Genuine Essay Examples

The geography of spain and philippines assignment

Philippines The Philippine Islands became a Spanish colony during the 16th century; they were ceded to the US in 1898 following the Spanish-American War. Location: Southeastern Asia, archipelago between the Philippine Sea and the South China Sea, east of Vietnam Geographic coordinates: 13 00 N, 122 00 E Map references: Southeast Asia Area: total: 300, β†’

Impersonal forces as the driving force for italy’s historical events from 1919-1926 essay

In the history of Italy, the years from 1919 to 1926 is considered as a period of tragic and profound crisis which is closely intertwined with the entire history of the nation and most especially the origins of the so-called fascism. In the history of Italy with Mussolini as the leader, it can be said β†’

Bartleby the scrivener essay

Because business is the narrator's priority, once the narrator discovers that Bartleby is no help to him, he abandons him and moves his office. The lawyer believes that he has done every good religious act to help Bartleby and thus it is not his responsibility to take care of him anymore.

Eat local, buy local, be local essay

I asked several local consumers why they choose to shop at the farmer's market and also what some reasons are that they would not attend. Of the customers I spoke to, not one was a first timer at the farmer's market.

Microbiology pioneers essay sample

He coined the term appertisation, which is the process of destroying all the micro-organisms of significance in food. Also, he was the first to address the issue of the origin of microbes in infusion of decaying organic materials experimentally.VII.

Detailed analysis of ralph’s entrance in lord of the flies essay sample

Ralph does not seem to see the actual situation he is in, and tells Piggy, "", this vagueness, coupled with his child-like attitude to rescue on discussing the whereabouts of the pilot, gives the reader a strong impression of Ralph from just the first few pages. At this point Ralph runs out of ideas and β†’

What do victorian paintings of religious subjects essay sample

A succession of bad harvests in the 1840's had brought starvation and 1848 was a year of revolutions across Europe, reverberating social unease between the rich and the poor, and to add to this period of tension there was serious division within the Church of England. To compound the anti-Catholic feeling amongst many Protestants particularly β†’

The leadership skill i most want to develop

My determination of the leadership skill that I most want to develop involved exploration of my leadership traits to understand the leadership style that suits me most. The leadership skill that I most wish to develop is the ability to prepare people to understanding changes and transitions.

Abnormal psych dq questions

The use of intelligence tests for evaluation of autism is not easy, but can be used to indicate autism, with the high probability of mental retardation associated with autism. Motion abnormalities are a striking feature of autism and may provide the means for the identification of autism in early infancy, prior to the other manifestations.

History before 1877

History Before 1877 Factors that contributed to Great Britain's debt Enactment of quartering act that forced the British government to sustain the basic needs of soldiers greatly hindered the nation financially. The consequent effects of heavy taxation initiated the existing debate, caused resistance and revolution of American colonies.

Woodrow wilson vs henry cabot lodge

The arguments were about the League of Nations that was formed as a part of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. 2008 Hewes, James." Henry Cabot Lodge and the League of Nations".

Determinants of capital structure in developing countries

The long-term book debt ratio is defined as total liabilities minus current liabilities divided by total liabilities minus current liabilities plus net worth. The long-term market debt ratio is defined as total liabilities divided by total liabilities plus equity market value.

Marks & spencers in china essay

This essay will discuss why Marks & Spencer has expanded to China, why it is necessary to know the Chinese ways of doing business, and the consequences of the opening of one multinational store after another in China. When companies like Marks and Spencer want to do business in China, they have to be aware β†’

Lee chong wei- malasian hero

In his early years, Lee favoured basketball, however his mother soon forbade him from the game due to the searing heat of the outdoor basketball court. Lee received RM300, 000 on 21 August 2008, as a reward for his silver medal effort in the 2008 Olympic Games.

