Genuine Book Review Examples

The unnatural act of leadership, book review flashcard

I loved the management term given in this book." Management is a mental process of establishing, and then indirectly achieving the right objectives in the right priority sequence and with sufficient resources." I have got to admit I felt like that was right on. I seem to get the " tough ones" but being that β†’

Urban problems solutions book review examples

The interests of the upper class in the society motivated this. The head organ of the strong mayor government is the executive branch where the mayor is chief executive officer of the government.

Book review on book exploration of the state of war

He highlights the life of the warriors at that time in the history of Japan. Secondly, in the Japanese culture in the fourteenth century, the warriors would be flamboyant in the way they dressed.

Perspectives on effective leadership behavior book review example

Yukl emphasizes on the quality of involving people in the decisions of an organization even in cases where a decision can be individually taken by a leader and therefore these types of decisions would have far more positive perception than the ones which are taken alone. Yukl also talks about in this chapter about the β†’

Free sumaary review book review example

A new reader who does not have much knowledge about design work will find this part of the book very helpful. It is a very good guide to a practicing designer or a design client. This information is very important because it is from a person who has been on β†’

A review of judgment in managerial decision book review examples

Bazerman covers the subject with such depth and breadth that the book gives the reader several ' I did not know that' moments over the course of the reading. The second point that appealed to me about the book was the simplicity of explanations and language used by the author. To β†’

Optimum budget allocation method for project with critical risk by tomoichi sato book review examples

RPV is the appraisal of projects and it is measured on the basis of risk probabilities of operations encompassed in the project network diagram and the cash flows associated with the project. Thirdly, the activity network structure of the project is handled and encompassed in the framework of the RPV analysis. The project activities incorporated β†’

The role of the information age book reviews examples

It will be useful to look and have ways in which the use of these technologies will be useful in the management of the business. Introduction Information systems play a crucial role in the management and enhancement of information systems in business. From the title of the book, the authors were concerned about the β†’

A history of the middle east book review examples

The British intrusion into India and other similar countries is also explained at length and there is some understanding of the nomadic nature of tribes in the Pashtun regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan where one can intrinsically observe the differences of lifestyle which lead to obvious confrontation in this regard. The City of Judah β†’

Undocumented, indispensable by anna quindlen book review sample

It is not only about the taxpaying and being denied for the normal rights, however the writers explains that this results in denial of the human rights to people who are defined as illegal immigrants. Anna has presented the entire issue in a very smart way and rather than just β†’

Book review on marijuana

This is another consequence of the using the drug as a cause of unintended crime. The article gives a twist in the drug use from abuse to anesthetic use. In fact the drug has more potential of abuse than medical use.

All quiet on western front movie review

Until Saving Private Ryan released in 1998, this film was considered the most realistic in its portrayal of the horrors, gore, violence and trauma that actually takes place in war. The movie is narrated by Paul B umer and follows the lives of B umer and nineteen of his classmates in Germany. Despite this, the β†’

Free book review on solidarity divided – book review

Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008. In Bill Fletcher's book Solidarity Divided: The Crisis in Organized Labor and a New Path Toward Social Justice, the authors delve into the intricacies of the US labor trade union movement. The purpose for writing this book is to win the war for social β†’

Book review on review of the book newman, d.m. (2012). sociology: exploring the archi- tecture

The members of each of the professions are brought together by the commonality of the type of occupations that each individual is involved in. The article , Dying to get High : Marijuana as Medicine, by Wendy Chapkis is an example of a social science research. Therefore, the methodology that is used in this research β†’

Book review on religious studies

Orthodox Judaism is a strand of the Jewish faith which refers to Jews who strictly follow the Talmudic texts, which are referred to as the ' oral Torah.' Their history is a rich one and is filled with persecution by the Egyptians and much later on, the Nazis during World War Two: 6 million Jews β†’

Review of globalization and its discontents book review sample

It is believed that the book draws most of its contents from the personal experience of the author who served as the chairman of the Economic Council of Advisers under President Clinton in 1993 and as the chief economist in World Bank from the year 1997. This makes the whole process of globalization a problem β†’

