Genuine Case Study Examples

Example of distribution channels case study

Thus, this calls for a critical analysis and comparison of the similarities and differences of two distribution strategies in the automobile and jewelry product distribution. Distribution Channels Manufacturers use numerous distribution channels to get their products to consumers in the most convenient place and way. Online and television distribution channels are direct strategies that β†’

Sony play station three case study sample

The management of the company needs to allocate some funds for the purpose of research because of the factors that are part of discussion in the succeeding paragraphs. In order for the market research to be effective, Sony needs to identify suitable target participants. The participants should be comprised of the manufacturing personnel, the users β†’

Marketing case study

Com to make savings Strategic alternative 2 This alternative will let the website purely focus on exclusive and creation workshop. As mentioned that people were open to new ways of services and profit margin is higher compare to alternative 1. This strategy can maintain their profit and weight out the potential β†’

Marketing case study samples

Double A women's boutique located along Broadway street in New York City deals with retail selling of women clothes, shoes and other personal effects. Self-Analysis I consider the fact that I have ever worked in a women's boutique along 59th street in New York as my major strength. The demand for women clothes β†’

Example of case study on interactive session

The flash crash could be accounted to a few of the features of the electronic trading system that primarily contributed the crash. This dashboard was used as a means to measure the performance of the firm's 16 major refineries in the US and Canada. Answer 2.

Marketing case study

The concept was tested after that with the company test groups which replayed with positive feedback, whereby the team decided to process with the market study to estimate Fresco sales volume. Theatre proposed to Nielsen BASES to conduct this research and assess the customer's awareness of the Fresco whole grain pasta and their interest in β†’

Htc and social media case study examples

This paper aims to explore HTC marketing strategy of using social media as an advertising tool as well as the strengths and weaknesses that come with this method. Current Market Situation In the United States, HTC has come in as a strong player in the Smartphone industry. Because of β†’

Free price and quantity of milk case study sample

In this example, the results of the scientific study increased the value of milk in the eyes of the customers, and they would want to buy more of this good even though the price did not drop. At the same time, the quantity demanded of milk rises, due to the effects of the law of β†’

Market shares of pepsico, coca-cola, nestle

Management can also keep track of how strategies affect the market performance of products and brands through tracking changes in market share by volume among other things (Czepiel and Karin, n.d.; NetMBA, 2010; Chen, 1996). In marketing, similarly, volume market shares information allow for situating brands and products within such context, to better track how β†’

Example of marketing: tamagotchi case study

In addition, the strategies can prolong the life of the game in order to take advantage of fads. The marketing of fads and enduring products differs in terms of the 4ps of marketing (product, promotion, place, and price) as well as consumer behaviors. The portability of the product, its style of play, the physical aesthetics, β†’

Target population needs at jhuson primary care clinic

On the other hand, the components of the SWOT analysis will include the identification of the need for the service as strength. In this regard, the neighborhood will feel safe in the hands of specialists. Another external opportunity related to JHUSON's business plan concerns the use of health information technology.

Case study on harley-davidson’s marketing

Harley-Davidson is an iconic company that has redefined the world of motorcycling by creating an illustrious and inspiring brand devoted to a culture and experience in which only Harley-Davidson owners can truly understand. Once the Harley thundered past, one of the blind men said to the other, " Nice Harley".

Fyne piece of marketing case study

His confidence was that of someone who knows he has faced a problem and come up with the right answers.' Ladies and gentlemen,' he began, ' as you are aware, two months ago we were given the opportunity to supply the Beefies Hamburger Chain with their new Supa-Long French fries. At the β†’

Example of countrywide financial case study

I also agree with the point in the discussion that the foreclosure would be unfair and that renogotiation is necessary. Misleading Numbers The second case is that of a boss asking a subordinate to omit some numbers of poorly performing mutual funds. The use of a drug is serious and it is unethical for β†’

Case study on industrial marketing

The attach Informed the sales manager that the Global Purchasing Manager was the key man and that whoever got the nod from him would get the contract. He also briefed the sales manager on methods of conducting business in Latin America and offered some pointers about dealing with the purchasing manager. He is β†’

How to analyze a case

You can expect to encounter the themes in the cases that are part of the modules and opportunities to put to work the analytical tools and best practices you have learned. A decision case is not likely to state criteria they have to be derived through careful study of the speci? cs of the case, β†’

