Genuine Essay Examples

Risk takers

Risk-taker A risk-taker is a type of an entrepreneur who decides to involve oneself in a risky venture without necessarily taking consideration on the extent of the harm that the venture will cause. Risk-neutral A risk neutral person is neither a risk-taker nor a risk-averse entrepreneur; he operates comfortably in all the environments and is →

Business letter

Tech-shield is a wonderful company, and the great success has always been a result of dedicated employees and teamwork and I believe that your expertise will propel the company to much greater success heights. Some of the challenges the employees are facing include working for long hours and working over the weekends.


The one that I liked more is automated cars since I was able to understand more about how they operate and other research that need to be conducted on automated cars in future. One of the engineering projects that I found interesting is automated cars.

All about carnival of venice essay

Carnevale in Venice, as with Carnival around the world, takes place in the days leading up to Lent. The tradition of masking has a long tradition in Venice.

Fracture – college essay

The use of the rolling ball machine allowed Hoblit to establish the vulnerability of the themes and characters within the movie. Hoblit saw ' these " executive toys" reflections of Ted Crawford's persona and his psyche in the movie', highlighting the antagonist's attention to detail and reflecting back to the underlying theme of a person's →

Response to lucifer effect essay

In the beginning of the essay, Zambardo states the Lucifer Effect is his way to understand what happens in the time a good person does an evil act. I think the surrounding of the environment and the characters of people around a person has a part in the effects of ones decisions.

Othello college essay

The view of men towards woman throughout the play show that they are disempowered. Both the feminist and racial agendas of the play are two views which can be explored and in relation to the responder through their context.

Total quality management summary narrative essay

Hence, to ensure that the project meets the expectations of its stakeholders, the company's first step is to collect information about what the client expects and to seek understanding of many other variables that may affect the project. Through the project, Higgins Quality Assurance plans to make the project a success by first ensuring that →

George orwellexample narrative essay

When Old Major, the political visionary who represents Marx, describes the plight of the animalstheir lack of freedom, their misery, their powerlessnessin his declaration of the principles of Animalism, it is clear that he is describing allegorically the relationship between the working class and the rich, landowning upper class of any society. It is in →

Critical analysis of independent media center (imc)

A global media organization brings together journalists, editors and news anchors from different regions of the world, in order to deliver to the public information about various events that occur across the globe as well as issues that are of concern to the global community. The Organization's Mission The Independent Media Center also known as →

Children are precious and special in the lives of the parents

Thus it is very essential to reduce the fear and the stress of pain of the child by distracting the mind through therapeutic play. The findings of the study helped in improving the level of awareness of the nurses as well as the parent regarding the need of play, especially heilighting the effectiveness of therapeutic →

Effectiveness of ivy gourd leaves powder on blood glucose

The first objective of the study was to assess the pretest and post test blood glucose level among type-2 diabetes mellitus patients The findings of the present study revealed that most of the 80 subjects pretest fasting blood glucose level was above 151 mg/dl for 34. 912 is significant at The comparison of pretest post →

Will we still love ikea marketing essay

Thereby, these suppliers have a low bargaining power also due to the huge number of suppliers available particularly in China and some other countries. Furthermore, the threat of substitute may differ in different countries as well as the quality and materials to produce them.

Health and social care within the british welfare state

The 1843 Poor Law was created because the middle and upper classes were coming to the conclusion that the local taxes they were paying were supporting the poor to be lazy and avoid work so many complained wanting a change to the current system. The poor living conditions and the constant threat of danger caused →

Heha strategy for obesity

The complication of the environment, the program and the problem is reflected in the complexity of the assessment. The Strategy's structure also recognises the importance of reducing the inequalities in health and it involves the treaty which the Crown and Ma ori signed in 1840 which is considered to be New Zealand's founding document, the →

The meaning of true love

Love, if not true love is an crucial emotion for the human race; it is important for psychological development, social development, and in the end happiness. Where as with the apparent rarity of true love it is either acquired and held on to or is lost for good.

