Genuine Essay Examples

Editorial: multi-disciplinary applications in magnetic chronostratigraphy

Sediments and sedimentary rocks acquire a primary natural remanent magnetization, called a detrital remanent magnetization when the sub-micron magnetic grains in the sediments settle through the water column or during post-depositional consolidation and align with the geomagnetic field. Measurements of magnetic susceptibility, ARM and IRM, allow the detection of Milankovitch cycles and hence a high-resolution β†’

My friend marilyn: the new great american destination

Penny takes a lot in stride, responding with cheerful quips, but I was stunned to discover the family secrets, Marilyn's secrets, Penny's secret admirer, and more. I could see Penny's love of film in everything she said and, so there was no need to pretend the novel was a script.

What makes us happy?

Some parts of the text deserves to take the place at the curriculum of the psychology course with a title " The Pursuit of Happiness". After reading and examining the article " What Makes Us Happy?" I came to decision that it deserves to be mentioned in curriculum of the psychology course with a title β†’

Exceptionalism in us foreign policy

One of the core components of the American identity that has greatly influenced the creation and implementation of U.S.foreign policy is the historical notion of American exceptionalism." American exceptionalism" is a term used to describe the idea that the United States is a superior and unique nation with a distinct and special destiny in the β†’

Pre hospital perspectives in emergency management

A study conducted in the form of a structured interview questionnaire to support the statement that not all healthcare workers and paramedics are willing to work during a disaster was presented to Victorian paramedics asking them to perceive risk in their own way and the situation they are placed in. The National Health Act does β†’

Funding on flat per diem rate

The advantages of per diem are due to the fact that as payment is made on daily basis the hospital benefits by increasing the length of stay and also enhance the number of inpatient admission. There is an increase in number of admissions and also the length of stay of patients.

Effect of recession on consumer buying behavior economics essay

Statement of the Problem The main purpose of the research was to find out the effects of recession on buying behavior of consumers.1. If the product is for future consumption, the consumer should be concerned about the fit of the alternative with the assortment of items he currently owns, or in the case of zero β†’

Heavy metal pollutant

Kyung Ah Moon said that" heavy metals' as metal or metallic materials and described them as metals which are toxic and accumulated in the human body" Heavy metals normally occurring in nature are not harmful to our environment, because they are only present in very small amounts. Now we are going to describe the kinds β†’

The factors affecting wellbeing

Being aware of what your values and culture are, you able to be happy with your self physiologically and contribute to your wellbeing which without knowing where you are spiritually you are lacking a quality of being happy. Being able to be responsible for your money and your families will help you be satisfied with β†’

Burger king

Burger King Holdings is the parent company of Burger King; in the United States it operates under the Burger King Brands title while internationally it operates under the Burger King Corporation banner. Place * Burger King operates its business via franchises, under a franchise arrangement, the franchisees invest in the equipment, signage, seating and decor, β†’

Controversial issue research proposal paragraph

Sadly, there Is a great inequality or the millions of gay and lesbian American citizens who do not have the privilege of living In one of the sixteen states that do allow same sex marriage. Sadly, there is a great inequality living in one of the sixteen states that do allow same sex marriage.

Bmw & manufacturing process

As soon as the painted chassis have left the drier, the layer of transparent paint is applied; this last layer of clear paint greatly increases the chemical and mechanical stability and of the surface and illuminates the color. The BMW Group is the only automobile company in the world to introduce the particularly environmentally friendly β†’

Product life cycle

Product Life Cycle Introduction: This paper aims at analysing the usefulness of the Product Life Cycle concept to the marketers. There are four stages popularly addressed by the product life cycle which are: Introduction, growth, maturity and decline recognized as distinct stages in the sales history of a product.[pic] Different Stages of Product Life Cycle β†’

Business studies activity

They would need to be able to do the following to be an effective sales person: * Identify the customers criteria * Have knowledge on the products * Talk to the customer about the advantages and disadvantages * Allow the customer to make the final decision. The facilities available were a * Tesco petrol station, β†’

