Genuine Essay Examples

Car industry managers ethical concerns

In the 21st century, business managers have lot of challenges for the business progress, while the main challenges that business managers have are, good use of human resources, about the marketing of the products, long range planning for better results, and better use of analysis towards the foundation for decision making, (Drucker, P.F., Classic →

Educating managers for promoting ethical behavior

Recent ethical misconduct such as Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby in Hollywood, as well as Facebook and googles privacy issues, and Samsung's bribery issues are clear examples of ethical misconduct.There is a myriad of reasons for unethical behavior, whether they be the individual, or the organizational structure.The purpose of this paper is for the researcher →

Techno managers: role of industry institute interface

Techno Managers of Tomorrow: Role of the Academy-Industry Interface Tippana Sreevani 9/19/2008 " The study of the scientific methods and principles underlying the practice of any handicraft, industry or profession; and the application of those methods and principles of the handicraft, industry, or profession in question. The first is the primary or →

How a manager uses macroeconomics for decision making

It is concerned with the whole economy and studies the level and the growth of national income, the levels of employment, the level of private and government spending, the balance of payments, the consumption & the investment, saving functions and oscillations in business cycles. Future demand and investment depends upon the growth and the state →

Title: “with a point of departure from the managerial economics theory (ies) of your choice describe how managerial economics is applicable in your work place of your choice.” assignment

The knowledge of demand theory can, therefore, be helpful in making the choice of commodities, finding the optimum level of production and in determining the price of the product. Capital is the foundation of business. Its efficient allocation and management is one of the most important tasks of the managers and a determinant of the →

Manager’s perspective paper

Running Head: Aviation Security Insert His/her Aviation security is required to prevent the illegal and terrorist activities that may take place in the airports or in the airlines. An aviation security program helps us in setting up the security standards through which we can integrate different factors via which we can improve and enhance the →

Role and responsibilities of a line manager commerce essay

Both HRM and PM considered on people management, but there are many differences between them that which show on chart below. Personal Management HR Management PM includes supervising duties and they deals employees wage and laws. PM considered less important task. The significant stimulus in PM is recoupment, rewards and job simplify. From →

Itm 501 mgt informatio systems: session long project 3 ‘the social system: user, managers, and it professionals’

It is essential to note that the use of the digital media and the increase and rise in the use of the Internet has led to a great increase in a number of aspects which include the improvements of the overall businesses and the working of many different organizations from several different industries. With the →

The role of the human resource manager business essay

Upon collecting, the secondary data derived from websites and article, careful analysis will be done in order to utilizing to prepare strength, weakness, opportunities and experience to analyze how to best customize the course to the target clients. Literature Review The role of the Human Resource Manager is evolving with the change →

Tanglewood case study-manager retention essay

The organization should not assume that employees are ' lifers' with a strong loyalty to the organization. Dissatisfaction with the organizational direction is not always avoidable, however, the psychological contract between employees leaving should be considered because it is an important element of employee perception. For example, if Tanglewood ascertains that the major life event →

Mgm600-0803b-02 applied managerial decision-making – phase 1 discussion board

A population data is a discrete data because it involves the count of people and including them into various categories. On the other hand, continuous data is the information that can be calculated using scale or continuum. This is a continuous data because the blood sugar level of diabetes can be measured and corresponding quantity →

Roles and responsibilities of the project manager construction essay

Hence the project managers must attempt to utilise the resources efficiently and effectively to meet the pre-defined standards of performance and to optimise the productivity of the resources. The aim of this assignment is to identify certain projects to achieve two main business objectives for the financial year of a large manufacturing organisation which has →

The nature of managerial economics economics essay

Managerial Economics is the intergration of/ bridges the gap between economic theory with/& business practice so as to facilitate decision making" Comment/ outline the nature and scope of Managerial Economics in light of this statement. Spencer and Siegelman have defined Managerial Economics as " the integration of economic theory with business practice for the →

Managers work is functions or roles management essay

To define what is the function of managers, Fayol proposed a concept about the classical function of managers: planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling that have been known in management and still applicable and relevant to today's work of managers. In Mintzberg concept, the manager has to adapt quickly with the needs of the organisation →


The Environment of the Pleistocene The Pleistocene period was marked by a series of glaciations. It is said that there was much flooding in the area that is now Idaho, and that climate fluctuated during much of this time.

