Genuine Essay Examples


As he stared at the rather sterile neighborhood environment, he was content that, for once, he could enjoy his day in peace without the regular disturbances of human aggravation. Indeed, how he hated people and their foolishness. As the man entered his home, he thought about the burden of being a teacher, having to deal β†’

Exploration of drug in a specific sport springing from why should allow performance enhancing drugs in sport

The negative side effects of performance enhancing drugs cannot be generalized for all, so the scientifically approved drugs should be allowed in sports as they lend many physiological and psychological benefits. Use of performance enhancing drugs lends a range of benefits in sports including increased strength, fat loss, and improved performance. 27 Oct.2014. . Hartgens, F., β†’

Gm food

This article argues against the safety of GM foods for human consumption, further casting doubt on the competence of the current safety assessments to identify such dangers and protect humans. In this article, the authors argue for safety of GM foods which they refer to as genetically engineered, GE foods.

Description of place, or thing

Hockey as a Sport Hockey as a Sport The idea of sports is taken and treated as the symbol for testing human limit and diehard fanssay that sports build and reveal the true character of a human being. The safety of the players should be enhanced by making new laws and rules in sports like β†’

Artical analysis

The investors and other users of the financial report will not have to take the help of a third part to extract important information about the company, as the relevant information will already be mentioned by the company in the report. It is certain that communicating the critical audit matters to investors and other stakeholders β†’

Edward snowden: hero or traitor

Edward Snowden- Hero or Traitor After leaking high profile information about NSA's surveillance, Edward Snowden sparked a debate over the morality of his actions. According to Jarvis, considering that official oversight of information privacy in the US and the UK have failed, the two countries can only rely on the protection of last resort who β†’

Philosophy vs ideology

Since concepts are developed in the process of philosophizing philosophy therefore is attempting to understand the world in which every person is an integral part. Thus, philosophy is an integral part of the human experience because of his intellect and moral obligations in line with his pursuit to understand the nature and origin of ideas. β†’

Effects on the 9-11 attack

This is known to be the worst terrorist attack in history that resulted to the loss of approximately three thousand lives and destruction of property worth millions of dollars. One of the most commonly discussed issue across the globe is relation to stereotypes against some of the people from the Gulf States. This can be β†’

Bar code man

Bar Man A bar is a structure composed of bars and spaces of varying width which provides a means of expressionfor human-readable characters in a form readable by machines. Therefore I believe ' barcode man' has created a sense of security and promoted coherence to the society in general. Work Cited Seideman, T.Barcodes Sweep β†’

Developing people through effective workplace coaching english language essay

It is about helping the other person find his or her own solution"." Coaching is a cyclical process of enhancing the other persons' awareness of 'what is really going on'; guiding them to choose responsibility for the actions they will take to achieve their personal goals and helping them to evaluate the consequences"." You can β†’

American literature

American Literature Importance of the press in developing interest in the New World Christopher Columbus turned to sea as a young man to find a commercially viable Atlantic route to Asia. Others were taken away to Spain as slaves to work in plantations, in the mines to harvest gold and in the sea harvesting pearls.

How to shop online

This defines online shopping in which a buyer is able to place an order for a commodity, pay for the commodity over the internet, and just wait for delivery. Another threat to online shopping is in delivery of products that do not match the expected descriptions.

Speech outline

Speech Outline: " The Fakebook Generation" by Alice Mathias Speech Outline: " The Fakebook Generation" by Alice Mathias Change is animportant aspect in human behaviour, but not every change is good enough for the welfare of the society. Alice Mathias contributing in The Blair Reader, argues that the Internet generation is a fake generation which β†’

The responsibility of intellectuals (redux)

Noam Chomsky sets out discuss the responsibilities of intellectuals in the political and social arena of current times in the face of a myriad of issues. He juxtaposes the action with Lincolns sentiments of the issue that he vilified as immoral and criminal. Chomsky delves into the historical concept of intellectuals in reference to several β†’

Social entrepreneurship

The articles focus on existing misconception of social entrepreneurs and the true qualities of successful social entrepreneurs. How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas.

