Genuine Essay Examples

Battle of marathon

Persians agree to help the Athenians only if they agree to " earth and water", and they agree, not realizing what they really are asking for is the land of Athens. The Athenians line the wall of the coast of Athens so that when Persians arrived to Athens they had to turn their boats around β†’

Study ethics

Having an ethical framework to draw upon, with a system of rules and principles to guide us, will help individuals when they are confronted with difficult decisions involving moral issues. Apply ethical principles to the moral question based on the objective evaluation of the facts, only then drawing a conclusion.

Resort reservation system

Project Description: Resort Reservation System is to be able to store the information from the customer and make them a reservation. Expected project result: If we accomplished to make this Proposal, This project will be used to apply it for the development of our Resort Management and improve the power of Technology.

Poetry analysis ; comparison

The alliteration on the ' w's in lines 3 and 4 slows the pace down and this is succeeded by the sensuous alliteration and assonance in the phrase'Our long love's day'In the third section of the poem, Marvell uses the word ' now' to insist on the immediacy of the need for action. There is β†’

Field study format essay sample

Your Target At the end of this activity, you will be able to identify the principles in teaching learning activities, manuals and other instructional materials used by the teacher in selected subjects. Your Tools As you visit a school and observe the teaching learning practices, use the activity forms to document your observation and write β†’

Growth mindset essay sample

When using the growth mindset, a person can be more successful in education because the growth mindset can help people fulfill their potential more effectively than the fixed mindset. Great teachers believe in the growth of the intellect and talent, and they are fascinated with process of learning." Success is not coming to you.

Salvador dali’s the persistence of time essay sample

Thus, The Persistence of Time is a direct representation of Winston's life in 1984. Winston's job is in the Ministry of Truth.

Hate crimes

Other standard investigations by the FBI include religious bias in the form of religious structure vandalism or damage and election crimes in the form of prohibiting one from voting due to religious, race, color, or disability. The victim may be able to identify the perpetrator of a hate crime on them.


The Ferris houses the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at its Big Rapids campus, Michigan. One of the most notable merits of the presented information is the acknowledgement of the sources in-text as well as at the end of the articles.

War of the roses

War of the Roses The war of the roses remains a historic event in England. The royal families to the house of Plantagenet included the York and the Lancaster.

Minorities at risk and horizontal inequality

The existence of such horizontal inequalities elicits animosity between the groups involved and increases the risk of a violent conflict. Such a conflict is not directly caused by the cultural differences but by the political, economic and social disparity existing along the cultural line.

Compare and contrast the views of diverse sociologists

In like manner, the society persists to exist because of the fulfillment of the function of each part. Spencer who finds difficulty to settle in a particular discipline, a non conformist, and a critic views society as place for the " survival of the fittest".

Flight simulator

The aviation industry is making great use of the system for design and development and by training pilots and other flight deck crews in both military and civil aircraft. The newest versions, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 and Microsoft Flight Simulator X, gratify pilots, would-be pilots, and individuals who had dreamt of being pilots in a β†’

Benchmarked productivity

The research of the benchmarking exercise on the occupational nursing unit was carried out to launch the present space and standards of performance in the delivery of occupational health nursing services across the United Kingdom as well as to determine the competence of the occupational health nurses in their bid to deliver such services to β†’

Variations in the university degrees

Such degree courses that do not pay more should be offered so as to increase the range of majors to students can select so as to diversify their talents and abilities. The outcome of degree courses vary in terms of earnings and chances of securing job opportunities, some tend to earn more while others are β†’

Orthodox synagogues in america

As the name indicates, they follow the strictest rules and are the most conservative form of Judaism. They follow the modern ways of worship, which is sitting of men and women together in the synagogue.

Demolition of man essay

They were subjected to the hard labor and other types of suffering which was so dehumanizing. This position enabled him to escape the hard labor which was subjected to the other prisoners.

Second half of the third life of grange copeland essay

One of the most important themes that the reader is introduced to in this part of the book is the change in Grange Copeland's attitude in regards to all white people. It was his opportunity right some of the mistakes that he made with Brownfield and show to himself that he is a new person.

