Genuine Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Shall i compare thee to a summer’s day by william shakespeare assignment

KT writes that the poem is to a man because it says " and often is his gold complexion dimm would". I also have to point out that both sonnet xvii and xix concludes in similar ways, and that he does not necessarily intends to brag about his future popularity what Shakespeare states, is that →

A comparison of the french and america revolution

Both the American and the French Revolutions aimed at bringing equality and liberty to the people. France had eyed on abolishing the French realm and establish a restored government on which the citizens would live like a society, unlike America which was fighting to attain freedom from taxes and instructions subjected to them by Great →

Compare and contrast two romantic poems essay

The narrator, using poetic language, begins in blank verse, setting the dominant mood of the poem of sorrowful melancholy, ' Above the sound of waters, high and clear, wafting a wild proud strain, her song of death.' 1 The ' song' of the Indian Woman tells the reader of a husbands betrayal and how the →

Crime data comparison

With forcible rape rates of 665 in Dallas and the city of Atlanta with forcible rape rates of 171. As compared to the occurrence of forcible rape rates in the two Metropolitan areas of Atlanta and Dallas, Dallas has a high rate of forcible rape cases.

Comparison of translations of ”the seafarer” by burton raffel and ezra pound essay sample

Promt: Compare the two versions of The Seafarer by Raffel and Pound and give logical thinking for why one is a better interlingual footings of continuing the Anglo-Saxon poetic tradition and the overall feel of the verse form. In the 2nd line Raffel moves even farther from the original.while Pound one time once more →

Compare and contrast the two texts

Trade with the Indians If you shoot, choose the best so that you do not miss and they will come to fear you Build store houses first before any private houses Serve and fear God Started for the profit Do not advertise the killing of your own men Plymouth Started for self fulfillment Decided to →

Person of interest compared to monte assignment

The Count of Monte Crisis is the story about a sailor, Edmond Dances, who was betrayed during the prime of his life and career because of the Jealousy of his friends. The character Dances was persisted with the changing of his identity in order to defeat his enemies.

Compare the representation of the family in the parent trap and are we there yet essay sample

The main problem of the family at the start of the film is that there is a huge split because of Maggie and Mitch divorcing and having one child each. This representation of the family is much better than the one at the start because there is no longer a split in the family and →

Erratum: in vivo comparison of the charge densities required to evoke motor responses using novel annular penetrating microelectrodes

An erratum on In vivo comparison of the charge densities required to evoke motor responses using novel annular penetrating microelectrodes by Brunton, E. Old citation: In vivo comparison of the charge densities required to evoke motor responses using novel annular penetrating microelectrodes by Brunton EK, Winther-Jensen B, Wang C, Yan EB, Hagh Gooie S, Lowery →

Comparison of two control chart commercial packages

The software is useful in analyzing the features of the business organization, therefore, increasing efficiency and prosperity of the business. The followings are the disadvantages of QI Macros, For use, an individual has to load the software over the network and in instances where there is a busy online traffic associated with the use of →

Comparison between organic and inorganic fertilizers

Lemna minor was used as an indicator for the effectiveness of fertilizers in this experiment by observing the number of leaves after applying the fertilizers. The objective of this experiment is to compare the effectiveness of chicken manure and urea fertilizers on Lemna plants.

Comparison of thoughts between plato and machiavelli philosophy essay

Plato's beliefs of regime perceive the State as a superior description of the human being, and the spirit of a human being is encompassed of three components. For the guarantee of the poorer rank that does not seek to control or manage, or that the managers are not attracted for the animal/substance happiness of the →

Ozymandias irony and comparison with sonnet 55 of shakespeare assignment

The irony in this poem is that Ozymandias, a king who probably lived a long time ago, believed that his statue, which he was proud of, will forever venerate him but now only the legs of the statue remain and its head, which was given much detail by the sculptor, is shattered and corrupted by →

Compare the opening scenes of luhrmann and zeffirelli film adaptation of romeo and juliet

The opening scene in Zeffirelli's version ' Romeo and Juliet' is very slow, very calm and the actors perform in the manner true to the Shakespearian times. The opening scene of Luhrmann's version of the film is very fast, exciting and the actors perform with a lot of aggression and passion.

