Genuine Essay Examples

Netstat – college essay

Which command verifies the existence of a node on a network? a. Which of the following is not a valid octal number? c.

What are the many cultural political essay

That challenges are increasingly presented to the stability of particular perspectives by the overall globalization process, the cognitive compression of the world and the intensification of a global consciousness". In terms of geo-economics, a major problem is coming to terms with the functioning of the local economy.

How to write a business proposal

The Basics of a Business Proposal Before you even go and start writing that business proposal, you must first understand what it is and learn the basics. Problem Statement A successful business proposal must be one that is able to describe to the client what their needs are in a plain and simple manner.

Typhoid mary persuasive essay

Mary carried the disease inside her and she passed on the Typhoid to other people but remained clear of the disease herself. The general route for the Typhoid Bacillus's entry is through the intestines and into the Enteric portion of the Immune System.

Practice of defensive medicine health and social care essay

In benefits to the patients at that place have to be an understanding with the doctors and the patients in equal in believing high cost and engineering attention to take downing cost in supplying good attention. In understanding with the writer place of the Tort Reform is to command defensive medical specialty patterns and assist β†’

The australian economy of the food processing sector economics essay

The report focuses on identifying various areas of strength, weakness, opportunities and threat of the food processing sector in both domestic and international market and analysing the future viability of the food processing sector in Australia. The largest market for Australia's processed and unprocessed food exports is China.

End the emotional pain and intense stress by understanding and treating major depressive disorder

This paper looks to come to a better understanding of Major Depressive Disorder so that societies around the world can find ways of combating the increasing occurrence of suicide, one of the highest causes of death worldwide. Along with evidence of brain damage, there appear to be many malformations in the brain of the depressed, β†’

Organisational culture and human resource management essay

The way of managing the organization is determined by the environmental factors that exist in the organisation i.e, understanding the organizational culture by an employee helps the individual to choose the behavior that suits their personality with the main routines of organisation activities. Organisational culture is the key to organisational excellence and the function of β†’

What are fordism and post fordism management essay

Alternatively, Post-Fordism is more flexible in its approaches and systems; the development of information technology and communications facilitates this as ' real-time' technologies allow the flexibility to respond to different conditions that the Fordism era could only dream of. The labour market is more flexible in Post-Fordist, they have to be to make the flexible β†’

The socio demographic profile education essay

Education is the process of nurturing and developing the skills, capacities and potentials of the students to prepare them to be successful in their chosen careers. The desire to be successful is derived from individual's concept of himself and in terms of the meaning of various incentives as they spell success and failure in the β†’

Cell to cell communication

Direct contact: When cells are very close to one another, some of the molecules on the plasma membrane of one cell can be recognized by receptors on the plasma membrane of an adjacent cell. Include a brief description of the three receptor super families.-When a receptor is a transmembrane protein, the ligand binds to the β†’

E coli: a foodborne illness

The following is a discussion focused on E.coli as a food-borne disease.E.coli has a background of irregular cases, with occasional outbreaks.E.coli O157: H7 is the most important strain in relation to public health; however, other strains are also frequently involved. 33% of outbreaks are food-borne in Britain.E.coli O157: H7 has been the reason for an β†’

Sustainable design in via verde

Green roofs, rainscreens, and the orientation of the building are some of the many innovations that have led to improving the condition of the environment and its residents simultaneously bringing both nature and people together. From the funding to the design strategies, Via Verde has greatly impacted the environment and people's lives.

Being a good manager

Short term goals are usually the initial funds needed to start up a business and the money to keep a business going. But with the skills described in this paper, one can go to become a good manager.

Indian education

In any education system, higher education encompassing Management, Engineering, Medicines etc, plays a major role in imparting knowledge, values, and developing skills and, in the process, increase the growth and productivity of the nation. While the Government is committed to providing primary education and certain facilities/subsidies for higher education, given the higher cost involved in β†’

Tell(y)ing the truth

However, that is not the only way TV can be unhealthy too you. Not only that, TV can kill you in many other ways.

Behind the murder of jonbenet ramsey

This was a catalytic flaw in the case, ultimately due to the abundance of DNA previously on the floor that would now catch onto JonBenet's blanket. To no surprise, a neighbor of the family stated Burke was secluded often and had little to no attention.

