Genuine Essay Examples

Strategic management assignment essay sample

Firstly, MAS was hit by the high fuel price in the first 8 to 9 months of the year which had increases up to USD$182 per barrel and affected the overall operating cost. As a developing country, Malaysia has increase the number of professionals who earn more and travel much more frequently overseas. Instead, →

Example of chocolat essay

Main insight: The ethical standards embraced by the Mayor grants him high moral position in the society. In order to rise and become a moral figure of authority in the society, an individual has to receive consecration by the general public. In most cases, these sacred things normally arise from the ordinary ones. The →

Ethical context essays example

Issuing prompt orders to staff to rush to the scene and join in the saving efforts of the victims. A decision to send our crew to the scene was reached and they rushed to the two scenes and joined in rescuing the victims.

Example of preparation to exam questions essay

Introduction Question One In a human resource perspective, alienation at the workplace is referred to as the degree to which workers are estranged in relation to their lack of adequate facilities and warmth regarding to the working place and the creation of believe that their involvement in that particular job is irrelevant →

Analysis of imats and london fashion week in terms of successful event management

London Fashion Week is a fashion show that is held twice annually, in February and September. In this essay I will explore and compare aspects of both events including common issues and problems and their solutions, basic event strategies, risk management and health and safety, costs and budgets, and collaboration, networking and flexible organizing skills. →

Information systems – ups

Aside from being able to communicate better with other UPS staffs and its global business partners, the use of a highly reliable networking technology made it possible for UPS to create competitive advantage by allowing its customers track down the status of their packages. To improve the efficiency of its delivery services, UPS decided to →

Nv salon system essay sample

By accepting the fact that change will occur and planning for the management of change, the probability of project success is increased and enhanced. The purpose of the Change Control Plan is to define all processes, practices, tools, review bodies, and authority necessary to monitor and control project performance, identified change and the potential impact →

Describe the most significant position of leadership you have held to date. how did it expose skills/attributes you would consider strengths and those that need further development

The paper will explore my most significant leadership position and analyze my exposed leadership skills. The most significant leadership position My most significant leadership position is that of an administrative supervisor at STC Company. The process and results in resolving these challenges facilitated identification and evaluation of my leadership skills.

Developing self-awareness essay samples

And I have learned a lot from tasks, firstly, teamwork was critical in the group that I need to adopt a face-to-face communication approach and enjoy listening to other people talk about their opinions. In the future, I would look for opportunities to interact with people from a different culture and listen to their views.

Emotional intelligence and effective leadership among academic heads management essay

My proposal will make some references to the Article with regards to the Methodology, Questionaires used in the study, and Data analysis. Introduction to the Problem The difficulty in studying concepts such as leadership, organisational performance, emotional intelligence and the interrelations between the three constructs, is that these terms are hard to define, describe, →

Ask week 8

If yes, what makes you think so? Second scenario: Per Do you think the alignment your organization took in the strategic dimension " your value selling" concept was of any significance in achieving the results your organization desires, if yes, why do you think so? Explain. In what ways can failure by information misalignment →

Chipotle mexican grill in japan

CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL RESTAURANT STRUCTURE According to the new survey, companies and businesses are working to limit the number of employees and managers. Ordinarily; more workers in the business will attract more expenses which will reduce the profitability of the business in the long run.Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurant has very few levels of management. The →

Organisational structure essay example

Second, a hospital consisting of hundreds of employees cannot be managed by a single manager because a high span of control (i.e.the number of people reporting to a single manager) delays communication and the decision-making process. Because the optimal span of control is estimated between 3 and 50 people, large hospitals will often implement several →

Physical education questions essay examples

The greater acceptability of lesbians than gay men in sports could be attributed to the male fantasy of multiple women being sexually active with each other - the acceptance of them as people is not as much celebrated as is the masturbatory material it provides them. I do fully believe that women should be allowed →

No need for a topic

12 8/10 4/10 5/10 8/10 Innovation 0. 1 7/10 4/10 7/10 8/10 Reputation 0.

