Genuine Essay Examples

Primary school rather than secondary school essay sample

In addition, in the middle of the residential area, there was the supermarket. Task 2: Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Thus, it seems to be compulsory for children to learn a foreign language in most of the education β†’

The culture of a local high school compare to that of a large university essay sample

Since high school and university are two different institutions, they must have different cultures. First of all, the cultural differences of a local high school and a large university is their structure. There are more faculties or teachers at a large university than a local high school are.

Inclusion and special education essay sample

It has been said that the most effective means of combating discriminatory attitudes and fostering an atmosphere of acceptance within the framework of education for all is to increase the inclusion of students with disabilities in mainstream schools (UNESCO, 1994, as cited in Foreman & Kelly, 2008, p.109). Principles such as normalisation have led to β†’

The critical role of classroom management

Since the writing lesson is rather difficult and challenging learners are intended to prepare for survival in the real situation, the purpose of the learning should be the same as they are in a real life. One way to motivate the learners the real world in the classroom has been to use more discussion and β†’

The importance of a safe and healthy school education essay

Teachers are encouraged to concentrate their energy and resources on altering the countries within their domain of influence, that is, the schoolroom and the school. A figure of factors have been identified as lending to pupils sense of safety and belonging at school, but less research has examined the grade to which these factors really β†’

Spanish period essay sample

The schools were and are now held in the residences of the teachers, or in buildings hired by the municipalities and used by the principals as dwellings. In some of the schools there were wooden benches and tables, but it was not at all unusual to find a school without any seats for the β†’

Scholarly journals essay sample

She is excited by this prospect but also concerned that her students will be disruptive as they go to their lab stations and work in small groups. She is also concerned that her students will get hurt if they are not careful at the lab stations.

A discussion on the uniform system in american schools

The statement is that uniforms in school will merely keep the pupils, and that schools can hold higher trial tonss, less battles, and better subject jobs without integrating uniforms into the schools. With that being said, the issue that needs to be addressed within the local and province schools is the fact that pupils have β†’

The problem of poverty

Poverty is a global problem caused by many factors, being a problem not so easy to settle, but it depends on the commitment of a state and society to ensure the welfare of a community. We do not have to wait for thousands of people to die act but on the contrary react to avoid β†’

Solving a sociology problem essay examples

In order to alleviate and deal with such issues, the root cause of the same has to be identified. For instance, the lack of motivation by an employee can be as a result of poor working environment, poor salary or wages, huge work load or even personal issues like family matters.

Sociological theories of poverty essay sample

Sociologists' also argue that it is not so much the generosity of the welfare state, but more so the inadequacy and the structure of society itself which is responsible for the existence of poverty. The second approach of explaining poverty in a sociological context is that of Marxism. It does fail to accept that β†’

Viewing news media through a critical lens: the oreilly factor and the perception essay examples

Rupert Murdoch, the man who owns FOX News and all the associated companies, is heavily conservative, and thus, the news that FOX expresses tends to be heavily biased towards the conservative side of American politics. FOX News, and more specifically, The O'Reilly Factor, never purports to be anything but a conservative talk show; this is β†’

Good example of stranger with a camera: reflection essay argumentative essay

And, from what it seems, she has managed to present convincing arguments by interviewing a number of people coming from a variety of social classes in Kentucky, and people that knew O'Connor. Summary Back in 1967, Hugh O'Connor, a Canadian filmmaker was hired to direct a film that showcased the " American Dream", as β†’

Swot analysis essay samples

Strength - I am a good negotiator and I always manage to win over people to buy the take of my side in arguments. - I am very confident in myself, and I can always express myself appropriately to anybody at any given time. It makes me to have a very poor choice of words β†’

The community’s assistance and help to the homeless people

If you are one of the fortunate ones the world of a homeless is totally foreign from your any case without the help of loved ones what a number of us could survive something for example the loss of a life partner a crippling physical illness or the loss of work huge numbers of β†’

Free essay about outsourcing surrogacy

Some of the issues that develop from the practice include ethical concerns on women who offer themselves as surrogates, the women paying for surrogacy services, the agencies that contract such women, the government authorities, and the medical practitioners who build their practice around the practice. It is essential to identify the factors that contribute to β†’

Essay on american welfare system

To the advantages of the system, one may include: - Material help to those who badly need money; - Food stamps for poor; - Medical care; - In some cases the welfare system helps to keep one's living standard; Disadvantages: - The welfare system is rather costly for tax payers; - Some people do not strive to seek for job; - There β†’

The type of business, purpose, and ownership essay sample

If customers are not satisfied with the quality of the products or services offered by Sainsbury's, it is they are full responsibility to fix their issues. Sainsbury's is a public limited company therefore the owners are shareholders.

