Genuine Essay Examples

The role of managers in their organizations

Managers at all levels and in all departments whether in small or large organizations, for profit or not-for-profit organizations, or organizations that operate in one country or throughout the world are responsible for performing the four functions which are planning, organizing, controlling, and leading in order to achieve the organizational goals. Efficiency is a measure β†’

Sam 445 unit 1

Managerial Accounting Managerial Accounting According to Weyandt, Kimmel, & Kieso , managerial accounting is a process that identifies measures, analyzes, interprets and communicates information that seeks the goals of an organization. These are decision-making, planning, directing operational activities, and controlling. Planning Planning as a managerial function in accounting perspective ensures efficient communication of the β†’

Life cycle of the service industry

This essay seeks to describe the service industry at each of these stages regarding demand for technology, products and competition. At the introduction stage, the demand for the service is low because not many people are aware of this industry. The competition is intense- there are price wars and exits.

M6a1-question 2

This means that the effective leaders should at least empower other organizational members who will be in a position to make use of the power given to them by furthering the vision of the leaders. 2. It is the use of power in doing and knowing what is right while in leadership.

Essay on healthcare program manager interview

This is a course that has made the manager to be aware of various management strategies that ensure the good performance of the branch. Tricare health program is a program under the ministry of defense. Whenever the employees need the services, the manager is the person to refer him/her to the place where the service β†’

Week 5

Hence, it is first important to understand why the manager is avoiding conflict before confronting them. With the exception of the above two cases, an employee must confront the manager if a conflict is being avoided. It is only when an employee trusts the manger to act in the best interest of the employee that β†’

The vision of the globally integrated enterprise

The various compensation, rewards and incentives programs designed By IBM have facilitated the organization to draw quality and skilled workforce and maintain workplace satisfaction of the existing employees. Furthermore, the benefit programs of IBM have facilitated the organization to profitably respond to the rapidly altering market and industry trends.

Importance role of human resource management business essay

The functions and the patterns of human resource direction are the independent variables that determine the success of operation a transnational company.1. 0 Aims: To look into on the functions of human resource direction in runing transnational companies. Unarguably, labour is the most of import plus in carry oning a concern. The ground is the β†’

Mayos theory of management

In total, in order to integrate the workforce with organizational interests, managers must consider the employee as an inevitable element of the organization. In the view of Hindle, a manager must give much focus on cost and efficiency. At the same time, a manager has also en ethical obligation to his employees. Works Cited β†’

Good critical thinking on leadership style flexibility

They should also take into account consequences of their decisions to people and the organization as a whole. Data shows that there are general ways to implement different leadership styles and still be effective. It is evident that any leadership style can be effective as long as the leader understands and knows when and how β†’

W.l gore & associates essay sample

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is often times displayed in the shape of a pyramid, with the basic needs at the base of the figure and the more complex needs at the higher levels. Gore, the magnitude of the work load would be unparallel, given that the company is one of the largest of its kind.

Apples directional strategy

While the organization has recently suffered the setback of the death of company founder and CEO Steve Jobs, there remain a strong number of organizational elements in place to ensure the corporation continues its growth and success. In these regards, it's necessary for the company to implement their consumer access as permitted in this software β†’

Organisation, people and performance

In addition, the test reveals the candidates' independence and responsibility. 1. 7 Graphology This involves the use of handwriting to measure work related behaviours and personal characters.

Guideline for making manager resume

In theeducationsection of your resume, list the schools you attended, the degrees you attained, and any special awards and honors you earned ; In descending order, beginning with the most rent education ; If not yet graduated, indicate " Diploma in Integrated Events Management Candidate 2013" 4. Highlight your strengths β†’

Sample essay on expectancy theory

This essay seeks to examine the three elements of the expectancy theory in relation to the managerial motivation towards employees. The three elements of expectancy theory include - expectancy, - instrumentality - Valence Expectancy Expectancy refers to an individual's belief that working hard will bring the desired level of performance. Motivation based on this β†’

Essay on marie is worried about her health which of the following would increase her risk

Type A behavior 4.aerobic exercise People who are self-confident are 1.less likely to be disturbed by adverse events. 2.better able to function in spite of pain. 3.more likely to follow medical advice when they believe it will work. 4.all of the above Which of the following focuses on muscle tension to β†’

The 4-player model for building healthier team behaviour

Also, by combining ideas from both inside and outside the team, they can pick an alternative to act. Balancing Act Balance between these four core acts regulate the health of the team. This also provides a route for positive change in the heart of team function.