What makes an effective learning environment in a primary classroom

Education is the most important shared experience of our is so important and so all pervasive that it is almost impossible to define The role of the teacher is an ever changing one; however the proposed goals of teaching have always been the same in relation to bringing about intended learning goals from pupils →

Service sectors in the malaysian economy

The enhanced growth of services sector in Malaysian economy is indeed in line with the growth transformation that has taken place in many of the developed economies such as in United States of America and European Union. As the hospitality and tourism one of the important sub-sectors of service sector, the outbreak of diseases had →

Changes on employees retention and performance in kfc

Downsizing and rightsizing are some of the key issues resulting from the mergers and acquisitions globally and this affects the international policies and strategies of the multinationals. As KFC is a global giant in fast-food / service business sector and faced frequent ownership changes in a short span of time so this case can add →

Key performance indicators – essay

It is very helpful in providing evidence that certain results have or have not been achieved, enable achievement of intended outputs, outcomes, goals and objectives to be mad by decision makers, help in perceiving differences, improvements or developments which is related to a desired change in a particular context and also it consists of information →

Moths as ecological indicators

The selection of moth species was done on the basis of ease of sampling and the ease of identification. A comparative study was done in terms of accessing the moth communities of the prevailing forest edge and that of the interior habitat.

Ethical choices narrative

It is easier to be confident in my decision to return the ball when I consider what would have happened if I did not choose to bring the ball back to the store. I base my choices on my beliefs on what is right and wrong, and if I had not returned the ball that →

Taking things for granted

So many people in the U. S we have top colleges that will help in furthering an education instead some people think it's too much money and do not go to college.

How addiction is beneficial

Schools should cater to students who need that extra push in the morning and sign on the dotted line, negotiating with that one soft drink company who is willing to help out students, like me, who have come to rely on having a soda nearby. More money for schools, higher student performance, and the experts →

Parliamentary democracy in bangladesh assignment

But the breakout from Pakistan has left some stills.the 15 years period of mainly military rule was to define the course of history only for the mass upsurge of late 80's and the unity of the political parties against the cause paved the way for a parliamentary form of democracy in Bangladesh. The cherished goal →

My community and how it affects my upbringing essay

I want to prevent the spread of diseases and promote health and well-being. Lastly, I believe that the community where I grew up in opened my mind to these realities.

A meaningful life essay sample

Last but not least, as a citizen of the community, it is our obligation to make some contributions. We should make full use of every second to make our lives more meaningful and respectable.

The p&g sk-ii globalization project essay sample

First is the market of the market for premium beauty products globally, the size and whether SK-II can compete against established brands. Its advertising channels should also be very selective and target only the higher segments of Chinese society in order to reinforce the premium position of SK-II.

Fight or flight

In the case of Coleen Colombo and colleagues resisting mortgage fraud, it is a fight response. Colombo and his colleagues have perceived a threat in the form of mortgage fraud.

Writing with an informative aim

Most people that are already working and have hectic schedules, prefer taking online courses in addition to their daily routines of going to work, getting back home, and not being able to find enough time to devote to manually taking classes. 12 June 2011." E-Learning Advantages and Disadvantages Benefits of E-learning".

The space shuttle challenger

As much as the thought and the incidence could sound interesting, it is probably a controversial incidence to have occurred to the scientists behind the idea and the public in general. Team spirit is portrayed by this incidence, where it is the responsibility of every member in the group to play their individual roles for →

Product analysis ( philip starch juicer)

In this paper, the focus is on the use of ACCESS FM to analyze Philip Starch Juicer. There is the manual and electric option of the Philip starch juicer.

Upper vs lower class essay

Probably the first thing that comes to mind when I think of what it means to be in a upper or lower class society is the financial status of the two groups. These are probably the most typical comparisons made between upper class and lower class societies.