Marketing orientation assignment

Market orientation perspectives include the decision-making perspective, market intelligence perspective, culturally based behavioral perspective [1] and customer orientation perspective.[2] The two most prominent conceptualizations of market orientation are those given by Kohl and Gasworks and Nearer and Slater. Kohl and Gasworks defined market orientation as " the organization-wide generation of market intelligence, dissemination of the β†’

“the lamp at noon” – short story about isolation essay sample

The setting in this short story is a major element of this piece, without it, the plot would be kind of dull and " blah," because it gives you an idea of the time and place in the story. Time and place are key elements of a story's plot, which helps focus on the given β†’

Pill camera essay sample

By aprocess ofelimination, it then becomes likely that the source of bleeding lies somewhere in between below the reach of the gastroscopy and above the reach of the colonoscopyin the 20 feet of small intestine. The capsule has a clear end thatallows the camera to view the lining of the small intestine.

Our freedom to make ethical choices is only an apparent freedom essay sample

Therefore the decisions we are free and able to make in our own minds count as the causes by which everything is made to occur. However we have the power in ourselves to break down these constraints and become free, if a door is locked then break it down, if I want to throw microwaves β†’

Almost human essay sample

Structure In my opinion, I do not think the play builds to a big climax, but you can tell that the monkey is going to die at the end. I think the segues were well done, and the variety of scenes worked well for the storyline.

Meso-american civilization

Meso American civilization Meso American civilization is the term used to refer to the early American civilizations that developed around 1200 the coastal regions south of the Gulf of Mexico referred to as the Olmec civilization. Early Indian civilization was highly developed as evidenced through the civilizations of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa that develop β†’

Management concepts: business development program

The General Service Administration would be the most beneficial to a small business in my community because it opens up ways for the business to get government contracts and offers awareness to the owners on the opportunities. The two additional elements to support small businesses include fast loan closings and credit decisions for the reason β†’

Socialization: from infancy

In the context of gender roles socialization, there are remarkable features at each stage of development that define the gender roles of a male or female. This is because parents are capable of knowing the gender of the child at the fetus level and begin to speak to the unborn child.


In the lower strata of the organization, black employees are insulted in front of its employees and are told to be grateful for having a job. Also, the tendency of the mores of the locality where the restaurant is located to influence the norm of the restaurant to be equally bigoted against employees and restaurant.

The relationship between cancer disease and nutrition

This study seeks to investigate the long-term effect of low carbohydrate scores on the incidence of cancer in a prospective cohort study. The study reported an inverse association between the risk for colorectal cancer and intake of high saturated fat in women.

Indiscipline among the young, techniques for controlling it impact and causes

The Bound together Nations depicts Young people between the ages of 15-24 years, this definition was made amidst approaches for the far reaching youth the year 1985 and maintained by the General Social affair different nations in like way draw a line on the energetic at the age at which an individual is given relative β†’

The unfulfilled climax: eroticism, sentimentalism and narrative form in sterne’s a sentimental journey

He argues that these desires are the forces of momentum brought to a text that in fact structure plot and carry/create the thrust of the discourse." Desire," he writes, " is always there at the start of a narrative, often in a state of initial arousal, often having reached a state of intensity such that β†’

We accept that the worldwide war on medications is presently bringing about more essay examples

The reason for this task is to deliver a relative logical dissection of three articles on the same subject: one sourced from corporate media, the other sourced from the free or option press and the other distinguished from the nearby articles. In the last article, The Slippery Slope Begins' is an examination on the ramifications β†’

Game mechanics in racing games

The challenge in the game is to balance and control the speed so that the player can pass through obstacles successfully. The definition explained here has been used to study and understand the game mechanics and gameplay in a variety of games mentioned in the research.