Federal contract acquisition

The higher the cost risk, the higher the cost of the contract. Contractor's efforts- This factor measures the complexity of the contract work. Contract cost should be high for any contract requiring a high degree of professionalism and managerial skills. From the contractor's standpoint, cost determination should be guided by the following: Profitability of the →

The emergence of internet management essay

Other research has done to study the trends of e-commerce applications in Malaysia and the usage of it but not the hindering factors. Hence, the preliminary review and arguments has led to the following research questions: Research question 1: What is the extent of e-commerce adoption among the SMEs services industry in Klang Valley region →

Problems in the news media essay

The United States media is becoming like the rest of TV, purely entertaining, only focused on ratings the news media is not doing their job of informing the public with truthful information; they are a huge reason for the political hostility in the U.S.and changes must be applied: new management, laws on falsified news, maybe →

Sustainable competitive advantage in organizations management essay

The dynamic capability concept can be used as a foundation for understanding the processes of opportunity sensing and seizing as well as the process of building competitive advantage. Defining Dynamic capabilities: Dynamic capabilities are the organizational and strategic routines by which firms achieve new resource configurations as markets emerge, collide, split, evolve and die. To →

Types of leaders assignment

Also, be sure to step in from time to time to cover the grunt work and to show employees that you are still part of the team. And even though you may have a pool of employees to delegate to, they may not yet have the skills to handle that type of work.

Ameresco inc. (amrc)

As the largest and independent energy services company in the region it operates and participate in energy projects in majorly the government, public, education and healthcare sectors. There are many present and future environmental threats and opportunities that Ameresco a company operates and the industry as a whole. As a company, Ameresco Inc.operates in →

Free essay on human resources

Advice to the manager Given the conditions it is imperative for the manager to appreciate the policy of the organization on non-productive employees. The manager in this situation has attempted in numerous occasions to solve the matter amicably within the organization. Since this has not been successful and effective →

Wal mart argumentative paper essay

The interpretation of this evidence clearly supports the conclusion: Wall-Mart is not responsible for an individual's failure to achieve the " American dream". Activist and working-class citizen Patrick Stall rallies consumers against Wall-Mart during a fair wage protest." We want to raise awareness to Wall-Mart's customers, and also bring it to the forefront and attention →

Meg whitman at ebay questions

E-bay's history reveals that the focus of their attention has been more about the people who are accommodative and flexible towards other cultures, other individuals and overall surroundings that make for the best company and brand supported by the organizational excellence in the performance and delivery of high end products to the customers. What are →

Changing role of cto

In a time when digital transformation has become a sought-after change across industries, CTOs tend to be responsible for a large fraction of a company's human resources and budget that is used to execute a company's transformation (following the strategies I outlined in a previous article: absorb/adapt/acquire/attack). Thus a CTO role needs to remain responsible →

Workplace monitoring

It is hard to imagine that the workplace behavior and activities of senior management are monitored to the degree that their subordinates' are. In the wider scheme of things, I would argue that unless a company' s area of operations involves processes that are highly sensitive, then it is better to cultivate trust among employees →

Master of business administration

I have come to this conclusion after many years of introspection and realizations about where my career is, and where I would like to be. With getting my MBA, my hope is to join a prominent finance organization with the ultimate goal of owning my own business someday. I am very excited about entering the →

Essay on earnings management

A major area of concern regarding practice of earnings management is the effect it has on destabilize the stock markets. Motives The major drivers which motivate the management to resort to techniques of earnings management may be discussed as follows: * Achieve targeted results * Emphasis on quarterly reporting * Analyst recommendations * →

Evaluation of a business code of ethics

The following paragraphs will provide more information into the utilitarianism system between management, employees, and the board of directors. Utilitarianism and First Energy's employees strive to maximize the happiness of all employees. This ethical system by itself, whereas formed in good intentions, is not efficient enough to run a business properly.

Canada’s public health system essay

As the Canadian heath system tries to implement health policies and equitable distribution of resources, the question that most people ask is does the money paid by tax payers reach those it is supposed to be helping and are the health policies set working for the greater good of everyone? Most of the time these →

Labor laws and unions

It is usually the responsibility of the union leadership to ensure that they adequately bargain on behalf of the employees, who are members of the union. The American Federation of Labor.