Importance of the companys production processes business essay

In fact, the experienced and skillful employee has leaded the company to increase the competency in the industry. The visions of the company are to be in the fore-front in the manufacture and supply of world class recycling of plastic resins and quality services and to offer competitive price without sacrifice the quality of the β†’

Ethical and legal level of counseling

Counselors have morals, and the theories counselors employ have embedded within them moral presuppositions about human nature that explicitly and implicitly question first " What is a person and second, what should a person be or become?" For improving the ethical and legal level of counseling, first, the counselor needs to understand what the word β†’

The importance of logic and language

Language is one of the key factors of our human developmental process, which sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom and knits a strong feeling of kinship amongst us. Language, of course, is knowledge, and in our world today knowledge is one of the key factors in competitiveness.

A history of autism developments

She completed her PhD in Animal Science at the University of Illinois in Urbana and invented the " hug box", a device to calm those on the autism spectrum. Rather than being the token autistic on a panel at a conference in Indianapolis, Sinclair conspired with other members of the MAAP list to make their β†’

Characteristics of vapour compression refrigeration cycles engineering essay

Refrigeration can be defined as a process of achieving and maintaining a temperature below that of the surroundings, with the aim to cool some product or space to the required temperature. Therefore some of the heat from the circulating air is transferred to the ice thus cooling the air.

Political philosophy and national integration

Before 1960s that it was current believe that national integration could be challenged by the existence of different ethnic groups within the borders of the country and assimilation was desirable. Question The question raised in this text is " Whether the process of national integration must be accompanied by wholly or partial assimilation of minorities?" β†’

The aenid

When faced with the ultimate distraction, the offer of the love of Dido and the opportunity to settle down and have a home in this prosperous city without any further hardship, Aeneas quickly puts his own wishes aside to continue on his journey at the urging of Jupiter. It seems as though Virgil is trying β†’


Flash drives are not only applicable in a classroom setting but also a work setting where it is used in to save data and important files that they may have for In multiple settings software is a necessity, since it is the backbone of practically every program and operating systems available for use in almost β†’


The game commences with the tip-off, when the referee tosses the ball into the air over the center circle, in which the opposing centers stand face to face. How is the game structured in the Olympics In the Olympics basketball the Officials consist of a referee, one or two umpires, one or two scorekeepers, and β†’

Some people think high school students should take a year to work or travel before going at university

Students that do not speak the anguage of the country they are traveling to so well, would practice it and expand their treasury of words since they would spend a lot of time there and they would have to communicate in order to handle the necessities of every day life like for example shopping. If β†’

Veggielution community farm

Veggielution is a non-profit community farm that grows farm products organically while supplying the output to the people with hunger, volunteers and the community. The engagement of the community farm with the community is what defines their mission, which is " To empower youth and adults from diverse backgrounds to create a sustainable food system β†’

Do you believe health professionals have the right to question patients?

Health professionals have the right to question patients regarding their firearm ownership as it is a first amendment right, crucial to the doctor-patient relationship, and an effective accident prevention effort. In retrospect, health professionals have the right to question patients regarding their firearm ownership as it is a first amendment right, crucial to the doctor-patient β†’

Hands on hard work free essay example

For kids who do not want to go to college, they could learn the skills needed to do a job that interests them. Vocational classes are a great way for kids who do not want to go to college to find a career that interests them.

Business ethics-writtenfor module assignment

Nick's entitlement theory is a theory of justice and how society regulates the distribution Of goods, money and property." All that matters for Notion is how people came to have what they have, not the pattern or results of the distribution of goods." His entitlement theory comprises of three main principles which were: 1. Over β†’

Dbq: motives for imperialism assignment

Moore added that missionaries would go out and preach to the people of the colonies about the afterlife in hopes of converting them to their religion. Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany announces In his speech to the North German Regatta Association that they have " conquered a place for ourselves in the sun" in order to β†’

Global warming assignment

Ecosystems around the world already are reacting, as plant and animal species struggle to adapt to a shifting climate, and new climate-related threats emerge. Sharing ideas with other people on how to save money and help the environment could cause a lot of change.

Analysis of β€˜witness’ directed by peter weir essay sample

A case comes to him just like any other case: A young Amish boy, Samuel Lapp, is the only witness to a murder of an undercover cop in the men's room at a train station, and before you can say, " Police corruption," Ford's joined the boy and his widowed mother Rachel on their farm β†’

Sunflower: jews and simon wiesenthal essay sample

The Sunflower is a book that tells the story of holocaust survivor and his encounter with a dying Nazi, and the impact it causes. Unlike most books concerning the Holocaust, the book shows both sides of the story.

