Genuine Case Study Examples

Sample case study on corporate challenge: herbal destination, inc

Overview of the Company Herbal Destination a company involved in manufacturing of herbal supplements and skincare products. Also, the products are sold with the help of the company's website.

Example of case study on comments

In the interest of the hundreds of iTunes users who have been scammed in the past few months as well as the company's integrity, Apple must immediately answer the questions posed by the Attorney General Coakley's office, pertaining to its iTunes transactions. The problem with spammers is they have nothing to contribute to the internet β†’

Advantages of monopolized markets than perfectly competitive markets case study sample

It is almost impossible to enter the market, because of a lot of restriction to a new participant.- Company can face with principal-agent problem. It is said because there are many member of the market with approximately access to information.

Big yellow group – swot analysis case study sample

The current growth rate of the company is good, but the same being less than the industry standard presents a big concern. The biggest opportunity for Big Yellow is the growing market.

Management information system case study

The information security breach was that of the unauthorized people who pretended to be legitimate customers and hacked the system. CheckPoint informed the authorities so that investigation could start for the fraudsters to be traced and arrested.

Example of case study on discipline: marketing

The target audience should be able to convey the message portrayed in the advert by the first sight. Evaluate the effectiveness of the advertisement to ensure it promotes the product and the image of the company.

Capital structure case study examples

The higher the leverage, the more risky is the company from financial and investment perspective. Currently, the main business strategy for the company is to expand its business globally to increase its market share as it is not able to do the same in the established markets due to tough competition.eBay posted a profit of β†’

Case study on the moral and ethical dilemmas of data brokers

First of all the management is focused on the sales of the information and not concerned with ethical or moral issues. Retrieved from Laudon C.

Human resource policies case study example

Retail store manager job description The retail manager is responsible for day-to-day running of the store and will be reporting to the operation manager. The retail manager is expected to utilize project management and organizational skills to over-see the day-to-day running of the one of the company's store and will be directly reporting to the β†’

Case study on eric schmidt’s gang of four: google, apple, amazon, and facebook

Finally, Amazon focuses on its business model, the model of change to suit is clients. And Amazon follows a business model that none of the three other horsemen know how to masterfully yield, that of focusing on the customer's interest with content that matters.

Case study on order #211746390 – case analysis: e-mail adventure

The press learned of the situation and the result was a perception the company was not in control and the stock prices showed a minor decrease. A crisis plan would address effective and non-judgmental communication following discovery of the leak." 37 Signals" promoted a product that was not functioning properly.

Hospitality customer service case study sample

Development of the service philosophy for an organization requires inclusion of employees whole are involved in the delivery of the services to the customers. This is the layout of how the service has to be delivered to the customers of the restaurant.

Good example of nike: a sweatshop debate case study

Even though the company did realize and stated that some of the manufacturing plants are involved but Nike is trying to improve the working conditions and effort has been made in this regard. The negative press and the news around highlighted with major investigations that took place in order to prove that Nike was guilty β†’

Example of case study on sap & saviour beds

SAP has ensured to incorporate a certain level of hygiene and motivator factors to keep their workers happy. Amongst the two companies; SAP and Saviour Beds, the former company is doing a better job in motivating their employees and keeping them satisfied.

Example of case study on mcdonald’s

The challenge for McDonald's and perhaps many companies developed for the 1950s 1970s generation is to meet the demands and needs of the millennial generation. The problem is not the hamburgers per se; the problem is the kind of hamburgers that McDonald's serves.

Case study on motivating partners at starbucks

The turnover rate of employees at Starbucks was 65% and the rate of managers was 25% a year However, the rates of other national chain retailers are 150% to 400% and 50% respectively. As a result, Starbucks would be one of the optimal business models for the strategies of employee motivation, customer satisfaction and cooperation β†’

Example of company overview case study

A noticeable factor that can be seen in the company's balance sheet is that it has increased its shareholders' equity in 2011 by a percentage of 62 and there has been a growing trend in its assets as well as its liabilities. Since the Price to Earnings ratio is high of Apple's stock, it means β†’

Henderson rocket plant fire explosion case study

The origin of the explosion was The Pacific Engineering Production Company of Nevada that is among the only two world manufacturers of ammonium perchlorate. It is reported that fire started around or within a drying process edifice in the company between 1130 and 1140 during repairs of the steel frame of the structure by use β†’

Case study on intermodal transportation

It is the part of the supply chain that undertakes planning, implementation, and controlling effectively and efficiently the storage and flow of goods from the point of production to the where they are consumed generally to meet consumer requirements. Across border supply chain as well presents a new dimension in the infrastructure policy and regulatory β†’

Buss499 cs3 case study sample

It is a management system and a strategic planning tool which helps different companies like hospitals, hotels, nonprofit organizations to match their business activities with their vision and strategies, assists in monitoring the company's performance against its goals and helps to evaluate the internal and external communications of the company. Duke Children Hospital also used β†’

Company background case study

Recently, the Company faced the issues related customers satisfaction and necessity to improve quality of the services provided. High level of competitiveness in the industry forces the Company to constant improvement and excellence.