Book review on behavioral finance

According to the author, the phrase " hope and fear" gives a better description of the reactions and the behavior of different market players. The author analyses the behavior of different stakeholders by taking a look at the three themes as indicated in the following analysis. Chapter 2: Heuristic-driven bias: The First Theme The β†’

Book review/report on omnivore’s dilemma by michael pollan

The Omnivore's Dilemma establishes the relationship that human beings have with food and elaborates that bond by using the example of omnivores and how they are exposed to a paradoxical situation when there a lot of food options to consider. The way Pollan makes use of smart and appropriate rhetorical devices throughout the book to β†’

Book review on art and architecture

Griffith and the growth of facts of the image terms employed in movement pictures. Cubism realized as the appearance of worthlessness and illogicality demonstrated in the art of Duchamp and more others and it was outcome of the war. In this instance, the artwork of 20th and 20th century is one, which is crafted by β†’

Free book review on open systems theory

Perhaps a clear contrast of the original open theory is the contingency theory that holds that organizations, while dependant on the environment, adapt to meet the needs of the setting. Similarly, the requirements that organizations adapt to the environment that they find themselves in the form of government legislations, taxations, product tastes and preferences proof β†’

Free book review about a music education proposal to improve students retention in elementary school

This is by improving the progression of students' retention in the elementary schools and states the ways and factors of retaining a student in elementary school. Music education improves students' retention in many ways which are included in this book. Some of these factors are the reading performance, effectiveness of the administration and promotion. One β†’

“the found boat” book review

How do the settings in " The Found Boat" parallel the stages of growth, the temptations, and crossed boundaries of the children? In the short story, " The Found Boat" the author Alice Munro uses various writing skills to portray the various struggle five children encounter. This is compared to the real world today β†’

Example of book review on reading journal catcher in the rye

On the other hand, in the form of his sister, Phoebe, Holden faces the present, a doorway to the future. Finally, the red hunting cap that Holden associates with parting and separation, is placed on his head by Phoebe.

Free the spirit catches you and you fall down: a book review essay example

The goal of this review is to outline several of the book's strengths and weaknesses, to explain the reviewer's opinion of the book, and to lay out how the narrative exemplifies (and challenges us to think about) key concepts in anthropology and ethnographic studies. What is meant in the Hmong β†’

The gift of sex: book review examples

In addition to the Preface, the book has five sections, including A Biblical Perspective, The Physical Dimension, The Total Experience, When Sex Is not Working, and Enhancing the Sexual Experience. In the Preface, the mention of the authors' conservative Mennonite background sets the stage for readers by highlighting an important fact, that The Gift of β†’

Good boston tea party book review example

The Boston Tea Party is a means of inspiration attainment for the innumerable Americans who recognize and acknowledge the Tea Party Patriots of the present times. This riveting and exciting book provides insight about the historical event that turned out to be the prompter for the foundation of a democratic republic. The book also offers β†’

How concept of freedom is integral to a novel (1984) book review sample

The freedom to love and be left alone by the government is important to this novel - the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four is populated by characters who constantly have to weigh themselves or examine themselves against the rule of The Party, which shows the desire for freedom against a society that forbids it. The effects β†’

Example of newjack: guarding sing sing book review

This makes the prisoners view the wardens as bad guys thus triggering a crisis between the prisoners and the correctional officers. Plot of the book The book is set in the world most famous correctional facilities; Sing Sing that is located beside HudsonRiver in New York and the Alcatraz β†’

The omnivore’s dilemma: a natural history of four meals book review sample

The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals: Book Review Introduction ' The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals' is a highly acclaimed book by American author, Michael Pollan. This paper intends to discuss the book, ' The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals' and further focuses on β†’

Book journal book review examples

Interestingly, an outer side of an organization can be quite presentable showing growth of sales and profits while it may contain the seeds of decay inside of it due to the lack of ability to accumulate new knowledge. The main stress made by Senge was the importance of cultivation of a learning organization. When I β†’

Free the prophets book paper book review sample

The love, the weddings, the happiness, lives of babies and grownups, sorrows in the lives, and at the same time the very bitter fact of life, immortality, these all aspects are addressed in the book by the character " Al-Mustafa," The Prophet. The book shows that a man is not in one state of mind β†’

