Genuine Case Study Examples

Taj hotel group case study

As such, the proximity of the staff to Kerker determined the performance of the workers. Unlike in the Kerker's system, Kumar's system recognizes and respects the long-term company goals other than individual vision. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Kerker and Kumar's System Considering the two systems, each has its merits and demerits.

Example of case study on overcoming resistance to change

A common result of evaluations though is the introduction of some kind of change in a process or in the tasks of one person. It is only with information provided by evaluations that bonuses and promotions can be assessed. The best strategy is to make the employee a partner in the evaluation.

Case study chapter 3

When trying to improve Wallace's success boss a former store manager, Sutterwhite observed his interactions with customers and decided to inform him of the things she observed and put fire under his butt by saying that he has three months to improve of he will be replaced.1. Empathy- Instead of listening to the customer's complaint →

The effectiveness of emloyee training on labour productivity

Training should be planned already and a training budget should be prepared and given to the board of directors or managers for the finalization. The purposes for the training will be lost ultimately it just increase the cost to the company.

Sample case study on causes from the book

Lindblom suggests that the bureaucratic decisions that are usually made by the public administrators are seldom rational. The rationality of decisions and the ideal perspective of bureaucracies postulate remarkably organized and thorough organizations. He also contends that the highest point in the administrative structure of power is not important in →

An efficient manner in the organization

To give meaning to any meaningless collection of data and convert it into useful and interpretable information , it is imperative that key tools and techniques are in place which a) collect the right kind and data and b) make the conversion into useful information easy. The very first step in this process →

Good example of case study on managing groups and teams, mode 3 case

In any circumstance of resolving a contention, a temporary strategy is always the basis of a solution and thus allows for periodic assessment and improvement of specific strategic plan. Problem statement. Cooperation among a group of people is the most difficult social aspect to achieve due to the unrealized principal-agent problem →

Good case study on merck open for innovation

This level of investment is usually carried out on the basis of the premise that the investment will be recovered during the period when the company will be holding the patent. However, the decrease in the duration over which a company can hold a patent has brought about a situation whereby at times Merck is →

Can you hire the right faculty members

These four principles are very useful to any human resources practitioner who is interested in gaining knowledge of the effect those human resources strategic management has on the employees, the employer, and the society that receives services or products from the organization." Managing Human Assets" is the title of the book, and it lists the →

Supply chain sustainability & humanitarian logistis

Either being forced by legislation or voluntarily, many companies have begun to adjust their supply chain strategies to sustainability principles and to adopt closed-loop supply chains (Krajewski, Ritzman, & Malhotra 2010). A closed-loop supply chain is a supply chain, which " focuses on the complete chain of operations from the birth to the death of →

Free case study about alternative courses of action

The proposed recommendation would then be selected based on the results of the analysis which generated the most validly supported course of action that would significantly improve Newland's status as one of the most innovative and advanced in the field of community and mental health. Identification of the Problem The symptoms which indicate that →

Case study on the canadian national bank

The bank has invested a lot in the youthful customer service manager, Lesley Mahon, and she is promising to be part of the team that will propel the bank to newer heights with the onset of new changes in the financial market coupled with technologic al advancements. This will guide →

Cds case study – operations management

0 STRATEGIES IN CONCEPT DESIGN Within CDC, there Is evidence of an amalgamation of strategies. With a diversification of the compass portfolio, the corporate strategy of the organization had to be fleeting the changing scenario of the businessenvironment. They are; 1) The 2) The product/service development function 3) The operations function The marketing →

Example of special strengths of an individualistic culture case study

This freedom is vital in influencing the government to intervene in scenarios that an individual may require assistance or make the government not to interfere with people's lives. Further, on the choices a manager makes, they have to be rational and ethical in terms of the people it is likely to affect or influence.

Leadership and change management: a case study of pemancar

He keeps thinking of the situation in Pemmican and the changes he is going to make to ensure that the production targets are met and the cost contained. OrgANizAtiONALCuLturEunder Color under Color, the mission of Pemmican is to become the most prominent producer of automobile parts in the region and in the world. →

Hardware specification case study examples

It therefore means that the computer will need moderate specifications. There will be the need to purchase most of the application software. The key will be held by Fred himself; this will therefore mean that of the key is lost, sp is the data lost.