My most attractive adversary

Part of the problem lies in the fact that there are more men than women in senior positions in the workplace. Men who make flattering remarks to women want to show that they are in control and part of the dominant group.

Biographical and cultural background paper on john updike and his story a&p

This short fiction reveals so much of Updike's background as it does equally about the history of the United States during his childhood. His artistic inclination during his childhood was evident in Updike's detailed description of the characters and the events in the story. Quentin Miller's John Updike and the Cold War: Drawing β†’

Are we getting overly dependant on technology

I do support the argument that we are getting overly dependent on technology. These days human being can do almost everything from the use of internet, mobile phones, computers and satellite at the comfort of the own. For an instant, a CEO who does not want to attend a meeting in the office, one can β†’

Analyzing an artist””””s process

She licked the front up to the nose through the mouth, on the eye and back over the ears to the bun as well as around the neck and down the back. When she walked, Antoni could appear as though to touch the horizon.

Report assignment

Strategies like placing a firewall access for social media sites or any other websites which can harm employee productivity can be used to improve the working measures. Such strategies will certainly not prove to be an illicit or illegal provision lawful and will certainly not be proved that an employer has conducted unfair labor practice β†’

Personal statement

This raised my confidence and anticipation level; nothing seemed to come in between me and the scholarship. I had worked very hard and had good grades in my previous schooling and everyone believed that I was the best nominee for the award, little did I know that a huge disappointment was in the offing. Though β†’

Esl paper based on ”outcast united”

In fact, the coaching style of Coach Luma was what the kids needed to push themselves hard and to be better than what they actually are because it is only their selves that they got in a foreign country. These kids may be spoiled and Luma's coaching style may not sit well with that instead β†’

Reading response

He tables that though these countries come up with new regulations, codes, bills and laws to facilitate eliminating the emigrants menace, none of the measures seem to successfully combat illicit emigration. Johnson recommends tangible and practical approaches to illicit emigration by proposing that developed nations should liaise to come up with amicable approaches β†’

Definition paper for visa (international student visa for staying and studying in us which is f-1 visa)

If a student visa expires while still living in the United States, the next time he wishes to travel abroad he must apply for a new F-1 visa before going back to United States. For a native, there is no criterion in application of the visa, and as long as an international student wishes to β†’

How is language influenced and shaped by culture

How Culture Influences the Language Insert Insert Culture is the traditions and beliefs of people from a certain community ranging from the language, religion, and social habits. Different cultural groups use language differently. Language is important to any culture, and every culture has a language to communicate with.


The strong dialogue delivery by the actors and their performances has played a key role in making this movie an exceptional one. The purpose of this paper revolves around the discussion of those certain components that have contributed together in making this movie an excellent addition to the western cinema. Critical Analysis of the Movie: β†’

Critical assessment

I could not help but marvel whether this article was hurriedly brought to press in response to a number of the references in the article such as Barker et al., Blackstock et al., Robock , Royal Society , and Nordhaus , which were all significant publications concerning this topic of climate change. β†’

Argument about gay marriage

In an article written by Colson and Morse entitled " Societal Suicide", the authors supported traditional views that marriage is a solemn vow between heterosexual partners and that legalizing gay marriages would ultimately lead to a breakdown of the family and the increased incidents of crime. The very purpose of marriage, therefore, is for the β†’


The scope of the material, or the Levi's advertisement focused primarily on emphasizing that Levi's jeans have the core advantage of fitting distinct and unique curves of women, despite disparity in sizes, shapes, and even sexual preferences. The message was clearly and explicitly embodied in the textual representation of the advertisement, to wit: " that β†’

Small groups

For example, Trish was always the one to delegate responsibilities to each group member; however, there were a couple of occasions where she could not make it to a group meeting. It was sometimes unexpected when one group member could not make it, but the rest of us knew our roles and we also helped β†’

Not a license to murder

Not a license to murder In the of development of the common law, a very vital human right law has evolved. It is a violation of the human right to life to allow use of lethal force even in situations with means of retreat and require minimum force.

