Genuine Essay Examples

Fly away peter by david malouf essay sample

Through Jim's experience, Malouf explores the terrible destruction of lives and landscape but at the same time balances this by signs of renewal and natural regrowth. The continuity of nature in the sanctuary: Jim's memorable experiences in the sanctuary suggest to him that the migration of birds as well as humans is continuous in nature β†’

Short answers

Here price is increasing by a greater proportion then the decrease in QD, therefore the overall total revenue for the firm will also increase. Question 6 The consumer equilibrium in case of two goods is determined by the following: Marginal utility of Beer / Price of Beer = marginal utility of Pretzels / Price β†’

Othello eulogy

His death now casts a shadow on Venice and Cyprus, his light that shined as bright as a lighthouse, has smouldered into ash. Othello and I met on the rough seas of battle, he was the leading general of our fleet. Not even a warrior could stand the pain of drowning in his own jealously β†’

Behavioral economics performance

Normative and Positive Economics: McFadden defines normative economics is a branch of economics that deals with judgments, emanating from the value of a product. McFadden denotes that neoclassic economics focuses on the determination of income, prices, and output distribution in a market through the concepts of demand and supply.

Creative brief

Likewise, from a single parent viewpoint, however, it is essential to view the larger picture. First, demographic information is fundamental because it will furnish IKEA with all the required details pertaining to the customer's age, geographical location, and sex among others in improving products. The information is equally vital in determining emerging lifestyles, habits, and β†’

Working capital and financial environment

Abbott and Merck require huge financial resources on research and development and financial internal control helps to evaluate and analyze the financial situation and investment risks. In Merck and Abbott, internal control techniques predict variances on their projects-that is, deviations of actual performance from the plan.

Japan tsunami

Japan Tsunami On March 11, one of the biggest tsunamis hit Japan and led to the death of thousands of civilians. The epicenter of the earthquake was said to be in Miyagi Prefecture which is about 230 miles away from Tokyo (Widespread destruction from Japan earthquake, tsunamis 2011).

Why smoking should be banned from public places

Why Smoking Should be Banned from Public places To give a choice to the non-smokers to not to inhale the smoke This argument is based on two premises; a) one is of a personal choice and the other is that b) second hand smoking or passive smoking is equally or rather more harmful than smoking β†’


The mediator is responsible for setting the stage for mediation by establishing a friendly relationship with the parties involved in the mediation process. The second stage is where the mediator identifies the concerns presented by the parties in a conflict.

Service marketing essay sample

Chamberlain narrowed the clientele to increase the quality of service performed by the company, which kept his clients happy and always referring his services to other organizations. Arrow Management's process collecting and providing equipment had three key steps. This enabled clients to understand the quality of work performed by contractors. Arrow Management and 8Ps of β†’

Advertisements essay

However, Grace Has in ' Advertising: The Art of Persuasion and Mirror to Society' argues, the target audience through these advertisements is mostly " a younger market with the message that smoking is cool... Advertisements really do reflect the desires of society, as this is precisely what is truly needed to market and buy a β†’

Swot and pest analysis essay sample

The following swot analysis helps to shows four main things, first of all it shows the opportunities available and also the threats when releasing a new cereal bar into the market, it also helps show any strengths and weaknesses for Cadburys when releasing there new cereal bar into the market, overall helping to ensure β†’

Political frame essay examples

The organizational swamp denotes the need for each and every species in the swamp to survive, procreate and thrive. In conclusion, the stability and formulation of policies directly leads to the growth or demise of an organization.

Summary of the material

The article is about the need to bring about a clean and healthy environment and adapt critical policies that will ensure that the condition of the environment is not depleted in any way. The article points out that pollution is a phenomenon that can bring about great havoc to the environment and ill health to β†’

Family and poverty

The paper " Family and Poverty" is a wonderful example of an assignment on sociology. Discuss the reasons behind the high poverty rate among single-mother families in America According to the US Bureau of Census 2010, poverty in households headed by women compared to that headed by men was 31. The single women in β†’

Current event in china: climate change

Current Event in China: Climate Change China is an industrial nation and an economic giant that is will face the challenge of climate change in the next period of ten to twenty years. Climate Change in China calls for the commitment of all the countries with high emissions to put in measures on reducing the β†’

Undocumented workers: should deportation be part of american immigration policy essay