3: fedex in the chinese express delevery market: face-off in the forbidden city

In the year 1997, the Asian currency crisis had resulted in steep currency devaluation which had also negatively impacted on the operating profit of FedEx (Darden Business Publishing, " FedEx in the Chinese Express Delivery Market: Face-Off in the Forbidden City"). The other significant problem recognized in the case for FedEx is high level of →

Medicines management – an introduction to non-medical prescribing 2000 word case study

MEDICINES MANAGEMENT Medicines management can be defined as; "...a system of processes and behaviours that determines how medicines are used by the NHS and patients". (National prescribing centre, 2002, P1). According to Dr Michael Dixon chair of the NHS alliance, Medicines management services are the processes for designing, implementing, delivering and monitoring patient-focused care, based on →

Milkshake factory case study

From a differentiation perspective, we can predict that the night shift's internal consensus on this point is likely to be at odds with that of the managerial subculture.[1] If the company has the goal of total quality control, it has not taken the steps necessary to spread that philosophy throughout its ranks. Rather than sharing →

Case study on denver international airport

The objective of this paper is to investigate on the critical events that happened during the construction of an airport that was supposed to benefit the people of Denver by providing an indefinite amount of boost to the business and tourism sectors. Did Denver Really Need a New Airport? Before we investigate on the events →

Risk management cycle and strategy of jeddah disaster case study example

In addition, the government had to pay for the people's insured cars as the insurance companies asserted that certain government agencies were accountable for all the losses as they allowed the construction of buildings, which eventually obstructed the water from flowing into the sea; thus, causing the floods. As well, the Saudi government took steps →

Good example of talent development strategy case study

Due to the nature of GreatStone's work the importance of talent management and development in the success of the organization has been realized. Defining the business strategy includes the desired results and provision of success measures. Therefore, the first step in the preparation of talent development process is to create the talent management case to →

The jk roberts company case study examples

If a manager has a negative attitude towards the employees or the organization, the working conditions in such organizations are bound to be very inhabitable affecting the general performance of the organization. Analysis of the case study on the J.K. He believes in the success of the organization that is →

Organizational behavior at regency hotel case study examples

Employees were not allowed to be innovative and required the approval of the top management before doing anything. - The decision to increase employee empowerment was not met with a lot of enthusiasm by the various managers of the hotel. - The new managers reduced bureaucratic rules in the hotel. - The implementation of employee empowerment did not →

Employment relations at aafm australia: charting a way forward case study examples

This has led to on and off industrial actions of the workers to the dismay of the management who had underestimated the level of discontent among the workers due to their grievances, which had gone long unattended piling up heap-by-heap. Prior to 2005, the management of the AAFM plant in Australia had adopted a pluralist →

Case study on ecommerce

This can also have a potential risk in the implementation of the e-commerce by the organization. viii. Failure of the hardware. Methods of avoiding or reducing risks associated with the e-commerce In order to reduce and avoid the risks, there is need to integrate the business operations of the organization and systems managers into →

Free case study about the future of classroom management

If the teacher is broadcasting the lesson at a given time, it would be upon the learners to avail themselves online for the same. IPad, laptops, tablets and any other devices that can access the internet qualifies to be part of the virtual learning and management.

System analysis and design ( )

The mobile technology is the most suited to offer the mobility of information, to overcome the challenges of connecting people. However, following policies set on the use and management of the devices is a problem the organizations have to contend with. Future applications of BYOD and mobile devices The mobile devices have a great →

Improving business through operations management

This was a decision taken by the owners Deborah Hughes and Mary Catherine Deibel during the eve party on December 31st. According to one of the owners, they pointed three major for the reasons for closure of restaurants. Lastly, the owners of the building had sold the building they operated and it forced them to →

Example of calculate metro case study

Thus, my statement of work will contain firstly, an executive summary that gives a short summary on the project's aim, background, scope and a high-level project plan; secondly, the project's objectives as per the SMART objectives i.e.specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time specific; thirdly, the scope that is an extension of the executive summary though →

Good example of the leadership gap case study

Leaders are required to work closely with all the teams and ensure efficient delivery of the projects. Leaders are also required to bring organizational changes in order to respond to changing business environment. Situational leadership style allows leader to take actions after considering the demand of the situation.

