Genuine Essay Examples


Neighbouring communities Birkenau borders in the north on the community of Morlenbach, in the east on the community ofAbtsteinach, in the south on the community ofGorxheimertaland in the west on the towns of Weinheimand Hemsbach. In 1532 the town hall was built, and in 1771 the palace, Schloss Birkenau, of the Lords of Wambolt von →

Study of coca colas quality management system

Coca-Cola states that " the global nature of its business requires that the Coca-Cola system has the highest standards and processes to ensure consistent quality from its concentrate production to its bottling and product delivery". Coca Cola states that ' to ensure such consistency and reliability, the Coca-Cola system is governed by the Coca-Cola Operating →

Programming independence essentially protects the auditor s ability accounting essay

Reporting independence protects the auditors' ability to choose to reveal to the public any information they believe should be disclosed. This manipulation will affect revenues account, because Xerox accelerated the lease revenue recognition by allocating a higher portion of the lease payment to the equipment instead of the service or financing activity.

The history of the american pitbull terrier

This is a breed that has literally descended from a canine ambassador of our country to the black sheep of the dog world. In 1920, an APBT breeder by the name of Dave Wilson decided to take the breed in to a new direction.

The global history of gendered movements since the 1700s.

For instance, when no author is provided for a source, the title of the work and date are used as the in-text citation and at the beginning of the reference citation. In the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual, the DOI method is the preferred way to identify electronic content on the references page →

Greek tragedy

The second characteristic that is normally found is the tragic flaw the hero must have, the hamartia. The purpose of Greek tragedy is normally its Catharsis of the audience, the awakening and enlightenment.

Bitcoin education for wall street

3 R's of Bitcoin Brought to Wall Street Even with Bitcoin's increasing popularity, there are many who are unaware of the virtual currency and even those who know of it, do not know enough. David Berger's The Digital Currency Council is a consultancy and education center and their main objective is to act as a →

Why we should end standardized testing

Not to mention, the severe stress and anxiety on younger children is heartbreaking. To conclude, end of year testing costs a lot of money, causes severe stress, and requires well review and long and hard studying.

Simplifying things: quadcopters

Now that you have the requisite experiences behind you, I need you to imagine the feeling that you felt when swinging the yo-yo. In the case of the yo-yo, the yo-yo is trying to twist your center of mass.

Hollywood vs. real life

The ones with the tear-stained students and watch them as they watch the popular kids rear the evil heads and walk off, laughing at their victory. We cry for their sacrifice and the loss of their lives but I do not think anyone truly knows the full extent of bullying until they see it happen →

Criminology: crime and internship meeting assignment

Internship Internship Meeting Powering Fall 2012 Internship Application Internship Syllabus What Exactly is an Internship? A total of either 12 credits or 6 credits will be earned upon successful completion of the internship.

Changing drinking age to 18 essay

The alcoholic drinking age should be lowered to age eighteen because at that age you are responsible, mature, and it will help send the right message. That is not the case at all because today 71 % of eighth graders say it is pretty easy for them to get a hold alcohol so therefore it →

Questions on lundberg’s eating green essay sample

In paragraph four lundberg's described how the standard American diet damage the environment and she said,"Dieticain Kate Geagan compares the environmental impact of the American diet that of "our love affair with SUVs" warning that the energy use involved in the production, transport, processing, packaging, storing, and preparation of food is now the single largest →

Vivid images evoked by john misto’s the shoe-horn sonata essay sample

Through the elements used to create the distinctively visual the responder is able to gain knowledge about a particular historical event or time period and experience the effective visual impacts created in the text. In the Shoe-horn Sonata, the distinctively visual creates a sense of empathy as the responder experience the fear and humiliation in →

Beauty advantage essay sample

In fact, fashion industry and plastic surgery set new standards of attractiveness, and people blindly follow them, because they are convinced that beauty and success are inextricably linked. I believe that stressing beauty over intelligence and skills is a sign of degradation of the American society.

