Genuine Essay Examples

Bim based life cycle assessment tool

LCA provides a complete picture of the interactions of activities with the environment and it is one of the decision supporting tools providing information on environmental effects of these activities and identifies opportunities for environmental improvement for stakeholders to make decision. This category of LCA tools to calculate embodied energy and environmental impacts based on →

Back pain causes and effects biology essay

Finally and to sum the issue, I would like to emphasize on the best line of treatment in back pain which is the prevention, elimination of the potential causes, risk factors and the need of more research and for better management of back pain. The health institutions are paying a large number of money treating →

Determinant of the corporate identity

Organization identity separates an organization and thus making it unique with the qualities of carrying out its functions in the way that align with the organization strategy. Thus, in bid of respecting the regulations set out by government in the country of operation, an organization tends to build up its corporate identity to reflect and →

Older people and driving

It may also force them to use public transport, which in many countries like the USA is unavailable, and in countries where it is available it is not the best as many of the occupants' tend to be secondary school kids. This source is very reliable because it comes from a governmental company, however there →

Reality show

This has been through production and subsequent airing of a multiple series of reality shows particularly in the television channels. It shunned all kinds of racism which had been deeply rooted in the film industry at the time.

Life assignment

For 40 deposits of $300 each with [pick], we find the accumulated value as [pick] The total interest earned is the difference between the amount in the account and what you actually deposited: 17170. The 36 deposits of $100 each yield an accumulated value of The 24 deposits of $50 each yield an accumulated value →

Ethics at bhel assignment

Labor Standards Effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining All the Labor laws are strictly adhered to in BELL All Heads of BELL Units are required to submit a report about compliance with different laws BELL has various bi-parasite for a for workers, where the issues/problems concerning the workers are discussed and settled BELL →

Cell energy worksheet essay sample

In general, the goal of photosynthesis is to gather energy from the sun and keep it in the bonds of the organic molecules. Light Reactions Light reactions is to use energy of the sun to divide the water molecules into intermediary products and trash oxygen Water, energy of the sun and Oxygen NADPH and ATP →

The importance of integrity, trust and honesty

A dishonest person destroys the trust of the people around them. It is therefore important to develop honesty and integrity.


Death In the world of humans, the word, wouldeath' is a bye-product of culture as it is of nature. One dictionary definition of death is, " death is 'the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism'".


It needs a leadership that overrides emotional connection between the leader and the followers to avoid degeneration of the current circumstances.3.___S3P__time__S2C___information__S2C___acceptance___S4E__capability Leadership style: Consultative. Since I have plenty of time to decide, I can spend some of that time in gathering inputs from my followers since they are the ones who will directly be affected →

Story of an hour by kate chopin

Opening in a grave tone, Chopin introduces the protagonist of the story, Louise Mallard, about to receive the tragic news of her husband's death. Mallard, the writer allowed the reader to experience the text with the other characters as co-observers in the unveiling of Mrs.

Reading stories with children

While I was reading this book, the child was not quite interested and I took it that the fact that the book was depicting the story of the princess more did not please him and there are many times that the child lost concentration and was distracted by some simple natural events taking place while →

Why do i want to study in the us

Alongside my communication skills, the experience of studying in a foreign land has taught me the value of understanding multiculturalism. I will be grateful if I am granted the admission in the Master's program and given a chance to play my role in the advancement of the field of human resource development.

Midterm paper: infant observation

After the usual greetings, the mother served tea and the father spoke to the child and tickled him so that he began to smile. I could observe that infant B had a strong back and neck, and he sat quite securely on the floor with his back to the furniture.

Urban forestry essay

Trees are important even in an urban environment since it helps improve the atmosphere and it helps control carbon dioxide levels. These efforts have been extremely helpful to the urban forestry lobby as more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of trees even in the urban setting.

Dota thesis essay

In relation to this job.our authorities is now working on the Reproductive Health Bill as one of the most effectual solution non merely to teenage gestation but besides to the increasing population of our state. UNFPA state representative.said the lifting figure of adolescent gestations in the state is an country of concern that the bureau →

Information technology ethics issue summary assignment

According to an article in Forbes, Yang and the other participants in the software scam worked since 2009, obtaining and selling fraudulent product activation keys for Microsoft and other software programs through e-commerce websites. At the end of 2014, HIS Special Agents began seizing bank accounts and assets connected to the pirated software.

Brushless dc motors inverters sensorless commutation engineering essay

The back electromagnetic force of the non conductive phase is derived from the corresponding terminal voltage in respect to the half of the DC inverter input voltage. In the first category of methods, zero crossing of the induced back EMF is detected in the non conducting phase of the motor.

