Genuine Essay Examples

Impact of environmental factors on marketing decisions

These factors usually cannot be controlled by the businessmen and therefore, a careful analysis of the environment is essential to discover the problems and find their possible solutions. The economic condition of Cost Wholesale Corporation mainly remains consistent, as the growth rate of the sales of the company is consistent. This is because; β†’

History of wal-mart

In 1968, Wal-Mart stepped out of Arkansas with inception of its operations in Sikeston and Claremore. The company was incorporated in 1969 and it was listed in NYSE in 1970. Vance and Scott have rightly described Wal-Mart as a retail phenomenon in the corporate history of USA.


From the goods and services we buy, the stores we shop at and the radio and TV programs we attach are all possible because of marketing. I believe when marketing a product or service to the public, it needs to be done in a way that is creative, innovative, and informative, which will β†’

Advertisements and tourism websites

In the rapid globalization and advancing technology, websites of tourism are the most popular form of advertisements for the tourism industry who se. Tourism websites have become popular primarily because they are able to provide the customers with the necessary information and services that facilitates their desire of relaxation and at the same time whet β†’

Billboard influence on social issues

Billboard Influence On Social Issues In response to evaluating the effectiveness of advertisement, it is no doubt extremely vital to include all evidence when evaluating the advertisement. The author of study is failed to make logical arguments in the study.

W 5 ois

In most cases, the information systems, which form the main component of their information technology investment, are put in place in ensuring that efficiency and effectiveness is achieved and that there is increase in productivity. An example of this is an information system that is introduced with no changes in organizational hierarchy and structure, creating β†’

Successful marketing strategy of haagen-dazs

Aimed to make itself the represent of top-class ice-creams, Hagen-Dads tried to make the feeling of satisfaction and happiness its selling point. So Hagen-Dads make its ice cream the symbol of romantic and fancy.

Reflection essay on marketing case study

7-UP then repositioned itself in the market by introducing the slogan, " 7-UP, the uncola". 7-UP Gold was designed as a spiced version of 7-UP, similar in taste to the ginger ale soft drink.

Health care marketing

The similarities between the two include that both are healthcare measures, and may appeal to people of all socio-economic statuses, but not all can afford them. Prudent and effective designing of the marketing materials for the two requires the marketers to consider the factors that appeal to the audience belonging to the high and the β†’

Segmenting, targeting, and positioning of bodyshop company

Segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategy are important because it provides the information the business needed about the market and the consumers out there. The Body Shop decides to target several market segments and designs different variation of products for each segments.

Case study

Countries in Persian Gulf believe in heavy breakfast and consequently a wide variety of food groups are available to choose from during breakfast. Problem and solution The main problem that Kellogg faces in the Gulf of Arab countries is the notion with the consumers that breakfast cereals are goodies for babies and not adult β†’

Gdp as a measure of the economy 1791

The formula for calculating the GDP ignores a large percentage of the activities that transpire in the nation's economy. In general, the GDP includes several items that in reality do not indicate the nation's economic level while excluding a large proportion of the activities of the nation. The GDP does not include several things that β†’

Marketing mix paper

In the subject matter of business, according to Truest , " the term marketing mix refers to the four major areas in decision making in the marketing process that are blended to obtain the results desired by the organization: product, place, price and promotion". The four marketing mix elements are also referred β†’

Mitt romney

Messages should however be customized to different age, social and economic groups depending on the place and the time of the speeches. The audience should see the passion and the merit of the issues he addresses. It's not enough to have sound economic policies for a Mitt to beat Obama.

Different types of organizational approaches

Your paper could go through the strategy steps of why and how that retailer is perceived by you - in other words, create all of the steps that the organization took to develop their retail store concept, including a description of the target market and how and what does the store do to attract and β†’

Consumer buying patterns beyond demographics marketing essay

Brand loyalty appears to be the important measure for a brand's long-term financial success and the research explains correlations between brand satisfaction, brand loyalty, and the firm's profitability.11.The study was conducted to learn the impact of gender and education on fashion consciousness of young fashion consumers. The study tested three hypotheses to examine the degree β†’