Flawed by cecelia ahern essay

We live in a society where perfection is a paramount and the slightest flaw separates you from the norm. This story holds up a mirror to the society that we all live in and exploits all the ugly parts of it that we choose to ignore.

3m optical systems: case brief essay

That said, political support internally could make all the difference and allow Guehler to focus on the positive aspects of the proposal " namely the total potential market of 32.million PC ' s and the ability to leverage 3M ' s existing distribution. He has not been very involved in the OS unit and has β†’

Planning, delivering and evaluating teaching session

I have performed an in-depth critical reflection of the whole process of undertaking the teaching session and the details of this are presented below. It is important to keep up to date with new ideas in the topic The purpose of the teaching plan is to be of assistance to the students.

Transformations of modern society sociology essay

He states, " modernity was a double edged sword of security versus danger and trust versus risk, this is seen in the fact that more people died in the wars of the twentieth century than in the previous two centuries even if you allow for the increase in population over this period". The first instituional β†’

Introduction to prophet muhammad

The choice of the topic was prompted because of the numerous impacts and transformation the leadership of prophet Muhammad had made to humanity and the world in general. He was so honest and trustworthy that he gained the respect of his peers and the society, and earned the title of " al-Amin," meaning " the β†’

Nonverbal communication in social psychology psychology essay

This states that spoken language and non verbal signals need to simultaneously exist and interact with each other in order to give the receiver a fully understanding of what is been said. Gestures include body movements that chaperon spoken language, especially with the use of hands; some of them are waving, pointing, using the fingers β†’

Short, medium and long term objectives

Professional Skills As manager of the organisation professional skills to exhibits to achieve goal and objective of organisation are counselling and mentoring to support staff with their own learning and development requirements, coaching skills, multitasking, leadership skills, theories of leadership e.g. A) Leadership: Leadership means counselling and mentoring Leaders are to lead and in case β†’

Shostakovich’s chamber music and musical tradition

There are four movements in a Classical string quartet.' One of the significant differences of this Shostakovich string quartet is, that in the first movement, it is actually written in a typically classical sonata form.'. The second movement of a quartet, is traditionally the most expressive and personal of the four movements, where the music β†’

Motorsport engineering and coventry university

The roots of motorsports in the university started in the year 1999 with the discussion of the two students to participate in any of the competition and proposed it to a tutor. It took two whole years to start the course; they started the course in the year 2002 with the main objectives to develop β†’

Rural cooperatives and their role in india’s development

Rural Cooperatives and Their Role in India's Development The failure of global markets and neoliberal trade systems to reliably and predictably stimulate local economic growth and development, or improve quality of life has led to a renewed interest in cooperatives as a possible solution, particularly within in rural economies and among marginalized populations. Cases within β†’

The tourism system model

These models have also been useful for the study of the importance of climate to tourism as well as the research on climate change and tourism, providing an understanding and agreement of the varieties and kinds of activities and stakeholders involved. Climate has been argued to be one important component which shapes a destination's image β†’

Pharmaceutical industry in india economics essay

The rivalry in the industry can be judged from the fact that the top players in the industry has roughly around 6% market share and the top players in the market has roughly around 18% market share this shows that the market is highly competitive. The end user of the product is different from the β†’

How bombardier deal their transportation business around the globe

According to Rothenberg, " Globalisation is the acceleration and intensification of interaction and integration among the people, companies and governments of different nations". It describes a new understanding of purpose and nature of an organisation, market and society; the knowledge and skills should be applied for the benefit of other parties and value is determined β†’

Strategics for strategic decision making

Difficulties in the first entry to the market are not the end of business. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective.[5] The following is the analysis using SWOT tool of a FIAT Company showing its β†’

British politics in the years between 1900 and 1914

The author of the document is David Lloyd George who at the time of the speech's writing was Chancellor of the Exchequer and MP for Swansea, where the speech was given. At the beginning of the extract Lloyd George claims that the old Liberals in Britain have in the past used social issues purely to β†’

Reece biology study material

A) taproots B) root hairs C) the thick parts of the roots near the base of the stem D) storage roots E) sections of the root that have secondary xylem Answer: B Topic: Concept 35. A) parenchyma B) xylem C) endodermis D) collenchyma E) sclerenchyma Answer: A Topic: Concept 35.

