Genuine Essay Examples

Stuff the tiger

And who honestly thinks it's sad that their children will never get to see a tyrannosaurus rex in the wild? Anyway, ignoring that, we are told that the polar bear is now at risk and as a result we are all supposed to kill ourselves.

An inspector calls essay

I will be required to write about the characteristics of the inspector making clear observations of his cross-examination techniques, the way in which he approaches the Birling family and his general function in the play as a whole. He is a very serious man this becomes aware to the audience in Act I as it β†’

International business machines corporation (ibm)

IBM case study analysis shows that the invention that made it famous corresponded to the necessity of the state, but not the needs of the customers. This solution of the company was the part of its corporate ethics, and a case study on IBM can also be made on this basis.

Do ask, do tell

In addition, the DADT policy prevented openly bisexual, lesbian, and gay individuals from serving in the US military on grounds that their presence in the military would results in an unacceptable risk with respect to high levels of unique cohesion, discipline, good order and morale, which are considered the key determinants of military capability. However, β†’

Hawksbill turtles

Because the shells play a cultural significance in Japan tradition, hawksbill turtles were commonly sold and imported throughout Asia, which drastically contributed to the " international trade of hawksbill turtles and resulted in the sharp decline that occurred in the twentieth century". The contaminated Gulf of Mexico served as home to a wide array of β†’

The truth in writing: invent or imitate?

I also think it's important to put emotion and hardship so the reader can feel these emotions deeply rooted into the writer and experience what the writer feels and thinks about. It takes you on a mental and emotional journey and makes you question what is right and wrong as a person in the perspective β†’

My paper on std’s essay

Bacterial vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis is the name of a condition in women where the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted and replaced by an overgrowth of certain bacteria. In women genital warts can develop around the vulva or inside the vagina and on the cervix.

“hospital corporation of america” by kester, w. carl essay sample

Each year HCA evaluated many potential acquisitions and areas for construction, with the criteria for selection including the target community's need for health care services, the quality of the target hospital's medical staff and personnel, the population growth pattern in the area served, the facilities' suitability for future expansion, and the hospital's overall financial position. β†’

You decide

The Chess Club is responsible for providing ASU students with the opportunity to engage in mind games. Membership of the club ranges from freshmen to seniors, the club is open to everyone that is interested in playing chess either professionally or for fun, as long as they are a student at ASU.

Ethic argument

Ethical Argument Main theme: Actions should result in happiness for all Two main supports; it is unethical to torture a defenseless puppy for personal amusement the strong always have an obligation to defend lesser creatures that are weak and helpless Consequences of an action should be important criteria for the people. Putting the puppy in β†’

Police recruitment and screening of job applicants

Insert Multiple Hurdle Approach and Some of the More Common Hurdles Used To Screen Applicants The Multiple Hurdle Approach refers to an array of selection tests that are used to evaluate the applicability of candidates for specific offices or jobs, in that candidates must pass the tests they are being subjected to, before they are β†’

Human growth and development

In the field of education, Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development has been extensively used in the modification of the learning process in schools all over the world." His theory makes us aware of our vision of students, for example, children defined by their age and IQ versus culturally and socially situated learners", asserts Kozulin. In β†’

The yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman essay

Even though the wife wanted to explain her feelings to her husband he was not listening as he does not believe that she is sick. In the novel the narrator was confined to her and was not permitted to have any outside contact.

Structural family systems essay

During his time of study, Munich, " discovered that families are organized into subsystems with boundaries regulating the contact family members have with each other turned out to be one the defining insights of family therapy' Subsystems What is the definition of a family and what does the family structure consist of? The parental us β†’

Wamu case study essay

The big banks such as Bank of America and Citigroup usually set the standard and led the charge for the industry. Washington Mutual's strategy to exponentially grow and target an underserved segment of the market challenged the industry's perspective of the thrift bank.

