Genuine Essay Examples

How to indicate a psychological manipulator

One of the ways people commonly guilt-trip others is by seemingly helping you in the present so that they can use it against you in the future, saying things like " remember, I helped you, so you have to do this for me". If they force you into a quick decision and it turns out β†’

Implication of monroe doctrine on china

Basically James Monroe told to the crowns of Europe to " stay out of the America", He said " as far as I am concern the era of colonization is over, stop giving us the side eye and stop looking at maps to decide where you may place a colony next, No more European colonization β†’

The importance of pre writing creative writing example

Pre writing is crucial in the writing process. Pre writing will accord the student time to think of what they want to say about the topic at hand and plan out their prose effectively.

Promote children and young people’s positive behaviour

Student name: Yasmin Albadri Summarise the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and younger people's positive behaviour Evaluate how the policies and procedures of the setting support children and young people to: a. Understand expectations and limits Explain the benefits of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for β†’

Descartes vs locke a nativism vs empiricism comparison philosophy essay

Descartes and Locke are two of the most scientifically respected philosophers in history that worked to develop theories about the foundation of life that could be understood in a scientific manner. According to Descartes the fact that he has the ability to think and examine things intellectually proves his existence and provides the foundation of β†’

The impact of organic growth in enterprise marketing essay

The external growth strategies all stand outside the micro and market business environment of existing business.external growth strategies must position the firm in relation to its position in the industry value chain. In addition ownership and control of the business is more likely to be retained by the existing shareholders.

The history of british petroleum management essay

Remote factors leading to the disaster were the Gamut of the operation and the failure of government regulatory bodies to regulate BP. For the purpose of this I will limit myself to the immediate factors leading to the disaster and further use my findings to generate and evaluate some solutions and make some recommendations.

Should the us intervene in other countries international law essay

The politics and diplomats of these countries have expressed their opinion and the opinion of the majority considering the intentions of the United States to make advices and control the situation. S should not intervene in other countries to curb instances of flagrant human rights violations, as this does not provide the effective democracy in β†’

Singapore river has undergone dramatic physical changes history essay

The Singapore River was the focal point of the Singapore economy at this time and the river trade was the very reason of its existence as a British settlement. The role and significance of the Singapore River is connected to the social memories of the people.

Development infrastructure mining sector problems and solutions economics essay

Anwarul Hoda to review the country's National Mineral Policy of 1993 and the Mines and Minerals Act of 1957 to suggest changes needed for encouraging investment in exploration and exploitation of minerals and to prioritize the infrastructure needs of the mining sector. Further, the Mineral Council of Australia has also hinted that issues such as β†’

The health care struggle

To begin, universal health care, sometimes referred to as universal health coverage, is a government-run system that provides health care to all citizens with a goal of avoiding personal financial ruin, enhanced medical assistance, and superior health access. When people have access to medical care they are healthier and therefore more motivated to contribute to β†’

Packing problems away

The inability of the student to carry all books is because of the extreme weight and limited capacity of the schoolbag. However, if the students were not limited by the weight and capacity of their schoolbag, access to the necessary books would never be a problem.

Watergate scandal assignment

Their arrest uncovered a White House sponsored plan of espionage against the political opponents and a trail of intrigue that led to some of the highest officials in the land. On April 30, 1973, nearly one year after a grand Jury Investigation of the burglary and arrest of the people Involved, President Nixon accepted the β†’

Aspects of economic reforms in the nigerian fourth republic assignment

ASPECTS OF ECONOMIC REFORMS IN THE NIGERIAN FOURTH REPUBLIC ABSTRACT In Nigeria, the return to democratic rule in 1999 led to a myriad of programmes and strategies that were aimed at refocusing the face of the economy so as to resolve the difficulties which years of military rule had placed on it. The major impacts β†’

Anatomy1 assignment

I had really looked forward to the prosection of the male cadaver since the first five weeks I was on the male cadaver; we picked the male urogenital, to see the difference between the male and female reproductive system. The first group had the responsibility of readying the cadaver for gross dissection by bringing in β†’

Moral reasoning: unpunished wrong essay

And as William Shakespeare once asked, to be or not to be, that is the question. On the other hand, it's arguably civil that it's better to be done wrong than to do it yourself.