An organization with a marketing problem case study

Contemporary organizations are expected to abide by different laws and regulations pertaining to adherence to the highest quality of standards in the products and services offered in the market. To achieve this goal, the problem chosen is a product problem that was evident and proven through the necessity of the governing agency to have β†’

Marketing strategy of groupon: case study

The way it works is, the business owner makes a deal with the website by offering a discount on a product or service and tells how much they are willing to accept for it and the amount they are willing to give away. Moreover, the benefit of Groupon to the producer comes after the deal β†’


DEVELOPING MARKETING STRATEGIES AND PLANS SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths * Omore ice cream is a brand of Engro foods which is a well renowned FMCG company in Pakistan.* Engro is also a world renowned company and working in the Fertilizer, IT and Chemicals business.* Omore ice cream is made from fresh milk and cream as compared β†’

Marketing in schools case study

The worst form of marketing is the organizations that use exclusive agreements with the schools by offering the schools a percentage of their profits to obtain a monopoly for their products. Marketing to children is now a billion dollar refit for corporations that want to corner the young consumers into buying their products β†’

Free case study on write a letter to mr. kaihan krippendorf

The second paradigm is the Rapaille paradigm, which deals with the science of selling and pricing approaches (dwells on the psychology of consumption and the basic methods and objectives of certain pricing methods. The thought leaders considered in this course are Yin and Yang , Brent Smith β†’

Grafik marketing case study

Create a sense of safety and a sense of sharing. Not only will the younger employees be mentoring the senior manager In technological aspects, done the way they are. O Members must understand the importance of the program and block time to spend with each other so they do not miss those sessions β†’

Planning at the westwind resort case study examples

Wendell, the managers and the board of directors working together to come with a desired mission statement (Planning at the Westwind Resort, 1). A mission statement should be reviewed by either the staff or board members so that an organization can move forward in growth. Q3 The SWOT analysis β†’

The ur umuc healthy fitness center analysis case study example

Therefore, this research paper puts forward the various mechanisms I would institute as a newly employed manager at the company. Based on the available information, it is easier to analyze the Centre using porter's five forces, to be able to restructure its processes and redesign its overall operational activities to β†’

Problem case study sample

Analysis and Recommendation Analysis and Recommendation The English Bay Hotel has been in the business for quite some time, and from this case it is among the oldest hotels to be put up in Vancouver. This is healthy for the hotel because good relationship with the financial partners makes it easy to β†’

Porsche marketing case study

For the buyer process of a regular Propose car versus the large Sub's the first two phases are pretty much the same in which the buyer still has to determine there is a need for a car and putting in the research to which cars are viable options to purchase. The role of β†’

Example of chiquita: an excruciating dilemma between life and law case study

It is, therefore, imperative to note that Chiquita chose both a supportive and non supportive initiatives in the sense that at one point, it was supportive of the business and legal law. Differently, Chiquita became non supportive by involving in illegal payments to terrorists, thereby promoting war. In relation to Big Pharma marketing tactics, it β†’

Good kahuna cleaning supply case study example

Develop a fact-finding plan including interviews, documentation review, observation, questionnaires, sampling, and research. Notably, Whitten argues that a fact-finding mission is the most crucial step to identifying the information needed to create a solid plan as it highlights the areas that need changes the most. His fact-finding plan would help managers at β†’

Marketing case study of credit suisse

Importance of new product development method Due to rapid development of technology, it' quite necessary for businesses to introduce innovative products and services in market in order to attract the customers towards company products and services. Summary of Key Points To make this innovative service successful, it's necessary to use NDP methods for development and β†’

Gillete: product and marketing innovation

Using the decision making framework the following summary gives an overview of the available opportunities that the company can take in the global marketplace. Step 1: Problem definition The key issue arising from the case study is that the Gillette Company has reached its limits in product innovation. The gathering of the relevant information β†’

Macdonald’s strategic management case study sample

The Macdonald's case demonstrates the concept of strategy as defined in the text. The case also provides a nice lead-in to discuss anticipated environmental changes and how McDonald's is positioning itself for future success. Macdonald's Cooperation employs a cost leadership strategy to have a better competitive edge in the β†’

Abercrombie & fitch case study

Ezra Fitch, the best customer of the business became a partner of the business in the 1900. This was because of the collapse in the efficiency of the Postal service. - The customers who were examining the guns set in the display shot themselves unaware that the guns were loaded.

