Genuine Case Study Examples

Ethical policing case study sample

Immediately she ordered the police and ambulance to come to the scene. Lauren demonstrated proactive supervision when she supervised the whole accident problem from the time she got the alert to the time the accident scene was cleared and she ordered the traffic to be cleared to flow.

Marriage of jamie michelle clark v andrew clark 2014 ok civ app 82 case studies example

The appellate court was of the opinion that the conduct of the mother to bar the appellee from visiting the child is the reason why the appellee discontinued his upkeep for the child. The refusal to grant the appellee to exercise his presumptive father rights over the child indicates that the appellant was not interested →

License tag readers: issues and constitutional concerns case study example

The data taken by the readers-inclusive of the plate of the vehicle, the date, time and area of the scanning-is then gathered and at times lumped together into regional data pools. When a " match" is made, the system gives off an alarm, and the computer monitor displays the plate of the vehicle, the known →

Legal authority during public health disaster: case study discussion questions answered case studies examples

At the outset it is important to present a brief overview of the definition of law, in matters of public health authorizations and preparedness. But as Kamoie et al.note, " at the state level, the primary legal authority to respond to emergencies has been the police power," to act as arms of the state to →

Daniels v city of arlington case study example

The case is a review by the United States Court of Appeals on an inferior court's ruling providing for the apparent denial of partial summary judgment and the dismissal on summary judgment requested by the appellant. The Court held that Police General Order 205 was not offensive to the constitution of the United States →

Contract law case study sample

The Law of Contract. The Law of Contract.

Jeffrey dahmer case study samples

The topic of the paper is murder, and its mission is to discuss the crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer and relating this crime with the three categories of crime causation. The rational theory is based on a number of assumptions in this case the offender Dahmer sees himself as individual and decides to maximize his →

Collaboration and corporation case study example

This requires that the agency to offer personnel to join the SWAT team have to be large agencies with enough resources and personnel. This is because, the SWAT officers are still considered law enforcement officers and there is need to be aware of the policies and procedures involved in law enforcement.

Example of purton vs. marriott case study

The appellate court ruled that the company was liable for the harm caused by Landri because the company was responsible for the act that facilitated the commission of the accident and that is intoxication. The court further ruled that the party promoted productivity and thus companies should be liable for the risks that they expose →

Street justice and police corruption case study sample

In addition to the defense attorneys, the drug dealers also employ the juveniles to undertake the sale of the drugs. The police have a mandate to uphold the rule of the law.

Example of criminal law case study

Mexico depends on the lawyers and judge for the procedure, in Canada jury plays active role in the delivering of justice. The result of the investigation is presented to the judge to get permission of the arrest of the guilty and to stand him for trial.

Police professionalism case studies example

Proactive, preventive measures may be enforced by the police thereby increasing community satisfaction and trust, therefore, eliminating the need for power or influence to enforce law. With is important component, the police does not need power and influence to enforce law.

The song la huasanga by los camperos de valles

This effect offers the rhythmic basic melody of the music and creates a unique appeal to the ears. While listening to the song, it is a unique piece of art.

Bessrawl corporation case study examples

The generally accepted accounting principle, on the other hand, recognizes the value impaired as the difference between the realizable amount during the commencement of the year and the present value of the anticipated cash flows at the end of the period. On the other hand, International financial reporting standards capitalize the gain on revaluation, and →

System forensics: external intrusion of the playstation network case study sample

On 20th April there was an expansion of the forensic team and the network servers that were being assessed. It was identified that there were unauthorized access to the data on the network server.

Free case study on ajax cost accounting

Case in point is the significant decrease in volume sold of Product B despite the reduction in selling price and the absence of competition in Product C market despite a computed higher-than-expected margin. The calculated manufacturing costs and gross margins as well as the Net Income calculated as a result of using these manufacturing costs →

Case study on online education

Universities have come to the doorsteps of its students, instead of the students coming to the doorsteps of the school. They are able to communicate and interact with all kinds of students around the world which has given students a chance to expand how the view things around the world.

Free case study on harvard

He explained to the clinical leaders that when the physician and nurses compiles with IHC's integration the more the patient care improved. The things that can be done to do away with the above problems are to involve all the physician and nurses in making integration protocol.

Medical image segmentation using hopfield neural networks case study example

Artificial neural networks have found its use in medical image segmentation where segmentation of tissues and structures from medical images is conducted as the first stage in image analysis for medical diagnosis. Hopfield neural networks comprises of pool of neutrons connected to each other with a weight in the network.

Statement of cash flow case study examples

There was a huge decrease in the cash flow from the sale of investment from $10, 518, 000 in 2009 to nil in 2010. The net cash from financing activities increased in 2010 by $5, 657, 000.

