Genuine Essay Examples

The political economy of communication

When analyzing the key activities of Google using Mosco's processes (commodification, structuration and spatialization), one must identify the relations of power that are part of the exchange, manufacture and distribution of resources/information. By adopting Mosco's process of commodification, it is evident that Google's value addition outcomes from its advertising ventures can be directly linked to →

John kerry on syria

Cases of Failed Deductive Logic in John Kerry's Speech " I am not asking you to take my word for it, read for yourself, everyone, those listening all of you, read for yourselves". The problem with this statement is based on the fact that John Kerry asserts that everyone should read the information related to →

An analysis of the poetic works of emily dickinson

Discuss The concept of belonging relates to the complex relationship of and individual, the natural world, and the way in which they interact with the groups around them to form a sense of self. Avildsens lm The Power of One, which explores and extrapolates the divergences of nature's relevancy in modern society andphilosophyas well as →

Opinion on economic issue

S&P reports that income inequality has grown in the US thereby excluding a huge part of the population from enjoying the benefits of a large economy. Income inequality is a great problem in the context of the recent recession that made many people lose their hard-earned wealth. It is crucial to highlight that income, in →

Mgt, personal swot analysis

This also would be in line with my low scores in extraversion: I am not a very assertive or gregarious person and do not find it easy to make friends, however, once again, the fact that my career plan would not require me to be a social success is a great help. Moreover, I need →

News release

But just to allay the Chinese community's concern, we conducted a test and the result is negative". Also, as a conscientious company that is committed to delivering hightest possible quality of burgers to its Chinese consuming public, Burger King agrees with the Environment Secretary Owen Paterson said it was " completely unacceptable" that consumers were →

Community in beloved essay sample

The day after the feast Baby Suggs noticed a "...scent of disapproval lay heavy in the air," and she soon realized that " Her friends and neighbors were angry at her because she had overstepped, given too much, offended them by excess." They feel that it is their responsibility to punish Sethe and Baby Suggs →

Synthesis of aspirin and oil of wintergreen essay sample

In the formation of acetylsalicylic acid, a lone pair of electrons on the oxygen of acetic anhydride attacks the alcohol group on salicylic acid; whereas in the creation of the oil of wintergreen, a lone pair of electrons on the oxygen in methanol attacks the carboxylic acid oxygen on the salicylic acid molecule. The concept →

Service blueprint essay sample

The product part of the activities comprises of the physical dishes and drinks while the service part comprises of the relations between the organization and the customers. The improvement of these areas increases the strengths of the organization and provides it with the ability to compete with other organizations in the industry. Blueprints comprise of →

Cultural factors db

In terms of government spending; in2011, the president signed a bipartisan compromise that was to reduce government spending by $1 trillion over the next decade. The US fiscal policy is expansionary in nature in that it focused in increasing the budget to stimulate the economy.

Why i want to become a doctor essay sample

My friends want to become managers, economists, and lawyers, girls dream of a career of models, actresses, and singers, but I want to be a doctor. And I think that the most important happiness for a person is his health.

Good essay about comparative study of frankenstein and blade runner

Likewise, the antagonist in Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein, undertakes a similar mission to destroy the creature he created. Both the film and the novel deal with creatures that mankind has created which turn out not as the creators intended. Because the creature is hideous and goes on to kill another human being, Victor feels →

First, it has been noted that there are several deviations from the la county restaurant grading ordinance, as follows: essays example

As the kitchen temperature at the time was 73 degrees, then there is the possibility of bacterial contamination while the turkey was left to thaw at the kitchen temperature. The assistant of the head chef was chopping beef into cubes, and then proceeded to chop chicken without changing the knife, or without properly cleaning and →

Good technology as a provision of care essay example

However, one needs to view technology as a method or facilitator for the current problems and not a solution to the nursing and physician shortages. The use of electronic health records has significantly assisted in the provision of care. The use of technology has improved the standardization of patient clinical →

The smartphone market

In the highly competitive market of mobile devices, smartphones, with Wi-Fi technology, huge storage and features that can turn it into computer with the flick of fingers, have emerged as the latest craze amongst the young and the old professionals. Even the teenagers are trying to become the pride owners of smartphones to keep up →