On one hand, there are those who argue that deportation is the only way to rid the country of illegal immigrants (who take up jobs that are supposed to be taken by U.S.citizens and legal migrants), while, on the other side of the debate, there are those who argue that deporting illegal workers would have β†’

Of mice and men and into the wild essay

of Mice and Men' and Sean Peen's 'Into the Wild' explore the fundamental themes of freedom, companionship and following your ambitions..'Of Mice and Men' is set during theGreat Depressionin which George and Leonie explore the realism of freedom and hardships by hoping to one day have their own farm. Therefore both texts β†’

Example of essay on comparison between international union and national union

These are among the few reasons why the workers in the various countries and the global world initiated a body or a union to handle the issues that affects its workers. Formation National union was formed in different countries to address and articulate for issues affecting the workers in the countries in which the β†’

The yulin dog meat festival and american views

The American's judgements against the annual Yulin Dog Meat Festival are not valid because they are based strictly on their emotions, their own hypocrisy of the humanization of specific animals, and their lack of insight and respect for the culture. American's who detest the Yulin Dog Meat Festival are only thinking with their emotions. This β†’

Good example of essay on raising organizational awareness

Discharge planning should be done with the full knowledge and participation of hospital representatives, such as the discharge planning staff, the patient, and where possible, the next of kin. There are three major issues surrounding the issue of informed consent that should be taken into consideration by discharge planning staff in a cancer clinic. The β†’


I believe that when we simply answer somebody's question without giving regard to what he said, the other person may get the idea that we have totally ignored his thoughts. My brother and me also use unique terms, like we have assigned names to persons we know, and we use those names while talking about β†’

The steam cracking process in the production of propylene

The paper " The Steam Cracking Process in the Production of Propylene" is an excellent example of an assignment on macro and microeconomics. Propylene manufacture: There are two production processes used in the production of propylene, one of the widely used method is the steam cracking process which involves the production of propylene as the β†’

Environmental ethics. assignment 2

The idea of tree hugger is also related to the environmental ethics as it is all about protecting the trees, which are considered to be one of the important natural resource of the ecosystem. Human beings are considered to be an important part of the environment.

Nursing practice essay sample

This is a pseudonym, in order to protect his real identity and for the purpose of confidentiality, this is also a requirement of the Nursing and Midwifery Code of Professional Practice. A patient assessment according to Basford and Slevin is ' a carefully thought out methodical approach to gathering information and making an β†’

Sultan mehmet ii, selim i and suleyman i essay examples

This paper seeks to compare and contrast the character/characteristics and policies of Mehmet II, Selim I and Suleyman I. The Janissaries comprised of young Christians who were rewarded handsomely to keep the loyalty to the Sultan. He was fairly famous in Europe known for his prowess by those afraid of it- this led to the β†’


Hancock Journal Used: Journal of Communication Title of the Article: Jiang, C.L.& Hancock, J.T.. Communication Teacher, 21 , 87-92. PURPOSE: The aim of the article is to allow students to engage in practical use of knowledge in advertising by deconstructing an advertising campaign of a big multinational corporation so the lessons they learn β†’

Ocean pollution

The pollutants indirectly affect humans and other animals that depend on marine resources. One manifestation of an indirect effect of pollutants to humans is beach closings. It largely affects the agricultural croplands and food production making the prices of food to rise.

Capitalism in ” pursuit of happyness” film

The part that Jay drove a red Lamborghini to work showed that he was rich while Chris had to struggle to sell all his machines to help support the family. Capitalists focuses only on maximizing their profit which causes the low income family unable to bear the high costs. Later he met Jay which gave β†’

Life of milton”-samuel johnson essay sample

Imagination is undoubtedly inherent in literature, the prime component in any work of art, but this view has been a cause of debate since the dawn of literature and criticism. As with most dissentions and philosophy regarding literature and its attendant features, the first records of this debate are to be found in the germinal β†’

The unfolding of deng xiao ping essay

Deng's Beliefs is a force that has a force has guided, is defining and will keep on impacting modern China After ' the Culture revolution' in China in the 1970s, China's education, politic and economy is confronting a great puzzle: what is the right direction of China. The Starting up of Deng's " the reform β†’