Lincoln electric company overview case study

The origin of the company is in Cleveland, Ohio, where the owner Mr. The founder invested a capital of $200 and from that it has managed to grow over the years into being the largest manufacturer of welding machines and electrodes employing over 8000 people.

How ‘green’ a technology is case study sample

Similar to all other investments, it is efficiently in line to duly measure the overall success rates of green technology through the implementation of various key indicators, which continuously measure the effects of technology on several aspects of the business. Powering the Dream: The History and Promise of Green Technology.

L.l bean case study sample

In other words, this is to say the company ought to develop only the products that the potential market would be able to afford despite the grueling economic conditions. As is captured in the case study, one loophole that perhaps lends the clients away to the competitors is the issue of missing products.

Example of the scaffold plank incident case study

He also insisted that the client would not be able to distinguish between the two and this meant that he would not discover the lie. The stakeholders in the decision making process are his Coworker John White and he believes that he is no police and that they should provide the timber to the customer.

Case study on klm and air france mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers paper

The European Civil Aviation Industry, for example, is the second largest civil aviation market in the world, next to the United States. The first few problems that the two European Civil Aviation players encountered were: first, the de-indexing of the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines from the local and international stock exchanges they had to do β†’

Reply to the analysis and assessment case study examples

Therefore; the seventeen years old if he is not a business associate the contract should come to a halt, however; if he is treated as a business associate then the signing of the contract is legal and legal implication might be employed in case any of the parties breach the contract. Though the two business β†’

Free case study on nestle refrigerated foods: contadina pasta & pizza

The company should introduce pizza in the market and strategize in branding; this is to produce an acceptable product in all regions of the USA. His marketing strategies and emphasis on how to perfect the company products; is an ideal booster for the growth and success of the company.

Sample case study on borough

Provisions to put in place to protect the residents The contract to privatize recycling needs to be managed by the city officials. Borough needs to buy new trucks so that it can be able to pick up the materials.

The globalization of starbucks case study examples

At the center of the new coffee experience is a global company and the most recent success story out of Wallstreet: Starbucks. The proof that Starbucks is a " global company" is the existence of a global strategy.

Example of the quiet meeting case study

Debbie's attitude and treatment of employees from previous meetings could have occasioned the happenings at this meeting. In so doing the employees feel to be part of the meeting and are free to air their views.

Organizational analysis case study example

This analysis is based on the following observations:- Management is working in silo thinking and there is no buy-in from the management in regards to the system.- Cultural differences and time zone issue places a lot of pressure on the implementation team as group communication and face-to-face meetings are avoided.- Implementation of the system will β†’

Recommendation to corvette case study examples

One of the major challenges is of course the fact that since the prices are based on the local currencies, Corvette has to fully understand the implication of forex movements and the risks that this poses to the returns expected after the sale. This is in agreement with the fact that accepting the offers will β†’

Example of kindle strategy case study

The combination of this commitment the customer and to the long term view has been a very effective strategy. It has been growing through the years and accounted for about 30% of Amazon's book sales in 2013.

Free case study on innovation management

The main challenge in implementation of innovative ideas is the fact that the company flexibility must be assured in the wake of both commercial and technical uncertainty. First, it should be understood that the future is inherently going to be a mix of change and inertia.

Free organisational analytic (social science) case study example

Essentially, the analysis and evaluation is to develop an understanding of the benefits or otherwise of the management development program and its importance or lack of it thereof in the performance of the organization. The company Britannic Assurance found itself in a wanting situation in the sense that the management of the organization was ineffective β†’

Good case study on strategic panning at ups

The scenario planning exercise f 1997dealt with solutions for long-term survival of the company therefore, focused on the global market and constraints to the supply chain. Decisions taken in response to the scenario planning exercise included definition of their Corporate Charter and a change of the company's missing statement.

Example of sporting and athletic goods industry case study

Competitive forces that are in the Sporting and Athletic Goods Industry are; Rivalry among the competing firms, there is a lot of scrambles for the customers. The price of the products is usually used as a tool, to gain the upper hand over the rival companies.

