Genuine Article Examples

Article summary

The research drew a comparison between the birth outcomes of heavy smokers and non-heavy smokers and found that the former were exposed to substantially more health risks than the latter. Heavy smoking during pregnancy as a marker for other risk factors of adverse birth outcomes: a population-based study in British Columbia, Canada.

Text analysis

The setting of the story is crucial to our understanding of how the writer appreciates her work as a nurse and how she plans to use her work to make a mark in people's life. Although the writer is the central character in the story and we can learn more about her, the introduction of →

Read the article in its entirety,then answer those qestions

" Expression of Dissent in Email: Qualitative Insights into Uses and Meanings of Organizational Dissent" Hastings and Payne article, " Expression of Dissent in Email: Qualitative Insights into Uses and Meanings of Organizational Dissent" provides an understanding of implications of dissent expressions used by employees through email. Business Communication is very important as it the →

Were are you going, where have you been

If we do not like a specific situation, we have everything that we need to get out of the situation or to change it to our liking. We have the ability to make choices in our lives and to change something that we do not like or agree with.

For 2006). metallic nanoparticles can be synthesized through

In order to exhibit such properties, the particles should be in the form of nano-size and can be scattered without the use of agglomeration. The second is called chemical approach wherein the reduction of metal ions in the solution are the result of the development of small metal clusters or aggregates.

Example of report on business kind of article

Since its foundation the aim of the World Bank Group was to combat consequences of war and to provide assistance to the developing countries. The creators of the Bretton Woods multilateral system had designed an international economic architecture to deal with the causes of the global financial breakdown in the 1930s and with the economic →

Articles review case study sample

The idea of the paper is to inculcate the distant aspects of the decision theory such as normative and descriptive aspects of the theory and its relation with the firm. Rationale for the integration of the political science in the economic sciences as defined in the work of Simon, is related to the limitation of →

Good example of franchising article summary and analysis research paper

In Fernandez 2013, the related study explores the motivation behind franchise chain growth and the extent under which franchising chooses the extent of franchisee ownership. In the article, the related study explores the role of franchising that is often overlooked when developing a competitive advantage.

Good paraphrasing refers to writing a statement or article in other words while still essay example

I concluded that the couple was having an argument; the man was probably reprimanding the lady about something she did though she did not think she was in the wrong because of her defiant expression. The conversation I observed was not congruent as the lady talked in a low tone, which might be perceived as →

Media bias and its influence on news: reporting the news article analysis

The authors assert that the journalists' role is to provide information on how the media discloses the news to the general public, and how politicians use the media and political issues to influence the audience. They intended to make their readers able to understand their main idea of their article that is; how the media →

Masking poor communication

What I have done to correct this is to simply ask if whatever I am trying to communicate is understood or if he has questions as to the subject at hand. I will have to not take for granted that those close to me are always on the page.

Journal article

The main aim was to determine the development of the brain structures so that appropriate clarifications could be made contrasting both normal and abnormal structure of the brain formation. What are the specific differences in the outcomes of nuchal translucency screening, maternal screening and combine screening in relation to the brain development of a fetus? →

Article critique

This would be helpful as the legislation will provide autonomy to nurse practitioners to provide services on their own without waiting or consulting to a doctor. However, the bill should be passed and the nurse practitioners will be allowed to independently handle patients.

Leininger’s nursing theory article summaries

Leiningers Nursing Theory Research Article Summaries Madeleine Leininger developed the culture care diversity and universality theory as a key theory " to advance transcultural nursing knowledge, and to use the findings in teaching, research, practice, and consultation". A study was conducted by Lewallen and Street to explore the issues of initiating and sustaining breastfeeding in →

Choose and read an article

Also, the study employed a qualitative research method which primarily is prone to a lot of weaknesses. Nevertheless, the data collection method employed is a major strength of the research.

Discussion 2

Nursing Discussion 2: Factors affecting Nursing Education In the last few years, nursing education like all the other professions has developed its own reforms which continue to be in a similar pace with those of the higher education. One of the factors that affect nursing education is the shifting demographics in the health care sector.