On opportunities case study samples

This is given a rating of 4 relative to the popularity of e-commerce and e-based technology in the health care industry along with increase in the usage of certain technologies because it warrants the openness of the market to the development of innovative ways under the said condition. In addition, the strengthening of the foreign β†’

Example of south africa and sony case study

There is a need to undertake important analysis of the new market that an organization is interested in entering and understand the way that market operates. From the research, it is clear that South Africa is a country where most of the population is below the poverty line.

Recessions since 1990 in the us case study example

The GDP thus shrunk by 5.1%. The first recession of the 90's was caused by a major oil price rise due to the First Gulf War and a high level of inflation. This combination of policies together with a decline of oil prices brought US out of the recession in 1991. The recession that started β†’

Nursing shortages and financial implications case study

This is due to the fact that the a few nurses in health care sector are forced to work on overtime terms so as to meet patient's requirements. This is due to the fact that nurses have been overloaded thus lowering the quality of health care.

Free case study on a jumping-off place

For the formulation of a good strategy, therefore, a business planner must have knowledge of the market the investment is to venture in and how ready the market is to receive the products the company will be producing. In the case of the American investor in Spain, the move to have the Spanish investment spill β†’

Marketing case study

In 2010 the Audio has been approach of addressing the consumers by emotions connected to the repositioning of the brand that is Audio AY 'The Next Big Thing. The companies such as Audio use testimonials as part of their marketing strategy because to address the targeted group of new and younger potential β†’

Case study on new world value chain management

Provide a minimum of two key success factors for each component of the value chain. The key components of the value chain in the wine industry are the input suppliers; the wine grape producers, the wineries; the sales and distribution; and the consumers. The input suppliers include those that provide advice, information, machinery, and β†’

Ikea consumer and organisational behaviour

Consumers' Level of Involvement and IKEA's Marketing Plan The perceived level of risk of consumers is high when it comes to buying furnishing products therefore, consumer involvement level is high. Perceived Risk It has affected IKEA's marketing plan in the following way. Post Purchase Evaluation at IKEA and its Impact on Marketing Plan β†’

Union square ventures raising new tech fund

The article Union Square Ventures Raising New Tech Fund discusses different aspects of the strategic approach utilized by Union Square Ventures during the last year and the current status of the industry. The problem with the goal of the company is that venture capital money is currently hard to come by in the United States.

Total marketing strategy: you won’t come back by chance

This will help to save time at the filling station and increase the utilitarian value of the customers. 3) The two things that may build utilitarian value are the positioning and the delivery of Elf store. This is purely based on the key benefits that the customers are looking for.

Identify the claim 99.9% of proper grammar is obsolete – cs2

As users are getting acquainted of each other's vocabulary, proper grammar is deteriorating. He recognizes that there is a tendency of feeding customized " Internet Speak" that is developing among those on the internet. The grammar on formal websites still follows the traditional laid out rules, emails are starting to see a condensed version and β†’

Case study hotel organization

From Front Office processes we have chosen the check-out and from the F&B we have chosen the order making process. Objectives The objective of our work is to analyze and compare functions and operating processes of two departments of a Hotel Alimara in Barcelona. The self check out β†’

Entrepreneurship – mamma mia case study examples

The industry has seen various growths in the figure of professions and the viewers of the films. In addition, the performing arts give much benefit to the industry as they improve the locals and employees quality of life.

Integrative case study – cafe co

List of References 21 Introduction of two-day training course In view of the problem of training with line managers, it is going to hold a two-days training course to conduct the new barista. The reason that hold the raining course is saving time for training in daily workload, assists to train the basic skills with β†’

Virgin atlantic airways case study

Critically assess how the organisation has employed e-business technologies to perform its key business processes and improve service levels for its customers To begin with, the online e-business model of Virgin Atlantic Airways is a business to consumer as the Virgin Atlantic Airways sells plane tickets directly to customers without passing intermediaries. Virgin Atlantic β†’

Southwest airlines case study

Values that consumers care about could be ranging from the service and attitudes of hostesses on flight, the quality of the snacks, and the comfort during the flight. SWA offers exclusive supply of tickets and billing on the monthly basis are the strategy to keep this segment of consumers.