Factors influencing demand and supply of food essay examples

This essay seeks to explore some of the factors that have been influencing the demand and supply for food in recent years. Food is the single most important commodities in the world. Consequently, the demand for the new foodstuff embraced increases while the demand for the foodstuff abandoned tends to β†’

Marketing management

They are likewise a key indicator of an organizations capability to make opportune instalments to loan bosses and to keep on meeting commitments to moneylenders when confronted with an unforeseen occasion. Considering the investigation, Tom Jackson who is the president and the holder of Executive Training Inc , is concerned in regards to the β†’

Tale of the gridiron essay samples

The NFL does a great deal to insure that the people have a reason to cheer so hard. Since its inception back in 1920, the NFL has become a mainstay of American culture, a constant that has gained the attention of millions around the globe and has influenced everything from the hopes and dreams of β†’

Good income effect essay example

We suggest the use of the minimum amount. *$77, 000 outstanding receivable x expected loss The journal entry was made in accordance with general accounting requirements which provide that: - The accrual of loss when it is probable that the asset has been impaired and can be reasonably estimated at the β†’

To buy or not to buy…that is the question

Some consumers' styles and standards of living determine the type of products and services to buy. In summary, there are many factors ranging from minute to huge factors that influence consumers' choice of buying certain products and services.

Olden times of the hotel industry marketing essay

In order to achieve the customer satisfaction, the management of the hotel need to understand and focus on the customer's expectation thus the customer satisfaction will be achieve and lead to the customers loyalty. The essential of the success of the business within hospitality industry it is rely on how the management able to translate β†’

Free complementary and alternative medicine essay example

This form of medicine is referred to as alternative if it substitutes conventional methods, complementary when used together with the conventional method and lastly, integrative when both conventional and complementary are used together. Because of its lack of scientific evidences, research and tests, it has been highly disregarded throughout history and has only been used β†’

Value strategies

Visiting their stores to buy the iPhone 4s gives the customer a no-pressure and stimulating experience, as the staff gives them practical help on products. Interaction via the iPhone 4s is multi-faceted, and thus Apple took the wise decision by sticking to building a good product and leaving the service section to AT&T.

Funding the public sector essay example

The US systems of taxation. The US Taxation System is believed to be one of the most developed and sophisticated tax systems in the whole world. Sales tax is always collected by the seller, and is always incorporated into the price of the item. Income tax is one of the most important forms of β†’


Provides a detailed description of the marketing environment and explains clearly the implications for the brand. Provides good level of Justification Chooses target segment based on the most appropriate criteria for the situation, and provides excellent, clear Justification Description of the target customer Provides little or no description of either characteristics or product- and β†’

Will genderless fashion change retail

However, Mellery-Pratt noted that the solution to Michele's problem was the creation of a fashion show runway that accommodates women and men. Additionally, gender fashion is becoming the norm in many fashion centres. Many people in the fashion industry are wondering whether the genderless mode of fashion will apply in the retail industry.

Lux soap marketing project

1 Milliner at a Glance: Milliner is one of the world's largest and leading multinational companies; Milliner commenced their business activities on a larger scale by setting up their first factory In Netherlands, in the year of 1872. Operating in Bangladesh for over the last four decades the company is trying to bringing β†’

Marketing simulation assignment critical thinking examples

The distribution locations, being inside universities also played a role in the profitability of the products. The use of social media to market products and events is not a new thing. This is seen in social media marketing and the use of online tools to reach the target market.

How will they shop in your shopify store?

The delivery points are an ideal solution to solve this problem and each time they have more followers, along with tools and services that you can connect with your Shopify store. The reality is that we are in a complex situation at the same time as something absurd. Usually the package can not be delivered β†’

Compensation and benefits strategies essay sample

All size businesses need packages to be able to pat their employees and offer some type of benefits to its employees to be competitive in the business world. Recommendations for Compensation and Benefits Strategies In today's business world there are different types of goals and resources used to compete in the marketplace. Landslide β†’

Example of the reason as why these stocks move in opposite direction to the state of economy essay

6% E = [{.1* } +{.2* } + {.4* } + {.2* } +{.10*.}] = 7. 5% Answer C) C1) In finance, standard deviation is a common measure of investment risk and for individual security is calculated as: Std Deviation = SQRT[Pi 2] Pi = Probability of state of economy Ri = β†’