Why do you need to check your paper? essay sample

However, when you decided to create the work you will call your imagination, you should state your thesis that is not borrowed and has not explored enough yet. Undoubtedly, any author is allowed to use quotes and phrases. You can use any of this checking websites to choose the one online tool to check your β†’

Journalism as a career essay

When people love what you wrote and when they keep saying that " I love to read your column, novel, poem and articles over and over again" for me it's a prize for your hard work it is the priceless prize I will ever had because the trophies certificate are just metals and papers and β†’

Ten of marijuana infused beers that you should try at least once before you die

Well two flowers is technically what the Coalition Brewing calls the ' kissing of cousins', cousins referring to the two plants : The Hemp and Hops, creating a balanced flavor of a slightly bitter and citrusy taste and an aromatic after smell. Long Trail Honey IPA (Long Trail Honey Indian Pale Ale) From the β†’

Chapter one

General reduced demand for guide services, at least in the short run, explains this as the number of fishers will reduce by greatly. Introduction of a new and captivating movie about fly-fishing is likely to reduce demand, regardless of lowered price, because of increased competition from the substitute. Question 2: Costs and benefits Costs β†’

Doctor faustus essay sample

Faustus questions the acquisition of power by pushing what is acceptable, i.e.the dominant rules of the Church, he gains a false sense of power in defying God and selling his soul to the devil; Faustus vows never to look to heaven, Never to name God, or to pray to him, To burn his scriptures, slay β†’

Health and social care essay sample

My colleagues have always come to me for help or advice and I am always willing to listen and see what I can do to help. I am driven; focused and I am willing to put in the work to get where I want to be.

Beauty myth- how media & beauty today impacts women

New York: William Morrow and Company. The author of this book believes that the media has had a positive influence on the perception of the beauty of women. Concern Over Strong Media Influence On Women's Body Image.MNT. [Accessed 17 March 2014] The article illustrates the health impacts that are implemented by the depiction of beauty β†’

Narrative case essay

The next day my family was leaving for a trip to Glass Lake, and I was not going. When I finally did go to visit James, after an ample amount of foot stomping and pleading with my parents, it was just days after the accident.

Applied psychology essay examples

The reliability and work difference therefore affects the individual and the quality of job as well. The third factor is the factor of extraneous. For instance in the application letter of Charles Nicodemus, his 14 year of experience at the Trump Marina automatically s the quality of work he can deliver at the Casino and β†’

How does shakespeare present disturbed characters? essay sample

Later on in the play, during Act 3 Scene 3, we see how Iago starts to undermine Othello's faith in Desdemona; Iago realises that his earlier plan was a success and how easy it was to manipulate Cassio. He is intent on destroying Othello, and so plans to continue his cunning strategy in order β†’

Free healthy grief: an insight into the process of grieving research paper sample

She describes the forming of a grief team in a hospital to help nursing staff cope with the grief experienced due to the loss of a patient. Waldrop studies the grief in two stages while providing care to a dying patient and after the death of the patient.

Supply chain management within the business market essay

So what this implies is that thin is chiefly focussed on presenting a qualitative merchandise to a client at the least expensive monetary value, and at the right clip and this can be achieved by the uninterrupted flow betterment and waste riddance along the whole concatenation of activities needed to present the merchandise.further mentioned that β†’

Translation and culture history

This experience had one distinct lesson, in order for one to understand a culture, they have to look at the history of that culture to fully understand and appreciate the customs of the given culture that makes it unique from the rest. The course explored the adventures of Christopher Columbus that led to the discovery β†’

Types of bank financing

The kind of finance that would best suit your business might be based on the purpose of your need for financing, how fast you require financing, and how quickly you could reimburse it. SHORT TERM FINANCING Overdrafts are utilized in conjunction with business financial balances and are an adaptable wellspring of working capital for β†’

The prerequisites and consequences of global warming

Global Warming Global Warming Global warming is one of the most alarming challenges which planet earth has been facing in the last few decades. 9 C within the next century. A huge increase in the quantity of greenhouse gases definitely leads to an increase of global warming in the atmosphere.

The effects of incarceration essay

Marsha Allman The College of New Rochelle Abstract Mass black incarceration has a myriad of effects on the culture and society of black communities across the nation. This paper examines these effects, including the reasons for black male incarceration, the widespread nature of it, the effects it has on black women, children and the community. β†’

Capital exemption for a startup

Small snow blower for walkways The cost of the pickup truck is within the budget range and would contribute to significant cost savings. Mobile advertising with decals on the side. The truck would be used as a marketing tool and thus would have to be purchased and converted into an asset for ROP.