Treatability of timber in distilled water essay

Graph 2: Retention of wood samples after hot soaking and cold soaking This graph show about the retention mean the amount of the preservative present in the wood after cold and hot treatment. Based on this graph it shows that Channel has more preservative present in the wood compare than Kaput and Emeriti after the β†’

Squash catsup essay sample

SDF want to attest that the versatility of squash and the varieties of ketchup can open a new idea that squash can be used as an alternative ingredient in making catsup, so SDF Company introduced catsup made in squash. SDF Company believe that compared to the other catsup, Squash Catsup is more affordable and more β†’

Should the government encourage home ownership? essay sample

The government's various home ownership schemes and initiatives aim to make more affordable homes available to first time buyers priced out of the housing market. There has been increased spending and investment in housing developments to the tune of " 7.

Jamestown colony vs. massachusetts bay colony essay sample

First, the similarities between the two would be that first settle in the area they had a rough time settling in the place. It made it easier for them to get use to the world they were in.

Maccabian janissaries – explanation essay sample

The Maccabian Janissaries are the veiled, devout battling power of the Holy place of worship universe of Maccabeus Quintus. Energetic in confidence and over the top in war, the Janissaries are the first class handpicked patrols of the planet who try to spread the royal truth to all sides of the universe.

Source base questions – kmt-ccp rivalry

Study Source A Using details from the cartoon, explain what the cartoon is trying to Source A, the cartoon shows us that the KMT officers were totally on the side of the rich landlord demanding greater taxes. Source A seems to drive the message that the communists were sympathetic about the hardship of the β†’

Managing change paper part 3

Management of the Facebook organization changes involves the process of planning and implementing the changes in a way that makes the employees of the organization comfortable and at the same time making sure that the cost of the organization are effective. The changes that are done to the organization have three basic stages that they β†’

Capital budjeting

Cost of transportation service Return of Capital The time taken by a business to return of capital is calculated at the end of a year. Return of capital.

Bob reiss and the tv guide game

The major obstacle in front of Reiss while introducing " The TV Guide Game" in America was the concern about the short life cycle of toy games. Reiss succeeded in establishing a business tie-up with one of the most popular magazines in America; TV Guides, which helped him to develop capital for the initial production β†’

Chemistry of hazardous materials

The information that is required is on the nature and characteristics of the chemicals that is found in the four containers. Only members of the HazMat team should be allowed to access the site with the punctured tank and the three other tanks containing hazardous materials.

Udl solutions plan: educator reflection

The decision to employ assistive technology to overcome learning challenges experienced by disabled students should be arrived at after a wide consultation between the student, parents, teachers and panels representing the disabled. Parents and other concerned individuals are invited to submit information that may help in customization of the chosen AT for the student.

Angus cartwright iii essay

With the hopes of selling the property at the end of year 10, either of the DeRight's would profit approximately $2.million at the time of sale from when they purchased. Over the 10 year holding period this property is projecting to have the greatest annual return, with a projected profit of $3 million at the β†’

Buddhist and christian ethics theology

The Cessation of Suffering: Now this, monks, is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering: It is the remainder-less fading away and cessation of that same craving, the giving up and relinquishing of it, freedom from it, and non-reliance on it.4. The Way to the Cessation of Suffering: Now this, monks, is the noble β†’

Community based solution for slums sociology essay

The expected impact of the proposed project, Area Code, is the redevelopment of the available space at 186, Sri Siddhartha mawatha, Kirulapana to stand as a sample housing community and a centre for initiating connection of the community to the city of Kirulapana. This knowledge and skills are imperative for the slum upgrading to result β†’

What is the distinctive contribution of local ordained ministry to the church’s participation in god’s mission?