B. r. richardson integrative case (od)

For the following people in the case, list the comments and observations of the employees and consultants using a table. Lawler also opts to develop an independent investigation of the plant in order to disclose the issues facing it as opposed to relying on the management to provide information on the same.

Essay about cell phones – expository essay

These threats are aimed to include threats to your personal data and how much money you have, and they all involve your mobile device and/or mobile phone. In-App" purchases are a threat to your money Some apps and games allow you the ability to buy within the application itself.

Homosexual activity ethics assignment

Homosexuality is " abnormal" in both a descriptive and a normative sense because- for evolutionary reasons-homosexuals are bound to be unhappy.-We do have to obligations to our children, and one of them is to protect them from harm Thesis2: -Levin's says that it is " A pleasure causally connected with great distress cannot be treated β†’

Undertake agreed pressure area care essay sample

1 describe the anatomy and physiology of the skin in relation to skin breakdown and the development of pressure sores. 5 identify the range of interventions that can reduce the risk of skin breakdown and pressure sores.

Muscle stimulation lab journal essay sample

Based on the results of your investigation, what conclusions can you draw about the relationship between a muscle's workload and its threshold of stimulation? The muscles that have a higher threshold of stimulation can take on a high workload if it originally had no workload.2.

Personal statement

I am ready to confront challenges and deal with obstacles that I might encounter in the learning process. I look forward to cooperating with the management as well as my instructors in the process of learning.

Compare and contrast the critiques and solutions proposed by the reformers of the progressive era to those of the new deal era to the problems posed by political and economic inequity

The Progressive Era and the New Deal Era Introduction The two eras were critical in the American history as they majorly focused on helping the American economy that was speedily disintegrating. The progressive era comprised the period between the mid 1890s and early 1920s which is often referred to as the bridge to modern times, β†’

Innovation and creativity

To improve my level of innovation and creativity, I would research on the new communication and technological system that I will emulate to ensure that my duties are effectively performed. In this way, I will be guided on the best strategies that I will emulate in order to be successful and make by business to β†’

Principles of instructional leadership

In the article, May examines one of the modern forms of educational leadership, namely instructional leadership. The description of the characteristics and analysis of the advantages of instructional leadership make the reading of the article rather informative.

The influence of active learning on the college student departure process

The recommendation given was that common ground should be found that permits some information to be made public yet allows privacy on certain occasions. Trustees should be informed of important decisions before the information is made available to the public.

Scope of mutual fund in india essay

The Assets under management of the Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India has therefore been excluded from the total assets of the industry as a whole from February 2003 onwards. The India Mutual Funds Industry The Current StateAUM Base and Growth Relative To the Global Industry India has been amongst the fastest growing β†’

Drafting final essay

Ion knocked Bill to the ground, kicked Bill in the face, and even knocked out a tooth from the beating that Bill was receiving from Ion. Ion in a rage threatened Bill with his knife and demanded him to go inside and " finish the drug deal".

Laundry shop- business plan essay sample flashcard

7 Aims of the BusinessThe number one of the primary aims of the concern will be to do a net income. The Operations Manager will be in charge of all the services refering to laundry and dry-cleaning.their operation.and the merchandising of all laundry merchandises.

Martin espada essay

This is a poem by Martin Espada which gives a description of the life of Tony as he matures from the elementary or basic school to law school. There is a difference in that as a result of there being considerable opposing factors, the society tends to become complacent with their state of life and β†’

Obama’s entire war on terror

The history of the United States Navy Sea, Air and Land teams dates back to the World War II and the creation of the Navy's Scout and Raider and later named Underwater Demolition Teams. A History of the U.S.