Editorial: development and application of novel genome engineering tools in microbial biotechnology

Hu et al.from China Agricultural University report the first application of CRISPR-Cas9 in genome editing of the apicomplexan parasite Eimeria tenella for the elucidation of gene functions at the single-gene level as well as for the systematic functional analysis of an entire gene family. Of equal importance to the development of genome engineering tools are →

The development of indian cultures: an analysis

When comparing and contrasting the development and later decline of major Indian cultures, one must come to understand the way of living of each culture. The people of the Woodland culture, which spread throughout the east, were at great distance from the religious centers, and focused more on crops and hunting than religion.

How christopher nolan utilises multiple narrative structure & sound design

Since the film is based on the war in Dunkirk involving the British forces, the audience is aware that attacks will take place whilst watching the movie however due to Nolan recounting the events, the characters within the film are unaware of what they will experience whereas the audience do. The diegetic sounds are the →

Good defying traditions: the beat generation essay example

It was a period of reformation to the existing customs of the time. It contributed to a liberated perception of some of the American youth.

Example of essay on sensation/perception writing assignment

Perception is the organization and interpretation of all the sensory information, in order to understand and relate with the environment. The second principle of perception is continuation, and this is where the eye vision tends to evenly move from one point to the other, with homogeneity.

Our definition and personality theology religion essay

It is a path that everyone has to take at some point in his life and it imposes its own identity on the person by managing to take control of his decisions and actions. In the end, identity is basically who we are and its factors build up in a chain reaction that we can →

Factors affecting movement of luxury goods marketing essay

The business model of the luxury sector involves providing supreme quality, high price and exclusive products to customers at the top end of the wealth spectrum. 2% rallied mainly because of high growth in India and China, the luxury goods industry is poised for recovery.

Blackberry story successful brand marketing essay

As a result of that, brand name has been developed in front of its competitors, more targeted consumers became attracted to Blackberry Brand, and as a brand it gained high brand equity through making set of links connected to the brand name which leads to a good brand knowledge and positioning according to consumers. Meaningful: →

Basic resource for any organisation

The value of the system to the organisation must also be ascertained. The bottom-up approach is constrains radical thinking by the presence of the evaluation process and the strengths and weaknesses of the existing systems.

The importance and significance of civil disobedience history essay

This paper is going to help identify and understand the importance of civil disobedience in a democratic country and its role towards the success of that country, and more specifically the role of this form of rebellion in the United States. Civil disobedience is an important part of a democratic country because it is one →

Human kindness

I had followed her to her ar and she drove to her house, gave me some clothing and told me to go take a shower, it felt like a blessing Just having the feeling of being clean. I had soon found out that her daughter of similar age had Just pasted away and she looked →

Why women keep secrets

Some women keep secrets, because they may feel thatthis is the only control that they may have in the relationship. Then, there are women that keep secrets because they feel that this is their way of being in control of this part of the relationship.

Firac case

Lyubov Andreyevna Ranevsky is now the owner of the orchard who returns from Paris, to this place of her ancestors, with her daughter, Anya and her familys' hired help. In the first act, it is learned that this family is debt and can not pay the mortgage and the orchard will be sold at auction →

Nuclear duo

The strong nuclear force holds quarks and the nucleus of atoms together, and the weak force allows particles to be transformed into other particles. The weaker brother of the strong force is the weak force, though the weak force is much less of a force and more like a mechanism.

Compare nothing’s changed with blessing essay sample

As it is in the third person, the reader is given the sense the poet is observing the situation. The message to the audience that water is extremely important to the people is heightened as Dharker creates a hustling and bustling atmosphere of people.

Historical and future development of internet addresses essay sample

TCP can be thought of as the layer which contains the protocols to carry out various methods of data transfer while the IP address act much like a postal address which the protocols uses to identify where to send the packets and where the packets have come from. Figure 4 shows the IP header which →

Fuel prices

Assignment on Fuel Prices Executive Summary- This report analyses the recent prices of unleaded regular gasoline, unleaded premium gasoline and diesel in all states across the US. Part 1- The state by state average fuel prices for regular unleaded gasoline in the US as of 28/02/2009, along with the corresponding histogram, are as follows- Mean →

Socioeconomic classes

Income that family procures, the level of education of parents and other members of family, the kind of profession directly implicate the socioeconomic status of the family. On the other hand health issues due to poor nutrition, scarcity of resources, no revelation to the latest technologies, lack of education and awareness hampers the self-esteem of →

Major current international intrest

Soaring international oil prices due to Libya crisis After Egypt's civil unrest that ousted Hosni Mubarak, the long term President of Egypt and ushered in the democracy within the country, Libya, a prominent oil producing nation in Middle East, also saw the start of political crisis. Saudi Arabia, the prominent member of OPEC has also →

Facebook and twitter offer businesses both opportunities and challenges

Since the advent of the social media, many people, especially the businesspersons, have optimized the use of such social networking sites for their advantage. Fundamentally, marketers need to do certain things in order to win the trust of their consumers and other social media users.

