Genuine Book Report Examples

Anthropology book report

The writer gives a voice to the homeless youth and highlights on their everyday lives, the condition in which they live and the experience they go though in the streets. Finkelstein discusses how the youths in the streets are prone to victimization by the society; they are ill treated, oppressed and discriminated the youths reiterate →

Class poll – a species value 7

In this case, the relationship between kudzu and goats will form the basis of the discussion. Kudzu and goats has been used as food, Kudzu in particular is used as food and beverage.

Reading summary

Reading Summary The reading, ' The Martial Arts Film in Chinese Cinema: Historicism and the National ' relate to the Chinese history and myths reflected in Chinese films such as The House of Flying Daggers and Curse of the Golden Flower. The thesis shows the trend of the film industry and the impacts of politics →

Respond to question

Corbu and Mies both see form as secondary to the living purpose of the building, where Corbu's writings help explain the minimalist, mechanized design of Villa Savoye that reflects the five points of new architecture, and Mies' writings support the essence of Barcelona Pavilion as the exhibit itself. Corbu and Mies likewise agree that form →

Read life as art

Art to Life Life to Art Is it our way of life that allows us to paint an accurate and true picture of who we are as people or the other way around? Many people use the art of poetry, the art of dance, the art of song, and then finally, the artistic venue which →

Ralph lauren’s native american ads

Thus, in order to educate the world on this topic, the first step is to educate the fashion students. When fashion students and people in the fashion industry do not understand the significance of these people, they cannot make common people understand them.


The most important areas of concern include but are not limited to the availability of data of the users of social networking sites to third parties that they can use for surveillance, commercial purposes or purposes of data mining, the availability of facial-recognition software that can identify individuals easily in the photos shared on social →


The author has examined the history and has traced the timeline along with the statistical analysis of Information Technology in order to deduce and support the statement and purpose behind his article. Methodology: The author has used a secondary form of research and observations in the trends over time along with a personal hypothesis of →


The part that was not that surprising was that the Trojan installs itself as an Internet Explorer help tool; this is a common way to infect a computer because it is the least suspecting way of attack. I agree that corporate policy, such as not allowing sensitive information to be stored on a laptop, and →

Can automatic personal categorization deal with user inconsistency

This paper will discuss the results of the experiment in user modeling and to measure sampling. The most current form of automation is seen in SQL databases and parsing of data that is generated in user forms.

Oscar martine

The reader has to adapt to the mindset of the characters in the story in order to have a full perspective of opinions and decisions that are in the story A theme from this story is that your pride can hurt you. Okonkwo's pride got the better of him in the story.

Brown girl in the ring – book report

When Ti-Jeanne came to know she was pregnant, she left Tony for the sake of the baby and returned to her grandmother's home. For the first part of the novel, Ti-Jeanne is in a riot against her customs/traditions and Gros-Jeanne's diligence in treating her as her follower.

Music analysis

Music Analysis An American in Paris by Gershwin The American in Paris is a composition that focuses on the music dynamics and appeals on the tone variation within the melodic transformation. This feature in the music postulates the serenity of the French culture as intended through the whole performance.

Music: imagination & technique

Lecturer Summary of Creativity The summary illustrates a brief overview on the concept of creativity in the arts like music and literature. The creativity is illustrated through the perspective of several artists and authors.

Close relationships sometimes mask poor communication

One way to make sure this miscommunication will not recur is to make myself very clear with regards to my intentions, meaning and maybe even need to repeat a message for the sake of clarity. I have to ask my listener if he or she got the full meaning of what I had just said.

The souls of black folk by w. e. b. du bois

Du Bois reveals the extent of hatred shown to the blacks and the magnitude of power they used to resist it. Du Bois says that the political situation in the southern region contribute to the suffering of the black Americans.

Women in islam

The state has a responsibility to provide work and a fair wage but individual men have also a responsibility to provide for the wife and for their children, especially during the pregnancy of the wife and the time when she cares for young children. Inheritances favor men in quantity because men have more responsibilities and →

The chapter how private interested take over public space

Incorporating into their own communities to create private-public spaces that are only available to a select population, for instance, of a newly incorporated sub development. The process of trying to create public infrastructure available for all, including public spaces began in the 19th century.