Finding your leadership style

When there is a strong positive relationship between two people, it is easier to get a point across and convince the other to follow what one has to say, as compared to when a leader simply demands his followers to do as he instructs. In an atmosphere where people work in teams and usually exhibit →

Talent leadership

The team tends to have a positive atmosphere, effective methods of communications, good in making the decision, and leaders participate fully. The graph below represents the leadership performance on the y-axis and the leadership potential on the x-axis. In this model, it is a proper to state that, the level of talent leadership in the →


It will help the student in understanding the course itself and conceptualizing what the course involves; Allegation It is an accusation from one person to another in elaboration why the accuser thinks the one party is guilty of breaching the law. It is the convincing of one individual to issue information or material that was →

Example of research paper on how mcqm connects all processes critical to fda iso compliance

Manufacturing Control and Quality Management software helps insure compliance with these standards and streamline the entire manufacturing process. MCQM software automates the compliance procedure and makes compliance more efficient. Electronic record keeping provides the data necessary for the review to progress with the least possible interruption to the manufacturing flow. Holistic Quality Management →

Essay on climate change and natural disasters

In the event of a hurricane, coastlines suffer catastrophic damages and such images are likely to expand inland. Volcanic eruptions Volcanoes pose enormous dangers to the environment and volcanoes are one of the most destructive natural disasters. The Effect of Proximity to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on Subsequent Hurricane Outlook and Optimistic Bias.

Human resource management

It is, no doubt, one of the toughest task for an HR manager in this sector, to bridge the ever increasing demand and supply gap of professionals. He has to find the right kind of people who can keep pace with the unique work patterns in this industry. Adding to this is →

Event this week

The price falls came after recent increments that took place in the past months after pledges by the OPEC to stabilize the markets. The context of the article is relevant to the past years when oil prices rose to unexpected levels, leading to low productivity and high cost of goods. This is because of the →

Essay on leadership

Definition of Leadership According to Webster's Online Dictionary, leadership is well-defined as the status of a leader or the ability to lead other people. It will include a leadership scorecard evaluating specific traits a successful leader possesses. Aim of The Essay To finish, this essay will include a leadership profile of the →

Good comparison of the different societies in spain and norway research paper example

The only institution where Norway is less trustful than Spain is the church (the other institutions are the trade unions, the media, the legal system, the military, the police, and the government). The monarch in the case of Spain is the head of state, and the Prime Minister is the president of the Government.

Communication skills in management essay sample

The use of asynchronous distance learning has provided learners with the opportunity to engage in a quite learning environment that creates favourable transfer of information between the instructor and the learner. Managers have the duty of ensuring all the available resources are well allocated in order to come up with the best results. In addressing →

Discourse analysis the adaptive behavior of music firms a music industry feedback model essay

This is accomplished through a variety of techniques which are intended to lend him credibility, while still providing the audience with as much information as they require to understand the concepts that he is attempting to convey. This approach is seen very easily in his manner of addressing the audience; →

Six thinking hats

I fear it lacks neatness that any other bed should have. White hat Looking at the problem with the white hat, I realized the fact, that is; spreading my bed is a great disaster. They argue that my bed positioning is the worst. Black hat thinking Tackling the issue with the black hat →

Week 2 mgmt 670 conf

In some industries, the margin for error in this process can be extremely tight, so it is important to have the right executives with industry experience making key management decisions. The right timeframe for a strategic plan depends on the situation of the firm involved and the industry it is in, but in general a →

Wal mart risks and mitigation management essay

This is because Wal-Mart has increased demand of quantity and products in which the corporation uses it as the corporation strategy. Beside this, the corporation is among the major and dominant retail stores in the various countries.