The lead time of lean product

Each day, the schedule of producing the orders is placed at the beginning of the assembly line in the form of spreadsheet and finally the record of quantities for finished products is input into the stock level and then, these products can be wrapped and dispatched to the customers and the lead time for delivery β†’

Argumentative: should organs be sold or donated essay

When it has been looked closely in more patients interest, it can be seen a support has been given to donation; however, because of the moral issue of giving a price to human body, the same support cannot be given for legalizing the trade and finding a matching donor for people in a shorter period β†’

Swedish multinational retail clothing company marketing essay

Marketing is basically the process of making the product or the service of the organization visible to the customers in the most simple and innovative and marketing communication is the process of making it possible. And the collected information can be used as a marketing tool for the launch of the brand. Advertisement Campaign β†’

Apple, inc. and its international business essay – paper

Centralized Characteristic According to Taehius, a senior product designer of Apple, Inc., Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, Inc., holds the most important and centralized role in managing the entire company. The more the top executives hold most of the power, the less the organization itself and the subordinates become less effective to run the β†’

Management critical thinking examples

Development in the transport system has promoted trade within the country since many producers can transport their products to the market at ease. In addition, the availability of means of transport enables marketers to reach the market in good time. At the same time the presence of good infrastructures means perishable products can easily be β†’

A problem of financial crisis on saudi arabia

In the same survey, secondary sources of data such as journals and articles based on past research will be analyzed to give an overview of the financial crisis and the literature limitations. Objectives of the research The general objective of the study is to establish the actual effect of the financial crisis on young β†’

Destination marketing

Marketing destinations effectively requires destination marketing organizations to collect data and Information on consumer behavior, Page and Connell provides Insight Into the Importance of understanding nonuser behavior and how this influences marketing decisions. This paper has been structured in an attempt to identify and understand what information destination marketers need to β†’

Strategic management business case study for insight magazine assignment

Insight's operation is environmentally friendly.{draw: text-box} ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING When setting the mission, Insight had to first understand the " big picture" of the environment, in which it is operating, and the opportunities and threats that lie within. Such understanding of the surrounding environment will enable us to take advantage of the opportunities that will come β†’

Managing and marketing tourism

Tourism is a very unique sector in the market as it is very different from the other sectors yet combines all of them together. As we know tourism is the inflow of people from one country to another it sells an idea of the beauty, culture and the rich history of one nation, β†’

Marketing mix essay

The products, pricing, place and promotion efforts of the company will be discussed. The products of the company are well restricted within the apparel and clothing industry.

Analyzing bossini’s marketing efforts in china

Where in China is the rapid expansion focused on? Using Franchising as a pragmatic way to expand the distribution network To accelerate the expansion into the China market, Bossini has adjusted the balance between directly managed stores and franchised stores, increasing the percentage of franchised stores as a β†’

Ipt marketing analysis

In aculturebored by potato chips and peanuts, there is a golden opportunity for IPT to infiltrate the national snack market, both sweet and salty, by offering something unique, which will appeal to all ages and ethnic groups. Initially, target markets will consist of three categories based on price structure and volume: corporate β†’

Air compressor set

A small control panel would be fitted alongside the platform, and the whole set would be enclosed in a fabric glass case. Transmissions would be sealed in PVC, and the whole interior of the set would be lined by the same material.

Causes and effects of consumer culture

Causes and Effects of Consumer Culture In the mid-nineteenth century, the global business market had been improved by the introduction of mass production and management for the industries. The three causes of the consumer culture are motivation of advertisements, materialism among nations and the growing of high standard of living.

The collection and delivery of letters and packages, by a document and parcel delivery / logistics company

The collection and delivery of letters and packages, by a document and parcel delivery / logistics company Collection and delivery of letters and packages by a document and parcel company The company provides expedited movement of letters, documents, and packages to a different point. The company maintains control over the shipment throughout the β†’

International financial system essay examples

In the first place, a crisis in one of the sectors does not affect the other sector. In the first place, the government should act as a guarantor of all loans that are issued to the public.