Over the next 30 years, what are the risks to national security posed by increased competition for energy and food resources; and what initiatives might qatar pursue to reduce these risks

Despite having numerous deposits of oil and natural gas, Qatar and other countries in the GCC face a lot of challenges that are likely to threaten theory national security in the future. In the next thirty years for instance, the competition for energy resources in Qatar is likely to be challenging to the extent of →

Biodiversity and the ecological systems

They also offer gifts that are indirect through supporting the ecosystem through its services, and the services involve real security, the essential services in human life relations or even the respectable fitness."...biodiversity and the environmental schemes are very vital in the well-being of the individual's life as it plays a very crucial action of →

Seminar unit 6

A visionary leader has the aptitude of accessing and holding an idea yet to be manifested and have the familiarity of the inventive process, discipline, strength of will and enthusiasm to sustain that vision via the entire creative course and at the same time lead others into the materialization of that vision. Visionary leader is →

Income determination

Surprisingly, unearthing the variety of macroeconomic and microeconomic factors to be incorporated in the computation of income, stands erected as the major stumbling block despite the recent research benchmarked against much effort and focus peddled to weed out this phenomenon. Research Question Difficulty to determine the essential macroeconomic and microeconomic elements to be included →

Free essay about morality and facebook

To concentrate more on how these issues have transformed and reigned over one another with time and the argument of how pictures and its various negative effects have developed, on Facebook, is what will be discussed briefly in this essay. The first perspective that needs to be looked upon is how Facebook came into being →

American culture essay

The United States has often been thought of as a melting pot, but beginning in the late 1990s and early 2000s, it trends towards cultural diversity, pluralism and the image of a salad bowl instead. The cultural affiliations an individual in the United States may have commonly depend on social class, political orientation and a →


What are some of the ways in which politically correct language and doublespeak are different and some of the ways in which they are similar? With the increasing need for observing gender and political sensitivity, choice of words becomes necessary. According to Lutz , grain-consuming animals, organoleptic, and economically non-affluent are some of the →

Financial services provided by indian banks in india

The strengthening of banking system took place after the establishment of reserve bank of India, 1939 as it empowers to regulate the banking money, inspection of mergers and acquisition in terms of Banking Companies Act 1949 which later came to be known as Banking Regulation Act 1949. Functions of Banks: →

Private unions

Coherence between employers and employees is realized from balancing their powers in the actual environment of interaction. Unions, alongside other functional ways, are used to empower workers. Due to the fact that the government monitors the welfare of both employees and employers in the various labor markets in the economy, legislations that seek to strengthen →

Toxicant scavenger hunt

Acetone Chlorine Uranium Lead-210 butane Classification of toxicant Volatile Organic Compound Harmful solvent Heavy metal Heavy metal Harmful solvent also, VOC Source Best Value Nail Polish Remover Clorox Bleach Antique glazed pottery Cigarette smoke Oust Air →

How does this news story relate to job emotions and attitudes in organizational behavior

Motivation is the most fundamental factor that makes the workers' behavior conducive to the success of the organization. Before analyzing the relation of this article to the concept of job emotions in context of the organizational behavior, it is customary to gain an in-depth understanding of job emotions, or in other words, " motivation".

Individual report for presentation

We taught them on the two key concepts associated with the political communication and the public sphere. I felt that we gave a good lesson on what is expected in political communication and how it is done. The audience was young and it was important to make the presentation entertaining. The whole project was informative →

Gay rights

One of the main questions in terms of the study of gay rights is the origin of the movement aiming for equal legal, political and social rights for the gay people. According to Andryszewski in the book entitled Gay Rights, the movement to promote gay rights did not happen in a single night. The Scientific →

The fall of the house of usher and the yellow wallpaper: a comparison introduction

While these symptoms may seem obvious from today's psychological perspective, Gilman was writing at the close of the 19th century when the discipline ofpsychologywas still emerging out of a rudimentary psychiatric approach to treating the mentally ill. Though doctors have attempted to write about the treatment of insanity since ancient →

Lgbtq blog post

The plight of homosexuals has continued to roll over the decades and even the 21st century is seemingly no different. The social stigmatization that homosexuals receive in the contemporary society cannot be overlooked. Many people even in the countries that boast of being developed still view lesbians and gays as malevolent and a lot of →


Austerity Package An austerity package is a set of policies introduced to cut the government expenditure and increase the revenue to minimize the budget deficit. This investment is a key factor in the calculation of the gross domestic product and such a measure will indirectly decrease the GDP of the economy with the →

Cigerate money in pow camp

W camp Like in modern economic times, a fall in the value of cigarette money was one of the factors that caused inflation in P.O. The devaluation of cigarette money and weather changes were factors that contributed to inflation in the P.O.