Punk subculture – origins and influence: description

A subculture is a group of individuals with the same interests that oppose social norms in is a culture division within a larger culture with separate values and practices unique to them. Subcultures can have an important role in an individual's identity, through the connection between the subcultures and the dominant culture is β†’

Free the namesake essay sample

The collision of cultural values and the general global awareness, describes the contrasting way of accommodation and the strategies taken to adapt to the new environment, circumstances and the new cultural practices. He came to hate the name due to the frequent questions he used to face. In addition, the film maker further describes the β†’

Explore your own unique body and sexual pleasure: affordance analysis of the lioness

The Lioness technology and the promise of getting to know your body and sexual pleasure through numbers will be the subject of this bachelor thesis. In this bachelor thesis, the affordances of the Lioness vibrator and the linked application will be critically analyzed. The question I will answer in this bachelor thesis is: β†’

The contribution of traditional stereotypes to inequality in society

An example of a stereotype " men is better than women in Maths and Science" the group identified is gender which is women and male and the stereotype is ' men are better than women in Maths and Science,' which suggests that men are much more clever than women. In conclusion, this essay has discussed β†’

The urgent issue of stigma relating to health problems in modern society

People in the workforce may also overreact to them when they are passing by, making them feel horrible. They are scared to utilize health services that are provided to them.

Good essay about sexuality

The paper examines how both articles have expressed the issue of sexuality and the perception of the society on the same. Judith butler's Gender trouble is one of the most talked about scholarly works of the past five decades. She goes on to argue that sex is a socially constructed category which stems out of β†’

One nation divisible under politics & parties for none

This began the United States current political parties. According to the preamble of the Constitution, the purpose of the United States government is to " establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare [of Americans], and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity".. Based on a β†’

Essay on motion picture analysis: the legend of 1900

One of the very first themes noticeable in the story is the inability of humans to let go of things that they love. Its depiction in the Legend of 1900 is beautiful, tragic and pragmatic, all at the same time. The story also casts a false sense of loneliness around the character of 1900.

Free drama essay sample

In the writing of Naked Lunch, the writer used the element of theme to bring out the philosophical meaning of addict through the character, the Buyer who is one of the drag argents. The central conflict seen in Find Chinatown is experienced when Benjamin reveals his ethnic as a Chinese as he claims that he β†’

Borders: border and blackfoot culture essay

His mother's actions at the border and the reaction from the public influenced the protagonist's opinion of his Blackfoot heritage. The attention from the media made the protagonist start to think that maybe being Blackfoot was not such a bad thing after all, maybe it could be something he is proud of. The protagonist's mother β†’

The usa is great: many things to be proud of

In the United States, this is an underappreciated part of our country. The United States of America also has an amazing military that protects each and every citizen diligently. Thanks to the combination of all the highly esteemed branches of the US military, including but not limited to the Navy, Air Force, Army, and Marines, β†’

The connection between language use and gender

Deborah Tannen, a professor of linguistics, suggests that gender differences in language can be the source of miscommunication between men and women (Del Torto, Finegan & Rickford, 2004). On the other hand, the difference model is the idea that gender differences in language is the result of different gender cultures (Del Torto, Finegan & Rickford, β†’

The analysis of the film “the grand illusion”

In on Moodle, so any instance the program finds of the use of outside sources that are not cited will result in an automatic 0 for the assignment without the chance of a rewrite. What sense do you get about the animosity between the warring parties/factions from the film; the French, German, British, Russian? I β†’

Nationalism and two nation theory

The term nationalism is used to describe two phenomena: The thoughts that the members of a nation have when they care about their national identity, The actions that the members of a nation have take when seeking to achieve self determination. Nationalism on the Three Time Levels Since nationalism itself β†’

How my best friend fought cancer and won

The thought that I would lose her made me realize how important she is to me. I had taken for granted all the joy and laughter that she would fill my days with.