Green tropical design essay

The explicit is easily understood as manifestation of shapes, patterns and forms whilst the Implicit Is about the soul, the spatial quality and the enjoyment of the whole architecture. The height between the natural ground and the raised floor of the building differed from 1.

Reflection essay on syllabus

Demonstrate an understanding of how time value Ofmoney, risk, and diversification can contribute to good decision-making in business and to their own accumulation of wealth and financial security. Students who disrupt the course by eating and do not leave the building will be referred to the Judicial Affairs Officer of the university.

Core values narrative essay

These core values still surround us in modern times everyday and are necessary in order to succeed in life. The modern citizen must exhibit all of these core values if they expect to be successful and if they do they are eventually going to do well in life.

Informative speech narrative essay

The Jackson 5 were one of the biggest phenomenon in pop music during the early '70s, and the last great group to come out of the Motown before Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder shifted the label's focus to be more of a solo thing.B. Michael " The King of Pop" Jackson will continue to live →

The most significant artists of pop art in america

Pop Art came from a movement that started in the United States and Britain in the 1950's. Jasper Johns was an artist that came from the period of Pop art.

Effects of corpus-aided language learning in the efl grammar classroom

However, Lin's study is unique in terms of the duration of both the course for the student participants and the training session for teacher participants on how to apply DDL in the classroom. Table 1: Differences in the duration of the DDL courses between Lin and other researchers.*Mukherjee used multiple answers and multiple choice in →

Understanding violent the breakup of yugoslavia politics essay

Tito's death in 1980 combined with the end of Cold War rivalry and the decline of communist ideology in the rest of Europe in the 1980s lead to the severe weakening of Yugoslavia's crucial unifying factors. Serbian hardliners used the cloak of nationalism to revoke the autonomy of Kosovo and Vojvodina thus altering the Serbian →

Tunku abdul rahman

Tunku Abdul Rahman was elected as the first Chief Minister of Malaya. 8 Tunku Abdul Rahman passed away on 6 December 1990 at the age of eighty-seven.

Concentration of sulfuric acid

The final method I developed is close to perfect, and it is better to be shown by a photograph: In the left part of this photo, the iron and sulfuric acid will generate hydrogen gas; the hydrogen gas will go into the beaker in the middle of this photo through the rubber tube. Because the →

Identifying fallacies

While the real issue on the matter is Clinton's inability to order the death of Osama Bin Laden and address the issue of terrorism, Klavan goes on to discredit Clinton, citing the former President's " narcissistic tendencies" and misuse of women. This piece then is an argumentum ad hominem, a fallacy which attacks the person, →

Greta garbo

At the time of her birth, her parents were so poor that Karl's employer offered to adopt her to take the " burden" off of the family of four. Greta - " I was so excited, I thought I would die of oy." In the infancy of her career she played in MGM's silent films →

Pay utility bills with bitcoins

The Founder and CEO of Bankymoon, Lorien Gamaroff, told Bitcoinist: " You would think that with all the smartness happening in our grid, that the problems are solved. One of the main issues with the utility bills payment involves the multitude of middlemen.

Things to consider about the academic portion of a high school career

The more you slack off the harder you will have to work to correct your mistakes. This is what I intend to do with my own past and urge those who have things they regret to do the same.

Cognitive bias assignment

For example, A few weeks ago I was at football practice with my son and daughter and one of the coaches had invited a couple of guys to mom and speak to our team. These guys told a team of football players that if they did not have god in their hearts that they were →

Soil pollution assignment

The introduction of substances, biological organisms, or energy into the soil, resulting in a change of the soil quality, which is likely to affect the normal use of the soil or endangering public health and the living environment. Soil pollution is particularly dangerous for the environment and our health because soil, either in the mountains →

Othello by lawrence fishburne

Othello's integral honesty blinds him to the true nature of Iago and his vulnerability in the face of such evil tugs at the heart-strings and evokes sympathy. His brutal murder of the pure Desdemona is infuriating in the extreme as he has allowed his weakness and jealousy to destroy everything he holds dear.