Comparison of the leadership successes of desmond tutu and the failures of nicolás maduro

Desmond Tutu was born in 1931 in Klerksdorp, British Imperial South Africa, the same year the Union of South Africa became a separate and autonomous territory of the British Empire through the Statute of Westminster. He taught classes at a seminary and university in southern Africa in the late 1960s, and then moved back to →

Compare and contrast health and wellness

Even after all of the weight loss, one will still have to figure out what to do with the extra skin that is now hanging from the body. The only 100% safe way to lose weight and live a better life is to maintain a healthy diet and exercise program.

Comparison of rodney king case and the dethorne graham case

High profile cases, such as the Rodney King case and the Dethorne Graham case, have brought the issue of police force to the public forefront. But Dethorne Graham refused to stop because he was in a critical condition and desperately needed orange juice to counteract the onset of an insulin reaction.

Critiquing critics’ emphasis on personal taste: a comparison of pope and kant

In order to play a judge in matters of taste, we must not be in the least biased in favor of the thing's existence but must be wholly indifferent about it".[2] Kant is teaching the critic that he can never be biased if he is going to judge and like Pope he too emphasizes the →

Compare the role of political parties in both china and peru. what is similar and what is different about this role in the two c

In any case, the role of parties or if specifically said, multi-parties are very important for the well being of the country and also for apt governance. However, in the case of China, it is a single party rule, with no scope for multi-parties in the near future, while Peru has a thriving democracy and →

Compare and contrast of henry and edwards speeches essay sample

The primary aim of Henry and Edward? s speech is to express and convince their audience to follow their ideas and beliefs. The intent of the two speeches is different, but their purpose is the same, to persuade the audience to follow their ideals.

Comparison of adler, freud, and jung essay

The manifest content is the stuff that the dreamer is cognizant in associating the inside informations of the dream. The manifest content is a camouflage for the true significance of the dream.or the latent content.which is comprised of unconscious sexual and aggressive wants and phantasies unacceptable to the witting self-importance.

Comparison between us health care and health care in italy

Peridural anesthesia's main function is to reduce the pain which occurs during childbirth, in order to perform surgeries the doctors inject Peridural anesthesia in the spinal column with the help of a needle or a tube in a patient. It is believed by many surgeons in Italy who handle the case of childbirth that the →

Comparison of erikson’s and bandura’s theories

Where the interplay in Bandura's theory is between the individual and the environment, in Erik Erikson's theory, the interplay is between psychological abilities, social influences, biological development and cognitive capacities. Erik Erikson's theory explains that a child requires the comfort of the parents in the initial stages of life in order to develop trust.

Compare and contrast emily and calixta essay

Calixta is the main character in the story " The Storm" who is the mother and a wife, who choice was to have an affair with a former lover. Miss Emily does not cope well with the passing of time, very reclusive, resistant to change, is not married nor does she have children.

Compare two texts listed below

If love was what you were after, then you should find it outside of a marriage as it was not the purpose of marriage in the first place. He believed there was little love in real marriage, but a lot outside of it.

A comparison of the ethical value of characters in the apology of socrates and socrates’s evagoras by socrates

Isocrates stresses towards the end of the prose that the young men should study the life of Evagoras and philosophize about it in order to find what the " good life" is. The main reason I say this is that I feel like Evagoras was more of a humble man who cared for others, and →

Julia and lee compare and contrast

Lee is a new girl who is unpopular and she gets bullied most of their time at school. Julia has a boyfriend that is a senior and Lee is a single new girl.

Group comparison in favour of ingroup identification

The findings support the outlook that ingroup favourability bias is stimulated by a need to maintain or enhance a positive social identity and that social categorization involves fundamentally a distinction between the group containing the self. Through the abundance of work using the minimal group paradigm, it is clear that arbitrarily dividing individuals into groups →

Compare how poets present the effects of conflict assignment

Compare how poets present the effects of conflict in ' Belfast Confetti' and one other poem from Conflict." Belfast Confetti" and " Yellow Palm" " Belfast Confetti" and " Yellow Palm" are both major set around the imagery language used, and the effects of the devastation happening to the communities. Seen in the quote:" As →

The comparison of sigmund freud and b.f. skinner

Skinner is often referred to ask the " the father of operant conditioning." B.F. Both the ideas of Sigmund Freud and B.F.

