Genuine Essay Examples

Are you too family friendly? essay

Wells discusses the inequality in benefits and flexibility at work between married workers, and those who are single and childless. Thus, the preference in flexibility and benefits goes towards married workers.

The civil rights act and reconstruction act essay sample

The passing of the Civil Rights Act, Reconstruction Act, and the unwritten Compromise of 1877 to end Reconstruction was all a fight for the African Americans to gain their equality and freedom. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 purpose was to protect the Freedmen from the Black Codes and sharecropping system that had developed in β†’


In order to ensure economic development of the region and employment, the state governor should support local manufacturers and mines investing in new technological development and innovative methods of environmental protection. The state governor should present public a detailed or definitive discussion of the various technological issues that are relevant to pollution, it is imperative β†’


In this paper, we will focus three development theories, which include Freud's Psychoanalytic theory, Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development, and Piaget's Cognitive Developmental Theory. Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development Similar to Freud, Erikson also believed that human development takes place in a predetermined order.

History of globalization

Feminism significantly improved the position of women in the society and boosted their access to economic resources, social welfare a political voice. This blend of a widespread campaign to economic freedom and socio-economic reforms marked a transition that bore the 20th-century experiences and the general modern structural milestone in various global aspects.

Cognitive development

Jean Piaget the first psychologist to develop this study explained it in four stages: Sensorimotor Stage: the child gains knowledge through sensory experiences and manipulation of objects since the motor abilities and reflexes have developed and acquires object permanence. Preoperational Stage: the child is still not able to think logically and uses symbols as his β†’


Mind-Body Issue In philosophy, the mind-body problem examines the relationship between mind and the matter and in more specific the relationship between consciousness and brain. Plato's contribution According to Plato, as the body emerges from the material world, the soul emerges from the ideas and is therefore, immortal.

Starting with basic essay

What are the five icon headings available in the Grammar and Writing Guides section of the Center for Writing Excellence? a. Guide To Completing the University of Phoenix Learning Team Charter d.

Porsche college essay

The primary reason of that is Porsche succeeded in achieving the highest operating margin in the industry by charging high prices on customers who have brand loyalty for the company's automobiles. Therefore, in our opinion, Porsche does not put its shareholders' value on the first priority, but it still has to show some returns for β†’

Case study of penang mutiara essay sample

It tries to introduce and accommodate the markets altering for making ways to merchandise and service.and organizes the operation to be the ' one measure ahead' of rivals. Wernie should inquire whether the Mutiara is driving it competitory scheme and clients outlooks.the operations whether are: Learning to web capablenesss; Operationss at the head of ' β†’


Events after I arrived at the hospital seemed surreal to me, I was feeling vulnerable and anxious, I was not in control of anything that was happening to me, and I was in shock that this was actually happening to me. I liked this passage and could relate to it as I see myself in β†’

Analysis of humana inc.

Further more, the additional value to stockholders was created as the spinning off of Humana separated its performance in two separate operations. With regard to structuring the Spin off of Humana, I would suggest that its corporate portion of Debt and the corporate portion of Net interest expenses be totally allocated to the Hospitals.

Strategies for organizational technology

The first is that the technology is the pathway in which the e business connects to the world and without the pathway being clear if you will by the means of being up to date by either physical or electronic means then the e business will have complications. This in the long run if the β†’

Degree of concentration and balance among competitors marketing essay

Some of the economic factors influencing the brewery industry include providing jobs for millions of people across the states, a positive contribution to the economy, and even stabilizing communities. This has been a major advancement in the industry and Coors was the first to coin it and patent it for the use of their products β†’

Differentiation in the marketing of fashion clothes

Consider current practices of differentiation in the marketing of fashion clothes Report on: a) The current situation in the UK and regional markets The UK clothing market is essentially mature, following changes in the profile of the UK retail market for clothing during the 1990s. This offers an excellent opportunity for companies with the necessary β†’

Nokia company strategic choice

Strategic choice of the organization is dependent on the strategic management policies adopted by the company and is a necessity for the company to survive in extremes of business environment. Nokia follows 360 degree feedback method to evaluate and understand the performance level of its employees.