Concept note on karl marx assignment

The first of these is the concept of diametric materialism; this is a theory Of economic development history that believes ' societies all change by passing from different stages and the type of means of production determine these stages' 1. The concepts of Marxism are diametrically opposed to those of capitalism, and it is here β†’

Influence on teachers and students assignment

Technology Influence on Teachers and Students We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher's hand because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world. In conclusion, because of the vital role of technology in education, teachers and β†’

The awakening essay

It is hard for many readers to connect and homeopath with Edna; this could be connected to the fact that the brains of the character and the reader are working in entirely different ways. This take of the ending tends to appeal to optimists, thinking of the suicide as the birth of Dean's true self β†’

Gas exchange in humans essay sample

Gas exchange or respiration in humans is the means by which getting oxygen from air into the blood and carbon dioxide out of the blood into the air. During inspiration, the diaphragm moves downward increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity, and the intercostal muscles contract, which makes the rib cage move upward and forward β†’

Gas exchange essay sample

Respiratory medium 1.air: 21% 02, low density, low viscosity, easy to move over a surface and thru vessels 2.water: 4-8ml 02/L, 02 solubility decreased by higher temp and higher salt conc, water dense, viscous, more work to move over surface C. 44- Osmoregulation controlling solute conc and water gain/loss from body fluids A.

Theatre studies yerma essay sample

As an actor, I would march onto the stage with a brisk and confident air because this would suit the crisp tone with which I will deliver the line " Have the oxen gone by? " As a performer, I would turn away abruptly as well as dismissively as this would give the impression that β†’

Editting in run lola run (tom tykwer, 1998)

Later on, when the dialogues were getting intense, the shots used were in close-up to show the emotions of desperation and helplessness on the part of Manni, and the determination and firm resolve to find a solution on the part of Lola. As a whole, the pacing of the film is great since the viewer β†’

The garden next door: the double theme of exile and identity

[The [The [The The Garden Next Door: The Double Theme Of Exile And Identity This paper will discuss the double theme of exile and identity in the novel " The Garden Next Door" Julio's problem is related to the question of exile that is implicit in the title garden next door, the paradise always irrevocably β†’

Analysis of partriocracy movie

It is important to note and mention that the all the political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats are never willing to cross the aisle or compromise their tough political stance at the expense of national issues and good. As a remedy, the movie alludes that the political parties ought to tone down their loyalty β†’

A&p discussion

A & P Discussion - Answers Coronary artery disease may lead to myocardial ischemia through loss of oxygen and nutrients being supplied to the myocardial tissue due to atherosclerosis wherein fatty or fibrous plaques made of cholesterol and other cellular waste products form and cause the lumen of the coronary arteries to narrow thereby decreasing β†’

Data examination

5 1 5. 4 2 5.

Asian american immigrants

Among the fundamental concepts that I learnt in the course included, the fact that The Asian Americans faced numerous challenges as the immigrated into the United States and became naturalized citizens. The immigration and settlement of Asian Americans in the country validated the formulation of numerous legislations and court rulings both of which sought to β†’

Soci 200 db1 replies

In my view, sociology is the evaluation of the behavior of the human beings in a community or social setup, which is in agreement with the description provided by Jeff. Response to Tony Graham Outside lab in sociology can also be referred to as the study of human behavior in their social groups, which agrees β†’

Malleus maleficarum witchcraft as it is

The vulnerability of women arose from the structure of society. However, a society limited the liberties of women.

Mgmt 6355 final questions essay

Student Response Value Correct Answer A.100.5 B.140. Which of the following is not considered a component of demand?

Critically consider the role of emotional factors in forgetting essay

Linked to this is a study by Loftus called " the weapon focus" and it shows that through the fear and anxiety caused by a weapon the attention of the viewer is narrowed on the weapon and it gives rise to very accurate recall of the central details of the scene but diminishes accurate recall β†’

Bruce dawe themes essay

By the comparing of Katrina to a jewel, it shows that she is precious and valued to the persona. Additionally, in creating metaphors the poet is able to distribute to the audience his theme of the tragedy of war.

Unlocking credit essay

In the area of " moral hazard," the determinants of how moral hazard impacts the credit and banking crises is based on " A set of macroeconomic variables and banking variables", which by necessity must be " addressed both by attacking the sources of the problem and shoring up enforcement of regulation and supervision" Banking, β†’

Relationship between return and market finance essay

Research Gap: The study does come up with a relationship between the size of the common stock and the returns but it fails to list the reasons as to why this size effect is seen and what factors give rise to size effect. The longer term performance of the stocks included in the relative strength β†’

Generic frame parsing model

To represent this structural similarity the following entity models are introduced: Data Field: A data field is a conceptual representation of a single information that is carried by a frame. To identify such frames one from the other a separator character or a string of characters can be added at the beginning or the end β†’

The life of frederick douglass: an american slave opinion essay

He realizes the importance of education and decides that he has to learn how to read and write at all costs. In a synopsis, Douglass shows that education is crucial to change and there is no way that one can go without the other.