Good book review on time for action

He tries to explain how the education system resulted in this state and also argues how learners have turned out to be complacent with their schooling. In chapter three, he offers practitioners with thoughts on how to utilize teaching approaches that raise commitment and permit students to study life skills for instance solving of problems, β†’

Book: dead aid by dambisa moyo book review example

She contends that involving African elected leaders in deciding how the aid will be spent is a key strategy for appropriate use of that aid. Question six Moyo seems to be an admirer of china and devout an entire chapter of the book to discuss the benefits of the Chinese investments. According to her, β†’

Free history of latin american book review example

In the same cordial relationship between the Protestants and the Evangelicals, it was established that Evangelists were of the view that policies made by the Sandinistas were out of scope and targeted to aid and assist Protestants at their expense. At the same time, it is logically imperative to denote from β†’

Free book review on last name

In his book he challenges the current generation to appreciate the political struggles in the 1960's and recognize the advantages of these efforts. In his analysis of the political journey, he recognizes the impact and importance of some political figures in the United States history.

A book review of native son by richard wright

The focus of attention has shifted somewhat, with studies of Wright's political vision diminishing and analyses of his craftsmanship and literary sources increasing. The great majority of scholars and critics during this period are in general agreement about the centrality of Wright's position in African-American letters and β†’

Franny and zooey book reviews examples

The condition of the washroom is enough to describe the restaurant; it was not in a good condition. When she returned to the table, Lane realized that something was not right with Franny. The story of Franny ended with Franny fainting inside the restaurant when she was heading to the washroom, though the cause of β†’

The shakespeare’s use of imagery in villainy and deceit portrayal in othello

Othello is an exploration of the villainy and deceit of one's own mind and its power to manipulate the psyche to be overcome by jealousy and motivated to take devastating and irreversible actions. As Iago gradually " pours this pestilence into his ear", the dialogues between the two characters overlap and interrupt to such β†’

Tao te ching book review examples

The literal meaning of this book is Tao means way, Te means the virtue and Ching means Classic or the great book. The Tao Te Ching is considered the pedestal of Taoism which made a huge impact on China then and later. The book is easy to understand by the β†’

An american soldier in world war i book review example

An American Soldier in World War I The book titled ' An American Soldier in World War I,' written by George Browne gives an account of the experience of an American soldier in the First World War on the European soil. Since most of the stories on the life of American soldiers during β†’

Harlan coben’s thriller “the woods” book review

Harlan is based out of USA and some of his bestsellers include " Gone for Good" and " Tell No One". The story of " The Woods" revolves around an incident which took place in a summer camp, in which four teenagers (Doug Billingham, Gil Perez, Camille Copeland and Margot Green) venture into the

Example of book review on the autobiography of benjamin franklin

This book provides key insight to all the details that went into the life of one of the most famous founding fathers of the United States of America and looks over each major issue that was ever raised in his time while it also dictates documents that were never told β†’

Managing the dream book review

In addition, the paper outlines the way in which the core concepts from the book can be implemented at the workplace and their implications to organizations. The main concept of the book bases on the aspect of how dreams are related to leadership. From the book, it is evident that effective β†’

Example of triumph of the city: book review

In the following book, the author considers the factors that contribute to the success of the city, as well as explores factors that can lead to its decay. Thus, the one common feature inherent to all cities lies in its ability to attract people and make them collaborate: " The strength that comes from β†’

Example of book review on maria brosius’ “women in ancient persia (559-331 b.c)”

Brosius reveals the roles that women in ancient Persia played, especially in the liberation of fellow women and in the economic development of the empire. Strategic roles for the women in Ancient Persia are identifiable in their effort in fighting for equality, taking care of families, undertaking investment opportunities, and supporting β†’

The meditations book review

Also, Book I makes an impression that Marcus Aurelius had many friends and teachers who played a significant role in his personal development. The general argument of the author is that family and friends were the ones who influenced the development of personality and character of Marcus Aurelius. I believe β†’

Example of how the elements of the story develop book review

Walker's character. The very title of the story, " The Devil and Tom Walker," foreshadows the story; it is also ambiguous, since it could mean that Mrs. Walker is written out of the story, to no one surprise she is true to her personality.