Compare and contrast hegel and marx’s understanding of alienation essay sample

According to Marx's theory of alienation, there are four aspects of the alienation of labour; the first of these is the separation of the worker from the product of their labour. This entails that the worker creates a product or object for the market under capitalism; however the product that he or she has created →

Gender and development

The brunt of the consequences of the difference in gender is mostly borne by the females be it in the private or even the workspace. But because of gender differences, the amount that they earn is different as is in the case in Bhutan.

Auditing, attestation, and assurance services paper essay

The first service is the auditing service and the most common type of this service is the Internal Revenue Service. Requestors Auditing, attestation, and assurance services provide the users of an organization's financial statements and reports with an unbiased, objective opinion on the accuracy, reliability, and quality of the statements and reports. Some of the →

Causes and effects of earthquakes

By definition, an Earthquake is but a tremor/vibration of the Earths crust as a result of the frictional movement of the lithospheric plates underneath the earth's surface. As alluded to in the definition, the immediate cause of earthquakes is the sudden release of huge amounts of pent-up energy as a result of cracks in the →

Example of comparison and contrast between i used to live here once and dogs death essay

If human death forms the essence of this story, Dog's Death by John Updike deals with the death of a young dog and the utter helpless of human beings in the face of death. The difference between the treatments of death in these two literary pieces is in the short story, Jean Rhys describes the →

The analysis of the movie “up”

In spite of the fact that his identity and conduct regularly irritated Carl in the film, where it counts he is a person who demonstrates love towards others particularly, to Carl. He is quite the opposite of Russell and Carl which is known as the antagonist of the film.

Good essay about the position marijuana taxation

The economists wrote and signed a letter to the governors, the congress, State legislature and the president on the legalization of marijuana. This is because the revenue collected from marijuana is used to solve the problems caused by the drug. Marijuana is one of the controversial drugs in the world today.

Position statement (outline)

Decriminalization of marijuana may also aid in reducing the number of minority groups that end up in jail, thus; reducing human potential when it comes to jobs and skills in the labour market. 2. By decriminalizing marijuana, the government may earn tax revenue from legalizing marijuana than fighting it off the market, losing revenue in →


The second reason why they are termed weak is the fact that the bacteria at times gets immune to the particular type of antibiotics and they are little effective against it due to which they fail to protect the body against diseases. The result of which is the reduced capacity of the body and the →

Television programs and cultural identity

Television Programs and Cultural Identity Television Programs and Cultural Identity Introduction The most interesting television program I find interesting and watch almost every day is Make it Pop. The program is both comical and musical, and this makes it be very interesting.

Economics project

The choices made by them are often influenced by these principles and this increases the scope of economics." Economics is the study of allocation of scarce resources, choices, and opportunity costs" (Department of Economics: Description and Mission of Department par.1). The major economic principles that influence the choice of a society with the view point →

The right drug to target cutting marijuana use calls for more than tough policing- essay

This article is written to highlight the dangers of marijuana use and propose that the current measures are not sufficient to cause a significant change in reduction in its use. He has been able to express the need for more focus on marijuana and the growing impact of the drug using statistics.

Make one change to a sex and gender related topic

Make one change to a sex and gender related topic: Changing Gender Roles of Women I would try to convince the church that women have made an impactin changing gender roles in the workplace, political field, and the military. Women are no longer prepared to accept the tradesmens attitude of men as described by Iacuone →

Kenneth clark, katharine hepburm, harvey milk, and fred korematsu, and all tried to create social change in areas of sexual or racial discrimination

Harvey tries harder to get people to understand and appreciate the sexual preferences of gays in the community. How did they try to solve the problem? Kidd presents Dexter with an opportunity to get closer to Tracy. The parties involved to the re-union of Tracy and Dexter ends up devastated.