Intellectual property

Intellectual property is one of the key notions in the agency of most of the companies working in the technology area. Thus the intellectual property should be protected in order to ensure the market competitive ability of the company and well-being of the authors of the ideas.

Health and happiness democracy

Health and Happiness Democracy Research and Policy Issues This essay aims to address a two-fold objective, to wit: 1) explain and analyze the relationship of health and happiness to the well-being of an individual, and 2) analyze the research and policy issues and identify changes needed both in research and policy. The results of the →

Human services: quality care agency

We have also learned that there has been increased attention to the religious dimension of our patients and families. We would also like the community to volunteer as foster parents and take care of children whose parents are under palliative care.


The relocation of the company from San Francisco to Las Vegas was a characteristic of proper organization management. Address of management challenges by Zippos CEO Globalization The CEO ensured relocation of the company to Las Vegas in order to overcome the challenges of globalization.

Bad news letter

In regards to claim #7899, the reference number that was referred to, 1440022-223839837109, is the same on all three disputed charges and was understandably the cause of your initial concern. Based on the fact she was alerted to a possible error by the duplicate reference numbers indicates she has an understanding of her account and →

Lottery ticket essay

This essay analysis of " The Lottery Ticket" by Anton Chekhov will mainly review the changing attitudes of Ivan towards his wife and family as the short story develops, and the techniques that the author uses in order to build tension and interest in the story and in the fate of the couple. It is →

From 1949 to the beginning essay

Throughout the history, the situation had been that the male was the head of the family, had complete control of his wives and property, and this tradition is what the Chinese had had for thousands of years. This law is extremely advantageous to the majority of the women, because the law allows them to have →

Ell bistro cafe essay

Located in the Danga bay Tower adjacent, The Ell's cafe bistro will provide accessible and affordable high quality food, coffee-based products, and entertainment to the thousands of residents and hotel visitors located within a five-mile radius. Patrons will also have the option of enjoying coffee, desserts, and live entertainment in The Ell's cafe bistro or, →

Scarlet fever essay

In Frankenstein, the scarlet fever plays a big role in the plot of the story and puts a lot of extra stress on Victor Frankenstein, the creator of the monster. When Elizabeth gets the scarlet fever in Frankenstein it puts a lot of stress on Victor.

Week 5 assignment

Music has been around for the ages but the question arises how has it had an impact on how it has been able to shape American cultures and values. The combination of the two was considered to be the first " Integration music as it was the means by which we could merge the sounds →

To what extent might cba be a useful method of evaluating this proposal

How else would you make this decision, whatever method you are going to comparing the pros and cons, this is human nature's way of addressing a problem. This is also a benefit of CBA as it is easy to understand you are simply looking at whether the benefits out weigh the costs.

Movements to develop equality

To make everybody the " same" the government would need to either pull most of the folks up to a far better level, or push a number of folks all the way down to the common. Marxism is defined as a theory and practice of socialism as well as the labor theory of value, dialectical →

Applying ksf six core dimensions to clinical practice

The KSF aim is to enable the development of services to better meet the needs of users and the public. The key objectives of KSF are; to identify skills and knowledge staff need within their post, to assist in the guidance of individual development, to base review and development of staff on a fair and →

The impact of digital technology media essay

How far both Digital media and social media have become integrated in the lives of most of the global population is shown here as at 31st March 2011, with the exception of some third world countries such as Liberia and Ethiopia with only a. The importance of the Internet in today's society is of such →

Impact of lincoln’s assassination

During the war, the United States was bitterly divided between the North and the South. To begin with the nations failures were the fact that all fighting took place in the South.

The perception of environmental sustainability and adaptive reuse

The research focused on Detroit, Michigan for a majority of the historical data on the rise and fall of industrialism in urban areas with an interest in the auto industry. The concepts that form sprawl, with the historic backgrounds of industrial structures do add value to the research, but equally, if not more important, is →

A critical analysis of ethical and social issues in ihrm practices

The headquarter manager co-ordinate with the IHRM in their policies and procedures to manage the international employees, the headquarter manager developed the system, that is follow by the completely international organization. IHRM practice are helped by the headquarter manager in their policies that is implicated by the international and local staff in the organization.