Visit museum

His role as a Senator is still remembered today, the panel of historians and Senate leaders still regard him as one of the greatest senators of all time. Mary Todd Lincoln House is a museum that was constructed to honor the wife of the wife of the 16th President of the U.S. I had the →

Choose two anthropology questions in this six questions and answer

In the Islamic religion, the hajj is considered to be of significant importance to both the person undertaking it and their religion. Hajj is also a rite of passage because it is a ritual worship that members of the Islamic faith are expected to fulfill. #4 The concept of the " one-and-the-many" can be said →

Sustainability of seafood farms

Distribution refers to the process of acquiring the fish from the production region and the various supply chain mechanisms implemented to bring the fish to market. One of the prominent affects fish farming has had on the ocean is through a process known as eutrophication.

Ju hoansi essay sample

The value of the object is not as important as the relationship built and maintained between the two of us. The mongongo is a highly nutritious fruit and nut that constitutes the main staple in the diet of the !

Short paper

It is evident in the commonality in the forms of discrimination manifested in institutions and across countries and even religions. Racism is dominant in the American society through social institutions such as University of Arizona.

Aqci #5

Woman is regarded as something that every culture this text; the author blames culture for the lower regard of women in the society. However, the text by Ortner dismisses culture for the negative presentation of the woman figure in society. Works cited Moberg, Mark.

Australopithecus sediba

What kind of information was in the supplemental material? There is a lot of information about Australopithecus sediba among other pre-humans in the scientific article while the press articles emphasized on the key features of the fossils. Compare and contrast the take home message of the scientific paper to the popular press articles. The message →

Nanook of the north (youtube)

Through the life of Nanook, we get to know how the traditional society practiced fishing, hunting, frequent migrations of the group in search of food and trading in the Northern Canada. Assumptions in culture can also be made based on the Nanook movie. There is some lack of realism in the movie like during the →

Indigenous identity

African Americans derive their social and cultural values from the religion, and with the majority of them being the followers of Abrahamic religions, African American communities are generally more conservative in their stance on homosexuality and thus condemn gay marriages. According to Jones, the most significant changes in the traditional indigenous identity of the African →

Social movement

26 November Social Movement Hundreds of supporters of gay rights marched through India's capital city to celebrate the decriminalization of homosexuality in India and the newly found freedom. To make this decision, the court demanded the actual number of gays in India which was hard to ascertain since many gays in India tend to maintain →

risk register for norvella investments essay sample

Risk Three- to reduce possible company damage, Norvella will need to prepare a contingency plan when partners/investors decide to buy out of the company or leave their positions and look for additional investors as soon as possible. 4. Risk Seven- to reduce possible company damage, company management has to put security measures →

Brazil consumption essay

08%, while the Consumption of Brazil has grown at a CAGR of 2. 98%.[pic] Consumption FunctionOn the basis of regression carried out between National Income and Consumption of Brazil, the consumption function can be written as Consumption = Constant + MPC * National Income Consumption = 78299. Appendix Data Sheet | Country or Area | →

Pixonix case essay sample

In the early 1970s, the Canadian dollar was valued higher than the US dollar. In the past few years, the Canadian dollar has been showing strength compared to the US dollar.

In the heart of darkness essay

As testament to the presence of the extraction of Ivory in colonial times.we have the Ivory Coast. The indigens would run the elephant for the tusk and so would merchandise it for shells.strings.rum etc with the European ' explorers.' Just as Kurtz' life revolves around the Hunt and addition for tusk.the cardinal intent of the →

Capital punishment california death penalty essay

The purpose of this paper is to firstly respond to the question of how two specific court cases impacted capital punishment in this country and in particular in California, and secondly, to review the evidence for and against the effectiveness of the death penalty being a crime deterrent in the U.S.