Analysis of relationship between nurse staffing and medication errors article by a.m. barbara

The latter view revealed a correlation between the number of nursing staff and the medical errors reported in a nursing unit. The second category of coefficient determines the relationship between medical errors and a particular predictor variable.

Find this and answer this questions schwarz, k., mion, p., & litman, g. ( 2007). telemonitoring of heart failure patients and their caregivers

Research Question The research question of the study is ' what are the ways of updating, reviewing, and assessing the effects of structured telephone support programs completed by Clark 2007?' Concepts Influencing the Researcher's Choice of Research Design The concepts influencing the researcher's choice of research design are depth of the study, logical similarity, hypothetical →

Research article critique: patient satisfaction labor analgesia

The research conducted assessed the satisfaction of the patients since the prologue of the service. Phase 4: Evaluation The survey conducted looked at the satisfaction of the patients about labor analgesia and the involvement of the midwives in teaching about the practice.

Effectiveness of nutrition education on fast food choices in adolescents

The researchers again calculated the nutrition make-up of the food items chosen by the research participants after the intervention. The researchers drew a comparison between the nutrition makeup of the pre- and post-intervention food items selected by the research participants.

Leininger’s nursing theory article summaries

The article is relevant to nursing practice since it discusses a new aspect of the transcultural nursing theory, and provides a useful insight into the field of nursing in relation to the theory. An analysis of the article by Leininger presenting the view of transcultural nursing specialists and the effects of transcultural nursing reveals the →

Health psychology

In health psychology, health is defined by distinct models two of which are the biomedical model and the biopsychosocial model, both of which look at health from a different perspective. Biopsychosocial model of health The biopsychosocial model is an interdisciplinary model that assumes that health and illness are caused by a multiple interaction of biological, →

Find this article, telemonitoring of heart failure patients and their caregivers: a pilot randomized controlled study. progress in cardiovascular nursing, 23(1), 18-26

Before the study, the subjects were informed about the nature of the study and what the researchers hoped to gain from it. The study findings were also passed on to the participants of the study.

1 .selecting sources of literature.topic obesity in chidhood (15 peer revieweed articles)

Role of parents in the determination of the food preferences of children and the development of obesity. The article highlights and evaluates the applicability of the early life predictors of childhood obesity Golan, M, Kaufman, V, & Shahar, D.R.

Article critique

0 the title should come before the student name and the institution Article 1 The authors conducted a controlled evaluation of the effects of celecoxib on perioperative blood loss, pain relief and consumption of analgesic, range of motion, and subjective outcome in conjunction with a total knee replacement. 25 no numbering for the references.0.

Feature article on wag the dog (full marks) essay sample

Instead of simply portraying the powerful president as owning the truth, Wag the Dog questions who is actually in power. It is not the president, though he benefits from the manipulation of the truth, and Conrad demonstrates even he is not omnipotent when the war is ended by the CIA.

Free essay about describe the limiits of the article of confideration, and problems occurring under

Among the controversies was that the congress was not allowed to pass laws before getting the approval of the congress. This was because of the fact that a big majority of the thirteen states had to pass a vote of agreement in order for the congress to be able to pass laws.

Mathematical modelling of random clustering particles biology essay

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the regulations for the Award of the Degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours in Biomedical Science DPPProject supervisor: Dr.W. In order to test Roachs theoretical model it will be necessary to generate a statistically significant number of randomly distributed laminae within this frame.[6] The number, N, of laminae randomly →

Utilization of miswak silver nanoparticles biology essay

Here in the current study, the synthesis of silver nanoparticles from the extracts of miswak that can be used to treat peridontitis has been developed. The characterisation of the silver nanoparticles is performed.

Targeted nanoparticles sustained delivery of paclitaxel biology essay

Near IR images of the mice treated with 3Gy XRT and injected with peptides, were done using the IVIS imaging system with the help of labeled complexes. The staining assays suggests that peptide targeted nanoparticles have helped in sustained and targeted release of paclitaxel which has led to apoptosis of tumor cells.