Diagnostic radiography

Retention of students is not only the universities role but also of the student contribution in the programme, therefore the overall aim of this study is to identify, recommend and target support needed to aid retention and also to find out student insight as they progress in radiography courses and how this has an influence β†’

Successful corporate diversification strategies

The cost of corporate diversification is very large hence managers have to make an informed decision to ensure the continued success of their business. Peters and Waterman ushered a new wave of corporate view on diversification Stick to the knitting.

Companys recovery strategy after service failures

It is the quality of the service provided to the customers that promotes and manages and maintains satisfied and loyal customers. Quality service is the key to the profitability of the company; it is a competitive advantage in gaining and sustaining the market and leading the competition.

Assess the advantage of living in an extended family

If every adults in the house is working and have a secure job, the possibility of their monthly income for the family in total will be much greater than the nuclear family have for their home maintenance and needs. The elderly can have the benefits of been taken care by the units of the family β†’

Case briefing gregg v georgia

Georgia's death penalty statute assures the judicious and careful use of the death penalty by requiring a bifurcated proceeding where the trial and sentencing are conducted separately, specific jury findings as to the severity of the crime and the nature of the defendant, and a comparison of each capital sentence's circumstances with other similar cases. β†’

Plan for small business

This business operation plan describes the way in which a cup cake shop will be set up, the products that will be sold, the geographical location and the way long-term marketing goals will be set and achieved. The product offeringThe production facilities will reflect the scale of the marketing mix being targeted, the level of β†’

Neutrality of the catholic church during the world war 2

During the Second World War, Pope Pius the eighth occurred as the pope of the time. One of the main reasons why the Catholic Church remained neutral in this tragic era included the fact that the Lateran Act prohibited its contribution to the war.

Retribution and the penalty

The response from majority of the respondents on the question why they are in support of capital punishment is that a punishment should be proportional to fit the crime. Most of the people in support of the death punishment give reasons from their own perspective and not efficacy of the punishment.

Cheerleading is a sport

Leadership skills are not exclusive to captains and co-captains in cheerleading, but rather used for the whole team." Being a leader not only on the sidelines, but in the classroom and community as well is a vital component of [a cheerleader's] role". Just like other athletes, cheerleaders take on the role of leadership in the β†’


School uniforms...many believe that they unify the school in a way that everyone looks the same, no differences. Not that I do not like showing who I truly am and being able to express myself in my own way, but enforcing a dress code and school uniforms is beneficial for a school to look like β†’

Vasco sanchez rodrigues assignment

The assignment should be completed as a 2000 word essay. It is important for the quality of your argument to include a considerable number of references from reliable literature sources in your assignment.

Vincent van gogh essay

In June of 1873, van Gogh was transferred to the Groupil Gallery in London. In the fall of 1880, van Gogh decided to move to Brussels and become an artist.

Improving the presidential election process

Running Head: CAMPAIGNS AND ELECTIONS Citizens United versus Federal Election Commission Essay on how to improve the PresidentialElection Process The American system of presidential elections includes a series of presidential primary elections and caucuses. Results collected from primary elections and caucuses are used to determine the number of delegates to be assigned to the national β†’

Bus 137 alice dred

Despite the fact that one may meet all the requirements that may be required by the client, most companies try to bring efforts to elimination. According to Sara Taylor who is a diversity expert and founder of deep SEE Consultant suggests that most managers are not always aware of the hidden biases they have when β†’

Union representation from the individual, organizational, and societal perspective

Company owners and shareholders look to the profit of the business as a primary concern, and they may at times be prepared to compromise on individual benefits in order to maximise profits and maintain the viability of the business. Unions are especially important for workers if there are problems in the workplace: "" Workers are β†’

Impact of vices on human character and importance of self love

I am also, tolerant as I persevere until I achieve my targets, I am compassionate to others in the community, and I am also committed to accomplishing my goals. These traits render one self-destructive and make it very difficult for one to maintain close relationships with others.