Family ties and morality

After reading the story, I suddenly thought of my own family and ask myself at what point should an individual break his/her ties to his/her family when the revelation of the truth is involved? However, just like Sarty, I realized that the tyranny of my father is an expression of his own individuality which is →

Fish a remarkable way to boost morale and improve results

This book helped me come to grips with the expectations that people have of those in the food service industry and what it is that the workers in the food service industry expect of their employers. The book also reiterates the need to make the day of the clients memorable so that the company can →

Industrial revolution

The life of humans depends upon the economy and Industrial Revolution changed the average income of the man. Oliver's life portrays the flaws in the working system of the days.

Political economy of the american revolution

The chapter goes further diagrammatically to explain the economic strategies used by the colonialist to ensure trade outside the British Empire is discouraged at all cost enabling them to maximize profit from most of the products. It also gives an idea of the strategies the colonialists used to ensure they remained in control of the →

Book report

The book focuses on the social role of the woman in the household and the Indian traditions that keep them there. The author shows the reader a glimpse into the arranged marriages of the middle class in India through the eyes of Uma.

Analysis of narratives of the fall: structure and meaning in the genesis frieze at hagia sophia by eastmond

Antony Eastmond, in the article " Narratives of the Fall: Structure and Meaning in the Genesis Frieze at Hagia Sophia, Trebizond", observes one of the most important peculiarities of the church, i.e.the sculptural wall painting of scenes from Genesis that runs across the south porch of the church." This article re-examines every aspect of the →


Jerry Ciacho November 3, Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded British journalist, explorer and geologist Simon Winchester delves into and explores the lasting and the ever so powerful consequences and results of the disastrous and shattering explosion in the coast of Indonesia of the planet's most devastating super volcano island, Krakatoa. Winchester portrays the violent →

Human geography in action

Whether it is caused by polluting our environment or by deforesting the forests in an attempt to make more land available for agriculture or any other way, the planet is now bearing the after effects of these human interventions and this poses a threat for the survival of coming generations. Apart from these the human →


While the anthropologist-cum-physician at the University of Texas strives to provide realistic explanations to his argument, he fails to provide realistic solutions and deliberately ignores the importance of family planning in the contemporary society. This implies that unlike in the traditional African societies where children were communally owned thus taken care of by all the →

Colorado in searching for new oasis by lavender

The book thus linked my knowledge of Geography and Geology to sociology and the study of culture and history of this region. The way of living of people from Colorado has changed a lot over the passage of the last few decades.

Ender’s game book report

After many years of monitoring Ender the International Fleet decides they want to recruit Ender into Battle School, the story's plot takes off from here where he struggles to cope with others who despise him, he struggles with the thought of leaving his childhood, Valentine and his home and he is also in the constant →

Compare the ideas of karl marx we have encounteredwhat does marx offer in the communist manifesto which durkheim does not offe

The today's capitalists are the owners of big means of production that is characterized in exploitation of the workers. Going by the provisions and views of Marx on bourgeoisie, there a number of issues and clarities that Marx failed to offer on his works.

The article identifying victims after a disaster by dick gould

The article, ' Identifying Victims after a Disaster' by Gould and Brown is hugely pertinent as it raises the need for disaster anthropologists for identifying victims not only for medical and legal purposes but also for humanitarian values. Since 9/11, the field has come to the forefront of the disaster management and encourages proactive →

Book report

Setting: At the beginning, a baseball field is the setting for the scene that sets the stage for the action of the novel to start, which throughout the entire novel are always present and very important. Personal opinion of the book: This is a great story example about love, family relationships and what parent's true →

Post-modernism theory of visual artists

In particular, postmodernist-deconstructive approach to language ascertains that the meaning of words cannot be the mirror of the world. The central argument in explaining language as a system is the nature of linguistic systems earlier constructed, but, has defects in giving the real meaning of the world and at the same time linking the language →

Saunds strategies for breaking-racial barriers

Particularly, nullification of this law would contribute to their right to become full citizens of America and stop racial discrimination against Indian immigrants as elimination of the law's guidelines would signify the end of part of the oppressive handicaps to Indian's workday business life. Saund believed that nullification of California's Alien Land Law and formation →

Analysis of origins of totalitarianism by hannah

Hannah wrote an article censoring the government; this was because of the discrimination actions evident in relation to her employment. She claims that the government spread this hatred because of most of the Jews properties in Germany.