Stem cell biology and its complications by gina kolata

An article by Gina Kolata in New York Times in 2010 demonstrates that the debates around stem cell research have taken a new turn with the possibility of using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells instead of extracting stem cells from human embryos. The major ethical debate in the use of stem cells is that the cells →

Genetics and society

Genetically Speaking, You are More Like Your Dad One may claim or may hear from others that they have they eyes of their mothers but after undergoing a study it has been proved that passing of your fathers DNA to you is usually more than that compared to the DNA of you mother. The same →

Summarize the article

Results and Conclusion The authors found that sleep difficulty are common in older individuals and are significantly associated with more severe and disseminated pain. Work cited Chen, Qian, et al." Characteristics of chronic pain associated with sleep difficulty in older adults: The Maintenance of Balance, Independent Living, Intellect, and Zest in the Elderly Boston study".

Biological clocks by menaker

In addition, the ways in which biological rhythms are affected by the physical rhythm of the surrounding have not got sufficient examination. The daily rhythms are also present in every significant unit of organisms.


The free running period of the rhythm was the same in space than as on the earth, but there was a marked reduction in the clarity of the rhythm, and apparent a rhythmicity in some tunes. There was more variability in the growth rate and circadian rhythm of individual cultures in space than it is →

Zoology article from nyt

During the mating process, the pedipalp that transfers the sperm from the male is broken off while in the female to form a plug. Later on in the day, the male spider seeks to mate with a second spider.

Genome-wide complex trait analysis – a new method to investigate the molecular genetic heritability of body weight in children

The result of the study depicts the significance of additive genetic effects on the development of adiposity in childhood. One of the issues is that this is the first pediatric to use the Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis to estimate the genetic influence on the adiposity in childhood.

Read an article in an art magazine then write the summary

The artist is largely inspired by barricades that act as the focal point of Ukrainian protests since the days of other artists. The depiction of President Viktor Yanukovych as an avenger and the overall reflection of the vicious peasant uprising of the 18th century were not welcome amongst conservatives in the Ukrainian art world.

Enjoying horror movies

Enjoying horror movies The popularity of horror movies in recent times is tremendous. It is also said that individuals tends to engage in watching such movies because when people watch these horror movies eventually they engross in terror for the sake of acquiring euphoric sort of relief in the end.

Summarize this article

The German police have been uncovering new information about the sale of the sculptures. The mystery of the Giacometti fakes continues.

Framing of aboriginal art by irwin, r & farrell

The Ecocentric approach is effective in categorizing the life of aboriginal people in terms of art since art is the surest way of understanding the social and cultural beliefs of the aboriginal people. They addressed the dynamics of each controversy and related them to Eurocentric and aboriginal conceptions of art in an effective manner.

Read an article in an art magazine the right the summery

Georgia O'Keeffe The article d George O'Keeffe written by Barbara Buhler Lynes focuses on the worsk of Georgia O'Keeffe, a famous artist. Her art, unlike that of other American artists at the time, was free of European influence.

Home networking

5 Home networking Network Home Network The most surprising or interesting point in the article: 1 Networking at home has followed the same path similar to other varied and even complex technological capabilities. The reason this issue is of special importance: 1 The issue is of importance as it seeks to help in advancing home →

No title

My concentration is Entrepreneurship, and application of Big Data in the field of entrepreneurship is in the analysis of Big Data to aid in decision-making process. The data can be used to by the financial institution in detection and prevention of crime.

Case for analysis does this milkshake taste funny

The strategy offers introductory products in a product line at the lowest point in the market thus enable the product to be traded at price lower than prices of other traders in the market. In the plant, why would a choice to run the product without filters be made?

The decision to use the atomic bomb

The Decision to Use Atomic Bomb How did Stimson perceive the viable alternative to using the atomic bomb? This person was to provide information on the progress of the project design for making the atomic bombs.

The internet: a clear and present danger by cathleen cleave

The author has articulated a grave concern of the misuse of internet and calls for collective action especially to protect and safeguard the interests of the children. The internet has been the greatest and the largest store of information that is being utilized on a continuous basis across the world.