Journal entry

Pattern of College Writing Affiliation Patterns of College Writing From a keen analysis of the essay, it is evident that the deploys the use of sentence variation in a bid to communicate effectively. Grant also believed any man could become a leader, provided he had the ability, skills, and was able to assume the position.


Through the process of evaluation, conceptualization of facts and thoughts, an individual is able to evaluate and analyze in a systematic and analytical way in making his decisions. According to Gore Vidal, the language an individual uses says more about the individual than the individual may wish to say. This is because, if we make β†’

Rain attenuation and depolarization prediction techniques english language essay

The interpolation of the coefficients is performed using a log scale for frequency and the ' k' values and a linear scale for the ' a' values.through 40 GHz in 1-GHz steps. The first step is the method of computing the expected rain cell height as a function of latitude and the rainfall rate.

Gun control/ argumentative paper against gun control

These laws infringe upon the constitutional right of an individual, with respect to the bearing of arms, which is provided for by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. The various interventions made in the US to implement gun control measures, in order to reduce crime have proved to be unsuccessful. Gun control laws were β†’

The movie the fighter 2010

He also thinks he has done a lot in his entire family and boxing. The scenes involving Micky's drug addiction contributes to his downfall the fighter is a power redemptive, a story of a brother who battles and defeats his addiction, another who gets a second chance of life and boxing, he defies the odds β†’

Discussion 3

When I tell her that starving is not dieting, she argues saying that both are the same, and goes on to say that I am not a nutritionist, so I better keep my opinion to myself. I find this argument poor as it is an example of appeal to authority.

Preparing a critique for the short story the doll’s house

The author succeeds in establishing the connection between the upper class and the lower session with a " lamp'. The lamp stands for peace.

Teaching simple past passive sentences to students english language essay

TBLT: Task-based language teaching refers to an approach based on the use of tasks as the core unit of planning and instruction in language teaching.(Jack, C. Task-based language teaching refers to an approach based on the use of tasks as the core unit of planning and instruction in language teaching.

Which habits of the mind you are going to set for yourself as your highest personal goals for the rest of this semester

This essay will discuss about my habit of mind which I am going to set for rest of the semester which is striving for accuracy and precision. Discussion Striving for precision and accuracy highlights the significance of craftsmanship and accuracy that are needed to produce exceptional outcome and results. Goals set by me might β†’


Experience related to Education One of the incidences that I have encountered in the of my education is the treatment of individuals of different races being treated with contempt by Native Americans. As one of the goals of education, the role of culture diversity is to ensure that total integration of all races, classes, genders β†’

English as a global language essay sample

There is a need to take radical action and plan for the future, otherwise people in the UK will be in a constant disadvantage. To conclude, it seems that there are more positive aspects then negative of English as a global language. From the discussion it can be seen that people around the world β†’

Calvin college

She is one of the few members who have never skipped my bible class. I first got to know her in autumn 2009 when she started attending our church. One of the reasons that she chose Calvin College is because she believes that Calvin College can help her to become a successful nurse.

Different rhetorical effects

Passage 1 is quite straightforward and presents the benefits of nuclear power plants with adequate methods to dispose of the wastes. In the third line of the same passage " Yet the number of nuclear plant" also has a discrepancy of the usage of the word " plant" instead of " plants".

Nationality and ethnic characteristics

So we often refer to him as ' mover and shaker' and like to interact with him because he gives such unique perspective to serious and non serious issues. Then he would pick a stone and ask us to throw it away.

The love song of j. alfred prufrock.(t.s.eliot)

Through Prufrock as a character, Eliot succeeds in representing the decay that is evident in the society. " The Love Song of J. This is evident because of the setting of the poem, in the city, and the frustrations of the main character " Prufrock".

Milton’s paradise lost

The followers of Mammon also value riches and earthly pleasures and the reason for this is that, they took after their master, Mammon, who fell from Heaven due to his greed. The love of the followers of Mammon for the things of the world affect their relationship with God due to the fact that, Mammon, β†’

Critiqu of are millennials cut out for this job market by ruben navarrette

The Millennial Generation is the given to individuals that are currently between the ages of 18 and 30. The high self-esteem is a result of the " everyone gets a trophy" culture that Baby Boomer parents embraced according to the author.