Why investment banking essay sample

Secondly, I am keen to apply to the Spring Insight Programme for as I am thoroughly intrigued by the financial markets and International Banking, I intend to better understand how a leading investment bank works, looking ahead to a potential career in the financial industry. I am aware of the key role the Spring Insight β†’

Governments role in managing an inflationary economy

Only the government can do something to control the inflation rates in a country since government policies are responsible for controlling the prices of commodities in a country. It is the duty of the government to adjust wages based on the inflation rates in a country.

World cup security plan

Traditionally, urban policing is known to be complicated by the competing of police forces in Brazil and, unavoidably, this will compromise the quality of the security offered and potentially keep ticket-paying fans away from the venues of the tournament. With improved security, businesses will flourish and foreign investors will be interested in the country.

Sponsorship/donation offer letter

We are proud to know that WWF is the largest organization to work for the regulation of rights of men with that of other living beings on the planet with the right capability to speak for the speechless tenants of earth. We are expressing our unbound happiness to donate to the fundraiser campaigns of WWF β†’

Realationship between sexuality and freedom

Relationship between sexuality and freedom The Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille is one of the more influential and disturbing works of French literature. The truth is that the story illustrates the relationship between sexuality and freedom in a manner that has not been seen since the work of De Sade.

Federal energy incentives/disincentives

The critics could be right, considering the level of control that the government exercises over the energy sector. Hydroelectric power has been at the center of the economic development of the United States for the longest time. Energy Policy in the U.S.: Politics, Challenges and Prospects for Change.

Vocational educational training policy and practice essay

The paper also explores the shape of the curriculum and detailed operation and the impacts of this transformation on the identities of VET practitioners and students in the changed environments[ CITATION Sar991 l 2057 ]. 1. As a result the VET practitioners have had to change the approach and the content of the teaching materials β†’

Essay on frankenstein

He has the idea to bring to life a human-like creature using parts of the dead and some animal pieces such as bone and possibly the eyes. Frankenstein, revealing to the creature that the boy is related to his hated creator.

“i am very bothered” by simon armitage, “i wouldn’t thank you for a valentine” by liz lochhead and “first ice” by andrei voznesensky essay sample

It is the poet's voice in the poem and she is addressing her lover. The poem is arranged in four blocks of long lines. The poet is saying that love hurts and he possibly knows this too well.

Environmental toxicology. oil spills

Long-Term Ecological Effects of Oil Spills Following the American Psychological Association Guidelines One of the largest witnessed oil spills in history happened in the Bay of Campeche of the Gulf of Mexico as a result of explosion on at the Ixtoc I platform in 1979. Until that moment around140 million gallons of oil had gushed β†’

Issues of poverty in u.s

With the increase in the populace in the country, the conditions became worse. 8 percent in 2011 as a result of the economic recovery in the country.

Good essay about marijuana

However, the majority of the users of marijuana use the substance for recreational purposes, and this validates the many researches that associates poor behavioral responses to the use of the substance. The behavior of the user varies based on the amount of marijuana that is the users chew, eat, smoked, or chew. The anxiety that β†’

Free essay on employers and employees have different expectations of each other both in terms

Both the employer and the employee are satisfied with each other when activities and processes are used to legally obtain number of right people at the right place and time so that the people and the organization can select each other in their own best interests. There are many employees out there who wish they β†’

Nonverbal communication – people watching

Most importantly looking at how they persons in the restaurant sitting in twos or threes were talking and chatting. I noticed two men in the extreme corner of the restaurant. The body movement can also indicate how much someone is listening and concentrated in a conversation.

Law the social network movies essay

The paper provides an overview of the legal and ethical issues involved in the dispute between Facebook and the Winklevoss twins, the essay also reflects and discusses on the public policy favoring settlement agreements, and he various forms of ADR and their respective advantages and disadvantages in the context of the dispute between face book β†’

Outcomes of gender bias

The better the educational opportunities and social class, the greater will be the political participation by women, whereas poorer women often get involved in grassroots organizations. Unfortunately, women are acutely underrepresented in leadership positions and in the political arena in most political systems.