Term project

The main cause of the obstacles was the terrain on which the highway was built. Procedure: At the first, we set up the overall site of which the highway had to go over.

German and british educational systems

The German School system is similar to the system in Brian in many ways; the time for compulsory school attendance in Germany is 10 years. In respect to elementary school, 'Grundschule students attend at ages 6 through 10, academic high school 'Gymnasium' is comprised of students between the ages of ages 11-19.

45 and 47 stella street and everything that happened essay

It is evident through analysis of the book that there are sly implications toward enforcing the concepts of masculinity and femininity on young readers using the strategies of narrative theory. In terms of power it is the men that hold this control as decision making is all about power and throughout the book it is β†’

The thing in the forest essay

When she returns to the forest, she is overwhelmed by the nostalgia of it, and lets her fear engulf her. By confronting her fear and using storytelling as an outlet, she is able to overcome the trauma.

A cream cracker under the settee analysis essay

I find the evidence in a morning.' Doris seems to miss the old way of life and reminisces about all the good times she had in her community when she was younger. As Doris talks of disputes that she has had, the expressions on her face seem to be very distressed and angry.

Evacuation experience essay

The stereotype, all evacuees were poor and unhealthy and moved to a rich healthy family in the country, made people believe that all people had the same experience: The poor people loved their new lifestyle and the evacuation host hated their experience because they were stuck with unhealthy children with no manners. The richer people β†’

Motivating employees argumentative essay

" The way to keep children out of trouble is to keep them interested in things. But keeping their minds occupied will." Walt maintains that animation is the hardest way to make a picture since it is the most demanding storywise.

A friend in need is a friend indeed persuasive essay

A selfless friend is a blessing; a selfish friend is a curse. A friend in need is the medicine of life.

Influence of media on the public behavior sociology essay

The following part of the literature review will focus on the effects of media on the behavior and perception of the general population. The affinity between the two cities is not confined to the infrastructure and the living habitat, but even the afternoon breeze racing in from the sea at the verandah of the Bombay β†’

Underrepresentation of women in science and engineering

Women run the risk of lagging behind in the fields of science and engineering. Science and engineering are historically According to statistics revealed by Blasdell; over 50 percent of the population is composed of women of whom 44 percent is in the workforce but only 13 percent in science and engineering.

The christian faith is intrinsically missionary religion essay

That's the exact opposite of how it's often viewed, which is that mission is the primary activity of the church.'[5]In order to sustain their faith in the mission and in God's work, those in the ministry believe that the mission work belongs to God and that they are simply his instruments working in the world. β†’

Target population and sampling psychology essay

Creswell and Plano Clark state that this kind of research is a research design with both philosophical assumptions and methods of inquiry, and the basic premise of it is that the use of qualitative and quantitative approaches in combination provides a better understanding of the problem than either approach alone. The goal of the first β†’

Working capital versus capital expenditure management finance essay

The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of firms' capital expenditure on their working capital management. The overall objective of this research study is to investigate capital expenditure on a project and consequently working capital requirement and there relationship.

Study of sexism in school

This study discuss the importance of the number of boys and girl in the classroom. In that study, authors also prove, that there is a difference between boys and girls in mathematics: The differences in mathematical achievement between boys and girls are well documented in the educational and psychological literature.

The opponents and supporters of neoliberalism

This phenomenon is evident as financial globalisation, that is, the opening and deregulation of the market which has caused the current form of neoliberalism. Globalisation is also evident as political globalisation, that is, the coming up of international elites and the removal of the all-powerful nation-states of the past.

Strategies for public speaking

The purpose of persuasive public speeches is to persuade the audience to either adopt a specific thought or take a particular course of action that is provided by the public speaker. Public speaking is the process intended for speaking, or communicating a lecture to a group of people in deliberate, structured manner in order to β†’

Can and should diversity management be a strategic part of an organisation?