The campaign that the california milk advisory board marketing essay

1 People around the country fell for these cows, I think mainly because they are funny, they have character, and they are harmless, and now when you walk into a grocery store and see that black and gold seal that represents California cheese, you have a face to go with the product Happy Cows. The β†’

Business overview of reliance travel agency

Reliance travel agency established since 1969 in the forefront of the Travel & Tourism business and is a leading Travel Management Company in Malaysia and is the first Tour and Travel Company listed on the KLSE. For example in Malaysia, such state as Kelantan and Terengganu contribute significantly to the preservation of traditional handcrafting and β†’

Importance of international law for climate change

This paper will discuss the severity of climate change, the action it requires in order to be averted, and the reasons it demands recognition and influence of the international community, in order to conclude that climate change is an issue of international law. For example, a recent study found that the end of human civilization β†’

The role of a midwife in domestic violence cases

Initiatives to address the problem The Department of Health's National Service Framework for Children, Young people and Maternity Services states the importance of identifying victims of domestic violence and includes pointers for recognition and action during pregnancy and recommends that staff should be aware of the importance of these aspects. Some emphasis is put on β†’

What is the impact of point of care diagnostics?

Nicolas Piperno Multi-stakeholder approach to market for Point of Care Diagnostics in Canada Point of care diagnostics, otherwise referred to point of care testing, is a form of in vitro medical testing that is performed near the site of patient care, and does not involve the use of laboratory staff and facilities to provide the β†’

Effect of ph on growth rate of mung beans

2 and the experiment was designed to investigates in to the effect of pH level of soil on the growth rate of mung beans during a three week experiment, investigating to what extent pH level of soil could affect the growth on mung beans. This investigation is composed of secondary researches, analysis of data and β†’

Can you lie with statistics?

When you conduct a home survey on the preferences of mothers on the brand of milk they buy for their children, your objective is to get the opinion of mothers regarding what brand of milk they choose the most. Reliability testing aims to measure the extent to which a test is repeatable and is yielding β†’

Modern technology has made society better or worse overall?

Looking at the positive side, overall It has made society even better and there Is no Limit to the development of the technology. Looking at the positive side, overall it has made society even better and there is no limit to the development of the technology.

A farewell to arms

It is during the escape that Henry resolves that he is through with the war and decides that all he wants is to be with Catherine. Henry is no dummy and he could easily tell that everything was not all correct with Cat, which leads to the question of his love for her.

Literary theory and criticism: investigating literature and literary study

A section on definitions and distinctions investigates literature and literary study; literary theory and literary criticism. Nevertheless, the distinctions between literary theory, criticism, and history are the most important Literary theory is the study of the principles of literature, its categories, criteria, and the like.

Global warming – is it man-made or mother nature or both? assignment

The doubters feel that there is no conclusive evidence that climate change is happening, even though there is evidence of changes in the measured temperature of the earth, the skeptics feel it is a natural thing and nothing to worry about. With the heat that is affecting the most of the parts Africa and south β†’

Conformity vs society assignment

Each one must be provided by an individual specific rights such as the freedom from forced labor, the right to liberty and security, right to a fair trial, the right to defend one's self, the right to privacy, freedom of conscience, and freedom of expression. Winston works In the Ministry of Truth, where he alters β†’

How the irish famine shapes irish social policy assignment

Discuss the impact of the famine on the Irish Poor Law and on the development of Irish social policy and after the famine. Even the commissioner, George Nicolls admitted that the Irish Poor Laws would be unable to provide adequate relief if a period of severe distress or a famine was to occur The workhouses β†’

Cafes monte bianco essay sample

Liquidity If we switch to a complete private label strategy, I am concerned about the liquidity of Cafes Monte Bianco and our ability to keep the necessary inventory and raw materials on hand to meet demand. An increase in the asset turnover ratio was expected due to the increase in capacity and the ability to β†’

Changing demographics in the u.s. workforce essay sample

Whereas this is a good thing, organizations need to consider that the rise of women in the work force will bring other issues. With a rise in an older work force the human resource department will have to find a way to meet the needs of the employees.

The ways of resolving conflicts

Since B.J.seems to be the leader of the male group in the cost accounting department, the objective is to convince him to accept the decision so that eventually, he can convince the others in the department. One will tell him about the plan to hire Regina Simpson and the reason why one believes that it β†’

Process analysis on the various types of development patterns

The various types of patterns of development This essay is an example of a process analysis pattern of development in writing. Thus, the main focus of this paper is to analyze the process of my experience as a novice writer to one that has been exposed to a variety of patterns of development.