Good example of research paper on qualitative critical analysis: missed nursing care

Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 21 , 306-313 Missed Nursing Care, conceptualized in the missed nursing care model is referred to as the aspects of the care of the nurse that are required which can be delayed or omitted by the nurse. The author of this study proved that by observing missed nursing care β†’

Primary and post primary infection and pulmonary tuberculosis biology essay

2 The most common signifier of TB is pneumonic TB, an infection of the lungs, nevertheless the bacteria is capable of distributing to virtually any other organ. These induce the migration of big Numberss of macrophages to the lungs where they will organize a granulomatous lesion called a tubercule around the infection.

Motherhood in everyday use and i stand here ironing

Although both stories have similarities it Continues throughout both stories the theme of the sibling differences and sibling rivalries. In " I Stand Here Ironing" Olsen illustrated the meaning of the iron, which can be compared to Walkers quilt in " Everyday Use". In " I Stand Here Ironing," The meaning of the creases means β†’

The collection of solid waste

Stationery trailers may also be used for the collection and disposition of solid waste. The collection of solid waste can also take place through such processes as mulch and compost.

Theories of harnold innis and the internet

Innis would have analyzed the Internet as something else because it promotes both oral and written traditions; however, it also diverges from these traditions and presents an opportunity for balancing them, if only content producers, distributors, and consumers focused on using the Internet for preserving the positive characteristics and ends of oral and written traditions. β†’

Assignment: kite runner

CM Concluding Sentence (1 sentence that describes what this paragraph was about). Body Paragraph 2: Topic sentence (1 sentence that describes what this paragraph is about) TLQ, " CD". CM Concluding Sentence (1 sentence that describes what this paragraph was about) Body Paragraph 3: Topic sentence (1 sentence β†’

The financial system and the economy

The Financial System And The Economy The Financial System And The Economy The recent financial crises that were witnessed duringthe period of 2008 clearly depict one of the major failures of the global financial systems. The return is the determinant which is the amount of money that a particular security has earned and evens the β†’

A pesona of helen keller

Despite of her disability, with the help of her mentor Anne Sullivan, she was able to achieve her skills to excel her learning skills beyond her arisen to explore, and learn new things. She demonstrated when she was with her mentor Anne Sullivan about the question, when she has to learn, her curiosity grew, and β†’

The film “the internship” analysis

The enthusiasm and teamwork coming from Billy and Nick's group make them secure the jobs at Google. " The Internship" shows the " old-school " way of working versus the modern millennial way of earning a living. It was important that the various individuals listened to others point of view and made a compromise in resolving β†’

International human resource management essay

The US Society for Human Resource, in a research paper concluded that talent management is the coordination between the labour force of your company and the strategicgoalsof the company which leads to higher profits and increase in shareholder's wealth. After the Second World War there was a shortage of skilled labour as β†’

The natural rate of unemployment essays example

The Natural Rate of unemployment is the lowest rate of unemployment possible an economy can sustain in the long run. Uncertainty about economic conditions contributes to a rise in structural unemployment this is because employers suppress the hiring of new workers.


There is therefore the need to adopt the use of efficient energy sources in order to save on the resources that are wasted. In addition, they also ensure that there is a reduced water cost. Energy Efficiency and Renewable in Home Retrofits reduce the production of contaminants that can harm the health of occupants.

Explain how the existence of externalities (whether from congestion or pollution) cause a less than optimal allocation of resources in road transport

Externalities and Road Transport Economics Insert Externalities and Road Transport Economics The existence of externalities such as congestion and pollution often negatively affect resource allocation in road transport by distorting the various pricing mechanisms thereby resulting in the less than optimal allocation of resources to the sector. This is particularly attributed to β†’

Intro to film

The film also use untrained or real actors whose objective is the reasons of producing the film rather than how to do it. 2. Describe an important memory-image from that film. A significant memory-image in the film " How Green Was My Valley Says That" occurs in the last scene of the film.