Good example of juvenile capital punishment research proposal

To show that capital punishment for juveniles is obligatory, I will use the juvenile crime statistics in two states of the country: in California (the state where juveniles are sentenced to death) and Connecticut (the state where capital punishment is prohibited). On the other hand, Lynn Cothern is striving to show the current situation of →

Death penalty in the united states essay examples

Given the non-unanimous level of support for the death penalty, as well as the possibility of executing innocent citizens who have been wrongfully convicted, the death penalty should be abolished in the American justice system, replacing these sentences with sentences of life without parole. Capital punishment was formerly a common →

Example of essay on against capital punishment

Nevertheless, in 2012 with the world moving towards global civilisation and human rights, it is arguable that it can never be acceptable to sentence an individual to death. A chief argument against capital punishment is based around the value of life. In these times of civilisation and politics, there cannot possible be a situation where →

Ethical dilemma.organizations ethical dilemmas

Ethical Dilemma Ethical dilemma in an organization is complicated because it is necessary for the organization to make a decision among competing values or set of principles in a safe fashion that the organization is morally responsible. There are ethical dilemmas in an organization that are hard to settle because of their complexity and this →

Managerial methods to motivate staff essay sample

Managers motivating employees to their full potential can generate a successful organisation, even in the tough times. The scope of this topic is to examine theories of motivation and to understand how they correlate with managers and employees in the workforce. Description of motivation ' Motivation is the force that →

Risk management essay sample

All the shareholders will have to be very vigilant in risk identification process if it is to be successful. In this project, the process of risk identification will commence as early as possible and will be continued for the rest of the lifecycle of the project. The following are some of the importance that will →

Wells fargo

To ensure that these activities are properly done, the financial supervisor should ensure that he follows the organizational behavior. Since the major goal of the company to satisfy the needs of its clients, the financial supervisor should stick to the culture of ' One Wells Fargo.' It is a culture that requires all the employees →

Management and organizational structure assignment

I believe a multidivisional structure would be more effective and beneficial to the Spectrum Brand Corporation as it " helps firms successfully manage the many demands of diversification" (Organizational Structure and Controls p.47). In a multidivisional structure a centralized organization would be most effective because of the many divisions its comprised of.

Strategic communication and inside communication management essay

Lastly, the final section of the paper suggests a set of directions for the improvement of the communication strategy within the examined company. The authors claim that the relationship between the initiated act of communication and the response is the element which creates the dialogue that determines the effectiveness of the strategy.

The implementation of performance management system education essay

However, as mentioned above it is no longer functioning its intent due to its legion failings viz., it is a cosmopolitan one tantrum system for all public officers, there is no engagement of the appraised and he is non made aware of his strengths and failings, therefore doing the system unjust and inconsistent, it has →

Project management case study: yorkshire house foods assignment

The participants need to know the goal, the step to achieve it, the order those steps take and when those steps must be complete.' And Project manager should ensure that planning is executed completely and poor planning will not allowed to process of management. Once all the deliverable has been produced and the customer has →

Project management in team dynamics assignment

Project Management in Team Dynamics Project Management has been a major aspect in Team Dynamics, throughout the years in project planning. A successful team is required to have a communication plan so that each member in the team will be inform of the project status, changes, and issues.

Discrepancies in corporate world

A company's internal accounting policies and procedures need to be under constant scrutiny. Even with today's state-of-the-art technology, much remains to be studied regarding internal controls and their effectiveness. The prevention of financial statement distortion is an on-going dilemma in the accounting phase of the corporate system. Both should assume the role of financial detective. →

Cal report week 3

To add a greater degree of understanding and the ability to apply these ideas metaphors can be used as shown by Morgan in 1980 and later by Hassard It is necessary to choose those which best fit our particular circumstances and reflect on them. As I took part in the week 3 learning →

Example of critical thinking on history

Third, on the desire of Americans living in the New Deal era for the government " to solve the crisis of the Great Depression". I will argue my position through three themes: Crisis Control, Community Construction, and Creating Confidence. Firstly, Crisis Control: the intention of the New Deal administration to become proactive in the management →

Supply chain management: study on square pharmaceuticals limited

The paper is prepared in four parts-the first part is on report introductory text, the second part is an overview of Square Pharmaceuticals Limited, the third part is on the marketing activities of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. It is to mention here that I have tried to the best of my sincerity to →

Disc leade mod 11

In order to improve the organizations leadership and determine individuals that have leadership traits I can utilize the LTQ on my colleagues and followers in the firm. Prior to introducing the assessment in the organization, I will conduct my personal research on the firm's leadership structure and the traits of those in leadership.

Business management

When this happens, 5% of the excess is divided amongst the employees and added to their salary as a bonus. For several of the employees in this office, the insurance benefits initially attracted them to the company and are what motivate them to keep their employment with AAA.