Evaluating the communication strategy adopted by yahoo

Main body External And Internal Communication Corporate Communication is an essential aspect of an organisation and one that can determine the success of the organisation." It is the management function that offers a framework for the effective coordination of all internal and external communication with the overall purpose of establishing and maintain favourable reputations with →

Financial statements are important for investors and creditors accounting essay

Consider all the following in your response: As stated by Atrill & McLaney, the financial statements objective is to provide a snapshot of the financial position and performance of a business. The Financial Accounts of a company describe the performance of the company in financial terms.

Change every process of change, feedback from the

Change is the process of improving the organizations processes and employees performance with the intention of increasing productivity. Also, with the use of suggestion boxes, the employees are able to write down their views and ideas on the adjustment during the process of change.

Analysis of electronics market of bangladesh and butterfly assignment

As because of this it is experiencing tremendous growth and now it has 128 showrooms in Bangladesh. So potential problem statement of this study is to identify these factors or variables those directly affect the sales volume of generators and motorcycles of different companies and determines market share.1.

Up-regulated rps27l, upf2, smg7 and dysregulated transcription factors in diamond-blackfan anemia patients essay

Recently, GATA-1 was identified as mutant or decreased interlingual rendition in DBA and therefore altered the proliferation or distinction of hematopoietic primogenitors, proposing an new cause of the decrease in erythropoiesis associated with the disease other than defects in ribosomal protein cistrons. In the present survey, we further analyzed the microarray look informations of fibroblasts, →

Miss gee notes essay sample

Time and Sequence Told retrospectively, the omniscient narrator takes us to Miss Gee's last moment of her life the narrator presents Miss Gee in the middle of her life up to her death. Throughout the whole poem, the narrator stays the same mocking Miss Gee and her life.

Organizational ethics essay sample

Walmart experienced many external social pressures but the one that's being addressed in this paper focuses on the external social pressures they received due their effect on the economy. Walmart employees still have issues with their pay to this day but the external social pressures such as, the strikes, debates, LRAA, and media coverage has →

The rites of passage and liminality essay sample

The preliminal phase is where the participant was the same person as when first born, then passed through a " death", which propels him into the liminal phase where he waits until the rite of passage and initiation is completed before being in the postliminal phase, the phase where he is reincorporated into society as →

Fundamental elements of business

In calculating the cost of capital for any business organization - cost of equity and cost of debt are basically the ways involved in calculating it. Cost of Equity " is simply the rate of return required by a company's common stockholders".advantages of cost of Equity Cost of equity does not necessarily involve repayment of →

Education and life: a personal statement

I believe that this undergraduate course is the right step to take me to the achievement of my goal; to nurse and care for those in need. I would value the opportunity to study further and reach my goal of a career in nursing.

Llm degree

In the years of my work, I gained experience in paperwork, dealing with clients, following up works, and pleading in the court. Over the years of my work there, I got a chance to go deeper into the field of lawyering, and it made me realize the importance of having professionalism, skills, and experience in →

Pocahontas 3

Synopsis on Pocahontas; the Documentary The synopsis is about Pocahontas the 1995 documentary about the Native American princess who married an Englishman by the name John Rolfe and was later renamed as Rebecca. The central argument is how she promoted peace and mutual understanding between the Englishmen and the native Indians of Virginia.


While in the hospital, the narrator's baby was attached to a million dollar's worth machines and equipments that helped the baby to breathe, feed and even pass out body waste. The narrator cannot possibly figure out if the whole of his extended family can raise the money equivalent to the value of the equipments in →

Common chemicals in the home that cause toxicological poisoning

Common Chemicals in the home that cause toxicological poisoning affiliation Common Chemicals in the home that cause toxicological poisoning The home, as argued by Turkington & Mitchell, is full of products that comprise of substances that contain household toxins. Turkington & Mitchell indicate that acids are one of the common chemicals in the home that →

African-american culture and reconstruction in america

African- American culture and reconstruction in America The African American culture found in the United s typically includes the various forms of cultural traditions in connection with the African ethnic groups. The development of the African American culture was as a result of the process of giving and taking.