With the growing of globalization, the altering demographic profile, an addition in adult females, cultural minorities at work, administrations and the wider society began to pay more attending to the issues of diverseness. Hence, there is a demand for the farther research in DM to show proved links between the usage of diverseness theoretical accounts β†’

Argumentative technology essay

If you are the type of person that would stop to help someone in need, if you were on your phone there's a good chance you would not take that second to lend a hand, even though it only takes one hand to operate a cell phone. There is one chance that we have to β†’

Bootstrap funding

The success in tackling the problem would ultimately find a way to the growth of the entertainment industry in Spain and also financial growth in equal measure. To begin with, one of the many reasons behind the building of the online ticketing venture points to the fact that the situation remains as a lose-lose kind β†’


As a student in culinary art, I highly understand how essential communication is in the profession. The importance of effective communication in culinary art can be seen in work especially when working in a restaurant.

Is the death penalty ethical, or even practical?

This is millions of dollars going down the drain in this recession, because of all the very slow appeals, the wait from the conviction to the actual execution can be as long as twenty years. It is simply a waste of money and just draws out the process of grief for the families of the β†’

“as a student of humanities”

Arts to them, is a choice of utter buffoons and morons where no reasonable person would dare to walk until and unless he or she is a failure compelled to do so due to their low grades. I had a tough time, looking for a nice combination of subjects and I am ready to try β†’

Economic difference: new world colonies

The economic system of the New England colonies depended mainly on the cultivation of tobacco, a market that was successful, until the land it was occupied was drained from overuse, requiring the spread of more colonial developments. New York City was open to a variety of ethnicities: the Dutch, the Huguenots, the Flemish, the Scots β†’

Miko fogarty

A spark that would carry her through the ranks of the ballet world quickly and surely. In the United States, she won Bronze at the New York finals of the Youth America Grand Prix in 2010 and Gold Medals at the World Ballet Competition in 2009 and 2011.

Gay-straight alliances is public schools

This clearly defines a GSA as a force for good in the school and not one that promotes any type of homosexual behavior. One of the most beneficial reasons for allowing a GSA to meet in public schools is that these clubs can improve the school's overall climate.

Evolution of community and public health nursing assignment

Health partnerships School administrators and school nurses come together to promote the well being of all children thus, promoting healthy lifestyles In order to children to perform to the best of his or her ability In school. Promoted school nurse with the skills to provide primary health care to children of all ages in schools, β†’

Body-adapted wearable electronics assignment

The Eye Tap, which is worn in front of the eye, or Smart glasses are for wearers to see as a camera or to view computer imagery, is being explored as a tool for people with visual disabilities to have the information directed to parts of their retina that does not function well. All of β†’

Cultural background essay

I will start by saying that I was born in Mexico and I was raised in a big family; 5 brothers and 5 sisters. At this point in my life, I think this is one of the biggest contributors to my cultural background.

Entertainment adult entertainment essay sample

Entertainment can be public or private, involving formal, scripted performance, as in the case of theatre or concerts; or unscripted and spontaneous, as in the case of children's games. It is a valued contributor to many forms of entertainment, including in literature, theatre, opera, film and games.

Interview 3 widsom figures in your life- men or woman over 60 years of age

I would not have been able to cope with the aging process had it not been for the immense understanding and aid my family blessed me with. I divided my time between family and career by being a workaholic at my job and a family-devoted person after the work hours.

Online consumer behaviors

Doe Liberty Online Consumer Behaviors According to Jander & Swinder, consumer behavior is defined as " the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society". β†’

Case scenario: big time toymaker

The terms of agreement included the repetition of the key words of the distribution contract like cost, schedule, and commitments for BTT and Chou. Secondly, BTT asked Chou to send them a sample distribution agreement with all the details of the contract that the BTT agent sent to Chou.