Administering windows server 2008 essay sample

In Exercise 2, if you selected the Create a new domain tree root checkbox instead of the Create a new child domain checkbox, how would the configuration of the forest be different? 2. In Exercise 2, what was the difference between the Student## account you use to log on at the beginning of the →

Good sbar communication tool in nursing essay example

The communication format advanced by SBAR also promotes credibility of nursing handover of patients from one shift to another or one physician to another. The SBAR communication tool has a profound impact on the individuals in the nursing profession. The SBAR tool also enables the nurses to carry out effective time management, which ultimately translates →

Monitoring risk response actions for effective project risk management in western oceanography institute

Additionally, I would explain to the Director that the staff had failed to follow the agreed instructions of removing the unnecessary file, to create more space in the hard drives, and they did not follow the schedule to avail themselves during the installations to their computers, which necessitated the removal of certain files such as →

Good the impact of employee training in failure or success of small businesses during research proposal example

They have on a number of instances tried to answer the question of what critical components should a business has in place so that it can be successful in its first years of operations as well as the subsequent years of operations. Problem Statement This paper analyzes the impact of employee training on the →

Teams in organizations

Teams in Organizations s Teams in organizations can be based on their objectives. Work Groups and Teams in Organizations.

Funds management and portfolio selection

Next, these companies set up to ten different portfolios, and the beta decrease with the portfolio extending. Results from the selection of more stocks into the portfolio When the extra stock is added in each portfolio, the level of Beta reduces from 0. 0 shows a stock with a lower amount of systematic risk →

Purpose of majoring in international studies

It will even help me in developing proficiency in one of the various languages spoken throughout the world and this will enable me to specifically cater to the needs of customers that speak that particular language. Leaders in the organization need to understand their delegates who belong to different parts of the world and who →

Good example of essay on medical examiners work collaboration

Since the profession belongs to a much larger field, sciences, I being a medical examiner myself may collaborate with other professions that are relevant and would be of great assistance to me. In view of the fact that medical examiner's office administration plays an important role in effective case management and usage of information →

Leadership theories

Therefore, successful leaders have the following traits which make them to be successful in their doings. They must have extensive expression, which they exercise to cover the thought of possessing a proof of triumph, whereby the person in question will have the ability to organize and lead others in a more organized manner, also →

Performance evaluation

Thus, the need to determine whether individual performance meets the set corporate goals and objectives; it is equally important that both parties, the management and the employees act together towards a common goal and only then there can be attained success in the business organization. This paper treats in the relevance and →

Best practices in leadership development and organization change

A responsible team of management should always involve shareholders in all stages of important decision making. Organizational management must be extra careful while making vital decisions on behalf of the stakeholders more so on matters of new technology otherwise the project may not succeed. The genesis of this problem was on the failure of the →

Financial accounting for managers essay sample

The budget prepared for planning purposes, as part of the strategic planning process, is the quantitative plan of management's belief of what the business's costs and revenues will be over a specific future period. The manager can face the risk of having the patrimonial unit's activity blocked on one single plan of action which aversive →

Managerial applications of technology (business intelligence and knowledge management) 2

As a result of this, the overall outlook of business enterprises and co relationship between the client and service provider has changed remarkably towards positive side of the relationship. IBM, Oracle, SAP and Microsoft are few of the many prime examples of the companies making use of this utility tool and maximize its overall performances. →

Free essay about rationale and analysis for georgia department of corrections

Introduction Georgia Department of Corrections is one of the agencies of the government which is tasked with the responsibility of operating prison systems within the state of Georgia. This means that almost half of the employees who were working at the headquarters of Georgia Department of Corrections were willing to support the management →

Tanglewood case assignment

Determine what you want to measure by analyzing KSAOs from the job description and the information on organizational culture in the case, and fitting the selection measures into the plan format as shown in Table the book. This official guide should provide the information from the selection plan, suggestions for how to combine predictors, →

Drawing the portrait of success critical thinking example

A brief description of the word's historical background, a presentation of the word's semantic field in nowadays' global community, a number of examples or a comparison and contrast between different uses of the word. Paraphrasing this I would argue that an example can be like a thousand of synonyms, antonyms and definitions found in a →