All by myself by mercer mayer

The tasks and items in the book are common to a child at this stage of learning, enabling them to recognize the words for items and tasks in their world. The repetitive nature of the text leaves the items and tasks highlighted in a sense for the child to recognize.

New moon book report

Because of this both Edward and Jacob are mortal enemies and Bella is trapped in between her star-crossed supernatural love for Edward and her genuine friendship with Jacob. But in the second chapter when Jasper attempts to attack Bella, Edward becomes concerned and decides to leave Bella so that she could enjoy her human life →

Reflections on the theory of moral sentiments

Introduction of the subject, scope, and type of book The book, " The Theory of Moral Sentiments" by Adam Smith was published in the year 1759. The book, however, from the secular point of view, is the foundation stone for the later works of Adam Smith on the subjects of ethics, philosophy, psychology, politics, justice, →

Paul’s case

Paul's Case Paul was facing a suspension from school and had summons to appear before the staff of the Pittsburgh high school a week later. With a lot of politeness he answered that he wanted to go back to school and the lie in his words were very evident since he was used to →

Information systems

A different phase of the methodology that was used in the design of the support system has been discussed and the conditions for designing both supportive and operative systems have been discussed. Coming to the main area of the paper, the author brings up the operative and supportive information systems.

Independent novel written review

Jerry Ciacho May 14, Uncle Tom's Cabin Uncle Tom's Cabin, written by abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe, is one of the most influential historical fiction at the time and is among the greatest racial phenomenon throughout history. Uncle Tom's Cabin was written and published subsequent to the enactment of the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law, illegalizing anyone →

Jim collins good to great

To simplify the criteria of the companies' belongingness for such was through the survival of its stock prices in the past 15 years. One is to answer the who and the what of the approach for the acquisition of greatness of a company.

In the devil’s snare book report

Elliot examines the history of early modern Spain from the reign of the Catholic Monarchs, Isabella and Ferdinand, to the reformation of the Spanish government by the first member of the Bourbon dynasty. These included the consolidation of monarchical power in Castile, the financing of the Columbus expedition, the establishment of the New World empire →

Chaos organization and disaster management

The book scrutinizes the disaster behaviors of the Israelis, since the Gulf War and beyond the social structures, which hold back the response to disaster and the performance of disaster management organizations. The book also discloses the gap that exists between the organizational perception of disaster and the victim, and demonstrates the influence the wider →

Review of opinion on the work frankenstein

In Frankenstein, the plot wherein the monster stays in the surroundings of the cottagers and comes in contact with the real social animal is excellent as he comes to know how different he is from the real people.I. In Frankenstein, the plot wherein the monster stays in the surroundings of the cottagers and comes in →

Turbine engine case through a review of several components

Although most modern components of a modern turbine engine were missing in the traditional prototypes, the mechanism of operation has remained closely similar to the traditional turbines. In impulse turbine engines, the fluid spins the blades and looses most of its potential energy.

A world made new: eleonor roosevelt and the universal declaration of human rights

The paper " A World Made New: Eleonor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" is a great example of a history book review. In conclusion therefore in " A World Made New," the author presents the important theme of universal human rights and the circumstances leading the very important Universal Declaration.

