Genuine Essay Examples

Huella online travel

As a market research firm, we are adrafting a proposal where we are going to highlight the major challenges the Huella faces in capturing the Hong Kong Market. We have prepared a research proposal to solve some of the problems Huella faces in gaining the Hong Kong market.

Memo format – marketing – management. proposal

MEMO To From The US market and Fiat 500 The Fiat 500 is the newest car in the motor industry and it has had to compete with newer models like the Toyota. This memorandum recommends that congruent with the specific strategic business intentions and the desire to make an immediate impact in the American market, β†’

My space

Once a task has started the momentum and interest of the task is enough to carry a person through the task to the end.3. Answer 3 I could use up the commuting time for study by making a CD of my notes and listening to them while I travel.

Between barack and a hard place: racism and white denial in the age of obama

In his timely writing, " Between Barack and a Hard Place: Racism and White Denial the Age of Obama," Time Wise explores the way Barack Obama's victory to political power has taken the race debate to a new level. The small but eloquently written book has two chapters." Barack Obama, White Denial and the Reality β†’

Introducing myself: zaiyu ren

I need to think about the organization of my ideas and the requirement of the paper. The most important thing for me in my writing is that I have to revise it.

Epicurus stand on the psychological egoism

Epicurus' Stand on the Psychological Egoism I have read several works by Feinberg's and the way he puts his thoughts across is totally convincing and reasonable. Everybody will want to do something that he will be recognized of and this validates the ideal of civilized self-interest.

Different types of communication and interpersonal interaction

Disadvantages -There are also some disadvantages of this type of communication, the quality of the actual one to one time and how much the individual feels confident in talking about will almost entirely depend on the skills and trust that the person who is giving the interaction has with the individual. The timing of the β†’

Dubliners college essay

This is the first of these stories and there are several elements within that hint at the dull lifestyle experienced by the young boy that the story focuses upon. At the end of the story the boy talks about how he is penitent that Mahoney came to his aid because in his heart he had β†’

The moment of truth essay

Most of the Characters in the Great Gatsby lived so materialistically that their own values and ethics suffered and really never showed. One of the things that really matters to Nick is that his life and dream, only to be in truth, seems so simple but is actually impossibly complex.

Informative speech outline

Today I am going to talk to you about the crime rate in Kalamazoo and how it matches up to the rest of the nation and I will explain some factors that influence the statistics, and tell you about the most common crimes in the country. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the β†’

Experience in team working using management theories

Here I am demonstrating my experiences in team working, even though the words group and team seems to be similar, there is difference in meaning and functionality. Each member in team presents their views and at last we give most priority to the solution agreed by majority of the members in the team based on β†’

Pepsi and coca cola the case of china marketing essay

The area of research caters to customer buying behaviors of Pepsi products in China this will be in a comparative research approach and particular with consumer buying preferences for Pepsi products versus the buying behavior for Coca Cola products, Chinese perspectives. Probably by means of actual interviews upon buying of Pepsi or Coke products in β†’

Canada and humanitarianism during the 20th century history essay

Due to the majority of white skinned people living in Canada at the time, the Japanese community was unfortunately subject to indirect discrimination and harsh treatment due to descent.In B. Firstly, due to the unspeakably harsh treatment of the thousands in the Japanese internment, through the prejudice of the Canadian government and people.

Developing positive relationships for child wellbeing

Key worker relationship-Children should have a close relationship with their practitioners so they feel at ease knowing that they have someone they can trust and turn to, if a child feels comfortable with their key worker they will be able to go to them with any hardship they may feel, for example if a child β†’

The romantic age

The works I chose are " The Raft of the " Medusa"," " The Slave Ship," and " The 28th July: Liberty Leading the People." The Romantic Age began in 1800 with Napoleon Bonaparte and ended around 1900 with the Vatican Council. The great artist Theodore Gericault impressed by the catastrophe created his famous picture β†’