Blue nile inc

Although it is not the only player in the market, its performance demonstrates that it has higher chances of becoming so competitive in the market. This is a good strategy which might enable the company to win the confidence of its clients as they seek to consider it as the company of choice amongst its →

Interview with leaders or managers in any organization

These responsibilities include performance appraisals and evaluation; scheduling of vacation leaves and monitoring of sick leaves; monitoring the upkeep and maintenance of supplies and equipment for the units, as well as the general functioning of the patients' rooms and amenities and the emergency cart; completion of reportorial requirements of staff nurses; and monitoring the upkeep →

Human resources management issues in hospitality & tourism industry

Those who are successful in hospitality and tourism business must thrive under pressure, their thinking ability have to be really quick and understand all the importance to keep changing the regulations and rules constantly. The critical evaluation of human resources management for hospitality and tourism industry There are some people that can reject the →

The value of a chief information officer

The Value of a Chief Information Officer The Chief Information Officer is also known by the Information Technology Director. Being a senior post, it is a must for a CIO to possess a post-graduate degree in the field of management such as MBA.

Transactional leadership in bureaucratic organizations essay

Transformational leadership occurs when leaders expand and heighten their followers' professional interests, professional skills, emphasize the organization's values, mission, and purpose, and seek to inspire followers to act in the best interests of others. Since bureaucratic organizations emphasize hierarchy, regulations, routines, and the carrying out of tasks based →

Strategic planning

In the next part of the report I will be highlighting the areas on which the company needs to stress more and will also make some necessary recommendations. Recommendations The first thing that GIFC needs to accomplish is that it should define its business, goods and services and also the target customers. Also defining →

Organizational change

This aspect makes the employees to resist change. Lack of a clear vision is a major factor that makes the change process to fail. This enables the employees to own the process, thereby, reducing resistance levels. Effective leadership during the change process provides a base for the change process.

Software development models essay examples

Two main approaches to SDLC depend on whether the projects can or cannot be planned out in advance. - Waterfall Model: Each phase is completed in sequence and then the results of a completed phase flow into the next phase. The drawbacks are that it becomes difficult to change requirements and the →

Social psych-social facilitation assignment

When a pianist for instance is attempting to learn a new piece in the presence of his classmates, he is more likely to learn more slowly than if he were practicing alone at home. But if this were a piece he had been playing for years, he would play more beautifully in the presence of →

Good essay on how the quotation highlights post-colonialism as an interpretive approach

Tracing the example of the career of Parakash Tandon and its role in the formation of this person's manager's personality represents a clear example of the attempt to define the role of colonialism and racism on the formation of manager's personality. Exerting significant influence on the identity of the person, these experiences will inevitably influence →

Towards the understanding of nature of groups and teams

The distinction between groups and teams is that while groups demand a lot of control, planning, and direction in its leadership, are guided by a series of well-established goals and objectives, reward members depending on performance , and used when executing specific functional tasks in an organization, teams demand collaborative relationships among members, are →

Capstone experience (supply chain) 2

Wikipedia gets most of the information it has from the target customers. Any vandalism or incorrect information is immediately removed from the site. Involving the target customer has enabled Wikipedia to obtain a lot of information on various topics.

Leadership essay samples

The influence of each style on working attitudes and employees' behavior are also considered based on the opinions of subject-field experts and specialists. Keywords: leadership, style, workplace, employee, subordinate, approach Whether on the battlefield, or in the workplace, people require to be led by leaders, inasmuch as few are →

The qualities of an efficient leader

Firstly, one of the qualities that an efficient leader has is self-discipline. An efficient leader is intentional with his time and habits.

Good will be attached essay example

After attainment of legal age, it is paramount that an individual obtains the necessary legal identification in order to enjoy the services and protection of the government. It is, therefore, the duty of a machine owner to realize when a machine fails in the delivery of its service, and either repair it or replace it.