Challenges and current trends of crm in pc industry: a case study at dell asia pacific

The main idea of CRM initiatives is that it helps businesses use technology and human resources to gain insight into the behavior of customer and the value of those customers. Furthermore, Peppard suggested that technological advances in global networks, convergence and improved interactivity, are key to explaining the growth of e-business and CRM. β†’

Example of case study on leadership and management

Additionally, the nurse has to fulfill the expectations of the colleagues and peers. If the nurse feels that lack of appreciation from the administration for the work done, morale goes down and this causes powerlessness. The type of workload that a nurse is involved in may also be a major cause of powerlessness.

Free case study about nursing

The interactions between the nurse and the patient during the time duration in which the patient had breakfast was sufficient for the nurse to make a full assessment on the level of awareness and alertness of the patient and come up with a viable conclusion on the general state of β†’

Alterations in oxygen transport: pernicious anemia

Owing to the fact that vitamin B12 deficiency causes pernicious anemia, the NP will be better placed to verify a diagnosis of pernicious anemia if the patient reports sensations of tingling, numbness, crawling, deadness, constriction in the abdomen and chest, or gait abnormalities. Drawing from this description, it is evident that the patient's pernicious anemia β†’

Sony: the world’s largest data breach

The Sony security breach on its online video game network may be considered as one of the cases, where companies fail to maintain the required security against such hacking threats, breaching client's security as happened in one of the largest security breaches involving Sony Corp.1. The company also could be in a case where current β†’

Cis 375 week 8: 2: usability of ipads and websites

Usability of Websites and IPad al Affiliation Usability of IPad and Websites Introduction The following is an analysis on theusability of iPad and websites from the perspective of the users experience in using the iPad. Use of Gestures in IPad Gestures enable for the easy use of the iPad instead of routinely going to β†’

Computer sciences and information technology

The management of the organization is not pleased with the ongoing support levels it is receiving from the Microsoft Dynamics GP ERP system usage and its IT operations across its branches as they have all proved to be cost ineffective. Overall Risk of Investment Failure The company fears that the system may not be in β†’

It solution for corporate financial and inventory management

In the area of finance, each of its operations currently uses a different financial system and the consolidation of the information is very time consuming - lasting for up to four weeks at a time. They include having all IT aspect of the business managed internally; establishing standard procedures for the management of inventory; and β†’

Xyz software corporation: economics and resources

The existing process is costlier with respect to the process size, personnel involved in the process, environment and the quality of the process. The existing process involve a lot of decision making steps, which increases the time duration of the process and the also the size of the process. As the size of the process β†’

Cis 375 1 week 3: using technology as experience framework

The web interface acts as a platform through which a story is told to the world, through this platform the donor is engaged and can validate the need to make a donation. A well designed web interface combines several elements that ignite appropriate emotions, effective storytelling and an interactive and welcoming atmosphere that appeals to β†’

Zynga wins with business intelligence

What role does business intelligence play in Zynga's business model? Business intelligence is basically the applications and technologies that are used to gather, analyze and use data for making information-based business decisions. By using the business intelligence that they collect and analyze Zynga are better able to keep the interest of their users high and β†’

11-2, dealing with traffic jams in london

The government plan to control the traffic jam seeks to use the knowledge of information technology in implementing the project. Assessing the risks in this project The risks in the project included the following; the project did not have a preexisting model thereby complicating the implementation plan.

Ramon avancena

I rated the NCPIE medium in this category, because it is not subject to the bureaucracy of the school district. The school district is focused on the result and outcomes, because it is taking the initiated to seek outside counsel from the Woodson Foundation.

Social inequality case study sample

The importance of social structure is to enhance healthy competition among individuals in terms of wealthy accumulation, economic empowerment and management of resources. This is caused by failure of the governance structure to implement viable policies, which favors economic and social empowerment.