The definition of the doctrine of judicial precedent law general essay

The important part of the judgments which is binding for the future courts are known as ' ratio decidendi.'[4]Michael Zander states that the principle of law which decides a case in the context of or in the light of material fact is known as ratio decidendi [5]. Reversing is the overturning on appeal by a β†’

Brave new world utopia or dystopia philosophy essay

People of our world, the world which is happier than the savages' world, still not as happy as the Ford's world, will have to consider all the facts that make the new world look happy and brave. A reproductive goal is painless delivery of new people to the world, controlled properly for the sake of β†’

Background and future potential of electronic marketing

As one of the fastest growing economies in the world despite the global financial crisis, Vietnam's real GDP is expected to grow another 30% by the year 2015 [5], bringing even more disposable income to the rapidly increasing number of internet users in Vietnam, which is a prospect for the future potential of e-marketing, e-business β†’

The conclusion recommendations construction essay

The literature review discussed in detail the current state of timber frame construction in the United Kingdom and the important role it has in the future of the construction industry. It is important that the benefits of timber frame construction are well demonstrated in order to gain acceptance within the industry and the general public.

The fluid mosaic model of membrane structure

The nucleus is the organelle in which chromosomes are stored and protected from the activities that occur in the cell's cytoplasm. This is how the proteins and RNA exit the nucleus and move on to the rest of the cell or are dispersed outside the cell.

Food supplies: purchasing, receipts and storage

The supervisor and the supplier should usually be notified. Records of deliveries should be retained to enable traceability in the event or food poisoning or a food complaint.


In my opinion, a client- server would be the best system to use for an organization; verses the Web-based and the stand-alone PC based systems, because the client-server based provides set-ups and can be altered without disturbing the clients, while the other two systems require accessing every peer in the network. Morale and job satisfaction β†’

Edible oil sector

The key players extract oil from seeds and fruits to produce the oil and fats and by products of oil cake used in manufacture of animal feeds and palm flakes used for soap manufacturing. The companies may pass the increased cost of production and cost of material to the consumer.

Lecture marketing basic assignment

*Exploratory research we need to identify the main parts, to make a big picture. It is used when little is known about a particular management problem and to discover the general nature of the questions that might relate to it.

Marketing for marriott assignment

Marriott conduct extensive market research from GSS and the Loyalty Programme to measure brand awareness, consumer perception of the Brand and track the trends of the industry and the consumer. Marriott would appear to be leading the market by the systems, tools and inventory strategies that are in place and used on a daily basis β†’

Marketing assignment

9- List and briefly describe each of the major forms of direct marketing. Pick a mode of entry, explain your marketing strategy, and comment on the possible difficulties you might encounter.

Disc platinum rule assessment assignment

Based on the strengths and weaknesses identified above, I found my personal DISC Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment very enlightening and fairly accurate to a degree. Then again, when it comes to my Ministry, I think that the S Style is my dominant behavioral style because I am all about helping others in a warm, β†’

Demystifying graduate application process assignment

A good GRE score, on the other hand, provides further evidence in support of the candidate and assures the committee that the high GPA is not merely a fluke due to studying in a rather uncompetitive college. It is a good place to fit in all the details that cannot be covered in rest of β†’

The essence of poe essay

Suspense can be used to create the mood of a story; Poe knew and exploited that to make the reader feel like they are in the story. The short stories by Edgar Allan Poe use elements of fear, suspense and mood to draw in the reader.

Female athlete triad essay sample

Trakya University in Turkey conducted a study in June of 2004 to have a further understanding in the prevalence of the female athlete triad among athletes. Cutting weight for these sports has seemed to be a highly recognized in the diagnosis of the female athlete triad.

The effect of hand washing with soap among early graders

The final aspect of the dissertation topic touches on the fact that the strategy to be used for the entire research is one that is based on public campaign. Such strategies are indeed sure to guarantee the direct involvement of affected persons in the research The purpose of this qualitative study is to discover the β†’

Marketing plan: phase ii paper

The main challenge faced by Diageo is the rapidly declining beer sales in the UK. Mainstream and budget priced beer accounts for the remaining 95% of the market.

Community policing

Citizens do have the option of filing anonymous complaints, but agencies prefer that the aggrieved citizen reveal his or her identity. The complaint procedure is not very complicated and can be handled by most citizens.