Second city case study examples

All of the actors and managers in Second City are very talented and it is their skills that make Second City the icon it is today. The management in Second City also focusses on the goals of the company to maintain a sense of organisation. This has helped to develop →

Case study on avoiding conflict

As a Human Resource Manager, it is always good to solve these conflicts which come in various ways. Here are various ways in which a conflict can be avoided in an organization, showing clearly what is to be done to solve it, what should not be done and how to →

Good case study about diversity management in addressing racial prejudice

As increasing globalization bring together people from different background and races who are required to work together towards attainment of common objectives, diversity training as applied by organizations seek to address the racial prejudice problem by promoting acceptance of different races and groups within workforces and the nation rather than focusing on changing people's →

Stereotyping problem case study example

Who are the stakeholders in this situation and how are they involved or impacted by this problem? The particular stakeholders of this problem are; doctors, patients, families of patients, and the management of healthcare institutions. The management of the health care institutions would be blamed by patients and their families if the patients do not →

Recommendation for a spreadsheet to be used by the project managers

Recommendation for a spreadsheet to be used by the project managers By: Spreadsheets, in addition to other business-specific calculations, are mostly used in financial, mathematical and insurance modeling. The ratings are then compared to determine the most appropriate tools to be used by the company. According to the total score above, OracleOffice is the recommended →

Hsbcs lending decisions and the subprime mortgage crisis case study examples

In the race to gain more customer base, huge financial corporation's overlooked many key factors which when cumulated, resulted in the financial crisis of 2007. Introduction The global recession that affected the global markets was mainly due to the defaulted mortgages. If HSBC had a solution to the problem →

Good managing strategic change case study example

Thus, it is critical and decisive for businesses to continuously evaluate the business environment and initiate change to manage the situation and changing business environment. This report presents an analysis of one such organization, Wakewood, that is facing several issues, and the organization needs to initiate change. The strategy discusses important aspects such as leadership →

The changing interaction of finance information and technology case study examples

The major things that IT managers will have to do differently when Sarbanes-Oxley becomes fully implemented and effective On 30th day of July 2002, The Sabarnes -Oxley Act of 2002 whose intention is to give protection to investors through enhancement of accuracy and dependability of company revelation made pursuant to the laws of →

Economics case study case study example

External consultants can be brought onboard to shed more light to the employees as opposed to the managers themselves as they may be biased in their discussions. Question 2 Before reading the case Kevin Sparks could have tried highlighting the advantages of implementing the new policies. The management →

Changing the game case study examples

The death of the owner of the club, Haas, in 1995 saw the leadership under the hands of another team. The implication of the new budget meant a reduction on the wages of the players. In earlier of years of 1980 and 1990, A' s boasted of having the highest payroll within baseball.

Case study on database administration

In light of HIPAA and other regulations, securing and protecting other patient records is a primary requirement for MVCH. a) What data security issues would you expect mountain view to encounter if an EMR system is implemented which is accessible by physicians in the community, by laboratories and by healthcare organisations. Confidentiality if data is →

Free case study on diabetic ketoacidosis

Learning how to handle this complication and maintaining the blood glucose within the suitable levels is becoming a big challenge for those with diabetes, outlining the need of educating the patients as a modality for self-empowerment, treatment which is necessary for betterment of the quality of the lives of the patients. The degree of this →

Example of case study on filipovitch aj 2006 organizational transformation of a community-based clinic nonprofit

However, the demand for the organization's services grew with time and going into the future the management needed to adapt the organization to offer more holistic healthcare. ODHC also planned for integration case management of patients besides physical, medical care. During implementation, some of the planned changes proved hard to implement, and the ODHC's management →

Example of case study on negotiation

The process and the tools are typically the steps that are supposed to be followed and the roles which are taken when preparing for the negotiating process and the roles taken during the negotiating process. In the example presented in the paper, a negotiation for salary requires that both the employees whose salaries are to →

Free restview hospital case study example

Jack had the coercive power as he coerced Mary to add Standard Software to the list, and turned down her idea of including boards in the review committee. Knowing well the relations between Jack and the president of Standard Software, she recommended inviting board to the presentation.