Selection process of marketing manager

In response to the Mr. Fahad Hassan to analyze selection process of marketing manager, this project will seek to answer the following questions: What are the Job Description and Job Specification Marketing Manager? ProjectGoalsand Objectives Our project's objectives and goals are to identify the selection process of the marketing manager.

Marketing backpack blogpost

And why should it be, there are bigger and more important things that the students give priority to. With tuition, housing, food and book expenses looming over your head, getting a backpack Is almost a given when you want to keep your act together and stay organized In the school. The interview also β†’

Good example of essay on statistics

It also allows for measuring, controlling and communication of uncertainty. Types and level of statistics There are two types of statistics, namely: descriptive and inferential statistics. Such statistics allow for estimation of population values based on sample data, developing mathematical relationships and hypothesis testing. Role of statistics in business decision making Statistics plays β†’

Mass marketing

The company Identifies different ways to segment the market and develops profiles of the resulting market segments. Market targeting consists of evaluating each market segment's attractiveness and selecting one or more market segments to enter. Positioning consists of arranging for a market offering to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place β†’

Marketing trends notes

Some consumers will multi-task to compress more activities but still fall to maintain a healthy lifestyle by cooking from scratch less often and failing to exercise regularly." Product solutions are needed to restore balance In consumers' life." -Many consumers are feeling overwhelmed by their lifestyle obligations. Time- pressured consumers express strong preferences for β†’

Citing textual evidence essay sample

The article " Advertising" was about the history of advertising and how its survival depends on advertising. Answer the question in 2 to 3 sentences. The relationship between advertising and the price you pay for a product and/or service is seen in the third paragraph of the article: " has been argued that the β†’

Centralised & decentralised organization essay

Robbins and Coulter describe this very well, " If top managers make the organization's key decisions with little or no input from below, then the organization is centralized." Companies which wish to consolidate power and decision-making abilities at the top of the organizational chart, tend to be centralized organizations. If the CEO of a corporation β†’

Cert iv business marketin identify marketing opportunities

Family and people who need shopping will be the market for them, consumer bevel. Also reseller market Is sometimes using Coles to buy stock and sell because they have higher price. The Coles shops have many staff to help customers too and make them happy.

Marketing is a science for the management of a value delivery

While others are also of the view that Marketing is a science because the most moon question is " How much money should I spend on marketing? " The business owner and the accountants want the answer to this question. This organizations to rely on science, not " gut feel." So, the question is: Are β†’

Public relations

PUBLIC RELATIONS IN ACTION of PUBLIC RELATIONS IN ACTION The role of public relations in a traditional marketing plan or campaign is to enhance an organization's standing in the eyes of the general public. In this regard, public relations is part of top management's function which undertakes to evaluate, measure, and influence the β†’

The marketing perspective

It is useful for the company to respond to the changes of the market environment and customer behavior. For example, measuring the communication impact of the campaigns is helpful to determine the marketing channels.

Marketing – through the invention of social media

Through the invention of social media, where millions of people can connect to each other at the same time addressing masses, the word-of mouth or more precisely the electronic word-of-mouth has become one of the most interesting fields for organizations and marketers. In 2007, Ed Keller, the president of the β†’

Brand integrity

The authors of the article are of the opinion that if the focus is only on profits, the brand may lose its customers. A quiz comprising of ten questions that helps examine how connected the employees are to the brand promise is also mentioned in the article. The article puts forth a potentially controversial argument β†’

Santa fe, marketing & strategy

Inconsistency in the brand mark can cost company a lot. SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis of Santa Fe will help in giving a deeper and clearer insight of the internal and external factors that can either be taken as a helping hand or as a trouble maker for the company. Strengths: Santa Fe owes much β†’

Global business marketing (mcdonalds)

Marketing Marketing McDonald's is one of the world's largest fast food brands that are engaged in marketing their products in several countries." Since it was founded in the USA in 1955, McDonald's has become one of the most famous companies in the world, running thousands of fast-food restaurants in dozens of countries and touching the β†’

Marketing mix

The first and the foremost steps are to decide on the target market. Marketers must understand the needs and expectations of the individuals to create its target market.