Organizational behaviour

Employee's choice is the base of the success of the implementation of all characteristics and methods of the team, not only in virtual terms but in these cases managers have the option to choose people that they consider the best to be part of the team. These main guidelines in my opinion will be very β†’

Apology and compensation for wrongly delivered order

Besides, due to the expenses incurred by the Club and resulted in unexpected inconveniences, the corporation's management has also decided to replace the poor growing grass patches. This is by planting the required course's grass coupled with ensuring it has grown to maturity and to the prior expectations of the Club's management.

Casino management

So, the bad news is that as floor employees, you are going to have to step up your ID checks. In order that we continue to have the friendship of Foine Auto Parts, I am taking this proactive step to inform you that ID checks are our new top priority.

Are farmlands in danger? essay

Thus, since the latter part of the 20th century up to the present day, Americans have learned and assimilated into their way of thinking concepts such as fastfood restaurants, fast cars, suburbs and highways. These are just part of the modern lifestyle and these contribute to the chain reaction of events that exerts enormous pressure β†’

Create a crisis action plan

As such, this paper seeks to discuss the measures that can be implemented in order to handle the crisis of sexual harassment in the organization. Managing crisis in an organization is a process that requires a holistic approach by the responsible authorities. According to Armstrong , there are mainly four stages that are involved β†’

Transformational leadership: an in support of this model of leadership essay

The shift created by the introduction of transformational leadership theories ". ..has rejuvenated the field of leadership, moving leadership research out of the doldrums and attracting new scholars and constructs to the field ". This model, developed by Bass & Avolio , " assesses the Full Range of Leadership model, including laissez-faire β†’

Good example of corporate executive essay

Through the involvement of the ethics and corporate governance that also includes the shareholders and the local community the executive plays a role in their accountability where he has to control decision making processes requiring that they are made with ethical standards that both safeguard the company's reputation and thus ensure constant growth in their β†’


Leadership at Apple under the guidance of Steve Jobs has set a foundation for Apple to learn from setbacks and to learn from these setbacks. Over the course of six years, Apple has consistently asked its HR professionals and leaders what were the top challenges of Apple Inc.and tell the management about the ' leadership β†’

Business law assignment

Stanley hired Cohen, a mechanic, to appraise the condition of the car, and Cohen said that the car probably had at least 50, 000 miles on it and probably had been in an accident. In spite of this information, Stanley still thought the car would be a good buy for the price, so he purchased β†’

Ethical dilemma in accounting and finance

In this essay, I will address a personal experience, describing an ethical dilemma that I faced, and how I resolved it. In the early period of my career, I worked in one of the accounting firms. Immediately the senior manager stated the request, I declined initially. The argument of my senior manager was that if β†’

Historical example of labor supply and demand

The impacts of the Great Depression varied from one region to another, but the common denominator is that the overall results were devastating. Economies around the world suffered stock market failures, an aspect that negatively affected the labor market among other sectors of the world economy. Moreover, the persistent decline in labor demand led to β†’

Free essay on leadership

This approach diverted the focus from understanding characteristics and qualities of the leaders to the behaviour of efficient leaders. Therefore, the style approach discusses the actions performed by the leaders towards their followers in multiple contexts. The style approach describes that leadership consists of two broad types of behaviours: task behaviours and relationship behaviours.

Working with the new millenials

The new generation of employees, born after 1981 and more commonly known as members of the millennial generation, can be motivated by assessing the characteristics of these employees and what needs and drives satisfy them at work. Overall, HR professionals should be able to discern the strengths and weaknesses of this generation in terms of β†’

Reflection on course paper

As part of the reflection paper therefore, I am going to discuss and scrutinize some new ideas and perspectives that were learned as part of the readings, writings and discussions on the course that was undertaken. The studies showed that one important reason the leader must be the one who influences his people with his β†’

Free essay on business

Supply chain has to be efficient, market responsive and operationally excellent. Riordan Manufacturing can also profoundly benefit from improvements in supply chain management system. First of all, by its modern definition, supply chain management is a practice of using web and other informational technologies to keep track of orders and delivery, β†’