Dry shampoo

The idea is to think creatively about your product to determine what set of customers are going to give your business the cash flow, profit and growth it needs. Dry shampoo is a powdered substance used to clean the hair when you want to extend the length of a blowout or when it is not β†’

The un global compact politics essay

The Global Compact is a voluntary initiative and a company that wants to subscribe to the Principles has to make a clear statement of support and has to include references in its annual report or in any other publically available documents detailing the progress it has made in adhering to the Principles. Principle 3:" Businesses β†’

E.coli o157:h7 outbreak of 2018 from romaine lettuce

Later cases exhibited how E.coli O157: H7 could lead to the development of hemolytic uremic syndrome in those infected with the disease such as the multistate outbreak of E.coli O157: H7 in 1992 through early 1993 that was the result of consumption of contaminated hamburgers. The most recent outbreak of E.coli O157: H7 occurred from β†’

Developing a corporate strategy

The purpose of strategy is to establish the corporate position in the market, compete with competitors successfully and meet customer needs, achieve superior performance of the corporate. Based on the external analysis and internal analysis, the strategic market management is made, the external analysis includes customer analysis, competitor analysis, market/submarket Analysis and environmental analysis; the β†’

Immigration in america

Many times they learn of commuters and they hear the exaggerated stories about the wealth of the United States, the jobs available, the high wages and the ease of crossing the border. A new immigration law, the Arizona SB 1070 law, requires police to check the immigration status of people they lawfully stop and suspect β†’

Coarse-grained sediments in incised valleys

The incision of valleys occurs as a result of the fall of the base level, tilting of alluvial plain due to tectonic event, and or the reduction in the rate of discharge from streams. The north and east regions of the Bay of Biscay shows a wide variation in the nature of the valley-fills ranging β†’

Infrastructure in economic growth

Due to the fact that the majority of the smallholder farmers are located in remote areas, the distance to markets, and lack of roads to get to them is a central concern for rural communities throughout the developing world. According to Mabogunje, the analysis of the relationship between centre and periphery, particularly the relationship between β†’

Coca cola history and development commerce essay

The Coca-Cola Company is the production of concentrated syrup, and then sold to different bottling plants around the world held by Coca-Cola franchise. Muhtar Kent is the CEO and President of the coca cola company.

The role and impact of microfinance institutions on ghana’s economy.

How is it benefitting the government and the more reason is to encourage the growth of microfinance in the country if it is benefiting the people and the country as a whole. How is the government contributing to the success of micro-finance in the country?

Tv violence and children 9996

The level of violence that they see on prime time television is about five violent acts per hour and the level of violence on Saturday that includes cartoons morning programming is about 20 to 25 violent acts per hour. We, as a society, must save our future and take an active role in protecting our β†’

Sap america

Wealth this case there were many details brought to light on the ambition of the founding members, and the eventual additions to the SAP team. Although they began as a product based company It was very clear to everyone Involved that taking care of the client, through Implementation and support was crucial to differentiating themselves β†’

Critical analysis

Explanation of my reaction to the way that the cross was used in " The Dream of the Rood", are any of the aspects of this personification troubling or especially effective, examples of instances that make an impression on me and the reasons for my actions. We all have friends, and if you are a β†’

Compare how women are presented in 4 of the poems you have studied

He says that the mother is at the zero end and is therefore not moving and staying where she is, as for the son has the spool of tape is his hand and is moving away from the mother to measure the length. The poem is written in 1st person and none of the other β†’

Marketing plan for hotel

For the safety of our guests, the hotel has built-in safety features especially for the elderly and children. Work with Singapore Tourism Board to promote our hotel as our hotel is one of the very few hotel targeting families Work with Red Dot Inc Publishing Pte Ltd to publish about our hotel in tourist guides β†’


From having the latest iPhone to having the trendiest clothes, materialism and the American dream go hand in hand. Materialism stabilizes our economy, allows us to compete in the changing world and gives the American people instant gratification that they want.

