion The 2012 Presidential Debate is a significant tool to determine the agenda of each presidential candidate.

Loss prevention personnel

The benefits to these jobs give individuals the ability to illustrate their understanding of central know-hows as they are decided depending on the guard's environmental background, and within a short time at all it can boost their capacities or open doors to new opportunities through additional training and on the job. People eligible to work →

Relations between the management of arts, the art makret and visual culture/art

The marshalling of art market sales data into indices and the correlation of those indices against those of the financial markets marks the process of understanding the relations. There are differences between the art and financial markets.

Changes introduced by the ottomans to arab urban life

The Chronicle and the Muslim courts record document that are the relocation of the aesthetically distasteful industries in the city, and above all, the tanneries as the population spread beyond the old wall. Public baths also increased in the number, thus indicating the larger concentrations of the people in the broader expanse of the territory.

Luggers vs. butchers essay

The warehouse has two separate groups to process the beef, one being the warehouse men, also known as the luggers, which transport the beef within the warehouse to freezers to await the butchering process, which is handled by the butchers. From a company point of view, the warehouse is producing and meeting production goals, but →

The little black boy essay

In this book of nineteen poems, Blake maintains a simplistic style in order to bring the human experience and truth to anyone young and old, or black and white." The Little Black Boy," the poem I am analyzing critically, is about an African child who comes to reality and accepts his own blackness. Given the →

Comparison of the ant and the grasshopper – college essay

In the fable." The Ant and the Grasshopper" and the modern fable." The Richer.the Poorer." the chief characters reflect two opposite positions of how to populate life. Both the emmet from " The Ant and the Grasshopper." and Lottie from " The Richer.the Poorer." concern themselves with readying and amenitiess of life.

19th amendment analysis

These three women, with the help of many others, were vital in swaying the public's view on women's right to vote and have a say in the nation. It is not the job of women to defend our country.

Human growth and life span development sociology essay

A teenager in his/her adolescence phase tends to seek for more family love, as it is a transit stage between being a child and an adult in which he/she will have to handle both physical and emotional issues. Development is multidirectional, in which certain dimensions or aspects in life which used to be of a →

The bet

For me, the most amazing aspects of the narrative are the revelation of humanistic values at the beginning and context of the epistle, produced by the voluntary prisoner. The protagonist's example is illustrative in terms of the focal shift from the physical and social to the intuitive and spiritual: " He was allowed to have →

Like water for chocolate

She is in love with a guy named Pedro but her mother, Mama Elena realizes that they love each other and told tita that it is part of the tradition not to marry until and unless Mama Elena dies. Whenever Tita wanted to communicate with anyone in the family, she would make something very delicious →

Essay: case study

In polychrome cultures like in the example of the venue, time Is flexible. Plans or events are scheduled down to the last detail without Interruptions and In a linear way of time.

The woodson school

In order for all three parties to move forward in the development process, they need to establish an executive team who will be able to define the hierarchy of the group while Incorporating each participants' background and experiences. First and foremost, as the cast study recommends, Is to elect the team that will be overseeing →

Courage in authentic leadership

Courage, as discussed in Rollo May's, Courage to Create, is an art that needs mastering and practicing in life. As an authentic leader, both courage and self-awareness are vital in ensuring the success of one's reign.

A man’s search for meaning

As a result of this prolonged torture and fear of the worst, Frankl alongside other inmates completely lost the sense and meaning of life. There are high chances that nature would have born the greatest of brunt of frustration, fear, and dumbness in the life of Frankl at the concentration camp had it not been →

Why grades are important

Well I am going to be a scientist so I do not need to know history or read boring literature. What I do not know is my loss.

Should arts and music programs be cut?

In other situations arts and music is what a child has to look forward to in the school day. And where do the ones who use art as a way to deal with feelings and share their stories through their music go?

Personal cosmology: we create our own reality assignment

The world is designed to work by the human beings following the Ten Commandments and the mission that god has set for us. The human being is essential for the earth to move forward but I also think it would be perfectly k without us.

Medc country and a ledc country essay sample

This is because what people have in Bangladesh they have spent their whole lives building and all of their possessions mean a lot to them. The USA can just rebuild their lives and memories, simply because they have the money to do it and Bangladesh does not.

Nature vs. nurture: crime and delinquency essay sample

It seems that in some research cases the results have proved that there is a link to the ' nature' idea of the Positivist theory. On the other side of this genetics and crime argument is the suggestion that criminal behavior is socially and culturally learned.