Therefore, the lack of use vastly recognized understanding is associated to the reluctance of the textbook authors in the usage of " strategic management accounting". Question 2 There are different ways through which Chief Financial Officers determine management accounting innovation in an organization. Therefore, management accounting is necessary in the provision of β†’

Operation management essay sample

Productivity measurement is complicated by:- a.the competition's output b.the fact that precise units of measure are often unavailable c.stable quality d.the workforce size e.the type of equipment used 13. Henry Ford is noted for his contributions to:- a.standardization of parts b.statistical quality control c.assembly line operations d.scientific management β†’

Caterpillar’s organizational structure and culture

Caterpillars Organizational Structure and Culture Caterpillars Organizational Structure and Culture The regular monitoring of organizational performance is necessary in order to identify early any potential weaknesses or failures in regard to the organizational structure and culture. Stories like the one of Caterpillar are quite important in order to understand the factors that can influence the β†’

Pain assessment in non-communicating patients essays examples

They include the verbal way where the patient is asked to rate the scale of the pain he or she feels on a verbal scale from no pain to worst pain, observing the facial impression of the patient, and also using a numeric scale where the patient is asked to β†’

Employee reward and recognition systems essay sample

It further sets out to determine values, culture and reward systems that match the interest of employees in organizations. This paper explores to establish the following: How can reward policies and practices support the achievement of business goals; What are the key areas in which reward policies need to be formulated? Employees have the right β†’

H&m: opening statement essay samples

6 Nov.2014. Blanchard, Dave.'Corporate Social Responsibility In The Supply Chain | Environment Content From Industryweek'. 6 Nov.2014. Tripathi, Salil, and April Streeter.'Cambodia And Bangladesh Briefing Challenges In Supply Chain Social Performance Of The Garment Industry'.

Case scenario business law assignment

While waiting for the dock manager to return from lunch, a vendor was attacked and robbed of his wallet and electronic chips he was delivering. Discuss what, if any, tort liability Bugs may have to the vendor and to the Bugles employees that were attacked. As such, the possessor or owner of the premises owes β†’

Monetary bonuses are one of the best incentives to encourage employees to increase productivity and profits essay

Monetary bonuses are one of the best incentives to encourage employees to increase productivity and profits. In Abraham Maslow's Motivation and Personality , the hierarchy of needs shows that those needs that money bonus's can buy are at the lower levels, that is the physiological needs, safety and social needs.. In practice this β†’

New public management reform

To hold the public sector accountable in New Public Management reform, there is the use of market forces. This calls for the intervention of public managers to assist the public in educating them about their choices or options.

Essay on planning for security

The two books to be handled in our case are planning for Security: Principles of Information Security by Steven Covey and Mark Egan. The two books at a glance Planning for Security: Principles of Information Security by Steven Covey The text, planning for security offers a systematic approach on the concept of information β†’

Contrast leadership and power

The powerful may and may not be in leadership positions but effective leaders have some power. When a powerful person rewards or pays the cooperative followers, he/she encourages goal-directed behavior and when such rewards are withdrawn or threats and intimidations are issued, the unwanted behaviors are discouraged while the desirable ones are encouraged.The powerful are β†’


Introduction The Dark Continent and the third world are some of the euphemisms used to depict the underdeveloped continent of Africa, home to numerous underdeveloped and poverty stricken countries. However, most of these resources are often exploited by foreign investors eventually resulting in a situation where the rich get richer and the poor continue impoverishing. β†’

The importance of supervisors using nest practices in handling drug selling in the workplace

Comprehending the best managerial practices to use in handling the challenge of drug selling in the workplace adeptly prepares me for the challenging managerial environment as well as imparts on me the ethical practices in the workplace. Position of the law The Controlled Substances Act specifies that it is illegal for any person β†’

Managing in sacred cows organization

This includes the process of change adoption and implementation. The overwhelming quest for a change in the organization, by James, has resulted in the attainment of conflict in the organization. Consequently, James has decided to engage all the stakeholders of Quart Limited into a forum, which will discuss the necessity of change in the organization β†’

Example of drug and society essay

These drugs are not the type of drugs that are usually deemed to be illegal or harmful to the body. Allowing pharmacists to renew the prescriptions or prescribe new drugs appropriate for them would give the patient a favor and decrease the burden for the physicians. In the British Columbia, specific limitations are made for β†’

Free essay on commercial cookery: looking at management of physical assets

In addition, the fact that it will be facing the main street junction will give it an upper hand over the other nearby hotels. The target market for the hotel will be particularly the locals and tourists. We will also target the clients who are after good food and in need of a fascinating atmosphere. β†’

Selected companies in mumbai city management essay

To study the impact of planning on effectiveness of training by Bharti Airtel and Idea Cellular. Importance of TrainingPlanning for trainingKnowledge and skills required for trainingQuality of training ANALYSIS OF DATA: Telecom companies: Information from employees of the leading telecom companies is collected.