Undoubtedly impressive figures for this company; However, what most interesting felt us, in the communication of their six Strategies, thanks to which Bimbo has managed to keep the focus, consolidating the leadership that characterizes it. In Mexico, Bimbo has managed to place their products to an average of less than a kilometer away from each β†’

Modernization of technology

Nowadays, even though you are not a really kind observer, you will really feel that the world is gradually changing: changes in methods; tools and equipment; changes in types of houses; changes in furniture; changes in literature and other forms of art; changes in belief, customs and traditions. It is very easy to notice the β†’

Impact of technology on mankind and the natural world

The fast- paced industry of technology is of the mindset of " faster, better, more efficient." This betterment of the current technology has left a lot of waste In Its path. With television many are able to access news broadcasts from around the world, getting exposure to the variety of cultures around the world.

Sarbanes oxley act

In assessing the governing bodies of the organization, the auditor must keep in mind that management's actions set the tone of the organization's structure, which, in a well-governed organization, is propagated throughout all levels of the organization and determines the effectiveness of the organization's internal controls.1. In comparing the audit's assessment of the company's controls β†’

Babylonian captivity – nebuchadrezzar ii

In the last Kassite years the elamites had renewed their inroads from the east, penetrating to the very heart of the land. When Nebuchadrezzar II stood at the borders of egypt and a messenger advised him of his father's death in far-away Babylonia, a crisis had come in the history of a new empire.

Reflection paper

Considering the urgency of the contract, the delivered containers were not perfect in many ways hence not meeting the Bitco's standards. This came about because of the similarity in its packaging to Bitco's.

Nonverbal listening patterns essay

By this time I realized I never was tense whenever I talked to her and that I could use the date to declare my love for her. I pulled the chair for her and she sat as I took the other on the opposite side of the coffee table.

The battle of gettysburg essay sample

The Battle of Gettysburg occurred in the period between July 1 st and 3rd July, 1863 in the town of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania, it was part of the American Civil War that occurred in the U.S.A. In this war the 97, 000 men of the Union army of the Potomac under General George Meade had β†’

Physics case study – do sunbeds cause skin cancer essay sample

The basal cell layer, is the deepest of all the layers in the epidermis, it is here that cells continually divide, supported by blood vessels in the dermis, producing millions of new skin cells every day. Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer; around 7000 people a year are diagnosed with it in β†’


4 days d) The average sale period = 107days e) The debt- to equity ratio = 1. Return on assets The debt to equity ratio and current ratio are inversely proportional for an effective business.

Sociologists attempt to understand family

Members of the family establish an emotional connection and family as a whole is considered as the economic unit of the society. In functionalist view, the family maintains the order and stability of the society.

Kate chopin’s the storm

Kate Chopin's " The Storm" The irony present in the Storm by Kate Chopin lies in the adulterous relationship between Alcee and Calixta and its impact on their respective marriages. It is important, in this case, to note how their adulterous union is presented:" Her firm, elastic flesh that was knowing for the first time β†’

Teen pregnancies

The increase in the rate of unwed teenage births weakens the integrity of a country. Lack of sex education, teenage hormonal changes and stress are some of the major causes of teenage pregnancies, and the effects include the horrible stigma causing guilt in the mother and psychological impacts upon the baby.

2 films

The decisions made by the principal are for the good running of the school and for the students some are just there to pass the time till they can attain legal age to go do their own things away from school without the risk of being taken to reform school. The movie dwells on the β†’

Leigh steel

72 Rank 2 $ Rank $ Rank $ Rank $ 1. Decision Making as a Cost Driver Assignment of cost in ABC is made by assigning cost to the various activities, this model assumes that only the activities of production contributes to the cost of the product.