A Descriptive Paper on " Kouros" " Kouros," or the statue of the standing youth, is one of the most famous, iconic artworks made by the ancient Greeks. This is because of the fact that Kouros statues usually exhibit a supreme form of geometric symmetry, reminding us of the realism and naturalism of the ever β†’

Analysis of shakespeare’s the tempest – effective essay

The first scene of The Tempest is unlike most of the openings in Shakespeare's plays, in that includes quite a bit of action. This statement can be made quite justifiably, due to the fact that all the events of Act 1 Scene 1 are recounted in the following scene, in the conversations between Miranda, Prospero β†’

My reflection essay on english writing class

For the happiness essay, I started the essay with smart and good thoughts, but those ideas were in lack of routes and the instructions, I prefer to give more information about thesis which was not even ensuring the thesis in the direct way. In my writing happiness first draft essay, I started the essay directly β†’

Shakespeare’s julius caesar research assignment

The previous Kings had made many changes in religion, the Elizabethan Religious Settlement was The Queen's way of bringing the country together. The first triumvirate that was in power was Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey.

Who is to blame for the underclass?

In this respect, the first part of this essay will discuss both approaches: the one that puts the blame on the behavioral characteristics of the underclass and the other which is oriented towards the structural process that led to the creation of the underclass. Another causal factor of the existence of the underclass in the β†’

Comparison of thoughts between plato and machiavelli philosophy essay

Plato's beliefs of regime perceive the State as a superior description of the human being, and the spirit of a human being is encompassed of three components. For the guarantee of the poorer rank that does not seek to control or manage, or that the managers are not attracted for the animal/substance happiness of the β†’

The relationship between society and the individual

These ' sub-human' people, namely Gammas, Deltas, Epsilons, are only capable of working and not capable of thinking, therefore, these people are the controllers of the society, who are contributing to maintenance and materialization of the social system". There are only two people in the novel, who completely fail to fulfil what is expected from β†’

This history and future of the malaysian rubber industry

We have to find data of the statistic of rubber industry in Malaysia and evaluate it in order to know the rise and fall of the industry throughout the years. Our next objective is to determine the factors contributing to the rise and fall in the rubber industry in Malaysia throughout the years.

Effect of parasite diversity and age on antibody responses

The samples were collected close to the end of the rainy season in the months of November and December, and April the following year at the end of the dry season. The high transmission in the wet season could be due to favourable breeding grounds for mosquitoes as a result of several collections of water β†’

Is legal rational authority the most rational type of authority

Therefore, legal-rational authority is belief in the legality of patterns of standard rules and the right of those elevated to authority under such rules to issue commands. Comparisons between legal-rational, traditional and charismatic authority in terms of their rationality and applicability leads to the agreement of the statement, " Legal-rational authority is the most rational β†’

Essay on should college be free?

In my opinion, education, especially college education is very considerable to the development of scientific research and a lot more discoveries like this. Especially when students go to college at a large city and it is hard to even pay the tuition fee.

Professor assignment

The textbook is going to help you understand the fundamentals of your camera. The focus of this week is to have fun and get to know your camera.

“the persuaders” report on documentary for marketing class assignment

One of the ways to break through the clutter in advertising is to create meaning through emotional or spiritual branding. Product Placement works and is appropriate because these not so subtle subtleties try to create a lasting positive image in the viewer's eyes.

Financial markets and services: introduction and overview assignment

In a barter system, there is an absence of the " financial" element to economic transactions The financial system includes both markets for financial instruments and those institutions concerned with financial transactions, Just as the " real" component of the economic system includes both markets for goods and services and the institutions The financial system β†’

Every share their own personal experiences. of

For a high school junior student, like me, who is taking advanced level classes to get college credit and college readiness, we find it important to pay attention to our test scores and our grades since our time to move on to the college or universities of choice is getting closer. Although there are high β†’

Marketing strategies of sabah’s tourism board essay sample

Founded right in the middle of monsoon disposed provinces in the south of the Philippines, Sabah, or advertised as the " Land Below the Wind", is the second biggest state following behind Sarawak. Aim The aim of this research paper is to study the marketing strategies set by the Sabah Tourism Board in order to β†’

Green mile essay sample

The film was set in 1935 in Alabama Louisiana in state Penitentiary but the film also starts and ends in the present day this is called a bookend technique. The themes of the film are race, religion and the death penalty.