Cause and effect on honolulu rail transit

Although, the Honolulu rail transit will ease movement of commodities and people from urban areas to outlying areas, it will lead to budget cuts on the capital projects and contribute to environmental, health as well as aesthetic issues. The Honolulu Rail Transit project is costly; thus, it will cause the budget cuts. This is because β†’

Public speaking

Clueless we can see the main character's makes an effort to provide the answer to the question " Should all the oppressed people be allowed refuge in America?" Cher pointed out that there is a strain on the resources and used a metaphor of her father's birthday which should be the, but β†’

Vodun and african culture

African Culture and Beliefs: Vodun Vodun is one of the examples of many traditional African Religion, which are a variety of indigenous religions native in the African communities. A person is linked to another person using a soul tie, which commonly links the living and the dead and it is a form of a curse. β†’

Is corporal punishment an effective discipline technique for families or does the evidence show it does more harm than good to cihildren discuss

In this paper, I will seek to analyze and give evidences of instances where corporal punishment is effective, and then analyze its long-term effects on a child. Corporal punishment has short-term effect of eliciting immediate suppression of unwanted behavior from a child when administered. This means that in the event of punishing a child, the β†’

Globalization and the environment

It is an issue because the west is concerned about the environment's well being in expense of the people's well being, in developing countries. There is also an element of double standards because most of the global corporations operating in developing countries belong to the west. Globalization is positive The author recognizes the positive β†’


Intimidation and frustrations are some of the features of the journey to success. The element of success in one's life makes the person set example to the society and receives much respected compared to other ordinary people.

The american dream

of the English of the Teacher 31 March The American Dream There is no denying the fact that in a simplistic context the American dream tends to be an assortment of a range of human, social political and economic rights, opportunities and values that are fundamental to the development and growth of the essential human β†’

Sharing your world

People therefore, need to be tolerant of other people's cultures. Question #3 Stereotyping is the act of grouping either a race or gender together and giving a general comment about the whole group, which, according to you, applies to all the people from that group of people. It also includes the act of treating β†’

Ap english language and composition-timed writting

The respondents of the study that challenged the benefit of DST were only confined in Indiana while the benefits of DST in terms of reducing electricity consumption is already established not only in the United States but also in other countries. In addition, the speculated sleep disruption is not life threatening compared to the safety β†’

A physical description of an object. not emotional, imaginative or interpretive

The contents of the book are its most important aspect because it could revolutionize the mind of its readers where great ideas could be created that would make the world better place. A book is composed of paper where the printed words are written on its pages. Its contents are also divided into chapters to β†’

Revive your super amazing relationship english language essay

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Disclaimer and Terms of Use: The Author and Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this book, notwithstanding the β†’

Reflection 7

This essay answers the questions whether food consumers value their employees and what are they doing to ensure safety of the labor force. They also inspect the working conditions of the employees to ensure that they are safe.

Paraphrase and summary

In these latter days it has become unpopular to speak such a way to be understandable, to make what you are saying clear and to show people that you understand what you want to bring them through your speech. The matter is that we do not even know when exactly it started. People should speak β†’

The error analysis of written works english language essay

Our aim was to find out the areas of English grammar which are the most difficult for them, i.e.where they made errors, what types of errors they made, what was the frequency of occurrence of each type of errors and what were the causes of appearance of errors.2.1.1. 2 Structure of Errors Categories of β†’

Critique on the speakers corner

Many people are of the opinion that the speakers at the corner are immune from the law and can speak in whatever manner that they feel to express themselves. In the current set-up, speakers' corner is set loose its meaning and will soon become a thing of the past if the current trend is to β†’

A life without education english language essay

Another element which affects the viewers' emotions is color, the foremost color used here is red , as for the text, the smart usage of the words appeals to the viewers' emotions and creates a nostalgic feeling that no reader can miss. The image of the children is a pathetic appeal to the audience, because β†’