Case study chapter 3 essay

Bono urged people to buy products, explaining that a portion of the proceeds would go to The Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa. Product was the brainchild of Bono and Bobby Shriver, who designed it as a commercial initiative that could change the way causes are marketed in the future." They did not want β†’

Closely the role of raleigh essay

The dramatic intention of this character is to symbolise the youth and naivety of the many young officers who died during trench warfare. In turn, we can see that the role of Raleigh in ' Journey's End' is to symbolise the tragic truth of war and highlight the youth of some of the men.

Business performance

Motivation entails the level of recognition of the worker at the workplace and to what extent the tasks are seen to be interesting to the workers. Changing Management For the viability of the company the management should address the aspects of cost effectiveness in productivity.

Narrative essay (life is full of mistakes)

In fact, the mistake I made was not concentrating on myeducation, which led to a warning letter from the school Principal that I would not be allowed to return for my last year of elementary school because I had not maintained 5 passed subjects. They loved the level of my participation when I was in β†’

The law making process in congress

What the party does is offering the technical and financial support during the presidential campaigns in form of fund-raising and organizing of the campaign activities Out of them will also be born the law makers since they act as a vehicle in which the politicians travel into the senate or the house to make laws. β†’

How to make enchiladas

When the chicken is done, you will want to strain the water from the chicken Let your chicken cool down for about fifteen minutes to make it easier to handle. Put it in a big bowl and add one and a third of cans of the Enchilada sauce to your chicken and mix.

Academic interests in economic history essays example

In order to come up with clear economic solutions to the existing economic problems, a diagnosis of the origins of the problems is inevitable. The Study Of Economic History.

Theories regarding the tourism industry

The purpose of this chapter is to review the key literature and the related theories regarding the tourism industry. The key findings are based on the applicability of the literature to the purpose and scope of study.

The tragedy of machismo media essay

The modern portrayal of men in advertisements is the one in which they all appear to be ultra masculine, and researches have shown these images to have a negative impact on the self-esteem of men, especially " boys and young men". When discussing the effect that modern advertising has on men's self-esteem, the context of β†’

Buyer decision process and three time zones marketing essay

Therefore in order to attract customers communication or marketing communication is becoming one of key method and it is becoming a more important factor when deciding the success in businesses in the modern world. It is been recognized that using communication mix as an one way process that is sending information to the customers is β†’

Co-sleeping in relation to sudden infant death syndrome

There is various research that supports Gettler and McKenna claims finding that although co-sleeping is not necessary for breastfeeding success, nearly half of the mothers that do breastfeed in the United States and the United Kingdom regularly share the bed with their infant for at least some part of the night. Expectations of ' Is β†’

Impact of the beef industry on climate change

In the epoch that we are currently in, the Anthropocene as it has become known, the beef industry is a leading cause of climate change due to its massive contribution to pollution and its wasteful use of resources around the globe. There are many ways to help the environment, but if the world were to β†’

The lack of education education essay

In a study on the relevance of school education to employment in Wotherspoon and Schissel observed that there is a mismatch between what traditional school education develops in learners and the needs of the world of work. In response to the rhetoric of healthy economy, educational institutions are therefore encouraged to overhaul their curriculum to β†’

How technology has affected businesses

Just as the App has enhanced medical practitioner's expertise, as specified in Winning Practices, the changing oracle is driven by organizational issues and enabled by technologies that support mobility and easy access to information. As technology Is Integrated Into the workplace, " new ethical challenges have emerged that both employers and employees must face".

Minutes of the meeting

The T-shirt will cause Php 250 but the exact price of the shirt is Php 230, the remaining Php 20 will be added to the fund of the organization.2. The Association will organize a Career Orientation to be participated by third year and fourth year students of San Pablo City Science High School.2.

The therapeutic alliance in family therapy

Researchers have referred to this alliance as the quality as well as strength of a collaborated relationship between the clients and therapists in a therapy session. This was in respect to the information based on the research conducted to show the relationship between therapeutic alliance and its outcome in a family therapy.