Working and poor in the usa

Working and Poor in the USA The article under review is d ' Working and Poor in the USA' was written by Beth Shulman in The Nation and it was first published in 2004. The basic discussion of the article is on the state of the working poor in America who are finding it →

Volunteer report

Together, we cooked a meal for the families and I was able to serve for some of them in the facility. I interacted with various families at the facility most of which were children, and it was incredible to learn about where they were from the families they came from.

Inside the teen brain

The prefrontal cortex is the area of our brain that causes us to react rationally in the face of emotional situations.True." The prefrontal cortex can be referred to as the part of the brain that performs the executive decisions of an individual. The frontal lobes in teens are not fully developed.True." Studies have shown at →

Tolerance in schools essay

We need to teach our students to be well rounded individuals and this means to understand and be tolerant of other people and cultures. Sending home the newsletters will help the parent to stay in the know about what is going on in the classroom and if they have questions or concerns they can direct →

Locke marx and machiavelli on reasoning philosophy essay

It is the right use of this assent that depicts the level of reasoning of an individual. It is in this vein of thought that the scholar chose to rubbish the need for reasoning.

The purpose of new product development

New Product Development is a process which is designed to develop, test and consider the viability of products which are new to the market in order to ensure the growth or survival of the organization. The objectives of this exercise are to determine customer reactions to the product and the way in which it is →

Internal corporate communications audit

Planning of internal corporate communications audit of the organizations: The internal corporate communication is held among the members of the organization. The development of the organization is highly depend on the strength of the corporate communication strategy.

Alcaholism & physically

Alcoholism is defined as a condition in which the individual is constantly preoccupied with the subject of alcohol, and consumes it to the level at which it affects physical health, mental health and functioning at the workplace, home or in social settings. In spite of this, people in the US continue to abuse alcohol, as →

Art appreciation

The star of David is used for Bar Mitzvah's, typically in the US for birthdays its balloons. I believe the cultural value is different for every person.

Pit bull bias in media

Without proper treatment and training, any dog can be vicious; but due to the media's bias, pit bulls and dogs classified or described as pit bulls are the negative focus of dog related stories. Breeders were trying to find a dog with the gameness of the terrier and the athletic abilities of the bull dog.

Mass media and technology assignment

In these countries, poverty is so common that often times the people there simply cannot afford the technology like people In other parts of the world. In the majority of business, the goal is money and will do everything in their power to achieve that goal.

Different marketing strategies employed by korean businessmen in iloilo city, philippines assignment

Different Marketing Strategies Employed by Korean Businessmen in Iloilo City by: Sangsoo Hong The growth in the economy of the Philippines triggered by foreign investors in the country showed that the Philippine business environment is thriving and opportunities exist. Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the different marketing strategies employed by Korean →

How the poems you have studied show the effect of time on heroes & kings essay sample

I am going to explore this theme by studying and analysing key areas of both poems such as, the content and theme, the imagery that is created, the language used, the structure that both poems where written in and also the overall effectiveness and message of both poems. The three main themes in ' Ozymandias' →

Why i want to attend law school

Application for Law studies I am herewith applying to the _____________ School of Law as I have a keen interest in legal studies and an interest to provide legal assistance to the poor and disadvantaged people in the community. It has been a very challenging but promising journey in the field of law and I →

What is federalism

Through the use of various academic sources, this paper will help others understand what federalism is all about and why it is important to respect the history of federalism in relation to the growth of our nation today. The pre-federalism period in from 1775 to 1789 saw the building blocks and foundations for the union →

Manual handling essay

Manual handling policies and procedures are among all workplaces and they were put in place to enable the correct aids and training to be used when care to someone to reduce the risk of injuries. The current Manual handling procedures that are being used within hospitals, aged care facilities and Nursing homes are in place →

Staffing issues with nurses essay

In the 1990's, a number of factor's combined to produce a nursing shortage in the United States and many other nations in the world. The act establishes a service to give scholarships and loans to nursing students if they are willing to serve in hospitals with critical shortages of nurses for a two year period.