Advantages case study examples

Group Policy is one of features laid down by the server editions of Microsoft that comprises of a specific set of rules that create control over the working environment of the user accounts and system accounts. The policy has also incorporated a system to refresh the sessions and this feature is called as GPO.

Example of case study on of red blood cells

I think this would defeat the purpose of cryonics if the purpose is for us to prolong the time we have with our loved ones. 29 Jul 2012".

Case study on the european no-frills airline industry

Therefore, the unavailability of secondary air strips, where these smaller airlines can land can cause the breakdown of the cartel as it may not be able to afford paying the taxes for the larger airports and this reason may influence the breakdown of the cartel. This reoccurring action may tend to discourage customers and is →

Exploring marketing with delta airlines as a case study flashcard

The placement of this phrase is possible due to firstly, the development of the railroad and the telegraph and secondly, Innovations In manufacturing technology. Elementary, is the price of the lack of information; and the information evolution is lowering that price in the factory, in the distribution system, and at the point of sale.

A case study of emirates airline

The group has got diverse recognitions and in 2007 Emirates was noted to be the eight-largest airline in the international marketplace in terms of intercontinental passengers being accepted and also renowned to be the fifth-largest in the global market in accord with the planned international passenger-kilometres flew. This will create a great buzz in the →

Case study: hearing and visual impairments

The impact caused on academic and individual development are addressed as well as the significant role which educators of these special categories of people can play in the education sector in order to make learning possible. Thus a lot of time is spent in doing simple assignments as compared to the hearing students.

Cities, family occasions, work and social life, climate in germany and the us

On the other hand, such practices are uncommon in America and hence the government has a difficult task of meeting all the humanitarian needs during the crisis. The Americans, on the other hand, are swift in developing friendships that do not last long and are also free in engaging in social issues while in the →

Bp oil disaster in the gulf of mexico

Case One: BP Oil Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico BP Oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico case involves an oil spill in the deep underwater well. The case of oil spill is not the first scenario of oil leakages in the underwater; ExxonMobil had the worst case scenario in 1989 famed as →

Case study on mills utilitarianism

And if the fool, or the pig, is of a different opinion, it is because they only know their own side of the question. And if the fool, or the pig, is of a different opinion, it is because they only know their own side of the question.

Facts of the case case studies example

He argued his conviction and stated that the court, by the act of refusal to provide a counsel, violated his constitutional right to enjoy the assistance of a counsel during the trial as stipulated by the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The court held that the right of a defendant for counsel assistance →

Ethics of belief case study example

Clifford is therefore to a certain degree correct in concluding that our moral evaluation of the ship-owner and the agitators because in both cases, it is relatively easy to deduce that the actions of the two were not justified under global societal norms. This is because the beliefs are the ones that generally shape our →

Julio nieto

And connect with a community of people who " speak from the heart. Their friends loved it and inspired the young men to launch Youth in 2005.* 8.

Public space planning

In addition to understanding the role of public spaces in cities today, the means of public space creation, the underlying interests, processes, and motivations involved with their construction, must also be scrutinized and better understood in order to come to a full understanding of how public spaces achieve their desiredgoals. In choosing these disparate cases, →

Free case study on advantages of https

HTTPS unlike HTTP are encrypted by use of a secure socket layer this enables the encryption as well as decryption of user page requests. Secondly unlike the fact that HTTPS is secures by use of SSL connection HTTP is not.

The state of public information security in developing countries case study sample

An overview of the challenges faced in Zanzibar as well as in one other exemplar " developing country" as regards the evolution, and adoption of IT/Corporate Governance standards in the public sector Whilst most developing countries are faced with similar challenges when it comes to the establishment of public information security, most have realized the →

Threat assessment case study

For starters, the United States has agreed on data-sharing with the European Union for identification of potential security threats, and the prevention of the threats accessing mobility channels. 9/11 and the future of transportation security.

Ping sweeps and port scans case studies examples

It is important to set up a firewall to protect the network, this way the intruder will be blocked at the firewall level itself. If these steps are observed one could very well protect the network to a large extent.

Case study on ping sweeps and port scans

Ping sweep is used to determine the range of network IPs, which is associated to working nodes or hosts. Though ping sweeps is largely associated with hackers, it is important to note that the same is an administrative task, which can be employed by a network or systems administrator while diagnosing the network.