Ordination in Scripture In the Bible, the word " call" refers to God's initiative to bring people to Christ and to participate in his redemptive work in the world. At the beginning of the Ordination to Priest service the Bishop says:" Priests are ordained to lead God's people in the offering of praise and the β†’

Two approaches to counselling psychology essay

The greater part will be left to the examination of the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches. In the person centred the development of encouraging atmosphere in terms of safety and trust is the emphasis.

The values beliefs and norms of an organization nursing essay

The purpose of this paper is to analyse application of different leadership and management concepts in that organization along with recommendations to improve the same, with special emphasis on various dimensions of their organizational culture". Power and empowerment in nursing: looking backward to inform the future.

Brand equity in the competitive import beer market of taiwan

No common consensus has been reached on the definition of brand equity in the literature thus far, but the most commonly cited attempt is Aaker's categorization of brand equity as " a set of brand assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its name and symbol, that add to or subtract from the value provided β†’

Intellectual property rights

The Issue of Novelty From looking at the above breakdown of what an individual has to prove in order to establish a valid patent, it is clear to see that the issue of novelty is central to most patent decisions. This suggests that in order to establish a valid objection to a patent application on β†’

African american woman in aviation history essay

Bessie broke the barriers of stereotypical labels for race, gender, and class by becoming the first black woman to obtain a pilots license, the first person in the world to obtain a international pilots license, and the first American to achieve this. Sitting in the " black car" on the train ride to Chicago was β†’

What is digital communication?

In this report I have compared Australian and Indian culture and role of digital communication in cross cultural issues of these two countries. This report has discussed the Indian culture, the Australian culture and role of digital communication in cross-cultural issues of these countries.

Quantitation of caffeine in sports gels using hplc

Quantitation of caffeine in sports gels using HPLC Background It is well known that caffeine is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. 1 Considering the harmfulness of excessive caffeine for human body and the requirement of EU, it is necessary to discovery and use a simple and fast method to quantify β†’

How conventional economic principles might or might not apply to the us health care environment

Health care in the United States of America is influenced by various economic variables especially supply and demand." Other factors that influence supply and demand in health care include: the education of health care givers, labor force, and the health system in place as well as the changing economy." The way this factors will influence β†’

Mrs birling

At the end of the play, she has had to come to terms that her son is a heavy drinker who got a girl pregnant and stole money to support her, her daughter will not marry a good social 'catch' and that her own reputation within the town will be sullied. Yet, like her husband, β†’

Alice’s journey to find her identity

The question of why Alice is unsure of her identity relates to Alice's developing stage from childhood to adulthood. It is not until Alice stops trying to logically understand the characters in Wonderland and rejects their world that she comes of age.

The comparison between vergil and homer

This means " just like Diana trains her dance in the banks of the Eurotae or along the ridges of the Cynthus"." In Eurotae ripis" meaning ' in the banks of the Eurotae river' and " per iuga Cynthis" meaning ' along the ridges of the Cynthus mountain' corresponds to river Erymanthus and mountains of β†’

How are you?

I can smell today's cafeteria delight from here, and it is not going to be pretty. Everybody else seems to have a grip on who they are and where they are going and how to love life, but here I am first period on a Monday morning wishing it was the weekend already." I am β†’

How we use computer assignment

Students are required to attend class at set meeting times, but can experience flexibility and a reduction in the amount of trips to a physical location. Social Media Many college professors are using Backbone, Twitter or Demode to post their assignments online and to communicate with students outside of class.

Profit margin increase artemis sportsware essay sample

Below is a chart illustrating the profits the Artemis Co, gained, lost, and the amounts of profits from the Artemis Sportswear Company's five operations. The Artemis Sportswear Company is in the midst of a major debacle, and if they want to continue to be a leader in their field, they will need to act on β†’

Conversation with my father essay sample

The irony in this story is that the embedded story is also a short story and this is used to great effect by paralleling both and using them to explore the similarities and differences of the two in stylistic and contextual terms. The two stories also allow the themes exposed in the first story to β†’

Stranger than paradise essay sample

One of the common uses of the fade to black technique is to show beginning and ending of a scene in a movie. For instance, the first encounter of Willie and Eva is started and ended by a fade to black video editing technique which shows the boredom on the part of Willie.