Postquick computing project essay sample

Record structure, file organisation and processing:- The file for the database of the consignments for the Parcel Company is saved as a record structure and saved only for the consignments for one day. System design:- For documenting my project I used * System flow charts-It describes the flow of data around the system.


Incapacitation Incapacitation is part of the philosophy of sentencing that determines that the effect of a sentence is to positively prevent an individual from making future offenses. Collective incapacitation is the implementation of crime-control effects of the present criminal justice system due to incapacitation.

We are what we eat : omnivores dilemma

The two main frames of this ideology are the base and the superstructure whereby the base is the economic foundation of a given society. Hence, the preference of a person's choice of food is related to the material behavior, thus, it is influenced by economic dispositions.

Procedural memory

The ability to ride a bicycle is an art and science that requires a combination of the two in order to maintain balance. While the learners can start and ride a bicycle, it is important for them to understand the importance of the helmet.

Terror tactics

Combating Terrorism Introduction Center for International Security and Corporation at the Stanford confirms that terrorism has remained to be an international threat since the 20th century. A true stereotype among people is that terrorism is formed by groups centered on the Islamic religion, which originated from Arabic nations terrorism's carrier is religion, and has spread →

Nature vs nurture in early human development

A good example of this is the development of congenital anomalies and other problems in the fetus consequent to exposure to infectious diseases, maternal malnutrition, maternal smoking, and maternal alcoholism. While newborns are born with functioning sensory, the development of the sensory systems depends on environmental stimulation.

Coaching and mentoring essay

The aim of this report is to highlight how coaching and mentoring differs from training, and to also explain how the use of coaching can effectively improve manager performance within the organisation. The report will conclude by recommending ways to overcome the potential barriers and suggest ways to ensure cost effective delivery of coaching and →

A vivid dream zechariah 3:1-10 essay

The book of Zechariah would fit into the Post-Exilic era of Israel's history, after the return of God's people to the city and the re-construction of the temple in Jerusalem had started. The scene is this; the Angel of the Lord is the judge, the High Priest is on trial and the ' adversary' or →

The use of speed cameras essay

A pilot programme, done in Montgomery, revealed that the use of speed cameras lowered the number of accidents, effectively making the neighborhood safer for kids and road workers. This is a clear indication that speed cameras do not reduce the number of accidents on the roads.

Alexander the great – essay 6

Alexander of Macedonia is worthy of the title, Great, due to his strategic military operations, his expansion of the Greek Empire, and the cultural diffusion of the Greeks across the world. He formed the largest empire of the time that the world was yet to see.

The goals i sets for myself as a clinical extern

There are many components to a medical facility that allows it to function, all of which I would like to observe, which will help me in the future to determine whether this is a field of work that I would like to further my career in. I am able to apply myself in the more →

The massachusetts 54th regiment history essay

The Massachusetts 54th Regiment was a group of African-Americans who fought for and served the Union during the Civil War. He quickly ran to the bearer, grabbed the flag, and carried it to the front of the attack.

Importance of strategic readiness of intangible assets

In the past decade, there has been an increasing academic and corporate focus on the subject of intangible assets offering clarity to business leaders on the ways to measure and manage these assets in context of a business's strategic goals. So what is required to map and manage these assets for the success of a →

Development of singapore’s economy

The government document show that the Banking and Finance provides a description of the complex nature of the sector and an overview of the sector's provision of products and services, which are: deposit, consumer credit, and payment systems; credit and liquidity products; investment products; and risk-transfer products. Banking and finance services sectors is one of →

Italian cuisine and buffalo wild wings

The service at Olive Garden is a snail trying to win a race. The wait can be difficult at times if you have small children in the family, but the employees at Olive garden always talk to you during the wait and have a bright smile on their faces.