Facilities management – good business turns risk into opportunity

Organizing management in the quickest possible time with least amount of risk to one's capital and with as little effort as possible is the mantra that has put facilities management in the forefront of any establishment today after the static office environments that existed in the 1970s and 1980s. Competition and Facilities The competition →

Performance appraisal vs. salary increases case study

The reason why I say this is not recognized is because an employee who is producing quality work will not feel appreciated while everyone else in their department gets the same appraisal as them even though some of the colleagues do not work as hard. In addition to the recommendations made by the two experts, →

Doing competencies well case study sample

The combination of these types of competencies leads to the development of competency models. In order to make certain the best practice, competency model development begins with the definition of objectives and goals of the organization.

Difference in job satisfaction and work life balance between gen x and gen y case study sample

DIFFERENCE IN JOB SATISFACTION AND WORK LIFE BALANCE BETWEEN GEN X AND GEN Y Introduction The report is on the difference in job satisfaction and work life balance between Gen X and Gen Y. This means that managers and leaders who can deal with the varied generational groups requires adaptation to the →

Example of simmons case study

The people in the plant holding a leadership position felt that an autocratic leadership approach was essential in order for employees to work in compliance with their orders. In order to implement the game, the Charlotte Plant Manager decided to experience the program and implement it since he was aware of the need for such →

Free case study on group and team

For a team and a group to be successful, they should work together towards the achievement of team objective. Goals and objective help in understanding the commitment, performance, as well as a discipline of the teams.

Case study on armco, inc.: midwestern steel division

Part of the plan to stave competition was to produce higher quality goods and raise employee performance with incentives programs based on employee responsibility and historical performance. The old method of performance evaluation was based on ' Cost Above' system, a plan that summed up the costs that were added →

Macro organizational behavior: operations of the company

The sales of the firm in the previous record were not good and the development of games required a significant financial obligation. Situational Analysis The case for Vedder's company needs thorough addressing, to ensure that, the company achieves its set goal of making a profit. In addition, the company's schedule for the employees is →

Perimeter protection case study examples

The logical topology is affected to some degree by the physical topology, but with the advent of technologies like Virtual Local Area Networks and Virtual Private Networks , there has been considerable flexibility in the coming up of the logical design of the network. When we are laying out the logical topology →

Freshdirect company and jit production strategy

What internal resources and assets did FreshDirect have that gave it a competitive advantage? The company use JIT production strategy to reduce in-process inventory and other costs, good supply chain management which provides direct link with producers, and total quality management system that scans quality. All of these ensure that the company offers low prices, →

Good human resource management case study example

S hospitals will have to be vigil about the qualifications and capabilities of those international recruits, and invest heavily in training them to equip them with the right knowledge and technical know-how. - Can you think of cultural problems U. Nonetheless, the management should not outright demand knowledge of such reasons, →

Franchising case study

Franchising Franchising involves the purchasing of rights to own and run a business designed by someone else and using the successful business networks and models of the franchisor's business usually in another geographical location. Most importantly, the franchisee takes pleasure in an impeccably short start-up process compared to the start-up process →

The 2009 chrysler-fiat strategic alliance

The weaknesses of one organization would be compensated by the strengths of the other as each of them seeks to acquire the strengths possessed by the partner. This alliance provides the company with a strategic partner to aid in re-capturing the market and at the long run be able to compete with the other auto →

Case study on hr case analysis: yahoo

Introduction Yahoo is one of the oldest and most widely used website globally that have contributed to the development of the internet. The following is the Action Plan along with the objectives that must be achieved after its implementation. Contingency Approach of the action plan In order to implement the action plan, →

A case study of fidelity bank plc

And given the rapidity of loan defaults in the past, it is worthwhile to examine the risk management framework and to critically evaluate its effectiveness. The findings that will be obtained from the proposed dissertation are expected to help Fidelity Bank Plc to strengthen their risk management strategies and enlighten the management and staff about →

Leadership case study example

A leader is someone who has the ability to set the example to his/her subjects, direct them on what to do, make right decisions and lead the team to achieve the goals set. They can regulate their actions and emotions when it is necessary for the sake of the organization. The leaders are motivational →

Economic theory in the real world case study examples

The increasing price of goods and services in the economy is the reason for the increased standards of living of the people. The employment effects of minimum wages in monopsony.

Case study on high-performance teams

Therefore, at some point, everyone has to sacrifice for the rest of the members. In the team, I would have a surgeon who would mark the site. Smith's condition and his medical diagnoses and treatment. Open communication at the workplace could be as a result of good communication skills between the workmates.