Filipino english essay

Breaking Down Filipino English Filipino English most common variations in Standard English are on sound system, rhythm and on stress.' will explain why these are so in contrasting the interviewer, which is using the standard British English and the interviewee, a Filipino English speaker, or the CNN interview to President Benign Annoy Aquinas. The vernacular →

Aims and objectives essay

This is important because if customer and consumers find that the business has given them bas quality of a product of service they will recommend not to go to the Tesco business. This has also been proven as they quote " lowering prices every week", which shows Tesco are aware of the general price for →

Baptism : its meaning and functions

Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost..". When the church performs baptism, it testifies to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and signifies the sinner's union →

Analyze the family values essay

Now a days a lot of families are broken and dysfunctional and tend to lack of love and that is what hits me the hardest and just makes me realize how exceptionally important it is to love your family. In that case, you should always have your family who will always tell you what is →

Family studies: critical review

Nowadays the family is no longer a unit of production since it has lost functions due to industrialization and modernization where individuals study for a specific field and are not capable of carrying out certain functions that the family used to do. This earned the family money so they could buy other products and services →

Soe firms in corporate governance after going finance essay

Using a sample of 871 firms with 699 observations of previously private firms and 1, 914 observations of previously state-owned enterprise firms, we investigate the differences in corporate governance between publicly listed firms that used to be pure private firms before going public and listed firms that used to be SOEs before their initial public →

Introduction to working capital management business essay

Background of the study, statement of the problem, contributions of the study and chapterisation is discuses keeping in view the basic nature of working capital management. The progress and prosperity, financial health and stability, of an industrial or business organization, largely depend on the effective and efficient management and control of various parameters of the →

Editorial: quantifying and addressing bias associated with imperfect observation processes in epidemiological studies

The authors claim that this method can be used as a solution to underreporting in ecological and epidemiological studies and improve early detection of biological invasions. The eight papers showcase a range of approaches to quantifying and addressing bias associated with imperfect observation processes in epidemiological studies.

Weishub solves problems of inhibiting good awareness of the blockchain technology

WEIS Play: This is the Multimedia Streaming Platform of the ecosystem. The ecosystem will develop live streaming of movie, music and video content to entertain users on the platform, on a monthly subscription with new crypto-related information.

The congenital heart disease

The studies that look at exercise capacity before and after surgery also do not look at the effects of the cardiovascular system in response to exercise on a long term scale. In conclusion, Cardiac surgery is a commonly used form of reducing congenital heart defects and has been shown by these studies that the surgery →

Challenges and solutions to clergy members burnout

According to Scripture the purpose of a pastor is to proclaim God's Word, protect the flock, counsel and encourage the people. A pastor's health is affected by work difficulty and the variety of roles that clergy hold, with an emphasis on the high stresses of the ministry.

Gender differences in mental illness experiences

We do know that mental illness in the UK is associated with a significant burden of both disability and morbidity in general, and this will vary with both the severity of the illness at any given time and also the nature of the illness itself. In the context of this essay we should note that, →

Marketing management of nokia

The users of the Nokia phone was aged between 25 and 50, which is the segment that makes up 80% of the Nokia mobile phone market. And Lumia series was Nokia's appliance to challenge with smartphone market.

The course of portuguese exploration history essay

Although Portugal lacked the wealth and population of its rivals, it would lead the Europe in the exploration of sea routes to Africa, the Atlantic Islands, and to Asia and South America during the sixteenth century. The second was the evolution of an economy in which the port cities of Lisbon and Oporto became the →

Billy collins “the names”

Add school counselor to the list of people you can turn to when you need help. Chances are that whatever problem I have, my counselor has seen it before and has lots of good advice on how to help me work through it.Mr.

The greatest opportunities hidden in bitcoin

The bitcoin protocol, often called the Bit, basically allows a decentralized database to track the ownership of assets. The currency is the most commonly used application of the bitcoin protocol.

Dr. becket’s case assignment

Staff should have the appropriate interpersonal skills, attitude, and service knowledge to provide the service that consumers are paying for.Dr. She sees to it that her staffs are well taken care of so they in return will take care of her clients Process Refers to the systems used to assist the organization in delivering the →

Campus computer labs-the issue at hand assignment

On a daily basis I encounter a number of issues on the PGCC campus but the one that affects me the most is the problem with the computer labs. Not because I have to do the work but because I know the hassle I have to go through to find a computer lab that is →

Causes and effects of noise pollution assignment

This is one of the major sources of noise pollution.* To meet the demands of the basic necessity of living, the construction of buildings, highways and city streets causes a lot of noise. Machinery, motors and compressors used in the industries create a lot of noise which adds to the already detrimental state of noise →

Not stupid too essay sample

Even though they are wealthy and brought up well but as their parent is working and always busy with work they seldom spend time with their kids and just communicate through a note on the fridge.if the parent had a chance to meet them, only to nag them about their the other hand, Chengchai's →

The european union essay sample

In light of the failure in 2005 for the resolution of the European Union's constitution, perhaps the European Union can use the principles of brand marketing to gather more votes towards its next ratification. The European Union can use these traits to market itself to the populace of Europe.