Ashley squillini

Although the cultural teachings are not extremely expressed in the curriculum it is up to the teacher to fit it in to the lessons. Although I believe that it is very important for teachers to stand behind their students and to support and push them In the right way, when it comes to fulfilling life →

Free case study on how to make great teachers

According the above articles, It is true that each and every teacher should not only consider their role to be narrowed to imparting knowledge aimed at passing exams, but making a permanent mark in the lives of their learners, just like Dr. Hence, a great teacher is the one who considers teaching as a call →

Example of abnormal behavior case study

However, there are several ways one can define abnormal behavior, some of the definitions are as follows:- Social deviance: Behavior, thoughts and emotions which are not common; disturbing and not acceptable by the society that defies the cultural norms is termed as abnormal.- Uncommonness: Strange or rare behavior whether it is negative or positive which →

Campus shootings case study examples

Another worst campus shooting incident in the history of the the Virginia Tech massacre that happened in 2007 in the school campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Virginia, which caused the death of 32 people and left 17 others badly injured. It is the duty of the government to restrict and impose stricter gun →

Case study on media advocacy for women

The goal of my media advocacy presentation is to inform audience of the costs to society that is caused by violence against women. And the Bear Just Keeps on Dancing: Violence against Women in the Context of a Violent Society.

Ischaemic stroke case study example

The pathophysiological template of an ischemic stroke involving the dominant left hemisphere of the brain is usually caused by the arterial occlusion resulting from a thrombus that embolized from a more proximal anatomical structure in the body that is closer to the brain, such as the heart and lungs and arterial plaques. The left →

Educating students with behavior disorders case study example

The causes of the aggressiveness may be a result of depression and mood disorders. The memories are the cause of trauma and the anti-social behavior.

Case study on information systems in education

The application of information systems, on how technology affects learning, and in education in general; it is mainly focusing on the impact of information system in the current or future classroom in every institution. Information system varies in different views such as teaching and learning in digital age for natives and immigrants, software and learning →

Example of academic honesty case study

Consequences are vital hence; the student should receive punishment if he engages in the act of plagiarism and not get the scholarship to the university. It is advisable that he be sincere in his pursuit of the scholarship even if it means having to fail.

Free case study on finance management

This is in spite of the numerous income sources which they individually have and bearing in mind also that they do combine their incomes at the end of the month in order to pay the bills due. During this time, the couple is expected to finish the mortgage payments for their home; set aside savings →

Panic attack with agoraphobia case study

She said it was " about the time her hormones started kicking in" She began self-analyzing he abuse and familial discord in her life and began seeing a psychiatrist. Since the onset of her agoraphobia and panic attacks, she has experienced a number of perpetuating and mitigating factors.

Productive human resource case study examples

Its important to link the organizational goals, the activities and responsibilities of staff in the organization because it assists the supervisors and the management to manage the employees performance as well as ensure the staff are responsible in their work and are also working in line with organizational expectations towards achieving goals and objectives. This →

Case study on alterations during menopause

After a careful analysis of the harmful effects of iron supplements on pregnant women, other researchers suggest that iron may contribute to the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, changing it to a form that is more damaging to coronary arteries. The menopause hormone therapy is provided to women who are in the menopause period.

Free case study about reason for referral

Since his wife's death, Alberto has visited the cemetery day in and day out, changing the flowers often on the grave. He was revived in the emergency department and transferred to the psychiatric unit in a condition of severe depression.

Black female case studies example

Patient has decided to visit the clinic for her annual well-woman examination procedure.- Family Medical and Health History Patient's maternal family has had a history of HTN and DM; and a paternal family history of CA of the breast and colon. Another pertinent finding is the patient's history of hip fracture due to a minor →

Example of case study on ethics : megan slake

Megan Slake, Nancy Slake, the former neighbor, Megan's family, the community, the judicial system, the family of the murder victim, the murderer, any future victims of the murderer, the police investigating the murder CONSEQUENTIALISM Megan could gain revenge against her former neighbor for the rape of her daughter by not speaking up about his location →

Free case study on can home schooling be a viable educational option

A method of learning that some sectors of society considers as an alternative to face-to-face instruction is home schooling, where parents take on the responsibility of educating their children in the comforts of their home and having the leeway to choose what subjects they deem their children should learn and not. I still want them →

Case study on should we prohibit adoption by lesbian and gay couples

Researchers articulate that the number of children under custody and care of lesbian and same-sex couples stand at six to thirteen million globally. The state should allow lesbian and same-sex couples adopt homeless children because they will raise them normally by providing parental love and care.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment and psychosocial support case study examples

Everybody experiences the stages of grief upon experiencing loss or expecting a loss, and the goal of the intervention is to allow the family to express their grief and share it together. Psychologists and chaplains can be a part of the multidisciplinary team to provide emotional and spiritual support to the patient and her family.