‘bloody sunday’ history essay

Sources A and B show the attitude the British had towards the Irish before Bloody Sunday. Source B is also useful to see the attitude the British had towards the Irish after Bloody Sunday.

International satndard essay

I/ International Standards: deflation and objectives Definition of the Concept International Standard' in the TAB Agreement, by Humblers Gauzing Schroeder provides an interpretation of this concept whose no definition was never really given by the TAB Agreement, whereas Improving Regulatory Governance: International Standards and the WTFO TAB Agreement Schroeder, Humblers Gauzing, Definition of the concept →

Natural resource and future generations justice essay

Conservation of resources Economic growth vs conservation Future generations have an equal right to the planet's limited resources By depleting these resources we are depriving them of what is rightfully theirs So we ought to do our utmost to practice conservation To minimize depletion To avoid violating the rights of future generations However, some of →

The strategic analysis essay

We use the better-off test to analyse the various points in favour of and against the acquisition of Pixar by Disney. Hence acquisition of Pixar would help Disney to reduce the competition it faced.

Persuasive essay

How then, can we expect the same philosophy to work for our health care system In a country that is so wealthy why are there so many not receiving the care that they need because they cannot afford it According to the World Health Organization, the United States ranks no. In a article that →

The ethics of academic freedom assignment

AUP, 1940 However, US regulations had this definition of academic freedom: " The function of the university is to seek to transmit knowledge and to train students in the process whereby truth is to be mane known. Where it becomes necessary, in performing this function Of a university, to consider political, social, or sectarian movements, →

Business ethics assignment

Competition may cause legal and ethical Issues In business; however, the check and fairness should be the outcome of actions in regard to public conception. This is a DOD move to help implement ethical strategies in the advertisement and labeling.

Napoleon bonaparte astounding leader history essay

He won the trust of the people he was leading but also of the ones he was not leading, therefore he first took care of his relationship with his generals and then he conquered the loyalty of his soldiers with the promise of glorious victories. Wanting to achieve the full effect of his measures, Napoleon →

Bilateral and unilateral contracts law contract essay

Lastly, there must be a consideration which is the assigning of the monetary value to the contract. Hence the negotiation power is the key to attain balance of risk in a contract.

The history of the globalisation and uae economics essay

Globalisation was started in 1980, but has taken pace with the technological advancement in the sectors of transport and communication and by investing through big developing countries and opening them for international trade and investment. Foreign investment helps in development of the country so it is important to have correct policy and logical use of →

An anonymous author in the 15th century

The author's feeling of death is to serve as a messenger for God and the treatment of death in Everyman is that everyone must account for his sins. Death informs the man of his departure and his journey that he must adhere to, so he can stand before God in judgment.

Physiological changes during conditioning and deconditioning

Conditioning is about training which corrects body system and further improvement in a body while detraining is resulted in to worsen the clinical condition of the human body. The main cause of heart condition is due to changes in skeletal muscle cell functions that lead weakness and fatiguability, capillary fatiguability and vasodilatation reduction that alters →

Current issues facing revenue management

The basic of revenue management is to offer discounted rates to stimulate demand for inventory that would otherwise go unsold, while limiting the availability of the discounts to customers who are willing to pay a higher price. According to, the application of correct revenue techniques by US Airlines and Delta Airlines resulted of an increase →

Humanism and the renaissance religion essay

The book's real title is " The Best State of a Commonwealth and the New Island of Utopia", which thus refers to Plato's Republic. The Christian aspect of the synthesis is Christ's gospel of caring for the poor, the oppressed, and the downtrodden.