British airlines

Moreover, the airline has increased the internet usage thus creating awareness and interaction among the customers (British Airways 2010a; 2010b; British Airways 2010c). For the threshold capabilities and resources, the company has tangible assets of a fleet of 245 aircrafts, which access more than 550 destinations worldwide (British Airways 2004b; British Airways 2004c; British Airways β†’

What is marketing? needs, wants and demands…

Levity) " Selling concerns Itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not concerned with the values that the exchange is al about And It does not, as marketing invariable does, view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort β†’

Hypotheses and evidence (spss)

Most of the values were concentrated above the mode, which despite some other variables showing normal distributions, advised my use of non-parametric tests on the data. The sample comprised 30 participants, 56. From the sampled population, 60% were consumers of hard drinks, which include vodka, whiskies , and brandy among other drinks.

Pros and cons of advertising on social media

To conclude, I will compare and contrast and make an overall summarization of the two. Advertising is something humans see everyday, on billboards, in supermarkets, commercials and in this day and age, even on social medias such as Facebook and on Instagram. Another pro of the advertisements on social medias is that, in this day β†’

Foodservice marketing

They also display their logo that makes it easy for the customer to recognize the brand. At Olive Garden, they do their merchandising in a different way. The strength of McDonald's technique is its attractive display and prices that customers are willing to pay for the products.

Marketing assignment

In the future, Smart Q will develop more business partners and expand its business to foreign country. For this moment, smart Q Is In the process of Identifying a new plan to expand Its business throughout the whole Malaysia and achieve sustain growth of profit for the company.II. Therefore, Smart Q need to be ware β†’

Counterfeit luxury brands and high-status consumers

However, Giffen goods and inferior goods might not be interpreted as an effect in the consumer choices under this construct because such consumers with a willingness to purchase counterfeit luxury brands think only of the potential social status and not the genuine economic welfare associated with the good. As a result, those consumers tend to β†’

Omnicom group

Omnicom Group Omnicom Group Omnicom Group is an advertising agency network, and owns a number of the leading marketing, advertising as well as media services corporations. Perception Omnicom Group as a marketing communications company is a force to reckon with in the global advertising and marketing industry.

Critical analysis of sustainabilty in marketing

The question arises what is sustainability, a more relevant answer is provided by The Borderland commission which says to be sustainable is to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. While this looks clear but if we observe it thoroughly β†’

Cadburys gorilla advertisement

This commercial would be used to describe the following key communications/public relations elements (target audience, research, analysis, communications planning, and evaluation) that one believes the company may have discussed and why. Key Public Relations Elements Target Audience: All chocolate lovers whose lives are touched and enlivened by the elation associated with eating chocolates. Research: β†’

Effects of advertising on present-day life in the united states essay

The upsurge of advertising activities in the United States indicates the high need of companies to promote their products to consumers. In brief, television advertisements influences present-day life in the United States in many ways. The main effect of advertising is the increase of consumption of particular products.

Best companies to work for

They in fact included a comprehensive statement on the website where a link was provided titled careers on the bottom part of the main page." We are committed to fostering a culture that embraces innovation, creativity, collaboration, and a solid dose of fun" (DreamWorks Animation SKG, par.1). DreamWorks maintains that they " are constantly searching β†’

Free essay about applied buyer behavior: analysis of two advertisements

The magazine is also global with a wide market in the whole of Europe and America, and therefore this factor indicates a global segmentation of the market with people of different cultures that would be targeted for the market of the cologne. OFFER DETAILS The advertisement is detailed on the subconscious connection that is β†’

Open-market purchases

The reduction in interest rates engineered through open-market purchases always yield smaller increases in the inflation rate than a reduction brought about by other means, such as a decrease in the required reserve ratio (the ratio of required reserves to the required deposits in given Fed banks). A two-tiered gold system of both private and β†’

Customer experience

Once the s enter the mobile shop, they will feel comfortable because of the modern design inside the shop. The music is cool therefore; the customers will not feel disturbed when making critical choices. When being given service, the customers will feel appreciated because the attendants will use etiquettes and respect the decision they make.