Ethics and world religions case study example

In the Catholic point of view, the right approach to the problem is an integrative and a holistic approach. It is not right to be righteous and pragmatic like Maria because the stakes are the employment and livelihood of the greater aspect of those concerns.

Criminal law case studies examples

From the control theories, Zamora and Graham failed to adhere to the stipulated control as stipulated by Reiss. They did not consider the outer containments and they tried to hide from law.

Serology international employee training

Tom Turblin has been assigned the role of selecting the most qualified employee to lead the new division that is going to be charged with the production of the kit.Dr. Tom decides that he will first begin with a re-evaluation of the academic qualification of all the employees that are employed by the firm.

Dispute between workers union and employer

During one of the union meetings and prior to the elections, one of the organization's supervisors passed by the meeting point, repeatedly, and the union eventually lost in the elections. The union claims threat of reprisal but the management defends itself from the supervisor's acts, claiming that the supervisor was just curious about the size →

Demonstrating general management and presentation skills in the context of employee management and the regulation of employees

They are required to motivate their teams to make them perform consistently and instill in them the desire to improve as they cultivate in them the loyalty to colleagues, their leaders and the company as a whole. However, he had a meeting with the staff members to find a way of correcting the strategy that →

Freedom of expression in the workplace

Freedom of Expression in the Workplace The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom of speech. Sutherland, Karen." Freedom of Speech in the Workplace: The First Amendment Revisited".

Example of case study on 5 questions based on 4 case studies

In order for Juan to convince Richard to pay workers more, Juan should be able to tell Richard the challenges they experience as workers during picking of the coffee berries. Richard says that consumers in North America drink a lot of coffee, and they do not question whether the workers are getting a living wage.

Econ case studies example

The year used in the article and on the graph is 2013. F is the price level at full a price level in the short run.

Databases – information systems case study sample

The data for reports is retrieved from the data warehouse.- Internaxx uses its database to provide its customers and the Internaxx executives with real-time data that enable these customers and executives to make sound decisions in a timely manner.- These capabilities include a high level of performance, a high level of capacity, scalability, accessibility, and →

Good case study on an analysis on umuc haircuts

Presence of competition, according to the Porter's Five Forces, will push Myra's business to improve her services and create more unique, customer friendly products and services to be competitive and maintain relevance in the market. If the new entrant has a unique offer for the customers, they pose stiff competition to the existing businesses.

Mod1slp production scheduling & control case study example

The simulation process showed the impact of high drinks sold, high average number of customers with revenue summary of $1470 on the bar usage. On the other hand, the dining room usage showed that the number of dinners served is 130 with a nightly profit summary of $411 which shows an improvement as compared to →

Ethics in strategic management case study

Bob Hopkins was caught up in a dilemma on whether to sell the ordered lumber as scaffold planks and yet he knew that it was the regular lumber. This would be helpful in ensuring that the genuine products are used during any constructions, According to the stipulated business law, Bob is in a situation where →

Good example of case study on aspects of contract and business law

In essence, the main aim of the contract is to outline the objectives of the agreement to ensure that it is accomplished in a prescribed manner. They also mean that the parties to the contract lose the control they have towards the disputed issue, since their fate will be decided by the judgments that the →

Example of q. how long did you have to wait before someone approached you to help you case study

A qualitative survey analysis would be required to understand the reasons for the dissatisfaction and the changes that need to be made in case many of the customers are found to be dissatisfied.- Summarise the differences between postal and web-based questionnaires and upload a URL to a publicly available online questionnaire, commenting on the quality →

Example of case study on examples composition immigrant jobs

Working in restaurants calls for patience and humility as the immigrants have to learn strange menus and handle difficult customers who tease and harass them. Immigrants work in restaurants as cleaners, waiters and cooks.

Case study on final project

In addition, maintaining the functions will help in the maximization of security and safety of the business in the future. The current advancement in technology will be of benefit to the business.

Example of scottish law case study

A contract of sale denotes a contract where be a seller agrees to transfer or transfers the title in the goods to another party for a money consideration, which is referred to as the price. This means a willingness on the part of the buyer to negotiate a contract of sale with the buyer.

1000 s pointe dr unit: 304 miami beach, fl 33139 case study

5-3-2013-2 - Mortgages are long term fixed-payment loans that are very much affected by the initial interest rate. The monthly payment stays the same, but the portion of the interest decreases over the years.- The annuity earns earns 500000*0.

Meeting learning needs case study

All children, wherever they are educated, need to be able to learn, play and develop alongside each other within their local community of schools", going further to state that " inclusion is about much more than the type of school that children attend: it is about the quality of their experience; how they are helped →

Example of case study on diversity and equity

One of the major source countries is the Philippines which accounts for almost 30% of the foreign nurses working in America. There has been a very slow growth in the number of nurses.