Explanation graphic

Students will access these remote labs over the Internet through a web portal, provided by AMnetworks. By changing the current method of registering students, the new system will be able to register students in the appropriate class and provide access on the start date of the course. The system will provide a friendlier login process →

Victor frankenstein: a life should be cherished

The rejection of all cause the Creature to become the evil Monster people believe him to be, he believes a small innocent hild can accept him for the way he looks and too is rejected, along with the rejection of the DeLacey's from whom he learned how to live a human life. If Victor had →

Essay on benefits of a college degree

In the recent years, getting a college education is becoming much easier and many people are now able to enjoy the benefits that come with a college education. One key benefit accruing from having a college degree is that one's average salary increases as compared to those who do not have any degree. The reason →

The apostle paul

Profile of the Apostle Paul The life of the Apostle Paul is a fascinating addition to the New Testament. A man who had nothing to do with the life of Christ, nor had any relevance to the centrally important story of the resurrection, has had his writings included in a book that has the strongest →

The world of imperfect competion

Definitions to financial terminologies are consolidated taking a keen considerations to the study work provided in order to achieve a broader understanding of the topic in question. On the short-term it was not intended to directly compete with the search engine giant Google, but it definitely sent a clear message that there was intention to →

Mans destruction to nature and climate

The fact that climate changes is not in itself a threat, because, obviously, in the Last Name 2 past human beings have adapted to all kinds of climate changes. The fact that climate changes is not in itself a threat, because, obviously, in the past human beings have adapted to all kinds of →

Economy in the gulf countries

Economy in the Gulf countries: Oil and gas are the biggest and the fundamental sources of revenue for all of the Gulf countries. This accompanied with the fact that all of them except for Saudi Arabia, have considerably smaller populations of indigenous people as compared to other countries of the world, makes the supply far →

Dangerous knowledge – the negative effect of the pursuit of knowledge on society essay sample

On January 1, 1818 the manuscript was published and immediately became a bestseller during her time This book has proved to be a classic and still resounds with readers till date as a variety of discussion topics pertaining to the sciences, the technologies and the societal views of women during the 19th century →

Global warming

This essay will discuss about global warming. Ecology experts argue that the world suffer the debilitating impact of global warming with the escalating emission of greenhouses houses that destroyed the world's protective layers which supposedly protects the environment from the heat waves of the sun. The sea level has also risen at 25 meters and →

Critical thinking on public and community health

Perhaps the most prominent organization in the field of public health would be the World Health Organization , who defined health as " a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". The goal of personal and public or community health is basically the same: →

Free essay on non-conformism in self-reliance

He uses this quotation as a preview of his own ideas and to set the tone of the essay. If Socrates' mantra to people was " know thyself" then Emerson's is " Trust theyself". In order to be a man, Emerson believed that a person cannot conform to society as is, but should discover the →

Leisure and recreation industry essay sample

The Most common activities of the private sector in the leisure and recreation industry take place in, Retail sales, Catering and accommodation, entertainment, Home-Based leisure and Health and Fitness. Examples of leisure organisations in the private sector, would be Virgin, Sony and Ladbroke. In the Leisure and recreation industry there is a huge range of →

Aggregate demand and supply models

As compared to US$126, 400 average household income back in 2007, the average household income as of 2010 has reached its lowest point at US$77, 300. In the study of macroeconomics, Jain explained that the aggregate demand is pertaining to the value or amount of money in which the business entrepreneurs are expected →

Educating rita essay sample

However her statement is biased as Frank is from the middle class and Rita sees the middle class as being superior to her as she is of the working class. This is shown in Act 2 scene 3, when Rita is already in the study as Frank enters. This shows Rita's authority and her control →


Communication # Question Cross-sex friendships face a challenge of identifying the type of emotional bond that the friends should share. Male friends rarely disclose their intimate self and friendships are not that intimate and therefore do not develop strong bonds. # Question 5 Female-female friendships are characterized by voluntary relations between the friends.