The sixties years of hope, days of rage by bantam books

On the other hand, there was the reality of the sixties: Demonstrations often turned into violence, burning of draft cards and flags was an inherently inflammatory action, and sex, drugs and rock and roll often overrode political debate and education. However, this book is best seen as a biography of Gitlin's life during the sixties →

Cask of amontillado and the tell-tale heart

In the story, " Cask of Amontillado", the use of flashback is to put stress on the episode on which the total mystery of the story is banking upon. Montresor's motive of the murder is for the readers to solve and detect the mystery without a detective in the story and hence, the use of →

Analysis of regeneration novel by pat barker

To different characters in the novel, it may be said to depict variable meanings based on the excruciating struggle of each individual in coping with the trauma in the battlefield where soldiers were ill-fated and those who managed to survive had suffered dreadful neurological incidences some of which Dr. To the poetic Siegfried Sassoon, regeneration →

The simultaneous invention of racism and slavery

of the of the Concerned June 25, 2009 American History A1: An in-depth analysis of the abominable institution of slavery establishes beyond doubt that racism happened to be a natural and pragmatic precursor to a formal recognition of the institution of slavery. The Simultaneous Invention of Racism and Slavery.

Book report

The one key point that the book insists on is the idea of not making bad decisions that affects the ability to play the favorite sport. The chapter reviewed that the book is to build the mental muscles of athlete in many fields.

Creating dynamic characters

He is married to Knowles, likes reading and listening to music, and a favorite movie is Godfather 2. Porter then starts up a family and realizes he needs to stay focused.

Tale of two cities

The of the novel describes the sorry state of the prison and the level of solitude some of the characters endure while in prison helps portray the inhumane nature of imprisonment during the tumultuous times. The two chapters give the varied experiences of the various characters in prison thereby portraying the effects of imprisonment in →

Summary of the education of little tree written by forrest carter

The book followed a naturalist theme and it talked about the emotional attachment that the child had with the place he was living in and the people around him and the native region. He learns the good and bad of life and the relationship that they have had with the people of the white culture.

What frankl means when he says we should be worthy of our suffering

Not being able to be worthy of sufferings should be considered the greatest fear of life and unequivocally, implementing the message conveyed by Frankl in our practical lives demands astounding moral standards. My uncle answered by saying that he was ready to embrace the sufferings because being unworthy of sufferings has been the ultimate fear →

What’s so amazing about grace book report

This is a view that Yancey supports in the book and I do not happen to agree with it. Grace is in fact, a gift and it is not something we have to earn by giving other's grace.

Buddhism: book report on the freedom in exile

Book Report on " Freedom in Exile: An Autobiography of the Dalai Lama by His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV" The book d Freedom in Exile is the autobiographical account of the life of the fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibets erstwhile theocracy. The Dalai Lama is gracious in his acknowledgement of the Indian governments provisions →

Hip hop matters

In order to be in the position to make changes, young Kwame Kilpatrick runs the campaign to become the youngest mayor of Detroit. He is " baptized in the fiery waters of electoral politics" from the very tender age, and his decision to enter politics seems to be predestined.

The catcher in the rye book report

In the summer of 1951, he release his most famous book The Catcher in the Rye, a book about a troubled boy that wants to leave society and live alone in a cabin.J. At the end of the book it doesn? t say on whether or not he gets his issues resolved but at the →

From silence to voice, a book report

The program sought to investigate public perception of nursing and to cultivate a positive nursing image with the use of the news media. The " silence" that Buresh & Gordon write of, refers to the absence of nurse representation in molding public perception of nursing and nursing agenda.


The use of social entrepreneurship can help themarketing efforts of a company. To offset that image the company is applying social entrepreneurship to inspire customers to purchase Starbucks products.

Lucky by alice sebold

The author's confrontation with parents, friends and the society at large is explicitly drawn out and is picturesquely portrayed by the author of the autobiography. It is a genuine and significant part of the novel.

The open boat by steven crane

The most vivid example of man's relationship to a higher power is a description of the moral health of people and their values. The plot reflects the desire of every human being to survive and find a better place to live, but, in spite of psychological and emotional changes, the characters cannot change escape their →

Canary as a symbol of sisterhood in trifles: a play in one act by susan glaspell

In the play entitled Trifles, the women characters have a better understanding of events that men because they can read the symbolic meanings of the apparently insignificant objects that they see. The missing canary is likened to Minnie Wright: " come to think of it, she was kind of like a bird herself really sweet →

Unit9fam law

The New Jersey Supreme Court rule as to the enforceability of the surrogacy contract was in favor of the adoptive mother. The biological mother was ordered to hand over the child since there was a breach of the contract made and the courts had to ensure that they settled on a proper remedy.