Compare the representation of women in mulan & crouching tiger hiden dragon essay

In the Disney film Mulan, Mulan dresses up as a man and goes into the army because her father cannot as he is injured from a previous War. Another negative point to women in Mulan does not want to get married and wants to be a free spirit but has to give in and marries →

Analysis and comparison of diageo and sab miller marketing essay

The analysis also identifies and explores the factors which are responsible for the current financial position and development of both the companies and critically evaluate the factors involves in future growth, development and change. To evaluate the performance of each company and compare them the financial analysis tools used are SWOT, the profit impact of →

Compare contrast and evaluate two psychotherapeutic approaches

The modern roots of CBT can be traced to the development of behaviour therapy in the early 20th century, the development of cognitive therapy in the 1960's by Aaron Beck, and the merging of the two. During CBT treatment, patients and therapists focus on the present by working together and trying to identify and understand →

Compare the characterisations in my last duchess and othello’s soliloquy

Throughout the soliloquy Othello is addressing a sleeping Desdemona and the fact that she is in this setting and in such a situation gives him another level of power over her as she is faced with a certain vulnerability and lack of control over the events to come, while it also suggests an innocence in →

Running head: comparison of theorists

Adler was the first psychologist to mention that the order in which you were born would shape your personality. He had three archetypes that he spoke on the anima which is the feminine side of the male, and the animus is the masculine side of female.

Competitors & comparison with our product

So as a company focused strictly on wind turbines, and the research and development of them there is a great amount of business to market us towards. Hence, we need to adhere to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission which requires our company to provide a quantitative estimate of the impact of the project on sound →

Compare and contrast between “speech” and “still me”

Both stories are written by the same author, but " Speech" has a unique sense to it." Speech" starts out as Chris Reeve talks about family values." Speech" was written by Chris Reeve himself. He uses Main Idea and Support to prove his theory." Speech" Is also a non- fiction and a speech.

Comparison essay of “an insatiable emptiness” and “distorted image” essay

There are many factors that contribute to one's anxiety of body image, for example it could stem from media, social and personal view." An Insatiable Emptiness," by Evelyn Lau, focuses on her own personal struggles with bulimia, and her strained relationships with her mother." Distorted Image," by Susan McCelland focuses on the social dynamics of →

Comparison of indian and chinese health systems

This is mostly, because of the lack of will from the government officials and the lack of resources in the country, to provide health benefits to such a large population. Unfortunately, improving the system is not in their hands and has to be dealt with by the authorities.

Comparison of roles and responsibilities of the australian government

The responsibility for data security largely remains on the businesses and governments of our society to ensure individuals data is secure. This essay will argue that, while the government, businesses and individuals all play a role in data security, it is a major responsibility of large companies and the government to ensure data security is →

Compare and contrast portland, or and new york assignment

They range in size, both geographically and in terms of population, they have very different environments and people, although they have some things in common, like a diverse art and music scene. There are a lot of art galleries both in New York and Portland, although New York art scene is more formal and somewhat →

Compare and contrast the writings of confucius, ha

mmurabi, and the booThree of the most famous writings from ancient civilizations are the writings of Confucius, Hammurabi's code of laws, and Egypt's Book of the Dead. In Egypt, during the ritual of the dead, it is said that the dead man, in order to pass into the afterlife, must profess that he has not →

Compare and contrast two movies

The lady has dedicated most of her life in helping the people around her, to improve their lives despite the problems she faces in isolation. The movies are the same in the way they bring out the meaning of life.

A compared and considered alongside it for the

Forexample, in the UK, there is the legislative branch that is authorised tocreate the law, the judicial branch which interprets the law, and the executivebranch that implements the law. Anexample being, in the Republic of Ireland, in order for the constitution to be altered, it is a requirement that the bill must be passed by →

Compare tv and newspaper

The newspaper, distributed in the wee hours of the morning contains the latest or developing stories from the previous day, whereas an evening newscast typically contains the very latest from that particular day. There's some differences one sees when examining the coverage of newspaper and broadcasting news.

Compare and contrast situational crime prevention

Situational crime prevention is a strategy which tries to reduce the opportunity for crime by increasing the risks and decreasing the rewards of committing crime.[3]SCP focuses on preventing the opportunity for crime to occur by addressing factors within a given location that create a crime ' hotspot'. This combines the strengths of both SCP and →

Comparison of eastern religion

Eastern religions The eastern religions consist of Taoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Shinto. The idea of harmonious existence is evident in Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism religions.