Free roman governments essay example

The last branch of government is the executive branch, which is tasked with the role of enforcing the laws made by the legislative branch and implementing policies on behalf of the people. The analysis of the government and its branches sets a precedent for a better understanding of the shift from a republic state to →

Minimum wage increase argumentative essay

Secondly, most employees are not acquainted with the laws that protect their minimum wage and even if they know them, they do not know the procedure that needs to be taken to have their issues sorted. With all this issues, we realized that the problem will be solved if an employer is made to understand →

Life of martin luther

Under the Catholic Church, the power was placed solely in the church. Of course, the Catholic Church did not like this because politically they would lose power over the people.

Human resources in swimming with sharks essay sample

The humiliation and dehumanization Guy experiences starts to take its toll, as he leans on Dawn, his girlfriend and another producer at the firm where Buddy works. Guy is fired by Buddy over the phone, which drives him over the edge and forces him to kidnap Buddy. Guy's retaliation is a natural offshoot of this →

“death of a salesman” by arthur miller and durkheim’s theory essay

This view supported the idea of the double nature of the man that exists " because social man superimposes himself upon physical man". It appears that the suicide of the main character of the play " Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller can be described within the framework suggested by Durkheim. The type of →


The box becomes some sort of a prison for them that they feel they cannot escape, which gives limitations to their ideas on solving this assignment. They may be assuming that, to solve the problem, they have to maintain the cleanliness of being inside the box.

Bears slowly changing the way people think

Whether it was a trip around the world or just laying in my bed, I had to have a bear with me. I had not been a do-er in my life before; I would hear it, feel sad about it, but not take the next step to do anything about it.

Suppy and demand

Duopoly is the condition when there are two sellers; and oligopoly comprises more than two sellers but limited to that of perfect competition. The role of economists The role of an economist is highly important in an economy. In order to promote an appropriate market system, one has to identify various factors such as →

Multiple personality disorder in black swan by darren aronofsky

When the moment of the white swan dares to pick up the broken glass to face the black swan, she has already had the strong spiritual strength and rebellious courage, just like in the ballet, timid and cowardly white swan only get the real freedom after suicide. In the performance, the two parts of Nina's →

Example of the experiences of the immigrant groups essay

In this discussion, it will be clear that the both the immigration of Japanese Americans and Chinese Americans had the same experience in terms of the reception as well as the segregation and denial of citizenship in America. Consequently, as per the United States of America government records, the first Chinese Americans arrived in America →

Air pollution and citizen awareness

Since an emission-free engine was required, electricity was the appropriate fuel to be used in the car. This is the best choice for the expected data should be in figures and pictures.

Briefly describe what the boston nature center is and how they benefit the community, also include the importance of environmental education on the community

One of the ways that the community gets to benefit from BNC is the fact that they witness the hands on approach that ensures that the environment gets to where it is today. The center has ensured that many of the citizens benefit from the education.

Legalizing marijuana argumentative essay

Since the beginning of the 21st century the public attention of the Americans was turned twice to the cannabis legalization. This proves the significance of the weed in the country and its potential for the US economic growth in case of the cannabis legalization. Furthermore, the legalization process can bring other benefits for the United →

Good example of argumentative essay on legalization of marijuana debate in the united states

Thus, it is necessary to take everything into account before making a decision whether marijuana should be legalized. On February 26th, 2014 a recent poll in Texas showed that 49% of Texans support legalization of this drug and 77% support legalization of medical marijuana (Legalize Marijuana Legal Weed Marijuana Facts, 2014). →

Rent control

In the United States, rent controls date back to the 1990s when laws related to rent and eviction controls were implemented. On the same note, the pros and cons of the implementation of rent control were not mentioned.

Lab 4

The concentration of chemicals is lower in the base of the food chain pyramid, but increases as the chain progress upwards. The osprey consumes all the chemicals consumed by all the primary producers. The pyramid of energy flow above establishes energy distribution within the food chain.

Sustainable engineering: green sustainable materials

Emission produced by sugarcane ethanol per BTUs of energy is about 37Kg /BTU. Emission produced by switchgrass ethanol per BTUs of energy is about 29Kg /BTU.