Emr feasability

Small clinics on the other hand, have historically not been able to take advantage of these benefits due to the cost associated with acquiring and implementing an Electronic Medical Records which is so high, and the duration in time that would be needed in order to realize return on investment too long in comparison to →

Custom chip, inc

After the collection of orders, the work is sent to the engineering department that designs the approach to be used to meet customer's specifications. The engineering department then sends the work to the production department that undertakes the process of producing the items ordered by customers.

An analysis of an article on virtual stealing by alex weiss essays example

Still, the author can see the point in this decision as he claims that many players' " hopes and dreams can be destroyed rapidly by another player who just wants to be a jerk" The problem, as I can see it, is that the real and virtual laws conflicted in this case. Also if the →

Article critique regarding cognitive effects of risperidone

The study en d Cognitive Effects of Risperidone in Children with Autism and Irritable Behavior sought to investigate the possible effects that risperidone, a type of drug, has on the cognitive processes of children with irritable behaviors and autism. From the systematic questions, the objective of the study was, therefore, was to explore the effects →

Poverty is not a lifelong identity

The article is based on an interview about how those who are poor and receiving financial aid from the government should have their names published and made public knowledge as a way to tell the rich how their money is being used and by whom. The poor may be relying on the support from →

Republicans warn washington to think twice about legalizing marijuana

Though enough signatures exist to legalize marijuana in the district, it is obvious that a blockage is in the looming even as the residents continue to celebrate the new law. The powers came into effect in 1973 when Congress enacted the Home Rule Act that gave the District the capacity to elect a city council →

Discussion questions

This is because; the flag was established by the governor to represent his opposition to the civil rights of a given group of people in the region. On the other hand, the heroes represented by the flag were against the civil rights which promote racism in the region.


Plagiarism In the article " A Debate About Plagiarism as The Times Investigates a Case" Margaret Sullivan sheds light on the issue of plagiarism and the way it is being widely spread nowadays. She provides a vivid example, pointing on the story of The Times reporter, Carol Vogel, who had written a short passage about →

Under the gun: weapons, crime, and violence in america byjames d., and kevin c

The publisher endorses both the religious and political views that affect the objectivity of gun control mechanisms in the United States. In the case of a religious view, bishops of the United States Catholic advocated for the stronger regulations on the sale of guns and gun free society.

Social responsibilities of business

In this regard, one strongly believes that social responsibility is necessary for the success of a business because by taking into consideration the concerns and interests of the society within which the organization operates, various stakeholders would regard the organization as worthy to be patronized. This simply means that although one of the objectives of →

Article by james howard kunstler

What amazes Kunstler is that the Americans have dismantled a number of buildings and turned them into scrap yards because all they thought of was the Disneyland, where they could go at the end of the week and enjoy for all the time that they could. There was a serious lack of planning within the →

How to make this land heaven-like according to martin delaney

The societal practices which subjugate the blacks can never be the means of elevation and be construed as part of the welfare state that respects the essential dignity of the individual. He has no options to challenge the craftiness and the salesmanship of the white man.

Analysis of vast fire erupts

The local resources comprised of the first aiders and residents who came to assist in the management of the fire. It is also apparent that the scope of operations was not easy to manage since the fire spread to the nearby towns.

Examples of economic choices that prolong poverty and effectiveness of social networks in terms of accelerating the implementation of particular financial tools

The paper " The World Bank's View on the Roots and Consequences of Poverty" is a thoughtful example of an article on social science. The main argument of the article is that poverty is not just a deficit of money.

St cloud area apartment boom

The boom in apartment construction in St. I am in favor of the boom in the apartment construction because this could signal a revival in the housing industry which has been in a slump in these past few years.

Evocative production about aging care

The policy for the aged in Australia safeguards old people in the society from fearing the young as well as feeling misplaced. If the aged are offered the necessary attention and care, their life is prolonged and opportunistic ailments in old age may be avoided thereby reducing the cost of care as well as the →

Andrew sullivan: society is dead, we have retreated into the iworlds

Though the main theme of the article is not entirely original, the article is well written and emphasizes the isolation that results from listening to portable music. The picture he creates attracts attention and the readers are also able to relate to the scenario he is discussing.