Felon disenfranchisement

Advocates of the disenfranchisement policy point to the fact that they do not want politicians pondering for the vote of a felon, that there has to be minimum standards in order to keep the right to vote, and having you right taken away is part of the punishment. Right to vote is the bedrock of →

All generations before me and far cry from africa

In the poem " All the generations Before me", the following personal reflections are noted.- A man and artist in a specific period of time.- Jerusalem and the 20th Century - The poem speaks of self as the sum of tradition and history - Political, economic and social circumstances.- The poet begins the poem by →

Role models in psychology

He was the only boy in a family of five and this meant that he had to do everything he couuld to ensure that their family was protected. In order to be a role model, it is imperative for one to develop very strong goals that everyone who looks up to you will be able →

Grade inflation

The students are the ones who have to compete to get into good colleges. I think students are so intimidated by their parents' and colleges' requirements, that they are will do anything to persuade the teacher to raise their grade from a B+ to an A-.

Music to your mind

With their research, playing and learning a musical instrument can make students perform better academically, can keep the brain from slowing down from ageing and can help students perform better to get a good education. All students from all walks of life should play and learn an instrument to get a good education that everyone →

Reading and writing not reading and typing

As a student I would much rather be reading a textbook or writing on a piece of paper and I can say this for many other people. Privacy is lower, students do not go on classwork but games instead, students teachers are confused when using the internet, and financially it's a downer for the majority →

Green business partnership assignment

Part 1: Assessing the writing situation 1) subject: Green business + green business is interesting and important to me because it's a practical and powerful way to help create a more environmentally friendly and sustainable economy.+ reader will be interesting because a green business is not only good for the environment but good for the →

Conformity or consequences assignment

Indecisive about what she should do, she let her friend's excitement about the party persuade her and she decided to go ahead and go to the party, regardless of the rules and curfew her parents had set for her. Sarah's rinds kept assuring her she would have a good time if she would only go →

Pro animal testing essay sample

Had it not been for animal testing, terminal diseases like tuberculosis and cholera would still be around, and the medical treatments that we use today would not exist, and the development of future breakthroughs would be limited. Would not it be more cruel for them to die of the tests because there is not enough →

“porphyria’s lover” and “the laboratory” by robert browning essay sample

Browning similarly uses the setting to introduce the PL killer's psyche, it is stormy and the wind does ' its worst to vex the lake', this is clearly effective pathetic fallacy mirroring the lover's frustration, furthermore the fire in the grate, symbolizes how only she can warm his heart and appeal to the readers senses. →

Pacific northwest history

Viewed from this perspective, the joint occupancy served more as a diplomatic course to exploit the regions riches and avoid a war for resources of which the two countries fought briefly, between 1812-1815 known as the War of 1812. The larger reason for waging the war in the first place was also no longer there →


In a strict sense, the BCG matrix is based on the observation that an organization's products can be classified into four categories based on combinations of market share and market growth relative to the largest competitor. This means that the positioning of a company in the BCG matrix indicates its cash generation and its cash →

A rose for emily

She thought highly of herself, even when it was not necessary." She carried her head high enough [.] she had wanted that touch of earthiness to reaffirm her imperviousness". She had the capability of controlling people such as when she refused to pay taxes, refused to tell the druggist what the poison would be used →

The spirit catches you and you fall down

These immigrants are different from the rest of the refugees living in the US since their admission to the country has been controversial. In 1980, Refugee Act was passed and this granted the rest of the family members the permission to join their male counterparts in the US.


THE CURANDERO/A From your perspective, would the Curandero's practice interfere with or compliment Western medicine practices? The Curandero's practice is likely to interfere with the western medicine practices.

Fear of a black president essay

Racism brings upon the belief that Black people are not hard working, and so come with the stereotype that they would not be good employees, thus making it harder for them to find a Job and climb the social ladder leading to a better life all this because of what other people are Judging based →

Procrastination: definition essay

His room was to be cleaned before his soccer game the next day or according to his mother he was not going to go. The place he was in was so serene and detailed that having color in it might just ruin the soothing effect.

Prime crisis essay

The hike in the price of the energy is a likelihood of increase in the energy profit on the producers leading to the reduction of the profit of other companies. The immediate effect of sub prime crisis on the banking industry is the scratch which opening the hole in the models of the commerce banks, →

Technology in modern life persuasive essay

Modern technology has improved the efficiency of the modern workplace. Due to this, the modern workplace has become far more efficient and robust.