Strengths and weaknesses found in victoria bc tourism essay

Australia is the 12th strongest economy in the world1 by GDP; it is also the 5th country with highest percentage of older population in the world and despite the world's recession, Australia continues being a stable economy. Other closer competitors within Australia, in Asia or Europe may as well present a threat to the long β†’

Travel and tourism industry and virgin atlantic

Thomson want's the customer to have a relaxing and enjoyable time whilst on holiday, and if the hotel is damaged, or services are not up to scratch, this can seriously jeopardise the customers overall happiness and satisfaction. Hotel staff are responsible along with a travel rep, in this case a Thomson Travel rep to ensure β†’

Economic situation malaysians attitudes towards private label brands marketing essay

The definition of attitudes towards private label brands is a predisposition to respond in a positive way to private label brands and the consumer will purchase the private label brands in a more favourable way. The objectives of the research are: To examine the relationship between consumers' perceived benefits and Malaysian's attitudes towards private label β†’

Managing and resolving conflict in a team

The process of conflict resolution includes, determining the source of the conflict, choosing the right approach, and resolving the conflict. Since no single conflict management style is effective in every situation, the style chosen should be specific to the conflict to be managed and the objectives of the team.

The american dream and the various definitions

However, perhaps the most effective, broad definition has been offered by Clark, who has argued the following:" The process of attaining the American Dream is in essence the process of becoming middle class, which encapsulates moving up the socioeconomic status ladder, becoming homeowners in communities, and participating in the political process". Critics of the American β†’

Business ethics can be defined as written and unwritten codes of principles

The unsafe milk also affected the exporting milk to other countries and damaged the image of " Made in China" milk. In the case of Sanlu, the middlemen want to earn more money, they started diluting the milk and adding melamine to it.

Ground beef safety and retail under map conditions

The electronic nose works as a spoilage predictor due to the accuracy of the model and the results can be obtained in a short amount of time. Hughes." Profile and activity of the bacterial biota of ground beef held from freshness to spoilage at 5 7 C".

American imperialism

During the 19th century, the United States' imperialism era has reached one of the strongest points in the history. One of the most prominent events during the American imperialism era is the annexation of certain territories that were critical to the United States positioning to world domination.

Lesson plan

At the end of twenty- minute lesson, the students should be able to: Evaluate different kinds of food according to their uses in the body Identify the various kinds of food that our body needed State the importance of eating the right kinds of food II. What are the six food group system and the β†’

Humanitarian intervention

Despite the fact that humanitarian intervention is mainly aimed at protecting the rights and lives of the minority, it is still not clear about the right time when other nations should come in to help. Some of the other issues include the balancing of the majority and minority rights and the acceptable amount of damage β†’

Indoor air quality

Other underlying factors that could make the quality of the Indoor air poor could include the temperature of the place, the humidity and the number of openings in the place. The air temperature may be measured with the use of a common thermometer.

The us immigration

When kids are in the US their citizens but their parents are not. They become criminals because it's unfair when people that are Americans get paid double of what they get in the same job.


Moreover the laddish sub culture plays a large role in the fall behind of boys in education because some boys think they will be liked if they mess around in lessons and do not bother with school; also boys may worry over the lack of industry jobs that were/are associated with males and may not β†’

On misunderstandings of oedipus rex

Dodds' first opinion is that Oedipus does not deserve the punishment of the gods; Dodds concludes that Sophocles has intended for readers to regard Oedipus as good and selfless. The other conclusion that Dodds rejects is that Oedipus could not have avoided his fate; alternatively, Dodds believes that Oedipus has free will over the gods β†’

What is business intelligence?

In this sense, not only is Business Intelligence the process of extracting valuable information from a set of data, but also the act of collecting and applying it, and the tools which are used to do so. Business Intelligence is designed to help you take the everyday data that you receive through your organization's operations β†’

Catcher in the rye summer reading analysis assignment

Holder continues to list the things that he hates in this chapter and it seems he hates everything. Chapter 19: " The funny thing about old Luck, I used to think he was sort of flinty himself in a way.".

Syllabus fall assignment

Learning Objectives During this course, you will: evolve a proficiency in the language and principles of interdisciplinary work; demonstrate the ability to incorporate these elements into your own scholarly work; develop an understanding of the principles, guidelines, and procedures of the IBIS program design your own concentration proposal using interdisciplinary principles and IBIS concentration guidelines; β†’

Evolution: biology study guide assignment

Give an example of each 1. What are the two types of structural adaptation.