Answer the questions 6

These words are used as fillers and are all over hence they are redundant. The writer also repeats so many words and lacks clear sentence structure. Use of words with the same meaning in one sentence for instance in the third paragraph there is usage of really, extremely, difficult and hard. In this same paragraph β†’

Music: a universal language

Music: A Universal Language History has inevitably witnessed how music creates significant impact to shape a culture, reform a state of mind, and allow the world to know the extent of human potentials when it comes to craftsmanship with a variety of possible sounds and approach to lyrical substance. At the time, the music did β†’

Project editiing

Overall, the research shows that there is a correlation between drug use rates among students and the rates of school dropout. One of the recent studies conducted by Gasper revisits the relationship between drug use among students and the rates of school dropout with the aim not only to define the percentage of β†’

It is up to you

One thing that I liked was the fact that we were not afraid of asking a question freely from your point of view and that really developed my confidence levels. Eventually my grades started improving and I got to understand the things that we were discussing.

Corruption in the congress

Summary: Corruption in the Congress The SAVE System - Secure Architecture for Voting Electronically " Revolutionizing the Voting Process through Online Strategies" by Smith, Alan and John Clark tends to provide practitioners of information management with challenges of electronic voting and the need to adopt internet voting. In general, the authors believe that I-Voting will β†’

Experiences of a slave

Although the story was written at a time when the American society was divided right between the native privileged slave owners and slaves, it clearly shows the rot in the Christian world. It is quite unfortunate that the native slave owners never bothered to know what they ought to have done as Christians. It was β†’

Wallet and your identity

Wallet and Identity The contents of a wallet say a great deal about someone's identity because the items in someone's wallet are of extreme importance to them. People may think that I am a shopaholic, but I would not consider myself to be so.

Shame by. dick gregory and the professor is a dropout” by. beth jonhson

This shameful feeling made Richards to lack the motivation he initially had to go to school. Contrary to this, the professor is a dropout is a story of encouragement where Quadalupe Quintanilla strived to be successful in life even when people termed as retarded. Her motivation was her children and with the skills for reading β†’

Hazardous materials handling policy

While little spots of sullying may be cleaned in the lab, horribly sullied protective outer layers might need to be discarded as dry risky waste. SPILL MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES. Quick measures must be accessible to keep the conceivable spread of sullying in the occasion of a little spill of an Particularly perilous substance. At the point β†’

Compaer between to company playstation3 and xbox

PlayStation versus Xbox The PlayStation which is even known as PS is a brand used by the company Sony Computer Entertainment for its line of gaming consoles and is Japan based company which started operating during the period of 1994. The third gaming console that was distributed under the brand umbrella of PlayStation was PlayStation3 β†’

Research paper

Web 25 Oct.2012. It explores the worthiness of taking studies abroad. The Benefits of Study Abroad.


Usability al Affiliation Introduction Usability involves actual analysis of how certain group of individuals can utilize a system and whether this " system" achieves the original intend it was designed for. A display in a national park that is intended to describe or expound on how the parks extensive limestone cave came to be, to β†’

Lideship 3

Hence one must choose carefully and wisely in order to find the satisfaction and rewards that one seeks. Leadership It is important to choose a career that fits one's aptitudes, skills, personality and motivational focus. Having researched these things thoroughly, I have come to the conclusion that the career that I would like and β†’

Gun control in the usa

The Huffington Post.N.p., 8 Apr.2013.Web. The Caucus.N.p., 8 Apr.2013.Web.