No more race categorization in the modern society!

A large part of why society fears specific races more than others is the way they are portrayed in movies and the media, which is usually related to crime. Assimilating to others because of a want to fit in is something I, and probably the majority of people do.

Lgbtq people and grieving the loss of partner

Allow the grieving LGBTQ kid to define what is right to discuss in their specific situation. Capture Opportunities To Participate in The Dying Experience and Burial Rituals When the relationship with the person who died was not acknowledged or publically recognized, the grieving LGBTQ kid is unable to openly acknowledge their feelings, publically mourn β†’

Sexual priming: the priming effect

Furthermore, Hundhammer and Mussweiler in their research conducted various studies on how sexual priming would lead to following typical gender scripts. The subjects would make a clear distinction of their gender and play the social role most expected of that gender. Similarly, in how priming will not lead to the same result depending β†’

Immigrants’ original brushstrokes to a picture of local language

Welsh English is going into a new stage of language transformation being shaped under the influence of a new wave of immigrants from Eastern Europe. Thus they are the most active communicators of a new accent.

Politics and the english language analysis

George Orwell writes about the traditional style of English, and the connection between language and action. Orwell discusses the problems of Modern English and the slow spread of vagueness in writing. In this essay the thesis was explicit; it stated that the English language is in a decline and that modern English of full of β†’

Introduction to language essay sample

He has already constructed the spoken language and with his entry into the classroom, he will begin to consolidate the spoken language and begin to explore the written forms of language. Because language is an intrical involvement in the process of thinking, the child will need to be spoken to and listened to often. β†’

Emotion and language

She tells us about her different struggles she's put up with as her teachers deeply enforced her to forget her roots and adapt to an American way of thinking and speaking. Her knowledge and experiences of using different languages that are forms of Spanish, give us reason to listen to her. As she β†’

Problem research proposal

English as a Second Language Introduction: This research is about English as a second language. Teaching English as a Second Language,.Rev.and Enl.ed.

Emergence of communicative language teaching

Anthony an approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of the language and the nature of language teaching and learning. The Audio-Lingual Method The Audio-lingual method is a style of teaching used in teaching foreign languages.

Language and globalisation

Discourse refers to very specific patterns of language that tell us something about the person speaking the language, the culture that person is part of, the network of social institutions that the person caught up in, and even frequently the most basic assumptions that the person holds. Thus, the idea of discourse includes β†’

English as a global language

The domination of a people's language by the languages of the colonising nations was crucial to the domination of the mental universe of the colonised. Ngugi wa Thiong'o (extract from his famous essay on " The language of African literature") But there are several arguments for the demand of the adoption of the ex-colonial languages β†’

One language spoken worldwide would lead to better international relations essay sample

In order to avoid this chaos some people HAVE startED to support the idea that one language spoken worldwide would lead to better international relations. When easy communication is taken into a consideration, a single language spoken in the world is highly significant. Additionaly, translation can harm the meaning unity and beauty of the β†’

How non english native speaker translate slang texting into regular english

INTRODUCTION The subject of this study is slang and how the use of slang can be transferred from a source text in one language to a target text in another language. From a translation studies' point of view, slang is interesting because of its connotations in its source culture.

Practice english language essay

Context plays a massive role In determining whether taboo language use Is tolerated or acceptable, and can definitely shock or offend, within certain context. Body Paragraph 1: Taboo language used to establish group solidarity or used simply to create emphasis r show distaste Taboo language can be used by an individual to show β†’

Synthesis essay

The reason I think language can be used as a mirror is because people use language to directly reflect who they are as a person. Usually the image that a person portrays in their language is a direct reflection of their true personality; however, people can also use language as a tool when they purposely β†’

Compare how poets use language to present feelings in the manhunt and one other poem (nettles)

The way in which Scannell merges the child's laughter of comfort and relief with the tears of pain from the sting of the nettles shows that the child is being helped by his father to get over the pain. Simon Armitage allows the wife to speak of how hard it is to connect with her β†’

The watch (english language creative writing)

Hard black plastic handle - cold to touch, black metallic covers the barrel and the heaviness weighs my hand down as I hold it under my coat, carry it to my car and place it on the passenger seat. I take it to my house, hide it under the bathroom sink - and never speak β†’

Phonetics and phonology essay sample

In this paper I concentrate mostly on the articulation of speech sounds in the English language, with little mention of their acoustic and auditory characteristics. Phonology is the study of sound system of a language, the general properties displayed by this system; it studies how sounds function in relation to each other, the way β†’

Implementing hypnoteaching to improve listening ability

It is the real impact of the way to face the globalization era. In this case, a Teacher has a very significant role to introduce English to the students until consult them to master it.