Birth control

Advocates of birth control address problems of social stability, war, poverty, and economic development in the United States and the developing nations through family planning programs, including birth control and sterilization. Overpopulation and negative consequences of abortion are the main problems which can be solved by careful planning and birth control methods.

Sir francis drake

Why Sir Francis was important Sir Francis was important to Britain for his achievement in bringing more wealth to the country in terms of gold and silver. Sir Francis was considered important since he gave his country a chance to gain more power which the leaders were ambitious about for many years.

Will be provided

He managed to become the vice president of N & D medical services, and it is a company that is meant to provide the best of services. The company has the best services and staff, together with a combined management team that is aimed at ensuring they are the company of choice for the people.

What happened to euro-disney

So there is clearly a cultural gap which is a cause of many misunderstandings on the part of the American executives. Mickey Mouse and the Disney Park concept theme are considered as cultural abominations because it is entirely fictional in nature; it does not even reflect the American culture itself but was created purposely for β†’

Audacity of hope

Obama has clearly explained that in order to make children well established and firm in the way to progress, they need personal attention and social relationships with stronger and long-lasting effects of love and admiration. This will create a solid basement of solidity, and provide them with the platform that they need to thrive.

Wk 3 final project matrix

The child suffers from inattention, but not from impulsivity and hyperactivity in the preceding six months. 02 ADHD of a hyperactive-impulsive type: The child suffers from impulsivity and hyperactivity, but not inattention in the preceding six months.

Identify the three domains of development essay

Although both the study of physical development and cognitive development look at the brain, the study of physical development focuses on the actual physical changes of the brain. The study of cognitive development focuses on the mental changes of the brain.

Break a social norm essay sample

We always go to the restaurants, have a seat on the chairs and get hold of the spoons and forks to have the food. Hence, I wished to find out the reaction of the restaurant employees as they would see my sitting oddly and eating with my bare hands, in stark contrast to the other β†’

Strategy used by premier inn

As the hotel industry, the development of Premier Inn is highly dependent on the macro-environment, especially the tourism industry. Owing to the limited understanding of the technology, we will focus on the political, economic and social factors.

The promotion of healthy lifestyles psychology essay

This information is easily accessible to students and external members of the community however in the knowledge exercise has the power to develop and increase healthy behaviours in a positive way; there are only a limited number of universities with an active policy to promote student health and wellbeing through physical activity. The concept of β†’

Relationship between transitional justice and political transition

It will follow the trajectory of a brief backdrop of the civil war followed by the mechanisms of transitional justice employed in the country and the criticism faced by it. The concluding segment of the paper serves the purpose of answering the question as to whether transitional justice was seen to fulfil the role of β†’

Ratio analysis sainsburys vs morrisons finance essay

What is the size of the UK grocery market Source: IGD UK channel forecasts 2012 J Sainsbury the parent company of Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd, commonly known as Sainsbury's, the third largest chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom with a share of the UK supermarket sector of 16.5%. It is listed on the London β†’

Effect of trade openness on economic growth economics essay

He therefore concluded that the choice of period for analysis, of relationship between trade openness measures and GDP growth, is serious. The main objective of our study is to find the relation between trade growth and GDP growth.

The factors which determined oligopoly market economics essay

It explaind the dual demand curve for the product based on reaction of other firm in the market to the Price change. With the formation of OPEC which is group of oligopolist firm in Oil Market, Oil price was controlled but not fully as there were conflicts between the oligopolist firm and easy entry by β†’

Chimpanzees are more averse to social risk than non-social risk

The chimp could also elect to give the coin to the other chimp, who could put the coin in a box to give both of them two banana slices, or put the coin in a box that would only give her the banana slices. They then ran the same social risk tests that they had β†’