Modern social imaginaries

From this we can see that the whole idea of order can be one of two things, a higher order and morality that is the Ultimate, such as the ancient order of Sainthood, or it can be a rational experience in the current time and the present, and if that is the case the whole →

Michelle alexander: ferguson shows why criminal justice system of racial control should be undone by amy goodman and juan gonzlez

In the presentation, Goodman and Gonzalez expose the skewed application of the law by exploring the police killing of Michael Brown and a higher percentage of incarceration of African Americans than their white counterparts. There Missouri discrimination in the manner in which the police handle individuals of different racial backgrounds, with the blacks facing the →

Drugs and crime: the media’s influence

The media should take the initiative to enlighten the public, especially the youth, on the side effects of the misuse of drugs. The media should not be allowed to be part of any criminal proceedings with regard to drugs and crime.

Ideologies built on the belief in a constructive world order after the end of the cold war or on disbelief in such

Most of the writings are torn apart on whether to report on the end of the dark moments, the accidental history of the world, or the current state of affairs. The chapter is presented with five key ideologies with some being optimistic about the end of the Cold War while others argue that there is →

An analysis of the morality of boiling lobsters alive in consider the lobster, an article by david foster wallace

In order to effectively get his point across, Wallace outlines the Maine Lobster Festival and connects human experience with the lobster's experience. In summation, David Foster Wallace gets you thinking about the morality of boiling lobster alive for consumption through the portrayal of Maine's lobster festival and the depiction of pain experienced by the lobster.

Section a

What key characteristic of the school do you think the picture is meant to illustrate?..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[1] 3 In what way does the layout of the website help it achieve its intended purpose?..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................[1] 4 Study the text on the page, and identify one feature that you feel sets the Canadian International School apart from other schools. Study →

Aba tips article – safety misconduct defenses

Safety Misconduct in Kentucky Statutorily, Kentucky as compared to Indiana and Tennessee provides the minimalistic amount of safety misconduct defense incentives in relation to employer safety rules. In addition, the statute of Indiana provides for full affirmative defense for failing to obey a safety rule or usage of a safety appliance.

Failing to build effective team and teamwork

The article also uses RIM to illustrate the effect of weak leadership and management in organizations. The two leaders failed to build effective teams and offer the right leadership to the company.

Employment testing and human resource management

Ajila and Linus Okafor explore the historical antecedents of psychological testing, basic testing concepts, the types of tests used in industry, and the relevance of these tests in the field of Human Resource Management. While Ajila and Okafor give a detailed and informative account of employment testing, the relevance of such testing in Human Resource →

The accountability strategy read chapter 8

Collection of data is meant to evaluate effectiveness of methods of teaching and the resources allocated to the teacher, as well as the time taken to teach. The difference between accomplishments and activities is narrow as there is activities can be used as indicators of success.

Professional discipline

The expert discipline team and the Executive council in the behavioural division conduct investigations. Transparency Transparency is provided for in the disciplinary Schemes at various stages of the disciplinary process.

Review of angela mcrobbies article titled essay example

The paper will evaluate the arguments that the author presents, focusing on women and consumption as well as the feminization of the fashion industry. She also focuses on the predominance of women employees in the production of fashion products across the globe and the below par conditions that they work in.

Popular articles: digging deeper research paper

Normal or optimal body weight that is the weight of which, according to medical, statistically validated data, taking into account the features of the skeleton and muscles, as well as the nature of work, the most favorable for a person of a certain age and gender. Recently, the conventional wisdom is that with 30 years →

“famine, affluence and morality”, article by peter singer essay sample

In " Famine, Affluence, and Morality" Peter Singer argues that affluent individuals, in fact, almost all of us are living deeply immoral lives by not contributing to the relief and prevention of famine. Situation with the drowning child in a pond is similar to the situation that famine stricken children are in.

According is states in the article “chapter

As of 2000, at 31 percent, Puerto Rico had the lowestemployment in the Americas and the Caribbean, as the article " RestoringGrowth in Puerto Rico: The Economic and Policy Challenges", claims. In the same way, Puerto Rico measures for GDP, but they usethe domestic investment factor in a different perception, which is mostlybecause fixed domestic →

Quantum dots as a platform for nanoparticle drug delivery vehicle design

Based on the article study, NDD is also reliable in reducing the toxicity of the existing drugs. The article also offers a clear evaluation of some of the main features of QDots.