Sex therapy

It's a new approach which believes that the reasons of sexual problems in a couple may vary from inhibitions to lack of sexual communication. Sex therapy has helped many couples overcome the problems of sexual dysfunction.


The first essay was written by Clark Kerr and occurs in chapter 8 of his book The Uses of the University and is titled ' Hard Choices.' The article first identifies that there are a number of hard choices facing the ever evolving University research environment particularly the ever increasing number of students. Finally there β†’

Media communication and culture

Competition in the market, referring to the action conditions under which competition is conducted within the media market". The basis of the argument is that downturns within the industry coincide with economic recessions.

Parenting-week 4

Due Parenting and Sexual Orientation Crisis in Youths It is pretty clear in the videos from thevery beginning that being gay or lesbian is but abnormal, wrong, and more importantly, worrisome with regards to family acceptance and/or social security, to say the least; the boy admits in " Always my son' that he never wanted β†’

Think & grow rich essay

He says the best thing to do with desire, is to use it to set goals. The second thing he suggests is to find a job that will help you work towards your dream.

Robin and lucienne day essay

Robin and Lucienne Day are respectively product and textile designers who bought a breath of fresh air to British design back in the 50s thanks to Robin's cheap mass produced furniture and Lucienne's vibrant and colourful textiles. In 1951 Robin was asked to design the interior seating of the Royal Festival Hall.

Examining the growing acceptance of homosexuality essay

Furthermore, Christians need to look more to Christ than to the Bible and seek to acquire over their fright of homosexuals and the results that may come through if they welcomed homosexual to the full into the society and churches. All that is needed to reply the inquiry is to look at the existent experience β†’ launches plugchain api essay

The API platform by is called PlugChain and it allows developers to design an array of crypto currency apps including wallets and merchant applications. They promised that it was made to help the Bitcoin Ecosystem and will be free.

Acid violence in bangladesh

Proposal Report: Acid Violence in Bangladesh Background: Acid throwing on women and girls are on the rise in Bangladesh. And show what are the reasons behind it, causes of Acid Throwing, and last but not the least the effects of acid throwing.

Baroque assignment

The painting, " The Geographer" by Jan Vermeer, is an example of Baroque art in the 17th century. In regards the the rest of the painting, there is an abundance of objects on the left, leading the viewer's eye to that area.

Aircraft engineering argumentative essay

AEROSPACE ACRONYM & Abbreviation Guide 3D, 4D three- or four-dimensional 3G third generation 4096 Code combinations of four-digit transponder code A A A-BPSK A-QPSK A-SMGCS A mpere autotuned navaid aviation binary phase shift keying aeronautical quadrature phase shift keying advanced surface movement guidance and control systems autobrake aircraft analog-to-digital air/ground; air to ground airline autoland β†’

Economics assignment

As the price of a good increases, the change in the quantity demanded can be shown by A) shifting the demand curve leftward. D) The supply of plastic will stay the same because of the profit motives of plastic producers.5.

Office building energy savings engineering essay

To improve the energy efficiency of buildings needs to rational use of energy and improves energy efficiency in ensuring the conditions of building comfort. Building energy-saving specifically refers to that In the building planning, design construction, doing implementation of energy efficiency standards, materials and products, improving the performance of thermal insulation and heating, air conditioning β†’

Budhism to bring life’s balance in the troubled times following the han dynasty

As Buddhism spread into China it was mainly accepted by poor, because of the teachings that money and material possessions were not necessary to a fulfilling afterlife, however Buddhist ideals were typically refuted by the rich upper class because they were successful under Confucianism and they were afraid to change. Mainly religions including Confucianism taught β†’

A discussion on the controversial communist manifesto

Throughout the manifesto, the central conflict is pitted between the fact that the ' ruling class determines the ruling ideas of the time' against that of who has the right to rule and the ' power to subjugate the labour of others' by means of appropriation of the products of society. Marx and Engel's text β†’

The general theories about stonehenge

The stone settings at Stonehenge, and the relevant sightlines and horizons were likely aligned with the midwinter sunset. Archaeologists now have evidence that Stonehenge was a burial ground and a monument to the dead.