Example of heart of change book review

The major point of this process is to help the people to change in behavior, which happens mainly through speaking to people to know their feeling. This is because change is the need of time and all nations require these strategies to shine.

Example of the hunt for red october by tom clancy book review

Konovalov; he did not appear up to the same caliber as many of Clancy's other antagonists. I liked that the book reflected the real world events of the mutiny on the Storozhevoy and the sinking and salvage of K-129. Captain Ramius is a fully developed character; I felt his pain at the loss of his β†’

Principle of speech communication book review example

The two main areas to consider when planning a speech is the type of speech and how to deliver it. This is the type of speech most used by sales people and students defending a thesis or dissertation.

Book review on putting it all together

This is found in chapter three of reading 1 - The connection between self-concept and communication is that an individual's self-concept directly affects his communication. When an individual takes himself highly, he is likely to have more confidence in communicating more than one who has low self esteem. - In paragraph 9 the author uses the β†’

Book review on digital media ethics: chapter four

Instead of appropriately using it to promote cohesion, they perceive it as a platform through which they can advance their imperialist ideologies. In this chapter, Ess displays his literary prowess by producing a very insightful piece which displays how people fail to apply the ethics in the online media. Actually, β†’

Book review on how full is your bucket

Using the dipper and bucket metaphor, the authors show us how to increase positive interactions in our lives, why this is so important and how to improve the world around us by filling other people's buckets. Evidence Cultural Differences Rath and Clifton imply that this theory works for everyone. Yet, it's a consideration β†’

The problems preventing solar energy manufacturing adoption in india

For the reason that Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe the Japanese government has approached solar energy with power, and it has set targets for 28 GW and 53 GW for 2020 and 2030, respectively. Germany Germany has been among the leaders in manufacturing of photovoltaic power for years and turned into one of the first international β†’

Drama macbeth: shakespeare’s play and wells’ film essay (book review)

However, the play communicates the meaning of the text in a better way as compared to the film by Orson Wells. In the film adaptation, perhaps Orson tries to embolden Macbeth because he is a man and men are supposed to show courage and boldness. However, this perception defeats the essence of the play.

Harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone

Right from the first page of " Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (or " Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" for those reading in the UK) Rowling proves that she knows a thing or two about the kind of magic that brings stories to life. Literally rescued from the Dursley's and taken under the β†’

“jane eyre” book review sample

She finds it difficult to distinguish reality from her dreams. In chapter 26, Jane and Rochester are set to be wed when the wedding is interrupted by Mason who proclaims that the wedding cannot take place because Rochester is already married to Bertha. Bertha is representative of the fears Jane β†’

Mlk why we couldn’t wait book reviews examples

King wrote about that time in these words "" In the summer of 1963 a need and a time and a circumstance and the mood of a people came together".. King pointed to this when he stated that the " milestone of the centennial of emancipation gave the Negro a reason to act a reason β†’

Free book review on the birth of modern politics a review

What this book is, though, is about a compelling election that changed the way politics was practiced as it steered the direction of the nation through the election of 1828 between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. While this book succinctly tells us that it is about the elections of 1828, almost half of it β†’

Race and religion in america book review example

In the case of the black church in the decades after Emancipation, the roller coaster existence that included the euphoric sweep to power in many states in the former Confederacy during the close supervision of the South by the Northern Republicans during Reconstruction but also included the sellout of the freedmen by the Republicans in β†’

Book review on “reagan on reagan”

This was to compensate the victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities of Japan. In the 1970s he supported the rights of the gays. Reagan paid a great deal of attention to family and religion.

Free lovely irony in o. henrys the gift of the magi book review example

Henry explores the culture and psychology of America a couple of decades after the Industrial revolution and before World War I. In " The Gift of the Magi", the members of a young married couple each sacrifice their most valued possession to buy a gift for their partner. Even though this holiday is supposed to β†’

Essay on the holy trinitybook review

They have grown to supplement national holidays like the Memorial Day and have become somewhat symbolic in marking the transition from one year to another in the US. The three sports reveal aspects that are otherwise intertwined in religion such as the views on past history, prospects of the future β†’

Free book review on learning in the key life

He believes that education is comprised of various life experiences and that there is a need for people to establish a balance between academic education and self education. Although there is significant value in academic education, Spayde feels that class and education are all about power. Spayde believes that the most efficient way to learn β†’