Dixons group essay sample

Concerning the goals of Dixons Group, in the financial report and in the corporate website, there is no statement what are goals or objectives of Dixons Group. Like the situation in goals or objectives, in the financial report and in the corporate website, there are no clear statements about what are the mission statements of β†’


The back colors in the paintings acted as background for all the customers but not for the seller in the restaurant. The painter was keen in presenting the whole human element in his painting to be contained within the lower right-hand quarter of the canvas.

Mph502 – introduction to public health module 3 – case

The article highlights five major issues are: government responsibility toward public health sector, population based perspective of health, the bridge between government and populace, Objective and services of public health system, the power to coerce individuals and businesses for community's protection. Public health law focuses on governmental responsibilities to the community and individuals health.

Nursing paper

Formal communication refers to the communication in which the information shared with relevant individuals is organized and managed. On the other hand, Informal communication is a type of communication which is not organized and managed.

Unite test three

As a result, formation of collusions by nations in support to either of the two countries led to the war, which later turned to be war between superpowers. Though America was not an initial participant within the first war in Europe, it joined and the famous speech was made as the president emphasized the need β†’

Listening skills

S- When people come to me and interrupt me when I am doing something, I put what I was doing out of my mind and give them complete attention.6. 2 - My manager listens carefully to what I have to say and seeks my advice 9.


This will enable me understand the dynamics of the urban life from general and specific points of view and this will lead to understanding of people more and their functioning which differentiates them to a large extent to the rural people. This information and knowledge I hope will put me in a position of connecting β†’

Patience is a virtue essay

Impatience will give you a lot of regrets in life, that is why we need to practice our patience so that there will be peace in you and in our society. Patience brings peace to our mind, helps us make the right choices, bring about enjoyment, right understanding, success, and fulfillment of goals in life.

How we got our bible essay

The chief job was that it was the Wycliffe Bible: it was distributed by his followings and used to assail the instructions and patterns of the church. The Bible was best left to the eyes of educated clergy, since redemption was mediated through the instructions of the church and the clergy-led sacraments.

To what extent do you see the wife of bath as a feminist or masaganist essay

To what extent do you see the wife of bath as a feminist or misogynistic caricatureThroughout the prologue, The Wife of Bath is often shameless of the way she has exploited herself in a sexual manor and how she gains power and status. The wife of bath confirms herself as a misogynistic character since she β†’

Vernons product life cycle theory economics essay

Gradually production and export from the original country ceases and subsequently production is shifted to less developed countries Vernon's theory was based on the observation that for most of the twentieth century a large proportion of the world's new products had been developed by the U.S.firms and sold first in the for example televisions, β†’

Developments in management and organisational behaviour business essay

PART 1 THE ORGANISATIONAL SETTING42THE THEORY OF MANAGEMENTA central part of the study of organisation and management is the development of management thinking and what might be termed management theory. They place particular attention on: the principle of co-ordination the need for people to act together with unity of action, the exercise of authority and β†’

Analyzing the scope trial: a study of the sacco and vanzetti

There were many common themes that connected the three essays, Sacco and Vanzetti, The Scopes Trial and the American Character, and Rural-Urban Conflict in the 1920s. If fundamentalist religion continues to remain a force in American culture and politics, perhaps it is because of the failure of science to answer these questions.

Saint claus myth essay

One of the common social practices in the American culture is the Santa Claus myth. Santa Claus is believed to bring gifts in the houses of the good children on the night before the Christmas day.

Modern families and traditional families sociology essay

This is a concept which has been adopted by the modern families where each of the family members has say in the family decisions and everything is based on equality. The fertility levels and family size have a lot of difference in the past as compared to today and in future.