Why line manager is increasing important essay

Specifically, it states the importance of the line managers in the organization firstly and then explains the benefits that adopting new management approach brings to, although some obstacles exist. Finally, the conclusion will be there. According to McGuire , greater involvement of line managers in HR practice devalues the importance of HR and takes →

How effective has the imf been in helping countries in financial difficulty

A nation in severe problems and unable in compensating its international bills poses possible problems for the stability of the international financial system which was created to be protected by the IMF. There are also a lot of criticisms on how IMF is not accountable and its will in lending to nations that have bad →

Laughter is the best medicine essay sample

With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health. May this book review of the amazing world of laughter and its super healing power help you realized and enlighten your mind.

Sexual harassment essay sample

Areas that should be pursued during this interview include:- the cultural background of the complainant- a detailed reconstruction of the incident that prompted the complaint- the context and circumstances in which it occurred- the involved parties prior relationship- the nature of the allegations against each individual in instances where incidents involved the participation of →

Free essay on core factor to consider before selecting a project

The main factor to consider in any project selection is the availability and allocation of resources. Resources are all the items required to accomplish the project's goals. The method helps determine the shortest time different project activities will require.

Belmont state bank essay sample

The server stores the branch's daily transaction data and transmits it several times during the day to the central computer system. When it comes to identifying and documenting the controls, I would have preventative controls(security guard in the branch buildings), and software to encrypt the teller passwords.

Reflection essay on death of a salesman

Instead Willy has a vision of his ownAmerican dreamof success even if he has to deny reality in order to accomplish it. Throughout the play, Willy does not realize that he is not a well-known and successful salesman, and he lives in past memories and events of his life which he is perceived as successful. →

“at a potato digging’ by seamus heaney essay sample

Heaney uses a normal aspect of farming to discuss and evaluate other issues such as the vagaries of nature, the Irish famine of the 1800's, mankinds relationship with nature and optimism for the future built on a sober respect for a bitter and tragic past. The first stanza places the emphasis on the arduous →

Minimum wage should be raised and should automatically increase with inflation

The other notable contribution of an increase in minimum wage is that it results to reduced turnover. The other negative aspect of increasing minimum wage proportionately with inflation level is that it could result to layoffs by the companies in a bid to accommodate the new-hiked minimum wage.

Facebook case analysis essay sample

Which of the following two positions do you agree with most: communication on the Internet should be made more anonymous, or communication on the Internet should be made more identifiable? This is a very tough question because I feel as if I can agree with both positions to some extent. The call for anonymous →

Free american culture and global cultural homogenization essay example

Therefore, keeping both the viewpoints in perspective, I will argue in this paper that the spread of the American culture around the world, in fact, has caused the global culture to become Americanized and is slowly contributing to the loss of the local cultural traditions. The United States is a →

Raise or lower tuition

This creates some sort of balance that would ensure that the enrolment is not affected and the revenue generated from the tuition increment is used to cover the expense that the university has been struggling with. Because the price elasticity is inelastic, it can be confirmed that increase in revenue would not result in great →

Of mice and men essay

The facts that the death of Candy's dog and the death of Lennie are identical, reflects on the way Lennie was killed. He was shot in the back of the head just like Candy's dog.

Analyze this rhetorical situation using aristotle and bitzers ideas on rhetoric to provide insight

The situation is rhetoric since instead of Brando acknowledging the award or going in person in front of the audience and rejects the award, he sends a second person who rejects the award on his behalf. In Brando's case, however, he miraculously decided to consider his godfather to deliver a speech that was contrary to →

Engagement exercise create and explain your own example

Also, from my studies, I have learnt that al cultures need to be respected because none of them is more superior or inferior to the other. In my capacity as an Asian, I would like to point out that I was introduced to a very good culture. Since that day, I have been effectively communicating →

Being native versus going native

The type of research used in this article is qualitative research where the used inquiries to gather information and to get an in-depth indulgent of human behavior and the reasons that govern human behavior. This technique of study requires researchers to immerse themselves in the environment of the people they are studying in order to →

Change and continuity: rome (100-600 ad) essay sample

Change and Continuity: Rome From 100-600 AD, the Roman Empire was the centerpiece of Western Civilization, although it experienced many changes along the way, including change of religion, customs, and political power, while keeping some continuity at the same time. The most obvious change in Rome, in this time period, →

Human sexuality movie 2

On the other side, the liberal Christians entail a group, which stands in the name of God in the church engaging practices contrary to the bible. It emphasizes that the aspect endorse them to such a life where they end up in homosexual relations.