Banks risk management: a comparison of uae national and foreign banks

" Bank's Risk Management: A Comparison Study of UAE national and Foreign Banks" Criteria 6 The focus of the article was to determine the risks that most banks within the UAE region face with a view of providing viable solutions. Although the authors identified the three main risk areas that the local and foreign banks →

Compare and contrast athens and sparta essay

Yet while both were in power, the known world was in a period of peace, and although tensions were high, such is the way of humanity. Athens' and Sparta's disputes and eventually downfall was just a part of life, the world keeps spinning, and time, however fought, stops for no man.

Economic survey comparison of pakistan, australia and kenya

9 billion kWh Country comparison to the world: 17 Electricity consumption: 222 billion kWh Country comparison to the world: 16 Oil production: 586, 400 bbl/day Country comparison to the world: 31 Oil consumption: 953, 700 bbl/day Country comparison to the world: 20 Oil exports: 332, 400 bbl/day Country comparison to the world: 36 Oil imports: →

“king midas” and “daedalus and icarus” comparison essay

King Midas and Daedalus and Icarus Comparison EssayKing Midas and Daedalus and Icarus are two Greek myths. They stress the fact that hubris should not dictateThe King Midas and Daedalus and Icarus myths also both touch the subject of the golden mean.

Comparison of black veil and the darkness out there

Both stories involve a person who is naive at the beginning of the story, Sandra's fears in " The Darkness out There" are different at the beginning then they are at the end. Throughout the story, the women is referred to as " the stranger" to add a sense of mystery.

Country comparison of economic development data

For the unemployment rate in 2012 estimation is 3% and in 2013 estimation is 3.1%. For the revenues in 2012 and 2013 estimation is $2.

Compare and contrast one laboratory and one field experiment

The participant and the stooge then picked slips of paper to decide who would be the teacher and who would be the learner this was a setup as the participant would always be the teacher. Both the nurses and Milgrams participants were all in fear of the experiment.

Online news comparison

The fact that the discussion was published online within the Project Censored framework reveals the atmosphere of partisanship and secrecy in regard to journalism as the mission in pursuit of truth and information and military affairs in pursuit of political and economic gains. It is interesting to trace the new overtones of the story to →

Speech comparison: margaret thatcher and martin luther king jr

She gives examples of the shrinking supply of sea ice and the depletion of the Ozone layer of the atmosphere. From having a member of the KKK in a position of power to the partaking in unfair and unjust laws that discriminate against a person born of color.

Troilus and criseyde in comparison to hippolytus

Similarly, the Decameron identifies Fortune as a product of the divine's will, interchangeable with the uses of the words Nature, Fate, or God. Between Troilus and Criseyde, the Decameron, and Hippolytus, the opposing forces of Fortune versus human choice are presented as the sole cause of tragedy in a protagonist's life.

Compare central child characters in the poems we

In this assignment I will analyse two poems, ' Mid-term break' and ' We are Seven' and study the ways in which each of the children in the poems deal with the death of a family member. In William Wordsworth's poem, ' We are Seven' we learn how a little girl reacts to the death →

Comparison various characters of both ibsen’s “a doll’s house” and williams’ “a streetcar named desire”

When Nora was a child, she was her father's doll as she tells about her father She married Torvald and became the doll living in her husband's doll house which is the representation of an ideal family living in the patriarchal society. The characters of Nora and Blanche highlight the theme of achieving independence by →

Compare and contrast break, break, break and crossing the bar essay

Although the two poems, ' Break, Break, Break' and ' Crossing the Bar' share a similar major premise, the expression of death through the metaphor of the sea, Tennyson is able to extract two antithetical responses to the subject of death. The severity and relentless nature of the poem is expressed immediately in the title →

Setting comparison for “a rose for emily” and “eveline”

In the story " A Rose for Emily," setting was essential due to the time place and social context of the story. In " A Rose for Emily," she got away with crime due to the time and place of where she lived.

Comparison between 1920s and 1930s

The 1920's was the first decade to have a nickname such as " Roaring 20's" or " Jazz Age." For many Americans, the 1920's was a decade of prosperity and confidence. Many Americans looked at the 1920's as a decade of confidence and prosperity.