A truly hawthorne nation

He has served as a translator, taking in the influences of his time and especially the people of his time, to in turn influence the future. Nathaniel Hawthorne took what he had as a history along with the influences in his time to tell the world a story.

Which to stand since greece. the founding

This is one of the reasons why some wouldsupport the north. Also this would signal the end of therepublic experiment as the US being the only republic able to stand sinceGreece.

All things considered: career day

Not only am I thinking of my choice of career, but also what types of choices the past generations had compared to me. In order for the next generations to continue the legacy of their ancestors, we each need to do our part in passing on the wealth of knowledge.

Marxist crticism

In the short story The Lottery it was considered lucky to be in a position of power. Everyone in the town is now superior to Tessie.

One of my favorite teachers

She is one of my favorite teachers and she deserves to be recognized for her personality, character, and love. Santos was so happy for me and congratulated me.Ms.

The life and writing of caroline b. cooney assignment

The Life and Writing of Caroline Cooney However famous and beloved an author she is, Caroline Cooney is an ordinary person that one could expect to see walking down the street. This shows that Cooney is truly a writer who incorporates into her writing not only what she is fond of, but the likes and β†’

What is stock? essay sample

Bonds Bonds are a debt investment, meaning the purchaser of the bond is loaning money to the company or government for a set period. Department of the Treasury Bonds require a minimum amount of money to purchase and a minimum length of time to hold on to the bond.

Celebrity endorsement: why it becomes a trend in food and beverages industry essay sample

In addition, Mismatch between the celebrity and the image of the brand which celebrities are visible as a certain persona for the audience. It is importance that there is a matching between the persona of the celebrity and the image of the brand.

Historic accuracy of the movie 300

In the movie, Spartan Queen Gorgo {played by Lena Headey} says these words to her husband King Leonidas {played by Gerard Butler} as he prepares to lead his 300 Spartans to war against the Persians The first historical inaccuracy in the movie concerns the size of the Persian army lined up against the Spartans in β†’

Who put the borax in dr. wileys butter food and drug reforms

Wiley's butter In the advent of massive food production in the early 1900's, food manufacturers resorted to questionable additives to preserve and at the same time make their product more tasteful.Dr. Wiley's effort to investigate and inform the public on the need to legislate laws to protect the public from harmful and uninformed consumption of β†’


Bassi in the year 1835, established that a microscopic organism, a fungus, caused disease in the silk worm. The bacteria must be isolated from the host suffering from the disease and should be grown in the pure culture.c.

Financial management 8-11 problems

What is the exchange rate between the Euro and the US Dollar? What is the exchange rate between the US Dollar and the currency of your country?

Unit 3 assignment

First although the author of the article has stated the problem that is going to be researched, he could have given detailed information concerning the research the problem has affected the citizens and the world at large in order for the reader to have detailed information concerning the problem being research. This is important β†’

Business outreach program – anaytical report

For an organization to prosper in any of these two, a lot of financial resources and knowledge have to be used by the organization. Even though this project is of great help to the homeless and the less fortunate, the issue of ventilation standards is a major matter to the peoples' health.

A substance-abusing parent

The definition of a substance abusing parent is rooted in the way that the mother or father physically or emotionally abuses a child while under the influence of either alcohol or drugs. A substance abusing parent will not be able to properly parent a child.

Putting physical activity where it fits in the school day

The intervention that was applied was the ABC for Fitness, which was reported to incorporated brief bursts of activity in the classroom setting throughout the day at the discretion of the teacher. Critique/Application: I found the study beneficial and useful to various academicians and health practitioners in terms of promoting health through the identified ABC β†’

Reading summaries

A Review of the World Bank's Economic Growth in the 1990s: Learning from a Decade of Reform This article has been authored by Rodrik and in this article the researcher states that policy reforms are not the only tools that can help a developing nation in increasing development. World Development Indicators: 2008 World Development Indicators β†’