Sport in school essay

It is also my belief that it students should have the right to choose whether or not we do sport/PE, because we are allowed to choose the subjects that are more important, so why are we not allowed to choose whether or not we do sport? And it is not only the actual time you β†’

Second language acquisition essay sample

According to Swain,...producing the target language may be the trigger that forces the learner to pay attention to the means of expression needed in order to successfully convey his or her own intended meaning. In Swain's view, learners need not only input, but output: they need to use language in order to β†’

Analysing sentences essay sample

AC) - (AC Children sometimes invent games they can entertain themselves) (so that they are free of adult interference RC). - a coordinating conjunction a conjunction set between words, expressions, provisos, or sentences of equivalent rank - a subordinating conjunction a conjunction that presents a subordinate proviso, e.g., despite the fact that, in light of β†’

Essay on biological basis of nutrition

In fact, it will require more relevant data to expound on the claim that CVD risks have a greater probability to be influenced by identified nutrients that are being used as substitute for saturated fat. Even though there was an inverse relation of saturated fat with stroke risk that was the subject of the study, β†’

Free essay on obesity: an issue facing america

It claimed the ' determination of the extent to which the 2007 definitions of severe and morbid obesity affects different groups of American Children and Adolescents' to be its primary objective. 5 : 322-9.

The cause and effects of childhood obesity essay sample

The damaging effects on a child's physical and mental health are two of the main aspects that are associated with childhood obesity. A poor diet and lack of exercise or physical activities are two of the hugest factors that contribute to childhood obesity. With the lifestyles of modern families, a home cooked β†’

Chris goodman

Childhood obesity is a major problem and needs to be fixed because it causes major health issues for the child in the future. Childhood obesity is a major problem and needs to be fixed because it causes major health issues for the child in the future.

Obesity as a major health issue

We are extremely engaged in the long-standing issue of malnutrition and hunger in our country that we also forgot about the increasing rates of obesity. As indicated by Asia Roundtable on Food Innovation for Improved Nutrition , " Among the six countries studied, the Philippines has the second-lowest obesity and overweight prevalence at 5. β†’

Fad diets and how they are harmful to your health essay sample

Sure, you might lose a few pounds however most of the weight loss on these plans comes from water, not fat. Fad diets are an unhealthy way to lose weight. Most fad diets will not give a teen all the nutrients they need to grow.

Essay on diet analysis and comparison

However, they require a larger intake of proteins and this also consistent to the one in my diet which is about the same figure. The other improvement relates to the fluid intake which is very lacking in my diet and to cater for this, I would ensure that there is more fluids like β†’

The problem of obesity in the film “supersize me” by morgan spurlock

Supersize Me is a film by Morgan Spurlock, that emphasizes the message of the danger and effects of McDonald's and their effects on people's health. He also includes songs that make fun of fast food places like McDonald's to make the it more entertaining. Spurlock persuades the audience to believe that fast food is β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of a vegetarian diet essay sample

It is healthy way of life, but it results in loss of vital minerals and food components. A vegetarian diet has many pros, chief among them a reduction of risk of contracting diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular complications, obesity and diabetes. Lamley, while refuting claims that vegetarians are less prone to the risk of β†’

Free essay on the bmi formula

9 probably overweight BMI 30 obese Now I have to calculate W equivalents for all of BMI figures including the last compound inequality, which is showing us that a person is obese if his MBI index is from 30 to infinity. If BMI is equal to 17 weight = 102 because β†’

Midterm essay – childrens literature essay sample

The Uncle Remus stories help to discuss the often-sensitive topic of slavery by presenting an oft-considered offensive portrayal of African Americans; the Rip Van Winkle story discusses the evils of alcoholism and idleness; and " The Happy Prince"'s subject matter heavily involves notions of sacrifice and death. The use of dialect and odd writing and β†’