The effects and development of adolescent females reared fatherless

The issue of single parenthood causes certain problems in the life of a kid and a different set of problems in a teenager's life. A very recent research study by Rebekah Coley in the BPS Research Digest highlighted the fact that there is actually a significant role and effect of fathers on the life of β†’

Chekovs and zulus attitudes toward england

The paper " Chekov's and Zulu's Attitudes toward England" is a good example of an essay on history. After the assassination of Indira Gandhi, Zulu goes underground by infiltrating and studying the Sikh extremists believed to be responsible for the assassination.

Case study: latin america and the catholic church

According to Mannion the Pope's visit convinced most of the Nicaraguan individuals that the Vatican will not involve itself with their issue. Following the reaction of priests to the Pope's comments, most Christians believed that the incidence would stir up opposition against the Pope, and the ripple effect be further division in the Church.

Unit 2-2 fm

94 billion Net incomeUS$ 2. 97% Walgreen has higher earnings attributable to its shareholders of 3.

Analysis of howard carter’s diaries

Having such a number and range of artifacts from the same time period allows scholars to draw conclusions about everything from the religious practices of the period, to the way furniture was made, and to make guesses about the wealth of the pharaoh and of Egypt itself. These artifacts went on to be some of β†’

Scarcity as one of the basic economic problems

The idea of all economic activity is the creation of merchandise and services with the very restricted amount of resources available. The intention is to attempt to meet the needs of as many people as possible while maximizing profit.

A comparative analysis of the dependency theory, modernization theory and the world system theory

This purpose of the paper is to review difference between Modernization Theory, Dependency Theory, and World Systems Theory as well as selecting the theory that best explains social change by giving reason. Modernization theory describes the progress and development of technology in developed nations of the world.

Free essay on history of graphic design

The above together with the history of writing form the basis of graphic design art. In the world today, a graphic designer carries with him the magic of the earliest scribe and inventors of language with keen interest in both the word and the language.

Historical development of the solution focused narrative practice

During the 1960's, a project was set up to research schizophrenic communication and in the cause of their studies, the project became fascinated by the word of Milton Erikson. From Thinktank to New Therapy: The process of Solution Focused Theory and Practice Development.

Psychosocial resources in a therapeutic relationship

Thirdly, the assumptions and beliefs of both therapists and patients regarding the therapeutic alliance need to be identified, and if necessary remedied, to achieve a successful interaction. Peplau's theory of the nurse-patient relationship provides a useful basis for conceptualising the role of psychosocial resources in successful therapeutic relationships.

Influence of the economy on uk government

First, it is key to outline the characteristics of the relationship the government and the economy share. The regulation of markets and the encouragement of competition and entrepreneurship are all different areas in which the government contributes to the economy.

More goods per shipping to reduce time marketing essay

Secondly, IKEA will choose the most appropriate manufacturer that is going to provide IKEA with the least costly raw materials and code of conduct governing introduced to choose the best supplier. The third step is to get the maximum functionality at minimum cost and this can be achieved through the design of the product.

Bloodshed and violence in ancient rome history essay

The month of May is named after the Latin word for ancestors, maiores.[iii]This festival served to honor the ancient sacred rites of the Lemures.[iv]The festival of the Lemuria concerned the paterfamilias of the family only. The banging bronze forced the spirit to listen to man and leave the house.[vii]Originally the sacrifice for the Lares was β†’

Small and medium enterprises in mauritius

Lal K and Peedoly A S who carried a survey to locate Mauritian SMEs in the present context of global competition and to identify the extent to which they have adopted ICTs as a tool to meet the challenges suggested that:" The general picture of Mauritian SMEs that emerges from the above findings is that β†’

An american childhood

In the epilogue Annie Dillard continues to share stories of everything she had been taught, such as French, and how the opportunity to read everything that she was able too as she grew up was because of her social class. She always had the privilege of having and doing stuff that others were not always β†’

Government and economics in the early 20th century u.s.