Example of case study on comparative of the allentown materials corporation: the electronic division

The Electronics division of the company has based on the structure similar to the other divisions of the company. The company made two separate departments for sales and marketing to make sure that they are following their individual goals but failed to understand that these two departments should work as a team, as marketing department β†’

Case study on the best alternatives to sony corp to resolve their security crisis

The purpose of this article is to address each of these weaknesses in turn and to attempt to suggest the best solution for each. The final point that Sony and other companies have to address is that of denial of service attacks.

Good example of motivation case study

A thorough review of the case and identification of the root causes of the problem is necessary to ensure that a resolution is achieved as promptly as possible. This calls for cooperation with individuals within the company in order to ensure that there is a feeling of teamwork and offering of team support in execution β†’

Good case study about human resource

The company encourages employees to celebrate, and this helps in enhancing the motivation level of the employees. The company uses a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards to motivate the employees.

Alcan case management case study examples

The way the IT services are managed will affect the outcome of the IT strategy and the role of the strategy to the overall management of an organization. Another advantage is that standardization of IT services will be achieved in the new system.

Starting with threat of the entrant case studies examples

This was a little bit a stumbling block for the company because most of the bulk business that were handled by services centers in the Northeast was in flat rolled steel as the main product for the company which could not fit the competitive price in the market. This was followed by the quality of β†’

Sales management case studies example

Out of the two, congruence has been achieved, both on the sales manager side and the applicant, as they both find that the job position is suitable for the applicant and full of opportunities. According to Accenture's study, Capture the Mass Affluent by Unlocking Sales Force Effectiveness, there are four steps in boosting the performance β†’

Strategic audit case study sample

Mission - Objective - Strategies - Increase production capacity by constructing a new production plant that will significantly increase output in the long run.- Maintain its market leader position and forestall additional competition in a competitive market by renting a temporary plant to increase output and meet demand in the short run before the completion β†’

Statement of the problem case study sample

For total profit maximization, the plan of production should have 1, 900 model S units and 650 units for Model LX. It is a result of increasing production of model LX to 652 from 650 times the contribution margin.

Free case study on internal control

Some of the new internal controls that the company would have to incorporate include the maintenance of proper and sufficient records. In addition, the use of the safe to store the checks during the weekend is welcome.

The two categories of products case study sample

The key dimensions driving sales of the messenger bag include the fact that it is tailor made to the requirements and needs of the consumer. The firm allows for orders to be placed online and the pre-delivery transactions are heavily premised on the use of the internet.

Case study of starbucks

One way this is ensured is by insisting that all managers and partners undergo 13 weeks of training - not just to learn how to make a coffee, but to understand the nuances of the Starbucks brand and how to deliver on its promise of a service experience. As opposed to their entry into the β†’

Alcan disaster recovery plan case study examples

The systems were not strong enough to withstand t5he strength of the earthquake and thus they bear part of the blame for the collapse of the system and the damage that incurred during and after the earthquake. The other factor to consider in the rebuilding of the systems is the recurrence of such earthquakes and β†’

Example of customer life-time value (clv) case study

The simplest method to calculate CLV can be expressed with a formula CLV = Annual Customer Revenue * Company Profit Margin * Number of Loyal Years. According to Houston Chronicle, the profit margin for a pizza considering overheads and the cost of ingredients is 18%.

Case study on cloud computing provides businesses with benefits such as

Small start-up companies such as Etsy an online crafts market place do not have to build data centers and they can use cloud infrastructures such as Amazon's to analyze massive data.- What are the disadvantages of cloud computing?- The more systems a company has, the tougher it is to integrate its applications and data with β†’

Mcdonalds case study

It would appear that Mcdonalds had become comfortable in the position it was in and put little to no emphases on product variety or quality and simply focused on the speed and convinience as the customer draw. The factors which affected this low growth and lack of profit was not only its competitors but also β†’

Case study on issues faced by the company

The hiring process that an organization chooses must enable the organization to hire the best employee in terms of knowledge and expertise for the required position. Therefore, changes could not have been avoided as consultants needed to be in agreement with the management in order to achieve the strategic vision of the organization.

Caesars-gambling big on technology case study examples

Moreover, poor update and storage of information would expose the data warehouse to malicious minds who would change the figures to advantage one or some of the customers. The potential impact to Caesars business in case of a security breach in its customer information would harm the corporation's profit and reputation in a tragic scale.

Example of the disney pixar merger case study

The objective of both firms needs to be fulfilled and the merger and acquisition advisory organization has the authority to control the results of the goals of the clients. Other major factor which contributed to the success of the Disney Pixar merger is that of transformational leadership, creating organizational learning and devising learning teams, creating β†’

Starbucks case study sample

It wants it employees to feel a genuine desire work for the betterment of the company and promote its objectives. These packages make the employees believe that the company values them, and this arouses passion from within them to strive to give the best to the company.