Book review: fangirl by rainbow rowell

I sense that I will never discover another book I cherish as much as Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl, and I am crushed that I have completed it. My class was loaded up with genuine essayists; publishable scholars. Tom was not partial to the primary story I turned in, and I did not merit for him β†’

Good book review about ella cara delorias waterlily

This paper will analyze the major subjects of the book and investigate the author's writing style and tendency to focus on certain specific features and themes that create the plot of Waterlily. Despite that the story of Waterlily is mostly about the life of South Dakota, the novel has not much in common with the β†’

Sample book review on history of brazil

As it can be seen from the scene, when three young boys decided to follow the footsteps of criminals during the robbery in motel, for majority of people their historical and social background plays crucial role when they had become gangsters. The second novel Samba by Alma Guillermoprieto touches the issues of social injustice and β†’

Pride and prejudice by jane austin

Darcy's aunt comes to the Bennet's house and warns Elizabeth off Darcy as she is not good enough for him and then proceeds to ban Elizabeth from ever accepting a proposal from Darcy which Elizabeth vehemently refuses to do. The next day Darcy and Elizabeth find themselves together and Darcy then proposes and β†’

Book review of the outsider by stephen king: a horror murder mystery

One person that Ralph and the other officers notice is a burnt man with a bright yellow bandana, he seems to be causing a lot of the riot. These are other books that King has written, and there are a lot of similarities with The Outsider.

Jubilee by margaret walker book review examples

The novel goes on to narrate how reconstruction took place in the perspective of the black people who were the most affected by the vice. There is no trust between the masters and the slaves since everything is forced on the slaves. There are two distinct racial groups in the novel; the whites and the β†’

A theme of guilt in the man i killed by tim o’brien

By giving the man a life, O'Brien is attempting to exonerate the guilt of taking the man's life. The repetition of certain phrases such as the " his jaw was in his throat" and " his one eye was shut" and most importantly, the " star-shaped hole" shows that O'Brien is having trouble grappling with β†’

Fall 2018 book review (great expectations)

Pip was the leader and narrator of the novel. Pip is shown as an small orphan child living in Kent with his sister and her husband. Pip obeys his commands and proceeds to get him the stuff he ordered, but the Magwitch is captured by the police and protects Pip by saying that β†’

Free book review on chinua achebes things fall apar

The novel's main character is a man named Okonkwo; at the beginning of the novel, the protagonist is portrayed as a strong man, capable of doing good things for his village and his people. At the end of the novel, Okonkwo hangs himself rather than be tried in the colonial court. The protagonist, Okonkwo, is β†’

Example of palestine graphic novel book review

Joe has used his vast knowledge of narration to express the suffering Palestine undergoes in the hand of Israel. Joe as a character in the novel engages some Israel in an interview of the relationship between Israel and Palestine.

Grapes of wrath book review example

The book dates back to the period of Great Depression in America, which started in the year 1929 due to the crash of the stock market and lasted until the beginning of the Second World War. He undergoes one of the most prominent transformations in the novel as he gets rid of the philosophy of β†’

Example of book review of β€˜the outsiders’ by s.e hinton

She therefore decided to write the book basing her arguments and facts to the prevailing circumstances and the issues revolved around the rivalry of the two groups. The novels starts with a character, Ponyboy who is a Greaser being jumped by a group of Socs just after leaving a movie theatre. β†’

Purple hibiscus book review sample

The author has observed these things in the Nigerian society and the same is reflected in the examples produced by her in the novel from beginning to the end. This paper discusses the novel Purple Hibiscus, other related aspects and also discusses the ending of the novel. The author presents a true picture of the β†’

The techniques of storytelling used in “funny boy” by shyam selvadurai and “green grass, running water” by thomas king

Point of view, shared experiences, nature imagery, and changes in time are all techniques that are used to advance the plot and keep the reader attracted to the story. There are not any better or worse techniques to tell a story, it just depends on how skilled the author is and the way in which β†’

“band of brothers”: difference between fact and fiction

The novel also seems to suggest that the US was majorly responsible when it came to aiding the allies in World War 2 when a more fair and accurate analysis could be stated as a combined effort instead of a sole country, which is quite relevant to a quote from Joseph Stalin stating: " Britain β†’