Free critical thinking on plc

The programmable logic controller is a digital computer that is used to automate electromagnetic processes that include control of machinery on factories, pooling systems, amusement machines and devices that require precise timing and logical control. The PLC was created to replace the relay logic systems and to efficiently facilitate the process of logical control of β†’

Effects of temperature on reptiles and the adaptations for survival

In comparison with endotherms, ectotherms can be found in a diverse range of habitats across the globe; however their dispersion is dependent on the access to sources of heat and their adaptation to their environment. The turtles dived below a thermocline to access food, where waters could have a significant drop in temperature, therefore the β†’

Artificial insemination with donor essay philosophy essay

The act of AID, which involves the insertion of an anonymous donor's sperm-other than the husband-and playing the sperm in a syringe and squirting the ejaculate towards the uterus of the female at the time of her ovulation is inherent of many controversial moral features. However, through the virtue of love and the want to β†’

Kirkpatricks evaluation of training management essay

The first level is the reaction level in which the reactions of the trainees are understood to mean the way in which they perceive and subjectively evaluate the relevance and quality of the training. Learning can be described as the extent to which the attitudes of the participants change, their knowledge increases or their skills β†’

The psychological contract

The feeling of fulfilment of expectations differentiates psychological contract from positive or negative evaluative judgments of the job, as in the job satisfaction construct, which is a result of fulfilment of psychological contract. Management of psychological contract is an important management activity and it is important for both managers and organisation to believe in the β†’

Services for community healthcare

Consumer perception of the community pharmacist and community pharmacy services in Malta. J Am Pharm Assoc.

The material and process requirements in disc brake engineering essay

This clamping tries to stop the rotation of the disc, and the wheel. But, not all the type of MMCs is suitable to be taken as material for disc brake.

The reasons to enter vietnam economics essay

Vietnam located at the eastern part of the Indochinese Peninsula and the center of South East Asia and a tropical country of the northern hemisphere. The first move of Coca-Cola into Vietnam is based on the new emerge and rapid growth of economy in Vietnam.

Social interaction

Essay on Social Interaction Social interaction is the foundation of society. Two Conditions of Interaction: Park and Burgess are of the opinion that contact and communication are the two main condi-tions of social interaction.

Royalty card program can improve crm

To perforate mark rank recognition card, the company issued in the name of the group affiliates, Robinson Card, and Central card to both current and new clients. Back to the late of the twelvemonth 2003, the company tried to distinguish its selling and client relationship run in the retail concern particularly in supermarkets and hypermarket β†’

Iroquis creation story

In the work Cusick describes how the land was formed as well as how the sun, moon, and the starts were formed by the good mind twin." The good mind continued the works of creation, and formed numerous creeks and rivers on the Great Island, and then created numerous species of animals of the smallest β†’

My career choice in accounting

When I was in high school I wanted to be a vet, but as time went on, I discovered that I have the right skills to be an accountant and not to be a vet. This sort of job is one that appeals to mildly autistic people as they thrive on the structure and rules, β†’

Rising cost of college tuition

The cost has risen into the tens of thousands of dollars in the last couple of years. A college education in the U.

The micro finance institutions

The consequent was a decision to take the idea of lending to full-scale idea; this lead to the formation of Grameen Bank as the first microfinance institution. The distinguishing aspects of MFIs are their lending in the absence of collateral.

What?no cell phones in school?

They can use it for an education resource, if theirs a fire or shooting they can call for help, and parents also can contact their child if something bad happens in the family. First of all, they can use the phone to research things for projects in school.

Effects of domestic violence on children assignment

This is due to the development process, which happens in stages and this kind of unhealthy environment and atmosphere growing up is making parts of your growing process incomplete or handicapped and not equally balanced. Domestic violence does affect our children's development in to adults and I have proven this with facts based on experience's β†’

Communication style assignment

Rosa used aggressive communication when she told Mabel that she was the granddaughter of the chairmen of the board and would get her head served in a platter. Being in charge meant that we were in indirect way responsible for the patients and would be he last one to get the admit in case we β†’

The history and evolution of computers assignment

The " Big Bang" of this generation was the development and opening of the microprocessor". What were the major innovations of sixth-generation computers?