What’s happening? essay sample

In the beginning of the book, there are seven commandments, outlining the animals' rights, and how they should act in society. The pigs do this to prove, in a way, that they are better than the other animals.

Gladiator essay sample

For example the gold represents the wealth of the Roman army, and the red represents danger, as if it is telling the audience to be prepared for the battle scene that is arising. The director wanted us to see his wedding ring, and wanted us to hear the sounds of the children playing in the β†’

The poverty in the country essay sample

In this era of globalization, education is crucial in determining the standard of living.the level of education that will determine whether a person gets a good job or not.this is because, the employer is currently only looking for highly experienced and highly educated employees to be employed. Besides that, rapid growth of population is the β†’

Math and the paraprofessional teaching fractions

In this way, they will come to know that four blues would be required to cover the yellow means that each part of the blue is 1/4 of the yellow. With the same concept, in order to give them the idea of 1/2, I will make the train of two cubes and will put the β†’


Apparently, the high sugar content made the demand for fruit jams to decline consistently and Doherty's creative skills concocted the SuperJam that is patronized in a number of large supermarkets in Scotland and in the UK today. Doherty eventually had the privilege of forging an agreement with Wiatrose, a supermarket in London, through improving his β†’

Cognition on behavior

A common type of therapy, which is used when there are behavioral abnormalities, which are the result of cognition, is CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, which relies on a therapist to help reconstruct new cognitive patterns in an effort to deter the abnormal behavior. While there are medications that can help regulate this behavior, CBT β†’

Individual memo

Sociology, individual memo Sociology is a study of the social behavior of humans, its development, origins, institutions and organization. Environmental sociology is the study of the interactions between the environment and society.

The world and humanity in 100 years

If as early as the current generation, people have been exposed to seeing how a 3-D work, it is quite possible that even a decade from now they would be made to feel or touch a 3-D creation which makes possible the first step or initial stage of teleportation, very much like the scenarios in β†’

In pursuit of an education

In Pursuit of an Education Education is the light at the end of the tunnel and a pillar of hope for all races. In the speech, the First Lady celebrates the achievements of the graduates whom regardless of the challenges of life, struggled to complete their education.

Autobiography compare and contrast essay

Churchill is feet alone with the Headmaster of his new school and is forced to memories Latin grammar table. But Churchill is bothered, than he does not understand the meaning of what he has learned and does not get the answer he wants from his new Headmaster.

Essay on recession

Consumers have to think where they need to shop and what they need to look for to avoid struggles during recession. Customers are more likely to shop for clothes in supermarket now instead of designer clothing as they have to think about the future living and getting bargains is essential to survive.

Environmental management assignment

The greatest opportunities for optimizing n MESS system can be found in the following five subclasses of the MESS requirements: environmental policy; environmental aspects; planning objectives and targets; training, awareness and competence; and operational control. 2, top management is the " definer of the environmental policy for the system." The environmental policy must include a β†’

An emperors path to aesthetic unison history essay

Solidifying Mughal control in Northern India by the conclusion of the 16th century, he was then able to focus on the creation of a new culture and a new way of thinking about art and the world. It was his charismatic, curious nature that brought about more tolerance and exchange between Hindus and Muslims, opened β†’

The growth of insurance and re insurance business commerce essay

Four years after joining the European Union, the Malta Financial Services Authority in its newsletter stated that,' Not only have we emerged as a leading captive insurance domicile, underpinned by the best names in the insurance management business, but we are well on the way to becoming an insurance and reinsurance hub.' One of the β†’

German and uk approaches to immigration

According to figures from the OECD, towards the end of the 20 th century an estimated figure in the region of 20 million migrants where living in the EU. The large influx of immigrants to the UK from India and Pakistan in the 1960s resulted in educational and cultural diversity policies to develop.

Functionalism and marxism: education and employment

Functionalist Theory Function is an unclear term, often used by orthodox sociologists to define the logical and social place of roles, institutions and structures in terms of the production and reproductionof a society as a social system as in the idea that the function of the family is to socialise new members of society. For β†’

The transcendental movement: history and concepts

Due to the rather extreme liberal views and the controversy that arose from their particular ideology, Transcendentalism barely made a splash in the 1830 society. The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, n.d.Web.

The internet monopoly of knowledge media essay

From oral tradition through the development of electronic media, Innis described how the bias of one medium interacts with another medium, and their equalization which caused the fabrication of monopolies of knowledge. He argues media affect society starting from the individual level because media are extensions of the self, the human body and the mind.