Good name book review example

' Instructor's Name' Sin and Redemption in Khaled Hosseini's " The Kite Runner" ' Kite Runner', written by Khaled Hosseini, chronicles the life of Amir, who is a troubled young boy, always trying to measure up to his father's expectation. But the theme which resonates throughout the novel is that of sin and redemption. The central β†’

Example of book review on the big sleep: use of symbolism

The Big Sleep is a cornucopia of symbolisms that represent loneliness and sorrow, chivalry, honesty, and integrity, and duality of personality. One of the major symbols used in the novel is the use of changing weather in the story, which is a representation of human emotions as depicted by the characters. For instance, as Chandler β†’

White fang book review

This explains why people treat animals differently, which is all depending on how the animals treat humans. Event 2 Situation in Novel: In the novel, the White Fang's mother did not tell the White Fang after she had guessed that his father had suffered from the accident.(The White Fang is the name of the β†’

A paradigm shift on surface technology

Coating Modern surface technology has been of great importance in the improvement of the surface properties of cathode materials in order to improve their electrochemical performance. Surface technology has been of great importance to cell-biological studies, it has helped in the design of cell culture substrates for tissue engineering.

The host book review sample

Thus, the main idea of the novel is actually triumph of humanity and love. The whole novel is a struggle between an alien soul and a human soul. From that very moment we realize that Wanda is no longer simply the soul, she is a human being, as she is able to have her own β†’

Franks grief book review examples

This novel shows how Frank deals with death and grief that made him have difficulty connecting with other people. The first example that shows how hard was for Frank to connect with other people because of his son's death, who died a few years back from Reye's syndrome, is the β†’

Free heart of darkness by joseph conrad book review example

The telling of the story is chronological in both the timing and the places. Another symbol used in the story is that of the fog to represent uncertainty or unclear circumstances.

Analysis of the main themes in the handmaid’s tale by margaret atwood

Or they are just romanticized books where the world went wrong but hey lets base this around romance. In the previous world of dystopian futures in books you have 1984 which is told from the perspective of a man, but in The Handmaids Tale is told from a women; excluding the ending where a professor β†’

The analysis book review examples

The victim fears for her life and obeys the commands of the attacker, as her survival depends on the submission and compliance to the demands of the offender. The struggle with the attacker left her with serious pain: she bit and cut her lips; she was cut by glass; and her hair was pulled out β†’

Book review on criminal institution

I will also discuss the rise of Women and Imprisonment. Over the years Corrections, prisons, and jails have always been used as words associated as a place where someone is called what the public calls " locked up" while all these words may necessarily be true and all fall under the criminal justice system, there β†’

Antenna zoning laws in lakeland, tn book review example

The book entitled " Antenna Zoning: For the Radio Amateur" is a book that was written essentially to acquaint the reader and his or her attorney, with the necessary steps and procedures they need to know to acquire legal authorization for an antenna support system installation. The author acquaints the reader with the most β†’

Ordinary injustice: how america holds court (book report) book review samples

Bach is an award-winning reporter cum lawyer who has given a completely original enlightenment concerning the failing justice system in the United States of America. There is no doubt in the fact that Ordinary Injustice: How America Holds Court is a ground-breaking piece of work by Bach as it is β†’

A whole new mind

Another way that my organization and I can foster the idea of play is being humorous with our students and us. Another is the idea that play is essential to my classroom and environment as it brings happiness and joy.

Frank mccourt: teacher man

He comments the following: " I was learning that teachers and kids have to stick together in the face of parents, supervisors and the world in general." Also, there is this thrilling moment in the book where a father simply walks in his class and starts beating his son. The reader witnesses how β†’

Free book review on history of the united states since 1877

The United States Fights in the " War to End All Wars, " 1917 1918 World War I was a debut of the United States in the international military power in that it had positive and negative effects. The collapse of the Allied forces led to decolonization and creation of new nations in the β†’

Free the curious researcher book review example

In this chapter, the author teaches how to choose a good strategy for the research. The main idea that I liked from this chapter is that the author taught readers how to use all the sources and means of getting them.