Canterbury tales

Two of the stories in Canterbury Tales are " The Knight's Tale" and " The Wife of Bath's Tale", which engross different sort of passion and relationships based on graciousness, vigor, respect." The Knight's Tale" is a story of two warriors Palomon and Arcite, who were imprisoned by a prince Theseus and both fell in →

Siddhartha part 1 quintessential quotes and analysis

This quotation from ' The Son of the Brahman' throws light on the personality of Siddhartha that he was brought up among wise people and at a very young age he was full of knowledge that Brahmans possessed which proved to be insufficient for him. Gotama, the Buddha, the enlightened and the perfected man brings →

Flags of our fathers: by james bradley and ron powers

Some of the notable historic wars include the First and Second World Wars, the Civil War, the American Revolution, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, and the Korean War among others. In his book, James Bradley captures the triumph, the glory, the legacy, and the glory of six men who managed to raise the →

Arabian nights and days written by naguib mahfouz

The other importance of religion in the book is brought about by the genie story where the genie deceives a religious man from his religious ways into committing rape and murder to an innocent man only to fail to fulfil its promises to the man. According to the author Mahfouz, his depictions of Sheikh as →

Korean american 4

The last wave of movement since the implementation of the 1965 Immigration Act that authorized family and work immigration, led to the creation of huge population of Korean Settlers in most of the cities including Los Angeles and Chicago. However, the main weakness of this article is that it has failed to address how and →

Just answer the questionsno reference

In the wake of such developments, the company heads and the advertisement creators have re thinking to do. Such practices are in conflict not just with the ethical aspect of human rights and activities but also the legal and professional constraints and aspects of advertisement and business functions.

Eichmann in jerusalem: a report on the banality of evil by hannah arendt

The main social factor that leads to individuals' will to resist Nazis it was the obedience to authority. Moreover, she argued that Eichmann might have not been aware of the crime he committed in a cohort of the Nazis authority.

Thomas jefferson on slavery and race – notes on the state of virginia, 1782

He advocated for the freedom of the slaves when he became the legislator in Virginia, but he failed. She kept a journal while on the farm indicating the living and working conditions of the slaves.

Ralph ellisons battle royal

" Battle Royal" holds a permanent interest because its underlying themes are human ones, with those being the battle against prejudice and the struggle to find a place in society. The permanent interest emerges from within this approach to prejudice and the strategies for confronting it; permanent interest emerges from the fact that the story →

American literature

Throughout the story, the writer compares the lives of the old men and the young, and the unique and common challenges faced by these groups.g) The writer introduces readers to the family and Mr. Misfit, who are the main characters in the story, and the grandmother's fear of Misfit.

Hip hop

The foretold chapter is a mixture of the biography of an American politician namely Kwame Kilpatrick, and the relationship between popular culture and urban politics. Hip Hop Matters: Politics, Pop Culture, and the Struggle for the Soul of a Movement.

Paving the road to savings with gps

of the Engineering and Construction of the Concerned 12 April Paving the Road to Savings with GPS-Summary GPS is the only ubiquitous navigation satellite system. The need to cut on emissions by 2050 is turning the market in favor of hydrogen and electric cars.

Sociology of deviance: reefer madness

The book deals explicitly with the illegitimate underground enterprise of drugs and pornography trades practiced and executed by the immigrant labours and provide a glimpse how marijuana and pornography trades are instrumental generating and operating an economic trend in the American society. But the book, Reefer Madness can be treated as a Bible for the →

Societys attitude toward responsible alcohol service

This maturity is because of the decline in and transforming preferences towards consumption of alcohol. The bar industry is in a mature phase because of the change in preferences towards consumption of alcohol.