Both the President and the government were easygoing in the postwar posterity, feeling no need for heavy intervention." The 1920s saw an increase in the efficiency of production, a steady climb in real wages, a decline in the length of the average employee's workday, and a boom in consumer goods industries".- Out of Many, third β†’

Tourism marketing assignment

To achieve co- ordination and a sense of Joint direction between the different departments of an organization, and to communicate and motivate all levels of staff. Marketing campaign budgets: the sum of the costs of the campaign action programmer Judged necessary to achieve the specified objectives and targets set out in the marketing plan.

Earthquakes and tsunamis assignment

Earthquakes, when mixed with the ocean, can have a devastating effect on structure and society. For one, eater in the streets can increase the spread of disease, and a whole community can be wiped out.

Alias grace and in the park essay

Margaret Atwood's " Alias Grace" supports this concept and it is highlighted to the reader through the protagonist of the novel, Grace Marks as her identity is perceived by by numerous forms of media and outside society, impacting on the way in which she views herself. Enabling the responder to feel empathy for Grace as β†’

Ford case essay sample

Main Points Overview * Problems identification: excessive cash and undervalue stock.* Supported by comparison with GM and DaimlerChrysler * Research on VEP and alternative cash payout methods:* From ford family's point of view, VEP is the best in the way of more flexibility, higher voting power, higher percentage share holding, lower taxes, most positive signaling β†’

A poison tree essay sample

In the first quatrain he is speaking from his own experience, he is angry at his friend. In this case he is lying a trap for the person he calls his foe.

Risk assessment

The main idea of the paper is that it proposes an efficient risk assessment toolkit that will highlight the importance of the IT infrastructure for the non-profit organizations. The methodology that has been proposed by the author involves a series of steps that should be followed to ensure that the non-profit organization understands the risks β†’

Social psychology

Lanning with the help of Susan Calvin, a Robopsychologist, and one of Lanning's associates; and in the process he discovers that the late Dr. In the movie, Spooner sees a robot running with a purse and assumes that the robot is stealing from someone.

Government grants for alternative energy

Thus, it is a proposal that government invest their grant in the research for alternative energy so that the state can attain a back-up energy reservoir in case of any crisis. The alternative energy is a vast range of possibilities and so this research will only focus the energy derived from hydropower i.e.water.


The usefulness of this service is largely dependent on the response of its users, benefits that car-sharing provides, the target group of people being wide or narrow, the USP of the Communauto service and the market competitors. Car sharing in France: A study of the potential benefits, barriers and alternatives.

Sears holdings’ retail industry

The corporate level strategy of Sears is to be an integrated retailer of diverse products and services. The business level strategy of the company is to pursue Lampert's two platforms, Shop Your Way and Integrated Marketing.

Transforming traditional views

It is difficult for these movements to gain support when most people are either ignorant of the damages being done to the environment, or not taking to account the dangerous effects it has to life and property. It is also difficult to gain support from the majority of a global population that just wants to β†’


Perhaps the Titanic tragedy and the subsequent novels and movies about the ship have given us a pretty accurate description, for the seven hundred survivors waited in the icy water for several hours before help arrived. Even the dog beside him knew by instinct that such temperatures were not survivable, for indeed by the end β†’

The omnivores dilemma industry

The research presented in the Omnivores dilemma is meant to help to understand the health as well as the environmental implications of our food sources. The sterling great success of the Omnivores dilemma is one of the key Pollan's ability to explore pressing agricultural issues and even the most complex in a simplified way.

When and why to think about retirement and estate planning

When and Why to Think about Retirement and E Planning Affiliation: When should you start to think about retirement and estate planning? Action should also be taken immediately because of the uncertainty of the future and what may happen to an individual's job and hence the retirement saving's may come in handy in case of β†’

Formal comparison of two museums

These fundamental differences are most evident in the architectural design of the buildings themselves: the Frick building is a calm, warm house built for afamilyto live in while the Guggenheim building is a cold, public hall built to accommodate hundreds of art enthusiasts at a time. The styles of the architecture are quite different, and β†’

Theories of job satisfaction and organisational commitment

The relationships of these traits to job satisfaction had been discussed in reviews of the literature with respect to self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability, however the size and extent of these relationships, and the variability in these relationships across studies, had not been established. In terms of self-esteem, a review of the literature β†’