Presentation skills

A good presentation incurs distinctive elements including the objective, subject, and the nature of the audience, the place, time and length of the talk which makes a presentation successfully. Terry, however, at the start of her presentation would have critically articulated clarity on whether and when she should be answering the questions from the audience. →

Free admission essay on healthcare management personal statement

I could not become a doctor or surgeon but I could manage the doctor's schedule and the resources at his or her disposal to ensure better delivery of services which in the case of healthcare could be a matter of life or death. I want to study healthcare management so that I can give back →

Introductory assignment

In this essay, the definitions and function of each term are defined in order to develop an argument whether these phrases are oxymoron or not. The 21st century business world is filled with components that stimulate and encourage organization to transformations and development. Therefore, the phrase ' marketing planning is also considered not an oxymoron.' →

Good example of essay on psychological experiments

The personal test is more of a series of different questions pertaining to the way I would respond to particular situations specifically involving my course of understanding the worth of fidelity and loyalty to my superior and the complication it invokes on my desire to stand for my principles and the moral values that I →

Free essay on workplace bullying and appropriate organizational response

The study by Salin also concluded that several factors such as the use of effective Human Resource Management practices, activities that increase awareness of workplace harassment, the gender of the managers and even the size of the organization cause the organization to implement varying approaches to the development and implementation of organizational responses →

Good example of thesis on front-end process

Patient access Scheduling / pre-registration; This step allows for collection of client's data and admission to the correct department. Insurance verification/authorization; This step allows the hospital staff gauge the client's ability to pay for the medical services they are seeking Time of service registration; This step evaluates the time and type of →

Free essay on theories of management rights

The following essay seeks to differentiate residual and trusteeship theories of management rights as well as explain the differences in determining the management's responsibilities in each. According to Zack , under residual or reserved theory of management rights, the management retains all the authority not relinquished to the union →

Australia’s forest: destruction and conservation essay

However, the native forest of the country that are conserved and protected by the state covers 13% of the total forest covers, about 23 million hectares in estimates (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 2008). There is also a major increase on private ownership of private plantations from 30% in 1990 to 59% in 2006 →

Delegating responsibilities is the key to effective management

DELEGATING RESPONSIBILITIES IS THE KEY TO EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT' al Affiliation ' Delegating Responsibilities Is the Key to Effective Management' Delegating responsibilities is the key to effective management due to a number of aspects including authoritative powers and overall operations. During the delegation process, the manager must pair a task to the individual that can perform →

Dq1 e-activity and dq2 competitive advantage

Finally, the rivalry influenced the profitability of firms in an industry depending on the intensity of the rivalry and the basis of a firm's rivalry. Online Auction Industry The online auction industry experiences robust growth due to the ongoing global internet and technological innovations although Yahoo, Amazon, and eBay are the most dominant firms →

Project management organizational structures paper assignment

The main goal of an organizational structure is to reduce confusion and uncertainty that is almost certain to occur in a project's early stages. The structure defines the relationships among members of the project management and the relationships it has with its stakeholders. The size of the project is one of the main concerns since →

Free critical thinking on technology reflection

It is used in telecommunications and networks, and it made me interested in the topic since it was applicable to the internet and websites, and I had used it when browsing the internet although I did not understand its applications fully. Cookies were interesting to learn and there was a lot of relevance in the →

Project management

According to Jean Roberge, the vice president of IT at ABS Canada, the required system should be able to integrate the management system for the development of the entire organisation. Issues The adoption of the new system presents various management issues that include the technological changes making some of the current approaches become obsolete. →

Good example of healthcare ethics essay

It is the responsibility of medical practitioners to report dishonest, corrupt and incompetent behavior of their colleagues so that the relevant authority can take the necessary action ACHE code of ethics The ACHE code of ethics can be effectively used by a healthcare manager to handle these ethical issues. A manager in →

The concerns of the management team of all star industries

In the case study in question, it is easy to understand the concerns of the management team of All Star Industries. The suspicion that she may have acquired the kidney via unauthorized channels is again a problem for the regulators and policy makers, taking for granted the basic entitlement of a citizen to. Looking exclusively →

Written case study blockbuster assignment

Arrack, of the Andrea School of Business, Barry university, in Cases and Exercises in International Business, Prentice Hall.) Read the following case and answer the questions in the document It was the opportunity of a lifetime, or so Brian Mosey thought, as he accepted a managing position for Aspen Automotive new calculation In India. Managers →

500 words essay essay sample

The finally pare is said that the comparison of that two theories. The Michael Porter's five forces model is something that five competitive forces model about each countries, particularly to the competitive advantages of countries, rather than to microeconomics. This means Michael Porter's centrepiece of texts on business strategy and strategic management have high →