Free alcohol addiction essay sample

The paper also opts to discuss the causes of alcohol addiction, its risk factors, prevalence and treatment methods. Causes of Addiction The main cause of alcohol addiction is not universally known although there are factors which are considered to lead to this brain disorder. Researchers are focusing on the study about the alteration of β†’

Leaving for las vegas essay example

In the movie alcohol is his everything. The second dimension that goes wrong in Ben's life is social health this is because he lost his family and lost his friends and moves in Las Vegas to drink till death. The fourth dimension is emotional health, Ben does not put in β†’

Good essay on evaluate its products and marketing channels

According to the report, very little has been done by the company in the recent past in advertising its products and by the time management realizes its market share is shaky. In which region of the world would you recommend V&S Absolut Spirits to allocate more marketing resources? Where the business is of β†’

Essay on opposing positions legalization of marijuana

This type of consumption of marijuana tends to be both slower and more efficient than smoking, completely eliminating the noxious effects of consuming heated smoke. The debate as to whether to legalize Marijuana or not has raged on for quite some time now and it's not about to end in the near future. As for β†’

Cause and effects of drugs and alcohol abuse during the vietnam war essay

Such effects raised concerns to the effects of drug abuse and dependence on soldiers during and after the Vietnam War. The main reason for heavy drug usage and alcohol abuse in the military during the war was its acceptance as a norm and tradition in the military service. Uncomfortable weather and the dangerous environment with β†’

The strange case of dr. jekyll and hyde is a story about a successful and essay examples

In the story, alcohol and the " potion" are used as symbols of the transformation that goes on between Dr. Stevenson used alcohol and the potion as symbols for the duality of man, which is a major theme in the story.

Good alcohol consumption patterns effect on consumer behavior research proposal example

Besharov identifies the formation of sub-groups follow 1) inconsistent organizational identities and values or 2) individual differences of what values are important. The research question follows: How does the location of an individual's alcohol consumption affect the development of mutually exclusive household values influence medical, diet, and housing consumption behavior? The outcome of β†’

Advertising and young people essay samples

Are there measures that can be taken to avert or promote the effects of these ads, especially for the children? Ads tend to subject children's brains and their behavior to measures of success that are incompatible and in contrast, with the ones, the community upholds. Parents should seek awareness of β†’

Essay on the coca cola story

As a result of his efforts, Coca Cola opened a second manufacturing plant in Texas in 1894 and two more the following year. Today, Coca Cola has become the public organization, The Coca Cola Company. The Coca Cola company employees over 71, 000 people of which approximately 58, 000 are located in countries other than β†’

Companies should not be allowed to advertise products that can negatively affect essays example

Companies should be banned from advertising products that can negatively affect adults and children in order to avoid worsening the health of people, their productivity, and the general socio-economic status of a given society. Authorities should ban companies from advertising products such as fast foods because children and adults are not adequately knowledgeable on the β†’

Example of if you were the governor of indiana would you change any laws. why or why not? essay

One of the laws that I would change is the law that allows residents to use lethal force like shooting of officers who are law enforcers who enter their houses without permission from the residents. I would change this law as it allows individuals who have committed crime to be involved in more crime incidents.

Alcoholics anonymous attending a meeting essay examples

The people and the conventions followed at the meeting led it to be a positive experience that can be recommended for anyone interested in dealing with alcoholisim. Alcoholics Anonymous: Attending a Meeting Before attending an Alcoholics Anonymous.meeting, I wanted to know a little bit about what to expect. It was important to find the β†’

The secret life of the brain essay example

Affected patients start to hallucinate and experience very disturbing and bizarre visions of completely unreal objects and persons, which leads to a major loss of concentration and focus. During this stage, humans have the propensity to experience with a number of mind altering substances like hallucinogens and alcohol.

Free essay on up to the writer

This is the reason as to why people with chronic pain take alcohol. They consume alcohol simply to control the physical pain. More often than not, many people drink simply to be merry.