Fort lee scandal and governor chris christie

As early as August 13, 2013, Christie's deputy chief of staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, was revealed to have e-mailed David Wildstein, a senior official in the organization in charge of transportation between New York and New Jersey, about the closure of the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee, New Jersey. Christie is believed to have β†’

Jaguar or bluebird assignment

Mark and his family held up on their part of the deal by staying the whole time in England, and Energem did not have a plan for Mark and his family. With these new skills the expatriate could give valuable insight to the company and a possible new position that would suit the expat the β†’

Nike assignment

The role of information technology is crucial in the Nikkei Company as the role of IT is significant in the company to maximize its commercial advantage by making the optimal use of IT tools also using IT helps increase the productivity in a business as IT applications such as computer aided designing and word processing β†’

Gender critique assignment

Jane is found to be undermined by her claims of serious illness, and is looked at as if she is not really sick, showing that John dominates all aspects of their relationship." If a position of high standing, and ones' own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one, β†’

Chemical bank case essay sample

It is important that key individuals in an organisation are committed to the strategic objectives and performance indicators identified in the Balanced Scorecard. In other words, the balanced scorecard is one of a set of tools used for strategy formulation and communication.

Energy and balance

Energy Balance and Nutrients Determination of Energy The determination of the energy in the food involves the use of calorimetric bomb, which involves the determination of the number of calories in the foods. After the determination of the amount of oxygen, then the values gotten are computed and consequently the realization of the amount of β†’


This intellectual property will affect the Quick-Med Technologies in a great way, as the Rosacea disease is prevalent in nearly 16 million American, so a very effective technique of curing Rosacea will gives them a huge market and big profits because other treatments available have side effects and other companies cannot use this technique due β†’

Psyc 430 db2

Stress Disorders Stress Disorders People cannot avoid stress in their lives. According to van der Kolk et al, inability to cope with extreme stress or overwhelming amount of stressors which appear simultaneously leads to the development of various stress disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder.

Crimson tide you tube video on power and influence

Crimson Tide: Video on Power and Influence In the video, Hunter shows referent power that gives him the admiration of most of his followers, and finally that of Ramsey. Legitimate power makes the follower comply on the basis that the leader has the right to make the orders and the follower has the obligation to β†’

Compare and contrast the role of women in chinese society with their role in japan for the period from 300 a.d. to the middle of the thirteenth century

Essay: Compare and contrast the role of women in Chinese society with their role in Japan for the period from 300 the middle of the thirteenth century. Japanese and Chinese societies have many things in common and the overall role of women in both countries has remained the same throughout history.

Edo period

The period began with the consolidation of the political reigns of power by the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu and effectively concluded with the opening of Japan by Matthew Perry's Black Ships in Tokyo Bay and the Meiji Restoration. Much of the key modernization of this period was economic, and the most important aspect of this was β†’

China’s terms

In addition to that, expansion of the company and the aim of achieving a higher market share along with a good brand name or repute can also be the reason for a company's compliance in to the foreign nation. In case the company decides to leave the market due to some reasons then the rival β†’

Critical analysis of the oral testimony of maya rani on the partition of india essay

In Urvashi Butalia's " The Other Side of Silence" the oral testimony of Maya Rani, a Punjabi woman who was a child living in Pakistan during the Partition is particularly important to the histiography surrounding the event as it is told from a different perspective by a person not directly involved in the conflict that β†’

Liberal feminisms challenge to the patriarchy sociology essay

Heterosexual power dealingss refer to work forces ruling adult females, particularly with work forces ' s traditional function of being the breadwinners of the household in the populace sphere, with the adult females in charge of the family and kids, hence staying in the private domain. I will look at illustrations that express the competition β†’

Sir gawain and the green knight critique essay

The Theme of Games in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The theme of games plays a very important role in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. I believethat this is the message that the author of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight wanted to pass along to the reader.

Honk kong marketing environment assignment

The city proved to be awfully crowded most of the time with shoulders and elbows being bumped by Just walking on the sidewalks. The history of Hong Kong dates back to the Opium war of 1842.

Besides being a nolan masterpiece, memento portraits a rare medical condition, temporal lobe amnesia

The movie begins with Leonard answering the phone, we later find out that the man on the other line is Teddy, an alleged cop who is trying to help Lenny find the assailant Jimmy G. Leonard is portrayed in the end as a psychotic killer who chooses not to remember that he has already killed β†’

How gender roles play a part in the holy bible

This is the ultimate display of the patriarchal takeover; Rebecca literally performs a traditional man's duties because her husband is unwilling and unable to. In addition to examining Rebecca's patriarchal roots, it is also essential to understand Rebecca's character and the significance of her actions through the cultural context of the time.