The utilization of the labor power business essay

Human resources management governs the relationship and defines the policies between the employees and the employers, existing in the domain of the enterprise. The main purpose of this report is to explore the relationship between HRM and law in Australia through the case study analysis, in the meanwhile, the job design will also be mentioned β†’

The operational safety and health issues business essay

This study will show the Human Resource Consultant how to approach, the planning, development and management of human resources in the creation of a new subsidiary in the Caribbean Island of Jamaica. The main data that will be used to do this study will be the Laws of Jamaica, industrial relations and employment matters, taxation β†’

The separate legal entity concept law company business partnership essay

This is because the corporation tend to separate the actions of the entity from those of the individual or other company. Besides, a company also has all the powers of a body corporate which include issue and cancel shares in the company; grant options over unissued shares in the company; distribute any of the company's β†’

Forensic techniques for wildlife crime

The ratios of stable isotopes found in ivory samples can be compared to the levels found in the soil and plants in different regions of Africa or Asia. This measure's the levels within the ivory sample and can be compared to the levels found in the soil and food samples from specific regions.

The effect of instrumental music on recall memory of words

It caused the same part of the brain to be excited when listening to the words in the song and focus on a particular task. When listening to non-instrumental music, same part of the brain is excited.

Effect of schemas on our understanding of the social world

The experiment by Bartlett held a lot of value as it started other psychologists looking in to the subject of schemas and their influence on how people understand their world and how much control they have over how people understand their social world. However the Rusher et al study which showed this, used motivation for β†’

An ethical study on the legalization of physician assisted suicide

In my point of view, Mill's utilitarianism best captures the depth of controversy in the moral issue of physician-assisted suicide because it has a stronger reality, objectivity and practicality and only by fully safeguarding the absolute expression of patients ' own will can the legalization of PAS have a more reasonable ethical basis. The key β†’

Marketing myopia, theodore levitt

It is the vision and goals of the company that direct its people to work for a purpose and is fundamental to the success of a company. The management tends to ignore the changing trends and needs of the customer which leads the company to their doom.

A case study on biotech management essay

The partners and project teams were unaware of financial terms of the project and similarly with reference to the case, the tension created due to particles and identifying partners simultaneously drew a chaos. The knowledge of partners was limited which consequently led to misinterpretation of data and with reference to the case was solved through β†’

Analysis of the economy of switzerland economics essay

To cope with recession the government of Switzerland had to step in to boost the economy with expansionary fiscal policies. Considering the economic situation, global and national, the SNB took a monetary decision to target the LIBOR of 1% in the 4th quarter of the year and then closing at 0.

Determinants of the long run growth economics essay

The growth of an infrastructure is devoted to encourage, enable and co-ordinate behavior of economy subjects that causes steady accumulation of human capital, physical capital and technical knowledge, which generate sustain long-run economy growth. According to Jorgenson and Stiroh the effect on the long-term of the U.S.economy growth is attributed to 50% of total growth β†’

Compare and contrast situational crime prevention

Situational crime prevention is a strategy which tries to reduce the opportunity for crime by increasing the risks and decreasing the rewards of committing crime.[3]SCP focuses on preventing the opportunity for crime to occur by addressing factors within a given location that create a crime ' hotspot'. This combines the strengths of both SCP and β†’

The tudors

By the middle of 1536 the process of dissolution was carried out by the government and this wealth of the Church was used to improve Royal finances but he also began to sell of Church lands to the gentry and nobility. The King followed a set of injunctions in 1536 and encouraged the dismantling of β†’

Realist theory argument

Here come the applications of the theories of international relations where not all states in the world are in a good relationship since there also wars happened against each other. The current version of realism in literary and cultural disciplines emerged as a response to postmodernism as an epistemological position.