Implanted cardioverter defibrillator

The Procedure " The ICD is made of three components: 1) the generator that produces the electrical impulse, 2) one to two leads, insulated flexible wires, that conduct those impulses between the generator and the heart, and 3) electrodes at the end of the lead that allow the impulse from the leads to transfer into β†’

Uk trademarks and intellectual property

In order to make an objection, it will be necessary for the Canadian All Reds to show that the name is the same as their name and that they have built up a degree of goodwill or reputation with the name. In these circumstances, it would be normal for the contract between the designer and β†’

Impact of adderall

On the last day of classes, Jamison and his two buddies went to McDonald's for food and to get cups, lids, and straws to disguise their Jack and Coke from any curious cops. With lots Adderall and cramming in the final week; he got a 100.

Women and buddhism

In marked contrast to the sacerdotal ritualism of the Brahmins, the Buddha offered a path that was open to all. To understand better the complexity of the inclusive spirit with regard to women in Buddhism, it is important to consider its relation to the Buddha's rejection of caste or class distinctions.

Importance of civil engineering

Being a civil engineer you have to know the basic knowledge of the other engineering since most in the field are connected to civil engineering. The safety of the people is in the hand of a civil engineer.


The nerve cells that make up our brains actually change in response to our experiences and stimuli. The stimulation of technology can trigger dopamine levels to rise in the brain, due to excitement.

Why not homeschool? narrative essay

The choice to send a child to public school or not, is a choice only the child and his/her parents' can make. These kids have a ceremony or church that takes place when public/private school is going on, if they are not able to attend then the only other option would be to homeschool.

How does the media effect the body image of teenagers? assignment

When you stop and think about the fact that the average height and weight for a model is 5'10" and 110 lbs, and the height and weight for the average woman is 5'4 and 145 lbs, it's easy to see why this creates a tremendous health risk for young girls. Television and movies reinforce the β†’

An evaluation of the effects of a global advertising campaign assignment

Hence, this report will evaluate the effects of a global advertising campaign of PEPSI Company that has made PEPSI to become one of the most successful brands in the world. The example of strategy in Pepsi advertisement In Pepsi world 2000, the Pepsi cooperation is regarding to Pepsi is not only has a good taste β†’

Media in my life assignment

Media is honestly the most efficient tool in obtaining information and entertainment. The different types of media such as television, the radio, and social networking have a great influence over our perception of information and entertainment.

Cause and effects of water pollution assignment

The Lakes support the water needs, and jobs of millions of people and poor water quality is an increasing frustration. Description: Lake Huron is the second largest of the Great Lakes and the fifth largest in the roll, with the most irregular shape Of any Of the Great Lakes.

Computer ethics: torrents/filesharing assignment

Due to the lack of technology/Lenten laws at the time Anapest was allowed to continue their file sharing until March 5, 2001 when a District Court Judge issued a preliminary injunction ordering Anapest to remove all of the plaintiffs, A&M Records, freighted material. Programs such as Aziza, Elmer, Brasher and Frostier are only a few β†’

Fate of wish and death-flashback essay sample

I lift up the tea gently as I took a small sip.' I wonder what kind of broken fragment that fate will show to me today,' I giggled cruelly.' Ahhh, she's already here,' I giggled again as I looked outside the window and place the teacup on the table gently. A young girl wearing a β†’

Developing the charter

The team of the Product Distribution will responsible for the effective delivery of the product. PROJECT SCHEDULE Here I will present the main schedule of the project and we will follow this schedule throughout the development and production of the product and software.1.

Genetic variations in comt and drd2

Genetic variations in COMT and DRD2 modulate attentional bias for affective facial expressions Genetic variations in COMT and DRD2 modulate attentional bias for affective facial expressions Introduction Studies have uncovered that catechol-O-methyltransferase and dopaminegic receptor2 balance human consideration inclination for tasteful nourishment or tobacco. Conclusion All in all, a population-based study was performed to explore β†’

Study case (misrepresentation)

In this case, the complaint of Najbar was related to the letter that she sent to her son in September 2006 through US Postal Service and after few weeks the letter were brought back to her with the red ink stamp and word " deceased" on it in Capital letters. The postal matter exception was β†’

Amartya sen

One of his major seminal contributions is 'social choice theory', but his contributions extend to 'welfare economics' and studying the problems of poverty as well. Born in a country with one of the highest poverty rates, his focus area in research was 'welfare economics', where he studied the effect of government policies on the lowest β†’

The slow death of slavery

The Slow Death of Slavery Abstract This paper examines the lives of American slaves in the 19th century. Conclusion This paper has attempted to establish that slavery lost clout at the middle of 19th century in America.