Two one page orders for a discussion post – not a paper just to be done as a discussion board post

The instincts of a child should be well noticed and taken to the past in order to evaluate them and this process is very important because the instincts of a child decide more things than one. The focus of the parents must be on the psychological as well as the social side because both these β†’

Identify master dissertation topic only .. in subject of (( total quality management strategic quality management ) in ad police department

The possible topics for dissertation on the functioning of Abu Dhabi Police could be To examine if there has been a significant impact of The Abu Dhabi Police Strategic Plan 2008-2010 on the overall improvement in the law and order system in the UAE. 2. To analyze if continuous and practical trainings in the use β†’


The play centers on the maid, Helena whose attempts to win over her husband, constitute the major actions of the play. The play is divided into five acts and the ' bed tricks' becomes the central action of the play.

Symbolism of moby dick based on outline provided

It can easily be compared to the laborers and the American army during the building of canals and railways in the 1850s. Melville hints of the horrible effects of abuse of power and slavery in this work.

Difference among brick and mortar businesses

Difference among Brick and Mortar Businesses Marketing Question 1: Difference among Brick and Mortar Businesses, Web Stores and Catalog Businesses The term brick and mortar business refers to an organization that possesses a store or building to carry out their operations. The name is a metonym taken from the traditional housing materials linked to β†’

In the news

American history unfolds in ' Assassin's Creed 3' Larry Frum, CNN October 19, Summary Assassin's Creed 3 is the newest installment in the action adventure franchise set during the American Revolution. This game had to overcome the challenge in trying to fit a fictional character into such a well-known part of history, so Steven Masters, β†’

Athletics and endorsments

Corporations believe that elite athletes have specific influence on the purchasing behavior of customers due to popular appeal, and name and face recognition, a substantial reason why they continue to employ cream of the crop sportspersons in endorsements. Furthermore, athlete's credentials in line with body image, beauty and health and fitness could speak for the β†’

Answer the question

The teachers are given instructions on the contents to teach, and the approach to use. The main purpose of the curriculum entails standardizing the students to be in line with the main curriculum.

Mt everest case study essay

The Everest analysis suggests that leaders must play close attention to team combinations in their organizations, and how their words and actions shape the thinking and beliefs of organization members. Problem Analysis Mount Everest with the height of 8848m is the highest summit and considered the roof of the world and has been the greatest β†’

Internet exchange point and internet routing essay

The transition from the hierarchical Internet has also accelerated with the deployment of multiple Internet exchange Points worldwide, the facilitator of peering. Motivation Two key issues which arise with the growth of Sips and an increase in peering relations are: the effect inter-AS peering links have on the Internet topology and on inter-domain routing performance.

External indebtness and gdp per capita growth economics essay

However in the case of Pakistan this is not the case since Pakistan is a major oil importing country and any depreciation in the currency implies much more oil import bill which the theory does not hold in the case of Pakistan and any increase in the official exchange rate leads to a increase in β†’

Technology and the future of pornography

In more recent times, the internet represents the application of disruptive technology in that it is a form of distribution that, especially for pornography, presents additional advantages over the pornography of yesterday with regards to a distribution that is an order of magnitude larger than the press is capable. In addition, the continued integration of β†’

Should college athletes be paid?

That's the amount of revenue that the University of Nebraska football team generated during their 2015-16 season; and not a dime went to any of the players. According to the article Nebraska's Non-Revenue Sports Lost a Combined $17 Million, in the fiscal year of 2015, the University of Nebraska football team's revenue outweighed their expenses β†’

The united nations: ineffective or powerful?

The Security Council is one of the main organs of the United Nations." Its primary responsibility is to maintain the peace and stability in the world". In addition, the 15 countries of the Security Council make the decision for the 193-member states that are in the United Nations.