A global comparison of health care information technology

A Global Comparison of Health Care Information Technology Evolution of Health Information Technology is a breakthrough in today's modern world in providing high quality care that is readily accessible for the people without the long waiting period. HIT consists enormously diverse set of technologies for transmitting and managing health information for use by consumers, →

Essay on compare and contrast essay

The best e-reader for he or she to buy will be the Amazon Kindle price starting at $79, the Kindle Touch $99-$189, and the Nook Touch $99. That is the question he or she will need to answer for themselves.

Compare and contrast to his coy mistress and john donne’s the flea essay

In The Flea the use of imagery is different to that of To His Coy Mistress because in the flea it is used as a visual image to allow the poet's partner to see what he is talking about and to be persuaded as it reinforces the narrators idea of her loss of virginity being →

Edgar allan poe’s the cask of amontillado: a analysis and comparison on the movie and book

In the below paragraphs, I will explain what I think are the differences between that versions and then the similarities which I will follow with explaining the effectiveness of the filmmaker as he set off to transfer the classic Poe story to screen. This being stated by Montressor before the conversation about the coat of →

The differences of teenagers in the 1940s compared to teenagers today

A teenager's life in the 1940s and today is extremely different in the areas of high school life and home life. After school, in the 1940s, a teenager might go home, change clothes, and go to work.

Compare theories of piaget,vgotsky and erikson

In the three selected articles, it will be discussed how the major claims of each theorists manifests in the field of psychology and how each theory is put to use. It is explained how Vygotsky developed his theories pertaining to the psychology of art and the creativity and imagination of children.

A comparison of advice to my son by peter meinke and those winter sundays by robert hayden

Meinke conveys a powerful sense of a series of the opposing aspects of life: the physical and the spiritual, the sensual and the intellectual, the religious and the secular, etc. My interpretation of these final few lines are that the speaker is trying to advise the son to take a middle course, not to veer →

A comparison between homer’s iliad and w.h. auden’s “achilles’ shield”

One of the most popular poets of his time, Auden was known to hold strong opinions as to the current condition of the modern world, and the direction he felt it was heading in, and this is evident in his poem, which is directly inspired by Book 18 of The Iliad and its description of →

Prison rehabilitation comparison

From the early 1980s until the mid-1990s the risk of imprisonment increased in the USA and the crime rate fell; while in England and Wales the opposite happened: the risk of imprisonment fell and the crime rate increased. The proper comparison is not between the number of prison inmates and the total population, but between →

Total consumption burner and premix chamber burner comparison biology essay

Nebulisation is a process to convert to a fine spray In total-consumption burner, the fuel and oxidant gases are mixed and combust at the tip of the burner. The burner is called total consumption because the entire aspirated sample enters the flame or in other words the sample solution is directly aspirated into the flame.

Reality and appearance: a comparison of hamlet and the revenger’s tragedy

From the opening Act of the play, the audience is made aware of Hamlet's tendency to muse on the nature of appearances and reality; he suspects and sees deception in everything and everyone, a tendency which is fostered by the circumstances within which he finds himself. It has been noted that Shakespeare's imagination was haunted →

An lushan rebellion and the buddhist persecution of 845 | comparison

As he was rising through the ranks, he was also gaining the trust of the soldiers in the Tang-Dynasty Military. Second of all, the An Lushan Rebellion was able to happen in the first place because of a lack of loyalty to the Emperor in the military.

Ap world essay: compare and contrast

The Book of the Dead from Egypt is quite similar to the Code of Hammurabi which is from Babylon. Yet the Code of Hammurabi is also similar to the Ten Commandments which is from Israel but at the same time is similar to an Egyptian student guideline.

Comparison of statement of changes in equity essay

An almost adverse situation has happenned with Domino's Inc.which has not only reduced its share capital but has also further increased its retained deficit which is not a good sign for its shareholders moreover it has also incurred an accumulated loss as opposed to a positive figure last year. Works CitedBKAR2007." Burger King Annual Report →

Comparison between donne and wit

The exploration of connections instigates a process of reflection whereby the inspiration of the known reflects upon the new, while the new resonates with the known. The subversion of traditional sonnet structure, juxtaposes personal doubt within the octet to religious revelation within the sestet, the transitory process of the rejuvenation of faith, reflecting both the →

Compare and contrast the theories of personality essay sample essay

The constituents are the Idaho is unconscious.the self-importance and the superego.both constituents of all three consciousness. Erikson.besides a psychoanalyst.accepted Freud's three-party theory of the construction of personality yet he focused more upon the self-importance and had less concern for the Idaho and superego.