Essay on halloween

Bonfires came in vogue to ward off the harmful power of the spirits. According to the Christian history, Halloween started evolving around 270 Ireland where the night preceding the annual feast of ' Samhain' was celebrated. Even the Christian monks were convinced that this was a way to spread the β†’

Good example of essay on the measurement of classical conditioning can be performed by employing a number

It indicates the basic concept of classical conditioning and the response induced, after learning, by the conditioned stimulus is called Conditioned response. Eyeblink Conditioning: This is one of the commonly used methods to study classical conditioning. This method along with the eyeblink method is being treated as best the methods β†’

Grandmother gifts nora with pennies; who deserves and who doesnt deserve the argumentative essay example

It is not justified for the grandmother to reward Nora's unruly behavior. Nora is devious and succeeds in deceiving her grandmother and changing her perception of Jackie who is good. Nora is the first to go in, and she lies to the priest about her sins.

Should the drinking age be raised to 21 essay sample

Drinking alcohol is so embedded in the culture, raising the legal age to 21, will make the majority of young people break the law. Will Raising the drinking age to 21 be effective? Raising the drinking age to 21 will reduce consumption amongst young people because it will be harder to buy alcohol.

Good drinking under the influence essay example

Introduction Drunk driving, or driving under the influence of alcohol is posing a great challenge on the roads because it is risking the lives of the drivers, their passengers, and other road users such as pedestrians and drivers of other vehicles on the road. Most of the drivers under the influence of toxic β†’

Use appropriate aseptic technique when performing the following reconstitution steps essay examples

In patients with known hypersensitivity to benzyl alcohol, reconstitute with 20 mL of Sterile Water for Injection without preservative to yield a single use solution. Using a sterile syringe, slowly inject the 20 mL of diluent into the vial containing the lyophilized cake of Herceptin. A vial of Herceptin reconstituted with BWFI, as β†’

Adam nursing care study essay sample

In conclusion the different needs of patients in general hospital and mental health care settings is looked at. HOW ADAM CAME TO BE IN HOSPITAL Adam came to be in hospital as a result of his G.P.referring him to accident and emergency. His condition was deteriorating rapidly but he did not want β†’

Example of essay on police officer suicide

Therefore, shift work may only cause signs of depression if a police officer is working as if he is deprived of sleep. Cynicism is not just rampant in the field of police work and is widespread in every organization.

Causes of road accidents essays example

Interestingly, more blame falls on the drivers as many drivers fail to adhere to simple road codes, drive while under the influence of alcohol, and driving while tired. Arguably, one of the most common causes of an accident is the failure to adhere to the simple road codes that are β†’

Landfill situation in hong kong essay sample

But when the government expand a landfill, it means that the local citizens need to endure the refuse collection vehicles and unpleasant smell. The region's fresh air will be deprived. And then " Garbage juice" after the first layer of filter, it will vented in the gravel layer.

Free essay about controlling air pollution

The impacts of air pollution in the environment are massive and hazardous especially to the future generation the human activities especially industrial emission and automotive emission has been the main source of air pollution (Ackerman and William 1468). The recent years have seen the threat of global warming in the β†’

A web-based gis: area selection system for waste disposal in agusan del norte

2 Statement of the Problem The cities and municipalities of Agusan Del Norte in the present time need to have an area for solid waste disposal which is far from the community, and some problems were noticed as follows: * There is a difficulty in identifying and selecting suitable areas for solid waste disposal in β†’

Ocean and land pollution

Animals are being killed and in the millions by our hand, just because we do not want to walk to the trash can, or we do and the company's dump it in because it is cheaper. Causes of Ocean Pollution Ocean pollution is caused from many things such as dumping, litter, and spills. As β†’

Strategies for sustainable air quality essay sample

It is critical to conduct periodic inspection by qualified technicians in buildings in order to maximize appliance efficiency and correct air ventilation inside. Second-hand tobacco smoke and diesel exhaust are two other frequent indoor pollutants. Truck drivers should be strictly warned to turn off the engines when using the loading dock or the building air β†’

Disneyland in hong kong – good or bad? essay sample

Both sides agreed that the government held 57% of the shares of the company while the remaining 43% were left in the hands of the Disney Corporation. To further analyze the advantages and disadvantages of Disneyland in Hong Kong, this essay will be separated into three parts: ? This will certainly Hong Kong to β†’

The 1960s vietnam, civil rights and the environment essays example

The movement was started for the maximization of university students' numbers so that they could participate in the " teach-in on the environment" on a national level. In 1962, " Silent Spring" turned out as Rachel Carson's bestseller that helped in raising the phantom of the pesticides and the effects of their usage on countryside β†’