Effective team

Some of the attributes of an effective team include; constant and optimal communication between members, the team has clear objectives and goals it wants to accomplish; there is positive and open criticism in the team and members feel free to air their concerns during team meetings. Other attributes include there is active participation of members, →

Marketing plan: wkar

The paper " Marketing Plan: WKAR" is a wonderful example of a management essay. The newscast market is quite competitive and for WKAR new TV venture to get on the course and command a respectable market and audience, not to mention catching up with the market leaders, a lot has to be done. WKAR can →

Example of formal proposal on organizational communication strategies essay

In order for this to be carried out, there is the need for the organization to emphasize on the fact that all the individuals must learn the proper communication skills and strategies. As such, this leadership component should be in a position to relay the mission and vision of the organization to the rest of →

Process of tracking issues essay sample

They also need to work hard so as to be recognized as the main catalysts in strengthening performance of the organization thus they will always be required by the organization. They should ensure that they help the organizations enhance their efficiency in controlling their environment. They should keep the organizations aware of their availability and →

Essay on emergency operation plan

Introduction In this paper, the two technologies that are going to be identified regarding the implementation of the emergency operation plans that are workable are the computers used in ensuring that there is proper information system in the agency or organization, and the networks that ensure that there is integration of information into →

How has increased use of web sites by firms caused image management to increase in importance

The Internet has become the information superhighway for the buying public. As a result, the Internet has become the most powerful selling tool with millions of person using the Internet to search for products and services, small businesses can penetrate other markets at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing methods, many online businesses →

What i learned in the class

As the word TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More, a team leader needs to be proactive for efficient management of the relationship among the teammates and with the external members. Duties and responsibilities are defined by training, teaching and developing each worker to do the right job. Business environment is dynamic, and managers need →

Advanced rail tracking and safety system (adratss): concept of operations

The preference of the mode of transportation is attributable to its vital nature to the economy and security of the nations. The system is to be developed with pertinent software's and hardware's with the capability of facilitating prompt detection of danger along the rail line and at the stations.

Working capital management and financial performance

According to , financial performance of a firm relates to its motive to maximize profit both to shareholders and on assets. Working Capital Management and Financial Performance The subject of working capital management and financial performance has received significant attention from scholars in the various areas of business and strategic management. These evidences →

Organizational behavior as a management perspective essay

Organizational behavior in management perspective includes the vital factor of ensuring that the leader or manager in a working organization is fully aware of the character traits of each individual in the organization as earlier mentioned. With close reference to the Human Resources Theory, the effect of organizational behavior as a manager's role can be →

Informative essay on supply chain management

DAS Motor should carefully forecast the demand of the market and capacity of their warehouse. All the personnel in the company and related parties in YAMAHA should be well informed and communicate well to achieve excellent system in supply chain management. 6 Logistic Logistics is the management of the flow of goods and services between →

Project sponsorship and decentralization of decision making

Project sponsors increase the commitment of the managers to the project and hence minimizes the probability of the project failing. The project sponsors help in decision making in projects and hence the managers and the rest of the team will work towards success.


The terms of the collective bargaining agreement are not ambiguous, and it is in fact the fault of the union that the communication was not done the first day, as they did not even want to hear the proposals. It is therefore correct to say that the refusal of the union to hear the proposals →

Analyze the perception and decision making essay

In the simulation as the newly promoted manager I had the opportunity to assist the senior manager in very important decisions including reprimanding an employee, a hiring situation, to create an employee evaluation system, and look into anethical dilemmawhich could make or loss millions of dollars for the company. Each of these situations requires perception →

Fast food from switzerland and more essay

Marketing Summary The objectives of the plan is to launch a new fast food chain in the USA and be viewed as a premium fast food in the region, expand to one location after first year of operation, and two locations after the third year of operation. Situational Analysis The strength of the →

Leadership in organizations

It is a fact that leadership is different from management because the latter takes care of handling the routines while leadership is the core ingredient of the organization upon which the entire debate lingers upon. He knows what he is talking about, has a clear cut vision under his belt, is always geared to achieve →

Henry tam and the mgi team case study essay sample

The initial answer to this seems to be that there was a lack of focus in the project. The three of them seem to think this was the natural order of things in the business environment. Why did Tam and his team fail to get the members of the group to agree to a →

Contemporary management techniques

Contemporary Management Techniques refer to the fact that how a management of the company establishes its procedures and methods to manage the company in a more effective and efficient way. The work of the institute is to improve the company's strategic focus and performance through a nine step approach and a →

Essay on management and henri

The centre helped in the overall effort for Henri to develop and popularize his theories of management. And thirdly Fayol is said to have advocated four- teen principles designed to guide the successful manager. Henri's fourteen principles of management are his most frequently citied contribtion to the management literature.