The history of wood heating environmental sciences essay

The main problems with it is that in most cases there is a lot of heat loss in a room due to the fact that heat rises and before it has a chance to reach the other side it starts to cool. The heat of the flue gases is transferred through the walls of the →

What makes deeply encoded items memorable? insights into the levels of processing framework from neuroimaging and neuromodulation

Studies that investigated the effects of pharmacological interventions on LOP vary with respect to the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the drug, the dose, and time of administration with respect to the memory phase, and the memory test used to probe memory. Depth of processing and the retention of words in episodic memory.

Competitive strategies: uk supermarkets

According to the market shares owned by major supermarkets in the United Kingdom according to the statistics of 2006 March 9th, first four supermarkets in the United Kingdom own 74. Competitive strategy consists of the actions which are taken to attract customers, to withstand the competitive pressures of the market and also to help and →

When do children develop a theory of mind

For a child to have a theory of mind, they must be able to utilise one of the three fundamental assumptions about the mind; the understanding of existence, component and causality. Theory of mind development in children has and is presently an extensively researched area within developmental psychology and traditionally has suggested that children acquire →

Understanding the relationship between political theory and ideology politics essay

Empirical political theory is by and large conducted by political science institutions and is intended to describe the ' What is' and from that data try and formulate ideas of ' What works'. Both theory and Ideology have the views of " what is, what works and what ought to be".

Web catalog revenue models media essay

There are concerns that the online version may reduce sales of the printed newspaper but the fact is, the advertising reaches a larger audience and there is greater exposure of the newspaper's name. The best combination of communities that should be used for the E-Zine is the email lists, social networking sites and a forum.

Scoping analysis luxury brand management marketing essay

The most important factor of Tiffany's downward sales was the worldwide range of recession between 2008 and 2009 which impact the whole category sales of Tiffany & Co.significantly. When google the keywords of wedding or tiffany or together, a huge number of Tiffany style's wedding scenes that people did it themselves or wedding agencies did →

Property law – rights of a tenant

The purpose of the bare licence is to provide a defence against an allegation of trespass, so long as the licensee does not overstep the permission of the licence, as happened in the case of Tomlinson v Congleton Borough Council. The relevance of section 11 to this case was that the claimant claimed that he →

Wet and hot melt granulation for producing granules engineering essay

The purpose of undergoing the comparison between wet granulation and melt granulation is to identify which method of granulation is better qualified and if hot-melt granulation can supersede the current commonly used wet granulation. Key words: Hot-melt granulation; Wet Granulation; Mixer torque rheometer; Twin screw extruder; Within the past decade much research has been performed →

Transferable personal skills development

Although these might not seem to be the most ' transferable' of skills, the everyday activities of a PI are so radically different from a student who works at the lab bench that it is effectively a completely different job. PDP is a process of reflecting and recording my experiences to help me to make →

Siaya district of nyanza province in kenya

This is a case-study of the creation and performance of folk song within a small community in Siaya district of Nyanza province in Kenya. It is a non-profit making organization which is interested in keeping to the traditions and culture of the Luo.

Asignment on financial accounting standards assignment

Use the Search pronouncements by reporting period page to find the version of each Standard that applies to any particular reporting period. SE the RD early application versions page to find the non- mandatory RD versions of Standards.

Pol pot and the khmer rouge essay sample

This investigation will rely on and evaluate various sources relevant to Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge including The Pol Pot Regime and When the War was Over. This work was written to inform individuals of the nature of the Khmer Rouge regime under Pol Pot with a focus on the Khmer Rouge revolution, the →

German assignment

As he was dying, the Mayor climber the tree and cut off a quarter of the moon to lay in his coffin. There he ordered the dead to rest in their graves, took the moon, and hung it back up in the sky.