Product development of subaru

The major focus on the company has been on unique brand positioning leading to the development of the success. The approach of Subaru in research and development has increased product performance.

Economic effects of terrorism

The impact of the attacks on the economy of New York City will be considered followed by consideration to the overall economy of the United States in the immediate aftermath of the attacks. Economic Costs of the Attack for NYC and the US Economy The destruction of the World Trade Center's twin towers had large β†’

Response to terrorism

Terrorism is a growing menace all across the globe affecting the well being of the people and the peace and tranquility of the world. Some of the strategies for the government to follow in response to a terrorist attack can be the following.

In the awakening, edna pontellier is closely associated with two other women who represent opposite extremes of acceptable behavior for women of her social class: madame ratignolle and mademoiselle reisz. discuss how either woman serves as a foil for edn

How Madame Ratignolle Serves as a Foil for Edna and how poorly suited Edna's aspirations are in the Awakening In the Awakening, Edna Pontellier who is a in her late twenties awakens to her identity and sexuality. It is evident that Ratignolle is Edna's foil since she is an epitome of the woman's perceived role β†’

The help of in attaining one’s goals

The fact that this is a merit-based scholarship will guarantee that I have indeed earned this for myself and as a serious student, I could ask for nothing better at this important time in my education. Furthermore, this may sound technical but I believe that as I have always been good at school and have β†’

Further education

Currently, although I like my job, I seek to enhance my skills and knowledge so that I can land a better position, either within the firm I am now working with or in another company. I personally perceive further education as a means to improve my efficiency, and in this way, I am confident that β†’

Plato’s allegory of the cave essay

Plato's theories about reality involve the allegory, in which Plato expresses something of his beliefs about learning, and his beliefs about the relation between the world of appearances and the world of Reality. The puppeteers, who are behind the prisoners, hold up the puppets that cast shadows on the wall of the cave.

Indian horse essay

We rapidly learn that when Saul was a kid.he was taken away from his household and forced into an Indian Residential School where he witnessed and experient maltreatments at the custodies of the school's pedagogues." They called it a school but it was ne'er that.... The lone trial was our ability to last." The emotions β†’

Group working positivity essay

Getting started It is up to the members of the group to make the first contact with one another. Establish Group Roles In order for the group to function successfully to achieve their goal and to maximise the group's time in meetings, roles have to be taken on by each member of the group.

The righteous and virtuous questions that surrounds the pacifism subject

Nonviolence is a practice in pacifism, in which the certain individual does not believe in conflict, regardless of who is involved Nations everywhere have created a worldwide controversy in relation to whether or not nonviolence is truly as effective as people accredit it to be. As others question the efficiency of this alternative approach in β†’

Interesting narrative by olaudah equiano: an olive branch to the white audience

Although I believe his primary motive in writing this piece was to tell the story of his life, the respect he earned from the hard work and dedication that was apparent in this piece allowed for his audience to be more tolerant of his message. Equiano's life was a true struggle, both when living and β†’

Free critical thinking on history of culture

Miner is using a critical analysis to let the readers understand the invisible aspects of culture. This has led to the integration of cultures.

A violation of womens’ human rights

According to a WHO report the impact of this gender- based violence on the society is deep and directly burdens the health care services as women suffer serious physical injuries, death, sexually transmitted diseases, miscarriages, acute depression and many other psychological health issues resulting in weak and low physical health. We can have an idea β†’

Reception of photography

Photographic studios were the staple of early photography, the most famous of which were the Beard chain of studios which began opening in London in 1943. For many Victorians, photography was 'too-real', and a large part of the fear was simply a natural reaction to the 'newness' of the communicative medium, and novelty of " β†’