Strategic management

The net effect is that the company is able to rapidly grow and perform well in terms of finances. I think Starbucks preference of owning its stores is informed by its production strategy of selling its own products in a coffeehouse setting. It sells more than just the coffee and as such by owning its β†’

Nametutorclassdate of submission essay examples

The faces of the British appeared angular and sharp as opposed to the soft faces of the Americans. Jefferson proposed that the authority should run from the bottom and the union of states was necessary in order to run this government.

Organizing at dell computers

Dell has struggled to find its place back as a centre of technology. Michael Dell, the founder and owner of the company has undertaken radical measures to change its now sinking company. By identifying the challenges that led to the failures and counteracting them with positive reinforcements, Dell can transform his company back to its β†’

Library management system critical analysis

Case studyComputerScienceDepartmental Library By MERCY OKEOWO 08710007 FOR THE Award of Ordinary National Diploma In COMPUTER SCIENCE Of MOSHOOD ABIOLA POLYTECHNIC AbstractsLibrary management systemis an aspect or branch of information management system that keeps the records of both the library users, books in the library and the activities that is going on in the β†’

Project management argumentative essay

The major purpose of the project management is to ensure a strategic system that helps in implementing the processes of the project. The concentration of this project is low in the start and increases as the project approaching end phase. Project management lifecycle will help the company in adding value the outcomes of the project. β†’

Why consider a career in sports management

Thus, it is only logical that Sports Management be one of the fast growing careers nowadays. Sports Management is a degree which enables one not only to enjoy different sports from the sideline but also to participate in it in a business perspective. In brief, sports management is a branch of education which leads to β†’

The most useful tools for do-it-yourself projects

It is convenient and comes to use in almost any of the DIY projects. They are easy to use and can bring out the artist within you.

Business law assignment

The offer that he is intending to collect on was never actually offered to him as Otis did not change the sign in the allotted time frame given him by Scott as a part of their contract. The contract was breached when Otis failed to change the sign. As a result of this breach in β†’

Leadership style: case of nelson mandela essay examples

He took many risks and was courages and after fighting for many years and being sent to prison his vision for South Africa came to pass. Leadership. This essay is an assessment of different styles of leadership and uses the framework provided by Darling and Leffel to identify why the leadership style of β†’


The potential of private water production and delivery in the US A. Probable drawbacks of privatizing water production and delivery The entire discussion in this section will be based on the idea of Perard in comparing public and private water delivery. A.

Managing and leading people essay examples

They dictate on the levels of power and authority, norms, and values of an organization. They control the levels of power and authority, standards of behavior, and act as a reference in decision making.

Discuss how standard costing is used in management planning

Firstly, a strategy that best satisfies the objectives of a company has to be selected. Therefore, a budget that relates to the entire activity of a company and to forecasted future revenues and expenditures has to be prepared.

The planning systems and processes for public events management essay

This research identifies a gap within the literature in relation to the actual planning processes and systems that are utilised by both Event Organisers and stakeholders and the resources that these systems and processes requireTo address this assumption, a number of interviews, a focus group and a questionnaire were carried out with participants from the β†’

Japanese management system

The major variance between the previous changes and the current changes is that the current changes have altered Japanese basic economic structure, social structure, and devout structure that had been supposed to be practiced forever. During the past decade, Japanese economy had grown in a substantial way and Japan's annual GDP [Gross β†’

Ciy hotel assignment

7 % Lack of progression and promotion of talented youngsters Whilst the Hotel has some Issues, business has Improved and It has expansion plans as well as plans to tackle the areas Identified. They plan to: Open an extension by adding a further twenty bedrooms Run a training scheme Review wages to attract netter trainee β†’