Example of case study on structure of computer systems

With the current trend of how computers are used in the daily lives of humans, it will not be far when humans will just sit in a corner with their remotes on hand or in front of their computers while the programmed machines will do the work for them. After determining this, the hardware component →

Sample case study on naming a business

Furthermore, having a sister over to further her faith, biblically, is the best idea because Jesus in the New Testament intended for the Good News to be spread. The response is the same in that business-wise, she will be a distraction to the success of the business.

Good case study on leadership of coach knight and coach k

Coach K was once a student of Coach Knight for United States Military Academy and under his leadership he learnt the importance of discipline and preparation that paved the foundation of his success as a coach. Coach Knight was nothing less than a perfectionist when it came to basketball and was a notorious coach who →

Good population case study example

Giving artificial contraceptives, or in some helping to acquire, to women in the third world countries is not an absolute solution to the underdevelopment in these countries. Emigrants to the United States are one of the reasons for increased population in the country.

Example of gentex corporation case study

India - Currently, Gentex has no company owned operation in India.- India can offer an attractive market for the Gentex products because of its high population size.- The demand for the automotive products offered by the Gentex is also very high in India Just like in India, Gentex has no company owned operation in South →

Good sample size for control testing (auditing) case study example

Imperatively, the deviations that might be deduced would not directly signify that errors exist thanks to the fact that there are certain rates of deviations that are acceptable Rittenberg, Johnstone & Gramling 2012.- The expected rate of deviation Likewise, the sample size for controls testing has the provision of expected rate of deviations similar to →

Covered interest rate parity condition and why it holds case study

As noted above, there are no opportunities of arbitration in this case based on the fact that, the interest rate is equal to the spot and forward rates. Based on this definition, it is implied that the ratio of the price level in both countries will be equal to the rate of exchange between the →

Free case study about ethics financial accounting

The organization may benefit and the investors or the users of financial information who rely on the information to make a decision may be harmed. The responsibilities of an accountant is to report true and fair information of the organization.

Example of case study on ethics in healthcare

The move was therefore necessary for both the patient and the general health interest of the public. The decision to quarantine him was guided by the need to protect the rest of the public from exposure which is one of the roles of CDC.

Finance case study case study sample

We can trace certain elements in the management approach used by Miller which may be summarized as: The winning cost is the one with the lowest average. Net Asset Value and Annual Total Return can be used for evaluating the performance of the Mutual Fund Investment.

Billy joel business ethics and law case study

Case Solution In the above case scenario, the oral contract that was made between the seller and the buyer are not binding in the court of law in accordance to the contract law. Defence to be used by the Business Persons: It is paramount to note that the Bernard and Margaret as the business persons →

Sample case study on 411- #2

The work of health administrator is to ensure the health and welfare of the general public in his region, however the actions of the health administrators should be limited to the duties, rights and powers vested to the individuals by the authorities. In the light of the Kant theory of ethics, the actions of health →

Free case study on patient’s privacy and confidentiality in nursing

Nurses, like the physicians and are also co-owners of patient's health information and are within the privacy boundary of the patient. The role of nurses is crucial in the treatment of any patient, and they are obviously within the privacy boundaries of the patient.

Example of case study on engineering ethics

Engineers may apply these moral theories to navigate or solve various ethical dilemmas that they may experience in their career. These moral theories mainly enhance the capacity of engineers to answer three main questions when solving ethical dilemmas: Will my actions generate the maximum benefit to a large number of people?

Case study on ethics in healthcare administration

The doctor should have told her of the truth about her condition in the simplest language possible. The only consideration the doctor could have made was to ensure that she had her next of kin close to her to give her support when she received the news.

Organisational behaviour case study

Money is a big factor in finding joy within work and how and why people engage in work. People's values, beliefs and personality are a major factor in how people engage in work.

Counselling theory case study

This makes the individual to perceive and experience their world and makes them react in a way that is of their own. According to Rogers, self-concept is the set of beliefs and perceptions about a person that are organized and consistent.

Case study on what would be the best way to support george in his studies?

He also would benefit from additional time towards his studies and peer tutoring with a bilingual tutor. George would benefit from additional English courses at the advanced level, as would many in his community.

Free healthcare financial and ethical dillema case study sample

There has been this dilemma in the healthcare services; the expansion of the products and also, the expansion of the health care services Conflicts of interest: In many cases, doctors and other service providers in the healthcare are confused between the moral acts and the business challenges in the healthcare service production. When it has →