Importance of adherence to the commissions safety goals

For purposes of " checks and balances" like that of the American government, there is a Patient Safety Advisory Group comprised of various healthcare professionals that collaborates with the Joint Commission about these safety goals, with the best interests of the patient as the highest priority. For instance, since there will be times in which β†’

Study on the lz albany battle history essay

The fight involved the US Army 2nd battalion of the 7th Cavalry and the NVA 8th battalion of the 66th Regiment. It is safe to say this was a pyrrhic victory for the US, only due to the fact that they held the ground at Albany at the end of the battle.

Is language an instinct education essay

The development of language by deaf children in Nicaragua is another similar example to illustrate the view that language is an instinct. Research has found that language is linked to a child's home and school environment, and that the variety and amount of language the children are exposed to by conversations with their parents are β†’

Benefits of education for society

It has seen the need of finding other solutions based in the creativity and the innovation that request to progress with the time. The educational systems influence in the student dynamics facilitating the learning with techniques that allow the development mental and psychological of the students.

Strategic human resource management: british petroleum

Its activities have also been admired and BP used to be one of the top priorities for employment in the energy sectors. This is the systems that BP has set in place in terms of its human resource management.

The breakdown of fructose

The process of the breakdown of fructose is as follows: Firstly when fructose in enters in our body then initial catabolism of fructose is takes place in our body and this process is referred to as fructolysis. A deficiency in the enzyme Aldolase B may cause the accumulation of the fructose 1-phosphate in the liver β†’

Pressure sores

The skin is one of the largest organs in the body in surface area and weight. The skin consists of three layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue.

Professional communition & cultural sensitivity

If the patient believes in herbs as a form of medical treatment, and these will not interact with other medications, allowing the patient to continue to take the herbs signifies respect to their cultural beliefs. There are simple measures that the nurse can do for this population to respect the patient's cultural values and beliefs β†’

Cinderella stories

The artists of both stories focused on their societies, and they constructed each of the stories to fit the social and cultural setting of the two societies in a unique manner. The artists of these stories make the young girls orphans, and the reader gets the helplessness in which these girls are left.

A brief reflection on the critical international relations theory

Practically, the continuous flow of information at present could not be denied to have a proper bearing on the fact that people today are assisted to become the right individuals that they deserve to be and get the best out of the societies that they are living a result of this want, several theorists β†’

Organizational development assignment

Team Intervention Model Presentation and Facilitation In addition, I experienced how to work in team by pretending that all members of the team were consultants that had to think which interventions should be provided to solve a problem of a case duty. We met in the library to talk about the case, find the case's β†’

Marketing assignment

Environmental Scan It is the collection and interpretation of information about forces, events and relationships in the external environment that may affect the future of the organization or the implementation of the marketing plan. Competitive Advantage It is a set of unique features of a company and its products that are perceived by the target β†’

Taoism and confucianism assignment

The philosophical principles of both Taoism and Confucianism are attributed to the ideas of individual men in Chinese history, and their subsequent texts. Unsatisfied with the ruling practices of the government, Confucius sought to reform the ways of corruption to the fundamental ways of order and moral truth.

Manheim auctions assignment

Organizational strategy: According to the vision statement as the world's largest auction house, Manheim sells millions of used cars to the customers by using many systems which is technically more advanced so as to serve well. Later as he has the first mover advantage and also due to the lack of infrastructure, he started developing β†’

Allelopathy definition essay

Definition: Interactions between individuals within or among species in which each is harmed by their shared use of a resource that limits their ability to grow, survive, or reproduce /- relationship) Introspecting/ Interspecies competition within species " Intra" -? " Inter" = among species Exploitation/ Interference Exploitative: Interference: scramble for a limiting resource Some individuals β†’

Legalization essay

Johnson English IV 5 January 2010 Legalization of Marijuana Thesis: Even though marijuana is illegal under federal law, a select handful of states have made the choice to allow doctors to prescribe it to patients that suffer from certain medical problems. Although the use of medicinal marijuana is illegal in the United States, researchers around β†’

To kill a mockingbird – themes and techniques essay sample

Atticus is brave to defend a black man in the face of criticism and threats of violence. Tom Robinson is an example of a ' mockingbird' in the novel as he is shot down even though he was innocent and never did anything to hurt anybody.