Good case study on lego

The objective of this paper is to discuss the different points of analysis applicable to Lego Group's toy division and some alternative options or steps that the company can consider in order to turn things around. This can be considered as a plus for the company when it comes to the question of rarity in β†’

Key facts and issues case study example

It would be fiscally irresponsible to avoid those products in favor of only producing and selling products that are not friendly to the environment. I think Immelt's policy of moving his company in a more environmentally friendly direction is the right thing to do.

Damage case study examples

The option I would recommend for the purpose of securing IVK would have been option number three which involves creating the mirror site out of the developing files while shutting the original system down then rebuilding it when the mirror site is already running well. In my decision, I would disclose to the outside world β†’

Case study on leadership at mcdonalds

Ray Croc leadership was also committed to investing in the job satisfaction and the growth of its employees in order for them to realize their full potential and therefore that of the organization by extension. The Leadership of Ray Kroc and his drive to Catering Sales.

Good case study on supply chain restructuring at sainsburys supermarkets limited

Since they were created long before, so the new firms in the market as Tesco Plc had started to overtake Sainsbury In terms of the market share since they had the recent technologies in supply chain. He made sure that the right goods that were required by the customers were on the shelves at the β†’

Nintendo’s competition management case study

In 2006, the company came up with the disruptive strategy that made it a game-changer in the video game industry. The strategy was to focus on non-gamers and emphasize on the characters of the Wii machine.

Arp poisoning case study example

In the end, the parties communicating will think that they are having a private communication and yet in the real sense, the communication is being controlled by the attacker. A framework for investigating the development of security strategy context in organizations.

Letter to amanda case study sample

Re: Management Consultancy Report in Respect of Your Firm Amanda Smith The consultancy has carried out an analysis and comprehensive evaluation of your firm and arrived at a number of observations that need to be brought to your attention in the immediacy of time. In addition, this report contains a number of recommendations that the β†’

The use of information technology case study examples

The use of information technology is important in the current society. Companies need to ensure the various information technologies can support a variety of their functions and in case the information technology encounters a hitch, the normal functioning of the company will not be impeded.

Example of how to fail in project management (without really trying) case study

This is because the Project Management Office will help in the handling of the projects, which is not only time conscious but also effective. The plan to implement a PMO as the engine behind the success of the projects is a way of enhancing sustainability within the organization.

Example of case study on diversity issues

14 clearly indicate that African American employees feel that they have to work harder than other groups to move up in the company, and that they do not feel their needs are being addressed.In 1. 15, the female employees interviewed also suggested that they felt unequal to make employees, as well as that they were β†’

Birch paper company case study solutions

If the divisions is operating at full capacity then the opportunity cost would be the market price that the division is charging for its products and if the division is operating at less than the full capacity and order fulfilment can be achieved at less than the capacity than the opportunity cost should be the β†’

Defining case issues case study sample

Thus, the symptomatic issues are the recent difficulties in Australia and South Korea, as well as the limited commitment of some of the franchisees. However, it is also constrained by the possibility of losing control over the brand and a threat to the company profitability.

Case study on enterprise sap case study analysis guide

The relationship between the Chinese and Western culture led to a lot of influences in relation to ERP implementation. The difference between the two cultures inhibited the implementation of information technology present in the Chinese organizations but developed by western developers.

Good example of mcdonalds and starbucks code of ethics analysis case study

Strategic values and the image of the brand illustrate the differences between the two companies and their approach and formulation of the constructs of Business Ethics. McDonald s mission statement in Standards of Business Conduct document is the following: " The basis for our entire business is that we are ethical, truthful and dependable.

Stevensons garment dyers case study

One of the reasons why Stevensons lost its customers to offshore suppliers is that it become difficult for Coats Viyella to move to offshore as it become difficult for it to meet the technical requirements of knitwear; hence, Stevensons had to concentrate on this area. This made it difficult for the retailers to respond appropriately β†’

Free case study on what are the four key components of the snap-on marketing strategy

Indirect selling still remains the cornerstone of the Snap-on marketing plan and helps the company to avoid huge advertising expenditures. The forth main component of the Snap-on marketing strategy is keeping the company's main purpose unchanged which is providing mechanics and industrial users with quality products and favorable purchasing conditions.

Apple inc. in 2010 case study example

4) How sustainable is Apple's competitive position in MP3 players? Apple's position in the MP3 players market is sustainable because of the iPod.

The patient protection and affordable care act case study examples

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act facilitate the seniors to be able to utilise the existing health care facilities. W, & Suls, J.M.