Project managements assignment

The technical side facilitates to understand scope, define the requirements, shape the boundaries, ND allocate the technical resources of a project in an effective way. Weights are critical because those numbers is the only aspect to arrange personalization amongst all criteria. As seen in the example b, a slight change in the weight of β†’

Good essay about stages of conflict and conflict resolution strategies

The first stage of the conflict process, hidden/latent conflict, is a pre-stage of the conflict itself because at this stage, no conflict has occurred and it is not a guarantee that one will occur. The fourth stage of conflict, manifest or overt conflict, is the phase during which action is taken by one or more β†’

Integrated cad and design for six sigma system (dfss) for product design essay

Recent Six Sigma trends lie in the advancement of the methodology with integrating to inventive problem solving and product design in new product development. How well various players in the product development team design/model, analyse and defining the workflows for the components are based mainly on how well the captured and accessibility of customer requirements β†’

Human motivation and the hourly worker’s job performance essay

Human Motivation and the Hourly Worker's Job Performance Introduction and Work ScenarioThe purpose of this short paper is to examine a scenario where motivation becomes a factor of performance and success. For the purpose of this paper, motivation will be discussed with the following scenario in mind. You are an hourly employee at a β†’

Global outsourcing expert sodexo

In the case study, the issue of flexibility in employment has been well elaborated. Flexibility of work schedules to the employees such as the flexibility to meet the family needs, personal obligations and life responsibilities has hampered employees' career progress in many companies. This may be very dangerous because employees not be innovative and think β†’

Organizational design and culture

The major source of this revolution is the growing realization that strict tight controls, greater work pressure, more clearly defined jobs, and tighter supervision have, in the last number of years, run their course in terms of their ability to give organizations productivity gains. The development of an organization's structure is integrally related to the β†’

Analysis of biogen idec and nhs shetland management essay

However, the local hospital and community service provided from the Gillbert Bain Hospital. Analysis of Biogen Idec and NHS Shetland Performance management strategy is an important role for Biogen Idec to produce more qualified employees to growth with the organization. The balanced scorecard is a performance management system that can be used in any β†’

A critical analysis of the improper usage of social media in online organizational critical thinking example

This paper will focus on the use of the internet, particularly the social media, in online organizational reputation management. Exploration and Critical Analysis of Social media Usage in the Context of Online Organizational Reputation Management For starters, reputation management pertains to a host of activities and processes that are aimed at not only influencing β†’

Six blind men & elephant

With a balanced score card, management of the modern business becomes easier and takes shorter time. The customers, employees and manufacturers are all satisfied by how the balanced score card makes business relations easier than before.

Transformational leadership in sianguna highschool

Interviews contained in the report evidence that there are a lot of e-mails, messages, memos are passed prior to every meeting thus are just part of the additional costs that the school has to suffer. Thus by the time a decision is reached the same may be too late to pass upon urgent matters. The β†’

Mla annotated bibliographies essay

It studies the crisis of child mortality from the perspective of a prolonged struggle for the need to control Afro-Barbadian families found during the slavery period. The article shows the significance of kinship relationships during the times of slavery and provides an important link to literature of freedom.

Investment & portfolio management essay

There are different kinds of interest-bearing instruments, depending on the issuer of the instrument, the lateral the issuer has for the loan, its maturity and the details of how and when interest is to be paid. The yield is usually the interest rate paid to the owner of the security.

Analysis of the different terminal productivity measures management essay

Some respondents noticed that there is fluctuation in the level of productivity due to vessel's variation and structure and also due to minimal participation of management team in operation process.4.1. 1Findings from the survey shows that 54% of respondents agree on the fact that the ratio of containers loaded against unloaded ones affect the level β†’

Unilever overseas holding essay sample

Payment Department is also called APV. The purpose of this department is to make the arrangements for the payments of the factory liabilities. According to the Personnel Department of UPLR.F., there are things which are common between workers and machinery of the organization.