Revenue case study sample

The purchase and consumption of luxury products is an individual decision; the price that an individual pays for these products, therefore, should not be subject to government control. The same principle should be applied within the government's human resource policy; a person whose role is to make decisions regarding prices in the hospitality industry should →

Literature case study

From the perspective of the corporation, human sustainability implies the consolidation of the interest of the business together with those of its staff so as to ensure the success of the business can become attained and maintained. The combination of the organizational needs and the needs of its staff entails human sustainability.

Free case study on hospital er overcrowding

The factors that contribute to this problem, the potential solutions to the same and the means of evaluating the success of emergency department congestion reducing programs as per the Mckinskey article by Carrus, Corbett & Khandelwal.will be described below. Body The etiology of overcrowding in the emergency department cannot be attributed to the physicians →

Is the mmr vaccine safe?

The first step is to make the organism called the pathogen, that produces the disease. How long a vaccination lasts will depend on the disease that the vaccine protects against, the vaccine and the person who has been vaccinated.

Free case study about comprehensive security plan for a local public library

The library has toe children's room one in the wall box to the right-hand side of the entrance door, and the other one is located in first floor. The second and third floor is where books and other collections are found. This paper is aimed at assessing the library facility, and the current security policy →

The problem of snails in a suburban garden

Birds like the robin, the hummingbird the barbet , and the crow pheasant were constant visitors to the garden besides the honey bees, and chipmunks. The permanent residents - the frogs, sunbirds and lizards lived in harmony with each other until the aliens came. Nobody recognized the future threat to our ecology when →

Extensive growth of real gross domestic product in the u.s

Therefore, the increased investments, inventories and consumer expenditure accounted for the upward growth in the third quarter of the year 2014. The surprising growth in the U. 7 percent annual rate a compared to the estimated growth of 1.

Example of billy beane: changing the game case study

Based on the " Billy Beane: Changing the Game" case, explain how and why the Oakland A's economic situation after 1995 shaped its: a) Compensation strategies: Oakland A's disobeyed the laws of baseball economics in the world of most important league baseball. However, Oakland A's' training was concentrated on the players' capability to achieve on-base →

Short-term company outlook: citigroup incorporated

Consequently, the interest revenue generation from the credit offered to the customers in the banking has increased that has seen the profitability growth in the banking industry increasing. Consequently, the monetary policy been adopted by the government has the potential of increasing the demand for the banking industry services in the market.

Japanese popular culture and eastern media societies

On the contrary, some components of the American popular culture that can be regarded as the global culture have been modified by East Asian flavors to form a culture that is globalized and indigenous to the region at the same time. The proliferation of Japanese culture in the East Asian countries reflects an uneven influence. →

Buchanan and gordon tullock: economic theories

This was the book that he considered most essential yet to the Nobel Committee it was ' The Calculus of Consent'. According to Buchanan, decision-making in Economics involves selecting among alternatives; and costs can surely be recognized as personal and subjective assessments of the corollary of cost.

Sample case study on apa 4 pages 1100 words

The problem is that the two groups responsible for making the plan work are not communicating. The staff at Hefty Hardware is starting to take sides to go to war because of a lack of communication. She is a good listener and is able to see the bigger picture and look at the problems taking →

The clarion school for boys, inc. milwaukee division: making information systems case study examples

Young advocated the use of computer information systems with the aim of increasing the productivity, effectiveness, and communication of the staff. The system is distributed inefficiently and underutilized, according to the evaluation answers from the faculty and the staff based on the location of main system, computers, PBX and others.

Training banking: training kit case study

The staff is advised to incorporate other financial information and competencies relevant to the lending department. Reasons for Bank Analysis of clients' statements and Information In any commercial transaction in banking, the overriding objective often is that the bank should be able to make profits. In attempts to achieve this objective, staff are advised →

Free case study on information systems at the national level

For example, in Florida among other member states, the use of data collected at the regional level does not rhyme with that which is at the ground. There is the problem of ownership and relevance of data in the information system.