Free case study on elements of business

The regulation and setting of these basic laws may not only be set by the government of the country but the community also plays a role in the setting up of some of the basic legal requirements. The implementation of the contingencies plans is commissioned by the direct of the organisation and a crucial study β†’

Caspian sea case study examples

Political risk is the changes regarding the political situation of a place that may largely affect the outcome of business activities in the particular political environment. Businesses operating within the local economies are in a position to take advantage of the oil and natural gas business in the Caspian Sea.

The ethical chocolate company case study examples

The paper will comprehensively analyze the ideal leadership style for the company, the motivation and job designs that the management should adopt, and how to deal with stress at the work place. It should be clear to the company what kind of human resource is required in the company.

Stockholder’s equity and balancesheet leverage case study examples

The stockholders' equity section of the balance sheet gives an analysis of the several classes of shares held by shareholders and the company as at the end of that financial period, December 31, 2007. This is because the valuation on the balance sheet is based on the value that the company issued the shares at β†’

Case study on talisman entry into iraq

Nonetheless, the greatest concern lies in the worry that the Kurdistan Regional Government will use the revenues obtained from the Oil mining by Talisman to violate human rights and oppress its people. The most viable and efficient option would for Talisman to have a say in the spending of the money.

Free case study on strategy formulation and implementation

In every joint venture the company needs to evaluate consumer needs which include the direct target market and the demands from them.a joint venture in the case of preserve was the need of consumers in the market. In the implementation of the joint venture, the managers have to be able to agree on the implementation β†’

Example of a case study on shouldice hospital limited case study

It is assumed that the hospital is operating at " best operating level" because the case describe how efficiently the hospital is ran and the high level of satisfaction with the treatment offered to patients. In order to increase their output and maintain the quality of service offering, Shouldice should increase the size of the β†’

Financial management case study samples

They are only valid when compared with those of other firms or to the historical performance of the company.ii)It is difficult to find comparable industry ratios when analyzing the companies that operate in multiple industries.a) Calculate and report on the number of products that should be made and sold in order to break even during β†’

Good e&j gallo winery case study example

This is because it has already established a market for its superior quality brands and the consumers of its low-quality brands are limited as compared to other brands. This will lead to its cheaper brands to enter into the cadre of fine quality wines, and the company would no longer be criticized for being a β†’


1 License to use for MBA-Distance Learning Group J: April 2011-July 2011 Apple's App Store: Strengthening the iPhone's Competitive Position In the initial stages, Apple did not realize the potential of apps in growing the market for the iPhone. Analysts provided several reasons for the success of the App Store, including the pricing of the β†’

Treadway tire company case study

Introduction: Treadway Tire Company, a major supplier of tires in North America, is experiencing high turnover rates of foremen in their manufacturing plant in Lima, Ohio. Recommendations: Eliminate dissatisfaction by: - Reducing work hours, and offering a periodic training program to upgrade personal skills and knowledge required.- Guide foremen and hourly workers through different work β†’

The big picture case study examples

The fact that innovation and vision are prime factors that helped Apple succeed, the death of Steve Jobs, the prime visionary of Apple, is a great loss to the firm. Moreover the consumer makes a choice to buy Apple because it helps them achieve better levels of satisfaction based on quality of the product, the β†’

Free case study on hi amanda

The function of planning is to set goals for the business and to develop the mission and vision statement of the business. It is essential to provide the know-how of the business to employees and to increase the efficiency.

Amazon – case study

These are for example the number of competitors, the rate of industry growth, product or service characteristics, the amount of fixed costs, the capacity, the height of exiting barriers and the diversity of rivals. The power of the buyers is determined by factors such as little changing costs to other suppliers, the purchase of a β†’

Implementation of strategy case study of coca cola case study examples

In ensuring the effective implementation of its business strategy, the Coca Cola company develops organizational capabilities to foster its success in the market. The company's managers have the capability to direct and inspire the team, communicate the vision and objectives of the organization, examine performance, as well as identify and correct issues in a well-timed β†’

Free case study on how model supports the corporate strategy

This is attested by the confession by Warren in which he asserts that they at times paid the sellers of the companies more than they deserve of what the market offered in appreciation for the value in the item of purchase. This is because even with the ownership residing in the shareholders, the model confers β†’

Enterprise architecture case study examples

It is fundamental to align the business and organizational structure of the enterprise along the IT architecture. The Application architecture on the other hand provides us with an overview on the applications supporting business processes with the building blocks of the applications of the enterprise.

Microsoft case study sample

The company's long term mission is to help people and businesses realize their full potential. The main priority of the company is global diversity and inclusion.