Interior guard duty essay sample

Sergeant of the Guard The SOG is the overall supervision over the other NCOs and sentinel of the guards. When the new guards are about six steps from the left flank of the old guards, the new commander of the guards commands " Eyes Right".

Hannibal lecter analysis essay sample

At the age of sixteen, after the incident between the Young Hannibal and one of the employees of the orphanage, after the night where he was transferred on a dirty and ventilated room, he finally decided to leave the orphanage and travels from Lithuania to France where he met and stayed with his Auntie Murasaki. β†’

Juice – online shopping essay sample

For example, orange juice is the liquid extract of the fruit of the orange tree. In the United Kingdom the name of a fruit or fruits followed by juice can only legally be used to describe a product which is 100% fruit juice, as required by the Fruit Juices and Fruit Nectars Regulations and the β†’

The use of sonnets through the ages essay sample

The atmosphere being created at the start of the sonnet is one of despair; this is created by language and imagery, by the description of the moon and the speaker's problems. The structure of the sonnet is made up of an octave at the start and these first eight lines describe the heartache of the β†’

Managed care

Recently it has become the center of American politics with the introduction of the Obama's Health Plan.' Managed Care' is the dominant health care delivery method in the United States that emerged since the Health Maintenance Act of 1973. The major drawback of the managed health care is that it has turned to favor insurance β†’

Mental illnesses

The study of Dalya and company supported such claim in explaining that changes in the neural circuits as a result of neurotransmitter abnormality may cause patient to experience auditory hallucinations. In the study of Tollefson and others, depressive signs and symptoms are responsive to pharmacotherapy treatment improving the control of mood disorders.

Alison barnard

In fact, in the case, it is pointed out that apart from being a daughter of a serial entrepreneur and an enterprising mother, Alison always had the passion for management, characterized by how much she desired to pursue a career in brand management, retail consulting or marketing. Alison has a huge opportunity for growth and β†’

Discussion question response

In addition to your examples of a feedback, making a compliment about the sent message also qualifies as a feedback. Your way of responding to emails is a good example of effective feedback and it is worth emulating.

Philosophy of teaching paper

Oppositely, I constantly reveal the strong and the weak sides of every classical concept I am talking about, and in this way with my own example, I impose the tradition of a critical thinking among student. Thus, I encourage students to make connections between a topic and their day-to-day life experiences and " take advantages β†’

Opinion on globalization

The PNG government required a dam to help catch the copper mines tailing however under pressure from the mine which brought in a significant portion of the country's GDP the mine was allowed to continue operation without constructing the dam. Foreign investment caused nothing but harm to the environment and the local people.

Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary essay

The deficient in the integrating of sub-disciplines from the beginning of athletics and exercising scientific discipline may be attendant to the multidisciplinary research, therefore, doing it harder to incorporate them together whilst seeking to convey about an interdisciplinary attack to job resolution. The bulk of athletics and exercising scientific discipline research is mono-disciplinary but presenting β†’

Western blots essay

Substitute the absorbency of the unknown Into the Y' of the equation and calculated the or concentration. The potential problems with the running of the gel include forgetting to remove the tape from the cassette and improperly denaturing the proteins.

A stolen life essay

This gave me a clear understanding that you need to let go of whatever may be holding you back in your life and focus on the candle that is the present. She felt very under the pressure of the media and public all the time, and she expressed this as a bomb ready to go β†’

Impact of misleading media

No one can deny that the media contributes to the formation of the ideas of the nation, and this helps to improve the country and urges the nation to progress and develop, or it can lead to either corruption, misleading and wash brain which destroys the country's rules and makes youth and people un aware β†’

Emotional impacts of social media

We aim to explore how group members are using social media, what their motives are for using social media, and how their emotions tie into the process of them using it. Theoretical Orientation Person-centered therapy is an encouraging, in the moment form of therapy that is centered around the idea that one has the ability β†’