Testiong prior to marriage

Importance of Blood Testing Prior to Marriage: It is important for a couple to conduct medical testing prior to marriage to protect themselves from the possible threat of STDs, AIDS and other life threatening diseases. Some people misunderstand the importance of blood testing prior to marriage and associate it with checking the blood groups of β†’

Death of a salesman conflicts and themes critical essay

Willy and his sons in a real sense do not have anything that can enable them to be successful. It is a significant confusion that Willy has thought that for one to be successful, he has to be well-liked by people. Willy wanted his sons to be successful and live largely. Willy used a wrong β†’

The objective of creating a piece of information

A written advertisement, for instance, will carry words that will make the reader identify, at a personal level, with the positive side of the product, which in turn will create an urge within the person to acquire the product. The way the pictures, whether motion or static, that we interact within the media are taken, β†’


Greenpeace also boycotts companies which pollute environment and cause damage to it. Green peace deals with many issues on national and international level to upgrade the sustenance of planet and global peace. As per " Green peace is committed to the principles of non violence, political independence and internationalism".

Key events in financial crisis

The Causes of Financial Crisis Key among the causes of global financial crisis was the credit crunch in which US investors lost confidence in the value of sub-prime mortgages that in turn led to a liquidity crisis. The event of September 14, 2008, when the Lehman Brothers collapsed, profoundly contributed to global financial crisis. β†’

Current macroeconomic situation

Despite the augmenting economic productivity in the US depicted in the numerous productions and purchases in terms of goods and services, the rates of national unemployment have remained steadily high. Regardless of the surplus of goods and services in the US, containment of inflation has not been achieved beyond it potential rates that upshot continuous β†’

Environmental economy

The global summits will take place in Paris at the end of the year with the goal of limiting the warming caused by human activities. Change in behavior has encouraged the executives of big companies to support climate change and are now raising the issue unlike before. Environmental and natural economics deals with the principles β†’

Planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services essay sample

Children should always be within the sight of the adult whilst also allowing them to enjoy their environment. The needs of carers and parents like what are their views and understanding about risk and risky play/activities should always be considered. There should always be enough room for children to move freely around the learning β†’

White blood cells essay

The two types of these white blood cells are the monocytes and the lymphocytes. Monocytes are two to eight percent of the white blood cell population and they are twice the size of normal red blood cells.

I’ve attached the file

Basically, urban economists recognize the existence of agglomeration economies which arise when productivity increase with density; however, assessing the enormity of those economies is a real challenge. Baseline spatial equilibrium and study of urban economics The assumption of the existence of a baseline spatial equilibrium provides a map to understanding the role of agglomeration β†’

Need help with writing your assignment? essay sample

You might be surprised to learn that our typical client base is not the ' lazy student looking for an easy way out.' In fact, the majority of the students we work with are classic over achievers, they strive to balance work, life and school and often excel in their classes. What are some of β†’

Australian economy positive growth

This paper, therefore, aims to make an analysis of the economic and cultural situation in Australia and examine the various factors that have contributed to the positive growth in Australia. Introduction part 2 As already seen in paper one Australia is one of the world's biggest markets and therefore entering Australia for investment requires β†’

The ways jb priestley uses the character of sheila to develop his themes essay sample

The reaction and ideas of the audience are manipulated as they first think that the play is a mystery about the death of a young woman but later it is revealed that the mystery lies in who the Inspector (one of the most important characters) is. Priestley uses Mr Birling and Sheila as metaphors for β†’

Global water scarcity and iran

Global Water Crisis- A case of Iran Affiliation] Global Water Crisis- A case of Iran With the current rate of global warming, water scarcity is a growing concern with many people of the world having no sufficient supply of water. The nation is almost facing water stress and it is postulated that with the present β†’

Theoretical and conceptual framework essay sample

Division of Credit Risk Credit risk refers to the probability of the loss emanating from the credit extended as a result of the non-fulfilment of contractual obligations arising from unwillingness or inability of the counterparty or for any other reason. It should be used to finance the customer's normal business operations and β†’

New york city education essay

The quest to impart education to every aspiring young mind is the overall goal and objective of a teacher. Seeing this importance, equipping schools with qualified and dynamic teachers can help foster a better environment for learning and motivation for growth and development. Committing yourself to something you believe in is one determinant of β†’

Torso of apollo essay

Thus the ancient Greeks downplayed the divine aspects of their gods by giving them a typically human form as the example of the Torso of Apollo reveals. In other words, he was next to perfect, as the Torso of Apollo reveals.


Shakespeare show different types of loves and what it means through his use of different characters. Love is a significant theme in this play and it first appears in the meeting of the two search parties, each seeking Othello for a different reason thus bringing the relations of Othello and Desdemona into prominence. Iagos villainess β†’