Snowstorm case study

Snow and Ice Control Procedures for Airports Control of snow and Ice in airports is important because it determines the efficiency with which an airport will serve its clients. One way to ensure that snow and ice do not accumulate and cause a nuisance in the airport is by sweeping or plowing accumulations of the →

Facebook & myspace

Personalization and Customization As far as comparing the essential features of both the websites, MySpace has got a hand over FaceBook in terms of personalization and customization of user profiles. On the other hand, MySpace is much of design-oriented and you would find that there are a lot of videos, music, and pictures on many →

Who is above the law

The Rule of Law is essential to democracy and only when no one is above the law can democracy survive. The Rule of Law is unarguably the cornerstone of a democratic society and its' basic tenet is the acknowledgement that the law is supreme.

William shakespeare highlights that the apparel oft proclaims the man

Being one of the most prestigious fashion schools in the world, I believe that the Fashion Institute of Technology will instill me with adequate and superior training required to succeed in the fashion industry. By being a student of FIT, I know that my classroom experiences will not only prepare me but will involve me →

The prisoner’s dilemma by stephen chapman

Chapman's essay convincingly contrasts the penal systems of the US and those of the Islamic countries. The comparison of the penal system across the states in America also underscores the veracity of Chapman's argument that American justice system is ineffectively unequal.

Theory tables

Explanation of disorder personality- This theory entails the interrelationship of the parts of psyche, mind, or personality and their emotional, mental and motivational relationship with a greater focus on the unconscious part. Validity- Since this theory has its major study on ego, id and superego as the main emotional aspects, it is valid in the →

Is multiculturalism consistent with liberalism

Multiculturalism and liberalism are two of the most essential realities in the socio-political scenario of the world today, and lots of debates have been done on the possibility of these two socio-political trends in modern world going hand in hand. Therefore, it is fundamental to comprehend that the ideologies and concepts of multiculturalism and liberalism →

History discussion

In my opinion limiting the number of people coming to the country was a thoughtful thing as it could help many people from our own country establish themselves in a much better way. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.

The modern world: politics, economics, conflict

The declaration of independence The first two paragraphs on the document acknowledge the importance of a government and the governance structure, which are instituted to protect the common interest of the people, which include unalienable rights such as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Bill of Rights, Rights of Man, and →

Analyze financial statement

The higher the ratio the better hence some consideration has to be taken over the drop on profit margin in the year 2015 before the loan is advanced. A higher ratio is preferred since it indicates that the company is successfully generating earnings from its assets.= net income/total assets 2015 2014 2013 = 134, 526/10, →

Slavery without submission, emancipation without freedom essay

John Brown was executed by the state of Virginia with the approval of the national government due to his failed plan to seize the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, and then set off a revolt of slaves through the South. The clash was due to the South viewing Lincoln and the Republicans as a →

Bouncers – john godber essay

I found the rap quite significant because it immediately gives us a sense that Eric is the most important character in the play and so the audience can see this from the start.* Then we quickly jump to the radio station for a short while, I thought this was quite important because straight away hints →

China staves off devaluation

The second reason why China came to the forefront of the international finance scene following the East Asian financial crisis is Chinas economic performance became the key to the current economic stability of East Asia. In particular, maintaining the stability of the renminbi, was seen as the last hope of achieving equilibrium in the regional →

Action plan proposal: lack of teacher training on multiethnic education

She hoped for the school to provide her with training on how to educate the diverse youth and tips on incorporating multiethnic education into her classroom, however this was not the case. Miretzky and Stevens mentioned that millions of black male and female students go to low-performing schools around the country that have teachers who →

Short and long term memory

Control process aids the flow of information from the STM into the long term memory and this has to be encoded in a manner that is reliable. Moreover, if a sequence of information is presented, the recall of the latter information will be the most accurate according to the recency and primacy effect.

Successfully raise a defence of necessity

This reflects the distinction between the defenses of necessity and duress in that the former is pressure of circumstances arising naturally, whereas the latter is a threat from an entirely human agency that overpowers the will of the defendant. The author will no discuss five requirements that must be met in order for a person →

Clinical decision making skills nursing essay

Though Mdm Chan follows the treatment, she has poor insight and is unsure of what is hypo/hyperglycemia, the manifestations and management. Despite Mdm Chan verbalises that she would try to adapt and manage DM better, she finds herself hard to adjust to the new lifestyle and wonder if she is able to do it.

Effect of hydration on blood pressure

Jens Jordan also did a study on how water affects blood pressure and found that the older the patient was the more of an effect drinking water had on blood pressure. I predicted that hydration would cause the blood pressure and heart rate to increase.

Promotional mix used by two selected organisations marketing essay

The company Coca-Cola is a multinational and it is not limited to one product. Some of these products that are brought in the market by both the companies to compete against each other are as follows: Coke Pepsi The main dark cola drink of the company which started the rivalry between these companies.

Causes and effects of absenteeism in local government (uk)

This report is of the view that organisations either private or the local government can no longer afford to remain in a vacuum but rather to face up to the challenges like the unpredictability of the marketing environment. Consequently, this leads to the development of hatred and resentment among work colleagues which is not healthy →