Organizational management

Below is ananalysis of the motivation theories that explain the behavior of employees of Perfect Pizzeria. The equity theory The equity theory makes a comparison between the reward potential to the effort that is expected from the employees. According to the equity theory, the employees consider their potential reward, in addition to, the reward β†’

Free evidence law essay example

The impropriety that was relied upon by the police is considered as a manifestation that there was failure on the part of the police officer to follow the common law principle that arrest must only be done as the measure of last resort. Pursuant to Section 99 of the LEPRA, the law provides β†’

The importance of global leadership and understanding other cultures

Large corporations today seek to have executives with global mindsets and close-cultural leadership skills because of the diverse differences in culture in various parts of the world (Javidan, Dorfman, Luque, & House 2006, p.68). However, there are a number of challenges facing the efforts to develop global mindset and cross-cultural leaders.

Understanding data analytics, its application in accounting and embezzlement audits and its benefits and drawbacks

Data Analytics Report What is Data Analytics? Generally, data analytics refers to the techniques and processes used to examine large sets of data and identify patterns, trends, and other insights which help businesses to make more informed decisions. The first step in the data analysis process is knowing where the data is coming β†’

Personal project for class project management

The purpose of taking this initiative is to revolutionize organic farming, and promote it once again, and invite farmers to opt for organic production. 2. The second step will be to run pilot scale project, followed by nationwide scheme for the Sustainable Organic Farming. 6.

Nursing care study assignment

The care given to ' Mr x' was evaluated under the patients nursing notes. Health concerns were identified as a result of assessing the patient under the Roper, Logan and Tierney model of nursing.' Mr x' had a waterlow score of 15 therefore he was at risk of pressure ulcer development. He was on peg β†’

The stress level between working and unemployed mothers in kajang

It is because they believe in order to achieve a stable financial and happy social life, they must have a successful career. On the other hand, from a recent study by Swati Chhabra has concluded that women have to step out of the home and find a job as she cannot fully depend β†’

The market for intenscare product

Presently, MedSys Company has is the leading distributor of the IntensiveCare product in the market. Since the product is the most ambitious project in history, MediSys must have the largest market compared to its competitors. Nature of the market structure The nature of the market for IntensCare product is perfect competition.

In future state of a business process in

For SAP PLM or anyother management application, depending upon modeling objectives, differentprocess perspectives are considered to select best suitable modelingmethodology and a tool that can fulfill current and future business requirements.1. 1 Purpose of Business ProcessModelingBusiness process modeling is a tool to describe the end-to-end business process and not a performanceoutput. Besides the description, process β†’

Group and team

In reviewing and comparing the elements of each definition, one could deduce that the main distinguishing factor that differentiates a group from a team is the mutual accountability in a team as compared to individual accountability in a group. In the article written by Katzenback & Smith , the authors identified four distinct elements β†’

An example of change management in gypsum industries

The more informal or covert aspects of organisational life must be addressed, that is the prevailing value, attributes and beliefs about what should be done and how - theculturewhich is part of and surrounds organisations, and the politics which are equally important in any examination of organisations and change. Morgan argues that β†’

Meeting jane goodall essay samples

I was already secretly hoping to meet her because I am a big fan of her work and inspirational message of peace and what I received on that fateful day, was unimaginably better than what I had ever dreamed of. Upon crossing paths with her, I garnered my courage and β†’

Leadership assessment assignment

In the final category, power, I also scored a thirteen and that shows that I have a moderate need to influence and direct others.I. I scored a ninety-two on this test, which indicates that I have a high proactive personality and that I am a self-starter. I do have the desire and capability to be β†’

Sustainable business

A sustainable business is a " business that contributes to an equitable and ecologically sustainable economy", accordingto Sustainable This makes us believe that sustainable businesses focus on how the business is going to affect the current and future consumers and what impact it is going to have on the overall environment.

The forces for change and the obstacles to change in the toyota company

In a sense, with that change in purpose, some trouble was inevitable".At the same time, Toyota found itself struggling to inculcate newcomers in the companys unique culture - The Toyota Way. Ownership and Leadership can be considered as a deterrent factor for innovations in the company.

Management ethics essay

A leader of the present day needs to be a perfectionist in rendering his service. It therefore calls for sincerity, devotion and strict discipline towards his organization. It is his strategies, approach and vision that would make the organization a strong contender in the field of business.

Managed care backlash

Managed Care Backlash Impact of Managed Care Backlash on Reimbursement The backlash of managed care was witnessed in the late 1990's, which imposed extensive impact on healthcare quality that was being delivered to patients and overall healthcare obligations. On the other hand, the practice of utilization review denotes submission of the proposed processes to the β†’