Regression analysis

The multiple regression was used in the context of comparing and estimating the effects of two variables of which one is independent and the other dependent on first; The increase of population and the increase in demand of land and housing. In the context of multiple regression the powers to the variables were found →

Control room – a video by al jazeera

It was all about the news coverage of the network during the onset and the progress of the conflict between the US and Iraq which led to an offensive military action due to the unwillingness of Saddam Hussein's regime to allow the US to conduct inspections that will prove the absence of weapons of mass →

Autism and mental retardation

The main types of biological causes of mental retardation can be classified as follows; chromosomal causes, which are due to changes on the chromosomal structure such as down syndrome and fragile X syndrome. Mainstreaming on the other hand refers to the placement of mentally retarded children together with their non-retarded counterparts.

Property crowd funding position

According to the new trend of business, crowdfunding has fuelled the tendency of entrepreneurship in real estate businesses by expanding the pool of investors from whom the funds can be raised for a better business prospect. As of now, as per the conception of the new regulation in Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012, →

Safety program

It is the responsibility of the Senior Management to monitor the Committee and overlook the steps taken by the Executive. It is the responsibility of the upper management to ensure they have a safety program for employees on site.

Letter discussing favorite person in history

Consequently, this led to the assertion of Emancipation by Lincoln in September 1862, which was after the Union Army at Battle of Antietam defeated the Confederates. However, this was due to Lincoln's employment of patronage and all the powers he had in ensuring it went through.

The battle of kings mountain

The Whigs gathered in the West of Virginia and Carolina. The Whigs attacked Ferguson and his army on 7 October 1780 on the King's Mountain and won the Battle within an hour.

Qanswer questions

Fraud triangle and auditing Question I happened to work as an intern in a construction firm, and because of the sensitive of the matter am going to address I find it unethical to mention the name of the firm. On the other hand control risks refer to those risks that cannot be mitigated by the →

Effective questioning in teaching essay

Effective questioning serves a range of purposes, it involves the learners in the lesson, it all allows the teacher to know if the students possess specific knowledge, to make students think deeply and to inspire creativity and imagination therefore contributes significantly in learning. Regarding incorrect answers there are a number of responses a teacher can →

Beatles vs. one direction essay

They have similarities but because the Beatles were popular before the members of 1D were even born they have a lot of differences. What's likewise is that both bands are the most popular in their decade, the Beatles were on the top of the music charts in the sixties and 1D is popular now.

Seattle seahawks – will a new coach help this season? essay

So, the powers that be in Seattle decided to pretty much clean house in an effort to bring the Seahawks back to a contender. In fact, more than half of the members on the Seahawks roster right now were not on the Seahawks roster a year ago.

The concept of neuro linguistic programming business essay

The benefits of a correctly done recruitment and selection process eliminate the time invested in interviews with unsuitable applicants and the human resources managers receive fast accurate information about the critical aspects of each applicant and thus it increases the probability of hiring suitable applicants for the position and the organization and the increase of →

Personality science: exploring boldly, integrating creatively

Considered as a collective intellectual venture, the research agendas advanced by personality scientists have three overarching concerns: exploring the nature of human nature, the sources of variability in thought, feeling and action, and the roots of human individuality. Organizations such as the Association for Research in Personality and the European Association of Personality Psychology have →

Pure retribution: the christian concept of selfless love for thy neighbor

Firstly, I agree the returning of good for good is necessary, but not sufficient because sometime, even if one has never done anything good for you, you still should do something good for the person. What I am saying here is that sometime, doing good thing for someone is not because you reward someone for →

Analysing an experience to develop current knowledge nursing essay

Relating to the assessment I made of the situation I was aware the patient wanted to talk and realised that she was not asking for information but wanted someone to talk to. However, in the situation I questioned my competencies within my communication skills as I thought I was unequipped within my training to provide →

The key elements in apples marketing strategy

It is obvious that the announcements Steve made during the MacWorld in Boston, were the result of a well meditated plan, consequence of a careful observation and evaluation of Apple s weaknesses and competitor's success. Even if it is not explained in the case, it is obvious that Steve Jobs had set new goals and →

A major problem in palm oil mill effluent engineering essay

This method of treatment is by using a combine effect of the aerobic, anaerobic and facultative ponds; where at the end of the treated effluent is dumped into a river. The method of biological treatment in the mill is the anaerobic process.