The similarities and differences between rosa parks and emmeline pankhurst

After Emmeline established the Women's Social and Political Union in 1903, they adopted the militant methods to attract the attention of the press and society. Although Emmeline and Rosa influenced the world in their own ways, they both contributed much to the development of history.

Issue of drug use in high school athletes

Despite the common use of drug testing in professional sports, Canadian high school athletes are not subject to drug testing. Drug testing opens the door to early detection and intervention of drug use.

The changing role of women

Despite the fact, that in general, women participation in the Fortune 500 board seats has grown, on the average, the rate of increase is quite slow. There are three main points that describe the gender inequality in education: preponderance of women who graduate from university compared to number of men, gender gap in terms of β†’

Psychology: the heritability of intelligence

The history of the psychological construct of intelligence Around the end of the 19th century, the different schools of psychology were divided in the approach to measure mental processes. It was the job of the psychologist to observe the variations in the complexities of the sensory inputs and then observe the differences in the outputs.

Cellulitis in older patients – a prospective cohort study

CELLULITIS IN OLDER PATIENTS A PROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY Older patient with cellulitis Abstract Aim: To examine differences in risk factors, clinical features and outcomes of cellulitis between those 75+ years and those Methods: A prospective study of patients with limb cellulitis requiring intravenous antibiotics conducted at Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital, Australia from June 2014 to April 2015. β†’

Bordwell and thompson the purpose of films media essay

According to Bordwell and Thompson, the purpose of documentary film is to present the factual information about the world outside the film, in that case, the study of documentary is to present the 100% facts and the truths in current events and society. As the narrative flows, the documentary feature is identified through the set β†’

Challenges for advertising agencies by new delivery systems

This is likely to be costly for the agency as they need to train staff and change the rest of their planned advertisements The challenges that new media and delivery systems have posed for advertising agencies New media has dramatically changed how advertising works and are continuously presenting several challenges for advertising agencies. Therefore, it β†’

Predictors of patient satisfaction

This experience is influenced by the total of the encounters between the patient and the caregiver, of the patient's expectations from the health system and from the organizational culture in all of the frameworks with which the patient comes in contact. 2 Relevance of this thesis to the country of Kuwait With the huge growing β†’

Investigating the harmonization of accounting practices

Uniformed accounting standards are required regionally in all parts of EU to encourage the flow of capital, enhance the protection of the shareholders and other stakeholders, and increase the reliability and comparability of companies' financial information. Perera as quoted in Deegan and Unerman argued that the accounting standards themselves tend to reflect the circumstances and β†’

Why i believe euthanasia should be banned

The main argument for the legalisation of euthanasia is that it is the patient's choice to end their own suffering. She described the experience as " sheer torture" and remarked that ".when Michael said that it's painless for the patient, he was wrong." Now another argument for euthanasia is that if this is a terminal β†’

Biology ecology design

The cemented layer that lines the floor of the lake is known as coffee rock, which prevents rainwater from saturating through the regional aquifer. Brown Lake is also an excellent example of a coastal and sub- coastal non-floodplain sand lake in the South-East Queensland Foreign.

Romantic and neo-classical period in literature

I will prove that Frederick Douglass " Slave Narrative" and the poem by Moliere " Tartuffe" both have spiritual, physical, and psychological aspects in each that relate to the theme " Freedom and Bondage". Orgon has the freedom of choice not to be in bondage, and yet he is.

Kennedy and nixon regime

Kennedy, who entered the office in 1960, was the youngest and the first Roman Catholic to enter the Presidential office. There are many similarities in the domestic and foreign policies of both Kennedy and Nixon.

The marketing objective of southwest airlines

In the success of southwest airline one of the greatest contributions is of the employees. We can see that the core strength of the southwest airline is in its low fair.