Philosophy of linguistics:methodology & ontology

PHYLOOHY OF LINGUISTICS This research paper is dedicated to the issue of the connection between philosophy and linguistics. However, the issue of main concern is the syntactic theory and its transformation throughout the history of linguistics and philosophy.

A book report on raymond carver’s cathedral

Throughout the visit of Robert, the blind man, the narrator learns more about himself and passes on a message of tolerance and understanding to the reader. Towards the end of the story, Robert asks the narrator to draw him the cathedral.

Shortest graduation speech ever

But governments work not only with the perspective of welfare of the people, but the important goal of the policy making politicians is to win the next elections. Brevity is a great art and I liked the speech not only for its contents but for its crisp presentation of the some of the issues that →


The Initiation Ritual: A Model for Life The article is about the process of acquiring a male-defined and powerful identity through the ritual acts. The author tries to figure out that the initiation process and the pledges during the act are what bring about a renovation of consciousness to personalize group attitudes and identity.

Generation 1.5

They are awarded the title because they carry both their counties characteristics and overtime they get to possess the characteristics of the immigrant country through assimilation. This group of individual a have hybrid characteristics: This is because they have all the cultural properties of their home country, and that of the immigrant country.

The human experience

The climax revealed the total alienation of the individual that resulted in horror. The Lottery: With a contrasting narrative style, using the objective, detached observer, Jackson built up to a horrific climax in a society that refused to abandon the past and the destructive traditions that again, isolated and destroyed the individual.

Elijah of buxton book report essay

Elijah is the main character because he is featured in all of the scenes, and he is the narrator of this story. When he stole money from a friend to gamble, Elijah went to retrieve the money.

Sociology blog

Sociology blog Among the topics that we discussed in from the book, Our social world by Ballantine and Roberts, the topic population and heath is very important with regard to the current issues affecting the world. The topic gives the ideal issues associated with population and health in the world.

A little cloud by james joyce

The influence that Gallaher has on Little Chandler helps the reader to better understand why Little Chandler has grown so weary of his mundane life. Little Chandler already feels inferior to his friend because he feels that Gallaher has become a successful businessman with knowledge of the world.

Salvation on sand mountain: snake handling and redemption in southern appalachia by dennis covington report

The book Salvation on Sand Mountain: Snake Handling and Redemption in Southern Appalachia was published in 2009 by Da Capo Press and it is a factual retelling of a journalist Dennis Covington's investigation into a branch of Christianity that celebrates some of the more exotic worship practices available. In the book's short prologue there is →

The medici effect

He names this central area the intersection and around the intersection is where all the ideas in Medici Effect. The word choice, theme and tone in which the book is written can easily tell how committed Johansson id towards the work in the book.

Accignmet related to sociology

The other three of my friends are from families in which their parents have re- married. The Presbyterian Church encourages its members to participate in politics of its community.

Leaders in good to great: why some companies make the leap and others don’t by collins

The principle of Good to Great can be used to make a student who is weak in one facet of life understand that every individual has something which he is best at and consequently instill in him the belief in oneself and the factuality that hard work will eventually lead to success. Indeed the Good →

Differences between the knight of faith and the knight of resignation

Differences between the Knight of Faith and the Knight of Resignation In his article entitled Fear and Trembling, S ren Kierkegaard defines the Knight of Faith as an individual with absolute faith in both God and himself. A knight of Resignation on the other hand does not believe in the concept of in this →

Platos republic: seven and the allegory of the cave

In Book 7 of his book The Republic, Plato pulled together the ideas of Socrates and Pythagoras with his own ideas to develop his Theory of Forms which is presented in his Allegory of the Cave. However, after they have had a chance to live another way, they will begin to understand their new perception →

Father-son relationship in charles bukowsky ham on rye

Like Frankenstein's monster and Kafka's Gregor, Henry is the reflection of what he receives from the people of his acquaintances and the environment in which he lives. In Henry's life, his father's presence is that of a dictator who tends to trammel the harmonious psychophysical growth of his son that is supposed to flourish through →