Why do people give donations marketing essay

Whenever a donor or follower has the choice to donate to a certain cause it becomes necessary that the cause stands out and capture the donor's or follower's imagination, otherwise due to the amount of causes presented by charities it will diminish the impact of any cause. In the area of presentations it has been β†’

Free essay on situation analysis

As a result, this powerful media tool makes harm to many peoples' health and should be tackled with the proper equivalent such as social marketing. The social marketing would be an effective tool both for increasing peoples' awareness of their healthy habits and risks relating to them and for advertising β†’


Weight Watchers does not control members' meals and snacks but Jenny Craig control foods and schedules to make it easier. So their name draw customers' attention if they think of a diet. Jenny Craig: they have a unique diet program and advertising it but they are not that famous like Weight Watchers.

The values of wal-mart

Wal-Mart is successful in the United s because of its capa to create value for its s. It would be impossible to apply its business model in China knowing the fact that there is a different culture in this country and the rest of other countries.

Detailed overview of big data: core concepts, types, challenges, and advantages

Henceforth, there is such an immense measure of enthusiasm for it from all around the globe. Characteristics of Big Data To be specific, Big Data has certain characteristics and henceforth it is characterized by using 4Vs as follows : Volume: The volume of Big Data focuses on the scale of data. The gathered amount β†’

Price ceiling essay

A price ceiling is a form of price controls by the government used as an implicit tax on the producers and a subsidy to the consumers. It is a " maximum price that can be charged by any producer or seller as a result of government directive or intervention". The equilibrium price for a β†’

M2 a1/ 1

The marketing research firms face the compulsion of turning to the use of incentives in order to encourage the public to participate in such surveys. Most of the marketing firms seem to approve the use of monetary incentives because of the potential they present in persuading customers to participate in surveys.

Amul marketing

The Government should undertake to buy milk from the Union. If this was not done, the farmers would refuse to sell milk to any milk annotator in Karri District. Not a drop of milk was sold to the milk merchants.

Sample essay on theme: improving performance in the public sector by grabbing opportunities to meet

Harlow, Essex: Longman Information & Reference. Application: my agency will use the contemporary marketing skills applicable in service delivery to meet the clients' needs. References Kotler, P.& N.Lee.. In Marketing in the Public Sector: A Roadmap for Improved Performance..

Essay on marketing management

And the primary message of Masters Home Improvement is to change customer behaviour from other stores to Masters Home Improvement to save more. In addition, Masters Home Improvement selects the locations in the condition of distance concerned which are close to population centre. 4.

Arts and aesthetics: marketing and cultural production essays examples

A journal by Petkus is related to this study, because it focuses on experiential marketing as a driving cornerstone for the advancement of practices in arts marketing. While aesthetic marketing focuses on the beauty of the product, the philosophy of change is constant.

Free oracle products and services essay sample

The purpose of the product is to help the sales people to understand the patterns that are displayed by the customers. The Oracle cloud-based CRM also allows managers to understand the patterns that are needed to push the sales to further and greater heights (Oracle, 2014: Oracle Sales Cloud - Sales Force Automation). Another product β†’

The theory part on online consumer marketing essay

That is, to know about the consumer's attitude, we need to know the characteristic of those who are involved in online shopping and what their attitude in online shopping. According to Kotlers and Armstrong , he elaborated that the decisions of a consumer are influenced by a number of characteristics that are linked to β†’

Independent variables dependent variable marketing essay

The research methodologies used in this chapter consist of data collection the use of SPSS software and the design of the survey i.e.the questionnaire is discussed. The moderating variable which is the alternative options is designed to evaluate and examine the impact of this in computer buying decision.


A comparison of fares for three different time periods has been done to investigate this variation. Flight from Dubai to Singapore: Dates Departure Time Arrival Time Fare Departure Tue 6th March 2012 Return Tue 13th March 2012 7: 45 9: 35 21: 05 13: 00 $ β†’

Deconstruction of a commercial critical thinking

The use of the cute kitten in the commercial also attracts the attention of the viewers. The commercial does have a musical background that is so sweet and enhances the emotion of love.

The importance of global marketing strategy

All you need is for your product to be valuable, for it to be demanded; or you can create demand for it, and that could be part of your global marketing strategy. The first thing that you need to understand about it is that it definitely is not something standardized; you need to ply your β†’