Shane is an ex-gunslinger

Shane Is an Ex-gunslinger Outline Paragraph I: Shane Is an Ex-gunslinger Paragraph II: The Readers Do not Know Much About Him Paragraph III: Predicting the Tactics of the Enemy Paragraph IV: Gunfights of Shane Paragraph V: A Man Who Killed Someone Is Marked Eternally Paragraph VI: Conclusion Shane is an ex-gunslinger. β†’

Self-expression through music

Whenever I feel alone and feel that no one is there to listen to me, and whenever I feel like expressing my thoughts to others and to myself and do not find words, I feel like turning on my music system, put a CD of soul music in and turn it on. And more specifically, β†’

Productivity in the workplace as an lpn

Tawana Tumblin October 4, English MW Organization Productivity in the Workplace as an Lpn Owners of different health care institutions and their clientele look and value one thing when they see a health care staff working in a health care setting: workplace productivity. The feeling that they are being treated equal to nurses enforces them β†’

Why we should send a manned mission to mars

The President is looking to decrease missions to Mars in the hope of reaching a planet that could prove vital for our future. Manned missions to Mars can recreate the achievements of that decade and even surpass them.

Case analysis

Consequently Keller, as a supervisor of Brodsky, needs to make a decision about what he should do with his well experienced and non-relationship style manager, Brodsky. Wolfgang Keller, a charismatic graduate from the Harvard Business School, is the managing director of premium brewer K nigsbr u's Ukrainian subsidiary, K nigsbr u-TAK AE. These challenges helped β†’

Why do so many people use home shopping network

After the research, they ensure that whatever they create is beneficial to their clients, hence, the majority of people who use the shopping networks. Therefore, they use the shopping networks without considering the advantages of the networks.

Compare mac and windows system

Compare Mac and Windows System Compare Mac and Windows System The most widely used graphical user interface-based operating systemson desktop computers include MAC and Windows. On the contrary, in Windows system, there are a number of competitors, which results in lower prices. Design is another big difference between Apple MAC systems and Microsoft Windows system.

A recent trend using cause/effect pattern of development

Technology applications however have effects on real time and quality of time that families spend together, aspects that I discuss in this paper. One of the effects of technology is on the real time that families spend together. March 28, 2014. Parenting1." The long-term effects of technology on family time".2014.Web.


Nonetheless, I was open to receive as a sister or a brother, but the birth of my junior brother was a joy beyond expression. The aura to have a relative was increased by the death of my grandmother who was my only source of comfort and solace. At the age of twelve, my parents understood β†’

Instruction paper (by own words). subject: blueberry muffin

For approximately 18 muffins, the following quantities of ingredients should be used: 3 cups of flour 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1 teaspoon of baking powder 1 cup of sugar 2 cups of blueberries 1 egg 2 cups of milk 1 teaspoon of vanilla 240 grams β†’

Sexual harassment of women in india

Sexual Harassment of Women in India In the second decade of the 21st century, women's issues have sustained in different forms throughout the world, ranging from AIDS in Africa to sexual harassment in India. One of the factors responsible for this is sexual harassment of women in India.

Differences between the finnish and american education systems

Due to the high standards of quality and professionalism in Finnish education system, an education system based on trust evolved, where teachers are entrusted wholly to do their job. Furthermore, students in both countries technology is used to teach and classroom settings and content are the same.

Oedipus: arrorance and destiny

Oedipus: Arrogance and Destiny Oedipus: Arrogance and Destiny Oedipus is one of the most popular and outstanding pieces of ancient writing. In Sophocles' Oedipus, the arrogance of the king is his destiny, which blinds him but eventually allows him to alleviate the burden of ambiguity burdening his heart.

A small descriptive story

The Great Wall of China remains in the annals of past and present history as a grandiose marvel of man's innovative capacity. Despite, sections of the Great Wall giving way to wear and tear, much of it stands as a testament to China's rich culture, military strength and architectural innovation. Work Cited UNESCO." The β†’

Word journal on the bluest eyes

Instruction: Task: Alcoholism and family abuse The book The Bluest Eye has a number of themes which include alcoholism and family abuse, seeing versus being seen, the power of stories, sexual initiation and abuse, satisfying appetite versus suppressing them, season and nature, and dirtiness and cleanliness. This essay will look at alcoholism and family abuse β†’

Group work memo

Memo to Fish s in the United s Fish s in the United s Shalan ALshammari, a from MNSU October 16, 2014 Subject: Fish a good meal It has come to our attention that very many people in the U.S.suffer from nutritional diseases such as obesity, cancer, food poisoning, and diabetes. To some β†’