East africas great rift valley: a complex rift system by james wood and alex guth

The Great Rift Valley in East Africa comprises of two major rifts the Western rift and the Eastern rift with a third rift known as the Ethiopian rift. This is due to the discovery of many human fossils in the rift valley region.

This very enlightening article and i have been

The district with a limited sense of community was an academically low performing district with a lot of disruptive behavior both in and out of the classrooms. I want my students to be actively engaged in their learning and the learning of their peers.

Pnipam and nipam bam co polymer nanoparticles biology essay

For a typical experiment, about 1000 A g/ml concentration suspension of nanoparticles in MQ H2O and the several assay media were analysed as a map of temperature from 0oC to 30oC with an interval of 5oC due to the thermoresponsive nature of these atoms. The commixture of the concluding solution and the sample readying was →

Article rebuttal

Marijuana would not do much harm, I know a lot of people who are successful college graduates who used marijuana all throughout college and in their careers. I think It should be legalized and people should not get In trouble for having It.

Element that undergoes radioactive decay

The radioactive tracer is absorbed by the muscle of the heart in proportional direction to blood flow, then to the muscle area, during rest and in the post stress. The variation in myocardial absorption of technetium after and before stress identifies heart muscle areas that are considered ischemic or short of the flow of blood, →

Critique of primary article

Purpose of this study The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the measurement of trace metals and compare it to the severity of sickling of hemoglobin F.C. What was the conclusion of the research/experiment done?

Free report on exploration of a journal article in sociology

The findings of this study show that emotions are very important in the society. This is because, the universal emotions are evident in most cultures and they help in the evolution of the people of each culture.

Feature article – disrespect for authority

Disrespect for Authority to Australians is renowned to someone who ' crosses the line' or ' bends the rules' for their benefits. This obliviousness to, and blind acceptance of, the existence of anti-authoritarianism is by far the most dominant perception of the matter within our society.

Newspaper article essay examples

The difference in presentation of the issues is mainly because of the magnitude of the problem and how it affects people. It is for this reason that the principal recognizes the financial burden of the parents and the students and seeks to boost them.

Effectiveness of the articles of confederation essay

Blake APUSH- 5th Articles of Confederation's Effectiveness Although the Articles of Confederation, from 1781-1789, had a higher purpose of attempting to create a stabilized government, while limiting its power, the overall effectiveness of this plan is not up to the standards as needed by the newly formed nation of America, and thus the government broke →

Mccloskey in his article claims

McCloskey in his article claims that proofs or arguments which theists provide to support their belief " have no weight".[4] He speaks of this primarily in relation to the ontological argument, the argument which attempts to show that the very concept of God implies his reality.[5] McCloskey believes that there is no point in debating →

Representation of women in magazine articles

From the article titled, nouns such as " self-worth" as well as " worthiness" are used: these are examples of subjectively psychological lexicals and shows that women are expected to have the ability or access to a large lexical vocabulary. This proves that providing comfort and stressing the importance of encouragement is an integral part →

Good essay on an analysis of the article

Davis has portrayed several dynamic characters in both movies and TV, one of which is a female president in the TV show Commander in Chief. Female characters only become noticeable on screen when the writer is female, and these figures explain why there are only few of them that can be seen on movies and →

The english housel development

THE ENGLISH HOUSEL DEVELOPMENT The English Housel Development Henry Russell Hitchcock has enabled the thought process of Pugin to get enhancement as his critical acclaim is one of the most effective address to functionalism concerning rules of art and design in his written piece Architecture: Nineteenth and Twentieth Century. The beauty of architecture has been →

Architecture in the modern arab and islamic world

The wiring depicts that in Algiers, the Arab architecture weakened and lost its proper worth, as it is unable to engage the practicality and architecture but how it is possible that the architecture that is derived from practicality remains unpractical. However, the writer missed the point, one should pass the architectural heritage to the next →