Essentially, this paper will argue that on a combined utilitarian ethics and business sustainability standpoint, it would be wise to discontinue marketing Nike products until such time that the issue has been addressed by the supplier. ANALYSIS From the utilitarian ethics view, a decision is made based on which outcome would favor the majority →

Evaluation and management of patients with cardio-pulmonary

As to the validity of the instruments, all the aspect of the variables and the measures will be explored so as to achieve maximum validity. Interviewwith a Researcher A friend of this author referred him to a University Professor who has had considerable experience in research. That way, →

Project management leadership assignment

Definition of leadership and project leadership There are various models and theories try to define meanings of leadership, but recent years the study tends to relate to leadership as a subset of management. With the economic change and organizational development, the importance of leadership is becoming imperative in this increasingly competitive and complex environment. In →

Free resnest beta essay example

Outputs achieved in the ResNet Beta project included the successful customization of the new reservation software and the testing of hardware. The success of the ResNet beta project provided confidence and evidence that the ResNet project would be feasible, which led to progressing into phase two. ResNet 1995 This project achieved the installation of →


The major manifestation of it is the split of the company: it is quite possible that the original founders would not even think of it. In spite of the fact that one it used to be the leader of innovation, nowadays, HP is not known to have produced anything groundbreaking. The major problems that the →

Free man 2150 essay example

And finally, when it comes to controlling my work, I always make it a point not to compromise on the quality of work for completing the work on or before the scheduled time. The reason for this is because, in the case of group thinking, managers feel that they have the authority to take decisions →

Virtual teams assignment

KEY LEARNING 1: JOB DESCRIPTIONS Along with the importance of acquiring new skills and training in order for virtual teams to be successful, it is also important that employees have clear understanding of their job description. Job descriptions will help employees know what their job duties entail and to remind them of the results they →


Employer Branding Versus Job Branding Describe how to source the best candi to employ in your first growing firm ofchoice Selection of the best candidates to employ in a firm can be very easy if the company makes its name a top brand in the corporate world. However, the selection can turn to be →

Project proposal to build a theme park at dubai festival city report examples

The project proposal features details of contract terms, procurement guidelines, documentation, and project organization structure. Contract terms Location of the project: Dubai Starting Date: 3rd April 2013 Completion date: 3rd January 2014 Total calendar days: 302 days The following are the terms of the contract: - Any inconsistency and ambiguity in →

Communication and conflict management

External issues refer to the issues that can be solved by the persons who are outside the organization so that they can give direction on what should be done to solve the issues. Issue management refers to the strategy that is applied by the organizations to help it in anticipating, →

Principles and strategies that apply to the limousine business and that can apply to each members business

Principles and Strategies for Limousine Business Austin, Texas has many competing limousine businesses, and use of the merit payand performance incentives to motivate the employees and boost output will facilitate the acquirement of a competitive edge. In order to avoid the high employee turnover, the Landslide Limousine Company will have to utilize merit pay to →

Example of essay on q.1 do you agree that a virtual team is the requirement of a modern world?

I believe that working in a virtual team well approach to enhance the performance of the required task. In this way, one can find the expert of the work required and combined judgment would result in effective outcomes. The virtual team is promoted by the advance technologies.

Inventory management

The system also captures the customers buying data which ensures monitoring of the stocks. Advantages of RFID I. There is no mishandling of the stock and therefore the smooth running of the business. III.

Which problems can face cloud providers and customers

The upside of a non-particular organization is that the cost of section for the provider is low and that may be reflected in the cost of their organization. In any case, they have confined control over the earth, so exploring a particular help issue may be as much an issue for them as it →

Microsoft: competing on talent assignment

Forth, the policy of motivation and retention. Forth, continue to encourage the innovation and challenging tasks.......