If one could get in touch with this Tao and understand it, this would lead to a immense transformation of society and government Another similarity between the two philosophies is that they both believed that society and government was perfect in the past and that those lost values must be brought back in order to β†’

Becoming an effective leader

By combining this class to what I already knew about being a leader, it strengthened my values and my conviction of effective leadership, and that is allowing your people to grow and be successful. When it comes to this movie and what we can learn about leadership and ethics, it is simply, understanding the leader β†’

Genetics of huntington disease

Hunting disease holds a one of a kind position in the field of therapeutic genetics since it has a great extent added to the comprehension of the gene: This was the principal genetic turmoil to be mapped to a particular locus in the chromosome without earlier learning of the gene area and one of the β†’

Pakistan elektron limited pel overview marketing essay

There are two types of PEL Air Conditioners: PEL window Type air conditioners were launch in 1981 in technical partnership with General Corporation of Japan. PEL company started manufacturing of refrigerators in the mid of 1986 and 1987 in the technical collaboration with Ms SILTAL of Italy.

The influence of ambush marketing on consumer attitudes

The purpose of the research is to explain whether ambush marketing can be influential on consumers' attitudes by examining factors including awareness, advertising attitude, brand image, the corporate image, which could be considered to be a tool to measure the effectiveness of the ambush marketing. Collecting reliable data is important to prove key argument and β†’

What was the anzac legend was about history essay

In the course of the war, the qualities that made up the true Australian spirit were revealed. The loss and failure in the war had no effect on the ANZACs die to qualities such as; bravery, humour even in the most life-threatening situations, mateship, a belief in equality and the ability to utilise whatever resources β†’

Testing customs union theory

He estimated the changes in trade when tariffs are reduced between the six common market countries, the United Kingdom and Scandinavia and found intra-European trade to increase by approximately 17% and the gains from trade to the European countries to equal to about 0. Lipsey, Gehrel and Meade presented one of the major developments in β†’

Organization and business structure of adidas commerce essay

Mission of the Adidas is anyhow to become the best sports brand in the world. Identify the reasons of resistance from the staff to the recommendation for the organization structure as a swot analysis.

Rationale about job satisfaction

Employees of top corporations in the Philippines display the highest level of commitment and focus among workers surveyed across the Asia Pacific region, according to a study by global consultancy firm Watson Wyatt, the employee's engagement score for the Philippines stood at 77%, up by four percentages from the previous survey in 2007.[4]It has been β†’

The implication of creative accounting on the firms

These are as follows.' Involves the repetitive selection of accounting measurement or reporting rules in a particular pattern, the effect of which is to report a stream of income with a smaller variation from trend than would otherwise have appeared'.' Is any action on the part of management which affects reported income and which provides β†’


It could be a common radiograph, such as a chest x ray; a tomograph, which is a radiograph obtained by timing the x ray exposure to correspond with the movement of the x ray tube and film in opposite directions around the plane of the body; or, finally, a computerized axial tomography scan. The use β†’

Public school s ugh!!!

When I was in 5th grade, I switched from private school to public. I advanced in all my subjects.

ο»Ώpromote person centred approaches in health and social care essay sample

In order to find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual I would refer to any previous files held with regards to that person, as well as discussing directly with the client what the what preferences etc.of that person are. Adapting your actions and approaches will benefit the person greatly and can β†’

How would a multicultural workforce affect teamwork? essay sample

Integration of minorities into the workplace, or the practice of suppressing cultural differences to conform to the majority culture, meant that many of these minority workers had to lose a part of their heritage in order to obtain employment. If one group selects to value the individual over the family and the other the family β†’


Other serious problems, which can occur with the intake of smoke and in reality nicotine in the body, from time to time entail ulcers, certain types of cancer and lung-related predicaments as well as a number of other injuries, most common and threatening of which is the tissue breakage within the body. Peer smoking has β†’

Fire service administration

Case Study: Search Warrants and Arson Investigations Apartment Fire of the of the Search Warrants and Arson Investigations Apartment Fire Investigation The arson investigation rests on four areas, which are incendiaries, opportunity, motivation and connecting evidence. A Probable Cause Affidavit should contain many aspects such as when and where the incidence took place; relevant information β†’

Anthropology (last of the neanderthals)

The Last of the Neanderthals According to the article, what was the geographic range of Neanderthals? This is something that the Neanderthals may have failed to develop because of their impractical cultural buffers.