Decision making and decision support systems in healthcare case study samples

As a matter of fact, the utilization of these systems displays the provision of care as the responsibility of a compact health society rather than independent health facilities. Healthcare is a vital part of the society that needs to be managed carefully in every aspect. Morgan, in his work, The Next Generation of Clinical Decision β†’

Bench marking case study examples

This may lead to an employee driven process in the hospital. Vendor selection The vendor selected should offer the entire necessary requirement for the success of the E.H.R.the vendors should be legal and ranked. It takes the forms of abstracting and manual entry due to the bulk of records, scanning and electrical data conversion. β†’

A leadership/motivation is provided below. the includes important leadership issues including, but not limited to, mot

Summarized Theories of Motivation and its Implications to the Case Theory X and Theory Y of Motivation The theory X and Y was proposed by Douglas McGregor to explain basic human traits. With respect to the case, it can be postulated that Jonathan practices participative theory where the opinion of every individual is considered and β†’

General motors: solving the high turnover challenge

The following are ways in which General Motors can solve the increased turnover challenge at the company. Since subcultural differences are the main cause of employee dissatisfaction and consequential turnover, the management should strongly focus on finding a solution to the differences. Such a setup is necessary to create coherence among the divisions and a β†’

Free case study on the ftaa

A lot more will be discussed for comparative and analytical purposes. For this reason therefore, this paper will adopt the approach of raising the key issues in the case study, address the root causes of the issues so raised, suggest viable solutions that are capable of resolving the issues, make a case for a risk β†’

Motivation and performance in washburn guitars

This firm has structured its working environment in a way to reward behaviors for work and discourage negative thoughts for work in order to boost its performance. The employees at Washburn guitars feel motivated because of their love for the music and the care they have when making the musical instruments. The top musicians in β†’

Case study on leadership in gill city

In the department of public works and transportation, employees are poorly motivated, and there is a disconnect between the requirements within the city and the ability by the employees to address these requirements. It is highly probable that the management body of these departments has been involved in gross misappropriation of funds and resources within β†’

Supply and demand case study

This is in alignment with the market model which states that the return of a certain security is usually dependent on the market portfolio returns as well as the extent of the responsiveness of the security. It is therefore the demand price in a monopolistic market which brings the market β†’

Nintendo: reviving a company, transforming a market

The sales of gaming console dropped from January 2010 figures of 465, 800 to 319, 000 in the month of January 2011. The company is under pressure from various analysts and they were of the opinion that Nintendo could not survive in a long run because the ' graphical horsepower' systems of Wii are weak β†’

Marketing case study 9518

I believe he needs to limit his public skating sessions to the weekends. He needs to maintain the sessions on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and target families for those sessions.

Example of case study on a briefing document to the directors

This has been a key attraction of clients to your business. In addition, operating as a full service agency also has the advantage of bringing more business to The Agency. It may prove to be difficult for such a business to be efficient in the production of both products and services.

The role of social media as marketing tool for tourism in kenya. case study: kenya safari and tours.

In the current situation thecase studycompany is using the social media marketing in marketing their tourism company and therefore it important for us to understand how the company is planning its operation and what are the current benefits of the company resulting from the use of social media marketing. Social media marketing strategy in an β†’

Example of case study on the impact of european sovereign debt crisis on the credit markets

As the crisis enters its third year, the European and the whole world is worried whether it would end up affecting the world economy leading to world financial crisis. Europe has been struggling to pay the debts built in the recent years. The debts accumulated by the European countries were so large exceeding the size β†’

The growth of mcdonald’s company in the european market

As such, lack of product diversity has been a barrier to successful expansion into the European market. Factors to Focus On Product Related McDonald's company has to establish products that go beyond its identity. To maximize on its expansion in the European market, McDonald's should embrace customer service as a complementary to offering β†’

Nature of the retailer and their target customers

The targeted customers of the Topshop retailer store being young women, according to the store has to maintain the relevance of the store by always providing quality clothes, shoes and makeups. The vision of the store is to have stores in all the countries in the world.