Example of case study on a case of unexpected death due to ruptured aortic aneurysm

Aside from helping the practitioner paint a bigger picture of the patient's condition and diagnose, and do medical procedures based on this document, medical documents such as this serve as protection for the patients (or in this case, the patient's family), and the practitioner, should an unexpected death of exacerbation of the patient's condition that →

Case study on multisystemic therapy for teens at risk of transmitting aids

We will now explore how this approach is used in practical applications, specifically by looking at a case study on teens at risk of transmitting AIDS and examining some aspects of the approach that are being applied here. The subject of the case study is "' Sara", an HIV positive →

Case study: tuberculosis

90% of people who are infected develop latent TB, which is were the bacteria are present in the body but are not active. People are getting vaccinated, as this is the best protection against TB.

Good example of case study on nursing

Some causes of powerlessness in this acute and critical department may be the stress, the inability to control the developing situations, and the death of patients. It is pertinent that each and every patient is seen immediately and that the condition is identified and controlled so the patient may be discharged to another unit to →

Web servers usually require server-side scripting engines these scripts are some case study

A hacker may therefore use the vulnerable OS to transmit sensitive data to some third parties or perform some functions in the system that can easily compromise the security of the data. ii. Only some limited part of the data in the database are exposed to the end user. When using the views, the most →

Neopets global marketing case study

How? Yes, NeoPets can extend its concepts to an adult market by simply creating similar program but in the context of an adult. Besides, their interests are more divers compared to children, so NeoPets can not expect considerable patronage of the site.

Epinion case study samples

Though you have answered some of these questions in the other parts of the paper, I think that these are the basic things that would ensure that the reader is aware of the case study and the scenario of the paper. You need more explanation and elaboration of why Heathrow Airport, one of the biggest →

Acquiring four star pizza case study sample

Although much of the legwork in owning Four Star Pizza greatly derives from the discipline imparted by accountancy, Sheehy nevertheless saw greater opportunities to expand his horizons in business, particularly with the target of the pizza chain to expand its presence across Ireland. Expanding Four Star Pizza The challenge to expand Four Star Pizza →

Case study on executive summaries and critiques

While the marketing strategies used for creating awareness around Under Armour brand and for making it globally renowned, dominating the performance apparel category are not actually revolutionary, the way they were implemented indicates a very good knowledge of the target market, of its needs and of how to reach it. Craft and Lee →

Delivering value case study examples

Lifestyle retailers have to closely follow the change trend of the lifestyle and adjust their products accordingly. Therefore, it is probably necessary for some of the retailers to rethink their marketing strategy and to focus on customization instead of standardization. 4.

Free case study on elizabeth angeli is now at department of english, purdue university

Hans RomBach is a potential customer for John to sell the IML equipment. Rombach affirmed that and also stated that Karl Friedreich is his friend and he has a technical contribution in the creation of this product.

Goument to go- entrepreneurship case study sample

The aim was to serve a larger part of the population who end up having unbalanced or junk foods due to lack of options. Nature of the product and its characteristics? Goument to go is a fresh idea in grocery marketing. This is in consideration that customers need awareness of →

Marketing strategy for ryanair case study examples

Four areas of SWOT analysis in which the marketing strategies can be defined include: - Lowest Cost Base - Fast turnaround times - Innovation - Market Growth and Market Share Gains Four Smart marketing objectives that Ryanair can pursue in the order of priority include: Service Excellence: Service differentiation is a strong marketing strategy →

Free case study on netcare’s success in south africa

Netcare has also been so successful in South Africa because the doctors and the staff are well trained to provide the best service. Another reason for the massive success of Netcare Ltd is the branching out. The reason why Netcare has been successful in South Africa is because of the increase in the number of →

Heightening market competition at oregon company

The company is sinking deep in the pit of financial anguish facing the economy and its clients are struggling for their survival. However, differing opinions in the company's management board concerning what strategies should be adopted presents a challenging situation in choosing the best path for the company's recovery and survival in the future. 2.

A in marketing case study samples

The Gladstone Hotel aspires to be a heritage and cultural spot of Toronto's hospitality landscape. - Though the Gladstone hotel has a rich history and is a unique place for an experiential indulgence, it holds a relatively lower rank in the hotel rating sites such as A very recent update on the has the →

Artesian bread as a name that signifies freshness and quality case study

Some of the specialty bread include stollen, panettone and Greek Easter bread.In the United States of America, people are looking for natural versions for everyday products this has fuelled the demand for the artesian bread. Hudson valley in Ulster County boasts most of the shops that sell fresh produce; →