Special topics

The NIEO or New International Economic Organization was a product of the Second World War and the United Nations first attempt to address the issue of world economic inequality. The General Assembly convened in order to study the world economic problems especially the role of wealthier countries in the development or underdevelopment of smaller and β†’

Founding fathers

Consequently, the argument of the founding fathers, that the growth of the government is detrimental to the liberties of the population is flawed. This is because the government has the mandate to ensure that the needs of its citizens are addressed.

Achievements of heron alexandria

He was a native of Roma Egypt which recognizes him as one of the classical age experimenter and also a follower of the ancient theory of Democritus, Epicurus and Lucretius. He also came up with the formula that the path taken between two point by a ray of light is the path that can be β†’

Advanced managerial accounting report

Review of the Articles " The Control Function of Management" by Merchant and " Why Incentive Plans Cannot Work" by KohnSimilarities between the Articles The main similarity between the two articles is that they discuss various approaches used by management to oversee successful and effective leadership at an organization. Differences between the Articles The article β†’

In excel:

When a percentage rate of change is entered under the " Variations" column for either of the two parameters, say 105% if sales are projected to increase at a rate of 5% every quarter and 96% if the cost of sale is projected to reduce at 4% each quarter, the spreadsheet computes the effects of β†’

Radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism

9% of patient who received a dose of RAI in the range of 0-10 mCi and 83. Of the 8 patients who had ophthalmopathy, 5 patients was treated successfully and hence there was no significant correlation between ophthalmopathy and outcome of the treatment in this study.

How can poverty and inequality in india economics essay

According to NCAER, in 2009, of the 222 million households in India, the completely poor households accounted for only 15. According to Wikipedia, the majority of poor people in India in several states are as follows: According to United Nations Statistics, in 2005, over 80% of the India's rural population is poor.

Creationism in schools

This view of what a education should do recalls the essential heritage of learning, because it assumes that the mind's development and growth, within the context of broad understanding, avoids the danger that in doing only what is believed to be " relevant" to today's needs, it may prove to be painfully irrelevant to tomorrow's. β†’

Wicked live theatreassignment assignment

The show opens on the famous scene from " The Wizard of Oz" in which Glinda, played in this show by Tiffany Haas, annouces that the Wicked Witch is dead. The acting and directing in this production were absolutely amazing, The audience was transported to Oz body and soul throughout the entire performance and at β†’

Anti lice oil from guyabano (annona muricata l.) essay sample

How will the seed of guyabano be useful to man and how will lice be killed/lessen, lead the researchers to conduct the research study and experiment? Scopes and Delimitations This study aims to make an anti-lice oil from guyabano seed extract and to determine the effectiveness of the product against lice.

Case study example

of the of the Concerned 17 May Case Study There is no denying the fact that the changes initiated by Michelle Rhee are thoroughly in consonance with the pragmatic essentials of equity theory that have to do with the existence of mechanisms to gauge and influence employee motivation in relation to the outputs extended by β†’

Elisa assay

Graph 2: Monoclonal mouse anti-rabbit Ig G In this graph various dilution of mouse anti rabbit Ig G antibodies were used to determined concentration of rabbit Ig G.the most effective dilution will be between 1/4000 to 1/8000, as in rest of the cases, at lower concentration of Ig G there is no linearity with increasing β†’

Strategy implementation

The use of technology can improve the production capacity of the company. Five types of controls are bureaucratic control, output control, operational control, market control, and culture control.

Quick response logistics

The need to satisfy the needs of the customers and the ability to respond quickly to customer's requirements are the main drivers behind the concept of quick response logistics. The company operates very low inventory and it makes deliveries of the products to different retailers at least twice a week.