Bcs assesment essay

We can see hat Alphabet began as three students and grew into a very successful company and throughout this the informality and close working relationship between the partners has not changed which shows informality is a norm and managers are approachable. The management style is participative as we can see the managers get involved with β†’

Best teacher essay sample

Meyers is a teacher that is the most influential person in the world, I really admire her because she always encouraged me to go to class and treat other teachers and students with respect, and to try my best. She always told me that I was very smart and to never to doubt myself.Mrs.

Elizabeth parker (a) case analysis essay sample

She selects a central project to do that will involve her in the whole department and will accomplish something significant for the department. She used the trick of getting a ' no' on nine other projects, obligating the boss to throw her a bone.

Use of psychological testing in counseling marriage and family therapy

In family therapy, therapists can use psychological tests to administer questionnaires to the members of the troubled family. In addition, a therapist can use psychological tests to explore interests and attitudes of each family member usually through direct interaction and identify dysfunctional elements resulting instability in the family.

Healthcare design and methods

This suggests significance of gender and age on incidence of the disorder and quantitative methods, with survey design is proposed. The scope of the study also suggests suitability of survey because diagnosis of schizophrenia is based on observation of symptoms and availability of secondary data on incidence of the disorder.

Body mass index

Body Mass Index BMI or body mass index is a measure of the human's body in relation to body height and mass. To date it is the best proxy of body fat percentage in relation to height and weight.

Thinking aloud in dispensing drugs

The dependent variables to be measured are the time it takes to dispense the drugs, the number of actions the participant makes, and the number of mistakes detected. The dependent variables will be measured with a stopwatch, and by tallying the number of movements and number of errors detected using a pen and paper.

Response to students posting

The rationale for this could be that there are enumerable external factors that could influence diverse issues and so policymakers opt to decide on the most pressing issues given the resources and current macro-environmental status of the time. Therefore, to see policy-makers in a democratic society to manifest behaviors which exhibit the culture of instant β†’

Antigua guatemala essay

The city was originally located in the Valley of Almolonga, but was destroyed by the torrents of lava that fell from the Volcan de Agua, or Volcano of Water, and by the Santa Marta Earthquake in 1773. The main facade is one of the most impressive pieces of colonial art in the city of Antigua β†’

Simmons implementation of great game of life program essay

With the implementation of GGOl, the new leadership style will facilitate a number of changes in the organization thus making Simmons a company where customers would prefer to deal with and people prefer to work. In so doing, a concise leadership change must be incorporated alongside implementing GGOL which is an outdoor and traditional training β†’

Admission essay for fnp

The Family Nurse practitioner needs a heart and that I have. I may not be a philanthropist with billions of dollars to give but I have the heart and I heed to my calling.

Discussion questions week 1 economics 365

A Definition Of Economics": * Economics is the study of the production and consumption of goods and the transfer of wealth to produce and obtain those goods. The difference between a movement along and a shift of the demand curve in the movement along is caused by a change in the price of goods or β†’

Acceptance of violence in tv and media

The news, in other words, is the account of the event, not something intrinsic in the event itself' Thinking of the simple fact that when people watch television, there is always a slight chance that the channel they are watching will present a violent act, making people think that the media is a very powerful β†’

Definition of expatriate failure

The IHRM literature has an extensive amount of research that has studied the field of international staffing and expatriates, their effectiveness, associated costs and return on investment, compensations, performance, expatriates' adaptation in the local countries, challenges and issues and failure. Harzing and Christensen defines expatriate failure as ' the inability of [an] expatriate to perform β†’

Effects of moderate alcohol consumption on oxidative stress

In this study Malondialdehyde levels and activities of enzymatic antioxidants namely superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase were determined in 120 non smoker healthy males with self reported daily consumption of 90ml or 120ml of whisky and rum. The consumption of alcohol was self reported by participants.

Qualtrics added bitcoin reward option

The private research software company, Qualtrics has added bitcoin as reward option for the consumers who complete their surveys and to the enterprise clients which create the surveys in order to find out information on the taste of their target markets. Microsoft's Bing and Tango Card has also let its users of the search engine β†’