Free blacks compared to slaves

The next few paragraphs will compare blacks in the north to blacks in the south in the 1800s. Blacks in the south were not free.

Symbolism in plays: comparison of dorfman and dϋrrenmatt

The author of Death and the Maiden, Ariel Dorfman, and the author of The Visit, Friedrich D rrenmatt, both convey messages which regard human society through the use of symbols. In the play Death and the Maiden, Ariel Dorfman creates an allegory portraying the cruel government of Chile and the struggles to transition away from →

Compare the heroes gilgamesh and rama

Similarities between Gilgamesh and Rama: Text and Context The stories of Gilgamesh and Rama have certain sameness. The narratives of Gilgamesh and Rama are entrenched in the very society and history in which they are made.

Comparison between blackberries by leslie norris and blackberries by ellen hunnicutt

On the other hand, Ellen Hunnicutts story by the same title is the story of a husband and wife who go picking blackberries at the foot of a hill. The boy is a little scared of the encounter with the barber, although in the end he enjoys the cut.

A comparison of student performance in single sex education assignment

The results of this study indicated that sixth grade male coed single-sex students, and seventh grade female coed students in the sample group were more likely to pass the CRT in mathematics than their peers in the other instructional settings. There were no limits, my parents exposed my sister and I to some of the →

Compare and contrast police technology

Today the Chicago police force has grown to approximately 1 3, 000 officers and has evolved tremendously since the Installation of police call boxes and the fingerprinting systems. These new advances In weapon technology give police officers alternatives to harming subjects and also provide needed distances to keep police officers and the public safe.

Comparison of south african and jamaican english

The English of South Africa started to develop in the 18th century, when the British first occupied the Cape in 1795, however, in history, the arrival of the 1820 settlers in the Eastern Cape is considered to be the birth of a new English dialect called South African English. Many authors say that the formation →

Compare hour and sonnet 43 assignment

It has three quatrains and is loosely based upon the Sonnet form, which links in with the fact that the poem is about love. In Hour, the character sees love as being like a prisoner to time, love being times beggar, but she also feels strongly towards love in the sense she feels that love →

Tabloid magazine comparison essay sample

Two of the more famous celebrity magazines are Us Weekly and People Magazine. US weekly is a celebrity gossip magazine as in, People Magazine is a weekly American magazine of celebrity and human interest stories.

Poetry analysis ; comparison

The alliteration on the ' w's in lines 3 and 4 slows the pace down and this is succeeded by the sensuous alliteration and assonance in the phrase'Our long love's day'In the third section of the poem, Marvell uses the word ' now' to insist on the immediacy of the need for action. There is →

Compare and contrast the views of diverse sociologists

In like manner, the society persists to exist because of the fulfillment of the function of each part. Spencer who finds difficulty to settle in a particular discipline, a non conformist, and a critic views society as place for the " survival of the fittest".

Compare and contrast the critiques and solutions proposed by the reformers of the progressive era to those of the new deal era to the problems posed by political and economic inequity

The Progressive Era and the New Deal Era Introduction The two eras were critical in the American history as they majorly focused on helping the American economy that was speedily disintegrating. The progressive era comprised the period between the mid 1890s and early 1920s which is often referred to as the bridge to modern times, →

Compare how women are presented in 4 of the poems you have studied

He says that the mother is at the zero end and is therefore not moving and staying where she is, as for the son has the spool of tape is his hand and is moving away from the mother to measure the length. The poem is written in 1st person and none of the other →

Compare and contrast the role of women in chinese society with their role in japan for the period from 300 a.d. to the middle of the thirteenth century

Essay: Compare and contrast the role of women in Chinese society with their role in Japan for the period from 300 the middle of the thirteenth century. Japanese and Chinese societies have many things in common and the overall role of women in both countries has remained the same throughout history.

Compare and contrast spearman and gardner intelligence essay

One theory of Intelligence states that there Is one general school of thought and the other theory believes there are multiple schools of thought. In Gardener's theory the only drawback is it is difficult to confirm because of the involvement with the human brain.