Roy adaption model theory essay sample

Roy received input on the use of the model in education and practice." Roy Adaptation Model is comprised of the 4 domain concepts of person, health, environment, nursing, and a 6 step nursing process". The application of the Roy Adaptation Model will be how to diffuse the theory in the clinical area.


The reasons and consequences of divorce The problem of divorce is closely connected with thechange of type of relations in a modern family. The main reasons of divorce in the modern world are the following:- strengthening of economic independence and social equality of women;- creation of a family to have personal happiness, first of all →

Bus law case

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is a United s federal law which stipulates the standards applicable to all public company boards and management as well as public accounting firms. Thus, the core purpose of the SOXA is to protect and enhance security markets in the United States.

Attitude theories

Such a definition of attitude and its constructs is very essential for understanding the ways to induce positive changes in the society." Social psychologists attitude-behavior theories can contribute to understanding science teachers behaviors. The theory of attitude formation and change and its application to social group work.

The early development and history of movies

Griffith was one of the leading filmmakers of his, and arguably in all of filmmaking. In this era of silent films, the director had to find creative ways to express and get across the messages inside the movie.

Legionella pneumophila

Legionnaire's disease was the name given to the infection caused by the bacteria Legionella pneumophila. The bacteria Legionella pneumophila gained its name from the victims who were Legionnaires, and the first site of infection, the pulmonary system.

Letters of appreciation to caregivers

Fortunately, they were able to escape the storm itself, but have been emotionally and economically devastated by the event As to the purpose of this letter: I am currently a graduate student and have been instructed to send a letter of thanks to a prominent caregiver. I am very proud to have you in the →

Religious congregational website

The interest in increasing youth involvement is not only to ensure the social development of the organization but is also in response to the need to mentor, protect and nourish their journey to adulthood. Ultimately, the development of an online platform for socialization and communication among youth members of the congregation should be a foundation →

How make a moving speech

The fact that I would stand before many teachers and regional education officers increased my level of anxiety, and as the conference was about to begin, I felt that I could not face the crowd for a presentation. I however gained full control of my composure minutes after starting the presentation and it was a →

Becoming a part of history itself

My personality has molded in such a manner that I have started to like it more and more. I remember my parents guiding me through thick and thin in those formative years of a kid's life and I believe I am pretty lucky to be blessed with such loving parents.

The study of language

From the experiment, the human group seemed to be using a greater variety of communication than the nonhuman group. Additionally, for the nonhuman group, each sign of communication has one function.

Slavery in rome essay

The slaves were used as the main source of labor and came from the cities that the Romans conquered. They were forced to live of the government's ' welfare program.' This weakened the government.

Whipps cross hospital essay

I have researched about the health and safety, the products/services that are provided, the role of the organisation within the community, the role of scientists within the organisation, the work carried out and the science involved and also the use of ICT within the organisation. Health and SafetyEvery organisation has to follow the health and →

Dieting makes people fat essay

Although many people tend to think that dieting is the best way to slim down and to achieve their desired weight, dieting can be detrimental. A person's body will be able to sense that there is a chance of starvation when he deny food, resulting in an increase in hunger forcing the metabolism of the →

“the hunter” by julia leigh essay sample essay

He is besides sexually drawn to Lucy and begins to organize a bond with the kids. M's personal pursuit to run into the Tasmanian wolf is a perverse 1; he enters a sort of fatal dance and duologue which seems to hold awful aristocracy.

Gathering of data

For the tests to be conducted, the following were used as seen on the picture below: 1) A shovel and a ruler to measure the silt of the soil. 2) A thermometer to measure temperature 3) A refractometer to measure salt content 4) A net used to collect aquatic organisms for the mini SASS investigation →

Benefits of healthy eating in early childhood

I will discuss the chronic diseases that can be prevented and the ways that help to reduce the risks of developing these, and look at major food groups and how these can impact a healthy active lifestyle. Conclusion From this assignment it can be seen that a healthy lifestyle is of importance to young children →

Strategic management and leadership within mcdonalds

' It deals with the most fundamental and basic question that involve the very existence of the whole organisation and guide the whole company's future.' Strategic management entails both strategic planning and implementation, and is " the process of identifying and executing the organization's strategic plan, by matching the company's capabilities with the demands of →