Managing high performance

A research was carried out determine if the company should continue with carrying out the idea of adding up the layers of management. I carried out a research of the companies' situation on wanting to create additional layers of management to increase performance. It is necessary for the evaluation of leadership dynamics when it comes →

Specifications of task oriented leadership management essay

For instance, researchers who are of the opinion that culture specific position often cite the individualistic nature of the United States of America as support for the argument that leadership theories developed in the United States are limited in their applicability to different cultures. The obstacles encountered during the process of understanding leadership and the →

Strategic management and business model essay sample

Explain how the vision, mission, and value of the new division align with the company's mission and vision. Summarize how the vision, mission, and values guide the division's strategic direction. Define your guiding principles and values for your division in the context of culture, social responsibility, and ethics.

Successful career in an non-governmental organization

This will enhance my skill set and make me a better individual. Finding a suitable job takes a lot of research and commitment, a job is really easy to get but the difficult part is to find a suitable job. Facebook is a great platform to look for jobs, more and more organizations have started →

Plz put a good topic

He was not a bad leader; he was a good leader who ensured that the organization had attained the best human resources that can work in an effective and efficient manner towards the attainment of the goals of the organization. Furthermore he had not created goals for the organization and was instead operating to attain →

Project who moved my cheese

Underestimating the market leads to undermining the opportunities that are available in the market. As many opportunities are available, threats in the external environment need to be highlighted as well and dealt with resourcefully.

Steps in developing effective communications

Furthermore, this helps to cement choices of the kinds of communication styles one wishes to use, the budget, audiences to use, and the ways of conducting an appraisal of the communications program. This pertains to the company's key purpose in terms of corporate communications in addition to the relationship it plays regarding the company's business →

Kristen’s cookie company essay sample

In order to promise the exact time of delivery for new order, we should know after what time we will be free to start preparing this order and add 26 minutes to that time. We can fill the first order more quickly, if, for example, we have not started to prepare it yet, and the →

Operations management essay sample

The essence of operations management is value-added, or the degree to which the value of all outputs of an operation exceed the value of its inputs.6. List the basic sources of variation Four Sources of Variation: Variety of goods or services being offered| The greater the variety of goods and services offered, the greater →

How stress can affect life

According to Richard Lazarus, " stress is not an environmental stimulus, a characteristic of a person, nor a response, but a relationship between demands and the power to deal with them without unreasonable or destructive costs".. There are plenty things that can cause stress. The death of a loved one can cause tremendous stress on →

Good essay about how to discipline employees

The manager, after trying to discipline the employee, will feel inclined to get rid of the employee. The employee must be made to feel important, that he/she means a lot to the organization, and that is the reason why it is so necessary for the employee to correct his/her behavior.

Production and operations management assignment

Operations management Is the management of that part of an organization that Is responsible for producing goods and/or services. If a business organization is a car, operations would be its engine, and Just as the engine is the core of what a car does, in a business organization, operations is the core of what →

International management essay sample

From this statement and Hofstede research the following variables which categorises this are: Hofstede research found the average or mean for countries used in his research is 51. Relating this back to the report countries this means that Japan with a rating of 54 and Spain with a rating of 57 →

Business law assignment

Invitation to treat is defined as " statements or actions that are not sufficient to amount to an offer as they are not made with the intention to create legal relations and are merely intended to draw the customer Into negotiations", by Rush J and Outlet M. Additionally, there Is no proof of Boris contacting →

The doctor of sport management degree program

Even though I had to support myself as a bartender, my passion for soccer never waned. Diploma-Professional Jeweller After the fall of Communism, I had the opportunity to obtain my Professional Jeweler's Diploma in Constanta, Romania in 1991. I also competed in the Olympics for the Romania soccer team. 2.

Good example of reflections on assessment essay

At the same time an employee who is high on process emphasis, is likely to attribute the failure on the team and the situations. Gary Yukl comments that most of the leadership theories have weaknesses in conceptualization and assessment of the leadership processes. The leadership conceptualization questionnaire and the associated theory can help →

The needs for change at election law enforcement commission

The deregulation of the market for supplying electricity to the country was the dominant driving force for ELEC's change. This required ELEC to review the current rates charged to their clients and had to make the necessary adjustments to meet competitor's rates; otherwise, they would experience declining profits due to the shifting of clientele to →