The effect of food advertising influence on children

According to at the beginning of the 20th century, a person name call Albert Lasker, has been called as ' father of the modern advertising', he was the owner of Sunkist's advertising agency, Lord and Thomas which is the processor of Foote, Cone and Belding. How the effect of children food choice behavior influence by β†’

Evolution of baking and pastry making

Baking can be done by three methods: Dry Baking The water content in the food rises and forms a steam, the dry heat of the oven and the steam formed combine to cook the food. Increased Humidity Baking Humidity of the oven is increased either by placing a bowl of water in the oven or β†’

King henry viii of england: wives and legacy

However, permission from the pope was wanted and received due to both parties in Spain and England who wanted to be sure of the legitimacy of the marriage. By that point, Jane probably pegged to be in a position such as the one Anne was in as a queen, and that she would love to β†’

Cholesterol levels in americans vs singaporeans

This paper will attempt to understand why there is such a disparity in the cholesterol levels in Americans and Singaporeans, observing the different eating habits and healthcare measures in the two countries. They are so-called the equivalent of American fast food in Singapore and busy Singaporeans are very dependent on them because they save them β†’

Balance disability after stroke

The aims of this study were to investigate the frequency of balance disability; to characterize different levels of disability; and to identify demographics, stroke pathology factors, and impairments associated with balance disability. There were marked differences in the severity of stroke, impairments, and disability among subjects with different levels of balance ability.

Economic growth and development of nigeria economics essay

Credit to agriculture and government spending to the agricultural sector were the factors found to significantly influence the contribution of agriculture to national economic growth and development. Since the oil boom of the 1970s, there has been a severe increase in the incidence and drama of poverty in the country as a result of the β†’

The concept of headhunting in hr

Paramount to this process is an acute understanding of the client's culture, the position responsibilities and the necessary qualifications. The boom in the headhunting industry can be attributed to the headhunter's superior understanding of the industry and market norms, job profiles, people skills etc.

Women on international assignments

But this is not the only region experiencing a boom in the number of female assignees. Vital to this process is the opportunity to visit and evaluate living, housing, working, schooling and lifestyle options in the host location.

Bill gates and oprah winfrey | leadership

Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey Leadership Qualities which are the main idea of this paper is discussed in the current section and the aim of this section is the better understanding of the importance of leadership quality in a successful business. The next section discuss the similarity and contrast between Bill Gates leadership quality and β†’

Organic molecules in living organisms

Carbohydrates are used for storing and transporting energy, maintaining the structure of plants and animals, and in helping the functioning of the immune system, blood clotting, and fertilization and much more. Cellular respiration is the process by which the chemical energy of " food" molecules is released and partially captured in the form of ATP.

Comparative ebay and taobao

2 Comparison between eBay and Taobao in China Online Market Considering the whole Chinese e-business environment and business characteristics of eBay and Taobao, there are several differences between these two online trading companies. Target Market The first action for both eBay and Taobao in China is to identify their target markets.

The question whether or not ghosts exist

Then on Ghost Adventures there are three investigators and they bring their own equipment and then they look over the place and plan which locations to put a camera in after they take a tour of the location and during the night they mostly stay together but sometimes they split up. There is tons of β†’

Are all victims of bullying and today?

I continued to take the bus after that but then it got worse they continued to say stuff like " they are going to hurt me till I am in the hospital" which is not right but when they started saying all that on the bus I got up and told the bus driver to β†’

Federalism and medicaid assignment

It is necessary for the states to take control of the Medicaid funds they receive and make a decision as to how recipients are going to be covered. The federal government is in charge of the Medicaid funds, states apply for waivers to give themselves control to try a " pilot" program and see if β†’

Negotiation and conflict management assignment

A final objective of the course is to help you understand the dynamics of the shadow negotiation and to give you practice in skills so that you can take more control in estimations and structure the process in ways that suit the task and your preferred style. You are required to Join an A-Team for β†’

Hinduism vs islam assignment

Some of the influence for the Indian civilization's philosophies and ideas are believed to possibly have come from neighboring civilizations such as the Greeks or areas in the Middle East and Africa. Indians also created the concept of " infinity' and " black holes." As you can see, the Indian civilization had much influence on β†’