The world shrimp production

China is the biggest shrimp producer since 1988 until 1992 and contributed about a million metric ton of the world shrimp production in 2000. In 1990s, Asia produced approximately 78% of world shrimp and the rest were produced by western countries.

The electronic road pricing in singapore economics essay

But there are a number of road pricing schemes implemented in the world and there is a growing number of cities are interested and willingness to adopt road pricing schemes to resolve their transport problems, certain schemes include: The electronic Road pricing in Singapore The London congestion charge The Stockholm congestion tax The Milan Area →

Reflective account of child gsa

I believe that everyone it is unique in their own way and to fully assess someone it takes a lot of care, understanding and information in order to take the right decisions for that person and provide the best care /therapeutic program so that they can grow and develop furthermore. The decision was consulted with →

Effects media has on teenagers

James Morrison, an entertainer, states that " whoever controls the media, controls the brain." Within this quote, Morrison implies that the media has an effect on the human brain and can affect it tremendously. An average of teenagers use the media from nearly six and a half hours to over seven and a half hours.

The fall of the berlin wall

East Germany or the German Democratic Republic belonged to the Soviet Union, and West Germany or the Federal Republic of Germany went to the United States of America, the Great Britain and France. The symbol of Christianity a cross which reflected on the central bowl of the Fernsehturm citizens of West Germany considered as a →

Why did a campaign for women’s suffrage

A fourth reason was that in the years after 1870, women were given the right to vote in Local Elections in 1889 and for Council and Borough Councils in 1888. A fifth reason for a campaign developing was that women in other countries had been given the vote.

Good and bad effects from advertisement

Advertising is a kind of communicating form which is applied to persuade or encourage people to do some action, and it has become an essential part of society especially in recent yeats. It on the one hand leads to consumerism of society and inconvenience in people's life, on the other hand raises public's awareness towards →

Exploring historical art

It has a moral mission and depicts the British as followers of Christ; thus, opposes the criticism of the Church of England and its political leaders. The sense of specificity of vision is not clear because it takes the impression of the heart, but of the brain e.g.the carriages, which always have spoke wheels, are →

Analysis essay

This is discussed in the paper where the author uses this element of analysis to give the essay a name that comprehensively describes the text at a glance. The author of the paper hence uses this essay to discuss various elements of analysis that have been used by the author to ensure that the message →

Case study assignment

Products that have an EEL rating of 3 adds 3% to the overall IT budget.(our goal is to select the best products and minimize cost. For example, if you select 3 products that all have an EEL rating of 3, you add 9% to the overall IT budget.

Future of our oceans assignment

The Future of Our Oceans The fact of the matter is that the levels of C02 that this planet we call Earth is expelling is incredible. The water here is like that of a polluted harbor, very few organisms are able to survive.

The mongols essay sample

Many of the reasons may vary, but many can agree that their military tactics and culture are some of the reasons why they conquered such a large territory in such a short period of time. Although many enemies were made throughout their conquests, the Mongols' clever skills in battle and culture helped them become one →

Indian pharmaceutical companies essay sample

INTRODUCTION An important aspect of the policy reforms in the Indian economy since 1991 has been the change in the perception on the respective roles of the public and private sector industries. In the pre-liberalisation phase, public sector industry in the pharmaceutical sector was assigned the leadership role and the private sector was required to →

The character of ricki-tikki in ricki-tikki-tavi essay sample

One of those examples has to do with Nag and how the brave Rikki-Tikki kills the deadly snake in the bathroom. For example, the love he had for the family, and willing to save them was just caring and thoughtful for a small Mongoose.

American us history to 1877

The Declaration of Independence: In the year 1774, the Declaration of Independence was written by the thirteen States of America in response to the tyranny of the then King of Great Britain who was known for his injuries and usurpations that he forced on the states. While it could be expected for the government and →

Critical thinking 1

2-Should parents be given the opportunity to choose the specific physical and psychological characteristics of their children? Parents should not be given the opportunity to choose the specific physical and psychological characteristic of their children as this prerogative will have serious set-backs when abused.