Strategic planning for a health care facility

In the strategy planning of our business or health care organization we need to map out the mission, vision and goals that we want our business or health care organization to meet. There are several key dimensions of strategy and these are: A strategy will steer the direction of the overall organization which will affect β†’

The problems

I see that school is meant to help you but, I also see that it's designed for a planned economy where they want an even distribution of jobs from people collecting raw materials to people working in factories to people getting a profession. It seems that people do not want to discuss grading and testing, β†’

Principles of disease and epidemiology assignment

Principles of Disease and Epidemiology Pathology Infection and Disease 1. Pathology is the scientific study of disease? concerned with cause and manner in which disease develops Also concerned with structural and functional changes brought about by disease and final effects on the body 2.

Marketing assignment

True Imagine that you have decided you need a new car, but not any car will do; you have decided to purchase the car of your dreams. What Is the Interest rate from your local bank for a car loan for four years?

Life of sir alan sugar essay sample

Sir Alan Sugar was born on 24 March 1947, he was brought up in Hackney, east London and as a young child he and his family lived in a council flat. Another business which he was associated with was Amsair which was founded in 1993, and is run by Sugar's son Daniel.

Anthropology short response paper

In Key Concepts and their Application Ahearn s: 'We must shift our focus away from searching for definitive interpretations and instead concentrate on looking for information that constrains the type and number of meanings that might emerge from an eventIt is therefore the job of the anthropologist to identify these interpretative criteria in particular discursive β†’

Evaluating the organization

A SWOT analysis usually begins with clearly defined state and objectives: Strengths: In strengths, it is checked which attributes of the company will help in achieving the desired objectives. Weaknesses: In weaknesses, it is checked which attributes of the company will be harmful in achieving the objectives.

Violence against women

Violence against women: This paper is based on a very serious issue related to male violence against women that is increasing at a fast pace day by day. It is reported that violence against women by an intimate partner is one of the most common forms of sexual violence.

Work placement at surrey square primary school

The flexible strategies in UDL were incorporated in the school curriculum during the development in order to allow all the pupils to get into a wide range of learning. The technology was used in the school as a tool to support teaching and learning.

Comparison of eastern religion

Eastern religions The eastern religions consist of Taoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Shinto. The idea of harmonious existence is evident in Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism religions.

Marx’s concept of alienation and christianity’s concept of sin and disordered will

Christianity describes sin as the major human problem and belief in Jesus Christ as the solution whereas Buddhism believes suffering as the major human problem and the Noble Eight Fold Path as the solution. Christianity on the other hand believes that the life of human in this world is only a temporary one and a β†’

The importance of striving to achieve personal goals

Your goal should be consistent with your personal values system, and you must believe you can reach the goal. You will find a goal that causes you to stretch and grow will be the goal that gives you the most satisfaction.

Running away from home essay

Twelve percent of teens run away because of social/peer issues they experience in school.* Stress. Teens choose to run away because of stress from family issues at home such as family financial issues, divorce, disagreements and more.* Depression.

Different types of chi square tests essay

2 values are positive i.e.the curve begins from 0 increases to a peak and decreases towards 0 as its asymptote The curve is skewed to the right, and as the degree of freedom increases, the distribution approaches that of a normal distribution Fig. 9166 The P-value is so large that we have no evidence to β†’

Critically evaluate the operations management strategy of hard rock cafe

Procedure and capacity design: When make up one's mind the locations of their installations, Hard Rock coffeehouse has the procedure and capacity design with effectual analyses the whole production procedure from buying nutrient ingredients, to fixing the nutrient to guarantee the merchandises in an efficient mode, cost effectivity and labor demands.4. Opened the first 1 β†’

God in our lifes

Just as the book of Proverbs compares diligence and laziness, it also compares wisdom to folly. Wisdom and folly is " often a contrast between righteousness and sidedness," and the contrast is not for a person with " street smarts," but a person with a close relationship with God.

Paideia proposal

It is also to be noted that most of the intelligent students are unable to apply calculus to solve the problem if they depend on it. In dealing with the teaching and learning process, the Paideia proposal imagines that one can divide the things to be learned into three classes and for each of these β†’