History of elvis the american icon history essay

The Presley family was church family, which is another reason Elvis began to have the music spirit, but instead of singing the hymns that were going on in church, Elvis would listen to the people sing and get a feel of how to play his guitar to the music. It shows that not only did β†’

Academic performance and motivation education essay

This chapter aims to answer the following question, what are the differences in motivation between male and female, differences in motivation among the 3 year of study, and relationship between motivation and academic performance among UTAR students. Due to the previous research, the types of the motivation can affect on the performance of the students.

Deadly disease

If the Indians would have had the proper medicine or immunity to it, who knows what they would have gone on to do or accomplish." The Indians in Peru, Dobyns concluded, had faced plaques from the day the conquistadors showed up [.]. And if the Indians would have beaten the Europeans in many of the β†’

Urban planning, design and management

The arch theme is repeated in Christ Church; the arches over the building's semi-circular windows bring a sense of splendor to the place of worship. The painter uses light to portray a sense of hopefulness; it is entirely fitting that St.

Why is religion important essay

It is not because a person is born good or bad, but the way they are treated and the values they are taught is what makes them the person they become. One may say that we do not do things because the law tells us not to, and that is a good enough reason for β†’

Why not?

I am also vastly paranoid that my roommate is going to coming back soon, because then I will know that the slim chance of finding sleep I still have will be lost in the same 5 Drake songs she will not stop listening to, but I digress. I want to like my university in a β†’

Brief on reasonable doubt

Because of the seriousness of such an effect to a person, the other party then has the burden of proving an accused's guilt beyond reasonable doubt. Webster, reasonable doubt has been defined as, " that state which, after the entire comparison and consideration of all the evidence, leaves the minds of jurors in that condition β†’

How does technology have an effect on students learning

The findings of this research and the constant interactions with the various students support the following results. The research found that the use of smartphones and tablets has enabled students to access information faster.

U. s. constitution

The rights of the state government are protected by the tenth amendments in US constitution. In other words, state governments can make laws related to any issues which is not delegated to the federal government and prohibited to the state government.

Comment: bowman v. fels

Fel's case is attributed to the issues it raised with regard to the interpretation of the POCA of 2002. Effect of the Court of Appeal ruling in Bowman v Fel's on the money laundering disclosure requirements and litigation-related professional privilege.

Role of ngo’s

With respect to this, this paper will hypothesize that NGOs in Haiti and Cambodia have been unable to achieve their objectives because most of the funds that they received from the donors are mismanaged. In effect, this paper will hypothesize that most of the NGOs do not achieve their goals because the funds that they β†’

Question 1

Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances The principle of separation of powers refers to the division of governmental authority into the three branches of government i.e. The constitution provides the powers of the legislature, which is generally to make laws and to legislate.

Quick lube corporation

In order to pay said debts, Herget was forced to sell parts of the company to Huston Oil. Critical issues in the Quick Lube Corporation led to the company's financial bailout but Huston Oil.


For example, such gods as Cronus, Zeus, Hermes and Prometheus can be regarded as some of the major tricksters in the Greek mythology. Prometheus can also be seen as a trickster as he wanted to deceive Zeus during the discussion of the sacrifice and the parts people should give to Gods.


Organization's stakeholders must adhere to the organizational rules and regulations as well as code of conduct and behavior the guide the working process and organization of the company. Conclusion In conclusion, therefore, workplace ethical behavior is crucial for the profitability and performance of an organization.

Client letter-acc568

S TAX LAW FOR MULTINATIONALS Globalizing your business operations means that the taxation of your company's income and revenue is going to be subject to not only U. As indicated by the name, the approach involves taxing the income of the globalized corporation regardless of the source of income, whether the source of the income β†’

Philippine election system essay

It also includes the manipulation of the result the election by the political elites, the " boboters" in Philippine election and the awareness of the public on the " ills" of election. Instead of being motivated to vote wisely, the " ills" of election just give the voters the concept of voting just for the β†’

Funny in farsi essay

Three of the concepts are components of Firoozeh Dumas' developmental niche such as the psychology of her caretakers, the customs of her child care, and the social settings of her daily life growing up. Individualism is shown in the story of Dumas's father trying to forcefully and exasperatingly teach her how to swim.

Cry, the beloved country, by alan paton essay

In many parts of the novel, too, there is an underlying sense that a good use of the soil is related to the health of human society. A letter is something rare and momentous, and Stephen and his wife open it with trepidation: his brother John, his younger sister Gertrude, and, most important, their only β†’

Letter to the editor – animal cruelty essay

I agree with the points you made in your article, such as donating money to RASPS so they are able to help and take care of the animals but I do not think you have made it clear enough for the audience to understand what you are trying to say. To make the audience believe β†’