Youre name case study samples

The site posts ads that reward kids with virtual currency that they can use to create sophisticated rooms for digital version of their Webkinz pets. The world of kids-marketing has become extremely complex and tech-friendly. The 4P's of marketing are: Price, Product, Promotion and Place. Price: Toy companies such as Ganz have priced their products β†’

Example of business ethics case study

According to Shaw et al, some of the features of capitalism include; free enterprise non-restrictive government interference in the economy and maximization of consumer welfare from a free market that is based on supply and demand. They must ensure that regulations must be developed to contain abuse of power and unethical behavior in the capitalist β†’

Designs by kate: the power of direct sales

Designs by Kate: The Power of Direct Sales A: What are the key elements of the DBK model in terms of sales force selection, motivation, and support? Majority of the sales team has been hired by existing sales personnel. Motivation The lucrative, slab based commission payout provided the motivation to the sales β†’

Example of the er that became the emergency case study

While it is understandable that no other party wants to get involved into the problem, and the City Hospital has no capacity to receive all the patients in their area, the sustainability of the CMH future is dependent on the solution that Peterson finds. Key stakeholders and their stakes The situation described in the β†’

Good case study on alzheimers disease

The main approaches to diagnosis that have recently sprung up as a result of technological and medical advancements include the measurement of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers, brain imaging, and finally, clinical tests on thinking and memory ability to establish the level of cognitive health. Given the characteristics and the behavior of John, he is most probably β†’

Each illness is caused by a bacterium

This is a government's initiative to determine the actual number of the incidence rate and distribution of the disease. The data from this review is a product of researches about the treatment standards of Lyme disease.

Customer relationship management heads to the cloud (itm class)

The other advantage why large companies should adopt this cloud based CRM service is that it can be customised to meet the need of the organization. In an organization that is comprised of skilled and competent managers, the cloud based system can be adopted since they can manage to use it.

Short guide to answering exam questions

By telling the examiner this, you would also be telling the marker the extent of your knowledge and the confidence level you have in your grasp of the law. To know which fact is relevant you look at the principle of law you have identified and the factors that are necessary under that principle.

Good leadership in gill city case study example

The citizens are aware of unethical behaviors in the management of the city and they have lost their trust and support for the Mayor and the local government. It is highly probable that the management body of these departments has been involved in gross misappropriation of funds and resources within the department. Too many complaints β†’

Central serous retinopathy a disease overview case study examples

The mechanism of this condition is leakage of serous fluid from a portion of the choroid (the layer of the eye just outside the retina) called the choriocapillaris (a network of small blood vessels located in that portion of the choroid that is responsible for providing nutrition to β†’

Case study on mental health and social issues

I would be more alert to notice whether she would be exhibiting any schizophrenic tendencies in addition to the usual nursing care I would be giving her. I would try and explain to her that she was safe, and there was no elephant in the room. How would you react if Mrs.

Good example of general plan of care: case study

High blood sugar, history of high blood pressure, weakness on one side of the body, and problems with swallowing signs towards the case of Ischemic stroke CVA. Doctor's orders: Patient is kept on NPO until the advice from the speech therapist. After that he will be transferred to the neurological intensive care and will be β†’

Case study on the hearth act

The Act increased the demand for schools to offer services to the homeless children without any recognized dispute or segregation; these services included transport services and liaison for the homeless and generally working to the interest of these children. The extension of the McKinney-Vento Act, the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act β†’

Free case study on bill of rights

Indeed, the creation of equal rights in the Bill of rights was a bold step towards the achievement of the goals of the founders of the nation, who wanted citizens to enjoy the hard won freedom and liberty. He, therefore, wrote the bill of rights from the perspective of all members of the American society, β†’

The supreme court has held that the selection guidelines in the federal governments uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures also apply to performance measurement

Discrimination in Performance Management College: Discrimination in Performance Management One important role of the federal law is to protect the right of the employees and to ensure that they do not suffer any form of discrimination in organizations where they work. An unethical issue that emerged in this case is that the McGrory used other β†’

Annotated bibliography

And the case studies in the book are also a good resource for me to explore the practices of the theories in the real life situation so that to solute my concerns on adult learning. And I want to relate the adult learning theory to the human resource management field; the training theory in the β†’

Case study on pneumonia

When a patient is intubated with an endotracheal tube, the glottis remains open, leaving only the inflated cuff for protection against aspiration (Bennett, Bertrand, Penoyer, Sole & Talbert, 2011)." Therefore, routine suctioning helps to eliminate the pooling of secretions above the cuff of the endotracheal tube, where aspiration is most likely to occur.

Free case study on the gender binary in boys dont cry

This is a particularly fascinating drama found in the film, as the film at least mildly explores the concept of the social construction of gender, in which our concepts of man and woman are shaped by our culture. Instead of advocating for the truth of Brandon Teena's transgender identity, as something in between man and β†’